[SOLVED] quake-like terminal in openbox?

just trying out openbox (the screenshot section convinced me ) and i like it so far.
i try to keep it fast and simple, otherwise i'd install guake or something similar.
is there any way to popup urxvt by pressing a button? i don't want to start a new instance of it, just bring it to the foreground and maybe hide it again.
Last edited by konni (2008-10-19 15:04:07)

konni wrote:
the -pe kuake is nice... tried that in gnome some time ago and it didnt work...
now i just have to rebind the key
edit: mhhm... starting it in autostart.sh works, starting via menu doesnt, x-keybinding error... well i wanted to autostart it anyway
and after editing the key in /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/kuake i'm totally happy ;D
How exactly did you get it to work?  When I run (even after changing the the /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/kuake to F1) it I get the error:
tony@arch_linux ~ $ urxvt -pe kuake
urxvt: An X Error occured, trying to continue after report.
urxvt: X Error of failed request: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied)
urxvt: Major opcode of failed request: 33
urxvt: (which is X_GrabKey)
urxvt: Serial number of failed request: 147
I'm currently using tilda for now, too, and while I like it, there are a few things that are less than ideal.
Last edited by tonyisnt (2008-10-17 19:27:15)

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    I stumbled upon a script here that should enable urxvt to be executed as a quake-like dropdown (similar to tilda). I placed both scripts as "urxvtc" and "urxvtq" in ~/.config/openbox/ per the instructions. I also have installed xdotool.
    ~/.config/openbox/urxvtc scriptlet:
    urxvtc "$@"
    if [ $? -eq 2 ]; then
    urxvtd -q -o -f
    urxvtc "$@"
    ~/.config/openbox/urxvtq scriptlet:
    wid=$(xdotool search --classname urxvtq)
    if [ -z "$wid" ]; then
    /path/to/urxvtc -name urxvtq -geometry 80x28
    wid=$(xdotool search --classname urxvtq | head -1)
    xdotool windowfocus $wid
    xdotool key Control_L+l
    if [ -z "$(xdotool search --onlyvisible --classname urxvtq 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
    xdotool windowmap $wid
    xdotool windowfocus $wid
    xdotool windowunmap $wid
    After placing these scriptlets and rebooting, I tried it out, and couldn't get anything to pop up (or couldn't understand the keybindings; and so I read further. On the wiki was a link to  Xyne's post outlining how he originally got this working. I realized that I didn't have the keybindings set, and followed his guide, editing my rc.xml accordingly.
    The keybindings are mod4+` for the tilda-like urxvt dropdown, and mod4+t for a popup urxvt terminal. Whenever I attempt to execute the terminal with either keypress combination, I receive this error: Failed to execute child process "/home/rogue/.config/openbox/urxtvq" (Permission denied)
    I can't understand why I can't execute something that is placed in my own home folder. If someone could please point me in the right direction or give me a hand with fixing this up, I'd really appreciate the assistance. Thanks!
    Edit: I also added
    urxvtd -f &
    to ~/.config/openbox/autostart as called for in this post
    Last edited by rogue (2011-10-12 13:22:22)

    rogue wrote:
    the application entry in my rc.xml is:
    <application name="urxvtq">
    <position force="yes">
    I've tried searching for how the x/y coordinates measure stuff but haven't come up with much. Is it pixel by pixel? Is it based on a one frame graph or a four frame? It seems that everytime I make a change, I must reboot, as logging out doesn't seem to do the trick. Set at 0,0 the terminal opens in the center of the screen while im on the desktop; but when I'm working in a fullscreen window and open the terminal, it appears randomly around the screen.
    Reconfiguring openbox should be enough to load the changes you've made to rc.xml. If not, restarting only X via the ctrl+alt+backspace combo will work for sure.
    About positioning the window, try changing
    and see if it makes any difference

  • [solved] White border around urxvt (Openbox / Dyne)

    Hi, dear community.
    I'm using Openbox and urxvt as console terminal. Everything is fine but white border around urxvt window is really annoying.
    Notice, there are no white border around another application window.
    ! c o l o r - s e t t i n g s
    *background: #222222
    *foreground: #EEEEEE
    ! Default
    ! 0: black
    *color0: #222222
    *color8: #222222
    ! 1: red
    *color1: #9f6767
    *color9: #9f6767
    ! 2: green
    *color2: #92ac68
    *color10: #92ac68
    ! 3: yellow
    *color3: #d0d293
    *color11: #d0d293
    ! 4: blue
    *color4: #9aacc3
    *color12: #9aacc3
    ! 5: magenta
    *color5: #bb77a4
    *color13: #bb77a4
    ! 6: cyan
    *color6: #77bbb5
    *color14: #77bbb5
    ! 7: white
    *color7: #777777
    *color15: #777777
    ! u r x v t
    urxvt*geometry: 130x45
    !URxvt*font: xft:terminus:size=8
    urxvt*internalBorder: 0
    urxvt*externalBorder: 0
    urxvt*scrollBar: false
    urxvt*scrollColor: #EEEEEE
    urxvt*scrollBar_right: true
    urxvt*scrollColor: #000000
    urxvt*externalBorder: 0
    urxvt*internalBorder: 0
    urxvt*borderless: 1
    urxvt*perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl
    urxvt.perl-ext-common: default,tabbed,matcher
    urxvt*urlLauncher: firefox
    urxvt*matcher.button: 1
    As you can see - no white color usage, and options that probably turning border off are on.
    Can someone help with it, or suggest where to search for solution?
    Last edited by kvictor (2009-10-22 07:39:15)

    skottish, thank you so much! At least I found where to search thing to fix.
    There was one problem with you solution - if you change window.client.padding lines to the zero, you will lost ability to resize terminal window. The best fix is to change this lines:
    window.active.client.color: #XXXXXX
    window.active.client.color: #XXXXXX
    and set #000000 or what would you like.
    Anyway, thanks again, you gave me a key to solution!

  • Fluxbox-like tabs in openbox via tool ?

    Hi! I am happy fluxbox user. Now I am tempted to switch to openbox, BUT I would miss tabs (=auto-grouped windows with tab ower group, like fluxbox - see http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net/features/tabs.php).
    I would like not to repeat things said elsewhere:
    - I am aware that openbox developers are not going to add tabs into openbox itself (see this topic).
    - I love fluxbox but I have my reasons to try openbox now. I have my reasons to use tabs (on notebook I use it to add tabs tp my favourite lightweight terminal, on desktop it can be used to have semi-tiling behaviour).  I don't want to start yet another "tabs - yes or not?" or "fluxbox vs. openbox" discussion.
    So my QUESTION is: is there any way to get similar functionality into openbox via some tool? I was looking  for some tool that just creates window with tab-bar and allow other applications to be run inside, creating one tab for each.

    only way I know how to do this is:
    drag each tab away from the sequence window so that all sequences are floating
    then drag the sequence tab of each in the order you want back on to the main sequence window

  • [SOLVED]Shutting down in Arch (Openbox + Fluxbox)

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    I have openbox and fluxbox installed on Arch:
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        2) Fluxbox doesnt have a care in the world...it keeps working...menus and all
    Debian has Fluxbox installed...and shutdown and reboot work as they should.
    My sudoers file has this
    inxsible ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown
    My menu file in openbox has
    sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now
    for the Reboot and
    sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now
    for the Shutdown.
    I think this is specific to Arch because the same thing works well in my Debian install.
    I do have acpid installed...so all is not lost. Its just that it pisses me off that this doesn't work for me when it does for everyone else.
    Last edited by Inxsible (2009-02-06 22:59:39)

    Ok I feel like a f*ing idiot now !!!
    I checked my sudoers again and the problem was this. After I enabled my user name to have NOPASSWD to /sbin/shutdown, I had another line in sudoers down below which was
    %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL
    That was negating the statement above. But I am still surprised how it worked 3 times before deciding not to.
    Anyway, I have now removed the username line and simply uncommented this one
    %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
    Now I dont need to worry about entering a password anywhere
    Last edited by Inxsible (2009-02-06 23:00:11)

  • A nice terminal for openbox?

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    My next step would be to look for a nice terminal program. Because I needed something right away, I installed rxvt-unicode-256colors. My question is the following:
    What is the most comfortable/lightweight terminal around that I could install, that plays nice with openbox? By this I mean for instance that copy paste would be possible between the terminal and other applications, font antialiasing, etc. Maybe this has nothing to do with the terminal, and with the proper configurations one can get everythig from rxvt, but I'd like to hear some suggestions and pointers from other people who are using openbox before I consider investing more time on rxvt.

    Chokkan wrote:
    Zeist wrote:
    sHyLoCk wrote:urxvt with Xdefaults stolen from wiki and modifying it slightly.
    +1 more
    urxvtd and urxvtc are really nice.
    Chokkan wrote:I played around with zsh a few installs ago, but now urxvt does everything I feel I need and looks great.
    Hmm? zsh is a shell, not a terminal emulator. I use zsh in urxvt

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    I've tried the suggestions here: http://crunchbang.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=24893
    Any ideas?
    Last edited by Somnus (2013-12-28 01:37:39)

    Probably the best formal way to do this is by creating a .desktop file for your Wine application and putting it in the ~/.local/share/applications directory.
    In this file you would specify a Path key to change to the .exe directory, and then the Exec key to run: wine /path/name.exe etc
    In the Openbox menu you'd then make an entry which runs a command - like xdg-open - which can launch the .desktop file.
    (My own launcher fyr can do this, for example, but there are others.)
    Using .desktop files is the "modern" way to launch applications!

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    So I've started using xterm to do stuff like text files and stuff, launching it from bin/launchterms..
    +xterm -fn 10x20 -sb -sl 1500 -vb -bg black -fg green -title terminal &+
    This is fine, as I have a Sun three-button mouse anyway, so copying and pasting not only works, but is a lot easier.
    There are a few issues, though, that I can't find how to configure. For one, I'd like to stop the visual bell from flashing the screen. The -vb switch doesn't seem to achieve this.
    Second, is there any way to get my numeric keypad to send digits, instead of control sequences?
    Third, can I stop ^d from closing the window? I often run ssh sessions into multiple servers, and if I do one ^d too much when I'm logging out, I lose my window.

    I don't have a NumLock key. It's an 'old' Mac keyboard, the white, tilted ones that they used to sell around the time of the iBook.
    Hang on.......
    Ah, yes. The little square with the cross through it. Sorted, many thanks!
    Now to check the other responses. Thanks again!

  • [SOLVED] Reverting Guake terminal tab names back to 'Terminal #'

    The new version of Guake (0.4.3) implemented 'Better Tab Titling'.  This means that instead of a new tab name being 'Terminal #' (where # is an auto incrementing integer), it instead forced the title to be equal to the VTE prompt.
    My issues were that there was no way to set a preference to switch back (as I prefer the simple tab name) and that tab names could/would take a very large amount of space (as it would put my whole username@server:/path/to/where/i/am/at).
    So   I figured out how to fix and thought I'd share in case anyone else would like to switch back:
    NOTE:  I believe python is spacing-sensitive (please correct me if I'm wrong).  All the lines (added/edited) are indented 8 spaces.
    edit /usr/bin/guake
    find: self.selected_tab = None
    after that line, add:
            # holds the number of created tabs. This counter will not be
            # reset to avoid problems of repeated tab names.
            self.tab_counter = 0
    find: def on_terminal_title_changed(self, vte, box):
    after that line add:
    find: Adding a new radio button to the tabbar
    the next line will read:
            label = box.terminal.get_window_title() or _("Terminal")
    change to:
            label = box.terminal.get_window_title() or _('Terminal %s') % self.tab_counter
    find self.tabs.pack_start(bnt, expand=False, padding=1)
    after that line add:
            self.tab_counter += 1
    After editing the file, restart Guake for the change to take effect.

    I have been using Guake for years and I think the tab bar is in the way. I disabled it a very long time ago and didn't look back.
    Here are the shortcuts that I use:
    "~" to toggle it.
    Ctrl+T for a new tab (just like in Firefox, Chromium).
    F1 and F2 for next and previous tab.
    F3 close tab.
    Basically, I don't need more than two tabs at a time; three tops, in very rare cases.
    Hope it helps.

  • (SOLVED) Closing a terminal window

    When I am through using the terminal window, I hit the X at the top right corner but get this message: There is still a process running in this terminal. Closing the terminal will kill it.
    Why do I get this? I think I have nothing running. is there a bug?
    Last edited by mcduling (2011-12-19 22:23:54)

    It is complaining because you are still running su. That's a fair warning, not a bug.
    If you don't like it, use sudo instead. It's safer anyway than leaving a terminal sitting around in su-mode for arbitrary lengths of time.
    Edit: btw, if you have run su to gain root access, and you want to close the terminal, you can get out of su by typing "exit". Then you should be able to close the terminal.
    But really, don't use su. That's just asking for trouble. Sudo is your friend.
    Last edited by /dev/zero (2011-12-19 09:59:43)

  • [SOLVED] Automatic login to TTY1, openbox error

    SOLUTION at the last post.
    I was trying to create the systemd autologin.service, to log into TTY1 right after boot.
    I have been following the instructions on the wiki:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Au … al_console
    PROBLEM: after boot, the login happens a few times with an error, flashing, and then dissapears leaving with a basic underscore " _ ". I can still use TTY2.
    If I go back to TT1, I see the following error multiple times, (maybe its a loop):
    Last login: today, etc TTY1
    Openbox-Message: Failed to open the display from the DISPLAY environment variable.
    Which is weird because I don't have openbox set to autostart or anything, I think.  (.xinitrc is basic as well; .dmrc has kde-plasma set.)
    $ systemctl --failed
    [email protected] loaded failed failed Getty on tty1
    $ systemctl status [email protected]
    [email protected] - Getty on tty1
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled)
    Active: failed (Result: start-limit) since Fri 2013-02-08 01:02:10 CET; 8min ago
    Docs: man:agetty(8)
    Process: 878 ExecStart=/sbin/agetty --noclear -a ubunchu %I 38400 linux (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Any hints on what could be it? What file should I check?
    Thanks in advance! Cheers!
    Last edited by ubunchu (2013-02-21 09:34:15)

    systemctl list-unit-files
    proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.automount static
    dev-hugepages.mount static
    dev-mqueue.mount static
    proc-fs-nfsd.mount static
    proc-sys-fs-binfmt_misc.mount static
    sys-fs-fuse-connections.mount static
    sys-kernel-config.mount static
    sys-kernel-debug.mount static
    tmp.mount static
    var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount static
    cups.path enabled
    systemd-ask-password-console.path static
    systemd-ask-password-wall.path static
    accounts-daemon.service disabled
    adb.service disabled
    atieventsd.service disabled
    [email protected] enabled
    [email protected] disabled
    avahi-daemon.service disabled
    avahi-dnsconfd.service disabled
    blkmapd.service disabled
    bluetooth.service disabled
    brltty.service disabled
    canberra-system-bootup.service disabled
    canberra-system-shutdown-reboot.service disabled
    canberra-system-shutdown.service disabled
    colord.service static
    console-getty.service disabled
    console-shell.service disabled
    cronie.service disabled
    cups-browsed.service disabled
    cups.service enabled
    cupsd.service disabled
    dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service static
    dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service static
    dbus-org.freedesktop.login1.service static
    dbus-org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.service enabled
    dbus-org.freedesktop.timedate1.service static
    dbus.service static
    debug-shell.service disabled
    dhcpcd.service disabled
    [email protected] disabled
    emergency.service static
    fancontrol.service disabled
    ftpd.service disabled
    gdm.service disabled
    [email protected] disabled
    [email protected] static
    gpm.service disabled
    healthd.service disabled
    ip6tables.service disabled
    iptables.service disabled
    irexec.service disabled
    kdm.service disabled
    krb5-kadmind.service disabled
    krb5-kdc.service disabled
    krb5-kpropd.service disabled
    [email protected] static
    lightdm.service disabled
    lirc.service disabled
    lircm.service disabled
    lm_sensors.service disabled
    lvm-on-crypt.service disabled
    lvm.service disabled
    lxdm.service disabled
    mdadm.service disabled
    mysqld.service disabled
    net-auto-wired.service disabled
    net-auto-wireless.service disabled
    net-profiles.service disabled
    netcfg.service disabled
    [email protected] disabled
    NetworkManager-wait-online.service disabled
    NetworkManager.service enabled
    nfsd.service disabled
    nmbd.service disabled
    nscd.service disabled
    polkit.service static
    [email protected] disabled
    quotaon.service static
    rescue.service static
    rpc-gssd.service disabled
    rpc-idmapd.service disabled
    rpc-mountd.service disabled
    rpc-statd.service disabled
    rpc-svcgssd.service disabled
    rpcbind.service disabled
    rsyncd.service disabled
    [email protected] static
    rtkit-daemon.service disabled
    [email protected] static
    sensord.service disabled
    [email protected] static
    smbd.service disabled
    [email protected] static
    snmpd.service disabled
    speech-dispatcherd.service disabled
    sshd.service enabled
    [email protected] static
    sshdgenkeys.service static
    svnserve.service disabled
    [email protected] static
    syslog-ng.service disabled
    systemd-ask-password-console.service static
    systemd-ask-password-wall.service static
    systemd-binfmt.service static
    systemd-fsck-root.service static
    [email protected] static
    systemd-halt.service static
    systemd-hibernate.service static
    systemd-hostnamed.service static
    systemd-hybrid-sleep.service static
    systemd-initctl.service static
    systemd-journal-flush.service static
    systemd-journal-gatewayd.service static
    systemd-journald.service static
    systemd-kexec.service static
    systemd-localed.service static
    systemd-logind.service static
    systemd-modules-load.service static
    systemd-poweroff.service static
    systemd-quotacheck.service static
    systemd-random-seed-load.service static
    systemd-random-seed-save.service static
    systemd-readahead-collect.service disabled
    systemd-readahead-done.service static
    systemd-readahead-drop.service disabled
    systemd-readahead-replay.service disabled
    systemd-reboot.service static
    systemd-remount-fs.service static
    systemd-shutdownd.service static
    systemd-suspend.service static
    systemd-sysctl.service static
    systemd-timedated.service static
    systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service static
    systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service static
    systemd-udev-settle.service static
    systemd-udev-trigger.service static
    systemd-udevd.service static
    systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service static
    systemd-update-utmp-shutdown.service static
    systemd-user-sessions.service static
    systemd-vconsole-setup.service static
    transmission.service disabled
    udisks.service disabled
    udisks2.service static
    upower.service disabled
    usbmuxd.service static
    [email protected] static
    uuidd.service static
    vncserver.service disabled
    winbindd.service disabled
    [email protected] disabled
    [email protected] disabled
    wpa_supplicant.service disabled
    [email protected] disabled
    x11vnc.service static
    xinetd.service disabled
    avahi-daemon.socket disabled
    cups.socket enabled
    dbus.socket static
    git-daemon.socket disabled
    krb5-kpropd.socket disabled
    rsyncd.socket disabled
    saned.socket disabled
    smbd.socket disabled
    sshd.socket enabled
    swat.socket disabled
    syslog.socket static
    systemd-initctl.socket static
    systemd-journal-gatewayd.socket disabled
    systemd-journald.socket static
    systemd-shutdownd.socket static
    systemd-udevd-control.socket static
    systemd-udevd-kernel.socket static
    uuidd.socket disabled
    basic.target static
    bluetooth.target static
    cryptsetup.target static
    ctrl-alt-del.target disabled
    default.target enabled
    emergency.target static
    final.target static
    getty.target static
    graphical.target disabled
    halt.target disabled
    hibernate.target static
    hybrid-sleep.target static
    kexec.target disabled
    local-fs-pre.target static
    local-fs.target static
    mail-transfer-agent.target static
    multi-user.target enabled
    network.target static
    nss-lookup.target static
    nss-user-lookup.target static
    poweroff.target disabled
    printer.target static
    reboot.target disabled
    remote-fs-pre.target static
    remote-fs.target enabled
    rescue.target disabled
    rpcbind.target static
    runlevel0.target disabled
    runlevel1.target disabled
    runlevel2.target disabled
    runlevel3.target disabled
    runlevel4.target disabled
    runlevel5.target disabled
    runlevel6.target disabled
    shutdown.target static
    sigpwr.target static
    sleep.target static
    smartcard.target static
    sockets.target static
    sound.target static
    suspend.target static
    swap.target static
    sysinit.target static
    syslog.target static
    system-update.target static
    time-sync.target static
    umount.target static
    systemd-readahead-done.timer static
    systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer static
    225 unit files listed.
    For some reason I can't disable "autologin@tty1".
    Yes, this is a vanilla arch (customised by myself).
    This is what I have done:
    cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/[email protected] /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
    -Edited the file: /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
    the line: ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --noclear %I 38400 linux
    to be like this: ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty --noclear -a ubunchu %I 38400
    sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    sudo systemctl disable getty@tty1
    sudo systemctl enable autologin@tty1
    sudo systemctl start autologin@tty1
    sudo systemctl enable multi-user.target
    -now tried disabling:
    sudo systemctl disable getty@tty1 (again)
    sudo systemctl disable autologin@tty
    sudo systemctl disable autologin@tty1
    sudo systemctl disable [email protected]
    sudo systemctl disable [email protected]
    sudo systemctl disable [email protected]
    -no output, looks like it does not disable it

  • [Solved] Set Screen Resolution in Openbox

    Is there a utility to set the screen resolution in Openbox?
    Last edited by Wintervenom (2008-09-26 07:43:03)

    You can make an Openbox submenu with various xrandr settings.
    Like so:
    <menu id="res-menu" label="Resolution">
    <separator label="Resolution"/>
    <item label="1280x1024">
    <action name="Execute">
    xrandr -s 1280x1024
    <item label="1024x768">
    <action name="Execute">
    xrandr -s 1024x768
    <item label="800x600">
    <action name="Execute">
    xrandr -s 800x600
    Of course, you need to have those modes defined in xorg.conf.
    Last edited by moljac024 (2008-09-26 00:06:37)

  • [SOLVED]Incorrect character codification in openbox dialogs

    I'm triyng standalone openbox, and have noticed dialogs do not show the correct character codification, showing, for example, weird characters instead of accent vowels. What should I check to solve this? Normal windows (firefox, pcmanfm... ) do show them correctly, but not their dialogs.
    Last edited by Daerun (2012-02-08 13:33:16)

    That was the first thing I looked up.
    locale.gen has only two uncomented entries: ca_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8  and ca_ES ISO-8859-1  wich correspond to my locale;  rc.conf is set to LOCALE="ca_ES.UTF-8", and keymap to KEYMAP="es" (just in case that's of any relevance).
    Last edited by Daerun (2012-02-05 21:08:04)

  • [SOLVED] changing keyboard layouts in openbox

    HI again !
    I'm using openbox and i want to change between gb (united kingdom) and gr (Greece) languages so i 've tried to add the following code to xorg.conf without any result :
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Keyboard0"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "XkbLayout" "gb,gr"
    Option "XkbOptions" "grp:shifts_toggle,lv3:ralt_switch"
    The language sticks to us no matter what i do .
    Can someone help me ?
    Thanks !
    Last edited by shak (2010-08-15 00:12:07)

    karol wrote:
    How about putting a space between the layouts
    Option "XkbLayout" "gb, gr"
    I've tried that with no results
    Did you disable input hotplugging?
    Section "ServerFlags"
    Option "AutoAddDevices" "False"
    The wiki says you need to disable it.
    Did that but my input devices won't work , such as the mouse
    Edit: Does it work if you change it manually:
    setxkbmap <xkb_layout>
    Yes it works fine manually . Although i wouldn't mind using this to change the language i would like the default one to be gb instead of us . How i do that?
    Last edited by shak (2010-08-14 23:53:06)

  • [SOLVED] dwm: Changing terminal background?

    Hello all,
    I'm trying out dwm and love the simplicity. I've gotten it up and running but am noticing something odd.
    - If I have an .xinitrc with "exec dwm" in it and run startx, it starts up but any terminal (ctrl+alt+enter) comes up with a white background and black font.
    - If I rename .xinitrc to something like .xinitrc2 and run startx, the terminal has a black background with a white font.
    I want the black background and white font with .xinitrc so I can show the date. I've played around with config.h but don't see anything for the terminal colors (only the 1 2 3 ... bar above).
    I'm pretty new to dwm so I might be missing something simple. Does anyone have any ideas?
    Last edited by Annorax (2013-05-07 20:35:58)

    karol wrote:
    SolarBoyMatt wrote:
    You also need
    xrdb ~/.Xresources &
    somewhere in your .xinitrc before you call exec dwm, so your xresources file applies each time you start dwm.
    This info is in the wiki and it warns against backgrounding the operation.
    Using xrdb to source your ~/.Xresources is pretty instant, so in addition to possibly causing problems, there will probably be no noticeable difference in time either.

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