[Solved] Emoji fonts in URxvt

I'm attempting to get emoji (and ideally the entire utf8 set) working in my terminal and other programs.
In my .Xresources I previously had just Terminus, I've found that Symbola is the font that you want to display emoji? So I figured that the following line would work but emoji characters are still not showing up after restarting Awesome WM and restarting my terminals.
URxvt.font:                    Symbola,xft:Terminus:pixelsize=16
Any hints or tips on where to look would be much appreciated!
Last edited by Napaim (2014-08-05 12:30:09)

My bad, I'm stupid.
You need to restart Xorg server before the .Xresources settings take effect. I was just restarting Awesome WM.

Similar Messages

  • [SOLVED] Changing font in urxvt, what's available?

    I'm trying to change the font used in urxvt. Currently my .Xresources has the line:
    URxvt.font: xft:terminus:size=9
    This appears to be working. However, I'm not sure how to find the correct name for other fonts. The wiki says to look in /usr/share/fonts/misc/fonts.alias Mine can be found here: http://pastebin.com/EPH3DdWT
    Apparently those full names work for bitmap fonts and the syntax I used above is for xft fonts.
    As an example, say I'd like to set my urxvt font to Oxygen Mono. How do I determine if that font uses bitmap or xft? If bitmap, how do I find the full name in fonts.alias? If xft, how do I find the name to be used? ("oxygen mono", "oxygen-mono", etc)
    Last edited by ioos (2012-04-18 21:47:11)

    If you installed xorg-fonts-100dpi or xorg-fonts-75dpi or the artwiz-fonts you would have quite a few pcf fonts, such as Courier and Lucida Typewriter.  Many show up when I list monospace fonts.  fc-list is used to list and filter the fonts that fontconfig knows.  If you want to know most of the options a particular font has, you use th '-v' option to fc-list.  '-f' is used to format and filter the information that is in the output.
    $ fc-list -f "%{file}\n" :spacing=100 | grep pcf ## monospace pcf font files
    Try the difference between something like these two commands:
    $ fc-list :family=LucidaTypewriter:style=Sans ## then try...
    $ fc-list -v :family=LucidaTypewriter:style=Sans
    You should be able to figure out the different font properties by referencing the documentation.  A font does not have to include all (any?) of the font properties given in the fontconfig docs.
    Last edited by thisoldman (2012-04-18 01:34:26)

  • [Solved] - Inconsolata Font & urxvt

    Just changing a bit my configuration.
    I try to change the font in urxvt but I encountered an issue.
    URxvt.font: xft:Inconsolata:Medium:size=12
    URxvt.boldFont: xft:Inconsolata:Bold:size=12
    The bold font isn't working, and.
    Do you have some suggestion ?
    Last edited by Thom (2013-04-15 21:26:19)

    I just take it from aur :
    https://www.archlinux.org/packages/comm … consolata/
    But, it's look, there is no bold, and italic.

  • Pages 4.2 and Color Emoji Font

    Can it be true that the new Pages update still does not support the Apple Color Emoji font which Apple included with 10.7?  Does everyone else also find that the color versions will not display?

    I meant to say Pages 4.2. I'll bet you guessed that. I never owned Pages 2.2.

  • [SOLVED] Infinality font bundle not working correctly in urxvt / xterm

    I've been using Infinality fonts, and installed them from this:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/In … le%2Bfonts
    The fonts look great in every application, except for terminals (urxvt / xterm, but most likely others as well).
    In my .Xdefaults, I have:
    *urxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=14,style=regular
    But using this setting just displays some ugly fallback font, and I got similar results when trying Monospace and others.
    I've gathered that the output of "xlsfonts" should include the names of my infinality fonts, but it doesn't look like it does:
    -isas-fangsong ti-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-gb2312.1980-0
    -isas-fangsong ti-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-gb2312.1980-0
    -isas-song ti-medium-r-normal--0-0-72-72-c-0-gb2312.1980-0
    -isas-song ti-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-160-gb2312.1980-0
    -isas-song ti-medium-r-normal--24-240-72-72-c-240-gb2312.1980-0
    -mutt-clearlyu alternate glyphs-medium-r-normal--0-0-100-100-p-0-iso10646-1
    -mutt-clearlyu alternate glyphs-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-122-iso10646-1
    -mutt-clearlyu arabic extra-medium-r-normal--0-0-100-100-p-0-fontspecific-0
    -mutt-clearlyu arabic extra-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-101-fontspecific-0
    -mutt-clearlyu arabic-medium-r-normal--0-0-100-100-p-0-iso10646-1
    -mutt-clearlyu arabic-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-93-iso10646-1
    -mutt-clearlyu devanagari-medium-r-normal--0-0-90-90-p-0-fontspecific-0
    -mutt-clearlyu devanagari-medium-r-normal--15-120-90-90-p-104-fontspecific-0
    -mutt-clearlyu devangari extra-medium-r-normal--0-0-100-100-p-0-fontspecific-0
    -mutt-clearlyu devangari extra-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-105-fontspecific-0
    -mutt-clearlyu ligature-medium-r-normal--0-0-100-100-p-0-fontspecific-0
    -mutt-clearlyu ligature-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-141-fontspecific-0
    -mutt-clearlyu pua-medium-r-normal--0-0-100-100-p-0-iso10646-1
    -mutt-clearlyu pua-medium-r-normal--17-120-100-100-p-110-iso10646-1
    -sun-open look cursor-----0-0-75-75-p-0-sunolcursor-1
    -sun-open look cursor-----12-120-75-75-p-160-sunolcursor-1
    -sun-open look glyph-----0-0-75-75-p-0-sunolglyph-1
    -sun-open look glyph-----10-100-75-75-p-101-sunolglyph-1
    -sun-open look glyph-----12-120-75-75-p-113-sunolglyph-1
    -sun-open look glyph-----14-140-75-75-p-128-sunolglyph-1
    -sun-open look glyph-----19-190-75-75-p-154-sunolglyph-1
    I've also tried rebuilding the font cache with "fc-cache -f", but no dice.
    I don't understand why fonts work correctly everywhere except for urxvt. Does anyone have any ideas?
    -- mod edit: read the Forum Etiquette and only post thumbnails http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/For … s_and_Code [jwr] --
    Last edited by thrashrokz33 (2014-02-03 02:28:08)

    Doesn't look like I have a ttf available, hmm...
    ~ fc-list | grep -i 'DejaVu Sans Mono'
    /usr/share/fonts/t1-dejavu-ib/DejaVuSansMono-Bold.pfb: DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold
    /usr/share/fonts/t1-dejavu-ib/DejaVuSansMono-Oblique.pfb: DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Oblique
    /usr/share/fonts/t1-dejavu-ib/DejaVuSansMono-BoldOblique.pfb: DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Bold Oblique
    /usr/share/fonts/t1-dejavu-ib/DejaVuSansMono.pfb: DejaVu Sans Mono:style=Regular

  • [SOLVED] how to keep urxvt / xterm scrollback after ssh exit

    Hey Guys,
    Would really appreciate some help.  How do you keep the scrollback history in urxvt after exiting a ssh session?  After closing the SSH session it appears to do a reset (the inital ssh command is not even shown, but all command prior to ssh are still in scrollback).  xterm does the same thing, but terminator keeps the scrollback after exit.
    Description=RXVT-Unicode Daemon
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/urxvtd -q -f -o
    URxvt*font:                     xft:Ubuntu Mono-12
    URxvt*boldFont:                 xft:Ubuntu Mono-12
    URxvt.talicFont:                xft:Ubuntu Mono-12
    URxvt.bolditalicFont:           xft:Ubuntu Mono-12
    URxvt*letterSpace:              -1
    Urxvt.depth:                    32
    URxvt.colorDB:                  white
    URxvt.colorIT:                  #87af5f
    URxvt.colorBD:                  #d7d7d7
    URxvt.colorUL:                  #87afd7
    URxvt*termName:                 xterm-256color
    URxvt.urgentOnBell:             True
    URxvt*saveLines:                32767
    URxvt*scrollBar:                false
    URxvt*scrollBar_right:          false
    URxvt*skipScroll:               false
    URxvt*jumpScroll:               true
    URxvt*loginShell:               true
    URxvt*fading:                   20
    URxvt*secondaryScroll:          true
    URxvt*visualBell:               true
    URxvt.perl-ext-common:          default,keyboard-select,url-select,selection-to-clipboard
    Last edited by V31GN (2014-08-06 20:45:22)

    Glad you got it sorted: please use code tags when pasting ot the boards
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fo … s_and_Code

  • [SOLVED] How to make URxvt look like default XTerm?

    I don't want to install terminus-font or something else. Just want to make XTerm and URxvt look equal.
    I prefer URxvt over XTerm for its performance, but default URxvt looks ugly comparing to default XTerm: for example default bitmap font (fixed) is broken whereas it looks beatiful on XTerm.
    Also colors in URxvt do not match to those in console and XTerm (which seem to be the same) - highlighted directories, executables, prompt, etc which seem to be darker.
    How do I fix it?
    Help is appreciated, as always.
    Last edited by eruditorum (2012-12-07 09:35:23)

    I believe the default xterm fonts are listed in /usr/share/X11/app-defaults/XTerm.  I may be wrong but I think you want to specify the urxvt font as:
    This will be incorrect if you do not have the xorg-fonts-75dpi package installed.  If you don't have that package installed, I'm not sure what font is used in its place by either emulator.
    WIthout specifying the terminal colors in my ~/.Xdefaults or ~/.Xresources file, I also found the two terminals' colors do not appear the same.  I have configured the colors so they are identical in both apps.  This excerpt from my .Xdefaults uses the asterisk, *, as a wild card so the colors I have chosen apply to both terminals.
    ! Colors
    *foreground: rgb:b2/b2/b2
    *background: rgb:08/08/08
    ! 0 black, 1 red, 2 green, 3 yellow, 4 blue, 5 magenta, 6 cyan, 7 white
    ! 8 black, 9 red, 10 green, 11 yellow, 12 blue, 13 magenta, 14 cyan, 15 white
    *color0: rgb:28/28/28
    *color1: rgb:ba/44/44
    *color2: rgb:50/94/43
    *color3: rgb:cd/a8/38
    *color4: rgb:52/76/a8
    *color5: rgb:c0/52/88
    *color6: rgb:44/ba/ae
    *color7: rgb:b2/b2/b2
    *color8: rgb:58/58/58
    *color9: rgb:ff/9d/80
    *color10: rgb:84/bd/79
    *color11: rgb:ff/e6/98
    *color12: rgb:82/a4/d3
    *color13: rgb:c6/84/a5
    *color14: rgb:a7/d8/d4
    *color15: rgb:e4/e4/e4

  • [solved] Pango font rendering issues

    I'm having issues with pango rendering of pcf fonts. I was trying to set up a new font for my awesome theme, but my choices are fairly limited because all the pcf fonts are rendered as some default font. So then I was going around googling the issue, and font that awesome renders fonts using pango. I then tried to use pango-view to view the pcf files, and it displayed the same default font. These fonts show up fine in xfontsel and they render properly in urxvt. In my googling I found someone on slackware was facing a similar issue back in 2010, but no solution was posted. Is this a known/common problem, and does anyone know a fix?
    Edit: I'm not sure if this matters, but I also have freetype2-infinality installed from the AUR.
    Last edited by HalfEmptyHero (2011-12-22 13:10:13)

    Wow, I can't believe it was that simple. I had read my fontsconfig rules, however I'm new playing with fonts so none of it really meant anything to me when I originally read it, and I simply changed a few of the default fonts.. Going back over it now, it makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the help.

  • [SOLVED] Java Font Too Small in OpenBox

    I usually use Cinnamon, but decided to give OpenBox a whirl again. I am encountering a problem with OpenBox and the size of fonts in Java apps. I'm using the Oracle JDK, not OpenJDK.
    These first screenshots show the font on OpenBox being too small:
    http://www.dadburn.com/linuxscreenshots … tprob1.png
    http://www.dadburn.com/linuxscreenshots … tprob2.png
    As you can see, the fonts used for the controls is super tiny. As can be seen from the second example, the font can be configured in the editing portion through the applications. But the controls themselves remain too small.
    When I log into the SAME account, but use Cinnamon, the fonts are fine. Reference:
    http://www.dadburn.com/linuxscreenshots … tprob3.png
    http://www.dadburn.com/linuxscreenshots … tprob4.png
    So the only difference in these screenshots are the fonts. And the only difference is that I am using Cinnamon vs OpenBox. I;ve searched Google and the Wiki and the Forums, but I'm either not using the proper search terms or just overlooking the results. Can anyone point me in the right direction.
    Also, I am using the fontconfig-infinality stuff. I don't think that matters and again, Cinnamon works and OpenBox has too small a font. And the problem is only on Java apps, not other things.
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by mrunion (2014-08-10 03:10:58)

    I've done more digging. I have this in my /etc/profile:
    export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dswing.systemlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -Dswing.aatext=true -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on'
    Well, this screws up gdx-setup (the first screenshot). If I only use
    export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dswing.aatext=true -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on'
    Then gdx-setup looks fine. Netbeans was still messed up either way. I did find that it seems Netbeans has issues with the GTK+ look and feel on non-GTK platforms. So I reverted NetBeans to the (ugly) Metal theme and now the fonts are bigger.
    So I am marking this as solved. It seems that the GTK+ look and feel is just not happy on non-GTK+ platforms. I guess that makes sense in a way.

  • (Solved) Openbox font too small

    I've removed gnome and installed openbox, and now my fonts are too small. My firefox webpage fonts are fine, tint2 fonts are ok as well. But I think some leftover gnome setting is affecting it. I deleted .gnome2, but it's not working. What should I do?
    EDIT: Fixed! Didn't think of Xorg at first
    Last edited by zephyrus17 (2009-11-05 11:53:03)

    I've done more digging. I have this in my /etc/profile:
    export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dswing.systemlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel -Dswing.aatext=true -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on'
    Well, this screws up gdx-setup (the first screenshot). If I only use
    export _JAVA_OPTIONS='-Dswing.aatext=true -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on'
    Then gdx-setup looks fine. Netbeans was still messed up either way. I did find that it seems Netbeans has issues with the GTK+ look and feel on non-GTK platforms. So I reverted NetBeans to the (ugly) Metal theme and now the fonts are bigger.
    So I am marking this as solved. It seems that the GTK+ look and feel is just not happy on non-GTK+ platforms. I guess that makes sense in a way.

  • Does anybody know how to solve this font problem?

    Hello everyone,
    I have had this font problem for weeks now and I can't seem to get it solved. There are a number of fonts that won't load properly in Illustrator, PS, and InDesign. They are loaded in the system, but refuse to show up in the list. I've installed them in the home directory/library/fonts. These are commercial opentype fonts and one homemade opentype font. Sometimes the font that I created will appear, other times it does not, but many other fonts refuse to show up in the font display lists of these 3 software packages.
    I've cleared the font caches with FontNuke, everything looks like it should work properly, but it does not. Also, with Font Book, I've resolved any duplicate font problems. Does anybody know how to solve this problem? Is this a known CS4 bug?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm using the latest Mac Mini and CS4 software.
    Thanks in advance.

    How do I check if the fonts have the correct creator and so on?
    Anyway, I've spent the better part of today validating and removing suspect
    fonts. Why does the right click choice for resolve duplicates and the
    validate font behave completely differently in Font Book? I discovered that
    when this is investigated further with the validate font command, I found I
    had a massive amount of duplicates that according to font book cause minor
    errors. I thought that would have been sorted out with the resolve duplicate
    command, instead I ended up check marking and manually removing the fonts
    that had minor errors.
    I still have many commercial fonts plus my own font not showing up in
    Illustrator or PhotoShop. If I copy and paste the font directly into
    InDesign's font folder, my font shows up. I also tried removing my font to
    see if this would fix any of the other problems. It doesn't. I did type in
    my font name in the console dialog box and this message is displayed for
    this font as well as mine and many others.
    10-04-06 5:21:09 PM Font Book[12940] ##### ERROR:  The font system thinks
    the font
    is active, but the file no longer exists!
    Then I went back to font book to check to see if it is there and it is
    enabled. For my font the caution triangle appears with the multiple copies
    of the font is installed. Resolving duplicates doesn't solve this problem.
    Any ideas of how to fix this problem?

  • [SOLVED]Change font issue

    Hi, im new to Arch , im happy with it so far! But I want to get my favorite font "terminus" to work. I've read the wiki and i've also checked the FAQ for urxvt how to change font with no success. Im using latest Arch and I use urxvt as my terminal and awesome as wm, and i want the font to work on those both and in luakit if its possible. I've setup my xinitrc to make terminus work i've also resintalled it ones cuz I thought the font was broken or something. I used "URxvt.font:terminus" in my $HOME/.Xdefaults with no success. Ive also tried to add it to my rc.conf but it didnt make the font work in X(i havent checked if it appears on the commandline with no X up and running).
    I hope i could get some help
    Last edited by GNUkid (2012-03-11 18:36:38)

    karol wrote:
    urxvt*font: -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    works for me.
    Post your .Xdefaults.
    Didnt work Heres my .Xdefualts:
    urxvt*font: -*-terminus-medium-r-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
    URxvt.foreground: #1793D1
    URxvt.background: #555753
    URxvt.scrollBar: off
    magicalChicken wrote:
    .Xdefaults is deprecated, use .Xresources instead. Try in .Xresources adding
    urxvt*font: <name of font>
    Then to your .xinitrc add
    xrdb --merge ~/.Xresources
    I use this for setting the inconsolata font as default in urxvt and it works just fine.
    The .Xresources didnt work for me for some reason so thats why im using Xdefaults.

  • [solved] White border around urxvt (Openbox / Dyne)

    Hi, dear community.
    I'm using Openbox and urxvt as console terminal. Everything is fine but white border around urxvt window is really annoying.
    Notice, there are no white border around another application window.
    ! c o l o r - s e t t i n g s
    *background: #222222
    *foreground: #EEEEEE
    ! Default
    ! 0: black
    *color0: #222222
    *color8: #222222
    ! 1: red
    *color1: #9f6767
    *color9: #9f6767
    ! 2: green
    *color2: #92ac68
    *color10: #92ac68
    ! 3: yellow
    *color3: #d0d293
    *color11: #d0d293
    ! 4: blue
    *color4: #9aacc3
    *color12: #9aacc3
    ! 5: magenta
    *color5: #bb77a4
    *color13: #bb77a4
    ! 6: cyan
    *color6: #77bbb5
    *color14: #77bbb5
    ! 7: white
    *color7: #777777
    *color15: #777777
    ! u r x v t
    urxvt*geometry: 130x45
    !URxvt*font: xft:terminus:size=8
    urxvt*internalBorder: 0
    urxvt*externalBorder: 0
    urxvt*scrollBar: false
    urxvt*scrollColor: #EEEEEE
    urxvt*scrollBar_right: true
    urxvt*scrollColor: #000000
    urxvt*externalBorder: 0
    urxvt*internalBorder: 0
    urxvt*borderless: 1
    urxvt*perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl
    urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed,matcher
    urxvt*urlLauncher: firefox
    urxvt*matcher.button: 1
    As you can see - no white color usage, and options that probably turning border off are on.
    Can someone help with it, or suggest where to search for solution?
    Last edited by kvictor (2009-10-22 07:39:15)

    skottish, thank you so much! At least I found where to search thing to fix.
    There was one problem with you solution - if you change window.client.padding lines to the zero, you will lost ability to resize terminal window. The best fix is to change this lines:
    window.active.client.color: #XXXXXX
    window.active.client.color: #XXXXXX
    and set #000000 or what would you like.
    Anyway, thanks again, you gave me a key to solution!

  • [SEMI-SOLVED] MonoDevelop fonts are invisible in XMonad

    A MonoDevelop project open in the XMonad tiling window manager:
    The same MonoDevelop project is shown, but this time I opened it in the MATE Desktop Environment:
    Any idea what might be causing the fonts to “disappear” in XMonad?
    Note that the text is actually there in XMonad: in MonoDevelop’s editor, I can do CTRL+A CTRL+C and then paste in e.g. LeafPad and see that the text does exist, it is just misteriously invisible.
    I would really like to solve this since I want to use XMonad as my everyday environment.
    Last edited by Montague (2014-02-14 18:19:33)

    Well this issue is semi-solved, but honestly I do not know what fixed it.
    I wish I had a specific fix to share in case someone else encouters the same issue, but for the record here is what I tried, in no particular order.
    (The two last points probably have nothing to do with the problem I was having, as they relate to how Java programs behave in tiling WM, but as I said, I have no clue what fixed my invisible fonts in MonoDevelop (in XMonad), so I’ll just dump everything I did in that list…) :
    installed ttf-ms-fonts from the AUR
    installed a few themes from the AUR, i.e. adwaita-x-dark-and-light-theme and a few others
    removed `wmname LG3D' from my `~/.xinitrc'
    uncommented export _JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1 in `/etc/profile.d/jre.sh'
    I think that’s it.
    P.S. : however, fonts are still invisible on some tabs in MonoDevelop, but that problem happens in both XMonad and MATE, so I marked this as [SEMI-SOLVED]. Any input appreciated !
    XMonad :
    MATE :
    Last edited by Montague (2014-02-14 18:07:02)

  • Configuring fonts in URxvt (with Infinality)

    I just installed Arch in a VirtualBox and so far everything's working well. I use xmonad with URxvt as my terminal emulator. I also installed Infinality. I chose the "combi" preset from Infinality.
    However, there is one thing that puzzles me. My ~/.Xresources looks like this:
    ! Xft settings ------------------------------------------------------------------
    Xft.dpi: 96
    Xft.antialias: true
    Xft.rgba: rgb
    Xft.hinting: true
    Xft.hintstyle: hintslight
    ! URxft settings ----------------------------------------------------------------
    URxvt*scrollBar: false
    URxvt*font: xft:Inconsolatazi4:pixelsize=16
    URxvt*boldFont: xft:Inconsolatazi4:bold:pixelsize=16
    The URxvt* settings work fine. However, changing the Xft.* settings does absolutely nothing to URxvt, yet it affects GTK applications (gVim and Emacs). Why is this so? I have a ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file created by lxappearance, yet .Xresources overrides it, but again, does nothing to URxvt (for example, setting Xft.antialias and Xft.hinting to false shows no difference in URxvt, but there's a world of difference in gVim). Why is this so?

    I can confirm this and changing the . -> * doesn't do anything. urxvt seems to be prefering the fontconfig DPI and antialias settings now and this was not the default behavior before (I don't think anyway. Although, I don't recall the last time that I edited the DPI info in my fontconfig settings). For instance, these are the relevant lines from .Xresources:
    Xft*dpi: 102
    Xft*antialias: 1
    Xft*rgba: rgb
    Xft*autohint: 0
    Xft*lcdfilter: lcddefault
    Xft*hinting: 1
    Xft*hintstyle: hintfull
    This helps GTK to behave the way that I want it to, but changes nothing in urxvt. But since urxvt is already doing what I want it to do, I didn't notice.
    By the way, I'm not using infinality. I am using all of the fonts from the bundle except for DejaVu* and DejaVu Sans Mono is what I'm testing against.
    Last edited by skottish (2015-01-08 18:18:14)

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    When I click on a button I want to capture the entire screen and make it available in the background of the new frame I display.How to do this?

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    Dear Gurus I  have created a new payment term in English, it needs to be extended in other languages and then transported to other clients. I can update the tables entries in transport  request itself, but not sure which table I need to pick. Regards

  • Best way to pass large amounts of data to subroutines?

    I'm writing a program with a large amount of data, around 900 variables.  What is the best way for me to pass parts of this data to different subroutines?  I have a main loop on a PXI RT Controller that is controlling hydraulic cylinders and the loop

  • String& char

    Hi; Could anyone tell me a buildin class for find out how many characters in a text file(or a string) and it's length(count by character). For example; "ghggjjkk kjkjk" it has 14 characters and length is 14 Thanks

  • How can I make my question slide look and act like the rest of the project?

    Hi, I have created my project without using a template. Each time I needed to create a new screen I simply duplicated the slide and then inserted new text. This worked quite well. However, when I tried to do this for a question slide, it wouldn't let