Snow Lep and ADVC 110 - no video

Using iMHD6 to playback thru ADVC 110 to conventional TV in.
Audio passes, but video does not.
Any ideas for a fix or other method to do this?

It should work.
I normally use the ADVC 300, but I got my ADVC 110 out of the closet and tested it, and it works for me.
I am using iMovie 06 with iLife 11, OS 10.6.5 on a Mac Pro.

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    I'd try shutting everything off completely, removing all cables and then start from scratch.
    FCE should be able to import using the DV Converter option.
    I suspect some king of weird fluke like cabling that the audio didn't arrive.
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    You need to be running at least 10.6.6, and 10.6.8 is better. If you have the App Store icon, you are probably already at that version.
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    Hick,  thanks for the help.  One thing I had to do was to push the button on top of the Canopus once I started the tape.  Thanks again for your help and have a great Easter. Randall

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    Hi there - I've just recently bought a Canopus ADVC 110 - unfortunately I cannot get the picture to display properly - I've spoken to Apple and to Canopus, but neither seems to be able to help me sort this out.
    Basically my imovies does receive a visual and an audio signal from the ADVC 110 ... but the picture is split in two (top half on the bottom, bottom half on the top), its black and white when it should be colour, and the sound is heavily distorted.
    The help people at Canopus tell me that this appears to be an issue with PAL and NTSC settings and that there have been reported problems with importing analogue signals from combined VHS/DVD players (which is what I have). They've suggested that the box (ADVC 110) is being 'confused' by multiple signals coming from the VHS/DVD player (this doesn't help me much though). They talked me through arranging the settings so that the Video cassette, the ADVC 110 and the VHS/DVD player are all set to PAL, then have changed the setting in imovies to also read PAL - imovies then tells me that the camera connected is not using the same format (despite the letters 'PAL' on the front of the thing) - changing the imovies setting back to NTSC allows the signal to be received, but in the way described above ... OK, then its the issue with the combined signals from the VHS/DVD player ...
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    I've tried to find more about this on the internet, but this specific problem doesn't seem to come up - maybe I'm missing something or phrasing my searches badly.
    Has anyone any suggestions on where I go from here (rather than bringing it back to the Apple shop and asking for a refund)?
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    ibook G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   using imovies 4.0.1

    Hi Estaphin
    Welcome to discussions. I use a Canopus ADVC 100. It's similar to yours. I've never had a problem with it. I've used it connected to a VCR and an analog video camera. Then imported the video into im for various projects.
    Try this. First clean the heads on your VCR. Connect an RCA cable to the L/R/ V out on the VCR. Next, connect it to the Canopus front panel - in. Connect the fire wire out on the Canopus front to the firewire in on the Mac.
    Put the VHS tape in the VCR. Don't start it yet.
    Open im. Set im for a new project. Turn on the Canopus from the on off switch at the back. From the input select button on the top left front of the canopus, select analog in.
    Press play on your VCR. im should recognize the signal. In im select import. Your video should begin importing fine. The qulaity of the images on your computer screen will appear to be poor -- dark, faded, etc. This poor quality is for two reasons. First, analog tape can degrade fast depending on how often the tape was used previously, and how it was stored and at what tempertures.
    Second, im will display the image darker because of conversion. But, don't worry. Once you burn the finished product to DVD, you'll be surprised how clear the picture is compared to what you viewed in im.
    Make sue your DIP switches on the bottom of the canopus were/ are put back to the original settings.
    Try that. I hope it helps
    imac 17 superdrive, 1.25GHz Power PC G4 1.25 GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.2)   Airport Express, 180 GB Maxtor external HD, Dell Latitude lap top Windows XP

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    I have used the ElGato EyeTV Hybrid, which will capture video from Composite video and also enable you to watch and record TV over an antenna (like rabbit ears). It uses EyeTV 3 software, which is great. I am not familiar with the ElGato video capture that you refer to, but if it uses EyeTV 3, it should work fine. If not, pay a little more for the EyeTV Hybrid.
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    1.5-3 minute boot up as opposed to 15-20 seconds
    why it takes a long time to load a lot of things.
    I have restored this
    from a time machine partition.
    TimeMachine is only a backup and restore, it won't fix issues in software and according to your information, doesn't even optimize the restore for best performance on boot hard drives.
    What you need to do to regain your speed is to understand how your machine works
    Why is my computer slow?
    Fix any and all issues in software following this list of fixes
    ..Step by Step to fix your Mac
    Then follow this defrag method I've outlined
    How to safely defrag a Mac's hard drive
    Most commonly used backup methods
    There shouldn't be need to reinstall OS X fresh unless your having file structure issues which if they are should appear when in the Steps, which then a zero erase and install will cure as well as any bad sector issues, the defrag step wouldn't be necessarry on a freshly installed system obviously as the files are written all together, not in portions all over the drive.
    Hope this assists.

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    Can you tell us about one or more of the video files - what are they?  QuickTime?  MP4?  Something else?  How did you create the video files in the first place?
    I do a lot of video and when I upgraded to Snow Leopard I discovered that many of the QT videos that I had created previously (via iMovie & Final Cut) would not play correctly in QuickTime X - the bizarre behavior was that QT X acted as if my video files were only audio files!  I reported this to Apple at the time but never heard anything back, and there hasn't been any change in later updates to QT X.
    The solution was to (re)install QuickTime 7.  But first look in your Applications > Utilities folder.  When you upgrade from Leopard to Snow Leopard, the installer normally moves the old QT 7 program to your Utilities folder.  If it's there, try using QT 7 to play one of your video files.    If QT 7 is not there, you can download and install it from here  Make sure you are running at least OS X 10.6.3 before you install QT 7.  It's even better if you make sure you are running 10.6.8 which was the last release of Snow Leopard.

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    You may be in the same boat as me.
    I deliberately bought a refurb Feb 2011 MacBook Pro, because it would have originally shipped with Snow Leopard. I have to run an application for my job, which does not run under Lion.
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    The only option they have been able to offer me so far, is to return the machine and get a refund. This is maddening, as I HAVE to have a Snow Leopard machine, and can't find any other way to purchase one.

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    -->Click HERE<--  Does item "B" (Turn video on/off) in the last topic on the page help?
    You control the camera for Skype from within Skype, so  Skype must be running to running to make video work.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac OSX 10.7.4

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