So will 7.2 universal improve Logic for people sticking with G5 hardware?

So will 7.2 universal improve Logic for people sticking with G5 hardware?

When you say "improve" I assume you mean either add new features, or bug fixes. Well, the new features have been documented already (do a search in the Manuals section above). But on the question of bug-fixes (which, in the minds of many of this forum's members would be the ultimate "improvement" to Logic) no one can say.
There's nothing posted thusfar about bug fixes in 7.2 on this, their website. There's no way of knowing at this time whether or not Apple will publish a bug-fix document after 7.2 is released. And despite many of this forum members' posting requests for a bug-fix list, sometimes literally pleading for such information, the only responses we've seen to such forum topics are:
a) silence
b) locking of the threads
So IMO, it's impossible to answer your question, because ultimately, Apple is not answering the question.
I think the best advice is to wait until Apple officially releases 7.2 and then see if a bug-fix list will be issued.

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  • Logic for correcting strings with different barckets

    can any one tell me the simple logic for correcting strings with different barckets
    suppose say for eg.
    (<{abc}>defgh) should evaluate to TRUE
    (<{abc>} should evaluate to FALSE
    Things to check is
    1. number of opening brace and closing brace
    2. Their position are correct or not
    If the above two conditions are met than it is TRUE else FALSE
    i guess string function with decode and lenght function or case should do but bit difficult to develop this logic in with sql

    Here is non REGEXP_REPLACE version ( Unfotunately dont have 10G to feel the power of REGEXP_REPLACE.
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      2                    WHEN Left = '(' AND Right =')' THEN 0+Count_Bracket
      3                    WHEN Left = '<' AND Right ='>' THEN 0+Count_Bracket
      4                    WHEN Left = '{' AND Right ='}' THEN 0+Count_Bracket
      5                    WHEN Left = '[' AND Right =']' THEN 0+Count_Bracket
      6                    ELSE
      7                       1
      8                    END
      9                    )
    10         ,0,'Valid','Invalid')
    11  FROM
    12  (
    13     SELECT SUBSTR(str,(len+1 - level),1) Left, SUBSTR(str,(len + level),1) Right, MOD(LENGTH(str),2)
    14     FROM
    15     (
    16      SELECT
    17         REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    18         LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    19      FROM DUAL
    20    )
    22* )
    SQL> /
    Enter value for exp: (<{abc>} )
    old  17:        REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    new  17:        REPLACE(translate('(<{abc>} )','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    Enter value for exp: (<{abc>} )
    old  18:        LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    new  18:        LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('(<{abc>} )','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    SQL> /
    Enter value for exp: <{[()]}>
    old  17:        REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    new  17:        REPLACE(translate('<{[()]}>','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    Enter value for exp: <{[()]}>
    old  18:        LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    new  18:        LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('<{[()]}>','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    SQL> /
    Enter value for exp: ([{<>}])
    old  17:        REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    new  17:        REPLACE(translate('([{<>}])','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    Enter value for exp: ([{<>}])
    old  18:        LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    new  18:        LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('([{<>}])','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    SQL> /
    Enter value for exp: (<{abc}>defgh)
    old  17:        REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    new  17:        REPLACE(translate('(<{abc}>defgh)','abcdefgh','        '),' ') str,
    Enter value for exp: (<{abc}>defgh)
    old  18:        LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('&exp','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    new  18:        LENGTH(REPLACE(translate('(<{abc}>defgh)','abcdefgh','        '),' '))/2 len
    SQL> Note: Only thing needs to care is " translate('<{[()]}>','abcdefgh',' ') " if string has some additional characters please include here.

  • Need Help in improving logic for determining the range

    Hi guys,
    I need some help in my program logic to determine the range of value. My purpose of this program is to find which combinations have the lowest amplitude.
    In the attachment is a set of number.
    e.g 10    0 is a combination.
    Each combination, I will need to draw a graph of data acquired using this combination VS gray level. There is 255 gray level. Every 5 gray level I will acquire a point so I will have 52 points.
    Next, I will get the maximum value - minimum value. And this is the amplitude for the combination. I can do all this function, however it is not practical for me to do it this way until 360 360. There is a round 1200+ combination. It requires a long time since I need to interface all this function with my hardware.
    The graph of each combination maybe a irregular shape. Do any of you have a logic to help me to shorten the process and find the range of values (combination) where the lowest amplitude may lies. Thanks!!
    example.txt ‏11 KB

    Hi Johnsold,
    This is a example of my result. This is only a portion of it. The last column is the amplitude, I store all the 52 points into array and used Array Min and Max function. Then I use max - min to get the amplitude. From the amplitude I cannot see any pattern. Can you please advice me on it. Thanks!!!

  • SQL 2012 and later will fail to publish a database for any tables with a default constraint that references a user defined function.

    Script will create database, 3 database objects and publish. 
    The error is due to the generation script to create the conflict tables that is not stripping out default constraints that reference a UDF. 
    As you can see below, the failure is on the generation script for the conflict table.
    The conflict table should be a bucket table that shouldn’t enforce data integrity. 
    See how the default constraints for the columns someint and somestring were stripped out of the generation logic however the default constraint that utilizes a UDF persist and uses the same object name that was used on the production table (The
    bold line) , this occurs if I explicitly name the constraint or let the system generate the name for me like in the example posted. 
      The only way I could see getting around this right now is to drop all default constraints in the system that uses a UDF, publish then add the constraints back which is vulnerable to invalid data and a lot of moving
    steps.  This all worked with SQL 2000, 2005, 2008, 2008r2, it’s stopped working in SQL 2012 and continues to not work in SQL 2014. 
    Error messages:
    Message: There is already an object named 'DF__repTable__id__117F9D94' in the database.
    Could not create constraint. See previous errors.
    Command Text: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MSmerge_conflict_MergeRepFailurePublication_repTable](
            [id] [varchar](8) NULL CONSTRAINT [DF__repTable__id__117F9D94]  DEFAULT ([dbo].[repUDF]()),
            [somedata] [varchar](64) NULL,
            [rowguid] [uniqueidentifier] ROWGUIDCOL  NULL,
            [someint] [int] NULL,
            [somestring] [varchar](64) NULL
    Stack:    at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ReMapSqlException(SqlException e, SqlCommand command)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.AgentExecuteNonQuery(SqlCommand command, Int32 queryTimeout)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.ExecuteDiscardResults(CommandSetupDelegate commandSetupDelegate, Int32 queryTimeout)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.YukonMergeConflictTableScriptingManager.ApplyBaseConflictTableScriptToPublisherIfNeeded(String strConflictScriptPath)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.BaseMergeConflictTableScriptingManager.DoConflictTableScriptingTransaction(SqlConnection connection)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.RetryableSqlServerTransactionManager.ExecuteTransaction(Boolean bLeaveTransactionOpen)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.BaseMergeConflictTableScriptingManager.DoConflictTableScripting()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSmoScriptingManager.GenerateTableArticleCftScript(Scripter scripter, BaseArticleWrapper articleWrapper, Table smoTable)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSmoScriptingManager.GenerateTableArticleScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSmoScriptingManager.GenerateArticleScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.GenerateObjectScripts(ArticleScriptingBundle articleScriptingBundle)
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SmoScriptingManager.DoScripting()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotProvider.DoScripting()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.MergeSnapshotProvider.DoScripting()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.Snapshot.SqlServerSnapshotProvider.GenerateSnapshot()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.SnapshotGenerationAgent.InternalRun()
       at Microsoft.SqlServer.Replication.AgentCore.Run() (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 2714)
    Get help: http://help/2714
    Server COL-PCANINOW540\SQL2012, Level 16, State 0, Procedure , Line 1
    Could not create constraint. See previous errors. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 1750)
    Get help: http://help/1750
    Server COL-PCANINOW540\SQL2012, Level 16, State 0, Procedure , Line 1
    Could not create constraint. See previous errors. (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 1750)
    Get help: http://help/1750
    Pauly C
    USE [master]
    CREATE DATABASE [MergeRepFailure]
    USE [MergeRepFailure]
    create view
    [dbo].[repView] as select right(newid(),8) as id
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[repUDF]()
    RETURNS varchar(8)
    declare @val varchar(8)
    select top 1 @val = id from [repView]
    return @val
    create table repTable
    id varchar(8) default([dbo].[repUDF]()),
    somedata varchar(64) null,
    rowguid uniqueidentifier ROWGUIDCOL default(newid()),
    someint int default(1),
    somestring varchar(64) default('somestringvalue')
    insert into reptable (somedata) values ('whatever1')
    insert into reptable (somedata) values ('whatever2')
    /*test to make sure function is working*/
    select * from reptable
    /*Publish database*/
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_replicationdboption @dbname = N'MergeRepFailure', @optname = N'merge publish', @value = N'true'
    declare @Descrip nvarchar(128)
    select @Descrip = 'Merge publication of database ''MergeRepFailure'' from Publisher ''' + @@servername +'''.'
    print @Descrip
    -- Adding the merge publication
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_addmergepublication @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @description = N'@Descrip',
    @sync_mode = N'native', @retention = 14, @allow_push = N'true', @allow_pull = N'true', @allow_anonymous = N'true',
    @enabled_for_internet = N'false', @snapshot_in_defaultfolder = N'true', @compress_snapshot = N'false', @ftp_port = 21,
    @ftp_subdirectory = N'ftp', @ftp_login = N'anonymous', @allow_subscription_copy = N'false', @add_to_active_directory = N'false',
    @dynamic_filters = N'false', @conflict_retention = 14, @keep_partition_changes = N'false', @allow_synctoalternate = N'false',
    @max_concurrent_merge = 0, @max_concurrent_dynamic_snapshots = 0, @use_partition_groups = null, @publication_compatibility_level = N'100RTM',
    @replicate_ddl = 1, @allow_subscriber_initiated_snapshot = N'false', @allow_web_synchronization = N'false', @allow_partition_realignment = N'true',
    @retention_period_unit = N'days', @conflict_logging = N'both', @automatic_reinitialization_policy = 0
    exec sp_addpublication_snapshot @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @frequency_type = 4, @frequency_interval = 14, @frequency_relative_interval = 1,
    @frequency_recurrence_factor = 0, @frequency_subday = 1, @frequency_subday_interval = 5, @active_start_time_of_day = 500, @active_end_time_of_day = 235959,
    @active_start_date = 0, @active_end_date = 0, @job_login = null, @job_password = null, @publisher_security_mode = 1
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_addmergearticle @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @article = N'repTable', @source_owner = N'dbo', @source_object = N'repTable', @type = N'table',
    @description = null, @creation_script = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x000000010C034FD1, @identityrangemanagementoption = N'manual',
    @destination_owner = N'dbo', @force_reinit_subscription = 1, @column_tracking = N'false', @subset_filterclause = null, @vertical_partition = N'false',
    @verify_resolver_signature = 1, @allow_interactive_resolver = N'false', @fast_multicol_updateproc = N'true', @check_permissions = 0, @subscriber_upload_options = 0,
    @delete_tracking = N'true', @compensate_for_errors = N'false', @stream_blob_columns = N'false', @partition_options = 0
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_addmergearticle @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @article = N'repView', @source_owner = N'dbo', @source_object = N'repView',
    @type = N'view schema only', @description = null, @creation_script = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x0000000008000001,
    @destination_owner = N'dbo', @destination_object = N'repView', @force_reinit_subscription = 1
    use [MergeRepFailure]
    exec sp_addmergearticle @publication = N'MergeRepFailurePublication', @article = N'repUDF', @source_owner = N'dbo', @source_object = N'repUDF',
    @type = N'func schema only', @description = null, @creation_script = null, @pre_creation_cmd = N'drop', @schema_option = 0x0000000008000001,
    @destination_owner = N'dbo', @destination_object = N'repUDF', @force_reinit_subscription = 1

    More information, after running a profile trace the following 2 statements, the column with the default on a UDF returns a row while the other default does not.  This might be the cause of this bug.  Is the same logic to generate the object on
    the subscriber used to generate the conflict table?  
    exec sp_executesql N'
    select, schema_name(so.schema_id)
    from sys.sql_dependencies d
    inner join sys.objects so
    on d.referenced_major_id = so.object_id
    where so.type in (''FN'', ''FS'', ''FT'', ''TF'', ''IF'')
    and d.class in (0,1)
    and d.referenced_major_id <> object_id(@base_table, ''U'')
    and d.object_id = object_id(@constraint, ''D'')',N'@base_table nvarchar(517),@constraint nvarchar(517)',@base_table=N'[dbo].[repTable]',@constraint=N'[dbo].[DF__repTable__id__117F9D94]'
    exec sp_executesql N'
    select, schema_name(so.schema_id)
    from sys.sql_dependencies d
    inner join sys.objects so
    on d.referenced_major_id = so.object_id
    where so.type in (''FN'', ''FS'', ''FT'', ''TF'', ''IF'')
    and d.class in (0,1)
    and d.referenced_major_id <> object_id(@base_table, ''U'')
    and d.object_id = object_id(@constraint, ''D'')',N'@base_table nvarchar(517),@constraint nvarchar(517)',@base_table=N'[dbo].[repTable]',@constraint=N'[dbo].[DF__repTable__somein__1367E606]'
    Pauly C

  • Logic for a report with check boxes

    Hi All ,
    I m writting a report , I need to put FOUR check box in this report ,
    For example you  can say Check1 ( material1)
                                           Check2 ( material2)
                                           Check3 ( material3)
    In selection critriea I defined one select option ( eg materail )
    Now I have to diplay data accordingly checkboxes
    If Check box '<b>check1'</b> is selected -list must contains only material1
    If Check box '<b>check2'</b> is selected -list must contains only material2
    If Check box '<b>check3</b>' is selected -list must contains only material3
    If Check box '<b>check1</b>' or any other one is  selected -list must contains  material1 and other materail as per other selected check box .
    If Check box<b> others</b> is selected then all other fields ( except the selected check box ) are the out put of this report .
    IF you need more explaination of my query , plz let me know .
    Regards ,

    REPORT ZTEST3 line-size 400.
    tables : mara.
    data i_mara like mara occurs 0 with header line.
    data i_marc like marc occurs 0 with header line.
    data i_mcha like mcha occurs 0 with header line.
    data i_mkol like mkol occurs 0 with header line.
    select-options: s_matnr for mara-matnr.
    parameters : p_check1 as checkbox.
    parameters : p_check2 as checkbox.
    parameters : p_check3 as checkbox.
    parameters : p_check4 as checkbox.
    if p_check1 = 'X'.
    select * from mara into table i_mara where matnr in s_matnr.
    loop at i_mara.
    if p_check2 = 'X'.
    select * from marc into table i_marc where matnr in s_matnr.
    loop at i_marc.
    if p_check3 = 'X'.
    select * from mcha into table i_mcha where matnr in s_matnr.
    loop at i_mcha.
    if p_check4 = 'X'.
    select * from mkol into table i_mkol where matnr in s_matnr.
    loop at i_mkol.

  • Feedback for people chatting with me via skype or google chat

    How do I adjust my system so people that talk to me via chat don't get such horrible feedback.  Every time I am chatting with anyone they state that everything they say to me feeds back to them.
    I have the Toshiba 23" All-In-One LX835-D3205

    Some audio programs have settings that reduce feedback/echo. You may want to check the help files. Alternatively, you coul use a headset. (I use a Logitech G930.)
    - Peter

  • How to write the logic for extending Idocs...

          Can anybody pls explain how to write the logic for extending IDOCs with an example...
          Good suggestions can be appreciated..

    Hi Ram,
    Generally the IDoc user exit is called at the following places:
      1) When the control record is read.
      2) After each and every segment in the data record
      3) At the end of the data segment processing.
    The IDoc user exit interface generally imports IDOC_DATA (data record internal table) table. Now the data records in the internal table should appear in the same order as maintained while defining IDoc structure (WE30 transaction). For SAP standard segment SAP code will take care of this. For extended segment you will have to take care of this aspect by appending the Z-segment in the IDOC_DATA table.
    You can do this by:
             looping at IDOC_DATA table:
                 - Do a case-endcase fo IDOC_DATA-SEGNAM (This stores the segment 
                   structure as per the hierarchy).
                 - Within the case for "Z-segment" you can write the logic for appending
                   the Z-segment to IDOC_DATA-SDATA.
    Hope this gives some clue.

  • Will a Mackie Control Universal V.2.1.2 work with Logic Pro 9?

    Will a Mackie Universal Controller V. 1.2.1 work with Logic Pro 9?

    Mine does. There was something If I can remember how to do it about after the update selecting the controller to mackie controller. You have the option within the controller itself to be mackie controller or logic controller. If it powers up and says mackie controller, You should be fine. If you have a problem get back to me, Ill look for the link that tells you how to change it.

  • I am considering buying a new MAC laptop to run LOGIC for composition and band live/recording, but which one is best as I do not want to spend too much money? Does it have a line in and how do you monitor sound? Will I need adaptors and a interface?

    Can anybody help?
    I am considering buying a new MAC laptop to run LOGIC for composition and band live/recording, but which one is best as I do not want to spend too much money?
    Does it have a line in and how do you monitor sound?
    Will I need adaptors and an interface?
    Also, I am guessing as Logic only runs on MAC surely then they would not the best spec to recommend to run it?
    I see all the upgrades as additional memory or a faster process?
    Is a retina screen necessary, and why flash based storage against a 1TB hard drive, and a i5 instead of an i7
    The main reason for this purchase is to play live and use backing tracks and record found sounds and make creative songs.
    I hope you can provide some valuable feedback, as I am a longtime MAC user and see upgrades and changes happen regularly but the most important thing is the songs not the equipment.
    I have £500 already and willing to add another 500 to 700 pounds, then software extra.

    Can anybody help?
    I am considering buying a new MAC laptop to run LOGIC for composition and band live/recording, but which one is best as I do not want to spend too much money?
    Does it have a line in and how do you monitor sound?
    Will I need adaptors and an interface?
    Also, I am guessing as Logic only runs on MAC surely then they would not the best spec to recommend to run it?
    I see all the upgrades as additional memory or a faster process?
    Is a retina screen necessary, and why flash based storage against a 1TB hard drive, and a i5 instead of an i7
    The main reason for this purchase is to play live and use backing tracks and record found sounds and make creative songs.
    I hope you can provide some valuable feedback, as I am a longtime MAC user and see upgrades and changes happen regularly but the most important thing is the songs not the equipment.
    I have £500 already and willing to add another 500 to 700 pounds, then software extra.

  • In MVC, do i need a View or Page with flow logic for POPUP window

    Hi All,
    I have the below scenario using the MVC pattern.
    I have a main view with 3 trays, each tray has two buttons, for example first tray has Create Order button. When I click on this button, I need a popup window to come with a tableview and a button(Create), where I select some rows and click on the button Create  to create order.
    But as per the MVC pattern I canu2019t call the view (popup) from another view(main view).  So should I create a VIEW or PAGE WITH FLOW LOGIC for the popup? .
    I need 6 popup to be called from the main view and once the function is done close the popup.
    Please suggest me the flow for this scenario.

    1. You can call the view in pop-up because you will be calling the controller using open.window.
    Here is the sample code:
    method DO_REQUEST .
            li_vw           type ref to   if_bsp_page,
            lv_form_field   type          string,
            li_md           type ref to   zcl_model01.
      dispatch_input( ).
      li_md ?= get_model( 'm01' ).
      lv_form_field = request->get_form_field( 'invoice_create' ).
      if lv_form_field is initial.
    *------ Request to display main page
        li_vw = create_view( view_name = 'main.htm' ).
        li_vw->set_attribute( name = 'model' value = li_md ).
        call_view( li_vw ).
      elseif lv_form_field eq 'true'.
    *------ Request to display Invoice page in pop-up
        li_vw = create_view( view_name = 'invoice.htm' ).
        li_vw->set_attribute( name = 'model' value = li_md ).
        call_view( li_vw ).
          function do_Invoice()
          { var s=0; r=1; w=300; h=300; x=screen.width/2;
            var y=screen.height/4;
  '','win','width='+ w
            +',height='+ h +', left=' + x +',top='+ y +');
    Ofcourse you can't bind the model in page becos those are 2 different things. But all you need to do is access the model to get some value. To know how to access the model from Page w/flow logic look at [this link|Passing model reference to a page in a Popup].
    Edited by: Raja Thangamani on Apr 14, 2009 11:22 AM

  • Another "will this set-op be OK for CS5.5?" post.

    This is yet another "is the computer I want good enough for CS5.5" question. Before I begin I'll ask you to please forgive my ignorance and the length of this post. I'm new to having to care about computer hardware. In the past any decent PC has met my needs, but I'm no longer finding that to be the case as I now have a need to edit video.
    So I'll start with my particular needs. I need portability. I'm a student and direct a summer camp. In my role at camp I have identified the need to improve our camp promotional material, and that's where the video editing comes in. I'll be shooting and editing several promotional shorts and a couple of documentary style shorts using DSLR footage and perhaps a little camcorder or two. After much research, and playing around with some free trial software, I've settled on CS5.5, but there's only one problem, my computer just isn't up to the task. Conveniently enough, my current computer has seen better days and it's time to upgrade anyways, so I've been researching and shopping around trying to find an appropriate computer. As portability is a must, and I can't afford a decent desktop and a laptop (and even if I could always transferring data back and forth would be annoying), I've been looking at laptops. It seems like any off-the shelf laptop that is well suited to run adobe isn't really all that portable. Sure you can transport it a lot easier than a desktop, but you can't expect to get a full day of battery life out of it, nor is it a reasonable weight to carry all over creation (my point is that a 17" laptop is out). So I did a little digging, and after reading a lot of posts on this forum and a lot of information from other sources I think I've come up with a solution. I'm looking for input into potential problems any tech-savvy people see with my idea, and sales reps for dell aren't tech savvy, so I figured this was a good place to find out how well adobe would run on my proposed set-up (I'm not a pro, and won't be editing feature length films, so I don't think I need the same performance as a tricked out desktop, I just need it to perform well with as few hold ups as possible).
    Here's what I've come up with:
         Dell XPS 14z:
    Intel core i-7 2640M (2.8GHz, with "turbo boost" up to 3.50GHz)
    8 GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM
    750 GB SATA, 7200rpm  hard drive
    Nvidia Geforce 520M 1GB graphics card
    The only information on screen resolution I could find on the Dell web-site  was "true 720p HD display" after reading a few reviews, I found the specs were lower than the minimum recommended by Adobe, I forget exactly what they are though.
    So this computer is more than I would ever need for my non-video editing needs. On paper it's a nice little laptop, a little pricey ($1300!), but they can be had at a very reasonable price ($700 - $800) refurbished from the Dell online outlet. None-the-less I can see several problems with this set-up.
    First is the Display: it's inadequate. That's easily solved by using an external monitor, and you can get a pretty decent monitor off of tiger direct for less than $200. I can tolerate video editing at a desk, I need portability for other applications.
    Second is the hard drive. From reading this forum I understand that editing with only one hard drive can slow things down quite a bit. I was wondering how big a deal this really is for the casual editor? There are adaptors that allow you to place a second hard drive where the optical drive is in this laptop. If it's necessary, I plan on putting a second 750GB 7200 rpm HDD where the optical drive is. Problem solved, right? Does anyone see any problems with this idea? My next question about the hard drive topic is: how much would a third hard drive really benefit me? And would data transfer using an external HDD with a USB 3.0 connection be fast enough to be a viable option for a third drive? Either way I could pick up an appropriate hard drive and caddy for a little under $175 and around $100 for an external HDD with USB 3.0 to be used as a third drive if necessary.
    The third potential problem is the RAM. It seems there are a lot of opinions out there about how much is enough. Is 8 GB adequate? According to intel's web site this particular processor is compatible with up to 16GB of RAM, and after searching various forums I found a couple instances of people expanding their RAM on this computer to 16GB with no issues. I understand that I can replace the current 2x4GB set up with either 1x4GB + 1X8GB or 2x8GB to give either a total of 12 or 16GB of RAM. Is this necessary or even beneficial?  8GB would be more than enough for anything else I do, and since I have little experience with video editing I thought I'd ask those who know. Is a RAM upgrade necessary? Using this configuration I could update the RAM to 12 GB for around $100 and to 16 GB for around $200.
    Finally, the graphics card that comes with this computer isn't on the list of cards recommended by Adobe. I understand that this is because it doesn't support CUDA, how much of an issue is this? Will I be able to efficiently edit video without a recommended card?
    The point of all the numbers is this: 800+200+175+100=1,275. For $1275ish it seems to me I could get a very reasonable video editing set up that's still portable. That's less than the sticker price on these laptops, and a lot less than a mac book pro, which is everyone's first recommendation when I mention I want to use the computer for video editing. This seems like a very reasonable price for a laptop with an intel i7 2.8GHz, two 750GB 7200rpm HDD's, 12GB of RAM, and an external monitor for when I want to sit down and edit. Am I delusional in thinking this would run well using CS5.5?
    So I guess the point is this. Life is about trade offs, and since I primarily need portability and I'm not a professional (just an anal consumer with high standards :), I'm willing to trade a little bit of video editing performance for the improved portability. I want the opinion of those who have experience using CS5.5 with various set-ups, does my proposed set-up seem like a reasonable trade-off? Are the upgrades even neccessary? Would they be enough to provide a reasonable editing experience? Any other advice (besides buying a desktop or a wicked expensive 17" laptop that weighs two to three times as much and chews through battery life)?
    Thanks for sticking with this and giving me any feedback. It's appreciated!

    Glad the comments were helpful!
    Regarding RAM, the following test results were mine from an old thread:
    "...RAM size: increasing from 4GB to 8GB doubled the MPE GPU performance [11 sec. vs. 6 sec.] and improved the MPEG2-DVD performance [122 sec. vs. 91 sec.]; the other tests only improved marginally. Increasing from 8GB to 16GB made significant additional improvements to the MPEG2-DVD time [91 sec. vs. 37 sec.]; all other tests hardly changed at all". [Note that my testing, and current system, run 5.0.3, not 5.5, but I suspect that these results are still probably reasonable for your situation.]
    Thread was: (How changes to CPU speed, RAM size, and drives impacted my PPBM5 score)
    Regarding graphics card RAM, either card would work just fine for you. User's that have a need for massive frame sizes might benefit from the 3GB model, but for normal HD work the 1.5 will be fine.

  • IPhone 6 will not sync music. This has become a problem since using itunes 12. It also will not sync all my pics and video's with my iPad 4  either. Removed and re-installed iTunes with no improvement.

    iPhone 6 will not sync music. This has become a problem since using itunes 12. It also will not sync all my pics and video's with my iPad 4  either. Removed and re-installed iTunes with no improvement. It stops at last step saying waiting for items to copy and just sits there.  The iPad finish the sync, but some video's are missing.

    iPhone 6 will not sync music. This has become a problem since using itunes 12. It also will not sync all my pics and video's with my iPad 4  either. Removed and re-installed iTunes with no improvement. It stops at last step saying waiting for items to copy and just sits there.  The iPad finish the sync, but some video's are missing.

  • Universe Design Suggestion for a Report

    Hi Guys,
    I am building a trend report from a fact table that was newly built in SQL server 2012.
    Prior to this table there was a manual process of data importing into SQL Server and then bringing into BO universe for reports.
    With the new change the fact table has data from both the old and new process.
    Basically the column looks like -
    Defect Type 2
    1 - new process
    2 - new process
    3 - new process
    4 - new process
    Missing - old process
    lost - old process
    Found - old process
    the developer has added id's instead of the description in  the new process.
    When I bring this in universe I join the id's to the look up table so that I can get the description.
    My question to you is regarding the data that already has description from old process - How can I bring all together in one report or if you can can suggest me a way to do this trend report.
    Also, there is a cut off date when the old process has moved to new code.  OR Should I bring this in 2 different tables.
    Any suggestions will be really helpful.

    I was thinking of putting a filter on the fact table and do the join with all dimensions. This will give me data going forward with the automated process.
    For the manual process data that is sitting in the same table I will create a derived query to give me data for the old process and will bring it as another class.
    I am just thinking by doing this if I can combine both the dataset into one at report level.
    Let me know if i am going the right direction.

  • Will deleting a column at logical schema delete the same at physical level by DDL Sync?

    Will deleting a column at logical schema delete the same at physical level by DDL Sync?

    Hi David,
    First of all thanks for your quick response and for your help logging the enhancement request,
    I am testing more or less your suggestion but I  am not sure if I understood exactly what you mean,
    1)I imported from data dictionary in a new model and into the options menu on the schema select screen I un-ckecked partitions and triggers,
    I guessed that the import should not get from the data dictionary the information about the partitions but the result is that the tables partitioned (by list in this case) are partitioned by range without fields into the physical model on SDDM,
    2)I select one of the tables modify a NO partitioned option and propagate the option for the rest of the tables
    3) I imported again from data dictionary but this time I included the partitions into the option menu on select schema screen,
    into tabular view on compare models screen I can select all the tables with different partitioned option, also I can change for "list partitions" and select only the partitions that I want to import.
    So I have a solution for my problem, thanks a lot for your suggestion
    The second step I'm not sure is needed or maybe I can avoid the step with some configuration setting in any of the preferences screen,
    if not, I think the options to not include partitions into select schema screen are not so clear, at least for me,
    please, could you confirm me if a way to avoid the second step exists or if I misunderstood this option?
    thanks in advance

  • I am going to university this fall for engineering and I was wondering which macbook pro (13 or 15 inch) would be better.

    I am going to university this fall for engineering and I was wondering which macbook pro (13 or 15 inch) would be better. Is the larger screen worth the extra weight ? I will be doing some computer programming and I feel like reading code on a smaller screen could be a bit of a pain. Also, what is the best option in terms of backup? I don't anticipate having a lot of video but I will have some pictures, music files as well as regular documents and spreadsheets. I'd also like to get an idea of how good the battery life is. Thanks in advance:)

    The 13" will do the trick for what you describe as your needs, Be sure to consider how you will backup your data -- need an external drive?
    Also be sure to check with your college or division of study to see what they recommend. If they are hostile to Macs, you may be on your own for finding support. But in most major cities, that will not be too hard.

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