SOAP&REST Protocal

Hi All,
What are differences between SOAP and REST protocol?  does  PI supports REST? If Yes then how to implement it in PI

does PI supports REST?
In its strickest sense, you can only implement the HTTP method POSTfor REST Webservices using the Plain HTTP/HTTP over SOAP Adapter. Otherwise, you have to use Java Proxies to implement GET,PUT and DELETE.
Another approach is to use the XI SOAP Axis libraries, as far as I know GET is included. However, there are limited blogs about this see, SAP Note 1039369 FAQ XI Axis Adapter for more information.
Hope this helps,

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    I am not sure which JDev you are using, but looks like you have some policies setup for WSDC using GPA (global policy attachment) and your policy manager(wsm-pm) is not running. Can you check if the wsm-pm application is properly deployed in your Integrated WLS. You can see this from the list of deployed apps in WLS console.

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    As promised, below is the js lib source code. I did not see the attachement option, so you can just create a text file and save it with .js extension.
              function getHdrData( FuncName ) {
                return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' +
                          '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" ' +
                                             'xmlns:xsi="" ' +
                                             'xmlns:xs="">' +
                          '<SOAP-ENV:Header><sapsess:Session ' +
                                    'xmlns:sapsess="">' +
                          '</SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:' +
                          FuncName +
                          ' xmlns:ns1=\'urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style\'>';
              function addVar ( VarName, VarValue ) {
                return '<' + VarName + '>' + VarValue  + '</' + VarName + '>';
              function getFtrData( FuncName ) {
              return '</ns1:' + FuncName + '></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>';
              function setTable ( TblName, TblType) {
                   return '<' + TblName + ' xsi:type=\'ns1:' + TblType + '\'>';
              function closeTable ( TblName) {
                   return '</' + TblName + '>';
              function startEntry( ) {
                   return '<item>';
              function endEntry( ) {
                   return '</item>';
    So the following is the basic on how to use this library:
    * Set up SOAP envelope
    * Get the header data
    getHdrData( SOAP operation name )
    * If the web service set up the table and record start tags
    setTable( variable name, table type ) - Optional
    Set new record tag: startEntry() ? Optional
    * Set up the fieldname or variable name
    addVar( variable name, variable value )
    * Set up the table and record end tags
    endEntry() ? Optional
    closeTable( variable name ) ? Optional
    * Set up the footer SOAP envelope
    Set footer data: getFtrData(SOAP operation name )
    So hopefully that will help you consume SAP Published web services.

  • Name and Directory Service (Soap, Rest)

    Hello everyone,
    i would like to implement a directory service for Web-services (like UDDI) that supports SOAP and Rest. My question is can i use JNDI to do that. When yes, muss I write a Plug in for JNDI SPI to support this Protocols(SOAP, Rest). When no, what would you recommend me.
    Thank you very much

    oops,thought i was replying to the PgP question:)
    I think you should be able to achieve this via adapter module but i m not really sure how exactly it will be done .
    Edited by: Aamir Suhail on Jul 28, 2009 1:42 PM

  • Receiver Proxy (SOAP) adpater  Error in SAP PI 7.1

    Hi Experts
    I am working on a File to  Proxy Scenario, where I am getting the data frm File is absolutely fine and while sending to Proxy I am getting the following error in proxy CC
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    Transport Protocal :HTTP
    Message protocal XI3.0
    Adapter ENgine : Central Adapter Engine
    I gave the connection parameters (Target URL)
    Authentication Code: USE Logon data for SAP
    User ID & Pwd
    I checked the RFC connections on PI side on SM59 and did test run, It looks good
    Message processing failed. Cause: invalid content type for SOAP: TEXT/HTML; HTTP 401 Unauthorized
    Please give an idea how to resolve this issue

    Are you using SSL? If yes, please ensure evrything from help page below has been applied
    - Please check the SOAP FAQ note under question "Q: I get an authorization error "401 Unauthorized" from the
    adapter's servlet. What went wrong?"
    [Note 856597 - FAQ: XI 3.0 / PI 7.0 / PI 7.1 SOAP Adapter|]
    - Last, try with both users below PIAPPLUSER and PIAFUSER. Should still not work, ensure the role SAP_XI_APPL_SERV_USER has been assigned to currently used user on the destination.
    EDIT: Too late for me.

  • PROXY to SOAP ; HTTP403 error in PI 7.1

    Hi team,
    it was proxy to HTTP scenario. Receiver : webportal . We have chnged it to Proxy to SOAP ,due to HTTP does not support multi message generation . I have checked Do NOT USE SOAP Envelope in SOAP rcv channel. Pls find the config details.
    Adapter Type: SOAP
    Trans.protocal: HTTP
    Mess.Protocal: SOAP1.1
    Do not use SOAP envelope : Checked
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    The content type when Do Not Use SOAP Envelope is checked defaults to application/xml. To change it to the correct content type, use the MessageTransformBean for your requirement.
    ProcessingSequence                         ModuleName           Type     ModuleKey
    1          localejbs/AF_Modules/MessageTransformBean            LEB      0
    2 LEB      soap
    Module Configuration
    ModuleKey                ParameterName                ParameterValue
    0                      Transform.ContentType          text/xml
    For more info, see
    Check also if you are passing credentials in your Receiver.
    Hope this helps

  • How do you expose PL/SQL Webpages via REST Data Services?

    I am in a bit of a pickle.  I have a 3rd party vendor which wants to send data back us.  They do it via a standard http form post to a webservice (actually with normal html form inputs) that we have to implement.  I have this done in the form of a PL/SQL package.  Now the hard part.....before we decommissioned our Oracle HTTP server and went to using REST Data Services, we could just reference the schema and procedure name via the DAD.  We no longer have a web tier environment at our disposal, just Weblogic Servers and REST Data Services plus the database running APEX.  Is there any way that I can build/publish an end point that can receive normal post transactions (they do not and will not communicate with us using SOAP, REST, or XML).  What I am basically needing is to get my PL/SQL out there where it can work as an old fashion form processor taking the POST/GET parameters and then processing them.  Is there any way to do this with REST Data Services or APEX? 

    Try changing:
    UPDATE exav.problems
    SET active_with = null
    WHERE active_with='''|| user_id ||''';
    UPDATE exav.problems
    SET active_with = null
    WHERE active_with = user_id;
    You only need to add the quotes if you are building a string to be executed dynamically, like:
    'UPDATE exav.problems
    SET active_with = null
    WHERE active_with='''|| user_id ||'''';

  • SOAP Call Failed

    Hi All,
    Please help me in the below issue.
    I am using SOAP addapter
    Trasnport protocal: HTTP
    Message Ptotocal: XI 3.0
    Addressing Type:HTTP Destination
    HTTP Destination : XXXX --> this was configured in the PI.
    Connecton type: H
    HTTP Connection to ABAP System
    Message was sucessufully from PI and I am able to see the message in the PI MONI, but the message was not reaching the ECC.
    While checking the Channel I am facing the below issue.
    SOAP tried to access destination XXX of type HTTP which does not currently exist in the destination server.
    You can create destinations in the NWA under configuration management infrastructure-destinations
    Kindly suggest me the solution.
    Thanks & Regards,

    PI 7.3
    Input File Type: File
    Output File type: Proxy
    3rdparty --> pi --> to ECC
    SFTP in the sender side of the 3rd party
    SOAP is the connectivity between the system UPXI and PI
    ECC -->  SOAP
                   Trasnport protocal: HTTP
                Message Ptotocal: XI 3.0
    If you need any further deatils please let me know.

  • SOAP AddWebPart: XsltListViewWebPart for a Picture or Document Library

    Hello everybody.
    I am trying to add list webparts to a webpartpage via SOAP/REST.
    I am using the AddWebPart or AddWebPartToZone Methods of the webpartpages.asmx Webservice like so:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
    <AddWebPartToZone xmlns="">
    &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot; ?&gt;
    &lt;webPart xmlns=&quot;;&gt;
    &lt;type name=&quot;Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.XsltListViewWebPart, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c&quot; /&gt;
    &lt;importErrorMessage&gt;Cannot import this Web Part.&lt;/importErrorMessage&gt;
    &lt;property name=&quot;ListUrl&quot; type=&quot;string&quot;&gt;/sites/ideas4u/Lists/myVeryList&lt;/property&gt;
    &lt;property name=&quot;MissingAssembly&quot; type=&quot;string&quot;&gt;Cannot import this Web Part.&lt;/property&gt;
    <zoneId>Zone 2</zoneId>
    this works for Link-lists and Discussions, but I can't get it to work for Picture or Document libraries ...
    ie. when myVeryList is a Picture Library or Document Library I get this error (which does not help at all):
    What am I doing wrong?
    I simply need a way to add a document/picture library webpart to a webpartpage via SOAP or REST requests. (since I am developing an iOS-App).

    Glad to hear that you solve this issue, thanks for your sharing.
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • SOAP AddWebPartToZone always adds the webpart to the same zone

    hello everybody.
    I am trying to add webparts to a webpartpage via SOAP / REST.
    Therefore I am using the SOAP Method AddWebPartToZone (from webpartpages.asmx Web Service).
    My Webpartpage has two WebPartZones: "Zone 1" and "Zone 2".
    But no matter which zone I use for zoneId in the request body the web part is always added to "Zone 2".
    Do you have any idea why this is happening?
    This is how the body of my SOAP request looks like:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap12:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap12="">
    <AddWebPartToZone xmlns="">
    <webPartXml>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot; ?&gt;
    &lt;webPart xmlns=&quot;;&gt;
    &lt;type name=&quot;Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.XsltListViewWebPart, Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c&quot; /&gt;
    &lt;importErrorMessage&gt;Cannot import this Web Part.&lt;/importErrorMessage&gt;
    &lt;property name=&quot;ListUrl&quot; type=&quot;string&quot;&gt;/sites/ideas4u/Lists/MyList&lt;/property&gt;
    &lt;property name=&quot;MissingAssembly&quot; type=&quot;string&quot;&gt;Cannot import this Web Part.&lt;/property&gt;
    <zoneId>Zone 1</zoneId>

    According to your descirption, my understanding is that when you use SOAP web service to add web part, the web part always add to Zone2 even if you have assigned the zoneId with Zone1.
    I suggest you can track the web service request using Fiddler to make sure if the web result response is valid.
    If the issue still exists, I suggest you can recreate a new page and reinsert the web part zone in it and test if it works.
    Here is a detailed articles for your reference:
    Using Fiddler to Compose HTTP SOAP Requests
    Best Regards
    Zhengyu Guo
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sybase Mobile Sales for Window Mobile

    antes de ir pra perguntas, só pra alinhar.
    A SAP está com 2 diferentes estrategias para Mobile:
    1) para microapps, backends apenas baseado em stack ABAP e empresas com plataforma móvel única, a recomendacao é o Gateway como plataforma de integracao mobile
    2) para aplicacoes mission critical (incluindo processamento offline), baseado em multiplos backends (SAP, DBs, web services etc) e/ou com multiplos devices móveis, a recomendacao é utilizar um MEAP (mobile enterprise application platform), e o MEAP da SAP é o SUP (Sybase Unwired Platform).
    Nesse contexto, vamos às perguntas.
    1. O que é o AFARIA ?
    O Afaria é uma solucao que faz parte da suite de Mobile da Sybase, juntamente com o SUP, Mobile Workflow & Mobile CRM, que foca no cenário de MDM (Mobile Device Management). Ela te permite ter uma gestão centralizada de todos os devices da empresa, controlando permissoes de acesso (usuario/perfil), bloquear/liberar funcionalidades (camera, email etc), install/update/remove de apps, remote wipe, remote lock, tudo remotamente, On-the-Air (OTA).
    2. O que é o SUP ?
    Como falado acima, o Sybase Unwired Platform (SUP) é o MEAP (mobile enterprise application platform) da SAP, ou seja, plataforma de desenvolvimento de aplicacoes móveis. Um MEAP é recomendando principalmente no caso de aplicacoes mais críticas e em cenarios heterogeneos em termos de fontes de dados (data sources) e plataformas móveis.
    3. Como instalar o ambiente de desenvolvimento ?
    Se vc for parceiro oficial SAP, vc pode receber as mídias para ambientes de desenvolvimento como faz para qualquer outro produto. Sei ainda que a Sybase oferece(ia) via site próprio um trial de 30 dias, mas não sei se ainda está disponível.
    4. Qual a linguagem utilizada ?
    No SUP vc desenvolve em Java, em Eclipse (além da linguagem de cada SDK, no caso de WinMo, .NET no Visual Studio).
    No Gateway, é ABAP* + linguagem da SDK movel.
    Mas em ambos os casos, existem aceleradores que te permitem criar apps "draft" sem nenhuma linha de código, só com cliques de mouse (wizards no Eclipse/Visual Studio/Xcode).
    se for só pra disponibilizar no mobile uma RFC/Transacao existente, dá pra fazer só com config, sem código.
    5. O que eu preciso fazer pra saber criar um u201Chello worldu201D ?
    Os treinamentos. Ou se virar batendo cabeça. :P
    No caso do SUP, há o treinamento SUP511 que a SAP Education já oferece (antes era oferecido diretamente pela Sybase).
    No caso do Gateway, ainda não há treinamento oficial, mas para parceiros há o Gateway Hands-on sessions by COIL, que introduzi no blog que vc linkou acima.
    6. Quais os cursos disponíveis no mercado ?
    Como falado, SUP511 p/ desenvolvimento em SUP.
    Ouvi falar tb de SUP611 para afaria, mas nao sei dizer se a SAP Education já está oferecendo.
    7. Como integra com o SAP ?
    O SUP pode integrar de 2 maneiras:
    - lendo um data source SAP diretamente (há um "adapador" RFC no SUP, baseado em JCo); nesse caso, o staging é feito no SUP;
    - usando o DOE (Data Orchestration Engine), componente do NetWeaver Mobile Infrastructure, como staging entre o mobile device e o backend SAP. Nesse caso, no SUP, é usado o DOE conector. É essa estratégia que as aplicacoes "standard" da SAP (por enquanto, Mobile Workflow & Mobile Sales/CRM) usam, mas não dá pra afirmar com 100% de ctz que essa vai ser a arquitetura "oficial" - mais informacoes devem sair no Sapphire.
    8. Uso somente para o SAP ?
    O Gateway sim, é focado em backends ABAP.
    Já o SUP nao, vc pode usar para integrar quaisquer plataformas compativeis com padroes abertos como JDBC, SOAP & REST.
    Espero ter ajudado.

    Dear siva,
    Thanks for your replay.
    which then can be moved to the devices via OTA or BES
    I thought of that BES means BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
    BES  is manadatroy to work with SUP?
    Can you pleas elaborate, what it means OTA ?
    lakshman balanagu.
    Edited by: lakshman balanagu on Mar 21, 2011 2:20 PM
    Edited by: lakshman balanagu on Mar 21, 2011 4:27 PM

  • While consuming Fusion CRM web service in ADF mobile throwing an error

    I am developing ADF Mobile using JDeveloper and consuming Fusion CRM ADF Web Services.
    While executing CRUD operations with these web services
    in ADF mobile app, I am getting SOAP response as *Error in getting response
    and got result nothing *.
    And also noticed as using JDeveloper ADF mobile App, unable to create URL service
    Data Control - REST based for FUsion CRM web services. Where as I am able to
    create SOAP based web services data control. It' strange or surprise.
    Did anyone face the above problems. Kindly let me know any suggestions or
    samples to the below contacts
    Bhaskara Reddy S
    bhaskara.sannapureddy at

    Dear Frank,
    Based on below links, Fusion CRM also supports REST also apart from regular SOAP Web Services. AND
    (For e.g one of linked in profile : , many teams are developing using SOAP & REST)
    Designed and developed integration services using SOAP and REST web services for Oracle Fusion CRM Marketing Modules.)
    When creating URL based data control, getting an Error as "Forbidden" , (Does it mean NOT SUPPORTED??) . Kindly advice.
    I am calling WEB SERVICE thru SOAP in AMX PAGE code as below after creating Web Services Data Control from ADF Mobile UI thru JDeveloper IDE.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <amx:view xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:amx=""
    <amx:panelPage id="pp1">
    <amx:panelFormLayout id="pfl2">
    <amx:inputText value="#{}" label="Person First Name" id="it1"/>
    <amx:inputText value="300000001210220" label="Person Object Id" id="it2"/>
    <amx:facet name="header">
    <amx:outputText value="Create Person in Fusion CRM" id="ot1"/>
    <amx:facet name="primary">
    <amx:commandButton id="cb1" text="Back" action="__back"/>
    <amx:facet name="secondary">
    <amx:commandButton id="cb2"/>
    <amx:panelFormLayout id="pfl1">
    <amx:outputText value="#{bindings.message.inputValue}" id="ot2"/>
    <amx:outputText value="#{bindings.code.inputValue}" id="ot3"/>
    *<amx:commandButton actionListener="#{bindings.createPerson.execute}" text="createPerson"*
    *disabled="#{!bindings.createPerson.enabled}" id="cb3"/>*
    <amx:iterator var="row" value="#{bindings.personParty1.collectionModel}" id="i1">
    <amx:panelLabelAndMessage label=" 300000001210220" id="plam2">
    <amx:outputText value="#{row.PartyId}" id="ot5">
    <amx:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"/>
    <amx:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{}" id="plam1">
    <amx:outputText value="#{row.PersonFirstName}" id="ot4"/>
    Bhaskara Reddy

  • Coldfusion back-end, AngularJS front-end, and Security

    The company I work for is building an application in which security is of the utmost importance.  We're really hoping to use Angular as the client-side application, and we're exploring how best to create our back-end in ColdFusion (which we've used for a few years now).
    I understand that only so much security can exist in the front-end of the app, and that the bulk of the work needs to happen on the server.  But I'm really unsure about how to move forward in that regard.  From what I've read, it sounds like we'll need some kind of Authentication Token to be created on login and stored on the backend.  This token should come along with every http request, and the server can then decide on the validity of the request.
    Does this sound about right?  And if so, are there best practices for implementing it?
    Any resources that might shed more light on the topic would be HUGELY appreciated.

    maheshguruswamy wrote:
    mycoffee wrote:
    maheshguruswamy wrote:
    847102 wrote:
    More and more teams in my company are now mixing technologies. For example they use java for the back end and C# for all the client side code i.e GUI.
    How can you mix these technologies. Ie how can c# code "talk" to java code?
    Not sure if this is the best place to ask, as its a java forum but I though I would give it a try!
    ThanksSimplest way would be to use web services.It is new thing for me to learn...
    How efficient to do it compared to all in one either C# or java? I guess it would be slower.
    Either C# or java can handle the job. Why both? I don't get it.It all depends on how big the teams are and how much "separation of concerns" you are looking for. In enterprise architecture what i aim to do is try to give the development groups freedom to use whatever technology they feel best suits their need...BUT...if they want to talk to other systems and vice versa, they have to follow certain standards (SOAP, REST etc). Architect the lines, not the boxes. If you are not looking for separation of concerns, sure build out everything in one technology..but keep it mind future changes.Thank,
    It is good thing to learn. I used to work with java front end calling Cobol back end (using transactions)
    I know C# and java can talk by SOAP or web services but only wondered about the reason.
    If I am going to design everything new, one technology is the answer.

  • BPM - sync response

    In my BPM i have one sync rfc send.
    For example:
    BPM: async soap -> sync rfc -> async jdbc.
    Where can i to see the payload from sync rfc response?
    sxmb_moni - i dont found the payload.
    communication channel monitoring - i too dont found the payload.
    Then, where can i to see?

    I think your file not reach the xi.
    If sender side you are using SOAP(HTTP protocal) you cant see the message in sender communication.
    It will directly put the file into integration engine.using TCP gateway you will get the file which you passed.
    Like bellow ,
      HTTP protocal-TCPgw--XIserver.
    *Reward Ponis If Helpful*

  • Proxy Object generation error using Wizard for Web Service Consumption

    HI all,
    I am using the Web Service Proxy Object Generation Wizard (via SE80) and have successfully been able to create a Proxy Object for a Web Service which resides on our INTRAnet.
    ...But now I am trying to consume a Web Service out on the INTERnet and I get an error I cannot quite understand when generating the Proxy Object using the URL of the WSDL of the SOAP Web Service.
    The initial error in SE80 simply states "No vendor specified", but when I double-click on the error to get the long text I get the following error:
    Incorrect value: Namespace prefix q1 of QName q1:RequestArray is undeclared
    Exception of class CX_SLIB
    Has anyone seen this or have experience with this?
    I am a senior ABAP-er but have very little experence on the web development side of things so this looks very foreign to me.
    Any input would be GREATLY appreciated!

    RESOLVED! ---
    I figured it out with further trial and error...
    Turns out I was using the SOAP version of the WSDL (I had a choice b/ween SOAP, REST, and XML).
    When I simply supply the XML version of the WSDL to the Proxy in the Web Services Wizard, the error vanished and the Proxy Objects generated just fine !!
    ..Closing this problem.
    Edited by: Christopher Twirbutt on May 26, 2009 5:36 PM
    Edited by: Christopher Twirbutt on May 26, 2009 5:37 PM
    Edited by: Christopher Twirbutt on May 26, 2009 5:39 PM

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