Soft KeyBoard is not working on ios 7 with Air sdk 3.8

In my app Soft KeyBoard is not working on ios 7 with Air sdk 3.8. Does any one know soluton for this ?

There's no question that TextFields and TextAreas weren't working in our case, likely because we have a deep displaylist with a variety of object types. Presumably, AIR has changed how it looks through the displaylist for objects that need keyboard, and perhaps we have an object type somewhere in the hierarchy that AIR no longer recurses. It's definitely something that changed, though.
It's no picnic to put together a sample app, I can't afford that time when I have a solution. But the symptom was very clear, a textbox would open, and the cursor would just blink with no way of interacting with it.
I'm happy using StageText directly, because it's a more direct way to interact with the OS and gives more control.
It also solves a bug in AIR that I haven't reported yet, but is as follows. Rarely, when you move the container of a TextField of TextArea after it has been created, AIR will crash and freeze iOS devices. It doesn't happen on Android or desktop, but with a user-base of about 100,000 of our app, we've had it reported maybe 50 times. One of our dialogs sometimes needs to reposition the elements, which is done animated. During this, AIR will crash about 0.01% of the time. We tried only creating the TextArea, but not activating it or even having it visible, but even an invisible TextArea will crash, presumably because AIR moves the internal StageText overlay around as well, and this confuses iOS after a while during the animation.
By using StageText directly, I finally also have a way to get rid of this bug, because I simply don't activate StageText until the object has already been positioned. Prior to that, it isn't even an editable text field, it's a label like anything else. So I'm happy I did this solution.
Let's just leave this thread as a record if someone else has the same problem. I'm quite sure it's because of our very complicated display list, and AIR having changed how it scans the displaylist for objects that need keyboard.

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    K:\MyFiles\src\iOS\word smith pro>c:\air\bin\adt -package  -target ipa-test -storetype pkcs12 -keystore iphone_dev.p12 -provisioning-profile development.mobileprovision  wordSmithPro.ipa wordSmith-app-xml.xml WordSmithMob.swf icons sounds dicts -extdir "native"
    ld: warning: -ios_version_min not specificed, assuming 4.0
    ld: warning: ignoring file C:\\Users\\Henning\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\ca8c0034-79
    68-44dd-9859-0abb8a07e41b/libcom.devarai.MyAD.a, file was built for archive whic
    h is not the architecture being linked (armv7)
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/cr
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL subtype is deprecated: C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/gc
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDctSlow_ARM from C:\\air\\lib\\a
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowProcessRowLoop from C:\\ai
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowSkipArithmeticInRow from C
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowProcessColumnLoop from C:\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC1S7 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantTable from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC7S1 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC3S5 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC5S3 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC4S4 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC2S6 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC6S2 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDct10_ARM from C:\\air\\lib\\aot
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ComputeRow0 from C:\\air\\li
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ComputeRow1 from C:\\air\\li
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ComputeRow2 from C:\\air\\li
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ComputeRow3 from C:\\air\\li
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10_skip_Row3 from C:\\air\\lib
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ProcessColumns from C:\\air\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ProcessColumnLoop from C:\\a
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10Fill2WithZero from C:\\air\\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10Fill1WithZero from C:\\air\\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10Fill0WithZero from C:\\air\\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDct1_ARM from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDCT1_plus_ReconBlock_ARM from C:
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDCT1_plus_ReconBlock_loop from C:
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDCT1_plus_ReconInter_ARM from C:
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDCT1_plus_ReconInter_loop from C:
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock1dH_ARM11 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop1 from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/l
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock1dV_ARM11 from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop3 from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/l
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop4 from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/l
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock2dFirstPass_ARM11 from
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop5 from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/l
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock1dBilH_ARM11 from C:\\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: FilterBlock1dBilH_next_row from C:
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock1dBilV_ARM11 from C:\\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: FilterBlock1dBilV_outer_loop from
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: FilterBlock1dBilV_inner_loop from
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock2dBil_FirstPass_ARM11
    from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/libRuntimeAOT.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: FilterBlock2dBil_FirstPass_next_ro
    w from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/libRuntimeAOT.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _Copy12x12_ARM9E from C:\\air\\lib
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: Copy12x12_CSrcAlign0 from C:\\air\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: Copy12x12_CSrcAlign1 from C:\\air\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: Copy12x12_CSrcAlign2 from C:\\air\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: Copy12x12_CSrcAlign3 from C:\\air\
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _ReconIntra_ARM11 from C:\\air\\li
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/li
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _ReconInter_ARM11 from C:\\air\\li
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop1 from C:\\air\\lib\\aot/lib/l
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _ReconBlock_ARM11 from C:\\air\\li
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: ReconBlock_ARM11_LOOP from C:\\air
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _tDecodeBool from C:\\air\\lib\\ao
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _tDecodeBool128 from C:\\air\\lib\
    Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
      "_ExtInitializer", referenced from:
          _g_com_adobe_air_fre_fmap in extensionglue.o
         (maybe you meant: _ExtInitializer_name)
      "_ExtFinalizer", referenced from:
          _g_com_adobe_air_fre_fmap in extensionglue.o
         (maybe you meant: _ExtFinalizer_name)
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture armv7
    Compilation failed while executing : ld64

    Kind of same thing happening with SDK 3.1 build where I'm also passing -platformsdk (IOS SDK 5.0 path) to the ADT. The IPA is generating but a lots of warning, and even when I'm running the IPA on device, its terminated with strange errors. I've investigated that its with other 'stageVideo' functionalities in the app and when I'm trying to close the stream by 'stream.close()' and 'stream.dispose()'. If I cut-off the -platformsdk in the adt build, then the app works fine, but the IOS 5.0 specific things apparently not working. I've also did 'armv7' only in the XCode.
    Following is the command-line for the adt that I'm using:
    /Applications/Adobe\ Flash\ Builder\ 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/bin/adt -package -target ipa-test-interpreter -provisioning-profile <myprofile>.mobileprovision -storetype pkcs12 -keystore Certificates.p12 <myipa>.ipa <myapp>-app.xml <myswf>.swf -extdir ../ext/ -platformsdk /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS5.0.sdk/
    Here's the warning while build:
    ld: warning: -ios_version_min not specificed, assuming 4.0
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDctSlow_ARM from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowProcessRowLoop from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowSkipArithmeticInRow from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowProcessColumnLoop from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC1S7 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantTable from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC7S1 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC3S5 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC5S3 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC4S4 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC2S6 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDctSlowConstantxC6S2 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDct10_ARM from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ComputeRow0 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ComputeRow1 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ComputeRow2 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ComputeRow3 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10_skip_Row3 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ProcessColumns from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10ProcessColumnLoop from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10Fill2WithZero from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10Fill1WithZero from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDct10Fill0WithZero from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDct1_ARM from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDCT1_plus_ReconBlock_ARM from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDCT1_plus_ReconBlock_loop from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _IDCT1_plus_ReconInter_ARM from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: IDCT1_plus_ReconInter_loop from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(idct_part.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock1dH_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop1 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock1dV_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop3 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop4 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock2dFirstPass_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop5 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock1dBilH_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: FilterBlock1dBilH_next_row from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock1dBilV_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: FilterBlock1dBilV_outer_loop from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: FilterBlock1dBilV_inner_loop from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _FilterBlock2dBil_FirstPass_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: FilterBlock2dBil_FirstPass_next_row from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(predfilters.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _ReconIntra_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(reconstruct-F6251070C86EBC8D.o )
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(reconstruct-F6251070C86EBC8D.o )
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _ReconInter_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(reconstruct-F6251070C86EBC8D.o )
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: loop1 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(reconstruct-F6251070C86EBC8D.o )
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _ReconBlock_ARM11 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(reconstruct-F6251070C86EBC8D.o )
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: ReconBlock_ARM11_LOOP from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(reconstruct-F6251070C86EBC8D.o )
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _Copy12x12_ARM9E from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(copy12x12.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: Copy12x12_CSrcAlign0 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(copy12x12.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: Copy12x12_CSrcAlign1 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(copy12x12.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: Copy12x12_CSrcAlign2 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(copy12x12.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: Copy12x12_CSrcAlign3 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(copy12x12.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _tDecodeBool from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(tDecodeBool.o)
    ld: warning: ARM function not 4-byte aligned: _tDecodeBool128 from /Applications/Adobe Flash Builder 4.6/sdks/4.6.0/lib/aot/lib/libRuntimeInterpreter.arm-air.a(tDecodeBool.o)

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    > Is there anybody from toshiba following the thread
    I dont think so because it s an user to user forum only and nobody from Toshiba is here.
    Can you post more details? You wrote that you cant watch flash videos but do you get an error message or what happens exactly?
    What browser do you use?
    I would recommend reinstalling Adobe Flash from Android market. This should help.

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        <content>SWF file name is set automatically at compile time</content>
    List of default images:
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    So, for me it seems like a bug in AIR SDK, on AIR SDK 15.XXX everything was just fine.

    Thanks for reporting the issue. Yes, It's known to us and we are investigating it.
    Best Regards,

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    Hi and welcome the forum!
    Try uninstalling all USB hub devices from the device manager and reinstalling them again, particularly the keyboard's.
    v2.26 is supposed to fix the issue according to lenovo:-
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    Maliha (I don't work for lenovo)
    ThinkPads:- T400[Win 7], T60[Win 7], IBM 240[Win XP]
    IdeaPad: U350
    Apple:- Macbook Air [Snow Leopard]
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    in terminal.
    Is there anyway to resolve this? I find the other character extremely annoying that they always pop up
    thank you!

    The repeating function you want has been off by default since 10.7 was released 3 years ago.  That terminal command should normally do the trick.  Did you logout and login again?

  • After Recovery with CD Satellite C660-1FE keyboard does NOT work

    A month ago I purchased a Toshiba C660-1FE. After three weeks my HD broke down. I bought a new HD from Western Digital and replaced the broken HD. As I did not make an recovery image of my HD, I had to order the Product recovery discs off the Toshiba website (3 discs, of which disc 1 and 3 were the only one's required for installation).
    Now, I have the problem that my laptop keyboard does not work. I am currently using a USB keyboard and mouse to replace my keyboard and touchpad of the laptop.
    The laptop keyboard works fine in BIOS. Therefore, I hope it's just a driver problem.
    I have:
    tried finding and installing lots of drivers on from the toshiba website, no result.
    tried changing settings in the bios (usb enable/disable).
    tried to fix the problem by re-installing the entire computer again several times.
    The keyboard seems to work until windows loads. When the system is starting up I can press caps lock and num lock and the green lights come on. This all stops working once the windows startup symbol appears.
    Perhaps a second problem in the device manager: under the display-adapter, 2 subcategories have exclamation marks: it says Mobile Intel(R) 4 series express chipset family twice! I can't seems to fix these with any drivers I can find either. When I check the settings I have this message (google translate since it was in dutch):
    +The digital signature for the drivers for this device is required, can not be verified. Possible after a recent hardware or software change a file that is installed incorrectly signed or damaged, or is malicious software installed from an unknown source. (Code 52)+
    +You need to restart the computer to this device changes to take effect.+ (obviously I tried that too)
    Can someone please give me some help? I am at the end of my wits.

    Hi MisterX,
    thank you for your response. I have tried these things and there is no such thing as PS2/keyboard in device manager. It's as if the Hardware is not even recognizable in windows. I am starting to doubt whether I got the right Backup CD.
    I wrote the following e-mail to [email protected]:
    +Dear Toshiba,+
    +after receiving the recovery CD's for my toshiba c660-1FE, it turns out that the drivers for the keyboard and touchpad are not installed. I have tried many things to get around this but it seems to me that I have received the wrong product recovery CD's. The chipset drivers are not the right ones, the overall layout of this version of windows 7 is different from before and when looking for answers in the toshiba forum I have concluded that the recovery CD's could be the wrong ones.+
    +My laptop: Satellite C660-1FE+
    +serial: 5B378048K+
    +Part-nr: PSC0LE 02M0TU26DU+
    +Recovery CD's I received are CD's 1-3 with serial R14254DU+
    +Would you be so kind to check whether these CD's should be 100% compatible with my laptop?+
    +This would be greatly appreciated,+
    MisterX, do you know any other emails I can forward this too? Or anyone who could perhaps tell me if I got the right CD's? They are taking their time to respong to this...
    Kind regards,

  • My mac's keyboard is not working with my mac.the green light blinks and i cannot get onto my mac. everything on the support questions does not help because i cant go on the mac and i cant sign in

    my mac's keyboard is not working with my mac.the green light blinks and i cannot get onto my mac. everything on the support questions does not help because i cant go on the mac and i cant sign in

    If you can't sign in, then you can't troubleshoot and/or pair the keyboard until after that........ so, for that, you will need to borrow someone's USB wired keyboard in order to get signed in and to the Keyboard Bluetooth Preferences.

  • Keyboard is not working on Macbook 1.83GHz with Windows XP Pro

    There is a problem in Macbook 1.83 GHZ (Macbook 13-Inch Mid 2007 Combo) the keyboard is not working some times when I boot from Windows XP install Disk, after installation of Windows XP Operating System.
    Either I install first Mac OS x 10.4.9 then Install Windows XP Pro through bootcamp 1.2 Completion of both Operiting System I boot through Windows XP bootable CD OR I install Windows XP with out Mac OSX, in both conditions when i boot my computer through Windows XP bootable CD some times my built in keyboard (or external USB keyboard) does not work.
    Not only one Macbook is effected there are many.
    I request you to please advise to resolve this hot issue.

    Has any one had problem like this, plz share to resolve this issue.

  • My keyboard is not working in "Pages" but works with all other applications.  Please provide resolution advice.

    My keyboard is not working in "Pages" but works with all other applications.  Please provide resolution advice.

    What version of Pages?
    There are one or two of us here who are not intimately acquainted with your particular set-up.

  • The g, h and backspace on my keyboard are not working even after replacing with a new one.

    The g, h and backspace on my keyboard are not working even after replacing with a new one. I have also updated my BIOS still d same. Please help me ASAP. waiting for a QIUCK RESPONSE

    How does a usb keyboard attached externally work?
    You might try a "hard reset" where you remove battery and AC charger, hold down power button 20-30 seconds and then reassemble and turn on. Reset BIOS (F10) to default settings, too. 

  • The volume keys on my Logitech K760 wireless keyboard do not work with my 2.3 GHz, Intel Core i5 Mac mini which runs Mac OS X 10.7.4. Anyone know how to correct this without having to re-code firmware?

    My first post to the Apple Support Community so it looks like all I wanted to know is covered in the title. The research I have done led me to solutions that I am not comfortable trying for fear of irreparably damaging my keyboard and/or Mac mini. Does anyone have a simpler solution? Please? Hellooooo?
    Just in case the title is too long to show, I have re-pasted here:
    The volume keys on my Logitech K760 wireless keyboard do not work with my 2.3 GHz, Intel Core i5 Mac mini which runs Mac OS X 10.7.4. Anyone know how to correct this without having to re-code firmware?

    BDAqua wrote:
    Hello & welcome to the Forums!
    I think Spark cured this for another person and the same problem...
    Thank you for the response. Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to work the above applications. I thought that i had managed to assign the appropriate function keys in Spark to their volume counterparts, but it had no effect. Below is a screen shot. Do you see anything amiss?

  • Auto backlight does not work on 4S with iOS 7! With iOS 6.1.3 I had the same problem.Why?

    Auto backlight does not work on 4S with iOS 7. I had the same problem with iOS 6.1.3! Why ?

    rlwebb71 wrote:
    ... I have the latest generation iPod touch, not the 5, but the latest. So why can't Siri come out and play? 
    Siri is not a feature of that iPod... 4th Gen...
    iOS 6  Which Software for Which iDevices...

  • The wireless keyboard is not working with my iPad2. I turned on Bluetooth and paired it.  What else is there to do?

    The wireless keyboard is not working with my iPad2.  I turned on bluetooth and paired the device.  What other hidden step is there to do?

    Well, the tiny green light comes on and blinks. . . After a frustrating time, I turned everything off.  Later, when I tried the keyboard again, it worked.  I guess the bluetooth process takes longer than expected.  So thank you for taking the time to help a technically impaired person!!

  • Three keys of my keyboard are not working, the cap one, the return key and the space bar, while the virtual keyboard shows to others keys highlighted in orange (^ and `); How to fix it? I writing now with a bluetooth keyboard.

    Three keys of my keyboard are not working, the cap one, the return key and the space bar, while the virtual keyboard shows to others keys highlighted in orange (^ and `); How to fix it? I writing now with a bluetooth keyboard.

    All new keyboards need Snow Leopard 10.6.8 and above for full functionality.
    Rather short-sighted of Apple perhaps, but that seems to be a trend these days.
    I'm afraid the only fix is to upgrade to SL. Personaly, I'd take it back and get a refund and seek an older keyboard or a third-party one elsewhere.

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