Sliding Panels Auto Advance w/ Timer

Hi everyone. I'm looking to make my sliding panels advance
with a simple timer. I know this can be done (right?) but can't
find any way to do this. I have text content in my panels (no
images) so the posted example of a gallery doesn't help me much.
I have no problem setting up the panels as I want, I just
want to make them advance every few seconds.
Anyone please help!!
Thanks so much,
Varen Swaab

Instead of creating a custom script, I decided to extend the widget it self. So everything can be controlled from the widget constructor.
Before we get started a small side note:
I would advice to put the changes in a seperate script, and not to modify the current SlidingPanels.js. This way, if you happen to update to Spry 1.7 it will not overwrite the change you made. But if you do not wish to update just paste it in the SprySlidingPanels.js (This saves a HTTP request, resulting in a slightly faster page load, maintainablity vs performance)
The changes allow you specify the following new options in the constructor:
- automatic: true / false [boolean]
turns automatic sliding panels on or off, off by default
- direction: 0 / 1 [number or Spry.forward , Spry.backward if you have SpryEffects included]
direction that panels should automaticly slide to, 1 is forward, 2 is backward
- each: 1000 [number]
time in miliseconds, note I had to name this "each" instead of duration, because duration handles the sliding panel animation duration.
Example constructor:
var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("SlidingPanels1", { automatic: false, direction: 0, each: 5000 });
It also adds 3 new methods to the sliding panel:
- .start  [ sp1.start(); ]
This allows you to start the automatic sliding of the panels, this will also work, if you did not specify automatic in your constructor
- .stop  [ sp1.stop(); ]
Stops automatic sliding of the panels
- .setDirection [ sp1.setDirection(1); ]
Sets a new direction for the sliding panels, requires the same values as you can specify in the sliding panels constructor
The new code:
// line 121 of SprySlidingPanels.js
Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.attachBehaviors = function()
     var ele = this.element;
     if (!ele)
     if (this.enableKeyboardNavigation)
          var focusEle = null;
          var tabIndexAttr = ele.attributes.getNamedItem("tabindex");
          if (tabIndexAttr || ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "a")
               focusEle = ele;
          if (focusEle)
               var self = this;
               Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.addEventListener(focusEle, "focus", function(e) { return self.onFocus(e || window.event); }, false);
               Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.addEventListener(focusEle, "blur", function(e) { return self.onBlur(e || window.event); }, false);
               Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.addEventListener(focusEle, "keydown", function(e) { return self.onKeyDown(e || window.event); }, false);
     if (this.currentPanel)
          // Temporarily turn off animation when showing the
          // initial panel.
          var ea = this.enableAnimation;
          this.enableAnimation = false;
          this.enableAnimation = ea;
     if (this.automatic){
// These are all new methods
Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.start = function(){
     var self = this; // reference to this, so we can use it inside our function
     this.automaticStarted = setInterval(function(){
               var panels = self.getContentPanels(),
                    panelcount = panels.length,
                    current = self.getCurrentPanel(),
               // locate the current panel index, and check if we need to increase or decrease the panel
               for(var i = 0; i < panelcount; i++){
                    if(panels[i] == current){
                         self.direction == 1 ? (i++) : (i--);
                         self.showPanel( self.direction == 1 ? (i >= panels.length ? 0 : i) : (i < 0 ? panels.length -1 : i));    
                         break; // stop looping, we already found and are displaying our new panel
     }, this.each || 3000);
Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.stop = function(){
     if(this.automaticStarted && typeof this.automaticStarted == 'number'){
          this.automaticStarted = null;
Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.setDirection = function(direction){
     this.direction = direction;
Hopes this helps

Similar Messages

  • Spry Sliding Panel - Timer

    I've been working on extending Spry's Sliding Panels to allow
    me to set a timer to auto advance to the next panel. Whilst I had
    success with a script that targeted a particular element (eg sp1)
    it really isn't terribly useful to have to recode per panel. So
    trying to extend instead. Problem is that I keep getting an error
    that says the advanceToNextPanel function doesn't exist. Hoping
    someone might be able to point me in the right direction. Code
    // Sliding Panel Timer
    // Based upon
    and feedback within the Adobe Spry forum
    // Extend SlidingPanels to include additional data
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.gPanelShowInterval =
    1000; // msecs between panels
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    if (this.gPanelShowInterval == undefined)
    this.gPanelShowInterval = 10000; // msecs between panels
    if (this.gAutoStartPanelShow)
    // Kill any previous timer event
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.killPanelShowTimer =
    function() {
    if (this.gPanelShowTimer)
    this.gPanelShowTimer = null;
    // Display next sliding panel on rotational loop
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.advanceToNextPanel =
    function() {
    var tPanels = this.getContentPanels().length - 1; // Total
    var cPanel = this.getContentPanelIndex(this.currentPanel);
    // Index of currently displayed panel
    if (tPanels == cPanel)
    this.showFirstPanel(); // Return to the first panel
    this.showNextPanel(); // Show the next sliding panel
    // Setup timer event to change to next panel
    Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels.prototype.setPanelShowTimer =
    function() {
    this.killPanelShowTimer(); // Kill any previous timer event
    this.gPanelShowTimer = setTimeout( function() {
    this.gPanelShowTimer = null; this.advanceToNextPanel(); },
    // Start the timed sliding panel
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    function() {
    this.gPanelShowOn = true;

    My previously posted I'd fixed this but it is in fact not
    Hi hope you can help.
    My Spry Sliding panel is appearing over my floats in IE, fine
    in Firefox.
    page here
    Panels CSS Here
    Any ideas?
    Is this a spry problem or my CSS?

  • Edit JS on spry sliding panels widget to fix auto panel height problem

    Hi guys,
    Ive been trying for a while to make the sliding panels widget
    show each panel in its own height instead of the longest panel's height in the container.
    I tried reading all the js file to play with it and find a solution but the truth is i dont know how to do what i want.
    I do, however, have a list of things that i believe if implemented should work,
    could you  help me do these fixes on the js? ( any one you know how to or think will work )
    1. edit so that:  Panels dont have any height ( or panel content display none ) if it isnt current panel. If current panel is "id:1" the assume class 1 style properties. As soon as it looses focus/"currentpanel" class it looses its class 1 properties. And the new current panel ("id:2") assumes its own class 2 properties. And so on.
    2. edit so that:  PanelContainer ( the one that holds all the panels ) displays none BUT the current panel. So all panels could be display none unless they assume the "currentpanel" class and so they change to display. Maybe this way the container assumes only the height of the displayed panel and looses it once its no longer displayed assuming the next displayed one.
    3. edit so that:  Panel container checks for current panel's height and assumes that height instantly ( there is still a panel inside the container that would be longer than the current panel, maybe with overflow hidden this isnt a problem )
    4. Using SpryDOMUtils.js I am currently playing with the code pasted below,
    the idea came from Gramp's Spry Sliding Panels Group Navigation Buttons cookbook
    He addresses a different problem, but since it has to do with identifying the current panel and doing something when the panel is x number, i thought there could be a height property set for each panel when each is the current one, atleast something can be done with this, my problem is i dont know how to set that something. Please check out the following code:
    // The following function - setPanelNavigation() - assumes the following
    // 1. Sliding Panels have a class of SlidingPanelsContent AND a unique ID
    // 2. The Previous Panel button has an ID of previousPanel
    // 3. The Next Panel button has an ID of nextPanel
    // 4. SpryDOMUtils.js has been linked
    function setPanelNavigation() {
        var current = sp1.getCurrentPanel(); // Get the current panel
        var panelCount = sp1.getContentPanelsCount(); // Get the total number of panels
        var panelNumber=1; // Give a value to the first panel number
        Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContent").forEach(function(node) { // Cycle through the panels
                     if ({ // The current panel now receives a number
               if ( panelNumber==1 ) Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContentGroup").setAttribute('height', 750); //
               if ( panelNumber==2 ) Spry.$$(".SlidingPanelsContentGroup").setAttribute('height', 250); //
            panelNumber++; // Go to next panel after incrementing the count
    Spry.Utils.addLoadListener(setPanelNavigation); // Set buttons to initial value
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");
    What am i doing wrong in that bit ? I thought i had it there, but it didnt work.
    Anyone, please help. Thank you.

    wait my bad, the link to my page is:
    ** no s on department

  • Sliding Panels

    Have a problem with the sliding panels widget. Say for
    example I have 2 panels - each with a number of form fields on. If
    I tab through the form fields on panel 1 the focus automatically
    goes to the form fields on panel 2 and therefore panel 2 is visible
    in it's current position.
    Here's an example:
    Panel Test
    Any ideas how to fix this?

    So the problem with just showing the panel that has focus is
    that we don't know what the designer/developer intended. For
    example, the sliding panels widget could be used to present a
    wizard, where the user is not allowed to proceed to the next page
    (panel) until they have dones something specific.
    So a possible workaround for this is to use CSS to hide
    elements that are not visible. Elements on the page that are not
    visible, can't receive focus. Try adding the following CSS
    somewhere *BELOW* SprySlidingPanels.css on your page:
    <style type="text/css">
    .SlidingPanelsContent {
    overflow: hidden;
    .SlidingPanelsContent * {
    visibility: hidden;
    .SlidingPanelsCurrentPanel *, .SlidingPanelsAnimating * {
    visibility: visible;
    The sliding panels widget programatically places
    SlidingPanelsCurrentPanel and SlidingPanelsAnimating classes on the
    various panels at strategic times. The styles above make use of
    these classes to hide content when they aren't showing. Thus
    preventing them from getting focus. Note that the overflow:hidden
    on the SlidingPanelsContent class is necessary because if it is
    auto or scroll, the browser will place the div in the tab order so
    it can get focus. If it is overflow:hidden, it does not do this.
    --== Kin ==--

  • Sliding Panel Content Not Hidden

    Hi All. This is my first post so apologies if I do something wrong.
    I'm setting up sliding panels to work on my site (I've used them before) and this time I can't get the panels that aren't displayed to hide. The panels slide, but all panels are visable at all times. Here is the code -
    .SlidingPanels {
        position: relative;
        width: 221px;
        height: 260px;
        padding: 0px;
        border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsContentGroup {
        position: relative;
        width: 10000px;
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;
        border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsContent {
        width: 221px;
        height: 260px;
        overflow: hidden;
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;
        border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsAnimating * {
        overflow: hidden !important;
    .SlidingPanelsCurrentPanel {
    .SlidingPanelsFocused {
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <a href="#" onclick="sp1.showFirstPanel();">First Panel</a> | <a
        href="#" onclick="sp1.showPreviousPanel();">Previous Panel</a> |
    <a href="#" onclick="sp1.showNextPanel();">Next Panel</a> | <a href="#"
        onclick="sp1.showLastPanel();">Last Panel</a>
    <div id="panelwidget" class="SlidingPanels">
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup">
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p1">Panel 1</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p2">Panel 2</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p3">Panel 3</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p4">Panel 4</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p5">Panel 5</div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" id="p6">Panel 6</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");
    Has anyone got any suggestions please as I know it's something simple, I just can't work it out. I've tested it in FF and IE6
    Thanks in advance, Adam

    Solved it. I've been at this since 5am and put a rouge <! -- in the css file which screwed it up

  • Sliding Panels Problem: Content panels with different width?

    I'm trying to create the exact same behaviour as this Argentinian Photographer have done:
    I've read and used the files in your tutorial:
    and searched the forum but couldn't find an answer.
    I'm almost there. The problem is that I have 6 test photos that are of the same height (and the same height as the slidingpanel view port) but different in width. If I set the class .SlidingPanelsContent to the same width as the largest picture(i.e. panel) then it creates a white space until the next pic starts. And If I set the width to the same as the smallest picture then it crops the other ones.
    Here is the div in the index file:
    <div class="SlidingPanels" id="panelwidget">
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContentGroup">
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-2.jpg" width="645" height="430" /></div>
        <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-1.jpg" width="594" height="430" /></div>
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-3.jpg" width="645" height="430" /></div>
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-4.jpg" width="645" height="430" /></div>
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-5.jpg" width="645" height="430" /></div>
      <div class="SlidingPanelsContent" <img src="images/panel-6.jpg" width="594" height="430" /></div>
      </div><br />
      <a href="#" onclick="sp1.showFirstPanel();">First Panel</a> | <a
        href="#" onclick="sp1.showPreviousPanel();">Previous Panel</a> |
    <a href="#" onclick="sp1.showNextPanel();">Next Panel</a> | <a href="#"
        onclick="sp1.showLastPanel();">Last Panel</a>
      <script type="text/javascript">
    var sp1 = new Spry.Widget.SlidingPanels("panelwidget");
    And here is the classes in the css:
    .SlidingPanels {
         position: relative;
         float: left;
         width: 1000px;
         height: 430px;
         padding: 0px;
         border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsContentGroup {
         position: relative;
         float: left;
         width: 10000px;
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 0px;
         border: none;
    .SlidingPanelsContent {
         width: 645px;
         height: 430px;
         float: left;
         overflow: hidden;
         margin: 0px;
         padding: 0px;
         border: none;
    In the css file before the .SlidingPanelsContent class Adobe states that they in their default implementation has set the width to the same as the view port to ensure that only one panel at a time can be viewed within the view port. But I want the opposite.
    How do I solve this?

    It seems to me that if you have all different width images, you will want to remove the width from the content pane. That should allow the images to butt up next to each other without either extra white space (for smaller images) or cropping (of larger images). Saenz's photos are in divs with a class of .panelfoto that has the definition of float: left; width: auto;
    I have not played around a lot with sliding panels, but it seems reasonable to me that that would work.
    You have probably already read and digested this page:
    You know, if you really want something very close to what the example site looks like, look into his code and imitate it.
    It does not appear that every move of the pane goes the same distance, and I'm not sure what controls that, but I see some of his images moving part-way, exposing part of the next, and so forth, instead of a complete image change each time. Using different width photos will do that partly, of course.

  • Sliding panels all visible. Help!

    OK- I just can't figure this one out. I am a first timer with the spry widgets not built into Dreamweaver. I've added a sliding panel widget, I want to break a story into two parts without adding a second page. When I open in a browser, both panels are visible. I don't know what I'm missing. Help.

    Still have not come up with workable solution for what I am trying to do. It looks like my problem is I am trying to make the box size on the sliding panels container elastic, so it looks like my text on other pages. But, when I set it up so it gets bigger to include all the text, it includes the text on all the panels, not just one. When I set it with the width "auto" and a px height, sometimes it includes the right amount of text and sometimes it doesn't. probelm is the varying screen sizes. 
    So, it is true, then, that the size of the sliding panel container MUST match the size of the sliding panel content, and be fixed?
    If so, it will never do what I am trying to get it to do. I guess I'd be better off playing with an accordian panel, to see if I can get close to the look I want there.

  • Sliding panels adjustment problem - urgent

    i have a div for header and footer and the sliding panels in between. it works but for one thing:
    i need to make it so when the inner panels have large contents it will be at that height. so the footer div will be pushed down to make room for the contents. and so, the sliding widgets adgust its height according the contents that is within each inner panel.
    how can i make it? it is really urgent.
    best regards

    It seems to me that if you have all different width images, you will want to remove the width from the content pane. That should allow the images to butt up next to each other without either extra white space (for smaller images) or cropping (of larger images). Saenz's photos are in divs with a class of .panelfoto that has the definition of float: left; width: auto;
    I have not played around a lot with sliding panels, but it seems reasonable to me that that would work.
    You have probably already read and digested this page:
    You know, if you really want something very close to what the example site looks like, look into his code and imitate it.
    It does not appear that every move of the pane goes the same distance, and I'm not sure what controls that, but I see some of his images moving part-way, exposing part of the next, and so forth, instead of a complete image change each time. Using different width photos will do that partly, of course.

  • Maintain Spry Sliding Panel Focus once a Form has been submitted - DW CS5

    I have a web page with 6 sliding panels.
    The last panel has an email form.
    Everything functions fine except for one item:
    Once a user hits the Submit button on the form in the last panel the panels slide back to the first (0-default) panel.
    How would I go about maintaining focus on that last panel (the one with the form on it) once the submit button is hit so that I can display the confirmation text? 
    Thanks in advance for any help or tips.

    The scripting of a CGI or PHP mail form server side stuff is designed to:
    a. open another page with a confirmation of the send     or
    b. refresh the page where the form is located so it appears as it did before the send.
    When you refresh the page outside of a submit function (F5), the page defaults to the first panel because that's the way the script is written. It is neither abrupt nor awkward. It is the correct functioning of the javascript that controls the accordion, or in this case a slider. 
    You can maybe rewrite that script to prevent it from doing so, but I personally don't know how to.
    As was pointed out by Nancy, keeping the form open in the panel, will more likely than not lead to viewers thinking that it didn't go, and they will submit the form multiple times, (thinkiing each time that it didn't work)  before getting frustrated and leaving the page and site altogether.
    If this is for simply aesthetic reasons, remember that "form follows function".  In a choice between what works and what looks good, what works should always take priority. It doesn't matter how nice it looks if it defeats its purpose with the design being flawed.

  • Can multiple PCs access one remote panel at the same time?

    I've written a program in labview 7.1 to monitor/control a labview application running in the test cell through Remote Panel. I and my coworker can remotely monitor and/or control this labview application individually. But if my coworker has the remote panel displayed on his PC and I try to get the remote panel on my PC, I get a labview error (63) as below:
    "LabVIEW:  Serial port receive buffer overflow.
    LabVIEW:  The network connection was refused by the server."
    My question is: Can multiple PCs access one remote panel at the same time?
    Thanks in advance!

    Sorry I wasn't clear. The remote panel license is separate from the number of LabVIEW development licenses. Pricing information on remote panel licenses can be found here.

  • Possible to have two occurences of sliding panels in same location on page?

    Hi, any help you guys could give me would be greatly appreciated.
    I'm redesigning my portfolio page, and am trying to use the sliding panels widget for the two gallery areas. Ideally, when you click the links in the Design area on the left side navigation section, a Sliding Panels Content Group containing all the design work slides should appear on the right side of the page. When you click the links in the Illustration area, a Sliding Panels Content Group containing all the illustration work slides should replace the Design group in the exact same location on the page. Similar to links appearing in an iframe, but without having to click links and upload a page in the frame for each image.
    I've managed to get the two different Content Groups to both be on the same page at the same time, like is done with the multiple examples at, but no luck getting a single Content Group to appear and then be replaced by the second group by clicking one of the links to the left.
    Here's the page I'm working with, with only one of the Content Groups active:
    eta: I'm working with Spry Pre-Release 1.6.1.

    I think you can do this by using Spry Tabbed Panels as your container for the two sets of Sliding Panels. I have not tried this particular nesting before, but if you set up a test page, you can try it out.
    Each set of Sliding Panels would appear as content on one of the Tabbed Panels. When each Tabbed Panel Tab is clicked, the corresponding Panel appears, holding your Sliding Panels.
    This may not work, but, as they don't know until you try!

  • Auto update of time when changing time zones - PLEASE help.

    I travel for a living and I can't figure out how to get this 8310 to auto update the time when I fly from one time zone to another. Can anyone help me with this? Thank you so much in advance!

    I'm sorry to inform you that the blackberry does not have a feature like this yet. You can read this FAQ and it will give you some tips though.
    Why doesn't my time update correctly when I change Time Zones? -
    You would need to set that manually and enter the meeting times in accordingly.

  • Question slides auto advancing prior to an answer being selected

    I have searched the postings and cannot find anything similar to what I am experiencing.
    This only happens once the user has gone through the quiz once and has failed.  The passing grade is a 100%, so the chances of someone needing to re-take the quiz is rather high.  What happens is when the user gets to say question 3 or so, after about 10 to 15 seconds, the slide auto advances to the next question and does not allow the user to go back and answer the question.  Then on the next question it will not allow the user to select an answer.
    This does not happen the first time through the quiz, only the second time through.
    Has anyone else experienced this before?  Any ideas of what setting I have wrong?  I have all of my question sides set up the same; I have T/F and M/C.
    I am using Captivate 4 (with all updates) and running the quiz through GeoLearining (our LMS).

    Just a note...I have checked the timing in the playbar and it is the same for all questions and it happens on question 1 and question 9 as far as I can tell.  I am not able to see how these questions are set up any differently than the other quesitons in the quiz.  There are only 15 questions total in this program and a total of 20 slides.

  • Background image instead of color for each sliding panel

    I'm working with sliding panels and trying to add some style to the page.  I have figured out how to put a different background color on each slide and even how to put a background image on the whole thing, but  I cannot figure out how to use multiple images (one for each pannel). When I put the images in place of the colors it works fine in the Dreamweaver screen but totally disapears in a web browser.  Here is the url:
    any help would be great!

    Regarding getting the tabs to sit on top of the content panel, speaking generally here, make the containing div for both the tabs and the content panel to have a margin: 0 auto; setting.This is for horizontal alignment.
    The blue rectangle can be belayed by setting border: none; on the specific rule that applies to the "a" links within that container. It is an indication that there is a link there.
    Please rename the images that have word-spaces in their file names. Some browsers react badly to word-spaces.
    I see that you have
      </p><div class="slidingpanelandtab">
          <p><a onclick="sp1.showPanel(0); return false;" href="#"><img width="144" height="70" class="oneColFixCtrHdr" src="Images/panneltab.jpg"/></a><a onclick="sp1.showPanel(1); return false;" href="#"><img width="144" height="70" src="Images/panneltabb.jpg"/></a><a onclick="sp1.showPanel(2); return false;" href="#"><img width="144" height="70" src="Images/panneltaba.jpg"/></a><a onclick="sp1.showPanel(3); return false;" href="#"><img width="144" height="70" src="Images/panneltabc.jpg"/></a></p>
    Which sets off your "slidingpanelandtab" class div with an empty paragraph space <p></p> and then sets off the next section not only with <p></p> paragraph spacing but also with a <blockquote></blockquote>, which will by all rights indent that element.
    I suggest that you get rid of the spurious paragraph tags and the blockquote; that should tighten up your spacing.

  • Linking to a specific SLIDING panel remotely

    I'm trying to link to a specific SLIDING panel (not a tabbed
    panel) from a remote link. I'm sure this can be done using
    SpryURLUtils.js as I've successfully achieved the result with
    tabbed panels. There's not as much online information on doing this
    with sliding panels, though, and I've had no luck experimenting on
    my own.
    Can anyone help?
    Here are two example pages of the pages in question:
    The user launches the second page from the first and should
    be able to get back to the second sliding panel on the first page
    by clicking "RETURN." Right now, when the user clicks "RETURN,"
    s/he returns to the first slide in the sequence.
    Thanks in advance for any help. ent-page-1/
    Comment 29: David Powers

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    Hi experts. I had a question regarding on workflow. We have an adobe interactive form inside a webdynpro java application, once the form is submitted its passed on as an attachment to an SAP business workflow. Inside the workflow we need to extract t

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    Hi May be a simple question, but I can't figure out how actually. When I'm doing this var obj:Object = new Object(); obj.test = "My Test"; for(var i:* in obj)      trace(i + " : " + obj[i]);     The output is -> test : My Test My problem comes when I

  • Screen Exit for ME21

    I have created a screen exit using enhancement AMPL0001 , I have created cl_includes (structure) coded in the function exits for pbo and pai. created subscreen 1000 as given in the enhancement . But the filed is not getting displayed ???

  • Srvctl database status shows that one of the instance prompting PRKO-2015

    Hi all, I am getting follwing error while I am trying to execute follwing command E:\apps\oracle\product\1020\crs\BIN>srvctl status database -d APPSDB PRKO-2015 : Error in checking condition of instance on node: BNY-S-T16 Instance APPSDB2 is running