[SOLVED] KDE 4.3 upgrade. Kde-meta-kdeplasma-addons conflict

Hello. Today i decided to upgrade my kde 4.2.4 to 4.3. After i execute:
pacman -S kdeadmin kdeartwork kdebase kdeplasma-addons
there is some warnings in output:
Warning: provider package was selected (kde-meta-kdeplasma-addons provides kdeplasma-addons)
I don't want to install any kde-meta package. But this is no problem. I can delete them after.
Problem is that:
error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
:: kde-meta-kdeplasma-addons: conflicts with kdeplasma-addons-libs
How to resolve that? Or maybe i must install manually all packages in kdeplasma-addons group?
P.S. Sorry for my english.
Last edited by gen1s (2009-08-04 12:15:58)

I just change my mirror to : Server = ftp://ftp.archlinux.org/$repo/os/x86_64
and still can't upgrade.
error: could not prepare transaction                                                                         
error: failed to commit transaction (conflicting files)                                                       
kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball: /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_bball.so exists in filesystem                     
kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball: /usr/share/apps/bball/bball.svgz exists in filesystem                         
kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball: /usr/share/apps/bball/bounce.ogg exists in filesystem                         
kdeplasma-addons-applets-bball: /usr/share/apps/bball/football.svgz exists in filesystem
Should i delete all my KDE installed packages, and try to install everything again with sudo pacman -Sy kde ?
This is strange, i'm using KDE 4.3 for some time from RC2 and now i can't upgrade.

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    I would like to upgrade my system to Kde 4.3.
    I just write pacman -Syu kde, I write yes for every replace from kde to kde-meta.
    But when It starts to upgrade it says:
    error: unresolvable package conflicts detected
    error: failed to prepare transaction (conflicting dependencies)
    :: kde-meta-kdeplasma-addons: conflicts with kdeplasma-addons-libs
    Anybody can help me?
    thank you a lot


  • [SOLVED] kde 4.8.4?

    Hi All,
    Just installed Arch and really like it. I was reading in the forums that people are running KDE 4.8.4, and it appears to be in the repos, however, when I do an about in any KDE app, it shows 4.8.3.
    How can I get 4.8.4?
    Last edited by LinuxRocks (2012-06-09 20:08:02)

    karol wrote:What does pacman say? 4.8.4 went into [extra] yesterday.
    Here is what happened when I did pacman -Syu this morning:
    pacman -Suy
    :: Synchronizing package databases...
    core is up to date
    extra is up to date
    community is up to date
    multilib is up to date
    :: Starting full system upgrade...
    there is nothing to do
    Here is a small example of what is in pacman's list:
    pacman -Ss |grep kde
    extra/kde-agent 20120430-1 [installed]
    extra/kde-l10n-ar 4.8.3-1
    extra/kde-telepathy-meta 3.0.1-1
    extra/kde-wallpapers 4.8.3-1 (kde kde-meta kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdeaccessibility-jovie 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeaccessibility) [installed]
    extra/kdeaccessibility-kaccessible 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeaccessibility) [installed]
    extra/kdeaccessibility-kmag 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeaccessibility) [installed]
    extra/kdeaccessibility-kmousetool 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeaccessibility) [installed]
    extra/kdeaccessibility-kmouth 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeaccessibility) [installed]
    extra/kdeadmin-kcron 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeadmin) [installed]
    extra/kdeadmin-ksystemlog 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeadmin) [installed]
    extra/kdeadmin-kuser 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeadmin) [installed]
    extra/kdeadmin-system-config-printer-kde 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeadmin) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-aurorae 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-colorschemes 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-desktopthemes 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-emoticons 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-iconthemes 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-kscreensaver 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-sounds 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-styles 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-wallpapers 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdeartwork-weatherwallpapers 4.8.3-1 (kde kdeartwork) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-dolphin 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-katepart 4.8.3-1 [installed]
    extra/kdebase-kdepasswd 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-kdialog 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-keditbookmarks 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-kfind 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-konq-plugins 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-konqueror 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-konsole 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-kwrite 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-lib 4.8.3-1 [installed]
    extra/kdebase-plasma 4.8.3-1 (kde kdebase) [installed]
    extra/kdebase-runtime 4.8.3-1 [installed]
    extra/kdebase-workspace 4.8.3-2 (kde) [installed]
    extra/kdebindings-kimono 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-korundum 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-kross-java 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-kross-python 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-perlkde 4.8.3-2 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-perlqt 4.8.3-2 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-python 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-python2 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings) [installed]
    extra/kdebindings-qtruby 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-qyoto 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-smokegen 4.8.3-1
    extra/kdebindings-smokekde 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    extra/kdebindings-smokeqt 4.8.3-1 (kdebindings)
    So I should wait more or find another repo?
    Here is what I have currently:
    # Mirror selected during installation
    Server = ftp://mirrors.kernel.org/archlinux/$repo/os/$arch
    Also, I have the new keyring thing turned off atm due to lack of time to generate entropy (I will probably do that today). Do you think that might have an impact on package availability?
    Thanks for the replies!

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    I tried to look in .xsession-errors when using the desktop activity settings window, but I couldn't see any errors appear and if I click apply in the dialog, the background just goes white, no errors or anything.
    Last edited by Avenger (2010-02-05 13:51:36)

    wrc1944 wrote:I like the way Arch (or is it now just the kde defaults according to auto-hardware detection?) has just the right amount of desktop effects enabled.
    Iirc, arch tries to use vanilla (default) settings, and only patches stuff if it would cause major problems not to.
    wrc1944 wrote:I knew there was a warning about using the testing repo, but I've experienced no problems.  Is that warning no longer in effect?
    Ha! I too have experienced no (major) problems, but I still read arch-dev-public and watch out for any messages on updates

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    (This has been the case at least since 4.5, so I'm sorry if this has already been answered before. I couldn't find any results searching the forum.)

    karper wrote:
    Allan wrote:What use are palettes for gimp without actually having gimp?   If you do not want all the packages pulled by a meta package, then don't install it!
    ... which is an entirely valid point of view. However, the benefits of installing a meta-package (automatically adding new sub-packages upon upgrades) outweigh the disadvantages.
    I was just wondering if instead of pulling in gimp, the color palette file (it's really just one tiny file) could be stored wherever KDE stores its color palettes...
    Pacman doesn't do 'multiple possible locations for a file', I don't think any current package manager does. It would quickly become unworkable (what if gimp gets installed in future, do you move the file back?)

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    Last edited by priapism (2011-12-24 22:19:51)

    Yay, found the settings! Sounds are enabled by default I guess. Which makes sense why they play on my other computer. But they don't play on this computer, even though they are enabled.
    I think something is wrong with the ogg files in /usr/share/sounds which kde uses for the system sounds. They won't play in mplayer or phonon (gstreamer). But if i download an ogg file from the internet, it will play in anything. I'll try copying the ogg files from the other kde install and overwrite the ones here. Hopefully it will be solved after I do that.

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    # systemctl enable kdm.service
    - again: no such file or directory... it's like it's not installed the right way but pacman sees it. It was the same yesterday and I thought I just forgot about something so today I went step-by-step with Beginner's Guide... and still nothing. Only thing that is different from the usual system is zsh. Test xorg DE starts fine.
    Last edited by smsware (2014-03-13 02:08:48)

    I had kde-meta-kdebase installed but now I see that
    sms-linux% sudo pacman -S kdebase
    [sudo] password for root:
    :: There are 11 members in group kdebase:
    :: Repository extra
    1) kde-wallpapers 2) kdebase-dolphin 3) kdebase-kdepasswd
    4) kdebase-kdialog 5) kdebase-keditbookmarks 6) kdebase-kfind
    7) kdebase-konq-plugins 8) kdebase-konqueror 9) kdebase-konsole
    10) kdebase-kwrite 11) kdebase-plasma
    Enter a selection (default=all):
    it's not there by default. Is it a mistake by packager that it wasn't pulled by any of the packages and it's not listed there too? "Minimal install" section of Arch Wiki article about KDE is now invalid and it wasn't like that before... I just went here to type that "I don't know why but after installing some other kde packages, the problem dissapeared" - now I know why, thanks! :-)

  • [SOLVED] KDE 4.8 crash!

    Yesterday, I updated my system, and installed the KDE 4.8.
    Today, when I started my computer, the KDE was with a grey wallpaper and big red squares, showing that the widgets was crashed too.
    I couldn't take screenshots, but I took some photos to show you. When I had the KDE 4.7, everything worked perfectly.
    How can I fix it? Should I downgrade to KDE 4.7? How to do it?
    Sorry the bad english.
    Last edited by Uchiha (2012-01-29 11:49:53)

    Uchiha wrote:I removed the CWP, but nothing changes. I'll try to install kde-extragear-plasmoids and kdeplasma-addons-applets-icontasks.
    Nothing changed! =/
    Cows wrote:This happened to me as well, the thing was that I was playing around with the 4.7 PKGBUILDs to migrate to 4.8 by myself (Without depending on the Arch community + to learn more about PKGBUILDs), and I successfully compiled the packages, but I was mixing around kdelibs 4.8 with kdebase-workspace 4.7. This was the problem that gave me the same things you are mentioning. So make sure that your kdebase-workspace, kdelibs, and kdebase-runtime are all 4.8.
    I checked them all with the pacman, and all are 4.8.0-1.
    I tried to reinstall the kde-base, and the terminal show me about 70mb to be downloaded, the update wasn't completed (weird, because yesterday, the terminal doesen't show me an error). I'll have to change the / partition size because it's full.
    Last edited by Uchiha (2012-01-28 20:20:56)

  • [SOLVED] KDE fonts unreadably small

    I've just installed Arch following the instructions in the wiki and everything has gone smoothly so far. But I now have a problem with KDE (kde-meta) - all the text on screen is unreadable, resembling squares. I thought it might be something to do with the locale setting so I set it back to the default en_US, but that had no effect.
    Not sure what extra info I can give, I haven't done anything exotic during the install.
    Fonts installed are ms, bitstream vera and deja vu.
    Last edited by qpeg (2010-06-25 12:22:05)

    (Mostly) fixed. I tried using the nv driver instead of nvidia and everything looked fine. Now that I was able to actually read the screen I found a force dpi option in KDE's font settings. This fixes the DPI issue with the nvidia driver.
    This doesn't cover KDM though, which is still unreadable. As I said before "ServerArgsLocal=-96 dpi" within KDM's config does nothing. Any ideas?

  • KDE or KDE-META?

    I'm at the point of installing the GUI, KDE4 for instance, and I'm curious about what veteran Arch-KDE4 users can tell me about this. I read about the two KDE and KDE-META and I wonder which will be the best to have an up-to-date and/or stable KDE4.
    Also, in my last attempt to install Arch (this is my second time doing a Arch install, I haven't any system up and working yet but I'm starting feeling a seasoned Arch user, lol) I remember installing plain KDE installed a LOT of applications and games I would not want because KDE package installs whole KDE suite.
    Alongside kdebase and kdeutils (or kde-meta-kdebase and kde-meta-kdeutils) which other packages should I install to have a full working base but complete KDE4 system, like say Kubuntu? (sorry but's the only KDE I liked after trying Fedora's and openSUSE's KDE implementation)
    I'm talking about a complete KDE system with printer support and so on, I'm not talking about applications which I can add individually.

    hi Pierre!
    I did read the wiki and that's why I was in doubt on which package should I install.
    I see you are a KDeveloper? I'm very grateful of the KDE Team work. I like other DE too and all have their pros and cons, but KDE is the only environment that put it all together in a way I find useful and beautiful and that free me to just work and enjoy my PC experience instead spending lot of time customizing and tweaking my system.
    Thanks both for your advice here and your KDE work, best.
    Last edited by martin77 (2010-03-25 03:44:26)

  • [SOLVED] KDE too slow on VirtualBox

    I've installed Arch Linux on VirtualBox with KDE. At first I tried to install through 'pacman -S kde-meta' and, after seeing it was slow, I tried to do that through 'pacman -S kde-meta-kdebase', but KDE also is too slow.
    For some reason I don't know, VirtualBox starts to load and load from HDD all the time. However, if I install XFCE, everything goes well.
    Last edited by Kaentarys (2013-08-07 22:42:58)

    schmidtbag wrote:This is probably due to nepomuk, which is an indexing service.  Either disable it or let it finish and performance should improve.  Another possible cause is:
    * You didn't install the virtual GPU drivers
    * Your host GPU is too slow and/or you enabled kwin compositing
    * You're using LLVM with kwin compositing enabled
    * VirtualBox is able to resize and adjust the window right. So I'd say that I installed the virtual GPU drivers.
    * My host GPU works well with KDE, but I've only tried it in other distros. I don't know if kwin is enable, but I know I didn't change any configuration of KDE.
    * How can I disable it?
    I saw there are more than one process using the HDD. (I used iotop.) So can I discard that Nepomuk is causing the problem?
    Last edited by Kaentarys (2013-08-07 20:40:53)

  • Removeing kde-meta packages

    On KDE 4.3, when I try to remove an unwanted KDE app (ie KsCD), it tells me that i need to remove the corresponding kde-meta package as well (ie kde-meta-kdemultimedia). cool. however, when i do this, it makes all of the other apps with the kdemultimedia group orphans - i.e. they show up in pacman -Qdtq. is there any way to stop this from happening?

    I'd say just remove the meta-packages and reinstall (with --asexplicit) those that you want to keep and which show up in -Qtd.

  • [SOLVED] KDE Is not loading

    HI, i'm been an archlinux user for a while, never have great issues, but now i reinstalled arch in a formated disk and started all over. The thing is that I installed kde basis (following the wiki), but neither kdm via inittab, or kdm via daemon works! it just load the tt1 console and do nothing. No erors, or something. The only difference with previous installation is that the first time i installed kde-meta package, and have no issues
    Any thoughts?
    Last edited by atercor (2012-05-20 01:26:48)

    Anything in the logs? What happens if you try to start KDE with startx/.xinitrc instead of KDM?

  • [SOLVED] Full Instructions for Upgrading from KDE4 to Plasma 5?

    I almost threw my computer against the wall yesterday after trying to upgrade to Plasma 5.2. I followed what I thought were the complete instructions from the Wiki: install SDDM, remove kdebase-workspace (using Pacman -Rsc kdebase-workspace), then installing Plasma.
    What I rebooted to was unusable. I had no Konsole and no Dolphin, and many of my apps were gone. I had to restore my old system from a backup in order to get anything done.
    Would someone *please* list the *entire* sequence for updating from a current KDE4 installation to the "recommended" Plasma 5.2?  Thank you!
    Last edited by ProfessorTomoe (2015-01-31 10:20:51)

    I've done the following on a couple machines now without having issues:
    pacman -S sddm sddm-kcm
    systemctl disable kdm && systemctl enable sddm
    pacman -S --needed kf5 kf5-aids
    pacman -Rsn $(LANG=C pacman -Qi kdebase-workspace | grep "Req" | sed -e 's/Required By : //g')
    pacman -Rsn kdebase-workspace (may not be wise, see arojas reply below regarding kde-meta)
    pacman -S plasma
    On one machine I had to remove some additional pkgs that depended on kdeplasma-addons-libs between steps 3 & 4 above.
    pacman -Rsn $(LANG=C pacman -Qi kdeplasma-addons-libs | grep "Req" | sed -e 's/Required By : //g')
    I found the following useful
    Last edited by cestlaz (2015-01-29 20:26:08)

  • [SOLVED] KDE problems after upgrade from 4.10.0-1 to 4.10.1-1

    Hi guys, after updating KDE ihave the following problems:
    1. The widgets are unable to load (red cross icon) everywhere at desktop, at panel.
    2. Panel need to be removed and added after boot.
    3. The programs does not displaying at task manager.
    4. Programs can not executed from quiq launch (alt+F2).
    I have try to downgrade from cache it but it not works for me ((
    Full removing KDE using pacman -Rsc and reinstating also does not work ((
    Last edited by S1Lv3R (2013-04-03 20:35:30)

    Inxsible wrote:are you fully updated ? or have you performed partial upgrade?
    i not sure i have run the following command:
    pacman -Sy kde

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