Social networking website development in Rails

I m new to this forum,currently i m developing a website [ | ] website for mothers. This is developing using ruby on rails. Here many complicated coding we are using,so i have lot of please clarify my doubt here..
How to matching identical strings in the same line in ruby on rails?
Edited by: 804648 on Oct 23, 2010 4:38 AM

kablair wrote:
I heart GWT.
Considering social networking sites are usually filled with pictures, videos, music and other assorted junk I kind of doubt the overhead of GWT is going to have much of an impact.Perhaps yes.
I was guessing your application was going to be very much Ajax ridden. From your requirements, I don't really see a need to go with an actual Java web framework. Simple servlets + something like the Velocity templating engine and a decent Ajax toolkit like JQuery will probably get you up and running far quicker than the more heavy weight frameworks.

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    package com.james_newbie.myspace.ripoff;
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    }Do you seriously expect someone to post anything
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    Hi Prabha Sharma,
    I am afraid that at this stage this is not possible via Muse as that requires server side coding. You can start off creating a skeleton/template for your social networking site via Muse and then use that further with your own custom code. however, I will not recommend that you continue making your site with Muse as you will face issues in altering the muse generated code.
    - Abhishek Maurya

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    Please see this sample application:
    You cannot control what appears in the share UI.  The Share UI Will show all applications that have registered to receive the type of content you are sharing.  So if a particular application is not appearing, then it is not registered as a Share
    target for that content type.
    I would run the sample on your phone for the various content types.  it should give you a good idea of which apps are registered for which content type.
    Bret Bentzinger (MSFT) @awehellyeah

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    "Dooza" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:g8jd46$ab6$[email protected]..
    > Why_ATL wrote:
    >> Hello all. I want to create a social network page
    like myspace &
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    > Its not something Dreamweaver can do for you. You need
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    I really appreciate any help.
    Thank you,

    Hello Marc,
    The code generated by ShareThis will not work with iWeb/insert HTML snippet.
    You'll have to put it inside the body tags of every HTML page at the location where you want it to show.
    Attention : the code is inserted after publishing = outside iWeb ! Every time you change a page in iWeb and publish it, you'll need to enter the code again.
    To automate this process you can use [TextWrangler|>
    _ in iWeb on every page you want ShareThis, create a new textbox and add something that is unique and easy to find afterwards when the page is published as a HTML page : ex. AAAAAA,
    _ move the textbox to the location where you want it to show, resize if needed,
    _ publish your website with iWeb,
    _ mount your iDisk in the Finder,
    _ open TextWrangler and the first thing you do is "start recording",
    _ open the first HTML file you see in your Site, ex. index.html (It's OK if that page doesn't have the AAAAAA) +(when you have the ShareThis on a specific Site or Blog only, locate that folder),
    _ in the Search field enter AAAAAA,
    _ in the Replace fiel enter the code provided by ShareThis,
    _ do a "replace in all files in this folder" where you select your Site or Blog folder,
    _ stop recording and save the script for later,
    _ unmount iDisk from the finder.
    On my Blog entry about [Favicons||Add favicons to iWeb websites] you can find some screenshots on how to use TextWrangler as an automated search and mass replace tool.
    Kind regards,

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    If you're a web developer, then you already know what apps to use.
    If you're a designer (like me) then Muse CC is your weapon of choice.
    One simple strategy would be to create your web site, include all the articles you want to distribute, then link to each specific article/web page from your pages on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
    Unfortunately, there isn't a manual for Muse, so you need to watch videos:
    YouTube is also your good friend when it comes to learning Muse.
    Good luck.

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    please help

    Hey menaelraghy,
    Thanks for the question. The following resource outlines what is backed up, you may be interested in this section:
    iTunes: About iOS backups
    - Keychain (includes email account passwords, Wi-Fi passwords, and passwords you enter into websites and some applications)
    If you encrypt the backup, you can transfer the keychain information to the new device. With an unencrypted backup, you can restore the keychain only to the same iOS device. If you're restoring to a new device with an unencrypted backup, you need to enter these passwords again.
    Matt M.

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    My main concerns/issues however are outlined below:
    1. Facebook for Nokia app is slow, does not show all of the functions that shows and isn't a homescreen widget (e.g. push notifications)
    2. Communities app is even slower and again does not have the functionality of and doesn't show notifications at all!
    3. The Nokia Messaging app insists on connecting to 3G all the time, rather than a wifi connection when available. I've also experienced intermittent issues when trying to connect (sometimes it stays offline and even selecting 'Go online' doesn't wake the program up).
    4. Default web browser keeps crashing and doesn't support larger websites (I experience intermittent crashes as well as memory issues). I do not receive such issues in Opera Mobile. I also dislike the defaulting to full screen mode all the time. If you turn full screen off, as soon as you navigate to a different page it goes back to full screen again, therefore increasing the activity on the phone and it takes longer to load the page before you can scroll or click another link.
    I think I've covered all of my main concerns but in essence this device really needs better app support and social networking integration.
    I would be grateful if I could be given an update on if/when we can expect to receive such support.
    If anyone else agrees, please indicate below along with any additional feature requests relating to this topic.
    Thank you for your time in reading this post.

    Same issues here, facebook is almost unuably slow (it's quicker to boot up the laptop!)
    Messeging will not use wifi and i have a limited data plan so can't use it for attachments.
    Web browser randomly exits for no reaseon and the lack of width adjustment is infuriating
    Now ovi store's won't let me download!

  • Muse to Dreamweaver (Social Network capabilities in muse?)

        Alright I'm a beginner here with these products so I apologize if any of these questions or statements are a little slow. So right now I'm trying to create my first website, using whatever software is needed (I just purchased creative cloud membership). I've used Muse to create a few websites just kind of learning the ropes. So now I'm hoping to kind of dive in by creating a "social networking," site. Apparently this is a lot more work than I thought it would be. I've used photoshop to create images and Muse to put the site together, then exported the HTML from muse to dreamweaver and this is all working fine. (site is connected and working on the internet). Now for my questions,
    1.) First off I need to ask, is it possible to create a social networking type site entirely with muse (much like facebook, upload photos, have your own profile, news feed, etc)? Pretty confident the answer is no but ideally that'd be what I'd like to use just so much easier.
    2.) I've cruised through a lot of tutorials with no luck. I really would like a good book that can kind of walk me through this whole process, (social networking design via dreamweaver or muse or whatever) so that I can learn via this way. Anyone know of any good starter walkthrough books or tutorials I should watch? I've watched the create your first website with Adobe and I understand that stuff but the whole having users, and managing their data is throwing a wrench in my progress.
    Thanks for any help

    I'm trying to wrap a class/link around a custom button I created so that it will replace a floating 3rd party button such as;
    <a class="ethor_widget_button"href="#"><img src="My_Order_Button.GIF" alt="Online Ordering"></a>
    and when clicked, will trigger the main scripting code that I place in the page properties head section. Note: that the 3rd party originally requested that the main script be placed somewhere near the bottom of the <body></body> however muse does not seem to allow access to this area.
    I did past the main script in the head and it sort of to works when previewed. I won't know for sure until I provide the class/link around the custom button and publish the site to BC.
    I'm trying to open a 3rd party food item selection and ordering process skin over the site pages when the custom "Order" button is clicked.

  • SharePoint 2013 with Yammer & Jive Comparison for social networking features

    My client purchased Jive, is there any space to increase the use of SP's social networking default features or with yammer?
    Can SP handshake Jive to work in both products seamlessly?
    Sumeet Singhal

    Hi Sumeet ,
    Just a supplement for SharePoint  with Yammer & Jive Comparison.
    Using Yammer with SharePoint is similarly simple. For Enterprise SharePoint Online/Office 365 users, a Yammer Web part, or reusable component, exists that integrates feeds from each, and embeds Yammer access
    in the SharePoint site menu ribbon. Yammer provides a simple to use, intuitive platform for enterprise  collaboration within the social networking information model. Yammer takes a crowd-sourcing approach to  knowledge management in the enterprise
    by allowing users to leverage  powerful tagging and content collaboration tools to communicate and  capture information and expertise.
    Jive has matured into a developer-friendly technology that can be integrated with other platforms (including SharePoint) without much difficulty. In addition, the Jive platform includes functionality that Yammer
    doesn't -- data analytics, most importantly. And with its last year Producteev and acquisitions, it's adding chat and video conferencing functionality that Yammer will have difficulty matching.
    For more information, you can refer to the article:
    Yammer vs. Jive: You can't always get what you want
    Hope that helps!
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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