Site Test - Any comments

Just finished my first proper web site. Just doing it as a
hobby and been busy learning it from books and this forum for about
8 months now. Any way have a look see what you think. There are a
few thing which I know are good practice I havent done, Partly
because I learnt this afterwards and diddnt want to start again.
Anyway please have a look. I used divs & tables and
optimised everything as best I could. Oh and yes the bit of Flash
the client wanted :)

Love the use of the steel grid as a background! I frequently
find repeating textured backgrounds to be annoying &
amateurish, but this is definitely not the case... it's a perfect
fit for the business.
Also really like the subtle use of Flash on the main page.
Only thing I might change is the Legislation page. It's quite
long covers a variety of topics... you might think about splitting
the individual headings on this page off into their own separate
pages, with links from Legislation... you've already got the links
to the various anchor points in the page, but I think most
customers would rather read shorter pages then having to scroll up
& down a single long page. If you do keep the long page, I
would add "back to top" links at the end of each of the sections.
Same may apply to the "portfolio" page... if you add more
customers your page will get very long!
Great site!

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       The actual process is develop the object in development system and unit test there with the available data.
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    Yes, that's correct. If you don't have the songs that are currently on your iPod also in your new iTunes installation, they will be erased from the iPod if you sync it. Best to start afresh by first transferring all the music on your iPod back to your new computer/iTunes library.
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    Find out how to do that here.
    How to copy iTunes purchases from an iPod or iPhone to a computer.
    For all other non purchased content (your own CDs etc), check out the instructions/suggestions here.
    Music from iPod to computer (using option 2). This a manual method using "hidden folders" and although it works, it is a little more involved than other methods.
    Much easier ways are to use one of the many 3rd party programs that copy music from the iPod to the computer.
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    There is also CopyTrans. This does preserve ratings/playcounts etc if those are important to you but this program is not free. It also supports video transfer.
    Once all the music is safely back in your new iTunes library, you can sync your iPod as normal.

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    Adobe is not going to swap 13 for 12. It is selling only 13 download as you found out. So, you are going to have to purchase 12 if you want to use that program. It may still be available at some retail locations, such as Amazon.
    If you are within 30 days of purchase and have purchase the download from Adobe, then contact Adobe via its Adobe Chat to get a refund. To do that, click on the following link ces-orders_stillNeedHelp
    Premiere Elements
    Membership, Account, Payment
    Payments, Invoices, Orders
    Chat Panel
    If the link does not hold its set, then you will need to navigate to Chat Panel using the above titles as guides.
    Please let us know if you are OK with the above. If any questions or need clarification, please do not hesitate to ask. Reminder..we are not Adobe. This is a user to user
    forum with an undefined frequency of an Adobe presence in it.
    Best wishes

  • Site Test

    Site test please:
    Just trying to see if it locks up or throws people

    No freezes, no locks. Win XP IE 6 FP 9. Also no locking in FF
    Dan Mode
    ->Adobe Community Expert
    *Flash Helps*
    *THE online Radio*
    *Must Read*
    "dmcdonald" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:eau4sb$s6j$[email protected]..
    > Site test please:
    > Just trying to see if it locks up or throws people out.

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