[SOLVED] dbus: EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon

Hello! I installed dbus from the extra repository, but it doesn't seem to work correctly...
dbus-monitor outputs this:
Failed to open connection to session message bus: dbus-launch failed to autolaunch D-Bus session: EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon
ps aux | grep dbus shows the daemon is correctly launched:
dbus      5336  0.0  0.0   2140   824 ?        Ss   11:18   0:00 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
My DAEMONS array is set this way:
DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network netfs crond @sshd alsa hal g15daemon)
I did some googling, but it didn't really help... I have no idea how to fix this. Does any of you know?
Thanks in advance for your help
EDIT: it seems dbus-monitor --system sees the daemon! But I have no idea what that means...
I actually need dbus for a python plugin for xchat, to control audacious2. Maybe I should try to adapt that script.
EDIT2: Oh, so it seems I should start the "session daemon" as well, that's what I need...
EDIT3: dbus-daemon --session segfaults
EDIT4: nevermind, that's not how it's supposed to be launched anyway... I see there's a /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/30-dbus file that is supposed to take care of all this... Is the execution of this logged anywhere? grepping dbus in /var/log shows a lot of messages like this:
Jul 18 11:44:30 arch kernel: dbus-daemon[23490]: segfault at 6fdf85e0 ip b7e5c2cc sp bfc86d10 error 4 in libGL.so.185.18.14[b7e35000+80000]
in messages.log and kernel.log...
Last edited by Mr. Bougo (2009-07-19 08:32:09)

I think I solved the problem!
I copied the contents of the 30-dbus script from xinitrc.d in my ~/.xinitrc, and changed this line:
eval `$dbuslaunch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session`
to this:
eval `$dbuslaunch --sh-syntax`
Apparently, the dbus daemon then keeps running: the process list shows this:
/usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
and dbus-monitor doesn't report any error.
Maybe it's related to the fact that I use wmii, not a heavyweight DE which would possibly take care of that dbus thing?
Last edited by Mr. Bougo (2009-07-19 08:36:03)

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    Could not connect to D-Bus server: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: dbus-launch failed to autolaunch D-Bus session: EOF in dbus-launch reading address from bus daemon
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    Last edited by VictorVictorVictor (2009-08-18 07:05:07)

    I'm not absolutely sure but it shouldnt be wrong. I just remember XFCE4 also complained about dbus, been a while though. Ensure dbus is in the daemons array of rc.conf and/or start the daemon explictely,
    If it still doesnt work I run out of ideas
    Last edited by fogobogo (2009-08-22 13:48:26)

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    tomk wrote:Not a gnome user myself, but if I wanted something to change the wallpaper in my Openbox setup I wouldn't involve systemd at all. I would have thought gnome would have some utility for this built-in, but if not use nitrogen, feh, or other such tools.
    Really, you are just trying to make things overly complex.  But I was just trying to tell you how to achieve your goal along the path you were taking.  I too wouldn't involve systemd for such a task.  The advantages that systemd provides just aren't necessary for such a process.
    Edit: Besides that, I think you would have to specify the $DISPLAY as well somewhere in that setup.  Either in the service file or the script you wrote.
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  • [SOLVED] DBUS boot problems - Mounting system devices as a normal user

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    /etc/rc.d/dbus restart
    So my guess is that there's some problem with dbus startup. I have it in DAEMONS of rc.conf, as well as .xinitrc, the daemon seems to start correctly on boot, and it worked previously, so I have no idea of what could be wrong.
    My ~/.xinitrc:
    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    if test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" ; then
    eval 'dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session'
    numlockx && exec ck-launch-session dbus-launch startlxde
    My /etc/rc.conf:
    # /etc/rc.conf - Main Configuration for Arch Linux
    # LOCALE: available languages can be listed with the 'locale -a' command
    # DAEMON_LOCALE: If set to 'yes', use $LOCALE as the locale during daemon
    # startup and during the boot process. If set to 'no', the C locale is used.
    # HARDWARECLOCK: set to "", "UTC" or "localtime", any other value will result
    # in the hardware clock being left untouched (useful for virtualization)
    # Note: Using "localtime" is discouraged, using "" makes hwclock fall back
    # to the value in /var/lib/hwclock/adjfile
    # TIMEZONE: timezones are found in /usr/share/zoneinfo
    # Note: if unset, the value in /etc/localtime is used unchanged
    # KEYMAP: keymaps are found in /usr/share/kbd/keymaps
    # CONSOLEFONT: found in /usr/share/kbd/consolefonts (only needed for non-US)
    # CONSOLEMAP: found in /usr/share/kbd/consoletrans
    # USECOLOR: use ANSI color sequences in startup messages
    # MODULES: Modules to load at boot-up. Blacklisting is no longer supported.
    # Replace every !module by an entry as on the following line in a file in
    # /etc/modprobe.d:
    # blacklist module
    # See "man modprobe.conf" for details.
    # Udev settle timeout (default to 30)
    # Scan for FakeRAID (dmraid) Volumes at startup
    # Scan for BTRFS volumes at startup
    # Scan for LVM volume groups at startup, required if you use LVM
    # HOSTNAME: Hostname of machine. Should also be put in /etc/hosts
    # Use 'ip addr' or 'ls /sys/class/net/' to see all available interfaces.
    # Wired network setup
    # - interface: name of device (required)
    # - address: IP address (leave blank for DHCP)
    # - netmask: subnet mask (ignored for DHCP) (optional, defaults to
    # - broadcast: broadcast address (ignored for DHCP) (optional)
    # - gateway: default route (ignored for DHCP)
    # Static IP example
    # interface=eth0
    # address=
    # netmask=
    # broadcast=
    # gateway=
    # DHCP example
    # interface=eth0
    # address=
    # netmask=
    # gateway=
    # Setting this to "yes" will skip network shutdown.
    # This is required if your root device is on NFS.
    # Enable these netcfg profiles at boot-up. These are useful if you happen to
    # need more advanced network features than the simple network service
    # supports, such as multiple network configurations (ie, laptop users)
    # - set to 'menu' to present a menu during boot-up (dialog package required)
    # - prefix an entry with a ! to disable it
    # Network profiles are found in /etc/network.d
    # This requires the netcfg package
    # Daemons to start at boot-up (in this order)
    # - prefix a daemon with a ! to disable it
    # - prefix a daemon with a @ to start it up in the background
    # If you are sure nothing else touches your hardware clock (such as ntpd or
    # a dual-boot), you might want to enable 'hwclock'. Note that this will only
    # make a difference if the hwclock program has been calibrated correctly.
    # If you use a network filesystem you should enable 'netfs'.
    DAEMONS=(hwclock syslog-ng network crond alsa dbus cupsd)
    Last edited by gamezelda (2011-11-08 19:28:04)

    I solved it.
    The Wiki page for Mounting for normal users with PCManFM tells to create a "/etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/55-myconf.pkla" file specifying the privileges to grant to the user. The problem is that it does not include the privilege needed to mount internal drives (which was what I was trying to mount). To fix it, I added:
    To the "Action=..." line.
    (Though I have no idea why it worked before it broke, or why restarting dbus after initializing my WM fixed it.)
    As for the power issues, I've concluded that it was working, but restarting dbus after initializing my WM broke it (my bad for not checking it before restaring dbus). So it all works now.

  • [SOLVED]dbus and systemd: "systemctl --user" gets "Connection refused"

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    $ LANG=C systemctl --user
    Failed to get D-Bus connection: Connection refused
    I don't believe I've ever touched dbus, so I'm a bit lost. There's the following line in my ~/.xinitrc:
    exec dbus-launch xmonad
    Seems like I'm not the only one with trouble on that topic, but I could not solve my problem.
    Additional resources:
    1. relevant pstree information
    | |-{dconf worker}
    | |-{gdbus}
    | `-{gmain}
    | `-xmonad-x86_64-l-+-tons
    | |-of
    | |-stuff
    |-polkitd-+-{JS GC Helper}
    | |-{JS Sour~ Thread}
    | |-{gdbus}
    | |-{gmain}
    | `-{runaway-killer-}
    $ pgrep -af systemd
    1 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --system --deserialize 16
    149 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-journald
    171 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-udevd
    257 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation
    263 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-logind
    316 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
    $ pgrep -af dbus
    257 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system --address=systemd: --nofork --nopidfile --systemd-activation
    385 dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session
    386 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
    459 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 5 --print-address 7 --session
    470 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --config-file=/etc/at-spi2/accessibility.conf --nofork --print-address 3
    4. Playing with processus #1
    - Killing it doesn't change anything
    $ /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
    Failed to create root cgroup hierarchy: Permission denied
    Failed to allocate manager object: Permission denied
    $ sudo /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
    Trying to run as user instance, but $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set.
    $ echo $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
    $ sudo -i
    # XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd
    Startup finished in 41ms. // keeps running
    But I still cannot do "systemctl --user"....
    Last edited by Laugarhraun (2015-02-18 17:03:57)

    Heyyy I'm dumb!
    $ alias systemctl
    alias systemctl='sudo systemctl'
    $ LANG=C /usr/bin/systemctl --user
    Failed to list units: Process org.freedesktop.systemd1 exited with status 1
    New error = progress! yay!

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    (gconftool-2:3117): GConf-WARNING **: Client failed to connect to the D-BUS daemon:
    Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.
    I've searched around the forums and I've found no solutions.
    I am abit new to ArchLinux, Successfully installed it today, Currently using Xfce4 and this issue is only occurring on this environment. Docky launches on , KDE, Gnome, Cinnamon but not on Xfce4.
    Last edited by Santah (2013-02-07 18:37:33)

    I'm not absolutely sure but it shouldnt be wrong. I just remember XFCE4 also complained about dbus, been a while though. Ensure dbus is in the daemons array of rc.conf and/or start the daemon explictely,
    If it still doesnt work I run out of ideas
    Last edited by fogobogo (2009-08-22 13:48:26)

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    What does 'dbus-launch' do? Can I get the same functionality without having to type that the same way every time? Can I set up a way for nemo to always start in this mode?
    Thanks for any help.

    use "systemctl status dbus.service".
    edit: typo
    Last edited by loafer (2015-04-12 06:43:38)

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    Last edited by claudecat (2012-05-29 19:22:16)

    Figured it out - I had to comment out all lines in plasma-desktop-appletsrc that mention launchers, then logout, resulting in no launchers. I then readded the ones I wanted, logged out and in again and had only the ones I wanted. Strangely, the commented lines in plasma-desktop-appletsrc had disappearred. Marking this solved (like anyone here cares).

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    I am try to read email from outlook using JACOB api. now i can able to read all email from outlook.
    my problem is while i am read TO field for Mail , its return the display name instead of email address.
    please any one tell me how to read email address from TO,CC and BCC field.
    Thanks in advance,
    With Regards,
    Ganesh Kumar.L

    Hi all,
    I am solved my problem,
    First i am getting the Recipients object from mail item object,
    and recipient object i can get all my required details.

  • Error Occuring While Processing Data With DIAdem 8.1Excepti​on EAccessVio​lation in module ntdll.dll at 000111DE. Access violation at address 7C9111DE in module 'ntdll.dll​". Read address 37363430

    We are having an issue running Diadem 8.1 on a new HP XW 9400 with Windows XP SP2. 3 errors have been occuring with frequent crashes, they are:
    1) "1Exception EAccessViolation in module ntdll.dll at 000111DE. Access violation at address 7C9111DE in module 'ntdll.dll". Read address 37363430.
    2) The instruction at "0x7c9111de" referenced memory at "0x352e302d". The memory could not be "read".
     3) ---Error---   DIAdem
    Error in Autosequence - processing in line: 74 (IARV_VAR_GET)
    Runtime Error while executing command "Iarv2Txt$ := FR(T9,L1)"
    Error type: ACCESS VIOLATION
    Error address: 000101DE
    Module name:ntdll.dll
    We are using the same scripts and version 8.1 on a variety of Dell desktop computers (W2K and XP SP2) without any issue, looking for suggestions as this affects no other software on the HP XW 9400 other than DIAdem. Appreciate any suggestions.
    Message Edited by swillh on 06-25-2007 08:55 AM

    I will answer your questions in the text below. Thanks for your help.
    Hi swillh,
    I also would like to help you.
    Unfortunately, The reported access violation in the central Windows ntdll.dll is very unspecific.
    May be the following questions will help you to provide me more info.
    1. You mentioned that the aut's and - I think - also the accessed text file reside on a server.
    Is there a stable network connection?
    The server can sometimes be a little slow but the connection is good. This computer is using the same connection that the prior computer utilized without issue.
    Are the files accessed by multiple clients simultaneously?
    It is possible that more than one computer can be accessing the same file, but again, this has never been an issue. We are reading the files only, not writing to them.
    The processing routines we are running have used for over 5 years without any issues until adding this computer.
    Is the text file read by one client while another client is writing the same file?
    No, files are "read only"
    2. Have you already tested opening the file with the FileOpen command before calling FR?
    Do you see any chance to convert the aut to a vbs file? This gives you more alternatives in accessing text files.
    3. What do you mean with "processing ATD's with 30 or more channels of data"? Where is the relation between ATD files and data channels?
    Processing Crash Dummy data with file sets low in channel count (15 channels) result in successful processing without any crashes or access errors.  When processing dummies with more than 20 channels we sometimes encounter these issues. The higher channel count may be the only common factor I can find in these faults.
    Message Edited by swillh on 07-09-2007 08:44 AM

  • Adobe Reader XI won't launch/read pdfs. No error message.

    All of a sudden, reader xi wont launch, read pdfs, or download pdfs online. When I double click the program shortcut (or pdf I want to open) the mouse makes the "loading" animation....but nothing happens. No error message, just refuses to work. Re-installing temporarily fixed the problem. However, the next time i turn on my machine the problem returns! I'm at the point where I have to reinstall adobe everytime I turn on the computer .
    Any advice would be welcome.
    I'm on windows 7 btw

    You can try using Windows Explorer to navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 11.0\Reader, then double-click on Eula.exe and accept the license agreement

  • Launch Reader from PDF file in Google Chrome browser PDF viewer

    So I have a fillable PDF form which runs document level JavaScript to essentially render itself inactive (hides fields, etc.) if opened in anything other than Reader or Acrobat. This works great, especially in Google Chrome has known problems with submitting fillable PDF forms properly.
    Here is an example form: https://luxsci.com/forms/6296/2251/Qlg5/Medical_Center_Intake_Form.pdf
    Open in Chrome and it's unusable, there's a warning layer, and a JavaScript alert. Open in Reader or Acrobat and it renders fine and submit works great.
    When the file is downloaded in Chrome it's saved locally, i.e. Chrome displays the file URL as: file:///C:/Users/David/Downloads/Medical_Center_Intake_Form%20(3).pdf
    I am trying to make the process of opening the file from Chrome in reader as simple as possible for the end user. As such, I am wondering if there is a way to add a button which will launch Reader on the end-user's desktop/laptop and open this file?
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks for your comments, but that isn't the issue. We provide form processing services and have developed an effective workaround via document level JS to render the form unusable and non-submittable (is that a word?!) if opened in anything other than Adobe Reader or Acrobat. The complaint we are trying to deal with is that non-tech savvy users can't figure out how to open the PDF in Reader when Chrome auto opens it for them in the built-in broken Chrome PDF viewer.
    While I could certainly provide instructions for how to install/enable the Adobe Reader plugin in Chrome, the point is to avoid requiring the non tech savvy end-user to do anything other than click a button to open the file in Reader. So asking them to install/configure the adobe PDF plugin in their browser is not a feasible solution. So what I want is this:
    -PDF opens in Chrome's built-in PDF viewer and user sees notice that they can't use the form in the current program.
    -User can click a button saying "Open this file in Adobe Reader"
    -Clicking the button launches the local computer's Reader application, and opens the file. The PDF is then rendered normally and can be filled out and submitted as normal.
    I don't really think it's possible because of browser security restrictions against launching executables, but since the browser is just showing an embedded locally downloaded PDF file, I thought maybe there's a way...

  • Error: Access violation at 02271d4a in module observerdll.dll read address

    I am using Delphi 5, SAP DI API for SAP 2004.
    On a users machine, when we try to connect, we get an error "Access violation at 02271d4a in module observerdll.dll read address 00000000".
    Anyone know why they could be getting this error?  And what I need to do to fix it?

    The problem is I have not been able to reproduce the problem on any of the machines in my office, this is only happening on a client machine.  They have just the SAP client, and our program that uses the DI API.
    I have instructed my client to search for that dll, and try to rename it, and rerun it.  Not sure whether this will fix it or not.
    Here is some example code I am using, I do not at this time know the exact point where the error is returning from, I assume from the Connect function.
    function TtcSAP.Connect: string;
      // return empty on success
      Result := '';
        // make sure it was created
        if not Assigned(oCompany) then
          Result := 'Error creating Company object.';
        if oCompany.Connected then
        // Specify the user name and password
        oCompany.UserName := sUserName;
        oCompany.Password := sPassword;
        oCompany.DbUserName := sDbUserName;
        oCompany.DbPassword := sDbPassword;
        oCompany.UseTrusted := bUseTrusted;
        // misc settins
        oCompany.language := ln_English;
        // Specify the Company database
        oCompany.CompanyDB := sCompanyDB;
        // specify the server
        oCompany.Server := sServer;
        // connect (0 = success)
        if oCompany.Connect() <> 0 then
          Result := GetLastError;
          if Trim(Result) = '' then
            Result := 'Connection failed.';
        on E: Exception do
          Result := E.Message;

  • Show Me Messages When I Launch Reader

    I have created a package ArcoRead.msi with a MST.
    I was wondering if I could automate the following settings:
    - Show Me Messages When I Launch Reader
    - Don’t Show Messages While Viewing A Document
    I want the first one to be deselected and the second one to be selected.
    How can I manage that ?  By customize package or by registry key ?
    Any help is welcome.

    found it myself using procmon.exe
    This two entrys to disable "Messages from Adobe" (See Preferences > General)
    HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\IPM\bDontShowMsgWhenViewingDoc: 0x00000001
    HKCU\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\IPM\bShowMsgAtLaunch: 0x00000000
    Would there be a HKLM solution as well. Does anybody know ?
    For now I added the keys with the Adobe Customization Wizard 10 in my MST. Works perfectly.
    Next step will be creating the file HideItems.js to hide Adobe Online menu items.

  • How to disable the EULA when launching reader 11 for the first time

    I am using the install wizard for reader 11.  I have created the mst file.  when I install reader I also use a patch (msp) file .
    In my mst I have following settings in the Property table of the Direct Editor:
              AgreetoLicense is set to yes
              EULAAccept is set to yes
    when I launch reader the license agreement pops up and I have to accept. how do  bypass that Eula?

    I recommend the Acroba & Reader Enterprise Deployment Forum to reach the appropriate experts.
    I assume you do have a Reader Redistribution License.

Maybe you are looking for