Skype for Google Chromebook

I did too and am very disappointed.

I, too, would like a web-application for Skype functionality. The problem, is that for full web-app functionality, the browser would have to support HTML5 elements, and unfortunately, now that Microsoft owns Skype, don't hold you breath. The same company that owns now Skype is the same company that makes Internet Explorer - and if there are any other web developers here, they know, too, that Internet Explorer isn't exactly 'cutting edge'. HTML5's getUserMedia() would surely support using the webkit browser - Chrome - to grab the user's microphone and/or webcam, and Chrome supports web sockets, so, what's the problem?
Politics. Why would Microsoft want you to use Skype on a Google product, and why would Google want you to use Skype when they have Google Talk / Hangouts? As usual, the consumer gets screwed.

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    No, these aren't features of the Apple TV.
    As for being able to mirror them by AirPlay, some providers block airplay for their apps, you might need to check with the developer exactly what the position is.

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    I'd been looking for a way to get Skype on my 2-year-old Samsung Chromebook for a looooong time. Lots of posts, either requiring installation of another OS, Ubuntu, or very complicated instructions that were beyond my capabilities, or that just didn't work. I was so frustrated, because I really need Skype to work on my Chromebook, which I love totally. This Skype glitch has been the only problem. (I do some volunteer video language tutoring, and some students haven't been able to get Google Hangouts to work on their computers.)
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    I'd been looking for a way to get Skype on my 2-year-old Samsung Chromebook for a looooong time. Lots of posts, either requiring installation of another OS, Ubuntu, or very complicated instructions that were beyond my capabilities, or that just didn't work. I was so frustrated, because I really need Skype to work on my Chromebook, which I love totally. This Skype glitch has been the only problem. (I do some volunteer video language tutoring, and some students haven't been able to get Google Hangouts to work on their computers.)
    I did not give up, but kept Googling, and several weeks ago found this post that actually worked, and had instructions I could figure out pretty easily:
    There were some minor differences, but nothing I couldn't figure out pretty easily. So anyway, I installed it and have been using it successfully for about three weeks with no problems. I have made regular phone calls, sent text messages, and conducted several long video calls, including sending multiple texts to the other person. All worked perfectly.
    So I'm a happy camper. I just wish Microsoft and/or Google would get off the stick and have a Skype extension available right from the Chrome appstore. This little competition thing is ridiculous.
    Hope this helps someone else. I posted here months back, but nobody seemed to have a solution that worked for me. For those of us with the inexpensive Chromebooks, it's not an attractive option to take up so much memory to install a second OS. I know Google is working towards making it easier to install Android apps on Chromebooks. But it still irks me that I can easily download and nstall Skype on my Kindle and my phone, but not on my Chromebook!

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    An update for same is coming.
    Theres a patch for same, see here:

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

     Hi chefcorbin,
    Welcome to the HP Support forums.  I understand that you would like to learn how to change the printer preferences using your Chromebook.
    I have included a link to Google support on printing a page with Chrome and it lists the print settings that you can adjust.
    Google Chrome Help - Print a Page
    Please click on the Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    I work on behalf of HP

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    In order to assist my investigation into these reports, if you are still experiencing this issue could you please provide:
    the model number
    If the model is wifi/3G/LTE
    the OTA your device is running
    Thank you,
    Amy Tupper
    Technical Resolution Lead, Pervasive Issues
    Lenovo US
    ThinkPad T431s, S3 Yoga 14, Helix, Edge 11 & 14, E431, IdeaTab A1107, IdeaPad A1-07, IdeaCentre Horizon, Yoga Tablet 2 10 1051
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  • Skype for ALL blackberry EMERGENCY

    When will it be available for other phones.  Today having Skype is a MUST especially when emergencies like the one that just happen in Japan should have it available for everyone not just for Verizon.  I believe Skype is one of the best features ever invented I bought my skype phone as soon as I was able.  I was living in London at that time and they had a great plan in the telecomunications company 3.  Unfortunately, in Guatemala I cannot use my Skype I have a Blackberry which is supposed to be the Business tool of today, an although very useful it does not help in these situations.  Thank God!! for Whatsapp if it wouldn't have been for this tool it would have been terrible to bear this tragedy in Japan.  My mom is in Japan and we were able to communicate at all times thanks with both Skype and Whatsapp; however, I was stuck with my computer at all times.  She was surviving the emergency and upating us with the status only with her phone which is what should be nowadays.  Of course she has an iphone.  So I wonder when will this feature be available for everyone.  It is not only fair but also an necessity in today's life. Please write me awith some answers on when will this feature be available for everyone.  COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY FOR EVERYTHING.

    I don't use Skype but Googling "Skype for BB" brought up loads of hits. See if anything is suitable by doing the same.
    We're just ordinary members of the public on here. I think I would speak for all in saying that our thoughts are with you and all those affected by the events in Japan.
    Blackberry Best Advice - Back-up weekly
    If I have helped you please check the "Kudos" star on the right >>>>

  • Skype for ALL Blackberry EMERGENCY CRISIS IN JAPAN

    When will it be available for other phones.  Today having Skype is a MUST especially when emergencies like the one that just happen in Japan should have it available for everyone not just for Verizon.  I believe Skype is one of the best features ever invented I bought my skype phone as soon as I was able.  I was living in London at that time and they had a great plan in the telecomunications company 3.  Unfortunately, in Guatemala I cannot use my Skype I have a Blackberry which is supposed to be the Business tool of today, an although very useful it does not help in these situations.  Thank God!! for Whatsapp if it wouldn't have been for this tool it would have been terrible to bear this tragedy in Japan.  My mom is in Japan and we were able to communicate at all times thanks with both Skype and Whatsapp; however, I was stuck with my computer at all times.  She was surviving the emergency and upating us with the status only with her phone which is what should be nowadays.  Of course she has an iphone.  So I wonder when will this feature be available for everyone.  It is not only fair but also an necessity in today's life. Please write me awith some answers on when will this feature be available for everyone.  COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY FOR EVERYTHING.

    I don't use Skype but Googling "Skype for BB" brought up loads of hits. See if anything is suitable by doing the same.
    We're just ordinary members of the public on here. I think I would speak for all in saying that our thoughts are with you and all those affected by the events in Japan.
    Blackberry Best Advice - Back-up weekly
    If I have helped you please check the "Kudos" star on the right >>>>

  • RE: Skype for Web (Beta) is now available to every...

    Any update as to when will work for Chromebooks?
    I receive page:
    Sorry, Skype for Web (Beta) isn’t available on this device yet. Please try it on your desktop computer instead.

    Please try Skype for Web again on your Chromebook now. It should work (without calling obviously since there's not plugin available).
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • Skype for corporates??

    Hi Team,
    I have recently assigned a job where I am trying to make findings about skype for bussiness use. I am searching information from google and got some question which I am sure you people only can answer. Need your help and suggestions to get suceed in my current assignment. My sincere thanks for all helping hands in advance.
    So here you go...
    1. I use standard edition of skype on windows box and I am aware that any skype user can change there Nickname/Displayname. Is this feature is present in bussiness edition as well and if yes, than do we have any measure to block this feature?
    2. I use skype only for for chat with my few friends. Can I chat/call to any person without adding them in my standard skype edition?
    3. Is the answer for above question is same for bussiness edition as well?
    4. Can account created under 1 skype manager communicate to any skype across the globe or it is resitricted to communicate to accounts created under same SM?
    Please help me to create a good report.
    Thanks Much in Advance!!

    The Skype client software for business is exactly the same as the general public version. There is a "corporate" installable version which lets you tailor some of the installed features. You can chat just the same as the public version using Skype_Manager assigned clients.
    If you are looking at Skype for business use look very long and hard at the Skype support arrangements.

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