Software like Picture It Productions

I am VERY new to Apple. I design websites and on my old pc I used MS- PIP for special framing of pics. Do you know of any mac-friendly software that can do what I did on this page?:
I also used CoffeeCup Jukebox, see:
Anyone know of a mac software similar to that?
I sure one of you can help me. So far, I am very disappointed in my mac. It's beautiful, but ...

Give yourself time to learn the new system - you didn't become an expert Windows user over night so don't expect to become an instant Mac user either.
Assuming you don't want to learn how to hand code a web site, you have three main choices for web site creation - RapidWeaver, iWeb (which came with your Mac), and Sandvox. There are a few open source web site design programs but none that I can really recommend. iWeb is probably the easiest to learn how to use but, in the end, the most limited. I'm a fan of Rapidweaver. Check out their forum and list of add-ons and you'll find a couple different ways to create the jukebox effect.
For editing the pictures there are a wealth of choices depending on what it is you want to do. You could start with Photoshop Elements for a complete graphic design program or choose from several more specialized tools such as EasyFrame. The web site is a great place to find Mac shareware and freeware, try looking there for things you need.

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    created by c.pfaffenbichler in Photoshop Scripting - View the full discussion
    For large amounts of text Photoshop is not the best choice.
    But you can certainly create Type Layers – select the Type Tool (T) and create Point Text by clicking onto the Canvas or Paragraph Text by click-dragging on the Canvas.
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    First, export your contact from and save them on your computer in a safe spot some where (like you desktop).  Use this to help you do this:
    Next, on both of your devices, go to Settings > iCloud and turn on contacts and select Merge. Then turn off contacts and select 'Delete form my [device]' when prompted.
    Now go back to and select a contact (yes they will all be messed up again) and select Command+A on a Mac or Control+A on a PC to select all of the contacts.  Tap the delete key on your keyboard (or right click /control click a contact and select delete).
    You iPhone, iPad and should not be empty for contacts.
    Go back to Settings > iCloud on both devices and turn on contacts again (you should not see merge this time).
    Next, go back to and import your contacts (those exported .vcards).  You can either drag and drop them into the empty contacts list in your web browser, or you can use the gear icon to import.
    You cleaned up contacts should import correctly into and sync to both of your devices.
    Good luck.

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    Having said that, this troubleshooting guide should help:
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    Validate your fonts using Font Book.
    How to use Font Book to validate fonts
      1. Open Font Book in your Applications folder.
      2. Select All Fonts.
      3. Now click in the list of fonts and select all (Edit > Select All).
      4. Under File in the Menu bar, select Validate Fonts.
      5. Duplicate fonts will be marked with either the yellow badge or a black dot.
      6. Select to remove or delete duplicates.*
      7. Delete font caches (how to)
      8. Restart your computer
    * Step 6 – remove or delete duplicates is where the tricky part comes in. You can select to let Font Book disable or remove duplicates, but I’ve found that it removes the one you have not been using rather than selecting the best option. See Font Management in OS X, by Kurt Lang, for more info on fonts.
    See Kurt Lang's directions here to remove font caches

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    Yes.  Switching to Mac might be overwhelming at first, but it is not difficult.  I Just started using Macs regularly about 9 months ago after using only Windows based pc's for over 15 years.  Macs come with TextEdit , but you can also purchase MS Office for Mac or use Apple's version, called iWork.Yes, you can partition the hard drive of a Mac.  Read these also:,  With regular use of a Mac, you will be able to use it without even thinking about it, just like how you learned to use a WIndows pc.

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    Curently we r using PI 7.0 SPS 14 kernal Version  179.
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    Thanks in Advance.

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    Help here >  Reset the user password in OS X Lion, Mountain Lion and Mavericks: Apple Support Communities

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