[SOLVED] Disabling broken mouse button

Hi all,
I found my mouse button 9 is broken: xev reveals it registers even when not pressed (especially in a naughty day), and my guess is it's the hardware that's stuffed. So, is there a way to tell xorg or whatever to ignore the event? Thanks.
Last edited by dumas (2013-05-19 12:34:58)

I expect you can use xinput to map that button to nothing.

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    Thank you Gorka
    "Gorka Larrea" ha scritto nel messaggio
    news:[email protected]..
    > Not sure if can be made under LV 6 but under LV 5.0 you can disable
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    shubb wrote:
    You are referring to the Trackpad, not mouse. 
    No I'm not.

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    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
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    "CKH00" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:en3qcr$8n1$[email protected]..
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    I'm using this:
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    my /root/.evrouterrc
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    Never mind. Solved it by doing the following:
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    Will try to add this to the wiki.

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    Sincerly Thomas.

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    I just want to know how I can remove that function. To make the mouse button 5 and 4 do nothing.
    The system I use to customise the mouse buttons are a separate program. I need to know how to disable this new page function in the mac software.
    Sincerly Thomas.

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    My model is HP Mini 110-1118CA. I bought it from a Futureshop in western Canada.

    Hello LAHPUser,
    I understand at times the left click button the touchpad will stop functioning.
    Because this issue is sporadic and doesn't happen all the time we will try our best to correct the issue.
    First thing let’s see what driver version you have for your touchpad. Access your device manager if your not sure how to get there click on this link,  once there go down to the section mice and other pointing devices. Expand that section then right click on synaptics touchpad, then left click on properties. You should get a window that comes up click on the driver tab and see what it says regarding driver version.
    After that task click on this link which will take you to the most recent driver update and if the driver is older than what you see on the webpage install that driver.
    Let me know what you get.
    Clicking the White Kudos star on the left is a way to say Thanks!
    Clicking the 'Accept as Solution' button is a way to let others know which steps helped solve the problem!

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    There are no magic words that will get you past the fact that it's physically broken.  Make an appointment and make the trip to the genius bar.

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