So...Should I Continue Using Aperture's Library?

With 1.5's new feature to not contain all my photos within a single library file, should I leave my library as it is (after importing tonnes of photos) or should I move them all out into folders again?
Just curious, what are you going to do with YOUR library?

With 1.5's new feature to not contain all my photos
within a single library file, should I leave my
library as it is (after importing tonnes of photos)
or should I move them all out into folders again?
Just curious, what are you going to do with YOUR
I'm still going to keep using the images stored in the library, because I like having all my master image data along with versions and edits in a single place.
What I am really curious about is just what will happen when you edit an image externally if you are using a master outside the library. Currently Aperture makes a new master which is a TIFF or PSD file it sends to the external application. Will that master be placed alongside the master held outside the library, or will it always go in the library? Neither answer is really that great, and so I prefer to keep things inside the library outself for Aperture to manage.
If the mechanism for offline storge is that you migrate master files onto a DVD, then I would probably make use of the external storage in that way.
An interesting thought is that you could have virtual masters. Currently as my camera is not supported by Aperture I import 16-bit TIFF files. I could do desired adjustment and other work based on these TIFF files, then migrate them outside the library and simply delete them - I can always recreate the exact same TIFF files later from my RAW versions in case there was a future need for the ful-size version, so it would save some space (especally for images I am iffy about but do not dislike enough to remove).

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    Each of them has 80GB. However used disc space did not change after the migration which is confusing (it did not consume additional 80GB for Photos library). Does any one know who the migration works ? Does it move photos to the new library or copy them or what is the process?
    The migration created hard links to the image files in your Aperture/iPhoto library, Michal.  The hard links look like the original files and are showing the same size, but are actually only additional entries in the file table, so they need nearly no additional storage.
    See these two documents:
    Photos saves disk space by sharing images with your iPhoto or Aperture libraries - Apple Support
    Six Colors: The (hard) link between Photos and iPhoto
    It looks I can continue using iPhoto/Aperture like before but new changes are not reflected in Photos. Is it true? Is there any risk continue using Aperture?
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  • Should i bother using aperture.....

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    When I was testing my memory I pulled everything but the last gig of memory and tested Aperture. SLOW..... Going back up to 2 gigs helped, but things really kicked in at 4 gigs. If you run Aperture and then also Activity Monitor you'll see the RAM usage, so yes going up in RAM will still help quite a bit as will the fastest video card you can get.
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  • Aperture and iPhoto should use the same library

    Hi all,
    It seems that there is a lot of conversation about moving photos between Aperture and iPhoto. For example, some like iPhotos slideshow better but still require Apertures adjustment options. Still others have tried, to no avail, to use Aperture as iPhoto's external editor.
    Personally, I have a large iPhoto library with most photos tagged with keywords. I have just started using Aperture and am yet to decide if its extra features are useful for a novice photographer like myself. Other than the price, I see no reason not to use Aperture instead of iPhoto but I would want to import my entire iPhoto library into Aperture.
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    Is this something that anyone else has considered or think would be good. I would imagine that the easier it is for customers to upgrade from iPhoto to Aperture the better. Does Apple plan on supporting this in the future or is the import option 'good enough'.

    Can I and if so how do I best set up Aperture as main app. (master) with iPhoto as sub app that accesses the same library to sort through, look at, order books, etc.
    Simply set the Preferences to 'Share Previews with iLife Applications' in Aperture. Then go to iPhoto -> File -> Show Aperture Library. A media browser will open and you can drag the pics from the Browser to the iPhoto Window. Note: You're getting the Aperture Previews not Masters. Note too that if you set iPhoto to Referenced mode (iPhoto -> Preferences -> Advanced) then you won't use double the disk space.
    +Remember though, you are not accessing the Aperture Library. If you make changes in the Aperture Library (Re-edit the shots) after bringing pics to iPhoto, those changes are not reflected in iPhoto.+
    This is what William means when he says the iPhoto does not access the Aperture Library.

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    A strong warning: If you're trying to edit the Library (that is, make albums, move photos around, keyword, make books or slideshows etc.) or edit individual photos in it via Wireless be very careful. Dropouts are a common fact of wireless networking, and should one occur while the app is writing to the database then your Library will be damaged. Simply, I would not do this with my Libraries. 
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    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    Now you have two full versions of the Library.
    3. On the Internal library, trash the Events you don't want there
    Now you have a full copy of the Library on the External and a smaller subset on the Internal
    Some Notes:
    As a general rule: when deleting photos do them in batches of about 100 at a time. iPhoto can baulk at trashing large numbers at one go.
    You can choose which Library to open: Hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library'
    You can keep the Library on the external updated with new imports using iPhoto Library Manager
    how do you keep photos accessible in iPhoto when your HD is full?
    Move the Library to an external disk -  see above.
    Do you just switch to Aperture and have multiple libraries?
    Aperture uses as much space as iPhoto and both can do multiple libraries.

  • Can I use aperture library on more than one machine

    My situation is thus:
    I have a Macbook Pro on which my Aperture Library resides, in wherever Aperture decided to put it when I bought the software.
    I now have a iMac, which obviously will be better than the Macbook for photo editing.
    But I want to be able to take my Aperture Library with me when I take the Macbook out and about, and if necesary still edit on the Macbook.
    Is there any way to share the Aperture Library, so that I can edit on the iMac, but leave the library on the Macbook, and then edit on the Macbook if I wish.
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    I have searched archives but not managed to find the answer.

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    If your Library is in the location that aperture picks by default, then it will be in your "Pictures" folder - look for a file with a name like "Aperture Library. aplibrary".
    What you will need to share depends on your import strategy for the master images. If you use managed masters, and all your master images reside inside the Aperture library, then you simply need to make this library file accessible  or copy it to an external disk.
    If on the other hand your masters are referenced, then I would recommend to consolidate them into the library before you share the library and then share the consolidated library.
    If you will share your library over the network or just by moving it to an external device is really up to you, but you might consider  the following pros and cons:
    - If you want to profit from the faster CPU on your iMac, then you should keep the library on the fastes volume that is available, and a network volume might be much slower than a directly connected volume.
    - if the network fails during a critical operation your library might get corrupted, if it resides on a network volume - there have been quite a few problems reported in this forum.
    That is why I suggested to use your Macbook as directly mounted external volume, that leaves the library in its place on the Macbook Pro - no need to copy - and you have a very quick and stable connection,  but the decision is yours to make. You will have to be comfortable with the workflow you choose.

  • Using Aperture 2 to Edit Iphoto 08 Library

    I imported my Iphoto 08 library into Aperture 2 as reference images so I can still view my iphoto library on my HD Samsung through my PS3 using Medialink, after I edit the images with Aperture. My question is will there be any problems if I edit / delete / change images in my iphoto using Aperture ? Are there any tricks or things to be careful about ? I don't want to corrupt my library. I am a recent convert to mac (SR Macbook) and iphoto 08 did a great job with importing and initial organizing the mess of photo from all my windows machines. Aperture 2 seems to have better editing and file management of my resultant 25000 + library. I'd like to use both iphoto and Aperture together.

    I import into Iphoto first for a couple of reasons. If I have some videos on my camera, which i usually do, Iphoto will capture them for viewing or editing later. Aperture won't. Second, Time Machine works with Iphoto, not with Aperture. So backups are automatic with Iphoto. With Aperture, you can backup with vaults. I import all my images into Aperture (as referenced images) mostly so I can manage them, IE, organize using metadata, and place into folders by year / month, etc. Also, when you do edit in Aperture, no extra copies are made, like in Iphoto, because, Aperture takes the master from the iphoto library and applies your edits on the fly. You can continually edit and change the image in Aperture and it only will render and make a new image / master when you want to export.
    As far as keeping track of various version of images, after organizing and editing in Aperture, you can place a rating on images, or place them in an album of good stuff (which is just a link to the real image), to then export into a new iphoto event of good stuff, etc
    Alternately, you could import the images into Aperture as masters, and Aperture will make another copy, which means you'll have two of each image taking up twice as much space. Depending how many images and how much hard drive space you have will determine if this works. You could keep either or both Aperture and / or Iphoto libraries on external hard drives. You could import directly into Aperture and only export good stuff into iphoto, if you don't have any videos to manage and you're willing to backup with Aperture vault.
    I setup the external editor in Aperture to use CS3 PS. When you select edit in external editor, Aperture renders a new master which you edit in PS and end up with a new master in Aperture.
    Good luck. I went through several workflows with Aperture trial and almost gave up. In the end though, after I saw what Aperture can do, Iphoto along wasn't good enough and I came up with something that works for me.

  • IPhoto library corrupted. Should I move to Aperture, or make smaller libraries?

    Mountain lion mac mini, running most recent iPhoto.
    iPhoto library of 376 GBs (finder size)
    In November I had hard drive issues which corrupted a previous library. I created a new one library, and merged libraries from old backups on a different drive. using iPhot library manager. Now, several months later, iPhoto is stating that I don't have permission to write to the library. It quit. Now it won't open. I have tried using the iPhoto repair utility - first to repair permissions, then to repair the database. Still being told that I don't have permission.
    This database is on an external drive that I have read and write permissions, the iPhoto library file tells me that I have Read and Write permissions.
    Given the size of the database - should I move to Aperture? Would it do a better job? Or should I make smaller iPhoto libraries?

    This database is on an external drive that I have read and write permissions, the iPhoto library file tells me that I have Read and Write permissions.
    And how is your drive formatted? Does it have the correct formatting for iPhoto libraries - MacOS Extended (Journaled)?
    To check the format see this document:  Format external drives to Mac OS Extended before using with Aperture
    The title says Aperture, but it applies to iPhoto as well.

  • How do I transfer my iPhoto library to two separate drives using Aperture

    Hi, I'm using iPhoto 9.4.2. My photo library is taking up most of my Macbook Pro's hard drive space so I bought Aperture 3.4.3 after reading the following description:
    "As your iPhoto library grows, it may become too big to store on your computer’s hard drive. Aperture lets you set up as many external drives as you want and specify where to store each of your photos."
    I want to put most of my photos on an external drive and only the most recent photos on my Mac's hard drive.  I can't figure out exactly how to do this, though.
    Hopefully someone can provide simple instructions. Thanks!

    "As your iPhoto library grows, it may become too big to store on your computer’s hard drive. Aperture lets you set up as many external drives as you want and specify where to store each of your photos."
    This is referring to turning your Aperture/iPhoto library into a referenced library. Aperture lets you relocate the original image files to a folder outside your photolibrary (this folder may be on external drive) and reference the originals in this location. This way the library itself will be smaller, but if you want to edit or export the referenced images, you need to make sure the external drive is mounted.
    Relocating original files is simple: Just select the images you want to relocate in the browser and use the command "File > relocate original file(s)". But after relocating you are responsible for protecting the originals. Do not move, renmae, or edit them in any way. Make sure you have a working backup of your library before you start restructering it.
    See this part of the manual for more help: Aperture 3 User Manual: Working with Referenced Images
    Just in case Aperture should lose the connection to some referenced originals (this can happen sometimes, if the you need to restore your harddrive) use the command "File > Locate referenced files" to reconnect them.

  • If I install a trial version of Aperture and don't like it, will I be able to still use my photo library in iPhoto?

    I'm evaluating both Aperture and Adobe's Lightroom to decide which one meets my needs for the best price (got a deal on Lightroom 3 for $120 and I know Aperture 3 is $79 in the Mac App Store).
    I have a few questions:
    I currently use iPhoto '11 (9.1.3) and have Photoshop CS4, so I have tools for importing DSLR shots and making pro-type changes in Camera Raw, while also having iPhoto to organize my photo library and syncing Events and Albums with my iPhone and iPad.
    I like that I would be able to maintain my iPhoto library data for Faces and Places in Aperture, but am concerned that when the iPhoto library is "upgraded" for Aperture, and I decide I don't really need that program, the upgraded library won't work with iPhoto anymore.
    Will I still be able to use iPhoto to access and organize my library, or will it be forever converted for use with Aperture?
    I'm considering Lightroom because I have been disappointed with the number of bugs showing up in recent iPhoto releases. I'm a bit weary of buying another photo management software product from Apple. iPhoto '11 crashed my old iMac very frequently (I wound up upgrading to a new iMac due to this and I was expecting to run out of hard drive space in a year or two anyway).
    Recently, iPhoto bugs make Events show up multiple times in iTunes when syncing for iPhone and iPad.
    If iPhoto management is this unstable, I would like to consider choosing a new method of organizing and syncing to iOS devices and abandoning the iPhoto library method.
    Will I find a better user experience with Aperture, or does it also use the single file library and suffer the same struggles iPhoto users have been seeing lately?

    I like that I would be able to maintain my iPhoto library data for Faces and Places in Aperture, but am concerned that when the iPhoto library is "upgraded" for Aperture, and I decide I don't really need that program, the upgraded library won't work with iPhoto anymore.
    The iPhoto library isn't changed in any way by Aperture. Aperture will import the Library and you can choose to copy the files to the Aperture Library or reference them within iPhoto. As long as you don't delete files from the iPhoto Library via Aperture (which you could do if you choose to Reference) there is no impact on iPhoto
    Will I still be able to use iPhoto to access and organize my library, or will it be forever converted for use with Aperture?
    They are completely different libraries.
    Recently, iPhoto bugs make Events show up multiple times in iTunes when syncing for iPhone and iPad.
    Fixed in the 9.1.3 update.
    Will I find a better user experience with Aperture, or does it also use the single file library and suffer the same struggles iPhoto users have been seeing lately?
    Like iphoto, Aperture can use the "single file library" or it can use a Referenced Library (just like iphoto can). Note that using a Referenced Library offers not a whit more in terms of features or capabilities. It's file storage plain and simple. Nothing more.
    No you won't see the "same struggles iPhoto users have been seeing..." because Aperture is an entirely different allication.
    But you my see Aperture or Lightroom struggles

  • Using the same library with multiple computers over a network Use Aperture

    Hi Everyone. I am researching some cataloguing/editing programs to recommend one to my boss, and I was wondering if it was possible to use the same library between multiple computers on a network. Does anyone know if this is possible? This may be what makes or breaks the decision on whether or not to go with Aperture as we need a program that can access a large database of photos on multiple computers.
    Thank you.

    Welcome to the forum.
    You can do it, but...
    It's not supported by Apple.
    Performance won't be great unless you're running a really fast network.
    If more than one person tries to access the Library at one time you're likely to end up with a corrupted database, and there's no code in Aperture to limit access to one person at a time.
    The Library must be stored on an HFS+ volume - don't even try putting it on a FAT32-formatted drive.
    If you want 'proper' multi-concurrent-user network-enabled cataloguing software you're looking into a whole different level of investment than the low price of Aperture - think more in terms of thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.

  • I just noticed that I can no longer select photos out of my finder that are located in my Aperture/Iphoto Library.  I used to be able to attach photos to my gmail out of the aperture library in the finder and for some reason, no longer can.

    I just noticed that I can no longer select photos out of my finder that are located in my Aperture/Iphoto Library.  I used to be able to attach photos to my gmail out of the aperture library in the finder and for some reason, no longer can.
    I can't access these images except to go into the applications. 
    Also, I'd like to import my iphoto library into aperture, and move aperture library to an external drive.  I tried the import first, but there wasn't enough space.  Then I tried copying over the aperture library onto the external drive but it failed bc it said file was in use. 
    As it is, I only have 50gb left on my imac, and the aperture library is 150gb.  Also, I have over 10k images in both libraries combined and there are tons of duplicates that need to be sorted, and hopefully not messed up because I've organized most of them.
    So in short, I need to know how to do the following:
    -select photos in finder in aperture/iphoto libraries
    -move aperture library to live on external drive
    -import iphoto library into aperture library
    -eliminate dups but maintain organization
    -moving forward i need a better workflow so that I import images from camera, and can organize right away into albums rather than creating projects by default and then creating albums so essentially the photos are in 2 different places, even tho they are referenced
    -live happily ever after
    Thanks in advance for any support you can offer!!

    If you're using apps like iPhoto or Aperture then they replace the Finder for managing your photos. The point is that you use the (many) options available via these apps for the things you want and need to do with the Photos.
    So, simply, you don't select the photos in the Finder. I'll append the supported ways to do this - which are faster and will yield the current version of your Photos - to the end of this post.
    -move aperture library to live on external drive
    Managed or Referenced Library? Managed -
    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit Aperture
    2. Copy the Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching Aperture. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.
    Referenced -  relocate your Masters first.
    These issues are covered in the Manual and on this forum hundreds of times.
    -import iphoto library into aperture library
    FIle -> Import -> iPhoto Library? Have you done this already? If so are you trying to move the Masters to Aperture from an  iPhoto Library? Or Consolidate them?
    -moving forward i need a better workflow so that I import images from camera, and can organize right away into albums rather than creating projects by default and then creating albums so essentially the photos are in 2 different places, even tho they are referenced
    You can't. Every photo is in a Project.  They’re the basic building blocks of the Library.
    You might want to spend a little time with the manual or the video tutorials. I'm not sure you've grasped the app  you've purchased.
    The following is written for iPhoto, but about 97% works for Aperture too.
    There are many, many ways to access your files in iPhoto/ APerture:   You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Command-Click for selecting multiple pics. This is what you use to attach your shot to your GMail
    (Note the above illustration is not a Finder Window. It's the dialogue you get when you go File -> Open)
    You can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    There's a similar option in Outlook and many, many other apps.  If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto/ Aperture.
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    If you want to access the files with iPhoto/ Aperture not running:
    For users of 10.6 and later:  You can download a free Services component from MacOSXAutomation  which will give you access to the Library from your Services Menu.
    Using the Services Preference Pane you can even create a keyboard shortcut for it.
    or use this free utility Karelia iMedia Browser

  • OK to use Aperture to maintain iPhoto Referenced Library

    I have Aperture and iPhoto. We are an OSX and Windows household. But thanks to the Windows 8 debacle, my wife (the diehard Windows user) has abandoned her PC with all regard to photos and videos (viewing, editing, sharing). Now, I use Aperture most of the time, but my wife uses iPhoto 100% of the time. I manage all the imports with Aperture. (I currently have one referenced library that I use in Aperture of all files and a second default iPhoto Library that is managed but only has post-2010 files in it. Both created in their respective programs, if that matters.)
    Coincidentally, we are also at a point where we need to quit adding photos/videos to the PC or we'll exceed its backup capacity.
    Now that she is using the iMac, I would like to get the Library organized and minimize my workflow and eliminate duplication. I do not have enough contiguous disk space for single managed aperture library. I have avoided proceeding because iPhoto and referenced files are not recommended by most of the experts here, for well founded reasons. However, now that both apps can use the same library, and Aperture handles referenced libraries so much better... why not go referenced now? I can leave the pre-2010 files on the PC, and keep all the post-2010 imports on the iMac, all in one Library. The fact that nobody is getting into the files on the PC virtually eliminates all the problems I've had in the past.
    Is there something I'm missing?
    Thanks for any thoughts on this, or hidden gotchas.

    No assuming that you have the latest version of both iPhoto and Aperture so there is total interoperability between them

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