SNP PPM Selection Criteria

Hi Experts,
I would be really glad if you could help me regarding this issue.
I have 2 Materials with 2 SNP PPMS. The SNP PPMS were generated by converting PPDS PPMS  which was cifed from R/3. The production versions in R/3 has the same validity date.
Lets say for Material A:
- It has 2 production versions and 2 SNP PPMs
- PRD1 and PRD2
- when I had run the SNP location heuristic it had selected PRD1.
Material B
- It has 2 production versions and 2 SNP PPMS
- PRD1 and PRD2
- when I had run the SNP location heuristic it had selected PRD2.
May I kindly ask therefore how PPMs are selected by the APO system in the case of SNP PPMs running SNP location Heuristic? Unless I understand the process, I cannot still create alternative PPMs. I cannot always assign manually the Procurement Priority of all the PPMs generated.
I am really hoping you'd help me regarding this issue.
Thank you so much.
Sincerely Yours,
Edited by: Ria Montealto on Jul 31, 2008 10:16 AM

Hello ,
As you must be aware the basis for selection of ppm are 'quota arrangment' ,'procurement priority' ,'costs(multilevel cost)' ,'procurement type' .
Kindly refer to following link for more detailed information and how this ranking list can be changed. " ".
Also if all the parameters are same , it will refer to nomenclature of the ppm as the ppm name contains the version number ciffed from r/3.
For example, if there are versions "0001 " and  "0002 " in r/3 and these versions are ciffed to APO to create ppm .
The snp hueristics will select the ppm of prod. version 0001 .
Thanks & Regards
Abhijit S Nakhwa

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    Selction Criteria:-
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    Component:- Plan        Attrib:- Plan
    Components & Attributes to be Maintained
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    ****2) Set Up =45 MIN****
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    Thanks and Regards ,
    Prashant Kumar

    Dear Murali ,
    I have specific field values e.g. variable lot size , without PPDS Campaign , Blank Mode Combination to be selected .
    When we select the PPDS PPM no. or Product Location Combination inserting all these values in the table after execute done on the selection screen needs manual entry of all the field values .
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    Would appreciate any further help .
    Thanks and Best Regards ,
    Prashant Kumar

  • SNP PPM need to be created

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    pl let me know, where will be the setting to create SNP PPM directly in APO.

    Hi JK :
    SNP PPM can not be generated from R/3 directly .
    It can be manually created in APO through transaction SCC03 .
    Also if you dont want to create it manually then you can do through this , when you CIF  BOM & routing , A PPDS ppm gets created in APO .
    This can be converted into SNP PPM , It is also possible to convert for the whole plant in one go or can select certain products for a plant.
    SNP PPM is generated in APO based upon existing PPDS PPM .  So, every time an R/3 recipe or BOM is changed, the PPDS plan will automatically be updated.  However the equivalent SNP plan must be regenerated manually to account for the R/3 changes.
    there are two steps :
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    & conversion of those selection plans /n/SAPAPO/PPM_CONV_310.

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    Dear Colleagues,
    In oss note 1172838 SAP AG states that there is no auto link to
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    and recommends the customers to do that manually.
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    the existing name of SNP PPM is required.
    2. Create a new mode combination taking into account the changes in the
    Then we will run transaction /SAPAPO/PPM_CONV_310 and generate the new
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    Task in point 1 can be done with transaction /SAPAPO/PPM_DEL,
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    with invalid/obsolete mode combinations. Besides that it can not be run in
    background, but in foreground.
    Would you share you experience if you have faced the same/similar problem.
    Best Regards,
    Alper Myumyun

    Hi Senthil,
    The problem is that the mentioned check does not work. I have even opened an oss message where I have got the following answer:
    First you have to re-generate the SNP PPM (invalidity of the old mode combination will be generated) and then the
    check will warn you about the invalidity.
    This is so because at the first stage there is no issue of it being obsolete until a new one is created.
    At the point that you Generate SNP PPM is when the mode invalidity is generated and not before. So its not possible for the warning to have come when there is no invalidity.
    /SAPAPO/SAPLSCC_CPIT2 looks scary. There are tons of includes in it. Would you specify which one is used for the mentioned check? INCLUDE /SAPAPO/LSCC_CPIT2F09?
    Thanks for your help.

  • Selection Criteria addition-Not working

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    REPORT zsd_pfgenerate LINE-SIZE 170 LINE-COUNT 65.
    TABLES: lips, likp, vbap, vbak, vbrp, vbpa, vbrk.
    CONSTANTS: cns_vgtyp TYPE vbrp-vgtyp VALUE 'J',
    cns_intyp TYPE vbrk-vbtyp VALUE 'M',
    cns_vkorg TYPE vbak-vkorg VALUE 'CA01',
    cns_vkorg_US type vbak-vkorg value 'US01', "DEVK903521
    cns_parsh TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'WE',
    cns_parsp TYPE vbpa-parvw VALUE 'AG',
    cns_parre type vbpa-parvw value 'RE', "bill-to
    cns_auzwp TYPE vbak-auart VALUE 'ZWP',
    cns_auzct TYPE vbak-auart VALUE 'ZCT',
    cns_auzif TYPE vbak-auart VALUE 'ZIF',
    cns_auztm TYPE vbak-auart VALUE 'ZTM',
    cns_fkff TYPE vbrk-fkart VALUE 'ZFF5',
    cns_fkos TYPE vbrk-fkart VALUE 'ZOF5',
    cns_upd(1) TYPE c VALUE 'S',
    cns_mode(1) TYPE c VALUE 'N'.
    Internal Tables and Work Areas
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_vbpos OCCURS 0,
    werks TYPE vbap-werks,
    audat TYPE vbak-audat,
    auart TYPE vbak-auart,
    kunag TYPE vbak-kunnr,
    name1_ag TYPE kna1-name1,
    kunsh TYPE likp-kunnr,
    name1_sh TYPE kna1-name1,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
    vbdel TYPE likp-vbeln,
    psdel TYPE lips-posnr,
    kunre type kunre, "Bill-to Party
    name1_re type kna1-name1, "Bill-to Party Name
    END OF it_vbpos,
    BEGIN OF it_vbpos_temp OCCURS 0,
    vgbel TYPE lips-vgbel,
    vgpos TYPE lips-vgpos,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    posnr TYPE vbap-posnr,
    END OF it_vbpos_temp,
    BEGIN OF it_report OCCURS 0,
    werks TYPE vbap-werks,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    vbdel TYPE likp-vbeln,
    audat TYPE vbak-audat,
    auart TYPE vbak-auart,
    name1_ag TYPE kna1-name1,
    name1_sh TYPE kna1-name1,
    name1_re type kna1-name1, "Bill-to Party Name
    mark(1) TYPE c,
    END OF it_report,
    BEGIN OF it_vbeln OCCURS 0,
    vbeln TYPE vbak-vbeln,
    END OF it_vbeln,
    wa_vbeln LIKE LINE OF it_vbeln,
    wa_vbpos LIKE LINE OF it_vbpos,
    wa_report LIKE LINE OF it_report,
    wa_sel LIKE LINE OF it_report.
    DATA: it_vbrp type table of vbrp,
    it_vbrk type table of vbrk.
    BDC Variables
    DATA: BEGIN OF bdc_tab OCCURS 0.
    DATA: END OF bdc_tab.
    DATA: wa_bdc LIKE LINE OF bdc_tab,
    it_bdcmess TYPE TABLE OF bdcmsgcoll.
    *& Selection-Screen definition
    p_rdos TYPE c RADIOBUTTON GROUP rad1.
    s_auart FOR vbak-auart,
    s_kunag FOR vbak-kunnr, "Sold-to Party
    s_kunnr FOR likp-kunnr, "Ship-to Party
    s_kunre for vbak-kunnr, "Bill to Party
    s_vdatu FOR vbak-vdatu OBLIGATORY.
    PARAMETERS: p_vgbel TYPE vbak-vgbel.
    selection-screen begin of block block3 with frame title text-003.
    parameters: p_billed RADIOBUTTON GROUP r1,
    p_delvd RADIOBUTTON GROUP r1 default 'X',
    selection-screen end of block block3.
    *& Include ZSD_PFGENERATEE01
    PERFORM read_report.
    IF it_vbpos[] IS INITIAL.
    MESSAGE s999(z001) WITH 'No Data Selected for this criteria'.
    PERFORM show_report.
    *& List Events
    CASE sy-ucomm.
    WHEN 'SELE'.
    LOOP AT it_report INTO wa_report.
    wa_report-mark = 'X'.
    MODIFY it_report FROM wa_report.
    PERFORM show_report.
    WHEN 'DSEL'.
    LOOP AT it_report INTO wa_report.
    wa_report-mark = ''.
    MODIFY it_report FROM wa_report.
    PERFORM show_report.
    READ LINE sy-index FIELD VALUE wa_report-mark wa_report-vbeln
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    input = wa_report-vbeln
    output = wa_report-vbeln.
    input = wa_report-vbdel
    output = wa_report-vbdel.
    READ TABLE it_report INTO wa_sel
    WITH KEY vbeln = wa_report-vbeln.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    wa_sel-mark = wa_report-mark.
    MODIFY it_report FROM wa_sel INDEX sy-tabix.
    REFRESH: it_vbeln.
    LOOP AT it_report INTO wa_report WHERE mark EQ 'X'.
    CASE 'X'.
    WHEN p_rdff.
    wa_vbeln = wa_report-vbdel.
    WHEN p_rdos.
    wa_vbeln = wa_report-vbeln.
    APPEND wa_vbeln TO it_vbeln.
    SORT it_vbeln BY vbeln.
    IF NOT it_vbeln[] IS INITIAL.
    PERFORM process_vf01.
    *& Include ZSD_PFGENERATEF01
    *& Form read_report
    Routine to read applicable orders from database
    FORM read_report.
    DATA: lwa_lips TYPE lips,
    lc_vbeln TYPE vbrk-vbeln.
    Retrieve sales orders based on selection criteria where billing doc has not been
    created for the delivery yet
    REFRESH: it_vbeln, it_vbpos, it_report.
    Select into table based on Onsite/Fixed Facility
    CASE 'X'.
    WHEN p_rdff.
    changed for performance reasons (i.e. time-out)
    k~vgbel is not in it_vbpos but was in select statment ?
    SELECT vbap~werks vbak~audat vbak~auart vbak~kunnr AS kunag
    vbak~vbeln vbap~posnr
    FROM vbak INNER JOIN vbap
    ON vbak~mandt = vbap~mandt
    AND vbak~vbeln = vbap~vbeln
    WHERE vbap~werks IN s_werks
    AND vbak~vdatu IN s_vdatu
    AND vbak~vkorg in (cns_vkorg,cns_vkorg_US)
    AND vbap~oid_ship IN s_kunnr
    AND vbak~kunnr IN s_kunag
    AND vbak~auart IN s_auart
    AND ( vbak~auart = 'ZWP' or vbak~auart = 'ZIF' or
    vbak~auart = 'ZCT' or vbak~auart = 'ZTM' or
    vbak~auart = 'ZOIL' ).
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    SELECT vgbel vgpos vbeln posnr FROM lips
    FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_vbpos
    WHERE vgbel = it_vbpos-vbeln
    AND vgpos = it_vbpos-posnr
    %_hints oracle 'index ("LIPS" "LIPS~Z01")'.
    SORT it_vbpos_temp by vgbel vgpos.
    LOOP AT it_vbpos.
    READ TABLE it_vbpos_temp
    WITH KEY vgbel = it_vbpos-vbeln vgpos = it_vbpos-posnr
    IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    it_vbpos-vbdel = it_vbpos_temp-vbeln.
    it_vbpos-psdel = it_vbpos_temp-posnr.
    modify it_vbpos.
    WHEN p_rdos.
    SELECT k~vbeln p~posnr k~kunnr AS kunag k~audat k~auart p~werks k~vgbel
    FROM vbak AS k INNER JOIN vbap AS p ON k~vbeln = p~vbeln
    WHERE p~werks IN s_werks AND k~vdatu IN s_vdatu AND
    k~vkorg in (cns_vkorg,cns_vkorg_US) AND "DEVK903521
    k~vgbel EQ p_vgbel AND
    k~kunnr IN s_kunag AND k~auart IN s_auart AND
    p~oid_ship IN s_kunnr.
    Determine if delivery has been billed out, if not can create PF Invoice - CHANGED
    LOOP AT it_vbpos INTO wa_vbpos.
    Check Ship-to in
    SELECT SINGLE kunnr INTO wa_vbpos-kunsh FROM vbpa
    WHERE parvw EQ cns_parsh AND vbeln EQ wa_vbpos-vbeln.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    DELETE TABLE it_vbpos FROM wa_vbpos.
    Check for Bill-to
    select single kunnr into wa_vbpos-kunre from vbpa
    where parvw eq cns_parre and vbeln eq wa_vbpos-vbeln
    and kunnr in s_kunre.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    DELETE TABLE it_vbpos FROM wa_vbpos.
    Get Partner Texts
    SELECT SINGLE name1 INTO wa_vbpos-name1_ag FROM kna1
    WHERE kunnr EQ wa_vbpos-kunag.
    SELECT SINGLE name1 INTO wa_vbpos-name1_sh FROM kna1
    WHERE kunnr EQ wa_vbpos-kunsh.
    SELECT SINGLE name1 INTO wa_vbpos-name1_re FROM kna1
    WHERE kunnr EQ wa_vbpos-kunre.
    CASE 'X'.
    WHEN p_rdff.
    IF p_delvd = 'X'.
    optimized for performance reasons i.e. time-out
    Check if delivery has been billed out
    SELECT SINGLE k~vbeln INTO lc_vbeln
    FROM vbrp AS p INNER JOIN vbrk AS k ON p~vbeln = k~vbeln
    WHERE p~vgtyp EQ cns_vgtyp AND p~vgbel EQ wa_vbpos-vbdel AND
    p~vgpos EQ wa_vbpos-psdel AND k~vbtyp EQ cns_intyp AND
    k~fksto NE 'X'.
    refresh: it_vbrp, it_vbrk.
    select vbeln from vbrp
    into corresponding fields of table it_vbrp
    where vgtyp = cns_vgtyp and vgbel = wa_vbpos-vbdel
    and vgpos = wa_vbpos-psdel
    %_hints oracle 'index ("VBRP" "VBRP~Z01")'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    sort it_vbrp by vbeln.
    delete adjacent duplicates from it_vbrp comparing vbeln.
    select vbeln from vbrk
    into corresponding fields of table it_vbrk
    for all entries in it_vbrp
    where vbeln = it_vbrp-vbeln
    and vbtyp = cns_intyp and fksto 'X'.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    DELETE TABLE it_vbpos FROM wa_vbpos.
    ELSEIF p_billed = 'X'.
    Check if delivery hasn't been billed out
    SELECT SINGLE k~vbeln INTO lc_vbeln
    FROM vbrp AS p INNER JOIN vbrk AS k ON p~vbeln = k~vbeln
    WHERE p~vgtyp EQ cns_vgtyp AND p~vgbel EQ wa_vbpos-vbdel AND
    p~vgpos EQ wa_vbpos-psdel AND k~vbtyp EQ cns_intyp AND
    k~fksto NE 'X'.
    refresh: it_vbrp, it_vbrk.
    select vbeln from vbrp
    into corresponding fields of table it_vbrp
    where vgtyp = cns_vgtyp and vgbel = wa_vbpos-vbdel
    and vgpos = wa_vbpos-psdel
    %_hints oracle 'index ("VBRP" "VBRP~Z01")'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    sort it_vbrp by vbeln.
    delete adjacent duplicates from it_vbrp comparing vbeln.
    select vbeln from vbrk
    into corresponding fields of table it_vbrk
    for all entries in it_vbrp
    where vbeln = it_vbrp-vbeln
    and vbtyp = cns_intyp and fksto 'X'.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    DELETE TABLE it_vbpos FROM wa_vbpos.
    WHEN p_rdos.
    IF p_delvd = 'X'.
    Check if order has been billed out
    WHERE vbeln EQ wa_vbpos-vbeln AND
    vgpos EQ wa_vbpos-posnr.
    IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    DELETE TABLE it_vbpos FROM wa_vbpos.
    ELSEIF p_billed = 'X'.
    Check if delivery hasn't been billed out
    SELECT SINGLE k~vbeln INTO lc_vbeln
    FROM vbrp AS p INNER JOIN vbrk AS k ON pvbeln = kvbeln
    WHERE pvgtyp EQ cns_vgtyp AND pvgbel EQ wa_vbpos-vbdel AND
    pvgpos EQ wa_vbpos-psdel AND kvbtyp EQ cns_intyp AND
    k~fksto NE 'X'.
    refresh: it_vbrp, it_vbrk.
    select vbeln from vbrp
    into corresponding fields of table it_vbrp
    where vgtyp = cns_vgtyp and vgbel = wa_vbpos-vbdel
    and vgpos = wa_vbpos-psdel
    %_hints oracle 'index ("VBRP" "VBRP~Z01")'.
    if sy-subrc = 0.
    sort it_vbrp by vbeln.
    delete adjacent duplicates from it_vbrp comparing vbeln.
    select vbeln from vbrk
    into corresponding fields of table it_vbrk
    for all entries in it_vbrp
    where vbeln = it_vbrp-vbeln
    and vbtyp = cns_intyp and fksto 'X'.
    IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    DELETE TABLE it_vbpos FROM wa_vbpos.
    MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_vbpos TO wa_report.
    APPEND wa_report TO it_report.
    MODIFY it_vbpos FROM wa_vbpos.
    if 'onsite field summary', then process by release sales orders
    IF p_rdos = 'X'.
    sort it_report by vbeln.
    delete adjacent duplicates from it_report comparing vbeln.
    SORT it_report BY werks name1_ag name1_sh vbeln.
    SORT it_report BY name1_sh werks name1_ag vbeln.
    ENDFORM. " read_report
    *& Form process_vf01
    Call transaction VF01 and fill screen table with order values
    FORM process_vf01.
    DATA: ln_index(2) TYPE n,
    lc_field(20) TYPE c,
    lc_fkart TYPE vbrk-fkart,
    li_lines TYPE i,
    lc_msgtxt(99) TYPE c,
    lwa_bdcoptions TYPE ctu_params,
    lwa_mess LIKE LINE OF it_bdcmess.
    REFRESH: it_bdcmess.
    lwa_bdcoptions-dismode = cns_mode.
    lwa_bdcoptions-updmode = cns_upd.
    CASE 'X'.
    WHEN p_rdff.
    lc_fkart = cns_fkff.
    WHEN p_rdos.
    lc_fkart = cns_fkos.
    REFRESH: bdc_tab.
    PERFORM update_bdc USING: 'X' 'SAPMV60A' '0102',
    ' ' 'BDC_CURSOR' 'RV60A-FKART',
    ' ' 'RV60A-FKART' lc_fkart,
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '/00'.
    LOOP AT it_vbeln INTO wa_vbeln.
    ln_index = sy-tabix.
    Up to the second delivery of the BDC add the Delivery to the screen, after that click the More Documents for every entry. logic changed for DEVK902353
    CASE ln_index.
    WHEN 1.
    CONCATENATE 'KOMFK-VBELN' '(' ln_index ')' INTO lc_field.
    PERFORM update_bdc USING: ' ' lc_field wa_vbeln.
    WHEN 2 OR 3.
    IF p_rdos 'X'.
    CONCATENATE 'KOMFK-VBELN' '(' ln_index ')' INTO lc_field.
    PERFORM update_bdc USING: ' ' lc_field wa_vbeln,
    'X' 'SAPMV60A' '0102',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' 'FKAN'..
    CONCATENATE 'KOMFK-VBELN' '(' ln_index ')' INTO lc_field.
    PERFORM update_bdc USING: ' ' lc_field wa_vbeln.
    If p_rdos 'X'.
    CONCATENATE 'KOMFK-VBELN' '(2)' INTO lc_field.
    PERFORM update_bdc USING: ' ' lc_field wa_vbeln,
    'X' 'SAPMV60A' '0102',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' 'FKAN'.
    VF01 will go to a different screen if only one line selected
    DESCRIBE TABLE it_vbeln LINES li_lines.
    IF li_lines EQ 1.
    PERFORM update_bdc USING: 'X' 'SAPMV60A' '0104',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SICH'.
    PERFORM update_bdc USING: 'X' 'SAPMV60A' '0102',
    ' ' 'BDC_OKCODE' '=SICH'.
    CALL TRANSACTION 'VF01' USING bdc_tab OPTIONS FROM lwa_bdcoptions
    MESSAGES INTO it_bdcmess.
    WRITE: / 'BDC Messages:'.
    LOOP AT it_bdcmess INTO lwa_mess.
    arbgb = 'VF'
    msgnr = lwa_mess-msgnr
    msgv1 = lwa_mess-msgv1
    msgv2 = lwa_mess-msgv2
    msgv3 = lwa_mess-msgv3
    msgv4 = lwa_mess-msgv4
    msgtext = lc_msgtxt
    message_not_found = 1
    OTHERS = 2.
    WRITE: /5 lc_msgtxt.
    ENDFORM. " process_vf01
    form update_bdc *
    subroutine to add the data to the bdc table for trans. vf01 *
    FORM update_bdc USING dynpro field content.
    CLEAR bdc_tab.
    IF dynpro EQ 'X'.
    bdc_tab-program = field.
    bdc_tab-dynpro = content.
    bdc_tab-dynbegin = 'X'.
    bdc_tab-fnam = field.
    bdc_tab-fval = content.
    APPEND bdc_tab.
    *& Form show_report
    Report to Display Available Orders on Screen
    FORM show_report .
    DATA: l_idx TYPE i.
    WRITE: / 'Available Orders/Deliveries for Plant:'.
    LOOP AT s_werks.
    WRITE: s_werks-low.
    WRITE: /5 text-h01, text-h02.
    CASE 'X'.
    WHEN p_rdff.
    WRITE: text-h06.
    WRITE: text-h03, text-h04, text-h05, text-h07,
    / sy-uline.
    l_idx = 0.
    LOOP AT it_report INTO wa_report.
    IF l_idx EQ 0.
    l_idx = 1.
    l_idx = 0.
    WRITE: / wa_report-mark AS CHECKBOX,
    wa_report-auart UNDER text-h01,
    wa_report-vbeln UNDER text-h02.
    CASE 'X'.
    WHEN p_rdff.
    WRITE: wa_report-vbdel UNDER text-h06.
    WRITE: wa_report-audat UNDER text-h03,
    wa_report-name1_ag UNDER text-h04,
    wa_report-name1_sh UNDER text-h05,
    wa_report-name1_re under text-h07.
    HIDE: wa_report-mark, wa_report-vbeln, wa_report-vbdel.
    ENDFORM. " show_report
    Thanks for your kind help.

    Hi, Anne-Marie;
    You may be running into a common issue that is docuemented here:
    Edited by: Jonathan Parminter on Mar 16, 2009 8:03 AM

  • Report for Sales and purchase tax (selection criteria-Tax code)

    I have one query for sales tax details which gives me detail for all A/R invoices and taxes involved in it. But i want that while executing query system should ask tax code and gives detail of tax amount in front of item and invoice according to tax code selected.
    The query is:
    SELECT M.DocNum AS 'Inv.No ', M.DocDate as 'Date', M.CardName as 'Customer Name',L.Dscription,L.Quantity,L.Price, (Select Sum(LineTotal) FROM INV1 L Where L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'Base Amt.(Rs.)', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' VAT % ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=1 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' VAT (Rs.) ', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CST % ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=4 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CST (Rs.) ', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=7 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' TAXEXEMPT % ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=7 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' TAXEXEMPT ', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=8 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' VAT% ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=8 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as 'VAT12.5 ', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=9 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CST 2% ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=9 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CST @2 ', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=11 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CENVCST % ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=11 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' CENVCST ', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' BED % ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=-90 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' BED ', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' Cess% ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=-60 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' Cess ', (SELECT Avg(TaxRate) FROM INV4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' HCess % ', (SELECT Sum(TaxSum) FROM INV4 where statype=-55 and DocEntry=M.DocEntry) as ' Hcess ', L.LineTotal as 'Row Total (Rs.)',M.DocTotal as 'Doc Total' FROM OINV M LEFT OUTER JOIN INV1 L on L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry LEFT OUTER JOIN INV4 T on T.DocEntry=L.DocEntry and L.LineNum=T.LineNum LEFT OUTER JOIN INV5 J ON M.DocEntry = J.AbsEntry LEFT OUTER JOIN INV3 Q ON M.DocEntry = Q.DocEntry WHERE (M.DocDate >= '[%0]' AND M.DocDate <= '[%1]') AND TargetType ! = 14 GROUP BY M.DocNum,M.DocDate,M.CardName,M.NumAtCard,M.DocEntry,M.DiscSum,M.WTSum,L.Dscription,L.Quantity,L.Price,L.LineTotal,M.DocTotal ORDER BY M.DocNum,M.DocDate,M.CardName,M.NumAtCard,M.DocEntry,M.DiscSum,M.WTSum,L.Dscription,L.Quantity,L.Price,L.LineTotal,M.DocTotal
    I want 2 queries which asks tax code during selection criteria for both cases sales and purchase.

    Hi Malhotra,
    Try this,
    1st remove the FROM/TO Doc. Date where Condition in your Query report.
    AND add the below where condition in your Query report.
    WHERE statype = '[%0]'
    Try this Query Report.
    M.DocNum as 'A/R Invoice No.',
    M.DocDate as 'Inv. Date',
    M.CardCode as 'Customer Code',
    M.CardName as 'Customer Name',
    M.NumAtCard as 'Bill No. & Date',
    ISNULL(L.ItemCode,'Service Item') as 'Item Code',
    M.WTSum AS 'TDS (Rs.)',
    M.DocTotal as 'Total (Rs.)'
    LEFT OUTER JOIN INV1 L on L.DocEntry=M.DocEntry
    LEFT OUTER JOIN INV4 T on T.DocEntry=L.DocEntry and L.LineNum=T.LineNum
    LEFT OUTER JOIN INV5 J ON M.DocEntry = J.AbsEntry
    LEFT OUTER JOIN INV3 Q ON M.DocEntry = Q.DocEntry
    (M.DocDate >= '[%0]' AND M.DocDate <= '[%1]')

  • PS report: multible selection for report selection criteria

    Is there a possibility to define multible selections in the report selection variables of a PS hierarchy report?
    I tried to define them via
    CJE6 -> EDIT -> General data selction
    and entered valiables in the FROM column and the TO column. But when I execute the report it will not show multible selction, but only single selection. Also, I did not find a SAP standard report which has multible selection in the report selection criteria screen.
    I found the multible selections only in the DB profile selection screen and the dynamic selection, but that is not the solution I am searching for.
    Can anybody kindly help me with this?

    E.g. S_ALR_87013532
    here you can see multible selection in the DB profile selection group, but not in the report selection group. I would like to use multible selection in the report selection group, as mentioned above.
    I am aware of the possibility of creating a new DB profile, but this is only my option B.

  • Hide Particular Item Group from Selection Criteria of Sales Analysis Report

    Hello Experts,
    Is this possible to Hide Particular Item Group from Selection Criteria of Sales Analysis Report?
    I have one Item Group as 'Special Items'.
    Now, when I open  Item wise sales analysis report, I want to hide above mentioned group from selection criteria.
    Thanks in advance.
    Best Regards,
    Pankit Sheth

    1. Not possible to put validation for selection criteria windows.
    2. In standard, I don't think it is possible to hide only one item group.
    3. Alternatively don't give authorization to user for running sales reports. If still need create customized query and ask user run every month.
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Selection criteria are not applied to summary fields on group footers.

    I wonder if anyone can help me with this problem.  I am using Crystal reports version 11.2, and my data source is a Sql Server view.
    The records on the view have a date field, and I have selected all records within a given date range in "Selection Formulas".
    The records are then grouped, and the Crystal summary facility used to summarise number fields on the group footers.
    So for example, if my view contains four records, one with field "amount" = 2, one with field "amount" = 8, one with field "amount" = 6, one with field "amount" = 3, but only the first two records are within the valid date range, you would expect to see the first two records listed out at detail level, then field "amount" summarised at group level, with a summarised value of 10.
    ie ....                record1                      2
                           record2                      8   
                           group level total         10
    This works fine when I run the report using Crystal's "print preview" facility.  However, when the report is run from within an application written in C#.NET, the selection criteria are not applied to the summary field, so you get ..
                           record1                      2
                           record2                      8   
                           group level total          19
    I tried putting the date selection criteria at both record and group level, but that did not work.
    I googled the problem and found an article explaining that Crystal first performs the record-level selection, then it creates the groups and totals up any summary fields, and only then does it apply the group-level selection criteria, which can lead to problems like the one I have described above.  However, since I have put my date selection criteria at both record and group level, I do not understand why I still get the problem.
    In one report I got round this problem by creating a formula that returned zero if the record date was outside of the valid date range, and returned the number field to be summarised if the date was valid, then summarising that formula, instead of summarising the number field directly.
    In other reports I created one formula to set a shared variable as zero, then another formula to accumulate it at detail record level, then another formula to display the variable at the group footer.  In other words, I did not bother with the Crystal summary facility at all, but created my own summary facility.
    While googling the problem to see what other people did in this situation, I noticed that most fixes used variations of the "shared variables and formulae" fix to get round the problem.
    The problem is that I have lots of complex reports and it will take ages to replace the summarised fields with shared variables and formulae.  The reports were initially tested with "Print Preview" so we did not notice this problem until the C#.Net application was ready to use them.  And I can't believe that you are simply meant to ignore the summary facility and re-invent the wheel by doing it all manually.
    Please tell me that there is something simple that I have been doing wrong!!!  If I have not given enough information for you to answer, please let me know.

    Hi, Anne-Marie;
    You may be running into a common issue that is docuemented here:
    Edited by: Jonathan Parminter on Mar 16, 2009 8:03 AM

  • Need to take part of selection criteria out of a custom report (R painter)

    Hi Experts..
    I have a requirement to hide cost elements/group which appear as part of selection criteria on our custom report (report painter) for projects.
    1. Why this appears as part of the selection criteria as i did not find this defined in Edit --> General data selection. (I only found  CO area, Valuation, Fiscal year, Period, and Object in there).
    2. We have found a system performance issue when a user put in cost elements for selection. So I am required to take this out. I thought i can just take this out from General data selection.. If I can't find it in there, where would i be able to do that??
    3. Suppose I would hide this selection by creating a screen variant.. I was looking in SHD0
    but its not working with our Z display the error message "Variants are possible only for dialog transactions"... This does not seem to work with a custom t-code. Then how would I do this ????
    Please help clarify on this ....
    Edited by: Monica Kong on Aug 24, 2008 6:01 AM

    Hi Monica,
    I believe we have an executable report here...
    go to se38 -> enter program name -> click on "attributes" button -> display
    We can see the type as 'Executable' or 'Modulepool'
    generally a selection screen is brought by using keywords 'Parameters' or 'select-options' in Executable programs and with screen in modulepool ..although we can use a combination of both in some cases
    So in your program..
    check for keywords
    The best way to proceed is to press F1 on the field that needs to be removed from selection...note the details
    "screen number" and "screen field"
    (1)By default screen number = 1000  if it is an executable program
    Now see the scrren field ..if it is select-options it will something like field-low or field-high
    so in the report
    search for field for cost center and group with keyword starting as parameters or select-options and comment the same
    Remember to comment tte fields throughout the program since this field will be used in multiple locations
    (2) if it is modulepool program note the screen number , go the program and screen and remove the field from screen painter and comment the fields where ever used in the program
    Also note that using screen variant is a good option but done if user needs specific settings on a report or we need the original report as it is plus additional report with few variations
    Hope it helps
    Pls check and revert

  • Work Order Reporting using I_BEGRP as a selection criteria

    Hello all,
    I am having a small problem regarding the authorization object I_BEGRP, which appears at general data informed tab at equipment level. The situation is as described below:
    Our client has several subcontractors working with Maintenance Work Orders in the system, and in order to control that each subcontractor does only access to their own data (equipment, work orders, etc.) different authorization group has been used to assign each of the equipment.
    Problem is now when the client needs to be able to know the list of MWO per subcontractor.
    The need is clear: for a user that is not restricted by this authorization group, it cannot be usedas a selection criteria to obtain a list of WO of a certain subcontractor.
    I have seen that it can be shown in the equipment standard report IH08, but only as exit data, but not as entry selection criteria, but neither for MWO (IW39) nor for notifications (IW29) it can be used as an entry selection criteria.
    Can someone help me with this issue? is the only solution to make a custom development, and to copy program RIAUFK20 in order to allow this field as an input?
    Thank you very much for your help.

    the only workaround I can think of is to use suitable search help for equipment. So the process would be to run IW29, open search help for equipment that allows you to specify authorization group (I think Equipment by Equipment list should work), then select all equipments from the auth. group and then run IW29 restricted by equipments. It's not nice but it allows you to select all orders that have equipments assigned to some specific authorization group. Otherwise you need to enhance standard reports to allow authorization group as one of the select options.

  • Displaying selection criteria in ALV report output

    I’ve been using REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY function module to display my report content in ALV.
    My report’s selection criteria has parameters, select options, checkboxes and radio buttons.  As part of the ALV output, I want to display the criteria that the user had selected in the selection screen.  I was hoping to do that via parameter "i_callback_top_of_page" and fill the selection criteria in the header area.  I'm using REUSE_ALV_COMMENTARY_WRITE to fill the header area. 
    However, the header area takes too much of view space in the output if I put all the selection screen information in it.
    Is there a way to make the header area scrollable?  What is a good way of displaying the selection criteria information as part of the report output?
    Appreciate your help.

    Hi SS,
    1. The purpose of displaying / writring
       selection information
       in alv is
       for identifying what the user has seleccted,
       directly from the report (when its printed)
    2. So, the option of priting/writing
       it on the TOP of alv, is ok.
    3. However, U can also choose to WRITE
      it at the BOTTOM (instead of top)
    4. Try to utilise maximum spacing (horizontally)
       field1 : abcd      fidl2 = xyz  field3 = ppp
       field4 : mnc       etc.         etc.
    amit m.

  • Display/Print the Selection criteria entered by USER on the ALV Report o/p?

    Hi Experts,
    I hv a requirement of to print/display the Selection criteria entered by user in the selection screen.........on the top portion of the ALV report output lay out.
    There is a FM for this purpose, but, I forgot its name!!
    So, let me know the FM or FMs, so that, will choose, which is best one,
    or the piece of code, which covers all select-option entries..........appreciated.
    Edited by: SAP ABAPer on Sep 3, 2008 6:35 PM

    Use the Function RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS get the selection details, now format the data accordingly in the TOP_OF_PAGE using the calss CL_DD_DOCUMENT.
    Check the below mention code.
    REPORT  ztest_page.
    TABLES: sflight.
    DATA : it_flight TYPE TABLE OF sflight WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA BEGIN OF it_sel_opt OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE rsparams.
    DATA END   OF it_sel_opt.
    SELECT-OPTIONS: s_carrid FOR sflight-carrid.
      SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE it_flight
       WHERE carrid IN s_carrid.
          curr_report     = sy-repid
          selection_table = it_sel_opt
          not_found       = 01
          no_report       = 02.
          i_callback_program          = sy-repid
          i_callback_html_top_of_page = 'TOP_OF_PAGE'
          i_structure_name            = 'SFLIGHT'
          t_outtab                    = it_flight
          program_error               = 1
          OTHERS                      = 2.
    *&      Form  top_of_page
    *       text
    *      -->DOCUMENT   text
    FORM top_of_page USING document TYPE REF TO cl_dd_document.
      DATA : dl_text(255) TYPE c.  "Text
    * Add new-line
      CALL METHOD document->new_line.
      CALL METHOD document->new_line.
      CLEAR : dl_text.
    * program ID
      dl_text = 'Program Name :'.
      CALL METHOD document->add_gap.
      CALL METHOD document->add_text
          text         = dl_text
          sap_emphasis = cl_dd_area=>heading
          sap_color    = cl_dd_area=>list_heading_int.
      CLEAR dl_text.
      dl_text = sy-repid.
      CALL METHOD document->add_text
          text         = dl_text
          sap_emphasis = cl_dd_area=>heading
          sap_color    = cl_dd_area=>list_negative_inv.
    * Add new-line
      CALL METHOD document->new_line.
      CLEAR : dl_text.
      dl_text = 'Selection Criteria'.
      CALL METHOD document->add_gap
          width = 34.
      CALL METHOD document->add_text
          text         = dl_text
          sap_emphasis = cl_dd_area=>heading
          sap_color    = cl_dd_area=>list_negative_inv.
    * Add new-line
      CALL METHOD document->new_line.
      CLEAR : dl_text.
      INTO dl_text SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
      CALL METHOD document->add_gap
          width = 34.
      CALL METHOD document->add_text
          text         = dl_text
          sap_emphasis = cl_dd_area=>heading
          sap_color    = cl_dd_area=>list_negative_inv.
    * Add new-line
      CALL METHOD document->new_line.
      LOOP AT it_sel_opt.
        CLEAR : dl_text.
        CONCATENATE it_sel_opt-selname  it_sel_opt-sign
         it_sel_opt-option it_sel_opt-low it_sel_opt-high
        INTO dl_text SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab.
        CALL METHOD document->add_gap
            width = 34.
        CALL METHOD document->add_text
            text         = dl_text
            sap_emphasis = cl_dd_area=>heading
            sap_color    = cl_dd_area=>list_negative_inv.
    * Add new-line
        CALL METHOD document->new_line.
    ENDFORM.                    "top_of_page

  • Profit center report does not show selection criteria

    The SAP Business One software misses a functionality :
    When creating a financial report, you can enter surtain selection criteria in order to shift the data, and in order to get only the relevant data. This is possible in all reports. Also, in the result of all reports, those selection criteria are shown. In that case you actually know what the data is all about.
    This is not the case with the profit center report. When you run the report with e.g a date selection, these dates are not printed on the actual report. When a second person views the report, he/she has no clue as to what the data consists of, they are unaware of the selection criteria.
    The only solution is to export this to excel, or run Chrystal reports. But this should be entered into the standard report !!
    Hopefully, you can help me out.
    Kind regards,
    Bas Stortenbeek
    b1 Consulting
    [email protected]
    0043-664 833 8913

    If you see the screen shot I attached, it has the text "(new)" against the Folder name...
    All new gl reports are under such a folder to differentiate... You cant deactivate any reports from the Standard Menu... You can just control it by authrization....
    You can also ask your BASIS guy to display only the authorized trans on the user screen so that they are not able to see the std set of transactions
    Br, Ajay M

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