[SOLVED] Highlighted text in the shell, appearance rxvt-unicode

Short question, when I highlight text in the shell or when text get highlighted in ncmpcpp or outer app running in the shell it gets basically impossible to read. Because background to text get the same color and strength then the text.
what setting should I look for to change what it look like when I mark and highlight text in the shell?
Thank you!
All the best,
Last edited by agkbill (2012-10-13 20:41:41)

Additional info.
I am using i3 as window manager and  terminal emulator "rxvt-unicode-256color"
# set the cursor
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr
# set German keyboard layout
# setxkbmap -layout de
# start xmonad
#Power management turn off monitor etc
#xset dpms 0 7200 10800 &
xset -dpms; xset s off
# xloadimage laddar bakgrundsbild fick det inte att fungera tillsamans med xcompmgr som man
# använder för att få genomskinliga terminal fönster mm. Ersätter med bildvisaren "feh"
#xloadimage -onroot -fullscreen /home/christer/devices-extern/windows7/archlinux/stone_wall_ce.png
xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources # Denna rad behövs ifall man vill använda TERMINAL/emulator "urxvt"
feh --bg-scale /home/christer/devices-extern/windows7/archlinux/stone_wall_ce.png
setxkbmap -layout "us, se" -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle" #alt"grp:caps_toggle"
xcompmgr -c &
exec /usr/bin/i3 -V -d all >~/i3log/i3log-$(date +'%F-%k-%M-%S') 2>&1
# transparency - true or false (default)
#URxvt*transparent: true
# tint with any color; i.e., blue, red, tomato4, olivedrab2, etc.
# some nice listings are at:
# http://www.nisrv.com/drupal/?q=node/11
# http://www.htmlgoodies.com/tutorials/colors/article.php/3478921
URxvt*tintColor: white
URxvt*inheritPixmap: true
# shading - 0 to 99 darkens, 101 to 200 lightens.
# Don't use with tintColor; just use a darker or lighter color instead.
#URxvt*shading: 40
# scrollback buffer lines - 65535 is max on most machines (64 is default)
URxvt*saveLines: 12000
# font color (default is black)
URxvt*foreground: DarkSlateGray1
# background color (prior to tinting) (default is white)
URxvt.depth: 32
URxvt.background: [10]#black
# Xft (X FreeType) with Bitstream, DejaVu, Liberation, or Terminus fonts:
# Fedora/debian packages: libXft/libxft2
# An anti-aliased font setup with Xft looks fantastic; it can be a bit choppy
# on older systems. You can always turn off anti-aliasing (antialias=false) if
# your terminal is sluggish. Use only ONE of the Xft pairs below:
# Xft: Bitstream fonts
# Fedora/debian packages: bitstream-vera-sans-mono-fonts/ttf-bitstream-vera
#URxvt*font: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true
#URxvt*boldFont: xft:Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:bold:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true
# Xft: DejaVu fonts
# Fedora/debian packages: dejavu-sans-mono-fonts/ttf-dejavu
URxvt*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true
URxvt*boldFont: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:bold:pixelsize=12:antialias=true:hinting=true
# Xft: Liberation fonts
# Fedora/debian packages: liberation-mono-fonts/ttf-liberation
#URxvt*font: xft:Liberation Mono:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:hinting=true
#URxvt*boldFont: xft:Liberation Mono:bold:pixelsize=13:antialias=true:hinting=true
# Xft: Terminus fonts
# Fedora/debian packages: terminus-fonts/xfonts-terminus
#URxvt*font: xft:terminus:pixelsize=15
#URxvt*boldFont: xft:terminus:bold:pixelsize=15
# Traditional fonts - a more traditional font setup in lieu of xft
# Replace blue folder colors with a lighter shade for clarity. To
# set colored folders and files within urxvt, xterm, and aterm, add
# the following line to your ~/.bashrc ($HOME/.bashrc) file under
# the heading "# User specific aliases and functions":
# alias ls="ls -h --color=auto"
URxvt*color4: RoyalBlue
URxvt*color12: RoyalBlue
# scrollbar - true (default) or false
URxvt*scrollBar: false
# scrollbar position - left=false (default) or right=true
URxvt*scrollBar_right: false
# scrollbar style - rxvt (default), plain, next, or xterm
URxvt*scrollstyle: plain
#Fade the text by the given percentage when focus is lost.
URxvt*enable-fading on
URxvt*fade 50
URxvt*fadecolor black
Biggest problem is when I running console based applications like ncmpcpp or ranger.
Last edited by agkbill (2012-10-13 08:34:28)

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    You can do this easily by using a "modify class" parameter in your web template.
    Following methods are of your interest to change char/KF headers.
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    TO Peter,
    Thanks for the list. I had found it in LibreOffice, tucked away in the Background tab of the Character pane opened by the Character... menu item in the Format menu, and named "Background Color. A few steps further down than in Pages. Apache OpenOffice has it in the same place. But both also have a hilight icon in the toolbar.
    I didn't fin highlighting or Color fill in Text Edit (v1.8). Might need a further search.
    But this well-equipped party of (one) oscurantist did find a shorter path to highlighting text in Pages '09, cleverly hidden in plain view! See the image below.
    TO hscortez,
    I'm aware that changing the text colour is not highlighting.
    But YeOldMacFan pointed out how to change text colour AND how to change background colour of text, using Character fill, found in the Advanced Options (Pages 5) or the More (Pages '09) tab of the Text Inspector.
    Character Fill fills the space around the character with the chosen colour. As shown above, it's essentially the same effect as dragging a hiliter pen along a line of printed text.
    Unfortunately, whats shown above is the Character fill well on the format bar of Pages '09—right out in the open like the highlighter pen button in LibreOffice, and presumeably in MS Word. I don't have Pages 5 (avoiding it until a few more of the missing features arrive), but I do note that Pages for iOS offers highlight as one of the options in the contextual menu that appears when a block of text is selcted.
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    tap twice to select some text.
    drag the handles at each end of the selection to adjust what's selected.
    tap Highlight in the menu that has appeared on the screen.
    One thing missing appears to be colour choice. The default is a 'hiliter yellow'. I didn't see a way to select a different colour.
    "Hopefully, this will make it on their upgrade list. "
    Hope is good, but taking action is useful.
    Pages menu > Provide Pages Feedback > Make your request that this be added to Pages 5. Requests made through Provide ...Feedback go directly to Apple. Comments and questions here are read by users like yourself, and we don't have the ability to change the way the apps work. Not directly,anyway.

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    I don't think this is a question one can answer by simply downloading the SDK. And even if one reads all the documentation (it rarely happens for obvious reasons), it is not easy to reach an answer because its explanation is not trivial at all.
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    remote = green
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    Thank you to every one for giving support who are really needs.....
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    Thanx in advance

    I solve This problem
    here the only sol i found is that
    change the html:text to plain html text (i.e <input type="text">)
    the code in jsp page like this
    <input type="text" name="name" value="<bean:write name="formName which you are using to get the property" property="name(property from FormBean" filter="false"/>
    I hope this will solve any one of your problems......
    Thanking you

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    Last edited by Maximalminimalist (2011-03-12 13:12:26)

    When I try to type a non-ASCII-character I get nothing at all. This happens with my custom keyboard layout (modified programmer dvorak) and in some layouts I already tried (us: altgr-intl, ch, de and fr)
    When I paste a non-ASCII characters in rxvt-unicode I get
    maxmin ~ $ ?
    This happens only on my x86_64 desktop which is more up to date than my i686 laptop. (I'm afraid now to do any updates.)
    EDIT: I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean with locale settings. What do you mean with that?
    EDIT2: Maybe just typing locale in the terminal is what you mean:
    maxmin ~ $ locale
    locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory
    locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory
    locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory
    With other terminal emulators I get sometimes also nothing and sometimes right displayed but wrong interpreted character in vim. I didn't take notes while doing that but I'll try again if needed.
    Last edited by Maximalminimalist (2011-03-06 21:51:23)

  • Can I move highlighted text to the comments but not underlined text?

    So I just upgraded to Acrobat from Reader yesterday so I could take notes on books for school.  I found out how to export the comments from a PDF to a new document using a JS, and have enjoyed using the following:
    // Get the comments in this document, and sort by author
    annots = this.getAnnots({nSortBy: ANSB_Author});
    // Open a new report
    var rep = new Report();
    rep.size = 1.2;
    rep.color = color.blue;
    if (annots) {
    rep.writeText("Summary of Comments: By Author");
    rep.color = color.black;
    rep.writeText(" ");
    rep.writeText("Number of Comments: " + annots.length);
    rep.writeText(" ");
    var msg = "\200 page %s: \"%s\"";
    var theAuthor = annots[0].author;
    for (var i=0; i < annots.length; i++) {
    if (theAuthor != annots[i].author) {
    theAuthor = annots[i].author;
    rep.writeText(" ");
    util.printf(msg, 1 + annots[i].page, annots[i].contents));
    } else {
    var msg = "No annotations found in this document, %s.";
    rep.writeText(util.printf(msg, this.documentFileName));
    // Now open the report
    var docRep = rep.open("myreport.pdf");
    docRep.info.Title = "Comments for " + this.docuentFileName;
      docRep.info.Subject = "Comments";
    What I'm curious about is if there is a way around having both highlighted and underlined text go instantly to comments.  If it's possible to get just one or the other to automatically enter the comments that might save me a ton of time manually copying and making decisions like "is this really worth the extra size of the output file."  Those kinds of decisions really slow down my reading process.  Rigth now I've been exporting pages of stuff, and even though I can search what I export it's going to become unmanageable.
    The only thing I can think is to only copy things that I specifically wanted exported to the comments, and to just do this manually so I don't end up with too much highlighted/underlined text.
    (Also, and this one isn't that important...is there a way to save the JS I have been using to all the PDFs that I have?  Right now I have just been copy pasting it to each PDF that I make.)
    Thanks in advance,

    The forums have mangled the script (which looks strangely familiar ) but if you want to only list annotations with a specific type, add a new line in between these two:
    for (var i=0; i < annots.length; i++) {
    if (annots[i].type == "Highlight") {
    if (theAuthor != annots[i].author) {
    and add another closing brace at the end of this one
    } else {
    'type' has several defined strings, all documented in the SDK. You'd be using "Highlight" or "Underline" to filter.
    If you want to run the script repeatedly, you can put it into an Action (using the 'run a javaScript' step). Bear in mind that you can't run it against several files at the same time, as the reports aren't saved, so set the Action's properties to apply only to the currently-open document.

  • How to Create Highlighted text through the API

    I am trying to create a script that goes through a document and cut/pastes specific elements to another document in FrameMaker 7.1.
    So far, I can open a document and if an element is already highlighted/selected, i can cut the whole element using F_ApiCut().
    I am having problems programatically trying to highlight the element that I want to copy.
    So far, I have tried using the exampe from the FDKRef:
            //grab the selected element and set it to the elementRange
            er = F_ApiGetElementRange(FV_SessionId, docId, FP_ElementSelection);
            parentId = F_ApiGetId(docId, er.beg.childId, FP_ParentElement);
            er.end.parentId = er.beg.parentId = F_ApiGetId(docId, parentId, FP_ParentElement);
            // if the selected element is a child of the highest level element, the client returns here
            if(!er.end.parentId) return;
            er.beg.childId = parentId;
            er.beg.offset = er.end.offset = 0;
            er.end.childId = F_ApiGetId(docId, parentId, FP_NextSiblingElement);
            F_ApiSetElementRange(0, docId, FP_ElementSelection, &er);
            F_ApiCut(docId, 0);
    but this only grabs an element that is already selected. Is there a way to select an element through the API?
    Thanks for any help!

    There most certainly is a way. You can set up any kind of selection that you want, although it is definately a tricky process that can throw off even an experienced FDK developer. Here are my observations based on the code you pasted...
    If you want to select an element, the first thing is that you need to have the ID of that element. I don't see anywhere in your code where an element ID is retrieved. All I see is the F_ApiGetElementRange which is getting the current selection, which in turn is likely why you just keep cutting the currently-selected element. If you want to get a specific element, that function call is not applicable. You only need to set up the element range structure to reflect the proper selection and then cut.
    With that, assume that "elemId" is the ID of the element you want to cut. To select an entire element, you would do this:
    F_ObjHandleT elemId, docId;
    F_ElementRangeT er;
    /* . . .   code here to get elemId, docId, etc. . . .  */
    //set up the element range structure for whole-element selection
    er.beg.childId = elemId;
    er.beg.parentId = er.end.parentId =  F_ApiGetId(docId, elemId, FP_ParentElement);
    er.end.childId = F_ApiGetId(docId, elemId,  FP_NextSiblingElement);
    er.beg.offset = er.end.offset =  0;
    //set the element selection in preparation for the cut
    F_ApiSetElementRange(FV_SessionId, docId,  FP_ElementSelection, &er);
    //... and cut
    F_ApiCut(docId, 0);
    I'm not sure what the sample you pasted is meant to accomplish. It is somewhere along the right track but it won't get you exactly what you want.
    Now, I should say that the process of retrieving the desired element ID is a whole different challenge. I'm not sure if you know how to do that or not so I'll defer any discussion on that until you ask.

  • [solved] applications dont follow the standard appearance

    hello everyone,
    my spacefm and evince have a very black appearance and the fonts in searching lines are black too (and sometimes the menu toolbar), whcih makes it unreadable. i have been playing around with themes in the lxappearance config, which seems to change something, but its still very blackish. is it possible that there is some application dependent configuration and in case yes, where?
    greets lizzy
    Last edited by caravanlizzy (2014-06-06 07:19:22)

    well, with standard appearance i mean, according to the theme which i thought would be set systemwide. ill just post my gtk-3.0/settings.ini:
    gtk-font-name=DejaVu Sans Mono 10
    and here is my .gtk-2.0:
    # DO NOT EDIT! This file will be overwritten by LXAppearance.
    # Any customization should be done in ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine instead.
    gtk-font-name="DejaVu Sans Mono 10"
    include "/home/lizzy/.gtkrc-2.0.mine"
    ive been using adwaita and other gtk3 themes before, but even changing the color scheme didnt change anything.
    Last edited by caravanlizzy (2014-06-06 07:00:52)

  • Preview: highlight text slowly disappears over the days

    Hello everyone.
    I have several days reading a book in pdf format with preview.app, and I highlight text in bright yellow.
    I have reviewed all the highlighted text and the color yellow is more tenuous as I approach the beginning of the book.
    In fact the highlight of the first page no longer exists.
    How I can do to make all the highlight is of the same intensity of color?
    I use Preview Versión 5.5 (719). Thank you.

    Tonight I went to the Genius Bar. There seems to be two options:
    (1) Do as the genius did tonight:
    - Reset the home folder's ACL (Access Control List.)  (He said to Google this to learn exactly how to do this.)
    - Repair the disk permissions
    - Delete the Preview preference file. It's a "plist" file located in user/library/preferences
    If that doesn't work, then:
    (2) Re-install Lion.
    I tried Preview with the fixes and most of my problems seemed to be fixed. Those being the colors of the highlighted text and notes haven't dimmed after a number of quits and restarts of Preview. However, the grey text that I originally included in my annotations became invisible again. They're still there, but you can't seem them. Although the text that I included using other colors (blue & red) continue to appear.
    My feeling that this still might be an issue related to versions, but who knows.

  • Can you make a menu for the right-click search so that when I highlight text and search, I can choose which search engine to use?

    If you Highlight text you can right-click on it to pull up a short menu. One option is "Search x search engine for 'highlighted text'" Previously, the search engine selected would be whichever search engine was selected on the search bar, so Google or Amazon.com, etc. Because you can no longer change that selection before you search, the search engine is set to your default. Was an annoyance before, but now it's just a hindrance.

    Strongly recommend Context Search extension which will solve your problem
    - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/context-search/?src=search

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