Smartcard Programming on Linux for Newbies - a HOWTO

Good initiative indeed !
Just one note : it seems that you've been forced to install the jdk1.3 to be able to compile your smartcards applications though you should have used a newer jdk by adding the parameters -source 1.3 -target 1.3 to the javac command line.

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  • Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Linux Ubuntu 11.10 howto

    h1. Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Linux Ubuntu 11.10 howto
    Author: Dude
    Version: D
    Last modified: 14-Jan-2012
    You are welcome to add comments, but please do not discuss your installation issues in this thread.  If you have a question about the instructions, please add a simple note to the link of your own thread. The instructions are the result of my own research and development. If you would like to use any of the information for your own blog or website, please include a link to this reference to include future changes.
    Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Linux Ubuntu 11.10 howto
    h2. Purpose
    This document outlines instructions how to install Oracle XE under Ubuntu 11.10.
    Ubuntu or Debian based Linux is not on the list of supported operation systems according to the Oracle documentation at You may want to consider virtualization software like Oracle Virtualbox and install Oracle Enterprise Linux as a free and professional alternative to installing XE under Ubuntu. You can also download pre-build virtual machines that include Oracle XE. You can browse for more information.
    h2. Topics
    h4. 1) Install Linux Ubuntu
    h4. 2) Remote Terminal
    h4. 3) Install Additional Software
    h4. 4) Managing Swap Space
    h4. 5) Modify Kernel Parameters
    h4. 6) Oracle Home Directory
    ...a) Resize the Root Partition
    ...b) Setup External Storage
    h4. 7) ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET
    h4. 8) Installing Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition
    h4. 9) Post-Installation
    h4. 10) Tips and Troubleshooting
    ...a) Port 1521 appears to be in use by another application
    ...b) cannot touch `/var/lock/subsys/listener': No such file or directory
    ...c) ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET
    ...d) Apex ADMIN password
    ...e) SYS and SYSTEM password
    ...f) Uninstall Oracle 11g XE
    ...g) Reconfigure Oracle 11g XE
    ...h) Gnome Classic desktop
    ...i) Unix vi cursor keys
    ...j) Backup Database
    h4. 11) History
    h4. 12) References
    h2. 1) Install Linux Ubuntu
    The following assumes you have installed Ubuntu 11.10 Desktop Edition for AMD 64-bit, or upgraded from a previous version. Keep in mind that Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition is only available for 64-bit architecture. It is not necessarily a requirement, but I would not bother to install Oracle 11gR2 XE on a system with less than 2 GB of RAM installed. You can download Ubuntu for free at: and install it using the default settings provided.
    You can apply the latest OS patch-sets by clicking the power button icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen and selecting "Updates available..."
    h2. 2) Remote Terminal
    You will need command line access to perform the installation tasks. Select the top "Dash Home" button of the Unity toolbar and enter the word "terminal", or use CTRL-ALT-t. If you prefer to open a remote terminal session use SSH. Ubuntu does not come with a secure shell login by default. To install it, use the following command:
    sudo apt-get install openssh-serverYou cannot login as root unless you set a root password using the "sudo passwd root" command. However, you can get root user access using the "sudo" command, which requires only to re-enter the password of your personal account. Access to "sudo" is controlled by the /etc/sudoers file.
    The best way to establish a remote command line session as root is to login with your personal account, e.g.: ssh [email protected], and then type "sudo su -" to become root, or use "sudo <command>" to execute individual commands. If your account does not have "sudo" access you can login as root using "su - root", but will need to know the root password.
    h2. 3) Install Additional Software
    Oracle 11g Express Edition requires additional software that is not installed by default:
    sudo apt-get install alien libaio1 unixodbch2. 4) Managing Swap Space
    Oracle demands that the minimum swap space for Oracle Database XE is 2 GB (2095100 KB) or twice the size of RAM, whichever is lesser. Enter the following shell command to verify your swap space:
    cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i swap
    SwapCached:            0 kB
    SwapTotal:       2095100 kB
    SwapFree:        2095100 kBYou can increase available swap space by using a swap file as long as disk space permits. The advantage of a swap file versus a swap partition is flexible space management because you can add or delete swap space on demand as necessary. The following will create and enable an additional 1 GB swap file at system startup, located in the /home directory:
    Login as root:
    sudo su -Enter the following commands:
    dd if=/dev/zero of=/home/swapfile bs=1024 count=1048576
    mkswap /home/swapfile
    swapon /home/swapfile
    swapon -aCreate a backup of the original "fstab" file and add the new swap file:
    cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.backup_`date +%N`
    echo '/home/swapfile swap swap defaults 0 0' >> /etc/fstabExit from root and verify the new swap space:
    swapon -s
    Filename                    Type          Size     Used     Priority
    /dev/sda5                               partition     2095100     0     -1
    /home/swapfile                          file          1048572     0     -2Swap space is not a substitute for installed RAM. Swap space is a safeguard that allows the system to move idle processes to disk before the OOM killer will begin to terminate processes in order to free up enough real memory to keep the system operational. The general rule for sizing the swap space depends on the size of installed RAM. If your system has less then 4 GB of RAM the swap space should usually be at least twice this size. If you have more than 8 GB of RAM installed you may consider to use an equal size as swap space. The more RAM you have installed, the less likely you are going to run into memory starvation, and the less likely you are going to need swap space, unless you have a bad process.
    h2. 5) Modify Kernel Parameters
    Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition requires the following Kernel parameters. Enter the commands exactly as shown:
    Login as root:
    sudo su -Cut & paste the following directly into a command shell (not a text editor):
    cat > /etc/sysctl.d/60-oracle.conf <<-EOF
    # Oracle 11g XE kernel parameters
    net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range=9000 65500
    kernel.sem=250 32000 100 128
    # kernel.shmmax=429496729
    EOFLoad and verify the new kernel parameters:
    service procps start
    sudo sysctl -q fs.file-max
    sudo sysctl -q kernel.shmmax
    sudo sysctl -q net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range
    sudo sysctl -q kernel.sem The SHMMAX kernel parameter defines the upper memory limit of a process. It is a safeguard to stop a bad process from using all memory and causing RAM starvation. The Linux default is 32 MB. The official Oracle XE installation documentation suggests a value of 4 GB -1 bytes (429496729). Since Oracle 11g XE has a 1 GB memory limit, a smaller footprint will be a better safeguard for the complete system. Setting the SHMMAX parameter to 107374183 will be sufficient.
    h2. 6) Oracle Home Directory
    At the time of this writing, Enterprise Linux 6 is not supported for Oracle database yet. It is therefore not possible to confirm Oracle ext4 filesystem compatibility, which is default in Ubuntu 11. According to various information, ext4 may cause a performance problem for Oracle 11g database. The following will show you how to add a ext3 partition to your existing setup.
    h3. 6.a) Resize the Root Partition
    Provided you have sufficient free disk space, you should be able to resize the root partition to create an extra ext3 filesystem. Considering the 11 GB user datafile limit of the Express Edition, 18 GB should be more than enough.
    You can use the free Gparted Live CD to shrink your startup volume. Gparted downloads are available at When burning the CD, pay attention to burn the raw .iso image and not the possibly "mounted" image. If you are using a virtual machine like Oracle Virtualbox, you can mount the .iso image directly. There are going to be a few prompts when the system starts from the CD, but you can press Return to accept the defaults.
    When the Gparted window appears:
    - Select your ext4 root partition, usually /dev/sda1
    - Select the "Resize/Move" button from the toolbar.
    - Enter 18000 into the "Free space following" field and press the Return key.
      Be careful not not change the start of the partition!
    - Click the "Resize/Move" of the dialog and then then the "Apply" toolbar button.
      The process may take several minutes - do not abandon it!
    - Select the new unallocated free space of ~ 18 GB and push the "New" button.
    - Set the file system to "ext3" and label it "oraclexe" and click the "Add" button.
      Be sure to label it oraclexe, otherwise the follow-up instructions will fail.
    - Finally select "Apply from the toolbar to apply the changes.
    - Quit "Gparted", select "Exit" from the desktop and choose "Reboot" to restart the system.
    After the system has restarted, open a terminal command shell.
    Login as root:
    sudo su -
    Backup "fstab" and add the UUID of the partition. The "tr" command remove the quotes:
    cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_`date +%N`
    uuid=`blkid | grep oraclexe | awk '{print $3}'`
    uuid=`echo $uuid | tr -d '\042'`
    echo $uuid
    echo "$uuid  /u01  ext3  errors=remount-ro 0 1" >> /etc/fstab
    The UUID is a unique number and should look similar to:
    Restart the system:
    Verify the success:
    df -h /u01
    h3. 6.b) Setup External Storage
    If you prefer to setup an external drive to install Oracle XE, beware that it can be a fatal mistake to make an entry in /etc/fstab to automount your external storage device.  An unavailable device in /etc/fstab will prevent a system startup and prompt for appropriate actions at the console.
    The following is an example of how to prepare an external storage device to be used for Oracle 11g, including a script to automatically mount an external drive at system startup without the disadvantages of /etc/fstab. The script will also take into consideration that a device name might shift if you attach additional devices.
    To find out which USB devices are connected:
    sudo parted -l
    Look for the device that matches your USB storage. For example: /dev/sdb1
    Model: USB 2.0 Flash Disk (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 2064MB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name     Flags
    1      20.5kB  1929MB  1929MB  hfs+         mystick
    Initialize the device using ext3 filesystem - this will erase all data. The "-c" option will check for bad blocks (read-only), "-L" is the volume label:
    sudo umount /dev/sdb1
    sudo mkfs.ext3 -c -L oraclexe /dev/sdb1
    Install the pmount distribution package:
    sudo apt-get install pmount
    Login as root:
    sudo su -
    Cut & paste the following into the command prompt (not a text editor):
    cat > /etc/init.d/oracle-mount <<-EOF
    #! /bin/sh
    # /etc/init.d/oracle-mount
    uuid2dev() {
       VOL_DEVICE="\`blkid | grep \$VOL_UUID | awk '{print \$1}'\`"
       VOL_DEVICE="\`echo \$VOL_DEVICE | tr -d ':'\`"
       echo \$VOL_DEVICE
    case "\$1" in
        echo "Starting script /etc/init.d/oracle-mount"
        \$mount \$VOL_DEVICE \$VOL_LABEL
        if [ -d /media/\$VOL_LABEL ]; then
           echo "Mount \$VOL_DEVICE success"
           ln -sf /media/\$VOL_LABEL \$VOL_SYMLINK
           echo "Error mouting \$VOL_DEVICE"
        echo "Stopping script /etc/init.d/oracle-mount"
        /bin/umount \$VOL_DEVICE 2>/dev/null
        if [ "\`/usr/bin/pmount | /bin/grep \$VOL_DEVICE\`" ]; then
           echo "Error unmounting \$VOL_DEVICE"
           rm -f \$VOL_SYMLINK
        echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/oracle-u01 {start|stop}"
        exit 1
    # Provides:          oracle-mount
    # Required-Start:    \$remote_fs \$syslog
    # Required-Stop:     \$remote_fs \$syslog
    # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
    # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
    # Short-Description: Start daemon at boot time
    # Description:       Mount hotplug-usb drive and create symlink
    Install the oracle-mount init script:
    chmod 755 /etc/init.d/oracle-mount
    update-rc.d oracle-mount defaults 01 99
    Get the UUID of the volume "oraclexe" and update the VOL_UUID in the init script accordingly:
    uuid=`blkid | grep oraclexe | awk '{print $3}'`
    echo $uuid
    sed -i "s/^VOL_UUID=.*/VOL_$uuid/g" /etc/init.d/oracle-mount
    The UUID of your device will be a unique number, but should be similar to:
    Logout of root and test the init script:
    sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-mount stop
    ls /u01
    sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-mount start
    ls /u01
    Your output should look like:
    Stopping script /etc/init.d/oracle-mount
    ls: cannot access /u01: No such file or directory
    Starting script /etc/init.d/oracle-mount
    Mount /dev/sdb1 success
    h2. 7) ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET
    Oracle 11gR2 XE under Ubuntu 11.10 will result in "ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not support on this system" either at Oracle database startup or during the initial installation. Ubuntu 11.10 uses a new version of the "systemd" system and session manager and has migrated away from /dev/shm and other common directories in favor of /run.
    There are several ways how to address the problem. You can either enable /dev/shm shared memory, or change the default memory management of Oracle 11g from AMM (Automatic Memory Management) to ASMM (Automatic Shared Memory Management) as it was in used the previous 10g version. Since AMM is one of the new features of 11g, the following will show you how to make to make AMM work.
    Login as root:
    sudo su -
    Cut & paste the following into the command prompt (not a text editor):
    cat > /etc/init.d/oracle-shm <<-EOF
    #! /bin/sh
    # /etc/init.d/oracle-shm
    case "\$1" in
        echo "Starting script /etc/init.d/oracle-shm"
        # Run only once at system startup
        if [ -e /dev/shm/.oracle-shm ]; then
          echo "/dev/shm is already mounted, nothing to do"
          rm -f /dev/shm
          mkdir /dev/shm
          mount -B /run/shm /dev/shm
          touch /dev/shm/.oracle-shm
        echo "Stopping script /etc/init.d/oracle-shm"
        echo "Nothing to do"
        echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/oracle-shm {start|stop}"
        exit 1
    # Provides:          oracle-shm
    # Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
    # Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
    # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
    # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
    # Short-Description: Bind /run/shm to /dev/shm at system startup.
    # Description:       Fix to allow Oracle 11g use AMM.
    Install the oracle-shm init script:
    chmod 755 /etc/init.d/oracle-shm
    update-rc.d oracle-shm defaults 01 99
    Restart the system:
    Verify the success:
    sudo cat /etc/mtab | grep shm
    none /run/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev 0 0
    /run/shm /dev/shm none rw,bind 0 0
    The upper limit of shared memory under Linux is set to 50 % of the installed RAM by default. If your system has less than 2 GB of RAM installed, there is still a chance to run into ORA-00845 error if your shared memory is used by other software.
    The verify available shared memory, type the following commands:
    sudo df -h /run/shm
    h2. 8) Installing Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition
    The final release version of Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition can be downloaded for free at The software should automatically downloaded into the "Downloads" folder of your home directory.
    Enter the following commands to unpack the installer:
    cd ~/Downloads
    The Debian Linux based package management of Ubuntu is not compatible with the Red Hat package manager. The Oracle installer needs to be converted using the following commands:
    cd ~/Downloads/Disk1
    sudo alien --to-deb --scripts oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm
    (This may take a few minutes)
    rm oracle-xe-11.2.0-1.0.x86_64.rpm
    The following needs to be set for compatibility:
    sudo ln -s /usr/bin/awk /bin/awk
    sudo mkdir /var/lock/subsys
    Ubuntu uses different tools to manage services and system startup scripts. The "chkconfig" tool required by the Oracle installer is not available in Ubuntu. The following will create a file to simulate the "chkconfig" tool.
    Login as root:
    sudo su -
    Copy & paste the following *directly* into the command prompt to create a file:
    cat > /sbin/chkconfig <<-EOF
    # Oracle 11gR2 XE installer chkconfig hack for Debian based Linux (by dude)
    # Only run once.
    echo "Simulating /sbin/chkconfig..."
    if [[ ! \`tail -n1 /etc/init.d/oracle-xe | grep INIT\` ]]; then
    cat >> /etc/init.d/oracle-xe <<-EOM
    # Provides:                  OracleXE
    # Required-Start:        \\\$remote_fs \\\$syslog
    # Required-Stop:        \\\$remote_fs \\\$syslog
    # Default-Start:            2 3 4 5
    # Default-Stop:            0 1 6
    # Short-Description:   Oracle 11g Express Edition
    update-rc.d oracle-xe defaults 80 01
    Exit root:
    Set execute privileges:
    sudo chmod 755 /sbin/chkconfig
    Install Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition entering the following commands:
    cd ~/Downloads/Disk1
    sudo dpkg --install ./oracle-xe_11.2.0-2_amd64.deb
    (This may take a couple of minutes)
    Run the configuration script to create (clone) the database and follow the screen. Accept the default answers, including "y" to startup the database automatically, or modify as required.
    sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
    (This can take a few minutes - the installation completed successfully.)
    To verify success, the procedure should end showing:
    Starting Oracle Net Listener...Done
    Configuring database...Done
    Starting Oracle Database 11g Express Edition instance...Done
    Installation completed successfully.
    Set a password for the Oracle account:
    sudo passwd oracle
    h2. 9) Post-Installation
    In order to use sqlplus and other tools, the Oracle account requires specific environment variables. The following will set these variables automatically at every Oracle login:
    Login as the Oracle user:
    su - oracle
    Copy the default account skeleton files and add the Oracle env script to .profile:
    cp /etc/skel/.bash_logout ./
    cp /etc/skel/.bashrc ./
    cp /etc/skel/.profile ./
    echo "" >>./.profile
    echo '. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/' >>./.profile
    By default, the Oracle Database XE graphical user interface is only available at the local server, but not remotely. The following will enable remote logins:
    Login as the Oracle user:
    su - oracle
    Login as SYSDBA and execute the following:
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    See for more information.
    h3. a) Unity desktop configurations
    The Oracle XE menu under the previous Gnome Classic desktop shows several useful scripts to backup the database, start and stop the database, etc. Under the Unity based desktop this menu is not available. You can either switch to the Gnome Classic desktop as outlined in chapter 2, or perform the following steps to modify and copy the scripts as outlined below. The start and stop database scripts will also be modified to perform a progress feedback.
    Login as user root:
    sudo su -
    Convert desktop files:
    cd /usr/share/applications
    sed -i 's/Categories.*/Categories=Database;Office;Development;/g' oraclexe*
    sed -i 's/MultipleArgs/X-MultipleArgs/g' oraclexe*
    sed -i 's/MimeType.*/MimeType=application\/x-database/g' oraclexe*
    sed -i 's/.png//g' oraclexe*
    sed -i 's/Terminal=false/Terminal=true/g' oraclexe-startdb.desktop
    sed -i 's/Terminal=false/Terminal=true/g' oraclexe-stopdb.desktop
    Exit root:
    Login as user Oracle:
    su - oracle
    Modify database start and stop scripts:
    cd /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/config/scripts
    cp start.sh_orig
    cp stopdb.sh_orig
    sed -i 's/>.*//g'
    sed -i 's/>.*//g'
    You will need SYSDBA privileges and set Oracle environment variables in order to use your regular user account.
    Login to your regular user account:
    su - dude
    Enter the folowing command:
    sudo usermod -a -G dba dude
    Then update your profile to automatically set the necessary Oracle environment variables:
    echo "" >>./.profile
    echo '. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/' >>./.profile
    Update your Desktop folder to contain useful Oracle XE scripts:
    cp /usr/share/applications/oraclexe* ~/Desktop
    chmod 750 ~/Desktop/oraclexe*
    To verify success re-login and try "sqlplus":
    su - oracle
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    h2. 10) Tips and Troubleshooting
    h3. 10. a) Port 1521 appears to be in use by another application
    Error: Port 1521 appears to be in use by another application. Specify a different port.This error happens after a previously unsuccessful configuration attempt using /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure script. The script was able to start the Listener process, but most likely failed to continue  to clone the database, e.g. ORA-00845. The following should correct the problem:
    Determine the oracle listener process that is already running:
    $ ps -ef | grep oracle
    Your output should be similar to:
    oracle   19789     1  0 19:46 ?        00:00:00 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/xe/bin/tnslsnr
    Then kill the process, using the appropriate process id, for instance:
    $ sudo kill -9 19789
    h3. 10.b) cannot touch `/var/lock/subsys/listener': No such file or directory
    Starting Oracle Net Listener...touch: cannot touch `/var/lock/subsys/listener': No such file or directoryThis error occurs when you run /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure, but failed the preinstallation step to create the /var//lock/subsys directory as outlined in chapter 8.
    h3. 10.c) ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET
    ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system See chapter 7 to enable /dev/shm and verify free space available in /run/shm
    h3. 10.d) Apex ADMIN password
    According to the Oracle documentation, the password for the INTERNAL and ADMIN Oracle Application Express user accounts is initially the same as the SYS and SYSTEM administrative user accounts. Well, I tried several times without success. To reset the Apex Admin password:
    Login as user oracle:
    su - oracle
    Login as SYSDBA and type the following:
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    At the SQL prompt, type the following to be prompted to change the password:
    SQL> @?/apex/apxxepwd.sql
    When done, open your browser and go to
    Workspace: Internal
    Username: ADMIN
    Password: password you set with apxxepwd.sql
    I will prompt you to reset the password:
    old password: password you set with apxxepwd.sql
    new password: final_password
    You can also login as the Apex Admin using
    h3. 10.e) SYS and SYSTEM password
    Use the following commands to reset the SYS and SYSTEM passwords if necessary:
    Login as the Oracle user:
    su - oracle
    Login as SYSDBA and type the following at the SQL prompt:
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> alter user sys identified by "password" account unlock;
    SQL> alter user system identified by "password" account unlock;
    SQL> exit
    h3. 10.f) Uninstall Oracle 11g XE
    The following will completely uninstall and remove Oracle 11g XE:
    Open a terminal seesion and login as user root:
    sudo su -
    Enter the following:
    /etc/init.d/oracle-xe stop
    dpkg --purge oracle-xe
    rm -r /u01/app
    rm /etc/default/oracle-xe
    update-rc.d -f oracle-xe remove
    update-rc.d -f oracle-mount remove
    update-rc.d -f oracle-shm remove
    h3. 10.g) Reconfigure Oracle 11g XE
    Type the following commands in a terminal window:
    sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe stop
    sudo rm /etc/default/oracle-xe
    sudo /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure
    h3. 10.h) Gnome Classic desktop
    Ubuntu 11 moved from the Gnome Classic desktop to Unity and removed the "Ubuntu Classic" login option. Unity was designed to make more efficient use of space given a limited screen size and touch screens. If you prefer to use the Gnome Classic desktop, enter the following into a terminal window:
    sudo apt-get install gnome-panel
    To log into the Gnome Classic desktop, select the "Gearwheel" at the login screen and select "Gnome Classic".
    h3. 10.i) Unix vi cursor keys
    The instructions in this tutorial do not require the use of any text editor. However, if you would like use the backspace and cursor keys in the "vi-editor", the following needs to be installed:
    sudo apt-get install vim
    h3. 10.j) Backup Database
    In order to perform an online database backup using the supplied "Backup Database" script, the database needs to run in Archive-Log mode. This can be setup using the following commands:
    Login as the Oracle user:
    su - oracle
    Login as SYSDBA and type the following:
    sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> shutdown immediate
    SQL> startup mount
    SQL> alter database archivelog;
    SQL> alter database open;
    SQL> exit
    h2. 11) History
    Version: A, 24-Oct-2011
    - first release
    Version: B, 25-Oct-2011
    - reduced instructions.
    - corrected errors in 6a and 8.
    - new strategy addressing ORA-00845 error.
    - rework of chapter 10.
    Version: C, 30-Nov-2011
    - corrected typo in 6a
    - new procedures in 9a.
    - added progress feedback to database scripts.
    Version D, 14-Jan-2012
    - corrected presentation errors.
    - reorganized instructions.
    h3. 12) References
    Kind regards and best of luck!

    Excellent Blog. Thank You
    Small clarification on Step **6) Oracle Home Directory, ...a) Resize the Root Partition**
    Ubuntu 11.10 has Gparted available as a Ubuntu software download, DONT use that while trying the above step, instead download the ISO file from gparted-live-0.12.0-5.iso (124.6 MB)
    Burn that ISO file on a Blank DVD, reboot the Ubuntu , during startup select Boot from DVD Option if not already selected. this will take to Boot Menu Options of Gparted Live then select the first menu option, and this allows to do further action such as Re-sizing .
    and once you have chosen and executed step a) . do NOT run step b) also that is "Setup External Storage"
    I hope this minor clarification can avoid some confusion
    Madhusudhan Rao
    Edited by: MadhusudhanRao on Mar 24, 2012 11:30 PM

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    Close ... before going for a specific Cisco app ... lets find out some details:
    Host we need more details:
    What is your server environment (Windows Server, or Mac OS X Server, or Linux)?
    What security is implemented in your environment - as what is restricted (RDP for all or specifc credentials on all machines? Are you part of local admin group to the server you wish to connect)?
    Does your environment Support CISCO IPSec connection? If so use Settings> VPN and IPSec tab to enter VPN details, if not then go with above suggestion. IF your restricted to RSA then either built in VPN settings or 3rd party app for RSA would suffice.
    Finally, there are many RDP applications out there I use "Mocha RDP Light" (free minimal ads when launched not when connecting).

  • Keyboard-lock of swing program on Linux box

    We are developing swing program on Linux, and we often meet keyboard-lock issues.
    I try to simplify some of them to small programs, and still meet keyboard-lock.
    Here I post two programs to show the error:
    //---first ----------------------------------------------
    package test;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class KeyLock extends JFrame {
      JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();
      JPanel wizardToolPan = new JPanel();
      JButton btnBack = new JButton("Back");
      JButton btnNext = new JButton("Next");
      JButton btnAbout = new JButton("About");
      public static final String aboutMsg =
              "<html>  This program will help to find keyboard lock problems, two way to reproduce:<br><br>" +
              "1 - press Alt+N to navigate next, and don't release keys untill there are no more next page, <br>" +
              "then try Alt+B to navigate back and also don't release keys untill page 0,<br>" +
              "repeat Alt+N and Alt+B again and again, keyboard will be locked during navigating. <br><br>" +
              "2 - press Alt+A in main window, it will popup an about dialog,<br>" +
              "then press down space key and don't release, <br>" +
              "the about dialog will be closed and opened again and again,<br>" +
              "keyboard will be locked sooner or later." +
      public KeyLock() {
        this.setTitle("Keyboard lock test");
        getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        btnBack.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        btnNext.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        btnAbout.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(KeyLock.this, aboutMsg, "About", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
        contentPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        contentPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 250));
        contentPanel.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(400, 250));
        wizardToolPan.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
        this.getContentPane().add(contentPanel, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
        this.getContentPane().add(wizardToolPan, java.awt.BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        this.setSize(400, 300);
      private Vector<JPanel> slides = new Vector<JPanel>();
      private int current = 0;
      private void createContentPanels() {
        for (int j = 0; j < 20; ++j) {
          JPanel p = new JPanel(new FlowLayout());
          p.add(new JLabel("Page: " + j));
          p.add(new JTextField("Page: " + j + ", input something here", 20));
          p.add(new JTextField("Page: " + j + ", input something here", 20));
          p.add(new JTextField("Page: " + j + ", input something here", 20));
          p.add(new JLabel("Input something in password box:"));
          p.add(new JPasswordField(20));
          p.add(new JCheckBox("Try click here, focus will be here."));
          p.add(new JRadioButton("Try click here, focus will be here."));
      public void showCurrent() {
        if (current < 0 || current >= slides.size())
        JPanel p = slides.get(current);
        this.contentPanel.add(p, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
        Component[] comps = p.getComponents();
        if (comps.length > 0) {
          comps[0].requestFocus(); // try delete this line
      public void goNext(ActionEvent e) {
        if (current + 1 >= slides.size())
      public void goBack(ActionEvent e) {
        if (current <= 0)
      public static void sleep(int millis) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        KeyLock wizard = new KeyLock();
    }The first program will lead to keyboard-lock in RHEL 4 and red flag 5, both J2SE 5 and 6.
    //---second -----------------------------------------
    package test;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class KeyFocusLost extends JFrame {
      private JButton btnPopup = new JButton();
      private JTextField jTextField1 = new JTextField();
      private JPasswordField jPasswordField1 = new JPasswordField();
      private JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel();
      private JScrollPane jScrollPane3 = new JScrollPane();
      private JTree jTree1 = new JTree();
      private JButton btnAbout = new JButton("About");
      public static final String aboutMsg =
              "<html>  This program is used to find keyboard focus lost problem.<br>" +
              "Click 'popup' button in main window, or select any node in the tree and press F6,<br>" +
              "a dialog popup, and click ok button in the dialog,<br>" +
              "keyboard focus will lost in main window." +
      public KeyFocusLost() {
        this.setTitle("Keyboard focus test");
        btnPopup.setBounds(new Rectangle(33, 482, 200, 35));
        btnPopup.setText("Popup and lost focus");
        btnPopup.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            PopupDialog dlg = new PopupDialog(KeyFocusLost.this);
        btnAbout.setBounds(new Rectangle(250, 482, 100, 35));
        btnAbout.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(KeyFocusLost.this, aboutMsg, "About", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
        jTextField1.setText("Try input here, and try input in password box below");
        jTextField1.setBounds(new Rectangle(14, 44, 319, 29));
        jPasswordField1.setBounds(new Rectangle(14, 96, 319, 29));
        jPanel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(14, 158, 287, 291));
        jPanel1.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        jPanel1.add(new JLabel("Select any node in the tree and press F6."), java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
        jPanel1.add(jScrollPane3, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
        Object actionKey = "popup";
        jTree1.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F6, 0), actionKey);
        jTree1.getActionMap().put(actionKey, new AbstractAction() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            PopupDialog dlg = new PopupDialog(KeyFocusLost.this);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        KeyFocusLost keytest = new KeyFocusLost();
        keytest.setSize(400, 600);
      static class PopupDialog extends JDialog {
        private JButton btnOk = new JButton();
        public PopupDialog(Frame owner) {
          super(owner, "popup dialog", true);
          btnOk.setBounds(new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 25));
          btnOk.setText("OK, then focus lost");
          btnOk.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
              try {
                Thread.sleep(100); // try delete this line !!!
              } catch (Exception ex) {
          this.setSize(400, 300);
    }The second program will lead to keyboard-focus-lost in RHEL 3/4 and red flag 4/5, J2SE 5, not in J2SE 6.
    And I also tried java demo program "SwingSet2" in red flag 5, met keyboard-lock too.
    I guess it should be some kind of incompatibleness of J2SE with some Linux platform. Isn't it?
    Please help, thanks.

    I have same problems on Ubuntu with Java 6 (all versions). I would like to use NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA but it is not possible due to keyboard locks.
    I posted this bug
    before I found some info about it:
    I don't know from which part this bug comes, but I wonder why it isn't fixed yet. Does anybody else use NetBeans or IntelliJ IDEA on linux with Java 6 ?
    (I cannot insert link :\ )

  • How to Install Oracle 11g on Linux for Power?

    I've installed RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.4 on IBM PowerPC server.
    Now I want to install Oracle 11g on it. But there are no Oracle 11g downloads for Linux for Power.
    Is there any workaround so Oracle 11g can be installed on Linux on Power?

    I think you can forget it. Oracle 10g R2 was the last version supported on Linux PowerPC.
    OCP 9i

  • Which is better for newbies?

    Which is better for newbies, Jgrasp or Netbeans? I need something that explains errors more thoroughly than Jgrasp.

    Here's my code with 3 errors. Now bear in mind that my program has compiled completely and ran correctly up to this method. All I'm trying to do with this method is get the average of all grades in a multi-array. I researched and found some code that was similar to what I needed to do but it's not working out yet. All other methods in my program work perfectly but I can't get this one to compile.
    public double getMean(int allGrades[][])
              int total = 0;
              for (int grade : allGrades)
              total += grade;
         System.out.println("Total is "+getMean(grades));     
              return total/allGrades.length;
    } // end class illegal start of type
              return total/allGrades.length;
              ^ <identifier> expected
              return total/allGrades.length;
              ^ <identifier> expected
              return total/allGrades.length;
    3 errors

  • How to compile and run PRO*C programs in Linux

    Hi all,
    This is my first post in this forum.
    I have Oracle 9i installed in linux platform .
    How can i compile and run Pro*C programs in linux.(i mean any commands or procedure to run these programs)
    please help me in this regard.
    Thanks in advance,
    Trinath Somanchi,
    Hyderabad .

    (1) How to compile the Pro*c program U got to have a makefile to compile a Pro*c program. It helps u in compiling and creating an excutable. Once U have created a makefile , just call "make" and it will do the compilation and create the executable as well.
    For a sample makefile visit
    (2) How to run the Pro*c program ? and Once U have created an executable, U shall call that directly as any other linux command. Make sure U have the permissions to run the executable. If not give the permissions using chmod 777 executable
    (3)How to get the output of the program ?Question 2 and 3 are the same. I mean running and getting a output are the same

  • Security Exception from Java stand-alone program on Linux

    Hi All,
    I am getting the following exception while running a Java stand-alone program on Linux.
    The stand-alone program internally calls the JCE (Java Cryptography Extension) library for Encryption of data.
    Does anybody have the solution for this error?
    Is there any Security policy modification to be made for the same?
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.a(Unknown Source)
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance(Unknown Source)
    at lncrypt.LnCryptBase.encryptImpl(
    at lncrypt.LnAes.encrypt(
    at CloakingUtils.encrypt(
    at AlertsMigrationSweepUtil.updateAlerts(
    at AlertsMigrationSweepUtil.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Cannot set up certs for trusted CAs
    at javax.crypto.e.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
    ... 7 more
    Caused by: java.lang.SecurityException: Jurisdiction policy files are not signed by trusted signers!
    at javax.crypto.e.a(Unknown Source)
    at javax.crypto.e.a(Unknown Source)
    at javax.crypto.e.g(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Method)
    ... 8 more
    Vilas Kulkarni

    No security modification is normally required. I can't be sure but it looks to me like the jar file containing the package javax.crypto.e has not been signed by Sun. If you are writing your own provider then you would do well to look at reply #7 of .

  • Is there a way to use Labview for Linux for IBM AIX 5.1.

    I think any application built for linux can run on the AIX 5.1 if the application is recompiled on the AIX 5.1. So theoretically NI can just recompile there Linux version of Labview on the AIX 5.1 and it will work. Is there a possibility that NI will port Labview for AIX 5.1.

    I think that the use of LabVIEW for linux is platform independent as far as hardware. I believe that as long as you are running a compatible GUI (I believe XWindows and KPT??? are two that are recommended - check for more information. So, for your purposes, as long as you can install the proper GUI, and then LabVIEW for Linux, you can then run, code, compile, and deploy applications on the AIX 5.1.
    I am personally VERY interested in knowing about your success (or failure, should that unlikelyhood occur) on Linux. If you browse the topics, there is actually one on non-windows useage of LabVIEW. I am currently setting up my first Linux machine at my home office, and am very curious to know how other people do with this 'adventure into unc
    harted territory'. The only documented useage I have seen is in Gary Johnson's newest edition of Power Programming.
    Good luck, and please keep us posted. I sense that I am the only LabVIEW for Linux fan besides yourself. But please feel free to post to this thread, and to the topic.

  • Wie kann ich einbinden ".so"datei mit labview program unter linux,,details

    wie kann ich einbinden ein ".so"dateivon ein C program,,mit Labview in meine program,unter linux läuft labview,,und die möglichkeit das ich configurieren die Calllibrary function node,,,details bitte

    Hello Ing_Samergalal
    If i understand you correctly, you are looking for more informations about "using external code in LabView".
    There is a large PDF document about this issue available at this Link:
    and some additional Links about this toppic:
    In general informations such as tutorials and exampels on this toppic may be found in the NI Developer Zone:

  • Run java program on linux

    Hi All
    I'm beginner with linux
    I have java program and I can run it in windows7 with bat file
    jre1.6.0_04\bin\java -classpath "..\classes"  database_com.Main_Class 7778
    pauseI want to run this program in linux but I can't
    I try run this program with bat file :
    /java-1.5.0-gcj-4.3- -classpath "../classes"  database_com.Main_Class 7778
    pauseplease help me

    Ora-dbaabode wrote:
    I want to run this program in linux but I can'tImagine you have a splitting headache and decide to go to the doctor. You come into his (or her) office and say, Doc, I'm not feeling to well. The doctor replies and asks, well, what seems to be the problem? You reply: "well, I just don't feel too good". See where I'm getting at (hint: missing details!).
    As for your JDK, I highly, no, I very highly recommend you get rid of GCJ and install Sun's JDK. This may very well be the source of your problems. GCJ is a pain in the @ss!

  • Quit when I open Aperture!!!! Updated with the new version downloaded from Appstore. The previous version worked fine. I have not time to open the library - the program closes. For 1-2 seconds I see the old look of your library.

    To my non-arrival notification oo update.
    Updated with the new version downloaded from Appstore.
    The previous version worked fine.
    I have not time to open the library - the program closes. For 1-2 seconds I see the old look of your library.
    Process:         Aperture [831] 
    Path:            /Applications/
    Version:         3.4.4 (3.4.4)
    Build Info:      Aperture-320085000000000~4
    App Item ID:     408981426
    App External ID: 14995585
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [134]
    User ID:         501
    Date/Time:       2013-05-13 08:39:42.877 +0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.3 (12D78)
    Report Version:  10
    Interval Since Last Report:          25451 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           15
    Per-App Interval Since Last Report:  275 sec
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   15
    Anonymous UUID:                      0480FD60-05CB-BDA2-9EC7-9186A9908C06
    Crashed Thread:  12
    Exception Type:  EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSRangeException', reason: '*** -[__NSCFString substringToIndex:]: Range or index out of bounds'
    terminate called throwing an exception
    abort() called
    Application Specific Backtrace 1:
    0   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9566cb06 __exceptionPreprocess + 198
    1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00007fff8b2b93f0 objc_exception_throw + 43
    2   CoreFoundation                      0x00007fff9566c8dc +[NSException raise:format:] + 204
    3   Foundation                          0x00007fff935b8ee9 -[NSString substringToIndex:] + 97
    4   RedRock                             0x000000010b7aa994 +[RKFileNamingPolicy fileSafeName:] + 221
    5   RedRock                             0x000000010b955958 -[RKVersion(Imaging) proxyWritePath:] + 141
    6   RedRock                             0x000000010b955edf -[RKVersion(Imaging) absoluteProxyWritePath:] + 28
    7   RedRock                             0x000000010b949b97 -[JPEGFileCacheStore filePathForVersion:key:withWrite:] + 51
    8   RedRock                             0x000000010ba1dd64 -[IPMiniJPEGFileCacheStore newCachePageLookupForRequest:] + 428
    9   ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf9114e -[XTCachePersistentPolicy newCachePageOnLookupForRequest:] + 136
    10  ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf884e1 -[XTCacheEvictionPolicy newCachePageLookupForRequest:] + 23
    11  ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf8e32a -[XTCacheStore newObjectLookupInEvictionPolicyForRequest:] + 44
    12  ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf8e524 -[XTCacheStore newObjectLookupRequest:rootStore:] + 39
    13  ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf8f28e -[XTCacheStore newObjectForRequest:] + 65
    14  Geode                               0x000000010cd2cfc0 -[DGTier2Factory readRequest:intoPageRef:] + 482
    15  Geode                               0x000000010cd2d604 -[DGTier2Factory cache:cacheStore:onFulfillRequest:intoPageRef:] + 589
    16  ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf88f47 -[XTCacheFactory backgroundFulfillment:] + 532
    17  ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf69736 -[XTDistributor distributeMessage:] + 444
    18  ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf690fa -[XTThread handleMessage:] + 342
    19  ProXTCore                           0x000000010cf67eb3 -[XTThread run:] + 345
    20  Foundation                          0x00007fff935eecd2 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    21  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8c7a97a2 _pthread_start + 327
    22  libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff8c7961e1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 0:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libFontParser.dylib                     0x00007fff8f00ff4e TTrueTypeFontHandler::TGlyphHeaderData::GetHead() const + 26
    1   libFontParser.dylib                     0x00007fff8f011aa3 TTrueTypeFontHandler::GetBounds(unsigned short, double&, double&, double&, double&, bool) const + 107
    2   libFontParser.dylib                     0x00007fff8f012408 FPFontGetGlyphIdealBounds + 203
    3   libCGXType.A.dylib                      0x00007fff91f2b4ed xt_font_get_glyph_bboxes + 448
    4   libCGXType.A.dylib                      0x00007fff91f2b32b get_glyph_bboxes + 9
    5                  0x00007fff90cf40d5 CGFontGetGlyphBBoxes + 140
    6                  0x00007fff90cf8364 get_char_top + 45
    7                  0x00007fff90cf7fe0 CGFontAutohintTransformCreate + 380
    8                  0x00007fff90d2f6a7 CGFontCreateGlyphBitmap32 + 339
    9                  0x00007fff90cf76f3 CGGlyphLockLockGlyphBitmaps + 1172
    10  libRIP.A.dylib                          0x00007fff90589173 ripc_DrawGlyphs + 1865
    11                  0x00007fff90cb6e48 draw_glyphs + 699
    12                  0x00007fff90cf5a63 CGContextShowGlyphsWithAdvances + 489
    13                      0x00007fff91e6f3ab CTFontDrawGlyphsWithAdvances + 105
    14                        0x00007fff8fa1cbc4 -[NSLineFragmentRenderingContext drawAtPoint:inContext:] + 6402
    15                        0x00007fff8fa0d1eb _NSStringDrawingCore + 3052
    16                        0x00007fff8fa000e7 _NSDrawTextCell + 6244
    17                        0x00007fff8fc60075 _NXDrawTextCell + 56
    18                        0x000000010c2d45ea -[NSProTextFieldCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 1092
    19                        0x000000010c2d4e5b -[NSProTextFieldCell drawWithFrame:inView:] + 371
    20                        0x000000010c2cc264 -[NSProPopUpButtonCell drawTitleWithFrame:inView:] + 708
    21                        0x00007fff8fac6216 -[NSMenuItemCell drawInteriorWithFrame:inView:] + 510
    22                        0x00007fff8fa01806 -[NSControl drawRect:] + 400
    23                        0x00007fff8f9f5094 -[NSView _drawRect:clip:] + 4217
    24                        0x00007fff8f9f36f1 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 1656
    25                        0x00007fff8f9f3b09 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
    26                        0x00007fff8f9f3b09 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
    27                        0x00007fff8f9f3b09 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
    28                        0x00007fff8f9f3b09 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
    29                        0x00007fff8f9f3b09 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayAllDirtyWithLockFocus:visRect:] + 2704
    30                        0x00007fff8f9f1722 -[NSView _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:] + 817
    31                        0x00007fff8fb40fdb -[NSNextStepFrame _recursiveDisplayRectIfNeededIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectFor View:topView:] + 286
    32                        0x00007fff8f9ecd9d -[NSView _displayRectIgnoringOpacity:isVisibleRect:rectIsVisibleRectForView:] + 4675
    33                        0x00007fff8f9b6cc3 -[NSView displayIfNeeded] + 1830
    34                        0x00007fff8fb40e94 -[NSNextStepFrame displayIfNeeded] + 84
    35                        0x00007fff8f9b61fc _handleWindowNeedsDisplayOrLayoutOrUpdateConstraints + 738
    36                        0x00007fff8ff818f1 __83-[NSWindow _postWindowNeedsDisplayOrLayoutOrUpdateConstraintsUnlessPostingDisabled]_block_ invoke_01208 + 46
    37                0x00007fff95633417 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER_CALLBACK_FUNCTION__ + 23
    38                0x00007fff95633381 __CFRunLoopDoObservers + 369
    39                0x00007fff9560e7b8 __CFRunLoopRun + 728
    40                0x00007fff9560e0e2 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 290
    41                     0x00007fff91795eb4 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 209
    42                     0x00007fff91795b94 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 166
    43                     0x00007fff91795ae3 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 62
    44                        0x00007fff8f9b3563 _DPSNextEvent + 685
    45                        0x00007fff8f9b2e22 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 128
    46                      0x000000010b1572f9 0x10acdf000 + 4686585
    47                        0x00007fff8f9aa1d3 -[NSApplication run] + 517
    48                        0x000000010c27f6c5 NSProApplicationMain + 378
    49                      0x000000010acef52e 0x10acdf000 + 66862
    50                      0x000000010aceee54 0x10acdf000 + 65108
    Thread 1:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff98026d16 kevent + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e9dea _dispatch_mgr_invoke + 883
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e99ee _dispatch_mgr_thread + 54
    Thread 2:: Dispatch queue: RKPublishedServiceManager AlbumDelete
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980246c2 semaphore_wait_trap + 10
    1   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923ebc32 _dispatch_thread_semaphore_wait + 16
    2   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923eba92 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow + 188
    3                0x000000010d0bb325 -[HgEntity _dispatch_sync_if_needed_suspend:withBlock:] + 255
    4                0x000000010d0c3b45 -[HgEntity insertIntoRidList:idsForColumn:fromQuery:] + 431
    5                0x000000010d0bfda5 -[HgEntity selectDistinctList:fromQuery:] + 242
    6                0x000000010d0bfee9 -[HgEntity selectDistinctList:where:] + 195
    7                       0x000000010ba636db +[RKVersionGroup groupsContainingVersion:] + 37
    8                       0x000000010ba6390c +[RKVersionGroup removeVersionFromAllGroups:] + 74
    9                       0x000000010b846631 -[RKVersion willBeDeleted] + 35
    10                0x000000010d0cffc0 -[HgModel deleteModel] + 49
    11                       0x000000010b846373 +[RKVersion deleteVersions:deleteMode:] + 1743
    12                       0x000000010b831e2f +[RKMaster deleteMasters:deleteReferencedFiles:deleteImmediately:skip:progressBlock:] + 1882
    13                       0x000000010b832227 +[RKMaster deleteMasters:deleteReferencedFiles:progressBlock:] + 268
    14                       0x000000010b83233b +[RKMaster async_deleteMasters:deleteReferencedFiles:] + 192
    15                      0x000000010afa6523 0x10acdf000 + 2913571
    16  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923eaf01 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
    17  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e70b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    18  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e847f _dispatch_queue_drain + 235
    19  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e82f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
    20  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e81c3 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 249
    21  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd0b _pthread_wqthread + 404
    22  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 3:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff98026faa pread + 10
    1                0x000000010d052ced seekAndRead + 86
    2                0x000000010d052c59 unixRead + 31
    3                0x000000010d06d46b readDbPage + 447
    4                0x000000010d06cb6f sqlite3PagerAcquire + 342
    5                0x000000010d06c9db btreeGetPage + 30
    6                0x000000010d07a3c1 getAndInitPage + 66
    7                0x000000010d07a7d3 moveToChild + 68
    8                0x000000010d0895ea sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked + 698
    9                0x000000010d06758a sqlite3VdbeExec + 26166
    10                0x000000010d060c5a sqlite3_step + 2420
    11                0x000000010d080df9 -[HgKPreparedSql updateWithArgs:] + 230
    12                0x000000010d0b9dc0 __35-[HgEntity executeUpdate:withArgs:]_block_invoke_0 + 36
    13  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923eaf01 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
    14  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e70b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    15  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e847f _dispatch_queue_drain + 235
    16  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e82f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
    17  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e8448 _dispatch_queue_drain + 180
    18  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e82f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
    19  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e81c3 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 249
    20  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd0b _pthread_wqthread + 404
    21  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 4:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff98026faa pread + 10
    1                     0x000000010cfae368 -[XTSegmentFile readData:forIndexEntry:] + 453
    2                     0x000000010cfaf135 -[XTSegmentFile loadData:length:forIdentifier:] + 136
    3                       0x000000010b9015bd __block_global_0 + 306
    4   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923eaf01 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
    5   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e70b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    6   libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e81fa _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 304
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd0b _pthread_wqthread + 404
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 5:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980266d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abf4c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd13 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 6:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff98026faa pread + 10
    1                0x000000010d052ced seekAndRead + 86
    2                0x000000010d052c59 unixRead + 31
    3                0x000000010d06d46b readDbPage + 447
    4                0x000000010d06cb6f sqlite3PagerAcquire + 342
    5                0x000000010d06c9db btreeGetPage + 30
    6                0x000000010d07a3c1 getAndInitPage + 66
    7                0x000000010d07a7d3 moveToChild + 68
    8                0x000000010d0895ea sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked + 698
    9                0x000000010d061621 sqlite3VdbeExec + 1741
    10                0x000000010d060c5a sqlite3_step + 2420
    11                0x000000010d080df9 -[HgKPreparedSql updateWithArgs:] + 230
    12                0x000000010d0b9dc0 __35-[HgEntity executeUpdate:withArgs:]_block_invoke_0 + 36
    13  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923eaf01 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
    14  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e70b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    15  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e847f _dispatch_queue_drain + 235
    16  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e82f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
    17  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e8448 _dispatch_queue_drain + 180
    18  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e82f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
    19  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e81c3 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 249
    20  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd0b _pthread_wqthread + 404
    21  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 7:: Dispatch queue:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff98026faa pread + 10
    1                0x000000010d052ced seekAndRead + 86
    2                0x000000010d052c59 unixRead + 31
    3                0x000000010d06d46b readDbPage + 447
    4                0x000000010d06cb6f sqlite3PagerAcquire + 342
    5                0x000000010d06c9db btreeGetPage + 30
    6                0x000000010d07a3c1 getAndInitPage + 66
    7                0x000000010d07a7d3 moveToChild + 68
    8                0x000000010d0895ea sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked + 698
    9                0x000000010d06758a sqlite3VdbeExec + 26166
    10                0x000000010d060c5a sqlite3_step + 2420
    11                0x000000010d080df9 -[HgKPreparedSql updateWithArgs:] + 230
    12                0x000000010d0b9dc0 __35-[HgEntity executeUpdate:withArgs:]_block_invoke_0 + 36
    13  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923eaf01 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
    14  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e70b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    15  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e847f _dispatch_queue_drain + 235
    16  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e82f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
    17  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e8448 _dispatch_queue_drain + 180
    18  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e82f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
    19  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e81c3 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 249
    20  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd0b _pthread_wqthread + 404
    21  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 8:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980260fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7ae023 _pthread_cond_wait + 927
    2                    0x00007fff93619fe3 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 357
    3                    0x00007fff93619e39 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 235
    4                     0x000000010cf68c5a -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    5                     0x000000010cf67ea3 -[XTThread run:] + 329
    6                    0x00007fff935eecd2 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7a97a2 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961e1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 9:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980260fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7ae023 _pthread_cond_wait + 927
    2                    0x00007fff93619fe3 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 357
    3                    0x00007fff93619e39 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 235
    4                     0x000000010cf68c5a -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    5                     0x000000010cf67ea3 -[XTThread run:] + 329
    6                    0x00007fff935eecd2 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7a97a2 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961e1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 10:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980260fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7ae023 _pthread_cond_wait + 927
    2                    0x00007fff93619fe3 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 357
    3                    0x00007fff93619e39 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 235
    4                     0x000000010cf68c5a -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    5                     0x000000010cf67ea3 -[XTThread run:] + 329
    6                    0x00007fff935eecd2 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7a97a2 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961e1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 11:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980260fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7ae023 _pthread_cond_wait + 927
    2                    0x00007fff93619fe3 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 357
    3                    0x00007fff93619e39 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 235
    4                     0x000000010cf68c5a -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    5                     0x000000010cf67ea3 -[XTThread run:] + 329
    6                    0x00007fff935eecd2 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7a97a2 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961e1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 12 Crashed:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff98026212 __pthread_kill + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7aab54 pthread_kill + 90
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7eedce abort + 143
    3   libc++abi.dylib                         0x00007fff907849eb abort_message + 257
    4   libc++abi.dylib                         0x00007fff9078239a default_terminate() + 28
    5   libobjc.A.dylib                         0x00007fff8b2b9873 _objc_terminate() + 91
    6   libc++abi.dylib                         0x00007fff907823c9 safe_handler_caller(void (*)()) + 8
    7   libc++abi.dylib                         0x00007fff90782424 std::terminate() + 16
    8   libc++abi.dylib                         0x00007fff9078358b __cxa_throw + 111
    9   libobjc.A.dylib                         0x00007fff8b2b950c objc_exception_throw + 327
    10                0x00007fff95700f49 -[NSException raise] + 9
    11                     0x000000010cf693b3 -[XTThread handleMessage:] + 1039
    12                     0x000000010cf67eb3 -[XTThread run:] + 345
    13                    0x00007fff935eecd2 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    14  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7a97a2 _pthread_start + 327
    15  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961e1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 13:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980260fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7ae023 _pthread_cond_wait + 927
    2                    0x00007fff93619fe3 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 357
    3                    0x00007fff93619e39 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 235
    4                     0x000000010cf68c5a -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    5                     0x000000010cf67ea3 -[XTThread run:] + 329
    6                    0x00007fff935eecd2 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7a97a2 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961e1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 14:: Dispatch queue:
    0                0x000000010d06cf90 pcache1Fetch + 22
    1                0x000000010d06cc7d sqlite3PcacheFetch + 193
    2                0x000000010d06ca88 sqlite3PagerAcquire + 111
    3                0x000000010d06c9db btreeGetPage + 30
    4                0x000000010d07a3c1 getAndInitPage + 66
    5                0x000000010d07a7d3 moveToChild + 68
    6                0x000000010d0895ea sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked + 698
    7                0x000000010d07a875 sqlite3VdbeCursorMoveto + 43
    8                0x000000010d0694b5 sqlite3VdbeExec + 34145
    9                0x000000010d060c5a sqlite3_step + 2420
    10                0x000000010d088edb -[HgKResultSet next] + 262
    11                0x000000010d0be43c __36-[HgEntity countOfModelsWhere:args:]_block_invoke_0 + 62
    12  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e70b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    13  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923ed4e3 _dispatch_function_recurse_invoke + 40
    14  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e70b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    15  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e8723 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 39
    16  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923ebad2 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow + 252
    17                0x000000010d0bb325 -[HgEntity _dispatch_sync_if_needed_suspend:withBlock:] + 255
    18                0x000000010d0b1246 -[HgEntity countOfModelsWhere:args:] + 416
    19                0x000000010d0b0ff6 +[HgModel countOfModelsFromDatabase:where:] + 195
    20                       0x000000010b76d1b9 -[RKFolder updateVersionCount] + 256
    21                       0x000000010b846543 +[RKVersion deleteVersions:deleteMode:] + 2207
    22                       0x000000010b831e2f +[RKMaster deleteMasters:deleteReferencedFiles:deleteImmediately:skip:progressBlock:] + 1882
    23                       0x000000010b832227 +[RKMaster deleteMasters:deleteReferencedFiles:progressBlock:] + 268
    24                0x000000010d115d46 __28-[HgDispatchQueue addBlock:]_block_invoke_0 + 19
    25  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923eaf01 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 15
    26  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e70b6 _dispatch_client_callout + 8
    27  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e847f _dispatch_queue_drain + 235
    28  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e82f1 _dispatch_queue_invoke + 52
    29  libdispatch.dylib                       0x00007fff923e81c3 _dispatch_worker_thread2 + 249
    30  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd0b _pthread_wqthread + 404
    31  libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 15:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980260fa __psynch_cvwait + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7ae023 _pthread_cond_wait + 927
    2                    0x00007fff93619fe3 -[NSCondition waitUntilDate:] + 357
    3                    0x00007fff93619e39 -[NSConditionLock lockWhenCondition:beforeDate:] + 235
    4                     0x000000010cf68c5a -[XTMsgQueue waitForMessage] + 47
    5                     0x000000010cf67ea3 -[XTThread run:] + 329
    6                    0x00007fff935eecd2 __NSThread__main__ + 1345
    7   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7a97a2 _pthread_start + 327
    8   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961e1 thread_start + 13
    Thread 16:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980266d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abf4c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd13 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 17:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980266d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abf4c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd13 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 18:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980266d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abf4c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd13 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 19:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980266d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abf4c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd13 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 20:
    0   libsystem_kernel.dylib                  0x00007fff980266d6 __workq_kernreturn + 10
    1   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abf4c _pthread_workq_return + 25
    2   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7abd13 _pthread_wqthread + 412
    3   libsystem_c.dylib                       0x00007fff8c7961d1 start_wqthread + 13
    Thread 12 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
      rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x0000000000000006  rcx: 0x0000000118f12a68  rdx: 0x0000000000000000
      rdi: 0x0000000000009903  rsi: 0x0000000000000006  rbp: 0x0000000118f12a90  rsp: 0x0000000118f12a68
       r8: 0x00007fff7b40f278   r9: 0x000000000000000a  r10: 0x0000000020000000  r11: 0x0000000000000206
      r12: 0x0000000118f12bf0  r13: 0x000000010d000610  r14: 0x0000000118f14000  r15: 0x0000000118f12ad0
      rip: 0x00007fff98026212  rfl: 0x0000000000000206  cr2: 0x00007fff7b408ff0
    Logical CPU: 0
    Binary Images:
           0x10acdf000 -        0x10b43cff7 (3.4.4 - 3.4.4) <7C43FF75-DA6F-3613-AF60-ACAFBB73D673> /Applications/
           0x10b661000 -        0x10b661fff  libgenkit.dylib (1) <4D2704B4-9F86-2EBA-D1A7-3A990FEF9854> /usr/lib/libgenkit.dylib
           0x10b668000 -        0x10b671ff7 (1.0 - 20.12) <9E3EA726-0AE7-3A40-AF03-EA7BDF21C099> /Applications/ ns/A/PhotoFoundation
           0x10b6e7000 -        0x10b6e8ff7  libCyrillicConverter.dylib (61) <D06971D7-9F16-3FE6-81E8-33E0FE4D6586> /System/Library/CoreServices/Encodings/libCyrillicConverter.dylib
           0x10b6ed000 -        0x10bc4bfff (1.9.4 - 321.1) <EAD3BDC5-3A3E-3246-B69F-DB2E39695403> /Applications/ Rock
           0x10bf82000 -        0x10c005ff7 (1.0 - 210.38) <BC05B804-298B-38CD-9647-1CDAD4F714E8> /Applications/ rsions/A/iLifePageLayoutCore
           0x10c067000 -        0x10c06cff7 (3.4 - 2.5) <9D62897F-2817-3C68-8EDF-A52539B11EE7> /Applications/ amework/Versions/A/iLifePhotoStreamConfiguration
           0x10c075000 -        0x10c0a6fff (2.7 - 45.19) <EBF43BAB-B1EF-3A26-8C17-F5A8AD4F1923> /Applications/ ersions/A/iLifeAssetManagement
           0x10c0d7000 -        0x10c0e4fff (1.2 - 1.2) <EA624F78-C441-3514-9A77-362F96B84A94> /Applications/ work/Versions/A/AccountConfigurationPlugin
           0x10c0f6000 -        0x10c199ff7 (13 - 1.0.4) <78787555-A65F-3F23-8473-E9CEBCD14BF3> /Applications/ bileMe
           0x10c215000 -        0x10c222ff7 (1.7.6 - 55) <9C4EFFC0-1CDC-360B-9294-57E710B2912A> /Library/Frameworks/PluginManager.framework/Versions/B/PluginManager
           0x10c236000 -        0x10c247fff (1.2 - 401) <17EFD8F0-87B5-3189-9FDA-4510279D5B35> /Applications/ s/A/AERegistration
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        0x7fff8bfe1000 -     0x7fff8c06eff7 (1.4.0 - 1.4.0) <C7F43889-F8BF-3CB9-AD66-11AEFCBCEDE7> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/SearchK it.framework/Versions/A/SearchKit
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        0x7fff8c1c8000 -     0x7fff8c1d3fff  libsystem_notify.dylib (98.5) <C49275CC-835A-3207-AFBA-8C01374927B6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
        0x7fff8c1d4000 -     0x7fff8c1d6fff  libquarantine.dylib (52) <4BE2E642-A14F-340A-B482-5BD2AEFD9C24> /usr/lib/system/libquarantine.dylib
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        0x7fff8c571000 -     0x7fff8c585fff (4.1.12 - 4.1.12) <94EDF2AB-809C-3D15-BED5-7AD45B2A7C16> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ SpeechSynthesis.framework/Versions/A/SpeechSynthesis
        0x7fff8c586000 -     0x7fff8c6fbfff (596.3.3 - 596.3.3) <3739DC8D-8610-3740-80EC-43E130779CB8> /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/Versions/A/CFNetwork
        0x7fff8c714000 -     0x7fff8c794ff7 (332 - 341.1) <BD83B039-AB25-3E3E-9975-A67DAE66988B> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ATS.framework/Versions/A/ATS
        0x7fff8c795000 -     0x7fff8c861ff7  libsystem_c.dylib (825.26) <4C9EB006-FE1F-3F8F-8074-DFD94CF2CE7B> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
        0x7fff8c862000 -     0x7fff8c862fff (154 - 155) <372716D2-6FA1-3611-8501-3DD1D4A6E8C8> /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Carbon
        0x7fff8c863000 -     0x7fff8cae3ff7 (1.05 - 152.2) <43361229-45F3-3946-A11A-CC0FF2129F06> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AOSKit.framework/Versions/A/AOSKit
        0x7fff8cae4000 -     0x7fff8cba1ff7 (4.8.0 - 4.8.0) <6CE333AE-EDDB-3768-9598-9DB38041DC55> /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/ ColorSync.framework/Versions/A/ColorSync
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        0x7fff8cbad000 -     0x7fff8cbfeff7 (1.12.2 - 1.12.2) <A4341BBD-A330-3A57-8891-E9C1A286A72D> /System/Library/Frameworks/SystemConfiguration.framework/Versions/A/SystemConfi guration
        0x7fff8cc07000 -     0x7fff8cc96fff  libCoreStorage.dylib (296.16) <E5BF76A1-2B3E-3FD8-ABF4-F8D18829BF0A> /usr/lib/libCoreStorage.dylib
        0x7fff8ccc1000 -     0x7fff8d0defff  FaceCoreLight (2.4.1) <A34C9575-C4C1-31B1-809B-7751070B4E8B> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/FaceCoreLight.framework/Versions/A/FaceCoreLi ght
        0x7fff8d0df000 -     0x7fff8d0e0ff7  libdnsinfo.dylib (453.19) <14202FFB-C3CA-3FCC-94B0-14611BF8692D> /usr/lib/system/libdnsinfo.dylib
        0x7fff8d0e1000 -     0x7fff8d26cff7 (8536 - 8536.28.10) <792FA1F3-68F2-36F8-A070-898B3682F5DE> /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/WebKit
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        0x7fff8d32d000 -     0x7fff8d35bfff (154.2 - 154.2) <3E6196E6-F3B4-316F-9E1F-13B6B9694C7E> /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreServicesInternal.framework/Versions/A/Cor eServicesInternal
        0x7fff8d544000 -     0x7fff8d544fff (6.7 - 19) <1F77945C-F37A-3171-B22E-F7AB0FCBB4D4> /System/Library/Frameworks/Cocoa.framework/Versions/A/Cocoa
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    Try this:

  • Program rfbibl01- VATcode for the account is populated wrongly

    Hi All,
    We are using the standard program rfbibl01 to raise the FI document FB01;
    But within the BDC (IN this Program), VAT code for the account is populated wrongly in to the screen;
    When we have no VAT code for the record, it fills the previous records VAT code instead of space
    Appreciate if you have any idea please

    How are you passing the data to the program rfbibl01?  Is it through a Z program and submitting rfbibl01?
    If yes, then in the Z program you might be filling the structure BBKPF and BBSEG.  You have to check if the CLEAR is done in this area.

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