Software for leopard

What software can I put on Leopard?
I tried look up online but mostly the info are on snow leopard.
I know i missed something in this forum but i couldnt find either. Thank you

Some Apps here...
But might look into older versions of these, not sure what your record keeping involves.
Might look into NeoOffice...
Or Open Office...
There are older versions for 10.4.11 available...
That'll give you tantamount to MS Office.

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    It sounds like you may have bought an 802.11b/g AirPort Express (AX).
    Ignore the software on the disc. Go to /Applications/Utilities and use "AirPort Utility" to configure the AX.

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    No viruses that can attack OS X have so far been detected 'in the wild', i.e. in anything other than laboratory conditions.
    Do not be tricked by 'scareware' that attempts computer users to download fake anti-virus software that may itself be malware. More on that here:
    Beware of PDF files from unknown sources. A security firm announced that by its counting, malicious Reader documents made up 80% of all exploits at the end of 2009.:
    It is possible, however, to pass on a Windows virus to another Windows user, for example through an email attachment. To prevent this all you need is the free anti-virus utility ClamXav, which you can download for Tiger and Leopard from:
    The new version for Snow Leopard is available here:
    (Note: ClamAV adds a new user group to your Mac. That makes it a little more difficult to remove than some apps. You’ll find an uninstaller link in ClamXav’s FAQ page online.)
    However, the appearance of Trojans and other malware that can possibly infect a Mac seems to be growing, but is a completely different issue to viruses.
    If you allow a Trojan to be installed, the user's DNS records can be modified, redirecting incoming internet traffic through the attacker's servers, where it can be hijacked and injected with malicious websites and pornographic advertisements. The trojan also installs a watchdog process that ensures the victim's (that's you!) DNS records stay modified on a minute-by-minute basis.
    You can read more about how, for example, the OSX/DNSChanger Trojan works here:
    SecureMac has introduced a free Trojan Detection Tool for Mac OS X. It's available here:
    The DNSChanger Removal Tool detects and removes spyware targeting Mac OS X and allows users to check to see if the trojan has been installed on their computer; if it has, the software helps to identify and remove the offending file. After a system reboot, the users' DNS records will be repaired.
    (Note that a 30 day trial version of MacScan can be downloaded free of charge from:
    and this can perform a complete scan of your entire hard disk. After 30 days free trial the cost is $29.99. The full version permits you to scan selected files and folders only, as well as the entire hard disk. It will detect (and delete if you ask it to) all 'tracker cookies' that switch you to web sites you did not want to go to.)
    A white paper has recently been published on the subject of Trojans by SubRosaSoft, available here:
    Also, beware of MacSweeper:
    MacSweeper is malware that misleads users by exaggerating reports about spyware, adware or viruses on their computer. It is the first known "rogue" application for the Mac OS X operating system. The software was discovered by F-Secure, a Finland based computer security software company on January 17, 2008
    On June 23, 2008 this news reached Mac users:
    More on Trojans on the Mac here:
    This was published on July 25, 2008:
    Attack code that exploits flaws in the net's addressing system are starting to circulate online, say security experts.
    The code could be a boon to phishing gangs who redirect web users to fake bank sites and steal login details.
    In light of the news net firms are being urged to apply a fix for the loop-hole before attacks by hi-tech criminals become widespread.
    Net security groups say there is anecdotal evidence that small scale attacks are already happening.
    Further details here:
    A further development was the Koobface malware that can be picked up from Facebook (already a notorious site for malware, like many other 'social networking' sites like Twitter etc), as reported here on December 9, 2008:
    You can keep up to date, particularly about malware present in some downloadable pirated software, at the Securemac site:
    There may be other ways of guarding against Trojans, viruses and general malware affecting the Mac, and alternatives will probably appear in the future. In the meantime the advice is: be careful where you go on the web and what you download!
    If you think you may have acquired a Trojan, and you know its name, you can also locate it via the Terminal: the-problem/
    As to the recent 'Conficker furore' affecting Intel-powered computers, MacWorld recently had this to say:
    Although any content that you download has the possibility of containing malicious software, practising a bit of care will generally keep you free from the consequences of anything like the DNSChanger trojan.
    1. Avoid going to suspect and untrusted Web sites, especially p'orn'ography sites.
    2. Check out what you are downloading. Mac OS X asks you for you administrator password to install applications for a reason! Only download media and applications from well-known and trusted Web sites. If you think you may have downloaded suspicious files, read the installer packages and make sure they are legit. If you cannot determine if the program you downloaded is infected, do a quick Internet search and see if any other users reported issues after installing a particular program.
    3. Use an antivirus program like ClamXav. If you are in the habit of downloading a lot of media and other files, it may be well worth your while to run those files through an AV application.
    4. Use Mac OS X's built-in Firewalls and other security features.
    5. Stop using LimeWire. LimeWire (and other peer-to-peer sharing applications) are hotbeds of potential software issues waiting to happen to your Mac. Everything from changing permissions to downloading trojans and other malicious software can be acquired from using these applications. Similar risks apply to using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and similar sites which are prone to malicious hacking:
    6. Resist the temptation to download pirated software. After the release of iWork '09 earlier this year, a Trojan was discovered circulating in pirated copies of Apple's productivity suite of applications (as well as pirated copies of Adobe's Photoshop CS4). Security professionals now believe that the botnet (from iServices) has become active. Although the potential damage range is projected to be minimal, an estimated 20,000 copies of the Trojan have been downloaded. SecureMac offer a simple and free tool for the removal of the iBotNet Trojan available here:
    Last but not least, there is the potential for having your entire email contact list stolen for use for spamming:

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    Commercial or personal? Graphical interface or are you a tagger? iWeb (part of the iLife suite) comes with the Mac and is graphical, simple, and for me ultimately frustrating and unusable. RapidWeaver is another graphical web design program which is much less limited than iWeb and I use it for my personal pages and some professional work as well. At the other end of the graphical spectrum is Adobe's DreamWeaver, a commercial product that is graphical but neither simple nor simplistic. Meanwhile, I can create a pretty mean webpage with TextEdit or Coda, both of which require knowledge of tagging and possibly CSS.

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    iTunes is 10.6.3, and it says it is the CURRENT software for my system.
    The new iPhone 5 requires iTunes 7. 
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    iTunes 10.7 is compatible with Snow Leopard.
    You can download it here:

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    A backup.
    After that's there's the usual list, DataRescue, FileSalvage. General reading on this topic -  It would help to know the actual problem since sometimes a straight answer to this kind of question isn't always the way to a solution to the real issue.

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    07-Jan-2009 02:18 PM
    amanda07 wrote:
    Thanks Sandy, but that still doesn't work. It's the right one for my system, but now it's telling me this: "The device "Nokia 5310 XpressMusic" is currently connected in a USB mode not supported by Nokia Multimedie Transfer for iSync"
    Then it says I can choose PC Suite, which I don't have a PC so that's out, or "Nokia" mode on your device. How do I even do that? I've been through the book, that told me to go to the website but that only had stuff about PC!
    "PC Suite" mode has nothing to do with PCs (i hate the semantics of this, a mac IS a PC, and not because it can run windows... but because it's a personal computer. i prefer 'mspc' for a microsoft pc, 'msppc' for a microsoft pocketpc, etc. ok, i'm done)
    anyways, i see from your next post that you got it straightened out: PC Suite mode is what you must be using, because that connects the PC (your mac running macosx) to an app running on the phone, rather than directly to the storage on that phone.
    N95-1 ---> N97-NAM ---> N900 ---> E7-00 + N900 (I use them both)
    (N95 was pretty good, N97 had potential but utterly failed to deliver, N900 is absurdly good. Those of you wondering, "should I try N900/Maemo/MeeGo"? The answer is a resounding YES)

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    Have you tried the R300 or R320 software? Typically the software covers a broad spectrum of printers, often providinbg overlap to cover "relatives" of a series. 47541&prodoid=47915738&infoType=Downloads&platform=Macintosh

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    If your Time Capsule looks like this..
    Please review the System Requirements to set up and administer the device.....
    Setup and Administration
    iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 6 or later and AirPort Utility 1.3
    Mac with OS X Lion v10.7.5 or later and Airport Utility 6.3 or higher

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    i have a Mac i5 and need to download the application 'Numbers' but everytime I try to do so, it says can't do as the ver 2.2 for the app needs new software 'Snow Leopard'. I don't want to upgrade but dont know what to do??

    If your profile is correct you're already on the final version of Snow Leopard (10.6.8). Sure it wasn't Lion it was asking for?
    If that's the only version available on the app store, you'll need to source a copy of the iWork '09 DVD - not cheap now - only available via Amazon or eBay etc.

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    I have upgraded my software to OS X Snow Leopard. Now I want to update that to Lion. How do I do that? When I look at the Lion software available for download on the apple site it all seems to be update software for people already a version of Lion.

    It has to be 10.6.8 I believe, before you can upgrade to Lion. I found some more info, please check out:
    Be sure all your programms will work on Lion. Power PC programms do not work anymore (eg Nikon Scan 4 will not work from now on on Mac OS X). Some versions of Canon utilities for camera's do not work, Canon still have to upgrade. For an App Compatibility Table:

  • Software update for leopard graphics error

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    Try downloading the standalone updater and reapplying the update.

Maybe you are looking for