Site Directory Template - List of the sites.

Hello friends,
I have created a new site using Site Directory Template because i read that this site has a sites list which stores automatically each site created with de "Create Site" button but i dont get it working. When i create the new a site under the "site directory" all works good but the list is empty, it doesnt shows the new site or sites created.
Any idea?
Regards friends.
Computer Engineering

Hello Wilotas,
You could refer to this article to find the option.
Please provide more details about your product and template if the issue persists. Thanks!
Best Regards,

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    Get-SPFeature | where { $ -eq "yourGUID" }
    I.e. something like:
    Get-SPFeature | where { $ -eq "f0deabbb-b0f6-46ba-8e16-ff3b44461aeb" }
    To see all of the installed features:
    Get-SPFeature | Sort Displaynames
    You could also search the feature directory on the server to look for the GUID.
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\FEATURES
    Mike Smith
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    Yeah, not sure why they took it out of the cloud interface.
    But if you go to and login with your cloud ID you will have access to all your cloud sites and many other features.

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    Could I suggest this workaround for now:
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    (B) Print (e.g., select the relevant bookmarks and use the Print Selection feature). However, in order to show the URLs, you need to hack the page a little bit.
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    for(var i=0; i<document.links.length; i++) {document.links[i].parentNode.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ['+document.links[i].href+']'))}
    (ii) In Word, there probably is a macro to split the hyperlink fields into the display text and URL. If Word is your preferred tool, I'll see whether I can write one.

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    Your browser has been hijacked. You can test it by going to any search site besides scroogle and looking up antivirus, malware removal, or any other term like that. It will show you the results but you wont be able to go to any of those pages. In my opinion this is the worst kind of virus because it is so hard to get rid of. You'll remove it and it will self replicate and you'll have it again. Scroogle works because it acts as a proxy between you and the search site google. Follow that guys directions who replied before me. When that doesn't work try to get a copy of Stopzilla antivirus. I had my browser hijacked once and that got rid of it. If that doesnt work, download the Comodo web browser. They give away a month of free Geekbuddy assistance with their browser. Use it. Chances are you will have to contact an IT proffesional of some sort anyway. But you'll never feel really clean again and you'll become paranoid about using the web and you'll get every popup blocker and java script stopper there is. But that still won't be enough and you'll dump windows altogether becuase there just are'nt that many viruses that work on Linux.... oh wait.. that was me...

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    Better ask in the iWeb forum.
    Answer : inspector > first icon from the left > uncheck 'Display navigation menu'
    For future reference, also look at the other icons.

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    From the iTunes U Adminstrator documents I found this today: 6D27C6251C90
    Publish your site to make your content live in the iTunes U catalog and visible to the public. Publishing affects all pages listed in the publish manager page.
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    HideTo publish your site:
    Click Publish at the top of iTunes U Public Site Manager.

    Yes, it sounds like you are using the original iTunes U tools. You can request that Apple create an iTunes U Public Site Manager account for your institution by submitting a support form.
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  • How to get the blog site list in the sitecollection

    In this dt.rows.add(actor.contenturi) im getting all the follwing sites.but i need to get subsites list.(post is a default list in all blog list.  In this code im getting current users followed blog, (I got what are sites the user is following). I have to get the post list in this blog site collection. Tell me the approach to get the list. using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
    using Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles;
    using Microsoft.SharePoint;
    using Microsoft.Office.Server.Social;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
    namespace VisualWebPartProject1.VisualWebPart1
    public partial class VisualWebPart1 : WebPart
    // Uncomment the following SecurityPermission attribute only when doing Performance Profiling using
    // the Instrumentation method, and then remove the SecurityPermission attribute when the code is ready
    // for production. Because the SecurityPermission attribute bypasses the security check for callers of
    // your constructor, it's not recommended for production purposes.
    // [System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission(System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction.Assert, UnmanagedCode = true)]
    public VisualWebPart1()
    protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
    DataTable dt = new DataTable();
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    using (SPSite spSite = new SPSite("/sites/testBlog"))
    using (SPWeb spWeb = spSite.OpenWeb())
    SPUser currentuser = spWeb.CurrentUser;
    SPServiceContext context = SPServiceContext.GetContext(spSite);
    UserProfileManager upm = new UserProfileManager(context);
    UserProfile profile = upm.GetUserProfile(currentuser.LoginName);
    SPSocialFollowingManager followmanager = new SPSocialFollowingManager(profile);
    followedsites = followmanager.GetFollowed(SPSocialActorTypes.Sites);
    foreach (SPSocialActor actor in followedsites)
    GridView1.DataSource = dt;
    public SPSocialActor[] follwedsites { get; set; }
    public SPSocialActor[] followedsites { get; set; }

    According to your description, you want to get the post list in the blog site collection.
    It could be achieved using SPList Object. You can get the list by the list title or list URL. The default name of post list is “Posts”.
    Here is a code snippet for your reference:
                using (SPSite site=new SPSite("your site url"))
                    SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb();
                    SPList list = web.Lists.TryGetList("Posts");
    Feel free to reply if there are still any questions.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Some websites require a special client certficate for access. If you don't have that certficate, you'll have to contact the site operator to find out how to get one.
    Sometimes the problem is caused by a web server that is configured to request an optional client certificate. Safari treats the request as mandatory. In that case, other browsers such as Firefox and Chrome may be able to connect to the site, because they ignore the request.
    The first time you were prompted for a certificate, you may have clicked through a dialog that requested access to the Apple certificate in your keychain that is used to secure the iMessage service. In that case, you may be able to regain access to the site in Safari by doing as follows.
    Back up all data.
    Double-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Launch the Keychain Access application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Keychain Access in the icon grid.
    Paste into the search field in the Keychain Access window by clicking in it and pressing the key combination command-V. An item may appear in the list of keychain items. The Name will begin with string you searched for, and the Kind will be "certificate."
    Delete the item by selecting it and pressing the delete key. It will be recreated automatically the next time you launch the Messages or FaceTime application.
    The next time you visit a site that prompts for an optional client certificate, cancel out of the prompt. You may have to do this several times before the server stops asking.
    Credit for this idea to Christian Braukmueller of SAP.

  • Master Password Feature: After sometime (10-15 min.) the drop down list for the field on any site does not show; opening new window (not refresh or new tab) drop down appears.?

    I manage a ton of accounts for different customers suing the same login pages (GoDaddy, WordPress, etc.) I use the Master Password Feature to help keep track of the many variants in logins and passwords.
    After some unknown period of time, even closing the page tab so a new page session is started at the remote server, Firefox does not provide me with the usual drop-down selection list of the previously used login names. However, if I open a new FF window (file/new window) from the menu bar, the drop down becomes available.
    How can I refresh the original window session in FF or change the timeout length?

    Well, you said LOV...that might mean you are using JDev 11g. Are you? If so what technology stack are you using?
    Assuming you are using JSF (?) you might be "backing" your list component in the application scope...but that is not likely.
    If you are using ADF/BC on your business component level, you can clear your view object from which you are querying the possible values of this list...unless your you have made a method to compile this which case you know what you are that is probably not the case.
    Essentially you want to requery the VO upon which your LOV is based...unless you are using JPA or something...and then I know "requery" is not the right it?

  • How to populate a sharepoint 2010 list from the active directory. How to populate a sharepoint 2010 list with all sharepoint user profiles

    How to populate a sharepoint 2010 from the active directory.
    I want a list of all the computers in the active directory,
    another one with all users.
    I want also to populate a sharepoint 2010 list from the sharepoint user profiles.

    the contacts list is usually filled out for contacts that are outside the company, there are times when you would use a contacts list to store internal and external resources.  Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to re-type your internal contacts’
    information that are already in the system?  Now you can with a little InfoPath customization on the contacts list. 
    Here’s our plan:
    Create the contacts list, and open in InfoPath
    Create a data connection to the User Profile web service
    Customize the form adding some text, a people picker and a button
    Create InfoPath rules that will populate the contact fields from the user fields in the User Profile store
    Let’s get going!  Before we begin, make sure you have InfoPath 2010 installed locally on your computer.  I also want to give credit Laura
    Rogers and Darvish Shadravan’s book Using
    Microsoft InfoPath 2010 with Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Step by Step.  I know it looks like a lot of steps, but it’s easy once you get the hang of it.
    So obviously we need a contacts list.  If you don’t already have one, go to the SharePoint site where it will live, and create a contacts list.
    From the list, click the List tab on the ribbon, then click Customize form:
    So now we have our form open in InfoPath 2010.  Let’s add our elements to the form. 
    Above all the fields, let’s add some text instructing users what to do with the the field we’re about to add (.e.g To enter an existing user’s information, choose the user below).
    Insert a people picker control by clicking the Person/Group Picker control in the Controls section of the ribbon.  This will add a column to the contacts list called group.
    Below the people picker, insert a button control from the same section of the ribbon as above.  With the button still highlighted, click the Control Tools|Properties tab on the ribbon. 
    Then in the Label box, change the text to something more appropriate to our task (e.g. Click here to load user data!).
    You can drag the button control a little larger to account for the text.
    We should end up with something like this:
    Before we can populate the fields with user data, we need to create a connection to the User Profile Service.
    Add a data connection to the User Profile Service
    Click the Data tab on the ribbon, and click the option From Web Service, and From SOAP Web Service.
    For the location, enter the URL of your SharePoint site in the following format – http://<site url>/_vti_bin/UserProfileService.asmx?WSDL.  Click Next.
    Note - for the URL, it can be any SharePoint site URL, not just to the site where your list is.
    For the operation, choose GetUserProfileByName.  Click Next.
    Click Next on the next two screens.
    On the final screen, uncheck the box for “Automatically retrieve data when form is opened”. This is because we are going to retrieve the data when the button is clicked, also for performance reasons.
    Now we need to wire up the actions on our button to populate the fields with the information for the user in the people picker control.
    Tell the form to read the user from the people picker control
    Click the Home tab on the ribbon.
    Click the button control we created, and under the Rules section of the ribbon, click Manage Rules. Notice the pane appear on the far right.
    In the Rules pane, click New –> Action. Change the name to something like “Query and load user data”.
    Leave the condition to default (none – rule runs when button is clicked).
    Click the Add button next to “Run these actions:”, and choose “Set a field’s value”.
    For Field, click the button on the right to load the select a field dialog.  Click the Show advanced view on the bottom.  At the top, click the drop down and choose the GetUserProfileByName
    (Secondary) option.  Expand myFields and queryFields to the last option and highlightAccountName.  Click ok. 
    For Value, click the formula icon. On the formula screen, click the Insert Field or Group button. Again click the show advanced view link, but this time leave the data
    connection as Main. Expand dataFields, then mySharePointListItem_RW.  At the bottom you should see a folder called group (the people picker control we just added to the form).  Expand this, then pc:Person,
    and highlightAccountId.  Click Ok twice to get back to the Rules pane.
    If we didn’t do this and just queried the user profile service, it would load the data of the currently logged in user.  So we need to tell the form what user to load the data for.  We take the AccountID field from the people
    picker control and inject into the AccountName query field of the User Profile Service data connection. 
    Load the user profile service information for the chosen user
    Click the Add button next to “Run these actions:”, and choose Query for data.
    In the popup, for Data connection, click the one we created earlier – GetUserProfileByName and clickOk.
    We’re closing in on our goal.  Let’s see our progress.  We should see something like this:
    Now that we have the user’s data read into the form, we can populate the fields in the contact form.  The number of steps to complete will depend on how many fields you want to populate.  We need to add an action step for
    each field.  I’ll show you one example and then you will just repeat the steps for the other fields.  Let’s update the Job Title field.
    Populate the contact form fields with existing user’s data
    Click the Add button next to “Run these actions:”, and choose “Set a field’s value”.
    For Field, click the button on the right to load the select a field dialog.  Highlight the field Job Title.
    For Value, click the formula icon. On the formula screen, click the Insert Field or Group button.  Click the Show advanced view on the bottom. At the top, click the
    drop down and choose theGetUserProfileByName (Secondary) option.  Expand the fields all the way down until you see the Value field.  Highlight it but don’t click ok, but click the Filter
    Data button, then Add. 
    For the first dropdown that says Value, choose Select a field or group.   The value field will be highlighted, but click the field Name field
    under PropertyData.  Click Ok. 
    In the blank field after “is equal to”, click in the box and choose Type text.  Then type the text Title. 
    Click ok until you get back to the Manage Rules pane.  The last previous screen will look like this.
    We’re going to update common fields that are in the user’s profile, and likely from Active Directory.  You can update fields like first and last name, company, mobile and work phone number, etc.  For the other fields, the
    steps are the same except the Field you choose to update from the form, and the very last step where you enter the text will change.  Here’s what the rules look like when we’re done:
    We’re all done, good work!  You can preview the form and try it now.  Click Ctrl+Shift+B to preview the form.  Once you’re satisfied, you can publish the form back to the library.  Click File –> Quick
    Publish.  Once it’s done, you will get confirmation:
    Now open your form in SharePoint.  From the contact list, click Add new item.  Type in a name, and click the button and watch the magic happen!

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    I don't see it.

    Hey Ushan!
    I'm not entirely sure how else they would have setup the product lists. Why would you want to remove the ul? Catalyst should be assigning classes to your tags: ul=("productfeaturelist") and li =("productItem"), which are fully editable via css. Any other customization to your product layouts would be done through your small product template. What are you trying to accomplish exactly?

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