[Solved] Mounting Partitions from Beginners Guide

Hi everyone. I've setup Arch before, but I see that the installer has been removed. I had a question on some of the documentation from the Beginners Guide...
From the section "Prepare the storage drive" it states to setup the partitions like so:
Name Flags Part Type FS Type [Label] Size (MB)
sda1 Boot Primary Linux 15440
sda2 Primary Linux swap / Solaris 1024
sda3 Primary Linux 133000*
In the section below it ("Mount the partitions ") it explains to "mount any other separate partition" like so:
# mkdir /mnt/home
# mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/home
# mkdir /mnt/boot
# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
However, I set my partitions up just how it was above, when I put in the syntax "mount /dev/sda4 /mnt/home" I receive an error that sda4 doesn't exist. Using my best judgement I put in "mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home" as I set my partitions exactly the way from the storage drive section (minus some storage space for sda3). I'd just like to be sure that I set this up right and not doing anything extremely wrong. For some reason, Arch won't boot after I have the system setup in virtualbox, and I'm trying to narrow down the issue.
Last edited by Quill (2012-09-01 04:16:22)

Trilby wrote:
It says to do that if you have any additional partitions.  You do not.
Sda3 should not be mounted as home, it should be your root partition right?  You should have already done
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt
You should not remount sda3 as something else (in fact I suspect it should give an error).
That partition scheme does not have a separate home parition.
Cool, thanks for the info. Yeah, sda3 is set as my root partition. It's solved.

Similar Messages

  • [SOLVED] Configure The System (Beginners Guide) Question

    I'm currently working my way through the beginners guide, from the wiki.  All going ok so far and I've reached the Configure The System section. Which is where I'm a bit stuck.
    Beginners Guide wrote:You will be presented with a menu including the most important configuration files for your system. If you want to look up the available options as stated in /etc/rc.conf just press Alt+F2 to get a shell, look it up, and switch back to the installer with Alt+F1.
    The problem I have is looking up the available options. For example, to find my locale it states I should run locale -a, however when I hit Alt+f2 and enter the command at the bash shell ([Arch Linux: /]# ) I get the following error
    -bash: locale: command not found
    When I attempt to lookup other items I'm also unable to find those (such as timezone in /usr/share/zoneinfo).
    Can anyone let me know what I'm doing wrong, I'm missing something very obvious here, but sadly I just can't work it out!
    Last edited by Laatia (2008-03-23 08:56:38)

    dyscoria wrote:
    I wouldn't skip all of the steps, particularly adding your hostname to /etc/hosts. Just fill in as much as you can, and edit the rest after you've finished installing, though I think the defaults are safe enough to have a running system.
    If you typed in 'km' and chose your locale before you ran the /arch/setup command to start the installation, it should automatically enter in the locale you selected earlier (if you press yes in the dialog box that pops up).
    Confirm this as that's what happended in this location on 2 recent install.

  • [Solved]mounting partitions as /var and /home while installing ...

    Hi this was the second time i installed arch.
    And while installing i just wanted to mount my former /home and /var. Never to format them. So i can keep my files. But i guess i missed the mount step. And now they are independent partitions. I want to add them as /var and /home properly without damaging any of my files in "/dev/sda6" partition which was meant to be "/home". Dont care about "/dev/sda5" which was meant to be "/var".
    How can i do this. Normally i would search but i dont want anything to get damaged.
    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by hozturk0327 (2014-04-29 19:54:26)

    This page gives detailed information on moving /home to a seperate partition.
    I your case, not wanting to damage the data on /dev/sda6, you should skip the copying part.

  • Can't write to some mounted partition from user

    /dev/sdb1 /home/vu/11 ext3 rw,user 0 1
    cat /proc/mounts
    rootfs / rootfs rw 0 0
    proc /proc proc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
    /sys /sys sysfs rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime 0 0
    /dev /dev devtmpfs rw,nosuid,relatime,size=1030692k,nr_inodes=218496,mode=755 0 0
    /run /run tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,mode=755 0 0
    /dev/sda2 / ext3 rw,relatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,nodelalloc,data=ordered 0 0
    devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 0 0
    shm /dev/shm tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
    tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime 0 0
    /dev/sda1 /home ext4 rw,relatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 0
    /dev/sda3 /var ext3 rw,relatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,nodelalloc,data=ordered 0 0
    /dev/sda6 /boot ext3 rw,relatime,user_xattr,acl,barrier=1,nodelalloc,data=ordered 0 0
    /dev/sdb1 /home/vu/11 ext3 rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,user_xattr,barrier=1,nodelalloc,data=ordered 0 0
    So i cant write anything to sdb6. Only if i am root. Can't understand
    *sorry, sdb1
    Last edited by Vufer (2012-03-15 20:20:59)

    aking9 wrote:
    did you mount it as root?
    ls -l /home/vu/
    -rw-r--r-- 1 vu users 446237 марта 8 22:30 0_38006_c0959088_XXXL.jpe
    -rw-r--r-- 1 vu users 343769 марта 10 19:46 0_e8973_5d9e2d29_XXXL.jpe
    drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 марта 15 22:44 11
    drwxr-xr-x 3 vu users 4096 марта 9 09:04 core
    drwxr-xr-x 2 vu users 4096 марта 5 22:41 Desktop
    drwxr-xr-x 6 vu users 4096 марта 8 00:15 Видео
    drwxr-xr-x 7 vu adbusers 4096 марта 14 22:31 Документы
    drwxr-xr-x 9 vu adbusers 4096 марта 13 21:16 Загрузки
    drwxrwxr-x 11 vu adbusers 4096 марта 12 16:54 Книги
    drwxr-xr-x 17 vu adbusers 4096 янв. 20 23:41 Музыка

  • Mounting dual boot linux partition from Arch [SOLVED]

    Hey guys,
    I have just installed Arch for the first time and im wondering if someone can explain how i can mount my other partition (which is currently used for Ubuntu)
    basically when i first installed it, the partition comes up in nautlius as Mass Storage Drive: 20.3 GB media and prompted for credentials. After a few unsuccessful attempts i was not able to mount the drive and the prompts for credentials no longer displays.
    When i right click it and click mount or try to open it, nothing happens. Does anyone know how to solve this?
    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by rogg (2009-08-14 08:05:39)

    Thanks everyone for the help, i managed to get it working by editing the fstab
    ill post up how i did it, in case anyone else wants to know:
    identify the partition:
    (can use gparted or fdisk -l)
    identify uuid:
    sudo blkid
    edit fstab and add:
    your partition as specified, you can use the existing mounted partitions as a guide to help
    hope this helps
    Does anyone know how to mount the partitions via nautilus/gui?, or at least have it show up as a seperate file system (have the partition appear in the "places" bar?

  • [SOLVED]Cannot mount partitions with PCMANFM --no longer an issue

    I have searched and searched and pulling my hair out on this issue. I am using PCMANFM .9.10 on an LXDE install using the Arch x86 iso.  My HD contains several linux partitions and a FAT32 partition.
    I am not able to mount these partitions in PCMANFM.  I am able to mount my usb flash drive
    When trying to mount a partition in PCMANFM I get a "not authorized to perform operation" error message.
    Today, June 11 I partially rewrote this due to the lack of response I am getting on this problem.
    1. did a reinstall of Arch & LXDE today.  I've done two or three installs. dbus is in daemons in /etc/rc.conf
    2. initially the partition icons did not show up
    3. then, I installed gvfs and added 55-my-conf.pkla in /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/
    4. With that the partition icons show up in PCMANFM
    5. But I still get the "not authorized to perform operation" message
    The 55-my-conf.pkla has this content:
    [Storage Permissions]
    contents of .xinitrc
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    # exec gnome-session
    # exec startkde
    #exec startxfce4
    exec startlxde
    # ...or the Window Manager of your choice
    At /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy
    I changed <action id="org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount-system-internal">
    mount a system-internal disk at <allow_active> from "auth_admin_keep" to "yes".
    Still didn't work!
    Either this is a bug or I have a permission problem somewhere.
    Can you please advise how to do this or point me to a recent tutorial to be able to  auto mount other partitions not using /etc/fstab?  Some of the older posts refer to hal or other package that have been deprecated. 
    Edit: latest. It seems that I must mount the desired partition from the terminal. example: $sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
    then can edit it from PCMANFM by going to / and then /mnt. Apparently I do not have to manually unmount.
    Last edited by linuxloverjerry1 (2012-06-13 04:25:37)

    I have searched and searched and pulling my hair out on this issue. I am using PCMANFM .9.10 on an LXDE install using the Arch x86 iso.  My HD contains several linux partitions and a FAT32 partition.
    I am not able to mount these partitions in PCMANFM.  I am able to mount my usb flash drive
    When trying to mount a partition in PCMANFM I get a "not authorized to perform operation" error message.
    Today, June 11 I partially rewrote this due to the lack of response I am getting on this problem.
    1. did a reinstall of Arch & LXDE today.  I've done two or three installs. dbus is in daemons in /etc/rc.conf
    2. initially the partition icons did not show up
    3. then, I installed gvfs and added 55-my-conf.pkla in /etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d/
    4. With that the partition icons show up in PCMANFM
    5. But I still get the "not authorized to perform operation" message
    The 55-my-conf.pkla has this content:
    [Storage Permissions]
    contents of .xinitrc
    # ~/.xinitrc
    # Executed by startx (run your window manager from here)
    if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
    unset f
    # exec gnome-session
    # exec startkde
    #exec startxfce4
    exec startlxde
    # ...or the Window Manager of your choice
    At /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.udisks.policy
    I changed <action id="org.freedesktop.udisks.filesystem-mount-system-internal">
    mount a system-internal disk at <allow_active> from "auth_admin_keep" to "yes".
    Still didn't work!
    Either this is a bug or I have a permission problem somewhere.
    Can you please advise how to do this or point me to a recent tutorial to be able to  auto mount other partitions not using /etc/fstab?  Some of the older posts refer to hal or other package that have been deprecated. 
    Edit: latest. It seems that I must mount the desired partition from the terminal. example: $sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt
    then can edit it from PCMANFM by going to / and then /mnt. Apparently I do not have to manually unmount.
    Last edited by linuxloverjerry1 (2012-06-13 04:25:37)

  • [SOLVED] Beginners' Guide stumped on pacman -Syyu curl

    I'm a total green noob on Arch and am going through the Beginners' Guide. I'm on the section about rankmirrors and am at pacman -Syyu curl and am getting the following:
    Is this normal? Is this the part where I continue to edit my mirrorlist and comment and uncomment servers until I don't get the Unauthorized error any longer?
    Last edited by EdTheUniqueGeek (2012-04-27 23:53:53)

    EdTheUniqueGeek wrote:I'm a total green noob on Arch [...] I'm on the section about rankmirrors [...]
    If you're new to Arch don't you think that sticking to basic bulletproof setup would be wise and then learn new stuff? If you try all things that are not necessary there is high risk of breaking system and you wont even have a clue where start to look for solution. Back in my first days with Arch I didn't even consider such things like mirror rank - goal was to setup working system. My advice is - choose manually mirror that have low sync delay from http://www.archlinux.org/mirrors/status/ and focus on major things. Good luck and feel welcome on the forum
    EdTheUniqueGeek wrote:I am in the process I trying the shell script from adamrehard suggestion.
    Again - pick rit or kernel.org mirror - you can be pretty sure they are working right now, for troubleshooting you can even choose archlinux.org (but change it for real usage) find out if it's not the http/ftp thing like people earlier noticed and work the problem with your configuration, the problem is not mirror choosing
    Last edited by masteryod (2012-04-27 14:53:33)

  • [SOLVED] Following Beginners Guide, do I make /root bootable?

    Hey guys!
    I am trying to follow the Arch Linux Beginners Guide, but I seem to be stuck at one thing. When making my partitions manually, which of the four sda partitions do I make bootable? I can't seem to write on the partitions unless I make one bootable.
    They only seem to have a /var, /root, swap, and a /home partition! Thank you!
    Last edited by mag1strate (2011-07-02 14:36:57)

    bwat47 wrote:
    mag1strate wrote:I wanted ext4 instead of ext2. Or is there no reason why I should be using ext4?
    You can use ext4 with auto prepare. It prompts you for the fs type for your root and home partitions.
    I just realized I pressed enter too quick and skipped that option! I am sorry about that! Hope I didn't waste you guy's time!

  • Can I back up a bootable partition from an APM drive to a GUID-partitioned hard drive for storage, later to be able to clone restore the backup back to an APM and have it be bootable on a PowerPC?

    Tongue twister of a question, huh?
    I am creating a APM-partitioned hard drive for use with a PowerPC iMac G5, so I can have a fresh OS install on one as a reference, and the other be my usable OS.  Now, I also want to back both of these partitions up on a storage hard drive that I also want to contain partitions that are bootable on an Intel mac (GUID).  My question is, can I clone my APM partitions as backup to designated partitions on my GUID backup/storage hard drive (which I plan on being able to boot other partions on an Intel Mac), and have the option of later cloning the same APM partitions back to an APM-paritioned hard drive and have them still be bootable on a Power PC?  I know I won't be able to boot a Power PC from off of the GUID-paritioned drive, but I want to be able to restore my APM-partitioned drive incase things go sour with it.
    Thanks so much for your time, guys!

    Block-level copier that copies not just the files but the filesystem structure as well. But files can be moved from GUID to APM partitioned devices without any effect on the file. The partition scheme affects whether an installed system will boot a particular type of hardware.
    If you installed OS X on a GUID partitioned drive you would not be able to boot a PPC Mac.
    And, you're most welcome.
    Please note the items listed under Legend in the right sidebar of this page.

  • [SOLVED] mounting a plain dm-crypt encrypted partition

    After I botched an upgrade today, I'd like to save some stuff from an encrypted /home partition and start over.  I'm trying to mount the partition from a LiveCD and can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
    [root@archiso ~]# cryptsetup create home /dev/sda3
    Enter passphrase:
    [root@archiso ~]# mount /dev/mapper/home /media/home
    [ 215.550259] SQUASHFS error: Can't find a SQUASHFS superblock on dm-3
    [ 215.566713] EXT4-fs (dm-3): unable to read superblock
    [ 215.580030] EXT2-fs (dm-3): error: unable to read superblock
    I don't think there's anything wrong with the partition, it was working fine earlier today, and from what I've read I think I'm trying to unlock and mount it correctly.  The only similar post I could find was this, but couldn't find any older install media to test with aside from dead torrents and I'm not sure what version of dm-crypt was used to create the partition.
    Last edited by bnjw (2011-12-29 10:26:11)

    It's ext3, and I think I did use LUKS after all.  It looks like I just had the wrong drive name, after running blkid /dev/sda3 wasn't even listed, but /dev/sda9 matched it in capacity.  Using that instead I was able to cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda9 home and mount /dev/mapper/home /media/home worked fine afterward.  I have no idea what I was doing when I made this setup, but I'll pay attention when doing it this time (and not wait 6 months to -Syu and break everything).
    Thanks to both of you for the help.

  • Intepreting the beginners guide on UEFI

    perhaps someone could clarify for me the meaning on the following text on the beginners guide.
    under Gumminboot instructions it states:
    You will need to manually create a configuration file to add an entry for Arch Linux to the gummiboot manager. Create /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf and add the following contents, replacing /dev/sdaX with your root partition, usually /dev/sda2:
    followed by the command line:
    # nano /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf
    followed by the text:
    title          Arch Linux
    linux          /vmlinuz-linux
    initrd         /initramfs-linux.img
    options        root=/dev/sdaX rw
    Am I meant to write the above four lines into the menu/screen that opens?
    I suspect there may have been an earlier instances where the same 'instruction' was given but as it's not implicit .. it wasn't done.
    similarly I get the following error message on attempting to install gummiboot
    File System /boot is not a fat EFI system Partition (ESP) file system.
    Now I have windows 8 and lubuntu currently installed and they were loading prior to start of this Arch install from a Fat 32 drive labelled /boot/efi.
    I wasn't however sure (as the instruction wasn't clear in the installation guide) but was I meant to format a new efi boot or just mount the existing..
    I mounted the existing as I was assuming that the ESP is basically a list of boot loaders and I didn't want to lose the win8 just yet.
    anymore useful suggestions?
    I further suspect that this install isn't going too well....

    with respect any installation I do is only as good as the tutorial I am using. I have in the past installed moderately complex set ups only 6-12 months later unable to repeat the exercise because the same tutorial is not available. and therein lies the problem.. I like many perform installations at this depth too infrequently to retain the method and thus rely entirely on tutorials.
    However the real problem is the 'black box' the bios has become as a consequence of UEFI.. and that's down to a complete lack of documentation (not a linux issue but a PC manufacturers or a failure of to provide documentation) ... one is extremely cautious to do anything that might corrupt the UEFI and require a back to base exercise for the electric brick that might result.
    With that in mind I rebooted the PC and whilst no Arch both the win8 and lubuntu partitions and bootloaders were unaffected.. so at least I can repeat my errors to date without destroying my machine (assuming that's possible)...
    we will get there in the end and whilst it may not be the walk in the park I'd like it to be .. I will hopefully get a linux OS running that uses all the hardware available and has just the nec configuration to run the programs and local server set up I want...
    back to square one in the morning...

  • Beginners guide to PowerPivot data models

    I've been using PowerPivot for a little while now but have finally given into the fact that my lack of knowledge about data modelling is causing me all kinds of problems.
    I'm looking for recommendations on where I should start learning about data modelling for Powerpivot (and other software e.g. Tablea, Chartio etc). By data modelling I mean how I should best organise all the data that I want to analyse which is coming fomr
    multiple sources. In my case my primary sources right now are:
    Our main MySQL database
    Google Analytics Data
    Google Adwords data
    MailChimp data
    Various excels
    I have bought two books - "Dax Formulas for PowerPivot" which is great but sparse on data modelling information and "Microsoft Excel 2013 - Building Data Models with PowerPivot" which looks excellent but starts of at I believe too advanced
    a level.
    Where should a beginner with no experience of data modelling, but intermediate/advanced experience of Excel go to learn skills for PowerPivot Data modelling?
    By far the main issues is that our MySQL databases are expansive and include hundreds of tables across multiple databases and we need to be able to utilise data from all of them. I imagine that I somehow need to come up with a intermediary layer between
    the Databases and Powerpivot which extracts and flattens the main data into fewer more important tables, but would have no idea how to do this.
    Also to be clear, I am not looking at ways of modelling the MySQL database itself - our developers are happy with the database relationships etc, it just the modelling of that data within PowerPivot and how to best import that data.
    Recommendations would be absolutely brilliant, its a fantastic product but right now I'm struggling to make the most of it.

    Thanks for the recommendations, I am aware of the last two of those and
    http://www.powerpivotpro.com/ in particular has proved very useful (TechNet less so). 
    I will take a look at SQLBI in more detail but from a very casual browse it seems like this too is targeted more at experienced users. There paid courses may definitely prove useful though.
    I think what I'm getting at is that there are probably an increasing number of people like myself who have fallen into PowerPivot without a traditional background in databases and data modelling. In my case I have a small business of
    15 employees and we were using Excel and PivotTables to do some basic analysis before soon discovering that our data was too complicated and that I needed something. PowerPivot definitely seems to solve that issue and I'm having much
    better success now than I was without. I also feel quite competent with DAX and actually building tables from the PowerPivot data model.
    What I'm lacking in is the very first step of cleaning and preparing raw data for import and then importing it into Powerpivot and setting up a efficient model. I have to be honest that your links above did bring
    PowerQuery to my attention and it seems like a brilliant tool and one of the missing links. I would however still like to see a beginners guide to data import and model set-up as I don't think I've yet come across one either in book or
    online form which explains the fundamentals well.

  • Event ID 6482: Search not provisioned: There is no project Portal_Content mounted under gatherer application guid

    My search service shows this message 
    My search service shows this message:  'The search application 'Search Service Name' on server SERVERNAME is not provisioned. Confirm that the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Timer service and Central Administration service are running on the server'.
     No changes can be made.  I am able to run search queries.
    Every minute the Application Server Administration job tries and fails to provision the service and logs the event id 6482: Search not provisioned:  There is no project Portal_Content mounted under gatherer application <guid>
    I've found a few posts online that have solved this by clearing the sharepoint cache, which I've done a number of times without success.  A few others re-created search which isn't a real good solution for me since we have a lot of customizations that
    would have to be redone.
    Restoring from Central Admin backups is a possibility, but without knowing exactly what the problem is, it seems that this approach may cause further problems.
    Thoughts anyone?  Here's the full event log message
    Log Name:      Application
    Source:        Microsoft-SharePoint Products-SharePoint Server
    Date:          4/9/2015 8:00:38 PM
    Event ID:      6482
    Task Category: Shared Services
    Level:         Error
    User:          domain\account
    Computer:      SERVER.domain.com
    Application Server Administration job failed for service instance Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance (2aa54846-d503-4704-93ae-40a10a0ee56d).
    Reason: There is no project Portal_Content mounted under gatherer application b7266a5e-78cb-4a72-b63b-e7e543bf3bcc.
    Technical Support Details:
    System.InvalidOperationException: There is no project Portal_Content mounted under gatherer application b7266a5e-78cb-4a72-b63b-e7e543bf3bcc.
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance.Synchronize()
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ApplicationServerJob.ProvisionLocalSharedServiceInstances(Boolean isAdministrationServiceJob)
    Event Xml:
    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
        <Provider Name="Microsoft-SharePoint Products-SharePoint Server" Guid="{C33B4F2A-64E9-4B39-BD72-F0C2F27A619A}" />
        <TimeCreated SystemTime="2015-04-10T01:00:38.751328400Z" />
        <Correlation ActivityID="{4930FB9C-9CB7-D04C-62A0-7A17B669F3DD}" />
        <Execution ProcessID="16616" ThreadID="8460" />
        <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-3958095517-670792205-3813086739-15822" />
        <Data Name="string0">Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance</Data>
        <Data Name="string1">2aa54846-d503-4704-93ae-40a10a0ee56d</Data>
        <Data Name="string2">There is no project Portal_Content mounted under gatherer application b7266a5e-78cb-4a72-b63b-e7e543bf3bcc.</Data>
        <Data Name="string3">System.InvalidOperationException: There is no project Portal_Content mounted under gatherer application b7266a5e-78cb-4a72-b63b-e7e543bf3bcc.
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.SearchServiceInstance.Synchronize()
       at Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.ApplicationServerJob.ProvisionLocalSharedServiceInstances(Boolean isAdministrationServiceJob)</Data>

    For your issue, try to do the following:
    Go to Services, and then reset SharePoint server search  accounts (stop/start).
    Reset the crawl index (clears the index).
    Stop and then start the SharePoint Server Search  - Central Administration: stop and then restart the service.
    Reset default content access account.
    Besides,Here are similar issue post, you can use as a reference:
    One or more of these steps together may resolve the instance of this error.
    If the issue persist, Please don't hesitate to let me know.
    Best Regards,
    Lisa Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Remove the Recovery Partition from an HP Stream 14-z010nr Laptop

    I used the Recovery utility to create a recovery thumb drive.  I would like to remove the 7GB recovery partition from the 32 GB SSD on my machine.
    How do I do so?
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    A number of laptops and tablets from different manufacturers have the same problem.
    The usual reply is:
    Use an SD/microSD for the extra storage.
    The slightly better reply is:
    Install programs directly to the SD card by creating a folder on it called "Program Files" then just change the drive letter when installing.
    But some software will not allow you to install to removeable media
    The best reply is:
    1) Create a new folder on C: called "MicroSD" or similar (your choice)
    2) Right-Click on "My Computer/This PC" icon and select Manage
    3) Select Disk Management
    4) Right-Click on your SD card (usually D and select Chang Drive Letter..
    5) Click the Add... button
    6) Choose "Mount in the following empty NTFS folder" and browse for your new folder
    7) Click OK
    8) Return to C: in Windows Explorer and find your new folder, which will now appear as a shortcut
    9) Right-Click and select properties
    10) de-select "Read only" and click OK
    11) Double-click the shortcut and create a new folder "Program Files". If you are on 64 bit windows create another called ("Program Files (x86)"
    12) You should now be able to see the "Program Files" folder if you open the D drive with Windows Explorer. This proves it works!
    You can now install all and any software on your newly created folder, including all 10GB of Visual Studio 2013!

  • [Solved] UEFI + Partitioning + Bootloader = Hell

    I've installed arch twice before this one, those were like a lovely stroll in the park compared to this Clockwork Orangesque torture i've been putting myself through. This time it's different because I have a system with UEFI firmware and I cannot for the life of me sort out this beginners guide to get this thing up and running.
    As stated in the guide I verified through
    efivar -l
    that I am infact booted up through UEFI Mode.
    It later goes on to recommend that I used GPT for my setup for UEFI booting.
    It is recommended to always use GPT for UEFI boot, as some UEFI firmwares do not allow UEFI-MBR boot.
    So I follow the instructions for creating GPT Partitions: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/beginners'_guide#Using_cgdisk_to_create_GPT_partitions
    Which tells me to create just two partitions: Root and Home
    Later on in that same page however: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/beginners'_guide#Create_filesystems
    It tells me that I need to:
    For UEFI, you should format the EFI System Partition (for example /dev/sdXY) with:
    # mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/sdXY
    With very little to elaborate on this earlier in the page. Although it does mention that:
    If you have a UEFI motherboard, you will need to create an extra EFI System Partition.
    But it gives no indication how large this partition needs to be.
    I then find this:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Un … _Partition
    The EFI System Partition (also called ESP or EFISYS) is a FAT32 formatted physical partition (in the main partition table of the disk, not LVM or software raid etc.) from where the UEFI firmware launches the UEFI bootloader and application. It is a OS independent partition that acts as the storage place for the EFI bootloaders and applications which the firmware launches them. It is mandatory for UEFI boot. It should be marked as EF00 or ef00 type code in gdisk, or boot flag in case of GNU Parted (only for GPT disk). It is recommended to keep ESP size at 512 MiB although smaller/larger sizes are fine (smaller sizes provided it is higher than the minimum FAT32 FS partition size limit (as mandated by FAT32 specification from Microsoft).
    (BTW, who uses mebibytes instead of megabytes?)
    So... yeah... this was mostly a rant of sadness, after I get this thing up and running (After like 3 hours of beating my head against a wall and like 4 hours trying to get this to work) I really need to fix that friggan wiki... so that the next poor bastard that comes through, doesn't have to endure this PTSD enducing psychological torture...
    My major issue was that I was not creating an EFI Partition for the GPT. Without which the bootloader (Gummiboot) is unable to communicate with the UEFI Firmware.
    Solution - My two major mistakes were failing to create an EFI partition and using syslinux instead of gummiboot
    1. Verify that your system is booting in UEFI Mode
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Be … _UEFI_mode
    efivar -l
    If you are in UEFI Mode, your system will output a list of UEFI Variables properly, if you are not, you will receive an error.
    Continue on with the beginners guide as usual until you reach the "Using cgdisk to create GPT" portion
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Be … partitions
    2. Create partions with cgboot (This was a crux for me, I didn't include the EFI Partition)
    cgdisk /dev/sda
    Choose New (or press N) – Enter for the first sector (2048) – type in 15G – Enter for the default hex code (8300) – Enter for a blank partition name.
    Press the down arrow a couple of times to move to the larger free space area.
    Choose New (or press N) – Enter for the first sector (2048) – type in 512M – Enter for the hex code for and EFI partition (ef00) – Enter for a blank partition name.
    Choose New (or press N) – Enter for the first sector – Enter to use the rest of the drive (or you could type in the desired size; for example 30G) – Enter for the default hex code (8300) – Enter for a blank partition name.
    here's how it will look
    Part. # Size Partition Type Partition Name
    1007.0 KiB free space
    1 15.0 GiB Linux filesystem
    2 512 MiB EFI Filesystem
    3 123.45 GiB Linux filesystem
    Now continue on with the Beginners guide until you reach the boot loader partition, I used Gummiboot successfully by following the simple instructions:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Be … #Gummiboot
    Last edited by cynicalpsycho (2014-11-02 04:55:35)

    mrunion wrote:1) Since 1998
    2) First install was in January 2007.
    3) In total? 5-6 times. As a UEFI install? 2 times (including last Wednesday like I mentioned in my post).
    1. Exactly, You're an arrogant, condescending snob that's been doing this for quite some time. Congrats, you can put together a linux box... well I would certainly hope so, you've been doing it for over 15 years now. But don't forget there was a point that even you had to overcome the learning curve and just because it's simple and clear to you, doesn't mean there aren't people out here that don't have 16 years of linux centric "common sense" behind them. Your current level of expertise is a cumulative evolution of 16 years of study and exposure and that is something you should take pride in, but being an arrogant twit about it just makes you look like a douche and it epitomizes exactly what gives the linux community a bad rap.
    2. This Arch Wiki is (compared to most) massive, it's not streamlined, it has several passages that may or may not be used depending on the person, their equipment, preferences etc etc...  So forgive me if I didn't read the parts telling me to configure my keymap to a language I don't need to configure it too. It also links to other pages without giving full elaboration on why. It eventually leads you through several rabbit holes and isn't clear by any means to someone who doesn't do this on the regular.
    3. I get that Arch isn't a COTS windows solution... it does have a level of difficulty that must be overcome, and it does require research, (which I am totally all about doing, and if you'd read my post, you would see that I never asked directly for an answer, instead I was trying to offer solutions to make the wiki itself better, because there was something omitted within an example) but there is also a great community behind it, that does (or so I thought) work hard to help its user base through forums and documentation. But your previous post, was completely nonconstructive, and served no purpose other than to stroke your own overblown ego.
    Last edited by cynicalpsycho (2014-11-04 16:34:35)

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