SMC deployment strategy

Dear all,
Can someone help me with the strategy to deploy SMCenter 4.0. I mean, what are the add-on which should be installed with the agent on the monitored systems. and is there any other configuration to be done on the monitored system after the agent installation?
Your prompt response will be very helpful.

Hi Emmalleres,
Here's the link to Sun Documentation for Installation and Configuration of SunMC 4.0:
Also take a look at the following forum posting for quick links to SunMC's documentation, add-ons, and patches:
[email protected]

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    As this seems to be a interesting thought.
    B2B allows to export the entire configuration out of the test box. This export is not intended for manual update, however we can find and replace the endpoint uri in this file.
    It may be very difficult to do this using the editor since this file size will be more than 10+ MB. I would sugges to use any of stream editors like ed, sed. Hence we can reuse the same script for future use to replace endpoints after exporting from test box.
    Now, B2B Configuration is ready to import to the production box.
    Let us know your experience on this steps :)

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    user12225557 wrote:
    1. Oracle VM Manager
    What is a better strategy - To have a physical server for Oracle VM Manager or on Guest VMs with HA configured?For non-test/large deployments I recommend a physical server for Oracle VM Manager, though not necessarily dedicated. You could also run other services like DHCP/DNS or even hold a local YUM mirror. I just prefer knowing that my VM Management is completely seperated from my virtual infrastructure. Another very valid option if you do want a virtual VM Manager machine is if you are running multiple VM pools to have the manager for Pool A live in Pool B and vice-versa.
    2. Oracle VM Server
    What would be a better option (I am not considering the option of having all the components on the same server)-
    a. Separate physical server for Server pool master, separate physical server for Utility server
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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mike Evteev ([email protected]):
    I try it. And have a problem - css is not loaded. I can see my pages but without applying style. For example my grids don't show current row in color.
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    public class oracle extends oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp {
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    hope you found some guidance in the meantime already. If not, it is very simple - for external collaboration cFolders installation standalone in the DMZ makes most sense. You can also install it on top of SRM (related to bidding scenarios)  or SNC (related to supply chain collaboration scenarios) though if you want.
    Please also have a look at the config guide:
    Here the typical installation scenario is decribed.
    Regards, Ulf.

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    WLS 6.1 ( SP2) , W2K
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    "Cameron Purdy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3c35cee2$[email protected]..
    I think this depends on how often you change your EJB code. If each EJB
    is in it's own jar file, ejbc will only have to generate the EJB jar
    that has changed.It's also possible to have an ant build option to build a JAR for one EJB
    (or several specific EJBs), EJBC it, then take the result and add it tothe
    "master" JAR, which is the result of the "full" build.
    Cameron Purdy
    Tangosol Inc.
    Tangosol Coherence: Clustered Coherent Cache for J2EE
    Information at
    "Nils Winkler" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..

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    Do you have any suggestion and if possible an example?

    If you're trying to add new functions to an EAR, you'll have to redeploy it. You'll have to have individual EARs or standalone EJB modules for each new function. You could have "rollup" versions of the EAR that include all the current functions.
    An alternative is to use a framework and architecture that allows "soft-coding" of functionality, that may allow adding new functionality without disrupting existing users. You might get that if you used the AquaLogic Service Bus product (the nature of this will change with the Oracle merge, but the basic functionality will be the same), but this also depends on the interface you need to present to clients.

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    5) Is there an OEM or VL version of standalone products available (such as Excel)?

    Microsoft now no longer offers an Office 2010 download from their site, however, if you already have a product key of Office 2010, you can still get Office 2010 installation package from this website:
    Office OEM is a version of the Microsoft Application Suite sold with new computers. Office 2013 are available from Office 2013 suites and Office 365 subscription which is associated with the Microsoft account, when Office 2013 suites are activated by the
    traditional method with a 25-character product key.
    For the license issues, we suggest you to contact your local Microsoft customer support to get more information.
    More reference about Office 2013 activation:
    Ethan Hua CHN
    TechNet Community Support

  • Report deployment strategy.

    Hi All!
    Can anybody show me resorces about subj.
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    But wen I need to move reports to another server or database I need recompile it and reports.
    Is it possible to escape this.

    As this seems to be a interesting thought.
    B2B allows to export the entire configuration out of the test box. This export is not intended for manual update, however we can find and replace the endpoint uri in this file.
    It may be very difficult to do this using the editor since this file size will be more than 10+ MB. I would sugges to use any of stream editors like ed, sed. Hence we can reuse the same script for future use to replace endpoints after exporting from test box.
    Now, B2B Configuration is ready to import to the production box.
    Let us know your experience on this steps :)

  • SAP Strategy Management 7.0 SSM Component Deployment failed with JSPM

    Dear experts,
    i have installed a SAP Netweaver CE 7.1 on Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 with MS SQL and i wish to install now SAP Strategy Management 7.0 with JSPM Tool.
    I have copied the CPMSTRMGMAPC00_0.SCA file on the usr\sap\trans\EPS\in\ directory and the deployment precessus failed with error before the AS JAVA has been restarted.
    How can i manage this problem? Any suggestion is welcomed.
    Thank you very much.
    Best regards,

    Any ideas?
    Here is the F:\usr\sap\PI7\J71\j2ee\JSPM\log\log_2009_06_15_12_51_48\deploy_2009-06-15_14-56-58.log
    <!HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/>
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Info  ]:DC API is trying to connect to 'sap-pi7:57104'
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Info  ]:DC API has Connected to 'sap-pi7:57104'
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:+++++ Starting  V A L I D A T E action +++++[ deployerId=2 ]. timerId=7
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:Selected archives for validation. [ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Debug ]:Got full sdu path '
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:component version handling rule is UpdateLowerVersionsOnly.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:deployment workflow strategy is safety deploy strategy.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:life cycle deploy strategy is disable LCM deploy strategy.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:Error strategies[ deployerId=2 ]:
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:error action 'DeploymentAction' is 'OnErrorStop'
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Path  ]:error action 'PrerequisitesCheckAction' is 'OnErrorSkipDepending'
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Debug ]:deployer initialized successfully:[id:#8, elapsed: 0 ms.].[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Debug ]:Total time:[#8: 0.0 sec].[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:03 PM  [Info  ]:Start validating.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:Validating completed. Preparing the validation result.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:
    Sorted Items -
         1. Client path '
    sap-pi7\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in\ --> xappscpmsm~strategymanagement.sda'
         Sdu info :name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagement', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '2465295', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]
              Deploy status is 'Admitted'
         2. Client path '
         Sdu info :name 'CPM_STR_MGM_APC', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '1000.700.'
              Deploy status is 'Admitted'
    Deployment Items -
         1. Client path '
         Sdu info :name 'CPM_STR_MGM_APC', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '1000.700.'
              Deploy status is 'Admitted'
              Time statistics:
              Contained DCs:
              1.1:name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagement', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '2465295', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]          
                        Deploy status is 'Admitted'
              1.2:name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagementactions', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '2465041', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]          
                        Deploy status is 'AlreadyDeployed'
                        Description:'1. Already deployed component has version:2465041'.
              1.3:name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagementdoc', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '2465046', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]          
                        Deploy status is 'AlreadyDeployed'
                        Description:'1. Already deployed component has version:2465046'.
              1.4:name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagementdic', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '2465042', software type ('JDDSCHEMA', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]          
                        Deploy status is 'AlreadyDeployed'
                        Description:'1. Already deployed component has version:2465042'.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Info  ]:+++ Validation finished with status 'Success' +++[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:+++++ End  V A L I D A T E action +++++[ deployerId=2 ]. Total time:[#7: 3.016 sec]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:+++++ Starting  D E P L O Y action +++++ [ deployerId=2 ] [ timerId=9]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:Selected archives for deployment. [ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Debug ]:Got full sdu path '
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:component version handling rule is UpdateLowerVersionsOnly.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:deployment workflow strategy is safety deploy strategy.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:life cycle deploy strategy is disable LCM deploy strategy.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:Error strategies[ deployerId=2 ]:
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:error action 'DeploymentAction' is 'OnErrorStop'
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:error action 'PrerequisitesCheckAction' is 'OnErrorStop'
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Debug ]:deployer initialized successfully:[id:#11, elapsed: 15 ms.].[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Debug ]:Total time:[#11: 0.015 sec].[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:06 PM  [Path  ]:Starting deployment.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:17 PM  [Debug ]:clusterRestartTriggered for transactionId:223, clusterEventAction:cluster restart triggered
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:17 PM  [Debug ]:Mark transaction '223' as offline phase.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:17 PM  [Info  ]:+++ Performing offline deployment. Server is being restarted +++.The timeout for the operation is:  86400 sec.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:17 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 0 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:07:47 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 484 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:08:19 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 30484 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:08:49 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 62140 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:09:19 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 92156 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:09:49 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 122171 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:10:19 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 152171 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:10:49 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 182296 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:11:20 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 212905 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:12:22 PM  [Info  ]:Engine is up and running. Wait for engine deployment result.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:12:22 PM  [Debug ]:DC API will create new CM
    Jun 15, 2009 1:12:52 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 305686 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:13:22 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 335685 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:13:53 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 365701 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:14:23 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 395701 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:14:53 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 425763 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:24 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 456856 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:54 PM  [Path  ]:+++ Wait for server response +++. Elapsed: 487012 ms.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Info  ]:Engine is up and running. Wait for engine deployment result.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Info  ]:server is online, time:[id:#10, elapsed: 520059 ms.]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Path  ]:Deployment completed. Preparing the deployment result.[ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Path  ]:
    Sorted Items -
         1. Client path '
    sap-pi7\sapmnt\trans\EPS\in\ --> xappscpmsm~strategymanagement.sda'
         Sdu info :name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagement', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '2465295', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]
              Deploy status is 'Aborted'
              Description:'1. class
               -> class java.lang.NullPointerException'.
         2. Client path '
         Sdu info :name 'CPM_STR_MGM_APC', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '1000.700.'
              Deploy status is 'Aborted'
              Description:'1. Contains Aborted deployment component:
    sdu id: sap.com_xappscpmsm~strategymanagement
    sdu file path: F:\usr\sap\PI7\J71\j2ee\cluster\server0\.\temp\tcbldeploy_controller\archives\223\CPMSTRMGMAPC00_0_sca1245064026979\DEPLOYARCHIVES\xappscpmsm~strategymanagement.sda
    version status: NEW
    deployment status: Aborted
    description: 1. class
               -> class java.lang.NullPointerException'.
    Deployment Items -
         1. Client path '
         Sdu info :name 'CPM_STR_MGM_APC', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '1000.700.'
              Deploy status is 'Aborted'
              Description:'1. Contains Aborted deployment component:
    sdu id: sap.com_xappscpmsm~strategymanagement
    sdu file path: F:\usr\sap\PI7\J71\j2ee\cluster\server0\.\temp\tcbldeploy_controller\archives\223\CPMSTRMGMAPC00_0_sca1245064026979\DEPLOYARCHIVES\xappscpmsm~strategymanagement.sda
    version status: NEW
    deployment status: Aborted
    description: 1. class
               -> class java.lang.NullPointerException'.
              Time statistics:
              Contained DCs:
              1.1:name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagementdic', vendor '', location 'n/a', version '1', software type ('n/a', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]          
                        Deploy status is 'AlreadyDeployed'
                        Description:'1. Already deployed component has version:2465042'.
              1.2:name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagementdoc', vendor '', location 'n/a', version '1', software type ('n/a', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]          
                        Deploy status is 'AlreadyDeployed'
                        Description:'1. Already deployed component has version:2465046'.
              1.3:name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagement', vendor '', location 'MAIN_CPMSM70V_D', version '2465295', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]          
                        Deploy status is 'Aborted'
              Time statistics( ms ):
                   1.deployment : 34906
                        1.1.Notify:Event triggered : 157
                        1.2.Disable LCM deployment : 34656
                             1.2.1.Perform delivery : 34656
                         Deployer : 34656
                        1.3.Notify Observers : 15
                             1.3.1.Persist in storage : 15
                        1.4.Notify:Event performed : 78
                   2.Persist in storage : 16
                        Description:'1. class
               -> class java.lang.NullPointerException'.
              1.4:name 'xappscpmsm~strategymanagementactions', vendor '', location 'n/a', version '1', software type ('n/a', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]          
                        Deploy status is 'AlreadyDeployed'
                        Description:'1. Already deployed component has version:2465041'.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Info  ]:
    Deploy Result Description: Deployment exception occurred during deploy online data. Reason :An error occurred while deploying the deployment item 'sap.com_xappscpmsm~strategymanagement'.; nested exception is: [ERROR CODE DPL.DC.3298] An error occurred during deployment of sap.com_xappscpmsm~strategymanagement. Cannot deploy it.
    [ deployerId=2 ]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Info  ]:+++ Deployment finished with status 'Error' +++.[ deployerId=2 ][#10: 530.465 sec]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Path  ]:+++++ End  D E P L O Y action +++++[ deployerId=2 ]. Total time:[#9: 530.465 sec]
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Debug ]:Incorrect client ID. The stub is not connected yet.
    Jun 15, 2009 1:15:57 PM  [Debug ]:Incorrect client ID. The stub is not connected yet.

  • Error in deployment:java.lang.NullPointerException:sdu name can not be null

    HI Everyone!
        I try to deploy my web dynpro project to SAP J2EE engine. Configuration about SAP J2EE Engine is OK, but there is an error during the deployment. Here is the deployment trace:
    2007-6-28 14:56:27 /userOut/daView_category ( [Thread[Deploy Thread,6,main]] INFO: deployment trace
    14:56:24.207 [info  #300]  [#4]: Trying to connect to 'secude-vmcn0001:50004' as 'administrator'
    14:56:24.207 [debug #100]  [#4]: Session::getContext.[ B E G I N ].timerId=16
    14:56:25.161 [debug #100]  [#4]: Session::getContext.[ E N D ].timerId=[id:#16, elapsed: 954 ms.]
    14:56:25.161 [info  #300]  [#4]: Connected to 'secude-vmcn0001:50004' as 'administrator'
    14:56:25.161 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::ctor:New deploy processor created.deployerId=4
    14:56:25.161 [info  #300]  [#4]: +++++ Starting  D E P L O Y action +++++
    14:56:25.161 [info  #300]  [#4]: Selected archives for deployment
    14:56:25.161 [info  #300]  [#4]: D:\NetWeaverWorkspace\Workspace\Dashboard\Dashboard.ear
    14:56:25.536 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::deploy:going to generate Session id, deployerId=4
    14:56:25.755 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::deploy:got Session id='14',time:[id:#17, elapsed: 594 ms.], deployerId=4
    14:56:25.974 [info  #300]  [#4]: Upload archives to the server.Remote upload path is 'C:\SAP\JP1\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\temp\tcbldeploy_controller\archives\14'
    14:56:25.974 [debug #300]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::uploadItemsToServer:Going to upload 'D:\NetWeaverWorkspace\Workspace\Dashboard\Dashboard.ear' on the server.deployerId=4
    14:56:26.427 [info  #300]  [#4]: File 'D:\NetWeaverWorkspace\Workspace\Dashboard\Dashboard.ear' uploaded successfully as 'C:/SAP/JP1/JC00/j2ee/cluster/server0/temp/tcbldeploy_controller/archives/14/Dashboard.ear'. Time:[id:#18, elapsed: 453 ms.]
    14:56:26.427 [info  #300]  [#4]: Archives uploaded.time:[#18: 0.453 sec]
    14:56:26.427 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::deployItems:enter.timerId=19, deployerId=4
    14:56:26.427 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::internalCreateAndInitDeployer:get deployer from server, deployerId=4
    14:56:26.427 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::internalCreateAndInitDeployer:deployer get successfully:[id:#20, elapsed: 0 ms.], deployerId=4
    14:56:26.630 [info  #300]  [#4]: component version handling rule is UpdateAllVersions
    14:56:26.849 [info  #300]  [#4]: Error strategies:
    14:56:26.849 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::internalCreateAndInitDeployer:deployer initialized sucessfully:[id:#20, elapsed: 422 ms.], deployerId=4
    14:56:26.849 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::internalCreateAndInitDeployer:total time:[#20: 0.422 sec], deployerId=4
    14:56:26.849 [info  #300]  [#4]: Starting deployment
    14:56:27.177 [debug #100]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::internalMapSdus:sduMapperVisitor.setCompositeDeploymentItem(null),remoteSdu=name: 'null', vendor: 'null', location: 'LOKAL', version: '0.2007.', software type: 'J2EE', dependencies: '[]'
    14:56:27.177 [debug #300]  [#4]: DeployProcessor::deployItems:finally.Total Time:[#19: 0.75 sec], deployerId=4
    14:56:27.177 [info  #300]  [#4]: +++++ End  D E P L O Y action +++++
    And here is the exception detail:
    2007-6-28 14:56:27 /userOut/daView_category ( [Thread[Deploy Thread,6,main]] ERROR: java.lang.NullPointerException: sdu name can not be null.
    It seems that there is something wrong about 'SDU', but i don't know what is it, and i can not find the answer both in and here.
    Anyone can help me on this?
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Sumit,
        Thank you for your concern.
    Below is a trace file on my server:
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000200000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784131#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] session id 14 is associated with correlator id 67431500000169001. Use this correlator id to filter the trace and log messages.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000300000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784131#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] Starting deployment ++++++++++++++#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000400000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784131#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] specified for deployment are: #
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000500000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784131#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000600000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784131#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] loading archives ...#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000700000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784147#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] are loaded.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000800000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784147#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] Handling Action: 'UndeploymentAction', Error Handling Strategy: 'OnErrorStop'.
    Error Handling Action: 'DeploymentAction', Error Handling Strategy: 'OnErrorStop'.
    Error Handling Action: 'PrerequisitesCheckAction', Error Handling Strategy: 'OnErrorStop'.
    Version Handling Rule: 'UpdateAllVersions'.
    Deployment Strategy: 'normal deploy strategy'.
    Life Cycle Deployment Strategy: 'bulk deploy strategy'.
    There are no batch filters specified.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000900000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784194#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] batch for session id 14 will be executed with normal parallelism strategy.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000A00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000B00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name library:tcddicddicruntime doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000C00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000D00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000E00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000000F00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name library:tc~cmi doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001000000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001100000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name library:tcddicddicservices doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001200000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784272#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] component loader with name library:tcgraphicsigs doesn't exist, because is stopped or not deployed.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001300000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784366#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] validation of application local/Dashboard returned result
    References Test: Count of deploy time references (described in META-INF/SAP_MANIFEST.MF) and runtime references (described in META-INF/application-j2ee-engine.xml) does not match., file: Dashboard.ear, column 0, line 0, severity: warning
    References Test: There are no matching deploy time references (described in META-INF/SAP_MANIFEST.MF) for the following runtime references [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,] (described in the META-INF/application-j2ee-engine.xml)., file: Dashboard.ear, column 0, line 0, severity: warning
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001400000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784366#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] while validating application local/Dashboard.
    No one of the [] containers, which processed it, returned deployed component names.
    The registered containers in this moment were [, app_libraries_container, Cache Configuration Upload, servlet_jsp, dbcontentcontainer, connector, Cluster File System, JMSConnector, appclient, dbschemacontainer, orpersistence, JDBCConnector, EJBContainer, webservices_container, scheduler~container].
    Possible reasons :
         1.An AS Java service, which is providing a container, is stopped or not deployed.
         2.The containers, which processed it, are not implemented correct. They deployed or started initially the application, but didn't return deployed components in the application deployment info.###
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001700000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784366#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] in operation deploy with application local/Dashboard.###
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001B00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784397#/System/Server##java.lang.Package#Administrator#4#####Thread[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]##0#0#Error#1#java.lang.Package#Java#error.action.filter#com/sap/engine/services/mngt_model/ thrown by Action Filter: Application local/Dashboard is not deployed..Action will not be delivered to domain: connector. Action is:
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001D00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784397#/System/Server##java.lang.Package#Administrator#4#####Thread[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]##0#0#Error#1#java.lang.Package#Java#error.action.filter#com/sap/engine/services/mngt_model/ thrown by Action Filter: Application local/Dashboard is not deployed..Action will not be delivered to domain: servlet_jsp. Action is:
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000001F00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784397#/System/Server##java.lang.Package#Administrator#4#####Thread[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]##0#0#Error#1#java.lang.Package#Java#error.action.filter#com/sap/engine/services/mngt_model/ thrown by Action Filter: Application local/Dashboard is not deployed..Action will not be delivered to domain: appclient. Action is:
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000002100000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784397#/System/Server##java.lang.Package#Administrator#4#####Thread[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]##0#0#Error#1#java.lang.Package#Java#error.action.filter#com/sap/engine/services/mngt_model/ thrown by Action Filter: Application local/Dashboard is not deployed..Action will not be delivered to domain: dbpool. Action is:
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000002300000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784397#/System/Server##java.lang.Package#Administrator#4#####Thread[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread]##0#0#Error#1#java.lang.Package#Java#error.action.filter#com/sap/engine/services/mngt_model/ thrown by Action Filter: Application local/Dashboard is not deployed..Action will not be delivered to domain: jmsconnector. Action is:
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000002500000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784397#/System/Server/Services/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] while validating application local/Dashboard.
    No one of the [] containers, which processed it, returned deployed component names.
    The registered containers in this moment were [, app_libraries_container, Cache Configuration Upload, servlet_jsp, dbcontentcontainer, connector, Cluster File System, JMSConnector, appclient, dbschemacontainer, orpersistence, JDBCConnector, EJBContainer, webservices_container, scheduler~container].
    Possible reasons :
         1.An AS Java service, which is providing a container, is stopped or not deployed.
         2.The containers, which processed it, are not implemented correct. They deployed or started initially the application, but didn't return deployed components in the application deployment info.###
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000002800000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784397#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] error occurred while deploying the deployment item 'local_Dashboard'.###
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000002B00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784428#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] the Deploy.#
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000002C00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784428#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] error occurred while deploying the deployment item 'local_Dashboard'.; nested exception is:
         java.rmi.RemoteException:  class An error occurred during deployment of sdu id: local_Dashboard
    sdu file path: C:\SAP\JP1\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\temp\tcbldeploy_controller\archives\14\Dashboard.ear
    version status: NEW
    deployment status: Admitted
              1. Error:
    Error occurred while deploying ear file C:\SAP\JP1\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\temp\tcbldeploy_controller\archives\14\Dashboard.ear.
    Reason: Exception while validating application local/Dashboard.
    No one of the [] containers, which processed it, returned deployed component names.
    The registered containers in this moment were [, app_libraries_container, Cache Configuration Upload, servlet_jsp, dbcontentcontainer, connector, Cluster File System, JMSConnector, appclient, dbschemacontainer, orpersistence, JDBCConnector, EJBContainer, webservices_container, scheduler~container].
    Possible reasons :
         1.An AS Java service, which is providing a container, is stopped or not deployed.
         2.The containers, which processed it, are not implemented correct. They deployed or started initially the application, but didn't return deployed components in the application deployment info.
    . Cannot deploy it.; nested exception is:
         java.rmi.RemoteException:  class Error occurred while deploying ear file C:\SAP\JP1\JC00\j2ee\cluster\server0\temp\tcbldeploy_controller\archives\14\Dashboard.ear.
    Reason: Exception while validating application local/Dashboard.
    No one of the [] containers, which processed it, returned deployed component names.
    The registered containers in this moment were [, app_libraries_container, Cache Configuration Upload, servlet_jsp, dbcontentcontainer, connector, Cluster File System, JMSConnector, appclient, dbschemacontainer, orpersistence, JDBCConnector, EJBContainer, webservices_container, scheduler~container].
    Possible reasons :
         1.An AS Java service, which is providing a container, is stopped or not deployed.
         2.The containers, which processed it, are not implemented correct. They deployed or started initially the application, but didn't return deployed components in the application deployment info.###
    #1.5 #000C296B3F6A000D0000002F00000A3000EF90978C2E8C29#1183013784428#/System/Server/[RMI/IIOP Worker [3],5,Dedicated_Application_Thread] has finished#

  • Need help to deploy IP Multicast in private network

    I am currently working on a project where there is an urgent requirement to deliver an IP multicast solution.
    The network itself is fairly simple.
    IP Cameras as connected to pairs of Catalyst 2960 switches in 'access nodes'. There are 8 cameras per node, 4 on each switch. There are multiple nodes, 3 at the moment in our testing environment, all trunked together, so 24 cameras in total.
    The Catalyst 2960 switches are trunking to a Core node, which consists of a pair of Catalyst 3750 switches with MHSRP configured for each of 8 VLANs, with 2 DCs and 2 Video storage servers for storing camera footage attached to access ports on those switches. We also have workstations attached to the core node switches which have software installed to view live images and manage the cameras across the network.
    We have no routing - the access switches have default gateways pointing to the VLANs SVIs configured on the core switch, and each function has its on VLAN. InterVLAN routing is enabled on the 3750s and connectivity is working fine.
    I wish to send a TCP stream to the Video Storage servers for storage, and to multicast to the workstations so that the software can see multiple streams from multiple cameras.
    Could someone please suggest a suitable deployment strategy, including how to configure the cameras and switches appropriately to allow this to happen? I am struggling to understand what type of configuration is required.
    Much appreciated. I'm actively viewing this thread for assistance.

    I don't think IP Base supports any PIM mode other than PIM stub routing (unless you know otherwise) so your solution wouldn't work. Or perhaps i am not understanding ?
    I think the only way forward is to test what we have already covered.
    I didn't realise this was a test environment so at least you can try all things out without worrying about the production network.
    The thread i linked to suggested that you can get the routing working even without a L3 device capable of running full multicast routing but at the moment the question concerns those extra commands you can't enter. Can you verify they are not available in config mode ?
    An additional problem is because PIM is passive on the SVIs no IGMP queries are being made so there is no way for the switches to work out which ports needs the multicast stream and so it will be flooded.
    There is a function, supported on the 3750s called the IGMP querier function which allows the switch to make IGMP queries per vlan without PIM enabled. We may be able to use this but i have absolutely no idea how it will work with the L3 multicast routing config.
    I recommend you try and get multicast routing working first. If you can get to the stgae where you can send a multicast stream from one vlan to another then you should be able to use wireshark to then see each port in the destination vlan receiving the stream (even when you don't want it to).
    If you can get to that stage we can then try the IGMP snooping querier to see if we can restrict the stream to only those ports that need to receive it. It may be we can't in which case -
    a) you could statically configure the multicast mac address to the relevant ports but this is no scalable and does not allow clients to dynamically join and leave the multicast group
    b) simply allow the stream to be flooded to all ports within the destination vlan. Not ideal and kind of defeats the purpose of multicast but you may have no choice.
    I doubt whether any of this would be supported by Cisco though as i think their position would be to simply upgrade to an IP Services license although in understand this may not be possible for you because of cost.

  • How to deploy forms? Or: FRM-92101 on Forms 10g (

    we have a problem with deploying changed FMX-Files.
    We work with an OAS and the Developer Suite The Compilation works fine with on the server (Linux X86).
    And these Files are accessible within the JInitiator-Applet. All fine.
    But now there's the problem: If anyone has opened a FMX-File within JInitiator and this FMX-File is compiled again, the compilation is successful but the access on this form is not. The user only get an error
    FRM-92101: There was a failure in the Forms Server during startup. This could happen due to invalid configuration.
    Please look into the web-server log file for detatails.
    Java Exception: Forms.session <46> aborted: unable to communicate with runtime process.
    at ...
    I remember, there was an equivalent problem under 9i and the solution there was to set the FORMS90_MMAP-Variable. Under 10g there is no such setting. (and this is clearly no solution)
    Now my question: There had to be a way to treat this problem. And all of the Forms-Developer had to have the same problem. I would be very happy if anybody could tell here how to deploy correctly.
    Many thanks in advance,

    Yes, indeed.
    We want to change fmx-files in a running installation because the functionality of the forms have to change, errors have to be corrected and so on.
    I read the suggestions in Note 286762.1, but honestly I think it is to complicated in a development team to handle with two or more directories and to make clear, which one is the production-directory
    I think this could not be the only possibility.
    We thought about this:
    - we have a development directory, a "waiting" directory and a productivity-directory.
    The process could be:
    - compiling in the development directory
    - checking, if the fmx-file is in use (with lsof)
    - if the fmx-file is in use, the fmx-file will be transferred into the "waiting" directory
    - it the fmx-file is not in use, it will be transferred into the productivity-directory
    - in regular intervalls a job has to test, if the files in the "waiting" directory are freed. If so they will be transferred, else not.
    Only if changes are needed to do immediately (e.g. heavily errors), the fmx-file can be moved manually in the productivity-directory.
    But this is only our idea. I thought there has to be a standard deployment-strategy from Oracle or better ideas from other developers.
    Perhaps someone has a even better suggestion for us.
    Many thanks in advance for every idea,

  • SAP PI 7.1 custom adapter deployment error

    Hi Experts,
    I have developed one custom SFTP adapter and i am trying to deploy it in PI server via JSPM.
    But in JSPM i am getting some error messages. what may be the cause of this error.
    ERROR log:
    <!HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/>
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:05 AM [Info  ]:DC API is trying to connect to 'p71:58804'
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Info  ]:DC API has Connected to 'p71:58804'
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:+++++ Starting  V A L I D A T E action +++++[ deployerId=10 ]. timerId=51
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:Selected archives for validation. [ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Debug ]:Got full sdu path '
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:component version handling rule is UpdateAllVersions.[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:deployment workflow strategy is normal deploy strategy.[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:life cycle deploy strategy is disable LCM deploy strategy.[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:Error strategies[ deployerId=10 ]:
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:error action 'DeploymentAction' is 'OnErrorStop'
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:error action 'PrerequisitesCheckAction' is 'OnErrorSkipDepending'
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Debug ]:deployer initialized successfully:[id:#52, elapsed: 125 ms.].[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Debug ]:Total time:[#52: 0.125 sec].[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Info  ]:Start validating.[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:Validating completed. Preparing the validation result.
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:
    Sorted Items -
    1. Client path '
    Sdu info :name 'SFTPAdapter_raEAR', vendor 'sap.pi.adapter.sftp', location 'SFTP_Adapter', version '1.1', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]
      Deploy status is 'Admitted'
    Deployment Items -
    1. Client path '
    Sdu info :name 'SFTPAdapter_raEAR', vendor 'sap.pi.adapter.sftp', location 'SFTP_Adapter', version '1.1', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]
      Deploy status is 'Admitted'
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Info  ]:+++ Validation finished with status 'Success' +++[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:+++++ End  V A L I D A T E action +++++[ deployerId=10 ]. Total time:[#51: 0.25 sec]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:+++++ Starting  D E P L O Y action +++++ [ deployerId=10 ] [ timerId=53]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:Selected archives for deployment. [ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Debug ]:Got full sdu path '
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:component version handling rule is UpdateAllVersions.[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:deployment workflow strategy is normal deploy strategy.[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:life cycle deploy strategy is disable LCM deploy strategy.[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:Error strategies[ deployerId=10 ]:
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:error action 'DeploymentAction' is 'OnErrorStop'
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:error action 'PrerequisitesCheckAction' is 'OnErrorStop'
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Debug ]:deployer initialized successfully:[id:#55, elapsed: 125 ms.].[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Debug ]:Total time:[#55: 0.125 sec].[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:06 AM [Path  ]:Starting deployment.[ deployerId=10 ]
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:07 AM [Debug ]:deployment triggered : DeployItem[file=
      sdu=name 'SFTPAdapter_raEAR', vendor 'sap.pi.adapter.sftp', location 'SFTP_Adapter', version '1.1', softwareType ''J2EE', sub type '''
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:09 AM [Debug ]:deployment performed : DeployItem[file=
      1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DS.5402] JLinEE reported following erros for sap.pi.adapter.sftp/SFTPAdapter_raEAR application.
    Connector Schema Validator: Versions of standard and additional xmls do not match., file: SFTP_Adapter_ra.rar#META-INF/connector-j2ee-engine.xml, column 0, line 0, severity: error
    Hint: 1) Given application file is not valid one.
      sdu=name 'SFTPAdapter_raEAR', vendor 'sap.pi.adapter.sftp', location 'SFTP_Adapter', version '1.1', softwareType ''J2EE', sub type '''
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:17 AM [Error ]:Deployment Exception during deployment phase 'DeploymentException',cause=An error occurred while deploying the deployment item 'sap.pi.adapter.sftp_SFTPAdapter_raEAR'.; nested exception is: [ERROR CODE DPL.DC.3298] An error occurred during deployment of sap.pi.adapter.sftp_SFTPAdapter_raEAR. Cannot deploy it.
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:17 AM [Error ]:Deployment Items status: '
    Sorted Items -
    1. Client path '
    Sdu info :name 'SFTPAdapter_raEAR', vendor 'sap.pi.adapter.sftp', location 'SFTP_Adapter', version '1.1', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]
      Deploy status is 'Aborted'
      Description:'1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DS.5402] JLinEE reported following erros for sap.pi.adapter.sftp/SFTPAdapter_raEAR application.
    Connector Schema Validator: Versions of standard and additional xmls do not match., file: SFTP_Adapter_ra.rar#META-INF/connector-j2ee-engine.xml, column 0, line 0, severity: error
    Hint: 1) Given application file is not valid one.'.
    Deployment Items -
    1. Client path '
    Sdu info :name 'SFTPAdapter_raEAR', vendor 'sap.pi.adapter.sftp', location 'SFTP_Adapter', version '1.1', software type ('J2EE', sub type ''), dependencies :[none]
      Deploy status is 'Aborted'
      Time statistics( ms ):
       1.validate : -1
        1.1.deployment : 2156
         1.1.1.Notify:Event triggered : 16
         1.1.2.Disable LCM deployment : 2140
 delivery : 2140
  Deployer : 2140
      Description:'1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DS.5402] JLinEE reported following erros for sap.pi.adapter.sftp/SFTPAdapter_raEAR application.
    Connector Schema Validator: Versions of standard and additional xmls do not match., file: SFTP_Adapter_ra.rar#META-INF/connector-j2ee-engine.xml, column 0, line 0, severity: error
    Hint: 1) Given application file is not valid one.'.
    Jun 15, 2011 11:55:17 AM [Path  ]:+++++ End  D E P L O Y action +++++[ deployerId=10 ]. Total time:[#53: 10.779 sec]

    Hi Debashish,
    I have a similar requirement to develop a Custom module for SFTP adapter for SAP PI 7.1 version..
    Can you please advise how you build the adapter and please share the document if you have any...

  • Web Services Deployment

    Not sure if this is the best forum, but I am looking for guidance on deploying a simple Web Service in eBS r12i.
    So basically, we want to have the Web Service available on the Web Server used by the application.
    Any help much appreciated

    Hi Anil,
    Yes, this is a common setup in the field. One of the WebLogic Server Proxy Plug-ins
    (i.e. NSAPI plug-in, Apache plug-in, IISAPI plug-in), is typically setup to "proxy"
    the web service requests by either path (i.e. using all or a portion of the target
    endpoint URL), MIME type (i.e. text/xml for SOAP 1.1 and application/soap+xml
    for SOAP 1.2), or a combination of both.
    Proxy "by path" and the Apache proxy plug-in are the most commonly chosen configuration
    for this.
    Refer to the information at the following link for specifics on how to setup the
    WebLogic Server Proxy plug-in for Apache:
    Mike Wooten
    "Anil Kumar" <[email protected]> wrote:
    What is the deployment strategy for the web services that are running
    on WebLogic
    7.x that is behind a firewall fronted by a web server in the DMZ? In
    other words,
    can a web services client (in our case, the client is another WebLogic
    call the web service through the web server? If not, what are the typical
    strategies for web services in a production environment?

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hi Gurus I need to know whether there is an option to print a list of the VAT and Service Tax registration numbers along with the client details -  this is as entered in the customer master. This is for user specific menu not for the admin. Regards S