SMB speed problems and NAS devices

I posted this under the Online networking section, but it drew no responses (no one actually read it). So clearly NAS and SMB is not much of an issue there. I apologies for the double posting but I hope to get some clarity here.
I appreciate that this has been raised a few times before, but searching the forum has not yielded a satisfactory answer and perhaps some solutions were lost in the the forum upgrade. So apologies in advance. My issues/concerns are as follows:
1. I have my PB 15 connected through SMB to an XP desktop (XP Home). I can access the shared drive/folder and the PC can access the PB. However, the SMB transfer is dreadfully slow. I have made some changes to the sysctl.conf file by entering the string 'large readwrite = no' and 'net.inet.tcp.delayed_ack=0' but this has yielded no tangible improvement in file transfer speed. I used the following website for help. It seems that after 4 updates to Tiger and 9 updates to Panther, Apple has been unable to improve the transfer speed or at least that is my impression.
2. I now wish to install a NAS device. I run a Netgear DG834G wireless router with connection to Win2K, WinXP, OS X 10.4.4, Airport Express, Canon wireles iP4000R. The idea is of course to use the NAS device to store my music and photos and provide a central storage for documents/scans. In theory all seems fine, but I am dreading the slow transfer speeds. I notice that the NAS devices are either Linux based or Windows Server 2003 based (Lacie Ethernet disk). Now I also read that these devices have difficulty with filenames >31 characters. I would, therefore, very much appreciate some help as, although I can do some basic networking, I am quite poor on Unix and more sophisticated network commands.
I also have one other query which baffles me. I can read and write to my XP computer through SMB even though it is formatted in NTFS. However, if the NAS device is formatted in NTFS, the Mac cannot write to it. Why should this be the case? I always thought an NAS device is just a basic computer with some hard drives and if it is running the Windows kernel, and using SMB, why should it have a problem. Of course, the reverse is also true (i.e. formatting in HFS+).
I'm sure these appear quite basic questions, but I am unable to get answers by just 'Googling' and asking the Apple Store Geniuses these questions just draws blank responses (that is after all the effort to get to the store and make appointments etc.).
This is a long post, but I believe that for any NAS device to become truly useful on the Mac, Apple needs to fix the SMB speed. Backups will be inordinately slow and cumbersome and also sharing and moving large files will limit its usefulness. This issue is not of concern to most Windows users, as they are well catered for.

I also have one other query which baffles me. I can
read and write to my XP computer through SMB even
though it is formatted in NTFS. However, if the NAS
device is formatted in NTFS, the Mac cannot write to
it. Why should this be the case?
Remember when writing from a Mac to a shared drive on an XP PC, the XP is doing the actual reading and the writing and not the Mac which is merely asking the XP PC to do so on its behalf.

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    Thanks for listening guys. Happy New Year to you all.
    Go to Solution.

    56/11 rock solid is what I was getting up until the fault started. They claim it's resolved, which clearly it isn't.
    My HH5 is about 3/4ft away from the master socket. Simple cable setup by the engineer and it's not been touched since the engineer visit and a visual inspection confirmed the setup was right. It would be, given it's not been touched. Too many horror stories about problems getting the £129.99 refunded for people who should never have been charged it.
    I've tried speaking with BT 1st line before. While quite possibly nice people, they are the most ineffectual technical people I've ever had to deal with.
    The BT twitter people have a link to this thread showing all my results etc...whether they can do the right thing or not, I'm not sure if they have the remit.
    Hopefully someone will be able to pick this up in a day or so and at least speak with me.

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    Thanks for your patience Linc. I’m not sure if I want to erase and reinstall Mac OS X without giving other possibel solutions a chance. So these are the results of the UNIX shell script. I hope this gives you a clue to how to solve the problem.
    Start time: 17:20:13 06/01/14
    Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,2
    System Version: OS X 10.9.3 (13D65)
    Kernel Version: Darwin 13.2.0
    Boot Mode: Normal
    Time since boot: 9 minutes
       May 31 00:44:30 process SystemUIServer[212] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 339; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 45143
       May 31 01:57:04 process SystemUIServer[421] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 452; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 45254
       May 31 02:01:40 process SystemUIServer[212] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 292; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 46382
       May 31 18:49:37 process SystemUIServer[211] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 276; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 46514
       May 31 18:59:21 process firefox[420] caught causing excessive wakeups. EXC_RESOURCE supressed due to audio playback
       May 31 20:13:01 process SystemUIServer[237] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 349; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 45948
       Jun  1 01:03:56 Previous Shutdown Cause: -60
       Jun  1 01:05:12 Sound assertion in AppleHDAFunctionGroup at line 1042
       Jun  1 17:14:10 process SystemUIServer[204] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate (per sec): 445; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): 150; Observation period: 300 seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: 47855
    I/O per process: MacJournal (UID 501) is using 6 MB/s
       at.obdev.nke.LittleSnitch (4052)
       Library/LaunchAgents/ plist
    Startup items
       /System/Library/Extensions/Wacom Tablet.kext
       /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/iZotope RX 2 Declicker.vst
       /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/iZotope RX 2 Declipper.vst
       /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/iZotope RX 2 Decrackler.vst
       /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/iZotope RX 2 Denoiser.vst
       /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/iZotope RX 2 Hum Removal.vst
       /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST/iZotope RX 2 Spectral Repair.vst
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AdobeAAMDetect.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AdobePDFViewer.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/EPPEX Plugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Musicnotes.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Musicnotes.plugin/Contents/Resources
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/SharePointBrowserPlugin.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/SharePointWebKitPlugin.webplugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/WacomNetscape.plugin
       /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/WacomSafari.plugin
       /Library/PreferencePanes/Becloud PC Backup.prefPane
       /Library/PreferencePanes/Flash Player.prefPane
       /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Adobe Unit Types.osax
       Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABDialer.bundle
       Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/SkypeABSMS.bundle
       Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Google Earth Web Plug-in.plugin
       Library/Internet Plug-Ins/RealPlayer Plugin.plugin
       Library/Widgets/iStat Pro.wdgt
    Contents of /etc/hosts    localhost    broadcasthost
       ::1             localhost
       fe80::1%lo0    localhost
    Contents of /etc/pf.conf
       scrub-anchor "*"
       nat-anchor "*"
       rdr-anchor "*"
       dummynet-anchor "*"
       anchor "*"
       load anchor "" from "/etc/pf.anchors/"
    Contents of /etc/ssh_config (ASCII English text, with very long lines)
        Host *
          SendEnv LANG LC_*
       Host *
           XAuthLocation /opt/X11/bin/xauth
    Contents of /etc/sshd_config
       SyslogFacility AUTHPRIV
       AuthorizedKeysFile    .ssh/authorized_keys
       UsePrivilegeSeparation sandbox        # Default for new installations.
       AcceptEnv LANG LC_*
       Subsystem    sftp    /usr/libexec/sftp-server
       XAuthLocation /opt/X11/bin/xauth
    Font issues: 13
    Bad plists
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    Restricted files: 1318
    Safari extensions
    Elapsed time (s): 309

  • Fan speed problem Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC - please help

    Please HELP, I have a fan speed problem with my Power Mac G5 Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC
    This is a NOT an Intel machine. I am running Mac OS X v10.5.8
    Power Mac G5 - PowerMac 7,2 - Power PC 970 (2.2) - 1.8 GHz with 2 CPUs - L2 Cache (per CPU) 512 KB - Memory 8 GB - Bus Speed 900 MHz - Boot ROM version 5.1.5b1
    I have included below Links to download a sound file (.m4a) that I recorded of the fan speed problem and both a .pdf and .spx files of my system profile.
    download sound file
    down load .spx file of my system preferences
    down load .pdf file of my system preferences
    When did the fan problem start?
    After I replaced the mother board on the computer.
    Why did I replace the mother board?
    Because the experts at apple agreed with my diagnosis that the major crash problems & kernel panics must have some thing to do with a logic board gone bad. They would not work on it, because this Power Mac G5 dual 1.8 GHz machine is now a legacy model.
    What I have done to attempt to fix my fan speed problem? yes I checked the obvious things, here is a list:
    1) yes I checked to be sure that the new mother board was the same part number as the original one, and that all things that were unplugged from the old mother board - were actually plugged into the new mother board.
    2) all the fans work, I can see them spinning if I use a flashlight and look at them (cover on and off to get at some of them)
    3) check all RAM to make sure: a) it was installed properly b) that the RAM worked using TechTool Pro c) even started the machine with only the original RAM that came with it.
    4) I installed a Temperature monitor - to see if there was something reading as very hot inside that was causing the machine to continually run the fans at a high speed. No, no heat issues that I can see. Here are the reading from the sensors in degrees fahrenheit, 2009-10-11 16:11:01 -0500
    CPU A Die Temperature: 75.7℉
    CPU B Die Temperature: 81.5℉
    Drive Bay: 68.9℉
    Main Logic Board Air Inlet: 64.8℉
    Main Logic Board Ambient: 73.6℉
    Main Logic Board Backside: 76.3℉
    Memory Controller Heatsink: 93.2℉
    Processor Card A Ambient: 77.5℉
    Processor Card B Ambient: 77.0℉
    5) zapped the PRAM
    6) followed the SMU reset instructions for
    Power Mac G5 (Late 2004)
    To reset the SMU on a Power Mac G5 (Late 2004) computer, simply do the following:
    • Turn off the computer by selecting Shut Down from the Apple menu or by holding the power button until the computer turns off.
    • Remove the power cord from the computer.
    • Wait two minutes.
    • Plug in the power cord.
    • Turn on the computer.
    7) followed the SMU reset instructions:
    Resetting the Cuda/PMU
    How to reset the PMU:
    • If the computer is on, turn it off.
    • Disconnect ALL cables from the computer, including peripherals and power.
    • If possible, move the computer to a place where you are not standing on carpet.
    • Open the case and ground yourself by touching part of the metal frame inside the computer.
    • Find the Cuda or PMU button
    • Press the Cuda or PMU button ONCE. Do not press the button more than once before starting the computer up again.
    • Wait 10 seconds, then reconnect the cables you removed in step 2 and turn the computer on.
    • If the computer still does not respond after resetting the PMU, the computer may require service from an Apple Authorized Service Provider.
    8) ran disk utilities, repaired permissions
    9) found a setting in the system preferences that a chat room person suggested had something to do with fan speed. In Energy Saver, under options, processor performance was set to highest, I set it to automatic - this did not change anything that I could tell - BTW I checked my other G5 (a single processor that works fine) that is the setting that that it is set to, and it is nice and quiet.
    10) restarted the machine, ..
    11) found a Fan Control System Update - but it did not install when I tryed to install it -
    12) booted from OSX install disk and ran that disk utility
    13) used OnyX to fix disk permissions, clear caches and temp items
    Nope - still have the same high speed fan problem. ... PLEASE HELP!!
    I have been reading in the MacInTouch reader reports - found this: some one said to use this - thermal re-calibration using the Apple Authorized Service Providers' disk - but that's not available, at least I can not find it - anyone? have an answer to finding this - or can do it for me? I am in Chicago.

    The Genius at the downtown apple store said that because it's a "legacy machine" they would not work on it, .. so should I push them?
    Well, I personally think that's ridiculous, I'd Push them, I'd call AppleCare & talk up the chain if need be... there the ones that have or should have that Disc... man o man... Personally I'll never visit an Apple Store again in my lifetime, maybe try an independent AASP if none of that helps!..
    Man-o-man, pop my cork before I explode on that one, if I had anything to do with it I'd close that store.

  • No sound and audio device not working properly, T61 vista

    I unistalled the audio device SoundMax integrated HD audio because I had problems getting the mic of my new webcam (Logitech pro 9000) to work. But after reinstalling the SoundMax audio driver the audio device is no longer working.
    Installing the SoundMax driver doesn't report any problems and the device manger also says that the SoundMax integrated digital hd audio device is working properly. But the speaker icon on the taskbar is crossed out. When hovering the mouse over the speaker icon it says Volume: 0 SoundMax integrated digital hd audio. When opening the Volume Mixer it says "No audio decivice is installed"...
    I've completly removed all drivers and reinstalling several times but I cannot get it to work so I really need some help now.
    All software + drivers regarging the webcam has been completly removed.
    System data:
    T61, Vista business
    Audio chip seems to be a Analog Devices 1984
    SoundMax driver version (latest available from lenovo)

    Really silly bug, but there are times with the T series laptops, specifically the T61s that seem to not project the sound through the speakers and the way to fix it is to just keep hitting the silver volume buttons up by your power button on the actual laptop.  This may or may not work for you, but I literally just got done with this on a T61 running a fresh installation of XP.  The buttons on the lenovo itself control the direct signal input and do a very poor job with integrating with Windows Vista and XP.
    Let me know if that works for you.

  • NAS nfs (WD Netcenter) permissions and speed problems

    I have a 320GB WD Netcenter - used to use it on an older mac and now on my new one. Permissions seemed to be blocked on one of the other user accounts on this new MBP. When I do "get info" the owenship boxes are greyed out and I cannot change anything. Should I run Old Toad's BatCHMod ( on the drive?
    Also I am getting VERY slow transfer speeds over my 54Mbs wireless network. I've read about this in other places but could not find an answer (apart from a very complicated article on TCP buffer sizes!). I can mount in as smb or nfs and chose nfs. Also been using Cocktail to optimize the connection speed over the net. Maybe this has something to do with it?!

    Ask here:

  • WVC210 and Motion Detection/NAS Device

    I was using the CSWVM Software (latest) with my WVC210 and leaving my PC on all the time.  I had the camera recording 24x7 to a folder on my PC but only when it deteced motion.  Thsi was working great.
    I invested in a NAS device (QNAP TS-239 Pro II) and want to have all motion deteced recorded directly to the NAS so I can leave my PC off.  Since without the PC on, I did all configuration thru the web interface.  All I seem to lose access to is the scheduling.  I can get the camera to record ALL activity to the NAS with no problems.  While trying to get the motion detection working, it seems I can't get it to record anything to the NAS.  I am fairly certain I have everything configured per the Admin guide but still nothing.
    Under Applications/Motion Detection I have Enable Motion Detection in all positions checked and set the area as full screen and threshold in the middle.  I do not get anything to record to the NAS even with the Enable SMB/CIFS Alert checkbox checked and NAS login, etc configured.  The ONLY way I can get anythign recorded to the NAS is with the option under Applictions\SMB/CIFS cgecked (Enable SMB/CIFS Recording).  With this set it records EVERYTHING.
    In the sensitivity section, I rarely see the red bar appear even when action is in front of the camera. I am not sure why.  I know this should work, any ideas why it is not?
    Also, I noticed if I record to the NAS at 320x240 I get an AVI I can play in Win7 WMP with no problem.  Using 640x480, the AVI is unplayable in WMP and I have to use VLC Player.  Is the codec different depedning on the resolution?

    Thanks for the info.  I do have the interval set to 0 and have tried the slider on both ends.  I have the slider set all the way to the left (on -) which provides the most sensitivity. I still don't not get all motion captured for some reason.  For this reason, I am recording full time to the NAS.
    I agree the web interface is lacking and I am not sure why it doesn't work the same as the software.  If it did, I could only record on motion and capture what I need instead of just alerts or everything.  With the software it was nice to capture motion and just get activity (and all of it from stop to start) recorded.
    My NAS surveillence software does not handle the WVC210 but I have gotten it to record full time but with that option I get no audio so that is no good either.  Motion from the NAS software didn't work all that great because camera is not supported with the NAS surveillence software.
    Arrgh.  I don't want to leave my PC on.  If only the web interface worked like the software.  The playback of 640x480 vs 320x240 in the web interface stinks too.  It has to use different codecs.

  • Dups, sharing problems and lost files on NAS drive

    I have been trying ot set up a "shared library" on a network storage drive.  The process has been painful to say the least I have over 17k music files and 400+ audio books.
    My first problem was creating duplicate files when pointing a new PC to iTunes media files. After trying multiple 3rd party software product unsucessfullly I finally bite the bullet and used the iTunes feature display duplicates feature.  Because I did not want to delete compliations and greatest hits dups I had to browse dups by album and manally sort through over 7,000 songs. Took me a week to complet but I did it. The larger problem I am now facing is lost files. 
    I sucessfully had both compurter pointed to the same media folder and everything was working great until I accidentally selected all of my file (yes 17,000+) and proceeded to delete them. I was trying to deleted all of the songs in a album that was duplicates... I caught my error only after a few secs but I am afraid the damage is done. The weird part is the songs are still in the library in iTunes but I now have close to 5,000 missing files icons and when I look for the files in the album folder, they are missing.  What is more irritating is not every song from every album is missing. so If I reimport from the original cd (I hope they are not too scratched) it creates dups of the file that are already there and I have go through and do a manual dup clean up again!!!
    Anyone have a thought as to where the missing files are (they are not in the trash under deleted files).
    Anyone know of a better way to share a large library between mutliple computers and iOS devices without haveing to have multiple copies to sync(i.e. Home sharing).

    Hi Rajnish,
    As you mentioned "quota limit", it is set via FSRM or specific function on NAS?
    Meanwhile could you confirm the number 185GB is accurate? Sometimes a part of used space is just not calculated. You can confirm with checking the total space on NAS locally.
    If the number is correct and quota is set via FSRM, check if it is the Disk Quota which not re-calculated the released space. Try to clear the Quota setting and reconfig with 300GB limitation and see if issue still exists.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please send to [email protected]

  • Problems with EA2700 and Android devices

    I enjoyed EA2700 for more than 3 months so far until I decided to change my cell phone to Galaxy S3.
    I have my router operating 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz simultaneously, providing perfect internet access to my two windows 7 laptops, mac mini and iPad. This is not the case when I try to hook my Galaxy S3 phone and Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. This two korean devices have a real problem using the router for internet. Both the tablet and the phone connect to the router and have strong signal, but there is no ping going through nor any other internet app works. The router is set to WPA2/WPA Mixed personal sec mode and auto channel. I even try to make it open, but even then the Android devices connect but don't have an internet access. In the same time the rest of the home pcs and mac work perfectly.
    I tried, for the two last days different approaches like upgrading the router firmware, installing the cloud and the smart wi-fi interface, removing the security and opening the network…. it didn't work! What I figure out so far that if I set a guess account the devices connect without problem and have internet, although I have to manually enter  the password for the guess account, which dialogue is provided through a web page you have to navigate to before attempting to use internet. I though the problem could be with the Samsung s3 and the tablet 2 7.0,  and had them several time reset to their factory settings.
    I tried connecting and old WRT 120N router and it worked fine!!!! just this EA2700 is still not usable with android devices running Android 4.0 OS.
    Has somebody experienced the similar problem please share the found solution, otherwise I have to change the EA2700 i guess.
    Go to Solution.

    @NO_SCREENNAME@ wrote:
    I enjoyed EA2700 for more than 3 months so far until I decided to change my cell phone to Galaxy S3.
    I have my router operating 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz simultaneously, providing perfect internet access to my two windows 7 laptops, mac mini and iPad. This is not the case when I try to hook my Galaxy S3 phone and Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. This two korean devices have a real problem using the router for internet. Both the tablet and the phone connect to the router and have strong signal, but there is no ping going through nor any other internet app works. The router is set to WPA2/WPA Mixed personal sec mode and auto channel. I even try to make it open, but even then the Android devices connect but don't have an internet access. In the same time the rest of the home pcs and mac work perfectly.
    I tried, for the two last days different approaches like upgrading the router firmware, installing the cloud and the smart wi-fi interface, removing the security and opening the network…. it didn't work! What I figure out so far that if I set a guess account the devices connect without problem and have internet, although I have to manually enter  the password for the guess account, which dialogue is provided through a web page you have to navigate to before attempting to use internet. I though the problem could be with the Samsung s3 and the tablet 2 7.0,  and had them several time reset to their factory settings.
    I tried connecting and old WRT 120N router and it worked fine!!!! just this EA2700 is still not usable with android devices running Android 4.0 OS.
    Has somebody experienced the similar problem please share the found solution, otherwise I have to change the EA2700 i guess.
    you may wanna try using Wireless B/G Only for network mode on 2.4GHz. check if your devices can connect to the network successfully. there was an issue with Android devices connecting to N networks before so this might be a fix. however, it will rate limit your connection speeds to 54Mbs at best.
    there's also a workaround you can try on the android devices. ensure wifi is set to enable at start up. turn off wifi and reboot the device. verify your connection status. since your devices have already connected to the network, they should reconnect to the network automatically. check if you can go online from there.

  • Multiple macs and iTunes library on NAS device

    My iTunes library is stored on a Buffalo NAS drive. 
    I have an older Mac desktop - running OS X 10.6.8; on this machine iTunes 11.4 is set up to use the library on the above noted NAS device.  This is working fine; all my burned and purchased music is playing no problem. 
    I have a new (latest) version Macbook Pro Retina - running OS X Yosemite 10.10.2.  I proceeded to set iTunes on this machine to use the exact same shared location as is being used on the desktop noted above for the library location.  On this machine, however, I am only able to view my purchased music (with the download cloud displayed). 
    Anyone know why two Macs pointed to the exact same iTunes library shared folder location would result in one working fine and the other only showing purchased music available for download?   

    How exactly did you set it?  You do not do it in preferences (a common mistake).  You do it by starting up iTunes while holding down the option/alt key whereupon iTunes will irreversibly convert what it sees as the library, namely the iTunes Library.itl file, to a version which will only work with the newest version of iTunes you run (your 12).  Clearly you can't use 12 on your old computer so there is no way to share the same library file. Each version of iTunes will have to run its own library file which will essentially maintain its own independent list of entries, though they can share media.  This means changes you make to one library will mostly not appear in the other but if you do something such as delete media in one library the other library will fuss it can no longer find the file, etc.
    If you are going to start doing advanced iTunes things you need to learn how iTunes works.
    What are the iTunes library files? -
    More on iTunes library files and what they do -
    What are all those iTunes files? -
    Where are my iTunes files located? -
    iTunes 9 [and later]: Understanding iTunes Media Organization - - plus supplemental information about organizing to new structure
    Image of folder structure and explanation of different iTunes versions (turingtest2 post) - and making an iTunes library portable.
    One other tip. Just about every mention I see of people using iTunes with a NAS is something with a problem that results from using iTunes with a NAS.  iTunes is likely not written with NAS use in mind.  It may work, or it may not.  Keep regular backups.

  • Java Audio Metronome | Timing and Speed Problems

    Hi all,
    I’m starting to work on a music/metronome application in Java and I’m running into some problems with the timing and speed.
    For testing purposes I’m trying to play two sine wave tones at the same time at regular intervals, but instead they play in sync for a few beats and then slightly out of sync for a few beats and then back in sync again for a few beats.
    From researching good metronome programming, I found that Thread.sleep() is horrible for timing, so I completely avoided that and went with checking System.nanoTime() to determine when the sounds should play.
    I’m using AudioSystem’s SourceDataLine for my audio player and I’m using a thread for each tone that constantly polls System.nanoTime() in order to determine when the sound should play. I create a new SourceDataLine and delete the previous one each time a sound plays, because the volume fluctuates if I leave the line open and keep playing sounds on the same line. I create the player before polling nanoTime() so that the player is already created and all it has to do is play the sound when it is time.
    In theory this seemed like a good method for getting each sound to play on time, but it’s not working correctly.
    At the moment this is just a simple test in Java, but my goal is to create my app on mobile devices (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, etc)...however my current method isn’t even keeping perfect time on a PC, so I’m worried that certain mobile devices with limited resources will have even more timing problems. I will also be adding more sounds to it to create more complex rhythms, so it needs to be able to handle multiple sounds going simultaneously without sounds lagging.
    Another problem I’m having is that the max tempo is controlled by the length of the tone since the tones don’t overlap each other. I tried adding additional threads so that every tone that played would get its own thread...but that really screwed up the timing, so I took it out. I would like to have a way to overlap the previous sound to allow for much higher tempos.
    I posted this question on StackOverflow where I got one reply and my response back explains why I went this direction instead of preloading a larger buffer (which is what they recommended). In short, I did try the buffer method first, but I want to also update a “beat counter” visual display and there was no way to know when the hardware was actually playing the sounds from the buffer. I mentioned that on StackOverflow and I also asked a couple more questions regarding the buffer method, but I haven’t received any more responses.
    Any help getting these timing and speed issues straightened out would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
    Here is my code...
    import java.awt.*; 
    import java.awt.event.*; 
    import javax.swing.*; 
    import javax.swing.event.*; 
    import javax.sound.sampled.*; 
    public class SoundTest implements ActionListener { 
        static SoundTest soundTest; 
        boolean playSound1  = true; 
        boolean playSound2  = true; 
        JFrame mainFrame; 
        JPanel mainContent; 
        JPanel center; 
        JButton buttonPlay; 
        int sampleRate = 44100; 
        long startTime;  
        SourceDataLine line = null;  
        int tickLength; 
        boolean playing = false; 
        SoundElement sound01; 
        SoundElement sound02; 
        public static void main (String[] args) {        
            soundTest = new SoundTest(); 
            SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { 
        public void gui_CreateAndShow() { 
        public void gui_FrameAndContentPanel() { 
            mainContent = new JPanel(); 
            mainContent.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 
            mainContent.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,500)); 
            mainFrame = new JFrame("Sound Test");                
        public void gui_AddContent() { 
            JPanel center = new JPanel(); 
            buttonPlay = new JButton("PLAY / STOP"); 
            buttonPlay.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 50)); 
            mainContent.add(center, BorderLayout.CENTER); 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { 
            if (!playing) { 
                playing = true; 
                if (playSound1) 
                    sound01 = new SoundElement(this, "Sound1", 800, 1); 
                if (playSound2) 
                    sound02 = new SoundElement(this, "Sound2", 1200, 1); 
                startTime = System.nanoTime(); 
                if (playSound1) 
                    new Thread(sound01).start(); 
                if (playSound2) 
                    new Thread(sound02).start(); 
            else { 
                playing = false;
    import javax.sound.sampled.*; 
    public class SoundElement implements Runnable { 
        SoundTest soundTest; 
        // TEMPO CHANGE 
        // 750000000=80bpm | 300000000=200bpm | 200000000=300bpm 
        long nsDelay = 750000000; 
        long before; 
        long after; 
        long diff; 
        String name=""; 
        int clickLength = 4100;  
        byte[] audioFile; 
        double clickFrequency; 
        double subdivision; 
        SourceDataLine line = null; 
        long audioFilePlay; 
        public SoundElement(SoundTest soundTestIn, String nameIn, double clickFrequencyIn, double subdivisionIn){ 
            soundTest = soundTestIn; 
            name = nameIn; 
            clickFrequency = clickFrequencyIn; 
            subdivision = subdivisionIn; 
        public void generateAudioFile(){ 
            audioFile = new byte[clickLength * 2]; 
            double temp; 
            short maxSample; 
            int p=0; 
            for (int i = 0; i < audioFile.length;){ 
                temp = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * p++ / (soundTest.sampleRate/clickFrequency)); 
                maxSample = (short) (temp * Short.MAX_VALUE); 
                audioFile[i++] = (byte) (maxSample & 0x00ff);            
                audioFile[i++] = (byte) ((maxSample & 0xff00) >>> 8); 
        public void run() { 
            audioFilePlay = soundTest.startTime + nsDelay; 
            while (soundTest.playing){ 
                if (System.nanoTime() >= audioFilePlay){ 
                    audioFilePlay += nsDelay; 
            try { destroyPlayer(); } catch (Exception e) { } 
        public void createPlayer(){ 
            AudioFormat af = new AudioFormat(soundTest.sampleRate, 16, 1, true, false); 
            try { 
                line = AudioSystem.getSourceDataLine(af); 
            catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } 
        public void play(){ 
            line.write(audioFile, 0, audioFile.length); 
        public void destroyPlayer(){ 

    Thanks but you have never posted reply s0lutions before ?? And F 4 is definitely not 10 times faster as stated before I upgraded !!

  • I just updated my iPhone 4 to iOS6.  In the process, I ran into a problem and had to restore factory settings.  After syncing the phone, I see that 218 apps need to be updated. When selecting "update all," it says "manage local device storage usage." How?

    I just updated my iPhone 4 to iOS6.  In the process, I ran into a problem and had to restore factory settings.  After syncing the phone, I see that 218 apps need to be updated. When selecting "update all," it says "Cannot Download.  There is not enough available local storage to download these items.  You can manage your local device storage usage in Settings."
    How can this be the case when I haven't changed any apps from before updrading to iOS6, and I don't have any music yet on the phone?  Why is it telling me there is not enough local space?

    Hi RileyAvaCadenRiver,
    If you recently updated your iPhone to iOS7, you will need to update iTunes on your computer to iTunes 11.1 or newer for it to correctly recognize the iPhone. You may find the following link helpful:
    Apple: iTunes 11.1.1
    - Brenden

  • I have an Iphone 4s and i can't make a connection to my mac and other devices via bluetooth! Why is this a problem and how can i repair it?

    I have an Iphone 4s and i can't make a connection to my mac and other devices via bluetooth! Why is this a problem and how can i repair it?

    "I have an Iphone 4s and i can't make a connection to my mac and other devices via bluetooth! ":
    That is correct.
    "Why is this a problem and how can i repair it?"
    Becasue this has never been a feature of iphone/ipod/ipad.  There is nothing to repair.

  • When i connect my iphone 5 to my pc using the usb cable, my device is not recognized yet when connected to a power source, it charges normally. What should i do to rectify the problem and read sth about debris being in the usb. How do i remove that?

    When i connect my iphone 5 to my pc using the usb cable, my device is not recognized yet when connected to a power source, it charges normally. What should i do to rectify the problem and read sth about debris being in the usb. How do i remove that?

    iOS: Device not recognised in iTunes

  • When I conect any ipod ,the itunes show an error msg-The syncServer found a problem and must be closed.After that another-Mobile device helper find a problem and must be closed -and this repeat more 2 times each are  related with corefoundation.dll.

    Six error msg about apple aplications that must be closed just when I connect my ipod to computers USB.SyncServer aplication and Mobile device helper is closed.The error :
    AppName: syncserver.exe     AppVer: 17.641.14.26     ModName: corefoundation.dll
    ModVer: 1.550.54.0     Offset: 00043d08
    These happens in both kind of messages that was showing three times each.After this ,Itunes can sinc music videos,photos,but I canot upgrade my ipod!
    Detail:copy photo files from ipod to computer works normal.I use panda antivirus but without it in the computer,the problem persists.Yesterday I get the last ITunes,but the problem persists.I unistall anything about apple ,install the new Itunes and the problem remains.
    And this problem occurs only after I connect ANY ipod to the computer,open Itunes for hear music,for example,still works OK.

    I have been battling against the same issue for over 2 weeks now. After tracing what was happening on the machine to find that the crashes we're happening slightly after Apple's program we're identifying the Time Zone of the computer, I had the idea of checking the date/time properties of my Windows XP machine.
    I unchecked the box to update the time from a time server (Internet time) and it's seem that this was what was causing itunes and its descendant to crash.
    Now it seems it turned back to normal operation.
    Please let me know if this fixes it for you as well.

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