[SOLVED] AUR4 Invalid branch: otr-verwaltung

The name of the package is otr-verwaltung++. Looks like can not deal with ++ in AUR4. The uploading to Git repository works without any error message. When you are downloading the package as a snapshot everything is ok. But if you go to View PKGBUILD / View changes comes "Invalid branch : otr-verwaltung". What could that be or I'm doing something wrong when push.
Last edited by orgel (2015-06-09 18:37:55)

Somewhere the webinterface is missing an urlencode call.
https://aur4.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git … tung%2b%2b
Edit: Here is the problem https://projects.archlinux.org/aurweb.g … c5fe38#n85
Last edited by progandy (2015-06-09 10:51:27)

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    debug: found cached pkg: /var/cache/pacman/pkg/gcc-4.8.2-8-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
    debug: sig data: iQEcBAABAgAGBQJS9WIIAAoJEPmf/g/q6Zm9av8H+wTWd7jkBVIBLKxdkqr5mFon9pyrh5ArxG5xmEI+mcozz1v1uzC+id35NXySFnb5kK+I5l1P4SO3SGCZeLbmO6ESDa9VVgiK9E5zFvniCcYF1bdRib1bs9i95V009krF6BRyLKRJdegyA6hT4wligU34NdIa/xnh48n3/ONwSe+YavJieY/2eZoSHLO73+4Lv68mzXPzZbUNm1J/XQXVnTLsy7fnpKwP4N2u8MnQI0RC7UGKtCNLTzVMiLXO/Vid4i4vcis/CeoJrdVk2g3HyxrZxZwnTmdygbuCyyAdFEC5F4H6pV4YzQ7QhhlCmrnB0GH+LnC+Vc3aZdJZk88FbZc=
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    debug: 1 signatures returned
    debug: fingerprint: F99FFE0FEAE999BD
    debug: summary: red
    debug: status: Bad signature
    debug: timestamp: 0
    debug: exp_timestamp: 0
    debug: validity: unknown; reason: Success
    debug: key: 6645B0A8C7005E78DB1D7864F99FFE0FEAE999BD, Allan McRae <[email protected]>, owner_trust unknown, disabled 0
    debug: signature is not valid
    In stdout, that's:
    error: gcc: signature from "Allan McRae <[email protected]>" is invalid
    :: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/gcc-4.8.2-8-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
    Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
    When the validity check doesn't fail, the unpack often will, implying the same package is still bad.
    It could be a bad mirror, in theory, except it's intermittent (albeit frequent), and my top mirror is kernel.org.
    EDIT: Looks like the failure hosed something basic- reinstalling pacman's dependencies (including glibc) ended up triggering "illegal instruction" errors (and ultimately segfaults), and rebooting caused the same behavior in systemd.
    When in doubt, boot install media, mount target and `pacstrap -cM base`.
    This (pacstrapping base and then reinstalling everything) appears to have fixed the root problem, although I'm still experiencing echoes of the problem.
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    karol wrote:Have you read the wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pa … 9.22_error ?
    Thanks a lot. Solved by that.

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    SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0470", ATTRS{serial}=="2080000048FD", ACTION=="add", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}=="secbackup.service"
    (The service file will mount the volume and start the backup script; mounting is done via udiskie.)
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    systemd-udevd[225]: invalid key/value pair in file /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-backup.rules on line 1,starting at character 131 (':')
    I don't see any colon (':') in my rule and the last closing quotation mark (") is the 130th character in this file...
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    Any hints?
    Last edited by ball (2014-06-18 09:28:24)

    ukhippo wrote:Shouldn't that last “==” be “+=”?
    Well... I don't know. I've taken this snippet from jasonwryan's blog post. I guess it's correct...
    ukhippo wrote:
    If that's just a typo on your part, are there any non-printing characters? Use “od” to check:
    od -c /etc/udev/rules.d/99-usb-backup.rules
    Nothing suspicious:
    0000000 S U B S Y S T E M S = = " u s b
    0000020 " , A T T R S { i d P r o d u
    0000040 c t } = = " 0 4 7 0 " , A T T
    0000060 R S { s e r i a l } = = " 2 0 8
    0000100 0 0 0 0 0 4 8 F D " , A C T I
    0000120 O N = = " a d d " , E N V { S
    0000140 Y S T E M D _ W A N T S } = = "
    0000160 s e c b a c k u p . s e r v i c
    0000200 e "

  • [SOLVED] AUR4 missing mandatory field: pkgver

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    # Maintainer: AudioLinux <audiolinux AT fastmail DOT fm>
    # Contributor: peace4all <markspost at rocketmail dot com>
    pkgdesc="Unified Remote Server"
    arch=('i686' 'x86_64' 'armv6h')
    depends=('libxext' 'libx11' 'bluez-libs')
    optdepends=('bluez' 'bluez-utils')
    if test "$CARCH" == x86_64; then
    source=("http://www.unifiedremote.com/static/builds/server/linux-x64/703/urserver-$pkgver.deb" "urserver.service")
    sha256sums=('5d02b48f9436815641718cef704592a11148f5894718d7a99f14da0fd0c52325' 'ca049fc2e6b08276bf22b262577feca3fb4f83bef95e8f95a95d16b8d59fd107' )
    if test "$CARCH" == armv6h; then
    source=("http://www.unifiedremote.com/static/builds/server/linux-rpi/452/urserver-$pkgver.deb" "urserver.service")
    sha256sums=('4b5023b421d6323021350be5d74697b572cdc7faaf138fce49236c049b3016e0' 'ca049fc2e6b08276bf22b262577feca3fb4f83bef95e8f95a95d16b8d59fd107')
    if test "$CARCH" == i686; then
    source=("http://www.unifiedremote.com/static/builds/server/linux-x86/648/urserver-$pkgver.deb" "urserver.service")
    sha256sums=('09843a8b03f849bc163bd28813719446e0d02eff32d1bfe3265f208b264ed46c' 'ca049fc2e6b08276bf22b262577feca3fb4f83bef95e8f95a95d16b8d59fd107')
    package() {
    cd ${srcdir}
    # decompress data
    tar zxf data.tar.gz
    # fix and revert desktop file to old behaviour
    sed -i -e '9,24d;26d' $(find . -name 'urserver.desktop')
    # install folders
    mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/{opt,usr}
    cp -r {opt,usr} "${pkgdir}/"
    # clean up permissions
    find "${pkgdir}" -type d | xargs -I {} chmod -R 755 "{}"
    find "${pkgdir}" -type f | xargs -I {} chmod -R 644 "{}"
    chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/opt/urserver/urserver"
    chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/opt/urserver/urserver-start"
    chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/opt/urserver/urserver-stop"
    # add systemd service
    install -Dm644 "urserver.service" "$pkgdir/usr/lib/systemd/system/urserver.service"
    And this is the error when uploading:
    [piero@archlinux unified-remote-server]$ git push origin master
    Counting objects: 10, done.
    Delta compression using up to 2 threads.
    Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
    Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 2.18 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
    Total 10 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
    remote: error: The following error occurred when parsing commit
    remote: error: 1456b02848d6b941ba33e4e97697f7275acf5e4c:
    remote: error: missing mandatory field: pkgver
    remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master
    To ssh://[email protected]/unified-remote-server.git
    ! [remote rejected] master -> master (hook declined)
    error: failed to push some refs to 'ssh://[email protected]/unified-remote-server.git'
    If I change the PKGBUILD with pkgver out of if/test I have the same error...
    Last edited by hifi25nl (2015-06-09 12:21:31)

    I'm pretty sure AUR doesn't support packages that have different versions per architecture, I also wonder why the developer thinks this is a good idea. Anyway, as described here you should use source_$ARCH and sha256sums_$ARCH, not custom-if statements
    Last edited by Spider.007 (2015-06-09 10:57:14)

  • How to solve "Error: Invalid Embed directive in stylesheet - can't resolve source" while building using mxmlc.exe on command prompt

    Currently, I am developing a powershell script for Flex build automation.
    I found some problem and have been trying to search any references and tried any ways to fix it but It did not work.
    I am using compc.exe for compiling the libraries and it works fine.
    I compiled css files into swf files using mxmlc.exe and it works fine.
    However, I have a problem while building my main application (mxml file).
    It complains about embedded resources.
    I run this command, it works fine:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0\bin\mxmlc.exe" "C:\{somePath}\FlashClient\src\styleLang.css" -output "C:\{somePath}\FlashClient_deploy\styleLang.swf"
    However, when I tried to run these command on cmd for testing:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Flex Builder 3\sdks\3.2.0\bin\mxmlc.exe" "C:\{somePath}\FlashClient\src\FlashClient.mxml" -load-config "C:\{somePath}\FlashClient\src\dump_config_temp.xml" -output "C:\{somePath}\FlashClient_deploy\flashclient_test.swf"
    I got a lot of this error message:
    this is my folder structure:
    Already tried to add / at the beginning of the relative paths but It did not work.
    Also tried to compile one of the image to a swc file and include it on the dump_config, but also did not work. something similar with Tech Diary: Flex : Solution to Error: unable to resolve '/assets/icons/icon.png' for transcoding using Embed tag
    Does anyone know how flex builder resolve the relative path to make the embedded resources work? or how to fix this?
    I've been trying to work on it for days but haven't had any luck.
    Will be really appreciate it if someone could help me with this.
    Many Thanks.

    make sure you are using 32 bit Java JDK. Check that your systems variables CLASSPATH, JAVA_HOME are pointing to correct 32 bit Java JDK folder (e.g. CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_25 and JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.8.0_25). Also make sure you have 32 bit Java JDK's "bin" folder in your system's variable PATH.

  • Re: Invalid branch target position offset for goto

    Attention to all players software.groupbrowser.com, and those
    people who
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    playing players from administration. The newest games and the
    equipment for them. Fast communication channels and reliable
    centers. All can be found it on a game portal

    Attention to all players software.groupbrowser.com, and those
    people who
    cannot without MMORPG. The new game portal PROMMORPG, soon
    opens new
    game servers: 1. Rising Force Online (RF Online);2. LineAge
    Perfect World;4. World of Warcraft;All games are absolutely
    free, no
    playing players from administration. The newest games and the
    equipment for them. Fast communication channels and reliable
    centers. All can be found it on a game portal

  • Invalid Characteristics in Master data

    Hello All,
    I have been getting invalid characteristcs errors for most of the master data's and therefore i have always been using RSKC for most of times, but whenever new master data records get updated, again i get Invalid chars error in the DTP.
    My Client is Norwegian and they have gt a lot of characters/symbols on each Alpha + Numeric Keys.
    I have thght of two options to solve this invalid chars error, once for all...!!!
    1) Install the Norways language in BI itself
    2) Write a routine in Transformations, (both in Attr and Text transformation mappings).
    Can any help/suggest what shud be done in this regards. Or is their anything i shud to get the norwegian character .map

    I am not sure whether you trie ALL_CAPITAL in RSKC or ALL_CAPITAL_PLUS_HEX.
    These should cover all the languages and there special symbols...no matter from what key board is used.
    There are some issues related to Turkish language I guess but still it should work for the nordic countries.
    keep the alphabets in capitals and this settings should work or you can cjheck the option lowercase letters in the infoobject genral tab to keep the small case flowing into BW as well.
    This you should do after you have installed norway language itself...I think you are getting this error because of the langugae not installed.
    I am not sure whya norway based client has not installed norway language in BI system??
    Did you checked if the language is installed or not??

  • Serial number is invalid

    I tried to do this but when I open the install file and enter the key it says it's invalid.

    Branching this from a separate discussion.  What software exactly are you installing which you receive this invalid serial number message?

  • OID is INVALID when query dba_registry

    Hi Everyone.
    I have a problem with OAS in Development environment... when I query dba_registry (as follows) I got the following output:
    SQL> l
    1 select comp_id, comp_name, version, status, modified
    2 from dba_registry
    3* where status = 'INVALID'
    SQL> /
    OID Oracle Internet Directory ; INVALID 07-AUG-2008 02:11:20
    I also ran @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql and no errors were found
    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp
    COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_BGN 2009-09-02 11:15:26
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    COMP_TIMESTAMP UTLRP_END 2009-09-02 11:16:12
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Invoking Ultra Search Install/Upgrade validation procedure VALIDATE_WK
    Ultra Search VALIDATE_WK done with no error
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    And also check opmctl status, and OID process is ALIVE:
    --> opmnctl status
    Processes in Instance: INSTANCE.server.domain
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 2505 | Alive
    OC4J | OC4J_SECURITY | 7134 | Alive
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 7100 | Alive
    OID | OID | 7104 | Alive
    DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
    Do you have any idea on how to solve OID INVALID status???
    I'd really appreciate your time and help

    Check if any ODS components are invalid
    # Review $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/LOGS/ldapupgrade.log
    Check for any errors or messages.
    - If any significant problems are seen, correct them and rerun oidiugrd.sql
    - If no problems are found, or invalid status persists after rerunning, continue with the following steps:
    # Check the ODS schema for invalid objects and correct as necessary
    % sqlplus / as sysdba
    SQL> select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects
    2> where owner='ODS' and status='INVALID';
    # Cut the final validation portion of oidiugrd.sql and run it by itself:
    alter session set current_schema = SYS;
    rc integer;
    rc := ods.ldapUpgUtls.validateODS();
    if rc = 0 then
    end if;

  • HT2736 Why do I get invalid gift error when sending iTunes gift

    How to solve error "invalid gift" enter valid email address?

    Are you trying to send the gift to a contact on your phone? It requires a fully qualified email address to send the gift to.
    E.g. - if your contact for the gift was 'Bob' - you can't send it to him like that. It would need to be his full email address
    Hope this helps,
    <E-mail Edited by Host>

  • Errror downloading iTunes: Invalid signature

    I have been running an old version of iTunes with no problem & have just downloaded the new version 7.6? I got an error halfway thru the download "iTunes has an invalid signature it will not be downloaded". I carried on & the icon installed etc. & Quicktime tells me itunes is installed correctly, but when I try to launch it nothing happens. Has anyone got any suggestions. Tried un-installing & re-installing, running all my system scans & nothing works??

    Have you tried connecting through a different router? That has solved the "invalid signature" problem for several folks.

  • Error  invalid location structure for this operating unit

    Dear all
    when go to Receivables > setup> tax > locations i get this error and i can't solve it
    invalid location structure for this operating unit
    any one can help

    In system option u have to define the tax type .there is a tab in system option Tax and Defaults.select u r tax type and enter the tax code.

  • Failed in testing bankapp sample ( Pro*C ver)

    A few days ago, I got the bankapp sample Pro*C version from OTN site.
    According to README, I succeded to make TM, compile code, build the tables in Oracle 10g, make tuxconfig using ubbshm and finally I started the process successfuly using tmboot command.
    Then, I typed bankclt and select the menu ( 5. Open Account ) and input the required parameters
    but OPEN_ACCT returned fail message - Invalid branch number...
    I couldn't figure out what I missed or was mistaken.
    I tried many times using different parameter values, but I couldn't open the account after all.
    To know what is wrong, I searched the error message - "Invalid branch number" in source codes using grep command, but I failed to find the source code which have that error message. so I didn't make any progress.
    Could you help or advise to solve the problem ?
    My test environment is
    1. HW : CPU - Intel i5 64bit dualcore, Memory - 6G
    1. OS : Redhat Enterprise Linux 5 64bit ( 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5 )
    2. Compiler : gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-48) X86_64
    3. Database : Oracle 10gR2 Linux X86-64 ( )
    4. Tuxedo : Tuxedo 11gR1 Linux X86-64 (
    [tuxedo@kr028211 bankapp]$ bankclt
    Welcome to the Tuxedo Bank
    Make a selection from the following choices
    1. Balance Inquiry
    2. Withdrawal
    3. Deposit
    4. Transfer
    5. Open Account
    6. Close Account
    0. Exit Application
    Enter Selection: 5
    Please enter Last Name: Hong
    First Name: Chang
    Middle Initial: B
    Social Security Number: 111-11-1111
    Mailing Address: [email protected]
    City, State and Zip: Los Angeles, CA, 90001
    Telephone Number: 111-111-1111
    Account Type C - checking S - Savings: S
    Bank Branches are
    1-San Francisco 2-Los Angeles 3-Dallas 4-Chacago 5-St. Louis
    6-Atlanta 7-Maimi 8-Philadelphia 9-New York 10-Boston
    Desired Branch For Account: 2
    Initial Balance: 100
    OPEN_ACCT returns failure (Invalid branch number)
    thanks in advance.
    Edited by: user11286352 on Oct 2, 2010 6:39 AM
    Edited by: user11286352 on Oct 2, 2010 6:40 AM

    thanks for your comment, Todd
    Did you mean that I should run the script that insert the branch and account rows to the tables ?
    I couldn't find the script that insert data to the tables. As I explained before, I ran the crbanktab.ora by running crbank command, so I created 4 tables - BRANCH, ACCOUNT, TELLER, HISTORY but the tables had no data rows.
    Is there any method to insert branch data in order to test using bankclt client ?
    Because I am a beginner in Tuxedo application, it is hard to invoking BR_ADD service by myself.
    Could you provide detail information how to insert branch data ?

  • Fill in form using XML data source usable in Reader

    I have a simple example of a scenario we need to solve. Different branches will fill out a form (designed in LiveCycle 8) and by entering their branch number static information will be filled in. I want to store the static infomation for all branches in an XML sheet that will be stored on a shared folder on the intranet.
    The problem I have is getting the script to run in Reader. In preview in the Designer and using the import data function of Acrobat Pro it works fine. I think I am missing the script to import the data to work in Reader. I have not been able to find anything in the documentation to point me in the right direction. I have also had a case open with Adobe support for 2 months.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Below is the script in the exit event of the Text field BranchNumber:
    ----- BranchInfo.#subform[0].BranchNumber::exit: - (FormCalc, client) ------------------------------
    var BList = ref(record.Branches)
    for j=0 upto (BList.nodes.length -1) do
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Ph") = BList.nodes.item(2).name
    if (BList.nodes.item(j).BranchCode.value == $) then
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Full_Company_Address") = BList.nodes.item(j).Full_Address.value
    var List = ref(BList.nodes.item(j).SPCS)
    if (List.nodes.length == 1) then
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Party_Code") = BList.nodes.item(j).SPCS.SPC.value
    elseif (List.nodes.length > 1) then
    for i=0 upto List.nodes.length -1 do
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Ph") = BList.nodes.item(j).PH.value
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Fax") = BList.nodes.item(j).FAX.value
    xfa.resolveNode("BranchInfo.#subform[0].Member") = BList.nodes.item(j).Member.value
    Below is the xml data file for this test:
    <Full_Address>123 First RD #02 BOX 2222, DARTMOUTH, NS, B7W 1X9</Full_Address>
    <Full_Address>BOX 55 Second ROAD PLAZA, ST JOHN'S, NL, A9N 1X1</Full_Address>
    <Full_Address>333A Third ST, ST STEPHEN, NB, E9A 2Z3</Full_Address>

    Hi Jeroen,
    to have a user fill in, you first need to create a Web Dynpro application providing the offline form, e.g. through a download - tutorial at http://sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/downloaditem?rid=/library/uuid/2dd3dbcd-0401-0010-55b8-b10808ff688e - or an e-mail - tutorial at http://sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/downloaditem?rid=/library/uuid/b040e6cd-0401-0010-268d-f67cf4904358
    On the return trip, the user-entered data is stored in the SAP backend via the Web Dynpro context. (You do not store the raw XML, the data is back-converted by ADS to Java.)
    In the fourth step, you will have to provide a Web Dynpro
    application with an online form, which can be part of the same project, but basically generates the form again for completion.
    If you want to use the same form that was submitted, you have to have your app store the submitted PDF (do not submit only the XML) in the backend (through the WD context), and then call that one up in the online scenario.

  • Pacman alpm issue, vercmd missing, after rescue from install CD

    I wanted to remove all packages from my system and reinstall from scratch
    So i used the pacman tip from the wiki to reinstall all packages on the system
    but changed it to remove instead -R instead of -S, little did i think ...
    everything on the system was removed, except running processes.
    i had no ls etc, no pacman and so on.
    So i created a arch cd from another computer and booted on it on my arch install computer.
    then i was advised on the archlinux irc. todo a chroot mount and  use pacman to install base-devel (+ base)
    Hence i did that, ... after a long long while i succeed.
    i first got chroot /mnt  no /bin/bash mesage when trying to start the chroot.
    So i copied the files shown via: ldd /bin/bash & ldd /usr/bin/pacman
    then i mount:
    mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/
    mount /dev/sda5 /mnt/boot
    mount /dev/sda6 /mnt/usr/
    mount /dev/sda7 /mnt/var/
    (i didnt mount /home).
    $ chroot /mnt
    From here i use pacman to install packages
    pacman -S base-devel  - runs fine.
    pacman -S base           - i miss one package file (dcrond - i think)
    Then instead i go the the very fine wiki again, and see how to install all local packages.
    and use that.
    However now i get messages under the pacman install of the type .
    /tmp/alpm_QWYZ/.INSTALL: line xyz: vercmp: command not found.
    ------------- || -------------------------: line xyz: [: : integer expression expected
    I can't find out where this message comes from, i can find no vercmp comand
    (maybe a shell function?)
    I get lots of other similar errors.
    At last there are al those /etc files which got .pacsave endings, should i think about them?
    Here some more errors from a "pacman -S base" via the arch CD and chroot
    find: /sys/devices no such file or directory
    Which: no /pcmcia-socket-startup.staic in (/sbin)
    ERROR: '/sbin/pcmcia-socket-startup.static' is not a file
    + some related files /sbin/pcmcia-**
    If i reboot and enter my system on its harddisk instead of via the CD.
    I get SH:   not able to change group (-1) : inappropiate ioctl for device.
    This error message is by memory, since i just borked something else.
    and couldnt load system on harddisk, somehow the kernel has misplaced itself...
    Ok more information:
    I succeded in booting via hardisk, and it looked very promising.
    However ...
    Console messages:
    device-mapper: ioctl: 4:15.0-ioctl .....
    Waiting 10 seconds for device ...
    :: running hook [resume]
    Waiting 10 seconds for device ...
    Root device ´´ doesnt exist, attempting to create it
    ERROR: failed to parse block device ids for ´´
    ERROR: unable to detect or create root device
    .. some general info stuff
    You are being dropped to a recovery console
    regards mic
    Last edited by cognacc (2009-10-19 17:42:18)

    Thanks John, Bill and Graffiti for your interest!
    The original install, many years ago, was of an education version from a local college. As updates became available thorough the update manager, they were installed. As stated above, it updated though 6.0 to 6.6, and then on to 7, eventually to 7.1! I can only repeat what happened, but not explain it. I thought nothing of it at the time, as it was all being managed by the update manager. I agree that this last seems to be more an upgrade than an update, but... what can I say? What happened is what happened, and it happened as I described it.
    But not's get hung up on the history! Now that I seem to have solved the original issue of not getting past the message that 'a more functional version has been detected', how does one solve the 'invalid serial number' issue that occurs when attempting to reinstall 6.0? Delete the Acrobat registry keys from HKLM and HKCU, and possibly anywhere else? The former didn't work yet, so, where else? Maybe there is an 'update' folder hanging around somewhere with a registry reference that needs to be deactivated?  Something like {AC76BA86-0000-0000-7AC5-6028747ADE00}?
    Any further thoughts? And thanks for the input, it really is appreciated!

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