Software Update from Leopard to Tiger!?

Please forgive this newbe.
This evening I checked for updates for my brand new OS x 10.5 Mac, and two items were returned. One for iPhoto and one for 10.4.11 Tiger.
Not knowing any better and hoping that the software would do the right thing, I just clicked on ok, (entered the password), and off it went. Before I knew it, I had been upgraded from 10.5 to 10.4.11
I do have all the installation disks, etc, so I can reinstall 10.5, iWork, etc, but is there a better way?
Jim, ns2k

Because when I check system profiler; software; it shows "Mac OS X 10.4.11 (8S2167)"
It was a 10.5 machine until this evening
The update size was about 105MB and required a restart after (if that means anything)
I am more used to Windows, where restart is (or was until recently) required for almost everything

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    Please help.

    I was just wondering how you were able to get the macbook to accept the update? I had to take mine to apple store and get entire keyboard and trackpad replaced in my macbook. They then told me to ignore the update cause they did not have any other keyboards to replace if it happened again.

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    What graphics card is installed?
    Have you looked inside to see if the interior is dusty?
    Is the graphics card dusty?
    If equipped, is the fan on the graphics card turning?
    Leopard uses the graphics card harder than Tiger, so weakness in the graphics card is more easily shown.

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    Get this from Amazon before the prices really get out of control!
    OS X 10.6.3 =software&ie=UTF8&qid=1343250995&sr=1-1&keywords=OS+X+Snow+Leopard
    OS X 10.6.0 re&ie=UTF8&qid=1343250995&sr=1-2&keywords=OS+X+Snow+Leopard

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    rrk224 wrote:
    Anybody have problems updating from Leopard 10.5.8 to Snow Leopard 10.6.3, or can I expect an easy update?
    You shouldn't have too much trouble provided you have a relatively clean system.
    You should backup your personal users folders off the machine to a regular storage drive (not TimeMachine) and disconnect.
    10.6 upgrade strips out the 10.5 PPC code your not using and offers faster video drivers and some neat features like Exposé and Spaces which is highly productive as you can have 4-16 desktops visible at once and move stuff around between them (10.7 ripped that out)
    10.6 is the fastest OS X version Apple has made, 10.5 is universal (more code and older video drivers) and 10.7 is slower than 10.6 in tests on the same hardware.
    Your 10.5 install disk should be working, (check it first) stick it in and reboot holding the c key down, you should be able to boot from the disk. Apple isn't offering replacement 10.5 disks anymore so it needs to work in case you want to downgrade from 10.6.
    You can learn how to make copies of your 10.5 disk online. I would do so.
    You might decide to Carbon Copy Cloner (free/donations) your present 10.5 system to a blank external powered drive, you then can hold the option key and boot from it, erase and reverse clone back to your internal drive if you wish.
    10.6 will run all your 10.5 software (some may need a update) as it has Rosetta, a compatibility system for 10.5 code. 10.7 does not, it will not run your present Rosetta/10.5 software at all, you will have to buy all new versions. Also older hardware likely won't work neither, like printers, scanners and all-in-ones etc as their drivers either won't get a update or they won't make one to force a premature hardware turnover.
    If your upgrading your older 10.5 machine to 10.7, I'd advise against it, there isn't as much software ready for 10.7 (like 10.6) because it's forcing developers to rewrite their PPC based code
    10.7 is slower and more glitchs than 10.6, more depressing gray all over and strange UI changes.
    Also 10.8 is due out this summer and may not run on older hardware, so it's looking like you will be best off with 10.6.8 and leaving it at that to get the most software choice/performance and leave 10.8 for a new hardware/software purchase.
    If your going to 10.7 anyway, then check this database to make sure the software your going to have to buy is ready or not. IMO, Lion for you and your older machine is a wasted effort and better the new software on a new hardware purchase.
    I must admit though I throughly hate OS X Lion, as do a lot of other people,  it's only because it's quality is absolutely terrible and unbecoming of Apple, likely why Mountain Lion 10.8 is being released this summer a year in advance and only a year after Lion. However my opinion about Lion's poor quality isn't relfected in my advice to you. For you it's more of a older hardware/have to buy all new software type deal which a newer machine with 10.8 and promises to be better/more refined OS than 10.7.
    So in other words, upgrade to 10.6.8 and stay there, save your pennies for a new machine Early 2013, by then 10.8 would have several months and a lot of software/bugs worked out for it.

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    I haven't run the Apple Hardware Test in loop mode yet, but I must admit that I don't believe the problem is with the hardware - particularly since both machines were is use right up until the downgrade
    Doesn't seem to be likely. On the other hand, you have reformatted and secure erased the drives, and have run powerful diagnostic tools on the directories with nothing showing up, so a software based issue seems just as unlikely.
    I'll be taking a look at the panic logs on both machines next
    That will be helpful.

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    Try a Safe Boot: Restart holding down the shift key until you (hopefully) see a grey progress bar. Once booted restart as normal from the Apple menu. Any change?
    How much RAM do you have installed?

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    Please, I need support.
    How can I do to go back from Leopard to Tiger?
    Affter installing Leopard, I have continuosly Kernel panic when shut down my iBook.
    Thanks in advanced

    Michelle & Randy wrote:
    I need to go back to Panther restore discs that came with my imac G5. There are too many important apps that just are not compatable with Leopard ie. Creative suite 2, Freehand MX. I can not print to high res PDF. Nothing happens and I do not have time to wait for all new programs to arrive. As a matter of fact I don't even think there is a leopard freehand verision. Will my restore CD's give me the option to erase and install. Yes I have several firewire drives with my system backed up.
    I believe the proper way is to use your Leopard DVD to erase the HD. I would perform a full erase (include freespace), then boot, holding down the "C" key and install Panther. However, at this point you should seriously consider Tiger. I am presuming your PowerBook is a PPC (non-Intel) OS. The commercial Tiger CDs will install on your system. I upgraded my G5 from Panther, which it came with, to Tiger when it came out. Tiger is far superior to Panther.

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    What she said. And it's recommended you do the updates. Especially for that old beast.

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    975148 wrote:
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    Please revert with the reply to my query.
    I suggest you go ask RedHat your question.
    It is their product, not Oracle's product.
    Go get your answer directly from the company that created that OS distro.

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    The current version of the OS is 10.7.2.

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    I'd start with running a "Software Updates Scan Cycle" from the configuration manager control panel applet and check the log file Windowsupdate.log, WUAhandler.log.
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