Skype Lottery notification email

Hi, I receive this email is this malicius?
Go to Solution.

Hi, tunexmowo1, and welcome to the Community,
Typing the words "Skype lottery" in the Community's topic search bar will yield a plethora of posts scattered around the Community related to people receiving messages announcing they have won a Skype lottery.  Skype would never sponsor nor condone such practices, all of which are scammers and spammers tempting the unwary to surrender account details and other personally identifiable information.
There is nothing more to be said!  Topic closed.
Best regards,
Was your question answered? Please click on the Accept as a Solution link so everyone can quickly find what works! Like a post or want to say, "Thank You" - ?? Click on the Kudos button!
Trustworthy information: Brian Krebs: 3 Basic Rules for Online Safety and Consumer Reports: Guide to Internet Security Online Safety Tip: Change your passwords often!

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    you can send a request to unlink your email address from that unknown skype account to [email protected]
    | | 

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    Congratulations!!!Your Skype account have just won the sum of £520,000 GBP (Five Hundred and Twenty Thousand Great Britain Pound)on the second category of Skype Lottery promotion 2013. Here is your winning Ref.No. SK/324982/02. To redeem your prize, send the reference number to the claims agent Dr. David Bruce on the email below: xxxxxxxxxx@xxxxxxx
    Go to Solution.

    This is scam. See the comment here:
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

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    This is a so called "lottery scam" and they are send via all kind of channels: E-mail, snail mail or IM like Skype. See
    On Skype please block this user and report the abuse by using the checkbox on the block window as explained here:
    Follow the latest Skype Community News
    ↓ Did my reply answer your question? Accept it as a solution to help others, Thanks. ↓

  • Skype Lottery promotion 2013 Scam?

    I take it that this is a scam??
    Congratulations!!!Your Skype account have just won the sum of £520,000 GBP (Five Hundred and Twenty Thousand Great Britain Pound)on the second category of Skype Lottery promotion 2013. Here is your winning Ref.No. SK/324982/02. To redeem your prize, send the reference number to the claims agent Dr. David on the email: [Mod edit: In the interest of protecting other users by preventing them from accidentally or intentionally contacting scammers, please do not post scammers' contact information on the community. Thanks!]

    This is a known scamming. Please ignore.
    Location - Dhaka | Bangladesh - Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 06:00 hour
    If one of my replies has adequately addressed your issue, please click on the “Accept as Solution” button. If you found a post useful then please "Give Kudos" at the bottom of my post, so that this information can benefit others.

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    [Company Name Workflow] - [Item] has been assigned to you
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    To complete this task:
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    2.    Perform the specific activities required for this task.
    3.    Use the Open this task button to mark the task as completed. (If you cannot update this task, you might not have access to it. Click here to request access.)

    According to your post, my understanding is that you want to customize SharePoint Foundation 2013 workflow notification emails.
    We’ll need to do a few things to replace SharePoint’s default notification with our own. The first thing we need to do is turn off SharePoint’s default notification. On the Workflow Tasks list, go the Advanced Settings and select
    No for Send e-mail when ownership is assigned. Then we need to create workflow to send email.
    There is an article for your reference, although it is about the SharePoint 2007, it still works for SharePoint 2013.
    Create a Detailed Custom Task Notification with a SharePoint Designer Workflow
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    You can follow the Workflow developer guide to create message attribute as shown in below link
    1. For the notification message for which you want the more info link to be hidden, define the message attribute with name '#HIDE_MOREINFO', type as 'text' and set value as 'Y'

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    Hi Mohammed,
    You may check on XML bursting for XML based reports.
    In addition, also see links:
    Anil: Oracle Apps Concurrent program Output as Email
    Oracle ERP World: Email the output of a concurrent program as Attachment
    Also see:
    How to Redirect Output from Printer to Mail Message after Running Report (Doc ID 1036586.6)
    Thanks &
    Best Regards,

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    Servver Platform: Windows 2008, Teaming 2.1

    It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your
    posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
    Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options:
    - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all
    the other self support options and support programs available.
    - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the
    correct newsgroup. (
    Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses:
    If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies
    and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot.
    Good luck!
    Your Novell Product Support Forums Team

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    To confirm that the patches are resp, can you check the file modified dates POXVCOMS.pls and POXVCOMB.pls? (To know the path on the box run diagnostic apps check for PO module and look for these file names).
    If they match with the patch application dates, then you might have to open a SR and get the fix from Oracle

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    This link should take the user to correct SAP system logon screen.....
    kindly help ! urgent !!
    thank you

    Hi Rita,
    U can use RSWUWFML2 ABAP report.
    check [|]
    Sagar S

  • Attachments in Notification email

    If someone submits a form with an attachment, is there a way to include that in the notification email?

    No. This is not supported, sorry.

  • Text missing from user notification email

    I set up a form and embedded it on our web site. For every completed form I received an email containing all the text submitted.
    The users also received a notification email, but some of the text was missing from the responses. It appears that only the text that was visible in the box on the screen gets sent to the user.
    Is this a known bug?

    Hi Mike,
    This is the first time we've heard about something like this. I'd like to investigate. Would it be possible for you to forward a copy of an email sent to you as well as the corresponding email sent to the user? Also, if you could include the URL to your form that would also help.
    You can email me directly at [email protected]

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    Hi Tylor,
    James is onto a potential approach here. However, the only way I know of that could work is to use the Scheduled Start feature. This would require that you compute/project the start date of the auto-complete task before the delivery moment begins.
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  • Notification Email should be triggered when hit the Apply changes?

    Hi All,
    Am creating a request form similiar to a remedy form,when ever the user create a new request and submit the request.Notification email will be sent to the user and the admin.
    Here when the admin ppl rejects the request,a notification email triggered to the user like request has been rejected .
    I have three radio buttons in the Form
    When the admin edit the request and select rejected radio button,and apply changes ,a notification email should be triggered to the user.
    Now i have a after submit process for edit the ,which will be triggered when ever the user hit the apply changes button and it will send notification to both user and admin.
    How to achieve the notification email that should be triggered when the admin rejects the request and submit the form???
    am using apex version 4.0
    when the Admin will select the reject radio button and hit tha apply changes then the notification email should be sent to the user!!
    Always appreciate your help!!!
    Thanks & Regards,

    Ramya wrote:
    Hi Gurujothi,
    Thanks for your response!.
    I can able to send email now.Thing is i need to send an email like when the admin rejects the request.
    For eg.
    1.Admin opened the request and select the Reject radio button and clicking Applychanges button then the email notification will be sent to the user like,
    Your request has been Rejected.
    2.If the Admin selects the radio button accept radio button and clicked apply changes,start processing about the request then the Email notification will be sent to the user like ,
    Your request has been modified .Request will be notified by the admin.(Working now)
    DO i need to create two separate process for the email notification like
    one is for all the modifications that the user/admin will do in the form ,once the record is created and another process is for Rejection purpose of the Form.But only one Apply changes button is there in the Form.You don't need two page process, In one single process you can acces the page item session values using *:YOUR_ITEM_NAME* bind variable syntax or V function like this V('YOUR_ITEM_NAME')
    So in your PL/SQL code you can easily prepare the email body based on your radio group item's value
    l_body varchar2(4000);
      l_body := build your conditional email body for rejected
      l_body := build your conditional email body approved
    END IF;
            p_to       => '[email protected]',   -- change to your email address
            p_from     => '[email protected]', -- change to a real senders email address
            p_body     => l_body,
            p_subj     => 'APEX_MAIL Package - Plain Text message');
    See this

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