SOAINFRA inactive sessions

When i query the v$session table i can see that there are some 300 odd inactive sessions in the DB for the SOA-INFRA schema. When i bring the manged servers down all the inactive sessions disappear. I have aborted all the running instances but the inactive session count still doesn't come down.
Please share your views on this.

What are the events/programs of those sessions?
Have you started the application or not yet?
Go through the following documents and see if it helps.
Note: 427759.1 - How To Prevent Inactive JDBC Connections In Oracle Applications
Note: 261791.1 - 11i JDBC Thin client connections remain active, MAX PROCESSES REACHED

Similar Messages

  • PL/SQL procedure to kill inactive session

    Hi all ,
    Please i am trying to write a procedure to kill inactive sessions of the shema 'TESTSCHEMA' .This is my first procedure , am not use to pl/sql but i went through many turtorial but have some errors at compliation .when i try to compile the procedure the errors are as below :
    15:50:28 Start Find Objects [TESTSCHEMA@TESTDB_UNIX(2)] ...
    15:50:28 End Find Objects [TESTSCHEMA@ TESTDB_UNIX(2)]
    15:50:32 Start Compiling 1 object(s) ...
    15:50:32 Executing ALTER PROCEDURE fib_dead_cnx_cleanup COMPILE ...
    15:50:32 [13:2] PL/SQL: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
    15:50:32 [9:3] PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
    15:50:32 [18:12] PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "(" when expecting one of the following:
    15:50:32 constant exception <an identifier>
    15:50:32 <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> table LONG_ double ref
    15:50:32 char time timestamp interval date binary national character
    15:50:32 nchar
    15:50:32 The symbol "<an identifier>" was substituted for "(" to continue.
    15:50:32 [18:21] PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "LOOP" when expecting one of the following:
    15:50:32 := ; not null default character
    15:50:32 The symbol "; was inserted before "LOOP" to continue.
    15:50:32 [27:8] PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "ALTER" when expecting one of the following:
    15:50:32 begin case declare exit for goto if loop mod null pragma
    15:50:32 raise return select update while with <an identifier>
    15:50:32 <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> <<
    15:50:32 close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback
    15:50:32 savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge pipe
    15:50:32 Compilation complete - 5 error(s) found
    15:50:32 End Compiling 1 object(s)
    below is the procedure code :
    PROCEDURE fib_dead_cnx_cleanup
    l_serial     CHAR(100);
    l_sid CHAR (100);
    l_sid_serial CHAR(100);
    l_count      NUMBER(10,0);
    CURSOR session_cur IS
              SELECT sid,serial#,sid||','||serial# as sid_serial
         FROM v$session
         WHERE username='EBBFCAT' and schemaname='TESTSCHEMA'
         and status='INACTIVE'
         l_count := 0;
                   OPEN session_cur;
                        WHILE ( 1 = 1) LOOP
                                  FETCH session_cur INTO l_sid ,l_serial,l_sid_serial ;
                                       EXIT WHEN session_cur%NOTFOUND ;
                                       alter system kill session 'l_sid_serial' ;
                   CLOSE session_cur;

    Never write, let alone post, unformatted code.
    When posting any formatted text on this site, type these 6 characters:
    (small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after sections of formatted text, to preserve spacing.
    Among the benefits of formatting: you can indent to show the extent of blocks, such as BEGIN-END.
    Different types of blocks need modifiers after the end, such as "END *IF* " and " END *LOOP* ". If each opening statement (BEGIN, IF, LOOP) is directly above its corresponding END, then it's easy to check if you got the right modifier.
    Here's what you code looks like with some formatting, and a couple of corrections added. Look for -- comments.
    PROCEDURE fib_dead_cnx_cleanup
         l_serial     CHAR(100);
         l_sid          CHAR (100);
         l_sid_serial     CHAR(100);
         l_count          NUMBER(10,0);
         CURSOR session_cur IS
                SELECT  sid
                ,       serial#
                ,       sid     || ','
                                      || serial#     as sid_serial
                FROM     v$session
                WHERE      username     = 'EBBFCAT'
                and     schemaname     = 'TESTSCHEMA'
                and     status          = 'INACTIVE';          -- need semicolon here
         BEGIN                                   -- Why?
              l_count := 0;
              OPEN session_cur;
              WHILE ( 1 = 1)
                    BEGIN                         -- Why?
                         FETCH  session_cur
                         INTO   l_sid
                         ,          l_serial
                         ,          l_sid_serial ;
                               EXIT WHEN session_cur%NOTFOUND ;
                         BEGIN                    -- Why?
                             alter system kill session 'l_sid_serial' ;    -- Not a PL/SQL command
                END LOOP;                         -- LOOP ends with END LOOP
                CLOSE session_cur;
    END      FIB_DEAD_CNX_CLEANUP;Take baby steps.
    I've been wrtiing PL/SQL for 20 years, and I would never write that much code at once. If you're a beginner, all the more reason to start small. Write as little as possible, test, debug and test again (if necessary). When you have someting working, add 2 or 3 more lines and test again.
    It looks like you have three BEGIN statements that don't serve any purpose. You should get rid of them (and their corresponding END statements, of course).
    One error I did not fix: ALTER SYSTEM is not a PL/SQL statement. It's a SQL statement. You can run a SQL statement inside PL/SQL by using dynamic SQL, where you construct a string containing the SQL statement, and then use dbms_sql or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to run it.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Aug 18, 2009 12:37 PM

  • Inactive sessions

    Iam in need of a script to kill all the inactive sessions in the database and the same script should kill all the pid related in the OS also.
    can anyone send me a scripts or any input on this will be of great help ?

    See both functions and wrap around in your unix script, this should magic for you I suppose :) and you should replace sqlplus "/as sysdba" by sqlplus '/as sysdba'
    *function readSqlstmt {*
    typeset stmt=$1
    echo "
    set feedback off
    set verify off
    set heading off
    set pagesize 0
    whenever sqlerror exit 1
    whenever oserror exit 2
    *" | sqlplus -S "/as sysdba" &gt;&gt; test.log*
    function killpid {
    sqlplus -s "/as sysdba" << ENDOFSQL >> test.log
    whenever sqlerror exit 1
    whenever oserror exit 2
    SET pagesize 0
    SET verify off
    SET feedback off
    SPOOL ${killpidsql}
    SELECT 'ALTER system kill session ''' || s.sid || ',' || s.serial# || ''';'
    FROM v\$session s, v\$process p
    WHERE s.paddr = p.addr AND s.status = 'INACTIVE';
    Example: How to use above readSqlstmt function, to kill unix process id and call "killpid" to kill sessions from oracle.
    *readSqlstmt "SELECT p.spid FROM v\$session s, v\$process p WHERE s.paddr = p.addr AND s.status = 'INACTIVE'" | while read u*
    * #echo "kill -9" $u &gt;&gt; test.log*
    * echo $u*
    Edited by: OrionNet on Dec 10, 2008 10:52 PM
    Edited by: OrionNet on Dec 10, 2008 10:54 PM

  • Inactive sessions in v$session

    why there are so many apps user inactive sessions in v$session?

    Hi Hussein,
    The process which are arctive are shown as inactive in v$session view,We cannot trust the status column of this view,By default as soon the apps is started the oracle is creating around 82 to 85 apps processes which are inactive but i think they are active.
    The option referenced above is a good one to follow in this situation
    A discussion of Dead Connection Detection, Resource Limits, V$SESSION, V$PROCESS and OS processes
    Thanks Hussein and Anchorage

  • Inactive sessions in v$session.  True problem

    I am working in an Oracle 9i/Weblogic/J2EE platform. And when i look for session info in v$session view, i see that there are many sessions that have a status "Inactive". I already figured out what it means- the session is ACTIVE when it is doing an SQL query at the time and the session is INACTIVE when it is not doing an SQL query at that particular moment.
    But i have questions:
    1) If a client logs in to my webapplication and does a SQL query- then the sessions status is ACTIVE. After that, when the client just leaves (logs out just closes the browser) then Oracle marks that connection as 'INACTIVE'- Oracle does not KILL that session.
    Ok let that be, but can another client then log in to my webapplication (from different computer) and get that same INACTIVE connection and start to use it?? If not, then these "abandoned" connection are truly useless, because they still use ORACLE resources (memory).
    2)Another thing is that there are many INACTIVE sessions in v$session that have a name "plsqldev.exe" in PROGRAM column. That is a database client that i use to connect directly to my DB. But basicly i have only one PL/SQL program with one SQL query window open (this session is marked ACTIVE in v$session). So are these other 10 INACTIVE "plsqldev.exe" sessions meant for new plsql clients that may start to use the database or can only that particular user for whom the session was created at first place use that session?
    And finally- sessions that are INACTIVE and have "plsqldev.exe" as a PROGRAM in v$session - is there any chance that a client logs in to webapplication and then gets that INACTIVE session?
    If not, then these 10 INACTIVE plsqldev sessions (allthough the user has maybe shut down the program) are wasteless for webapplication users and they just starve the database.
    Also a screenshot for illustration.
    Waiting for your comments,

    If connection pooling is in use then yes a different end-user can reuse the "inactive" session. Remember that ACTIVE and INACTIVE really only refers to if the session is executing SQL at the exact moment you query v$session.
    In the case of a dedicated user connection using a product like Oracle Forms where the user spends much of the time reading and filling in screen fields the Oracle background session can show INACTIVE almost constantly because the queries being ran by the user are very fast.
    Take a look at the last_call_et column. This is the time in seconds from when the last SQL statement was issued (not completed). If this value is resetting then the queries are being done.
    If the time is large and the status is INACTIVE then you could have a 'dead' or 'runaway' background process which is a background process without a front-end process. Those can and should be terminated. For that matter sessions that are idle for long periods of time should probably also be killed. If nothing else runaway and idle sessions may make it appear you are using all your licensed connections even if you really are not.
    Most connection pools wil automatically restart a terminated connection so if you clean-up process terminates an idle pooled connection it should not be a problem.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • Active vs Inactive sessions

    We are using Oracle 11 as a backend to PowerSchool (a student information system) with 6 application servers (dc-ps-01 thru -06). Using the following SQL, we are seeing numerous INACTIVE sessions vs ACTIVE.
    count(b.machine) as mCount,
    b.machine box,
    b.osuser os_user,
    b.program program
    v$session b, v$process a
    b.paddr = a.addr and type='USER'
    group by
    order by
    b.status, mCount desc, box;
    Sample output:
    MCOUNT Box Status OS_USER Program
    *2     DC-PS-01*     ACTIVE     powerschool     JDBC Thin Client
    1     DC-PS-DB1     ACTIVE     DC-PS-DB1$     OMS
    1     DC-PS-DB1     ACTIVE     SYSTEM     ORACLE.EXE (J001)
    1     DC-PS-DB1     ACTIVE     SYSTEM     ORACLE.EXE (J000)
    406     DC-PS-05     INACTIVE     powerschool     JDBC Thin Client
    *44     DC-PS-01*     INACTIVE     powerschool     JDBC Thin Client
    36     DC-PS-03     INACTIVE     powerschool     JDBC Thin Client
    32     DC-PS-04     INACTIVE     powerschool     JDBC Thin Client
    28     DC-PS-02     INACTIVE     powerschool     JDBC Thin Client
    17     DC-PS-06     INACTIVE     powerschool     JDBC Thin Client
    7     DC-PS-DB1     INACTIVE     DC-PS-DB1$     OMS
    While the number of ACTIVE sessions fluctuate, the number of INACTIVE ones do not decrease. Would someone explain the internal working of this?

    Note that the status column of v$session only shows ACTIVE while the Oracle session background process is busy performing a SQL statement on behalf of the front-end session. If the application spends most of its time with the user entering data onto or reading results off a screen then the session is going to appear INACTIVE most of the time in Oracle.
    Also check the last_call_et to see how long it has been since the session issued a request to Oracle. This is how to tell if the session is truely INACTIVE.
    If the front-end application uses connection pooling then depending on how many connections the application is set to grab and what kind of connection pool session management the front-end product provides you can have a lot of basically unneeded and truely inactive sessions.
    HTH -- Mark D Powell --

  • DBA Reports large number of inactive sessions with

    We have installed System on some 32 bit windows test machines running Windows Server 2003. Everything seems to be working fine, but recently the DBA is reporting that there are a large number of inactive sessions throwing alarms that we are reaching our Max Allowed Process on the Oracle Database server. We are running Oracle on AIX.
    We also have some System 9.3.1 Development servers that point at separate schemas in this environment and we don't see the same high number of inactive connections?
    Most of the inactive connections are coming from Shared Services and Workspace. Anyone else see this or have any ideas?
    Thanks for any responses.
    Just a quick update. Originally I said this was only with but we see the same high number of inactive sessions in 9.3. Anyone else see a large number of inactive sessions. They show up in Oracle as JDBC_Connect_Client. Does Shared Service, Planning Workspace etc utilize persistent connections or does it just abandon sessions when the windows service associated with an application is shutdown? Any information or thoughts are appreciated.
    Edited by: Keith A on Oct 6, 2009 9:06 AM

    Not the answer you are looking for but have you logged it with Oracle as you might not get many answers to this question on here.

  • Timing out inactive sessions

    Is there a way to set inactive sessions to timeout after a certain period of time?

    You may consider to use SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME
    Use parameter SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME to specify a the time interval, in minutes, to send a probe to verify that client/server connections are active. Setting a value greater than 0 ensures that connections are not left open indefinitely, due to an abnormal client termination. If the probe finds a terminated connection, or a connection that is no longer in use, it returns an error, causing the server process to exit. This parameter is primarily intended for the database server, which typically handles multiple connections at any one time.
    Limitations on using this terminated connection detection feature are:
    * It is not allowed on bequeathed connections.
    * Though very small, a probe packet generates additional traffic that may downgrade network performance.
    * Depending on which operating system is in use, the server may need to perform additional processing to distinguish the
    connection probing event from other events that occur. This can also result in degraded network performance.
    Default 0
    Minimum Value 0
    Recommended Value 10

  • [SOLVED]What is the meaning of any/active/inactive session in polkit?

    Wiki said  「inactive sessions are generally remote sessions (SSH, VNC, etc.) 」.
    So I changed the *.policy file like below to execute the action without password  only when I am logging in remotely.
    (Just for clarifying the difference between any/active/inactive session.)
    Contrary to expectations, I couldn't execute the action remotely without password.
    So I changed again like below.
    This time, I was able to execute the action remotely without password.
    From the above, I think the remote session is neither active nor inactive.
    Is it true? If so, what is the inactive session?
    What is the definition of active/inactive?
    Last edited by remingtontonpon (2014-08-04 06:16:52)

    'man polkit' explains that 'allow_inactive' and 'allow_active' are for sessions on local consoles.
    Only 'allow_any' applies to any client local or remote.
    This seems confirmed by what you observe on your machine.

  • Inactive sessions increasing in database

    Recently i migrated Oracle9i database to oracle10g database 64 bit on windows 2008 server.
    After Migration.Inactive sessions are not automatically flushing from database,and these inactive sessions are reaching maximum sessions limits that leads to Database Hang.
    How can i solve this inactive sessions problem?
    With Regards

    damorgan wrote:
    desc sys.kottd$Interesting table and custom data type.
    SQL> set long 9999
    SQL> col SQL format a50
    SQL> select           
      2          DBMS_METADATA.get_ddl( 'TABLE', 'KOTTD$', 'SYS')        as SQL
      3  from       dual;                                                     
      STORAGE(INITIAL 65536 NEXT 1048576 MINEX    
    TENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 2147483645                 
    ER_POOL DEFAULT)                                 
      TABLESPACE "SYSTEM" )                          
      STORAGE(INITIAL 65536 NEXT 1048576 MINEXTENTS 1 MA    
    XEXTENTS 2147483645                                     
    UPS 1 BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT)                              
      TABLESPACE "SYSTEM"                                   
    SQL> select
      2          DBMS_METADATA.get_ddl( 'TYPE', 'KOTTD', 'SYS')        as SQL
      3  from       dual;                                                   
    ORA-31603: object "KOTTD" of type TYPE not found in schema "SYS"        
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR", line 105                            
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 2805                            
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 4333                            
    ORA-06512: at line 1                                                    
    no rows selected
    SQL> col attr_name format a30
    SQL> col attr_type_name format a30
    SQL> select                      
      2          attr_no,
      3          attr_name,
      4          attr_type_name
      5  from       dba_type_attrs
      6  where      type_name = 'KOTTD'
      7  and        owner = 'SYS'
      8  order by attr_no;
       ATTR_NO ATTR_NAME                      ATTR_TYPE_NAME
             1 KOTTDKVN                       UNSIGNED BINARY INTEGER(32)
             2 KOTTDSCH                       VARCHAR2
             3 KOTTDNAM                       VARCHAR2
             4 KOTTDUVN                       VARCHAR2
             5 KOTTDTC                        UNSIGNED BINARY INTEGER(16)
             6 KOTTDTDS                       CANONICAL
             7 KOTTDNDS                       CANONICAL
             8 KOTTDFLG                       UNSIGNED BINARY INTEGER(16)
             9 KOTDVSN                        UNSIGNED BINARY INTEGER(16)
            10 KOTTDBDY                       KOTTB
    10 rows selected.
    SQL> -- not even a varchar2 attr of the data type "accessible"
    SQL> select KOTTDNAM from sys.kottd$ where rownum < 11;
    select KOTTDNAM from sys.kottd$ where rownum < 11
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00904: "KOTTDNAM": invalid identifier
    SQL> -- Calling the constructor? Oracle no likes..
    SQL> select KOTTD( null, 'test','test','test',null,null,null,null,null,null) from dual;
    select KOTTD( null, 'test','test','test',null,null,null,null,null,null) from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qctcte1], [0], [], [], [], [], [], []

  • Inactive sessions increasing database

    We are using oracle11.5.10.2 on windows 2000 server and database version
    we are facing problem with inactive sessions,grdually inactive sessions increasing and thats leads database crash.
    Temporary i increased processes parameter value tp 400 prviously it was 200
    Most of inactive session from apps user only
    How can i fix this problem?
    With Regards

    Please see these threads.
    how to kill inactive sessions????????
    how to kill inactive sessions????????
    Inactive sessions in Database
    Re: Inactive sessions in Database

  • Inactive sessions in Database

    Lot inactive sessions are in database, Before we bounce database ----> max process got reached, For that we have changed max process and bounced the database but i can see still 75 inactive sessions in database,
    SQL> show parameter process
    aq_tm_processes integer 1
    db_writer_processes integer 1
    gcs_server_processes integer 0
    job_queue_processes integer 2
    log_archive_max_processes integer 2
    processes integer 200
    SQL> show parameter spfile
    spfile string
    Then i changed processes to 300
    SQL> show parameter process
    aq_tm_processes integer 1
    db_writer_processes integer 1
    gcs_server_processes integer 0
    job_queue_processes integer 2
    log_archive_max_processes integer 2
    processes integer 300
    even after bouncing still 75 inactive sessions in database

    What are the events/programs of those sessions?
    Have you started the application or not yet?
    Go through the following documents and see if it helps.
    Note: 427759.1 - How To Prevent Inactive JDBC Connections In Oracle Applications
    Note: 261791.1 - 11i JDBC Thin client connections remain active, MAX PROCESSES REACHED

  • Inactive sessions of oracle consume resources?

    We Red Hat and Data Base Oracle 10g.
    Gracias y saludos.

    Please define 'inactive session'.
    I see several possible definitions. A few of the more likely include:
    - a session that is still connected to the end client, and therefore prepared to perform some work and therefore will consume resources
    - a session that has been forcibly disconnected and is rolling back or waiting to roll back, and is therefore consuming resources
    - a Linux or Unix zombie session, which may still hold memory but no CPU cycles
    Depending on the tools used to report the information, the SGA memory may be reported again and again for each session's process. This can cause some alarming interpretations.

  • Inactive sessions increasing over time

    But, the number of open connectios(ie.,other than SYSTEM active session,
    i could see only inactive sessions ) is not staying constant.
    Rather,it grows over time.
    I dont know why the application user sessions are always in inactive state.
    If they didn't use that session at all (or) if the session is not doing any operation means , why unnecssarily the have to open these many inactive sessions.]
    Can you please give me a solution to overcome the application's connection leak?

    This appears to be a duplicate of the post I replied to in When we go for shared Server environment?

  • Inactive sessions while using Iplanet server

    Hi all,
    I am facing a strange problem. On application level we use 'apps' user to login in oracle. It was working fine earlier. But now a days when we login thru it the performance becomes slow,when I checked the sessions, it shows me 250 inactive sessions.The max limit of sessions is 400.
    Then I have to manually kill the inactive sessions and application starts working fine . Any idea about this problem?
    Oracle version is 10g version 2
    Thanx and regards

    I am not very sure but there must be some property from which you can kill the inactive session which has taken more time.

Maybe you are looking for

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