Slide show imovie-idvd

hi first of all i'm a new user to mac
but i made a slideshow with music in imovie and after 17hrs work i finally was ready to burn so i shared the slide and then started up in Idvd to make the interface and then burn the dvds
when i look im imovie all photo's are sharp and looks good and when i look in idvd then they look as sharp
but when i look at the finished burned dvd (used pal and high quality) then it looks terrible and it is no way i can deliver that to my client(and my dead line was today)
before with other programs i never had the same problem(was not mac)
please help me it's so frustrating when you put down the hrs and then you can't get the finished product

Hi Nick
Keep in mind Burned dvd's are low res devices; especially when it comes to pictures and still images. The best you can get is about a third of a megapixel when the image is eventually compressed and burned to standard Dvd-R. But having said this, have you tried making the slideshow within iDvd'08 itself?
It'll look a bit cleaner than the approach you are currently using. There are a few apps that specialize mainly in slideshows. The following apps come highly recommended on this iDvd forum:
Disclaimer: Apple does not necessarily endorse any suggestions, solutions, or third-party software products that may be mentioned in this topic. Apple encourages you to first seek a solution at Apple Support. The following links are provided as is, with no guarantee of the effectiveness or reliability of the information. Apple does not guarantee that these links will be maintained or functional at any given time. Use the information above at your own discretion.

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    Hi PKColorado,
    You find find at least two other threads pertaining to this topic right here on this page.
    Only one song exporting with Slideshows
    Right now, this seems to be a know problem/bug. There have been some work-arounds. Don't know if the problem is with iPhoto, Quicktime or a combo of both.
    -From Bob Worthington: re-ripping the cuts I wanted as background music for the DVD as a single cut in iTunes. I then made a playlist containing the one extended cut of music.
    -Old Toad: share to Quicktime from iPhoto and then import the resulting movie into iMovie you can extract and delete the audio from the video and add the two songs to the video and save.
    Quicktime Pro-open the movie and bring up the Movie Properties menu window. In the top window select the audio track and delete it.
    If you want more than one song you'll have to join them together with iMovie or some other application. Then open that joined file with QT Player. Then do a select all and copy. Now go to the QT window of the movie and select the Edit->Add to Movie menu option. You don't want to scale it because it will change the play speed of the audio unless it's time is exactly the same as the movie.
    You could go the other way, open the movie, select all and copy, and then past with scaling to the audio. That will change the speed of the movie and transitions to fit the audio track. In this case the resulting video file will have the name of the audio track file that you started with.
    You may have to play with it a bit to get exactly what you want. Be sure to work with copies of all the media files for the project.
    -Peter Burtwistle: I opened the Qt movie that iPhoto makes when you export to iDVD and removed the sound track.
    Then made a new soundtrack by opening all three songs in QT, then cutting and pasting them together.
    Finally use QT Pro's 'Add to Movie" option to add the soundtrack to the original movie.
    This worked well and was fast to do too.
    -Joe Lombardo: I ended up having to extend the songs by 20 seconds so I brought them all into GarageBand and made some edits. Then I exported them all to iTunes as a single track and used that for the slideshow
    As an addendum to Bob Worthingtons solution. Create your playlist in iTunes.
    burn the playlist to CD. Import into iTunes using the option to join tracks. Now use this tract for your slideshow.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. The audio sync is a problem reported by others. Are you up to date with Quicktime and Tiger. By you specs you're still at 10.4.10. Check to see if your at 7.3.1 for Quicktime. Try installing the 10.4.11 COMBO updater. You can find both at Apple Downloads.
    There are alternatives to creating the slideshow in iPhoto. You could use iMovie HD (version 6) as it allows multiple audio tracks that can be turned and trimmed for exact timing. I've not heard of issues with it's timing while going to iDVD (however, it's best to not export from iMovie but just drag the iMovie project file into an open iDVD project to let iDVD do the rendering/compression).
    I've not heard of the "gray space" warning. Ask about that in the iDVD forum.
    Note: iMovie HD (6) is available for download for users who've bought iLife 08. You can find it at the download site I linked to above. You'll have to do a search for iMovie HD.
    Happy Holidays
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

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    The random transitions can only be random when played in iPhoto.
    If you are in the slideshow mode and use the Share ➙ iDVD menu option a quictime movie will be created of the slideshow with the first random set of transitions and imported into iDVD.  The transitions, however,  will be fixed permanently and will not be changed again.
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    Thanks! Hope I am posting this in the right place!

    Hi jersey:
    I would suggest saving the iDVD project as a disk image and burning it with the disk utility. That way when you can choose the slowest burn possible to make the best playing DVD possible.
    Use Verbatim DVD-R 4x or 8x (NOT DVD+R).
    This is about the best step by step guide I can offer:
    Authoring with iDVD 5
    There is a 99 slide limit in iDVD 5 that Ken Stone helps you with in the link above.

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    thanks to any one who can!

    Have you run apple's software updater recently?

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    I feel it's about the same. If you want all photos with same motion, or you want different motions, you'll have to change each photo, Ken Burns effect or key frames in FCP. Transistions can be faster in FCP if you insert w/transistions multiple photos. If you want to have several photos with the same motion, set the KB effect and bring in phots, or in FCP copy the picture with a given motion and paste attributes (basic motion) to multiple photos.
    I personally use FCP because I know that "better".

  • Slide Shows in iDVD

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    Returning to the menu is very normal behavior for iDvd immediately after each slideshow and/ or movie.
    You might not be doing anything wrong since there is no option within iDvd for a play all button. But there are many ways around this issue if you'll simply search this forum for "play all button" within this iDvd'08 forum.
    One option is to make the slideshow into a QT movie. (the drawback is that it will loose some quality IMO.)
    another is to use Toast which does have a play all feature (as does DVDSP) and a number of other 3rd party as well.
    Take a look at these apps also:
    as to why the DVD plays in one computer's S-Drive but may not be readable in another ... this often has to do with burn speed and/ or media. I recommend burning a disc image to the desktop and then lowering the burn speed to 4x or lower while using Verbatim DVD-R. Do not use Memorex since this may add to the above issue/s.
    Good luck on this and feel free to ask more questions....hope this helps.

  • I made a slide show using imovie.  When I play it back on my imac, the slideshow looks perfect.  However when I burned in via iDVD and play the disc, the resolution drops off.  The video appears fuzzy and not sharp.  Any ideas why?

    I made a slide show using imovie.  When I play it back on my imac, the slide show is crystal clear and sharp.   I burned a disc of the slide show using iDVD.  When I played the dvd the resolution is very poor.  Fuzzy and shakey images.  I tried various solutions, Apple tec told me to go to preferences on iDVD  and select "professional" to get higher resolution. Tried that but results still the same.  Any ideas?

    When you play on your Mac, you can have resolution up to 1920x1080.
    When you burn to iDVD you convert to 640x480.

  • Photo Quality Difference - DVD Slide Show vs iMovie

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    Any thoughts?

    All iDVD produced videos are 'Standard Definition' - that is 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels high (give or take). Therefore, all of your megapixels are being reduced to 0.3 megapixels on the screen. There is nothing you can do about this - SD video is this size. The only thing you can do is make sure the necessary 'downscaling' is done as well as possible. For my still picture presentations on DVD, I use a program called 'Photo to Movie' (LQ Graphics), along with iDVD. It seems to do a better job of the downscaling process, along with having some neat features not in iMovie. I have produced many 'slideshows' that are certainly not HD, but are pleasing to view on an HD TV (pillarboxed). Others use 'Fotomagico' for the same purpose, but I have no experience with that program. HTH.
    Frank (not associated with LQ Graphics)

  • Possible to include camera videos into iDVD Slide Show?

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    My nephew used a program (ROXO -I think) on his PC to do what I am attempting on my MAC - can someone tell me if they have been able to do this using Apple's programs.

    Hi Peter,
    One question I do have is that if I "assemble" the pictures and movie clips in iMovie, then export them to iDVD..
    ..What about incorporating that with the Themes and structure that iDVD uses ??
    Not sure I understand your question. iMovie is for editing movies (including still images). iDVD is for publishing a DVD using movie and still image assets. iDVD cannot edit any of the imported assets. The themes in iDVD are for setting up menu pages that allow the viewer to control the flow of the movies/still images, e.g. you can set up a button to start a movie, a button to start a slideshow, a button to a submenu with movie chapters.
    It's a shame you can't drag'n'drop movies into iDVD like you can picures - Would make iDVD even more useful and powerful.
    You do able to drag'n'drop a movie into iDVD, this will add a button on the menu page. It is just not able to "assemble" multiple assets into one long movie, that requires iMovie.

  • IDVD Slide show audio issue

    Slide shows created on iDVD look and sound great during preview, however after burning to disk, audio drops out for about 5 seconds after every 99 slides?  I have been told that this is a known issue with iDVD.  How can I correct this error??

    There are many ways to produce slide shows using iPhoto, iMovie or iDVD and some limit the number of photos you can use (iDVD has a 99 chapter (slide) limitation).
    If what you want is what I want, namely to be able to use high resolution photos (even 300 dpi tiff files), to pan and zoom individual photos, use a variety of transitions, to add and edit music or commentary, place text exactly where you want it, and to end up with a DVD that looks good on both your Mac and a TV - in other words end up with and end result that does not look like an old fashioned slide show from a projector - you may be interested in how I do it. You don't have to do it my way, but the following may be food for thought!
    Firstly you need proper software to assemble the photos, decide on the duration of each, the transitions you want to use, and how to pan and zoom individual photos where required, and add proper titles. For this I use Photo to Movie. You can read about what it can do on their website:
    (Other users here use the alternative FotoMagico: which you may prefer - I have no experience with it.)
    Neither of these are freeware, but are worth the investment if you are going to do a lot of slide shows. Read about them in detail, then decide which one you feel is best suited to your needs.
    Once you have timed and arranged and manipulated the photos to your liking in Photo to Movie, it exports the file to iMovie  as a DV stream. You can add music in Photo to Movie, but I prefer doing this in iMovie where it is easier to edit. You can now further edit the slide show in iMovie just as you would a movie, including adding other video clips, then send it to iDVD 7, or Toast,  for burning.
    You will be pleasantly surprised at how professional the results can be!
    To simply create a slide show in iDVD 7 onwards from images in iPhoto or stored in other places on your hard disk or a connected server, look here:

  • Hi, The burn quality of iDVD in very low for my slide shows. Images do no tlook good on playback and the sound track jumps every 99 images due to the way chapters are set up in it. How to I output a slide show to be high quiality?

    the output form iDVD is very poor quality( Low res due to compression by iDVD) when I produce a slide show in iPhoto and share it over to iDVD then burn it. What is the solution? I like to add the title page in idvd ads it looks professional, but hte end output in NOT professional.
    Also in iDVD the soundtrack that was flawless in iphoto now jstutters every 99 images and IDVD apparantly can only process bulk images in chapters that contain 99 images. So if you have a slide show with 245 images in you get hesitation at two points of teh slideshow as it struggles to start the next set of 99 images in the slide show!!! How annoying overall. Please help??????

    There are many ways to produce slide shows using iPhoto, iMovie or iDVD and some limit the number of photos you can use (iDVD has a 99 chapter (slide) limitation).
    If what you want is what I want, namely to be able to use high resolution photos (even 300 dpi tiff files), to pan and zoom individual photos, use a variety of transitions, to add and edit music or commentary, place text exactly where you want it, and to end up with a DVD that looks good on both your Mac and a TV - in other words end up with and end result that does not look like an old fashioned slide show from a projector - you may be interested in how I do it. You don't have to do it my way, but the following may be food for thought!
    Firstly you need proper software to assemble the photos, decide on the duration of each, the transitions you want to use, and how to pan and zoom individual photos where required, and add proper titles. For this I use Photo to Movie. You can read about what it can do on their website:
    (Other users here use the alternative FotoMagico: which you may prefer - I have no experience with it.)
    Neither of these are freeware, but are worth the investment if you are going to do a lot of slide shows. Read about them in detail, then decide which one you feel is best suited to your needs.
    Once you have timed and arranged and manipulated the photos to your liking in Photo to Movie, it exports the file to iMovie  as a DV stream. You can add music in Photo to Movie, but I prefer doing this in iMovie where it is easier to edit. You can now further edit the slide show in iMovie just as you would a movie, including adding other video clips, then send it to iDVD 7, or Toast,  for burning.
    You will be pleasantly surprised at how professional the results can be!
    To simply create a slide show in iDVD 7 onwards from images in iPhoto or stored in other places on your hard disk or a connected server, look here:

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