[SOLVED] Arch does not start into gnome desktop

I installed arch from the scratch into a new hard drive due to a disk failure in the old one. After installing it, I booted into gnome3 desktop without problems.
Today I have upgraded it by performing:
#pacman -Syu
and also I have installed some other no important packages mplayer, banshee, etc... also I have seen that my kernel has been upgraded into 3.11.4-1-ARCH fro 3.10.10-1-ARCH.
After rebooting, my arch does not boot, even in fallback mode. It starts cleaning blocks from the partitions, and then after it is done, cursor is blinking and no other messages are printed out. It stays with cursor blinking forever. I have a GUID Partition table and a LVM2 where all paritions are made.
I can log in into console by pressing CTRL+ALT+F2. Once I have prompted I have no network interfaces, only lo (loopback). If I do:
#ip link show
#ip addr list
I only get lo (loopback) interface listed, others like wifi and ethernet cable does not appear.
If I perform below:
#journalctl -xn
I do not see any problematic message, only this one:
Failed to open private bus connection
Any ideas why arch is not booting and get into gnome session (login window)?
The problem is that once I have performed the full system update with:
#pacman -Syu
My kernel images has been upgraded and successfully generated into 3.11.4-1-ARCH but I have seen that my kernel, after log in to console and performing:
$uname -r
it says kernel version continues being 3.10.10-1-ARCH so at startup images genereated into 3.11.4-1-ARCH do not match so cursor remains blinking forever....
I am trying to update the kernel but now I have no internet connection, no network interfaces are shown.... so how to do this now? chrooting?
Last edited by toni (2013-10-12 18:32:10)

ewaller wrote:Check the output of uname -a and of pacman -Qi linux and ensure that the versions match.  If they don't, you are somehow starting using the wrong kernel and it cannot find its modules.
You are right, see my updated post, for some reason image were successfully generated into 3.11.4-1-ARCH but kernel has not been updated and it remains in 3.10.10-1-ARCH.... so they do not match and arch does not boot.... so cursor remains blinking forever....

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    Last edited by firatakandere (2013-12-24 17:09:56)

    firatakandere wrote:Wall-charger was unplugged. This topic can be removed.
    Why?  Others may learn for your experience
    Welcome to Arch Linux.

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    Last edited by cdwijs (2011-01-03 12:05:23)

    I have reproduced the problem:
    1)Move (or remove) ~/.mozilla
    2)goto this website : http://toolbar.zynga.com/install/farmville/
    3)login with a valid facebook acount
    4)Click install, and then click allow, install now, restart namoraka, restart, finish, and then click save and quit.
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    Is it usefull when I make a tar file of .mozilla and post it here?
    Best regards,

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    ExecStart=/sbin/ip addr add dev enp4s1
    ExecStart=/sbin/ip route add default via
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    Last edited by chord (2013-06-03 17:04:55)

    Thaks for your reply.
    I got this interface name from ip addr,  how it should be named if 'enp4s1' is wrong?
    journalctl is here: http://bpaste.net/show/104083/
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    Jun 03 15:18:23 localhost systemd[1]: Expecting device sys-subsystem-net-devices-enp4s1.device...
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    Allow from 192.168.XXX.XXX/24
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    Last edited by renegat (2013-02-27 14:28:14)

    renegat wrote:
    I don't know if this issue is a bug or if I'am doing something terribly wrong.
    I've installed ArchLinux without GUI, just base, as a pure printserver a few weeks ago with only cups running and it worked.
    But when I try to do exactly the same installation again on same PC (tried IPFire meanwhile) it is a mess!
    First CUPS suddenly needs avahi to be running (enabled).
    Without it, I get a 'core-dump' error:
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    Next cups does not start, does not offer shared printers and is not accessible through web interface until I start it manually.
    Than everything works as supposed.
    On reboot: same procedure!
    Of course I edited 'cupsd.conf' on the server, added
    Listen *:631
    Allow from 192.168.XXX.XXX/24
    to all <Loaction> entries.
    Though I enabled cups (which in fact only enables the cups.socket) I do not get it to work.
    So it seems to be a problem with this non reacting cups.socket, perhaps?
    BTW: sshd.socket works.
    There are no errors which I could post.
    I've also reinstalled serveral times...
    Menawhile I found a workaround:
    # systemctl disable cups
    # sudo ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/cups.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/cups.service'
    but I still wonder, why the intitial configuration which worked till a few days suddenly stopped working...
    Using the .socket will activate cups on access. Which is much better than keeping it running all the time. Unless you want it running all the time.. Up to you.
    I'm curious what your cups.service acutally looks like.. since you shouldn't be having to make a symlink manually.. That's what systemctl enable is for, as you probably know.  And why not paste the socket too while you're at it.. Mine are at the bottom of this reply. I also added the cups.path so you can compare and see if anything went wrong there.. Mine works great on 3.7.9-1 kernel.
    I'm not sure why you're linking cups.service to multi-user.target.wants/ but it should be WantedBy=printer.target.. Have a look below.
    * enabling cups.service should create symlinks for the service unit and the path
    * enabling cups.socket should only create the symlink for the socket.
    ╰─╼ cat cups.socket
    Description=CUPS Printing Service Sockets
    ╰─╼ cat cups.service
    Description=CUPS Printing Service
    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/cupsd -f
    Also=cups.socket cups.path
    ╰─╼ cat cups.path
    Description=CUPS Printer Service Spool

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    [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc
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    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
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    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    #startxfce4 #old
    exec startlxde #new
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    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias ls='ls --color=auto'
    alias reboot="sudo reboot"
    alias poweroff="sudo poweroff"
    alias halt="sudo halt"
    alias skype='LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype'
    PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '
    Last edited by mumpf (2013-06-05 20:06:42)

    So, when you login, startx is not executed? Or does X start and immediately exit/crash? Do other parts of .bash_profile get executed, i.e., if you echo $DESKTOP_SESSION, does it say LXDE, do you see the results of .bash_rc (prompt, aliases)? Then check if XDG_VTNR is set, and DISPLAY.
    (After your edit:) If you only changed the exec line, then I assume X still starts, but startlxde fails? So X immediately exits or something? Do you get any useful messages in the logs?
    Last edited by Raynman (2013-05-29 09:16:36)

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    Any help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by mmf1902 (2009-10-17 17:48:07)

    mmf1902 wrote:
    So now we have solved the problem:
    + I deleted all hidden folders and configuration files that belongs to empathy and telepathy
    + I deleted the mission-control folder
    And that's it. Everything is ok.
    Gracias mil.
    don't forget to mark the topic as solved
    p.s. did you check the permissions or did you just remove the files? for other people with the problem, you know.

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    What can be wrong? Why does nmbd not start on both machines? (Or why does it on the third?)
    Last edited by scar (2012-07-12 13:57:46)

    Samba is in my daemons array in rc.conf. I've already tried to start it in backround too ( @ ). Did not work.
    I've already tried the /etc/rc.local thing, but not with a sleep before the service start command.
    Will try it.
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    I'll  try it this evening with nm.

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    do you have any ideas?
    Last edited by arriagga (2011-06-10 11:51:50)

    No problem, glad to hear you've got it working. I noticed the rhythmbox package does depend on libwebkit3. I'm just pointing this out to show there isn't a bug in the rhythmbox package, it must have been in dependency checking when you install rhythmbox.
    My next guess would be that you had rhythmbox installed and working, then another package removed/replaced libwebkit3 which broke rhythmbox.
    All in all, glad it's working for you!

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    how can i fix it?
    Last edited by newcomer008 (2012-02-05 12:57:24)

    Ok - I've reinstalled the package and now it works like a charm - Maybe it was an upgrade error.
    Sorry for the inconvenience you may have been caused.

  • [SOLVED] adesklets does not start

    Hello everyone,
    I'm using Arch x86_64 and Gnome. I'm trying to use adesklets, but it just doesn't start. I installed adesklets using pacman and I start it using adesklets --nautilus, but absolutely nothing happens. I have no clue of what's happening. I also use xcompmgr as composite manager.
    Does anyone know how do I get it to work?
    Last edited by kdjtar (2009-07-14 15:58:45)

    Yes I'm still stuck with this question mark in my head...
    And yes, I used adesklets -i to install some and then I tried either adesklets --nautilus and adesklets --user to launch adesklets. But nothing happens, I have read of some fake root window detection, but I can't figure out what am I supposed to do for the desklets to appear.
    This problem also happens with conky somehow. When I set conky to start automatically with Gnome, it always stays behind this thingie. I can only see conky if I start it manually, so it starts in front of the fake root window.
    Hmm, I have just made a test running python some-desklet.py --nautilus:
    [kdjtar@work ~]$ python /home/kdjtar/.desklets/aanalogue-0.1.0/aanalogue-0.1.0.py --nautilus
    Do you want to (r)egister this desklet or to (t)est it? t
    Now testing...
    If you do not see anything (or just an initial flicker
    in the top left corner of your screen), try `--help',
    and see the FAQ: `info adesklets'.
    before config
    image loaded
    hourHand.png and 40
    after config
    end of ready()
    I could see the desklet... but I still can't see it if I run adesklets --nautilus.
    Last edited by kdjtar (2009-07-13 13:56:36)

  • Firefox does not start on second desktop

    I am using the free Sysinternals product called [http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/cc817881.aspx Desktops ] (desktops.exe) to allow for more than one desktop in Window 7.
    Not too long ago, I used to be able to start a Firefox instance on a desktop different from the 1st one, using the -no-remote and -ProfileManager options and having a separate profile for the 2nd desktop. This was annoying (bookmarks etc. were separate), but worked.
    I just tried this today and no matter what I do on the 2nd desktop, the 2nd Firefox instance would always open on the 1st desktop.
    Any solutions for this? Is there another switch? Or is there another (even better) way altogether to open my Firefox on the 2nd (and 3rd and 4th) desktops?

    This was [https://support.mozilla.org/questions/925905?esab=b&s=sysinternals+desktops&r=0&as=s broken in version 12] , and it doesn't show up in the list of "known issues" in the newer versions.
    Does this imply that there's no plan to fix it ?
    Am I stuck with version 11 as long as I want to use Desktops ??

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    I installed MPD, made configurations, but as I try to start it nothing happens.
    Here is the output:
    [root@hklinux hk]# mpd --no-daemon --stdout --verbose
    config: loading file /etc/mpd.conf
    listen: bind to '' failed: Address already in use (continuing anyway, because binding to '[::]:6600' succeeded)
    path: path_set_fs_charset: fs charset is: UTF-8
    pcm: libsamplerate converter 'Fastest Sinc Interpolator'
    database: reading DB
    disabling the last.fm playlist plugin because account is not configured
    disabling the soundcloud playlist plugin because API key is not set
    daemon: opening pid file
    daemon: writing pid file
    avahi: Initializing interface
    avahi: Client changed to state 101
    avahi: Client is CONNECTING
    state_file: Loading state file /var/lib/mpd/mpdstate
    Any help please?
    Last edited by hariskar (2012-11-01 17:57:31)

    I guess they are called "clients," but yeah you need one in order to interface with mpd. I had a lot of problems initially figuring out mpd myself so I totally understand when others also run into problems....
    Don't forget to mark the thread as "solved."

  • [SOLVED] xfce does not start after SLiM login :S

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    Anyway, i have setup SLiM to startup via /etc/inittab, (Runlevel 5).  I use ~/.xinitrc to run my xfce WM:
    #the only uncommented line is:
    exec startxfce4
    The problem is that once SLiM loads, and i login, X seems to crash (i see the CLI login) before SLiM respawns, and i am required to login again.  I think it must be a simple issue of xfce not actually being started?
    i have tried changing startxfce4 to xfce-session, neither work. The login code for SLiM is (/etc/slim.conf):
    login_cmd         exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session
    and from the same file, my available sessions are:
    sessions          xfce4,icewm,wmaker,blackbox
    So, ive heard of some other people who seemed to experience this same issue, but i cant seem to resolve it like they did   anyway, i think i must be missing something and would like some help? thanks.
    Last edited by Deuterium (2009-12-14 11:36:06)

    Many thanks Deuterium. You saved my day! I posted a new thread and finally found your answer. The arch community is great. Now the question is how this file got permission changed?
    After few tests I noticed that while X is working automount is broken again and no possibilty to go to standby either. This was in the past solved by going to the latest version of consolekit. The problem is that I'm already running consolekit 0.4.1-2.
    Here is the message I get when inserting a USB drive:
    Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.38" (uid=1000 pid=3437 comm="exo-mount) interface="org.freedesktop.Hal.Device.Volume" member="Mount" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination="org.freedesktop.Hal" (uid=0 pid=2806 comm="/usr/sbin/hald)).
    The above error came from the fact that when I got stuck with no WM I modifed the .xinitrc to only have 'exec startxfce4' rather than my original '
    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4'. Then after fixing the WM issue I forgot to modify .xinitirc back.
    Last edited by alphazo (2009-12-25 10:07:58)

  • [SOLVED] PulseAudio does not start at login

    I am not sure what happened to my config, but pulseaudio no longer starts at login under Gnome.  Attempting to start from a terminal using
    $ pulseaudio --start
    fails with:
    N: [pulseaudio] main.c: User-configured server at localhost, refusing to start/autospawn.
    I followed the instructions on the PulseAudio ArchWiki page under "Daemon startup failed" without success.  Interestingly, pulseaudio will work with
    $ pulseaudio -D
    I pasted the output from
    $ pulseaudio -vvvv
    here -> http://pastebin.com/zJYvY1FS
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Last edited by Da_Coynul (2014-09-13 19:38:06)

    Replying to myself:
    Just recalled that I had recently set PULSE_SERVER = localhost in /etc/environment. Removed that and everything is working again.
    This thread helped me figure it out.

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