Size window with CDE

Is there a way to launch a dtterm, by instance, and determine his size at launch time with a command ?
And is there also a way to move a window only with keyboard ? ( for this I found something in man dtwmrc but only working with mouse )
Thanks in advance.

Do you only have one version of Reader installed and no versions of Acrobat?
I would probably uninstall Reader, run the Microsoft Installer Cleanup Utility to get rid of all instances of Reader, then reinstall Reader to see if it clears up for you.
Also, be sure and have only one version or Reader OR Acrobat installed.

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    You can also use OAF js function to open modal pop up:
    openWindow(self, '<url>','longTipWin', {width:900, height:400}, true); return false;

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    I am not Adobe staff, but I have never heard of an "online upgrade". When I purchased my CS6 upgrade  from Adobe, they sent me an email with the serial.
    Who did you go through to get this upgrade?

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    Fel_911 wrote:
    > Hi !
    > I need to open a new _blank window with a specific size.
    I don't know sh*t
    > about javascript. Could somebody help me by showing me a
    completed solution.
    Forum Archives:*&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF -8
    Search "pop up" or "popup"
    Couple of hundreds of posts, with code samples.
    Best Regards
    !!!!!!! Merry Christmas !!!!!!!
    Happy New Year
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

  • New browser window with javascript

    I'm trying to accomplish something similar to what has been
    discussed in other threads (Jess Learnin, 9/30/2008, and another
    thread from back in '07). I've tried the advice given in these
    threads and have had no luck. I would like to create a button to
    call a new browser window that displays a URL of my choosing. I'd
    like to specify the size and attributes of the new window. I've
    created a small dummy tutorial in order to work on this feature.
    I'm using the "Execute Javascript" option when configuring
    the button. I include the following javascript:'',
    'myWindow','height=400, width=700, toolbar=no');
    I have the Captivate button context set to "Current". I have
    deselected "Continue Playing Project" (though I've tried it with
    that option selected as well).
    I've tried prefacing the script w/
    "", but no luck.
    I'm testing the file on a development server, rather than
    from a local copy. When I test in Firefox, my movie simply stops
    when I click the button, without opening a new window or loading a
    web page. When I test in IE7, the movie stops and I get a message,
    "Error on page"; still no new window.
    I do notice that I'm currently running Flash Player 10. I'm
    using Captivate 3. When I publish my file, my options only go up to
    Flash Player 9, which is what I have chosen. I don't know if this
    would make a difference.
    I have also tried altering the standard.js file in the manner
    that jbradley88 suggested in the 9/30/08 thread, and using the
    corresponding javascript in the button properties window, with
    similar unsuccessful results.
    I have tried running the movie on a different computer, in
    case some local setting was somehow mucking things up. I get
    Any suggestions? If anyone's willing to take a look, I can
    send along my small dummy .cp file that I've been working on.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi John,
    Here's the exact javascript that I currently have associated
    with the button:
    'myWindow','height=400, width=700, toolbar=no'));
    I've tried multiple permutations, including placing
    "javascript:" in front of the script, both with and without the
    The message in IE7 just says "Error on page". It's not a
    pop-up message; it's just the small message that appears at the
    bottom left of the browser window in IE7 when a page fails to load
    properly. The message doesn't appear until I click on the button
    that's supposed to call the javascript. There's a yellow
    exclamation point icon that appears next to the "Error on page"
    message. When I click on that I get:
    "Problems with this Web page might prevent it from being
    displayed properly or functioning properly. In the future, you can
    display this message by double-clicking the warning icon displayed
    in the status bar."
    It also displays a pointer to the error:
    Line: 1
    Char: 111
    Error: Syntax error
    Code: 0
    I looked at the source for the page as displayed by IE7 (have
    also looked at the .htm and .js files generated by Captivate) and
    haven't seen anything obvious, but I'm somewhat unschooled in such
    If it would help to see what it does, you can view the demo
    at the URL above.
    Thx again,

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    after upgrading to mountain lion i keep getting an error message saying my startup disc is full. it shouldnt be full because there is barely anything on there and i was running windows with bootcamp prior to this with no issues. my computer now freezes and programs close randomly. The usual command for opening windows with bootcamp doesnt work. once in restarted my computer after it froze and it rebooted in windows automatically. i really just want to know if there is a way to take the upgrade off my laptop because it is very annoying.

    Hi Memalyn
    Essentially, the bare issue is that you have a 500GB hard drive with only 10GB free. That is not sufficient to run the system properly. The two options you have are to move/remove files to another location, or to install a larger hard drive (eg 2TB). Drive space has nothing to do with SMC firmware, and usually large media files are to blame.
    My first recommendation is this: download and run the free OmniDiskSweeper. This will identify the exact size of all your folders - you can drill down into the subfolders and figure out where your largest culprits are. For example, you might find that your Pictures folder contains both an iPhoto Library and copies that you've brought in from a camera but are outside the iPhoto Library structure. Or perhaps you have a lot of purchased video content in iTunes.
    If you find files that you KNOW you do not need, you can delete them. Don't delete them just because you have a backup, since if the backup fails, you will lose all your copies.
    Don't worry about "cleaners" for now - they don't save much space and can actually cause problems. Deal with the large file situation first and see how you get on.
    Let us know what you find out, and if you manage to get your space back.

  • Paper Size issues with CreatePDF Desktop Printer

    Are there any known paper size issues with PDFs created using's CreatePDF Desktop Printer?
    I've performed limited testing with a trial subscription, in preparation for a rollout to several clients.
    Standard paper size in this country is A4, not Letter.  The desktop printer was created manually on a Windows XP system following the instructions in document cpsid_86984.  MS Word was then used to print a Word document to the virtual printer.  Paper Size in Word's Page Setup was correctly set to A4.  However the resultant PDF file was Letter size, causing the top of each page to be truncated.
    I then looked at the Properties of the printer, and found that it was using an "HP Color LaserJet PS" driver (self-chosen by the printer install procedure).  Its Paper Size was also set to A4.  Word does override some printer driver settings, but in this case both the application and the printer were set to A4, so there should have been no issue.
    On a hunch, I then changed the CreatePDF printer driver to a Xerox Phaser, as suggested in the above Adobe document for other versions of Windows.  (Couldn't find the recommended "Xerox Phaser 6120 PS", so chose the 1235 PS model instead.)  After confirming that it too was set for A4, I repeated the test using the same Word document.  This time the result was fine.
    While I seem to have solved the issue on this occasion, I have not been able to do sufficient testing with a 5-PDF trial, and wish to avoid similar problems with the future live users, all of which use Word and A4 paper.  Any information or recommendations would be appreciated.  Also, is there any information available on the service's sensitivity to different printer drivers used with the CreatePDF's printer definition?  And can we assume that the alternative "Upload and Convert" procedure correctly selects output paper size from the settings of an uploaded document?
    PS - The newly-revised doc cpsid_86984 still seems to need further revising.  Vista and Windows 7 instructions have now been split.  I tried the new Vista instructions on a Vista SP2 PC and found that step 6 appears to be out of place - there was no provision to enter Adobe ID and password at this stage.  It appears that, as with XP and Win7, one must configure the printer after it is installed (and not just if changing the ID or password, as stated in the document).

    Thank you, Rebecca.
    The plot thickens a little, given that it was the same unaltered Word document that first created a letter-size PDF, but correctly created an A4-size PDF after the driver was changed from the HP Color Laser PS to a Xerox Phaser.  I thought that the answer may lie in your comment that "it'll get complicated if there is a particular driver selected in the process of manually installing the PDF desktop printer".  But that HP driver was not (consciously) selected - it became part of the printer definition when the manual install instructions were followed.
    However I haven't yet had a chance to try a different XP system, and given that you haven't been able to reproduce the issue (thank you for trying), I will assume for the time being that it might have been a spurious problem that won't recur.  I'll take your point about using the installer, though when the opportunity arises I might try to satisfy my cursed curiosity by experimenting further with the manual install.  If I come up with anything of interest, I'll post again.

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    If it is not working at all see
    If you not happy with the size of the window, refer to your browser support.

  • File size problems with a banner

    I'm working on a banner in Illustrator CS3. It is 2m x .88m (roughly 33.5inches by 79inches) at 300dpi.
    The banner is not complete and I can't save it as a pdf anymore for customer preview- it's too big. It also often reverts to overview and won't redisplay in preview.
    The file has a full size background based on a photographic collage made in photoshop. This was flattened and saved as a pdf to come into Illustrator. There are other photographic objects that have been cut out in photoshop and saved on a transparent background to be placed in Illustrator. All these files are linked not embedded. Some of these have a drop shadow effect. The AI is over 440meg!!
    I'll admit to being inexperienced with developing banners and posters this large. I'm sure I must be handling it all wrong. I know I can merge some layers but I'll lose my ability to move things around. I still need to add some photos over the top.
    I'd really appreciate some advice on handling a project this large. I'm sure it is possible, lots of people are having pop banners this size printed with photgraphic images.
    I'm working on 3.4gig pentium dual processor, 3gig RAM, running Windows XP pro.

    > He says it's probably better to build the whole thing in PS at around 150dpi
    For future reference, it's a matter of common sense. Generally speaking, the larger the final output format, the lower the raster resolution. Think about it this way:
    Why are things printed big?
    Because they are viewed from a distance.
    Why is 150-300ppi the conventional-wisdom rule-of-thumb?
    Because 150 lpi halftone ruling is a very common halftone screen for process printing viewed at (at most) arm's length. 150ppi means that the square raster pixels are at least as small as the halftone dots, so their square shape won't be evident (in other words, you won't see "the jaggies.")
    Would a 150 lpi halftone screen be sufficient if the page was meant to be read by an ant? No. The ant is much closer. The ant would see a bunch of meaningless large circles. A much higher halftone ruling and therefore a much higher raster ppi would be required--but the page would be much smaller, too.
    So forget this nonsense about 300 ppi raster resolution being needed for everything in print. Consider the optical scaling factor of displays meant to be viewed from a distance. No one makes billboards using 300 ppi raster images printed at 150 lpi halftone rulings.

  • Stream 7 and Windows with Bing window sizing on desktop

    I really like the HP Stream 7 but the Windows 8.1 with Bing version of windows has a really irritating behavior on the small tablets it won't keep the size and position settings of many applications on the desktop. IE always opens full screen same with Windows Explorer and if you resize or position it the next time you open it it is back to full screen. This is the same behavior on the Streak 7, Toshiba Encore Mini or Encore 2 8 inch, Insignia 8 inch and may be the behavior of all the smaller tablets with Windows with Bing. The Toshiba Encore 2 10 inch behaves normally maintaining the window settings between launches, as did the 8 inch tablets running Windows 8.0 and 8.1 versions prior to Windows with Bing.
    Can anyone suggest how to correct this on the small tablets with Windows with Bing

    jeffmdaemon wrote:
    You are not wrong, a simple file explorer test resulted in my desktop remembering the windowed position instantly, while my tablet full screened itself every single time. Windows may tell itself to function a little differently as a tablet, the far majority of people would prefer windows to open maximised on a small tablet screen. In your case, the only reason you want it not to is because you are using a case that is not designed (or badly designed) for the stream 7. 
    I haven't found any reasonably affordable cases for the Stream 7 that offer full access to the screen there will probably be cases in the future that will.   I also picked up an toshiba encore 2 8 and that has a case that offers a fully exposed screen the Windows with Bing behavior is less of an annoyance but still an issue.   This is not so much an HP, Toshiba or any manufacture issue as a Microsoft error.  8 and 10 inch tablets with Windows 8.0 and 8.1 didn't behave this way.  I would like to find a "switch/setting" to correct this.  I use my Windows tablets more then half the time in desktop mode and it is a pain to have the new version of the OS take a step backward in usability I can't remember the version of Windows that didn't support size/position retention,  Win 3?.
    Just checked Amazon and they now have a couple cases that provide full screen access so I ordered one.
    But that still leaves me looking for the setting that makes the Windows with Bing tablets behave like the tablets with other versions of Windows 8.1 with respect to retaining window size and aspect

  • Opening a new fixed-size window from a link

    I'm primarily an illustrator, but am working on my own new
    web site and do a few for other folks as well.
    I'm by no means a guru so excuse my clueless questions... (I
    use Dreamweaver 8)
    I see many web pages that can do
    any or all of the following and I'm hoping without complex
    coding or js stuff...
    + Open a fixed-size window from a link on a page - as in a
    smaller window like 250x400 that would contain a photo or drawing
    + Opens a new page from a link with a fade-in (ie, from blank
    or dark background to an image) like what happens when you click
    the "view larger" link at this page =

    > I was going to post a screen capture but looks like that
    > possible in this forum.
    There's a reason. Screen captures only demonstrate "what",
    providing any useful "why" information. Show us your code,
    please - best
    way would be to post a link to the page. I suspect the reason
    you are
    seeing what you are seeing is that the container for the
    lightbox effect is
    not large enough, or the image being used as a background for
    that container
    is not large enough. We'll only know that by seeing the live
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Nate Owens" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gqg0ch$2i4$[email protected]..
    > This is working well (Lightbox) but it does something
    that I haven't
    > figured
    > out how to fix.
    > It opens my image against the dark background as it
    should with the parent
    > page ghosted in back, but there is a margin at right
    side and bottom where
    > the
    > dark area abruptly ends and the parent page is visible
    in those areas
    > without
    > the dark image background extending to fill the window.
    > I've examined the html but see nothing I recognize that
    denotes the
    > extents of
    > the dark area. I was going to post a screen capture but
    looks like that
    > isn't
    > possible in this forum.
    > Any ideas would help.
    > Thanks,
    > Nate

  • I want to suppress the display of additional windows with a popup blocker

    I am on the website "" and am trying to open a window in the website. I am getting the message " The info is displayed in a new window. If you want to suppress the display of additional windows with a popup blocker, you must first deactivate this."
    How do I do this?

    I'm not sure what you want to achieve?
    Do you have a problem with displaying pop-ups and can't you open a pop-up or do you want to suppress a pop-up or do you get a notification?
    Can you attach a screenshot?
    Use a compressed image type like PNG or JPG to save the screenshot and make sure that you do not exceed the maximum file size (1 MB).

  • How can I merge all of the new FF windows that are open into one window with multiple tabs? Safari has a merge windows feature that I like. This is really nice when conducting reasearch on multiple sites at the same time.

    When I clik on weblinks they all open into new windows making it somewhat painful to clik on window in the menu bar to go to each new page. I would rather have a feature that would allow me to merge all of those individual windows into tabs within one page.
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened

    Thank you. That worked. I was able to open 1 window with multiple tabs. Thanks cor-el!

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    General rule of thumb in the Mac universe...
    When Safari is updated most if not all third party add-ons break. That's because most don't play by the rules. The developer thinks they know how to do it better than Apple so they just do it their way. So the first rule of survival is to KNOW what you have installed on your machine at all times. Use something like textedit to create a document listing all of the third party stuff you have installed and religiously update the list. Second rule is to wait a few days before applying an update. Third rule is to visit your third party developers' sites and make sure their little gadget is compatible with the new Safari update.
    Being aware of things will make life much easier for you in the long run.

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