[SOLVED] Question for Zsh users

i've been using Zsh for a while ( i love it ) but i got 2 problem a 1 question.
when i install something like rtorrent , when i am going to execute it i can complete the " rtorrent " command with tab , i put rtor[TAB] and it didn't show the rest or complete, this only happens with program that i recently installed ( in this sesion)
another problem is that when i use the kill program , i normaly press [Tab] to see a list of the running program, but i only see the programs that i run, there is a way to see all the programs there are in execution by all users? ( i am a kind of sistem admin )
and the question is , is reccomendable to use Zsh like the Root Shell? it can break something?  because when i used FreeBsd the encorauge the users to don't change the SHELL of the ROOT user.
ooppz , this is my .zshrc
export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history
export HISTSIZE=50000
export SAVEHIST=50000
export CFLAGS="-pipe -march=athlon64 -O2"
export CXXFLAGS="-pipe -march=athlon64 -O2"
autoload -U compinit promptinit
# This will set the default prompt to the walters theme
prompt walters
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select
# key bindings
bindkey "\e[1~" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\e[4~" end-of-line
bindkey "\e[5~" beginning-of-history
bindkey "\e[6~" end-of-history
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
bindkey "\e[2~" quoted-insert
bindkey "\e[5C" forward-word
bindkey "\eOc" emacs-forward-word
bindkey "\e[5D" backward-word
bindkey "\eOd" emacs-backward-word
bindkey "\e\e[C" forward-word
bindkey "\e\e[D" backward-word
bindkey "^H" backward-delete-word
# for rxvt
bindkey "\e[8~" end-of-line
bindkey "\e[7~" beginning-of-line
# for non RH/Debian xterm, can't hurt for RH/DEbian xterm
bindkey "\eOH" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\eOF" end-of-line
# for freebsd console
bindkey "\e[H" beginning-of-line
bindkey "\e[F" end-of-line
# completion in the middle of a line
bindkey '^i' expand-or-complete-prefix
alias ls='ls --color=auto -F'
Last edited by slacknatcher (2009-07-08 22:10:18)

slacknatcher wrote:when i install something like rtorrent , when i am going to execute it i can complete the " rtorrent " command with tab , i put rtor[TAB] and it didn't show the rest or complete, this only happens with program that i recently installed ( in this sesion)
Invoke this to regenerate the completion cache for $PATH:
slacknatcher wrote:another problem is that when i use the kill program , i normaly press [Tab] to see a list of the running program, but i only see the programs that i run, there is a way to see all the programs there are in execution by all users? ( i am a kind of sistem admin )
Try to add this to your .zshrc:
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*' command 'ps -u$USER -o pid,%cpu,tty,cputime,cmd'
slacknatcher wrote:and the question is , is reccomendable to use Zsh like the Root Shell? it can break something?  because when i used FreeBsd the encorauge the users to don't change the SHELL of the ROOT user.
I've used zsh as the root $SHELL for several years on both Arch, Debian, Gentoo, and FreeBSD. I've not encountered any issues.
Last edited by shagrat (2009-07-08 20:24:45)

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    fredrp wrote:
    1. How can I get the Transfer files that Melodyne creates to be stored with the project?
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    What you hear is in fact melodyne, not Logic in this track so you can hear edits made in Melodyne. What you do in the track is ignored so you can't copy a fragment to another position directly in the track. But if you copy the fragment in Melodyne's window then you will hear it. I hope you got what I mean
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    No I hadn't. There are 2 options to start the transfer - first is: (1) click start in Logic (2) hit 'transfer' in melodyne. The second way is (1) hit 'transfer' (2) click start in Logic. I use UAD plugins and once I found somewher in the Melodyne forum that the second way is better if you use some specific plugins. Because I use the second way for that reason it is possible that I don't have the issue you describe.
    Message was edited by: samplaire

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    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
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    # This file is part of systemd.
    # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    # (at your option) any later version.
    Description=User Manager for %I
    # This is needed for folks running Xorg on vt/1
    Conflicts=[email protected]
    # Note memory:/ required kernel memory CGroups support
    ControlGroup=%R/user/%I/shared cpu:/ memory:/
    ExecStart=-/usr/lib/systemd/systemd --user
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    Also, this will be my permanent thread for questions.
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    Well, Mikey and PQRTV or whatever really got to the heart of the reason why I placed that line in my first post:
    I got my mac system about a year ago. before I got the system, my cousin the computer genius lovingly teased me because I literally didn't know what a jump drive was. 8 months later, I gave a presentation at the apple store about filmmaking with the mac. my point?
    using the mac system as a (professional) tool does require a new thought process ( coming from the PC windows lower ****). I too look(ed) for quick fixes, but a little bit of time with FCE, DVDSP4, Compressor, etc. teaches U very quickly that things take time and patience and study. having no previous IT or computer background, it was and still is a challenge, but I get it more now.
    in general, just keep in mind that a post may be from someone who 1) might be new to the idea that You have to think a bit differently when trying to execute processes with a mac/professional system, 2) might not have a whole lot of IT experience ( mac makes it really easy to get Your arms in up to Your elbows really quickly), and 3) is after all a human being who is, when they posted, 4)most likely sleep deprived, working on a dead line and stressed at level 11.
    and Yo PD, I thought the weeding video quip was kinda funny but snide. we can at some point "philosofahzize" about what kind of hussle one sometimes has to get into to keep the rent paid while pursuing the real dream.
    And as my man Mikey pointed out ( and I'm sure PDFTV and others will agree), authoring, filmmaking, graph design, music, is all an ART FORM and CRAFT and it takes dedication and perseverence to "master" just ONE aspect, let alone those of us who write, produce, shoot, edit, author, burn, make the soundtrack for, make the poster for and finance our own projects. ( raise a fist and go "yeah" if U feel me on that!)
    so if U are a newbie, KEEP THAT IN MIND when U are about to pound Your head or the computer or both against the wall becuase it doesn't happen the first time You try.
    I exported the 1080i HD video ( 10 minutes long) from FCE 3.0.1 compression type 1080i60, current frame rate, key frames every 24 frames ( we shot with that cineframe funtion on the camera) and checked frame reordering. data rate automatic and NOT prepared for web streaming. sound: uncompressed 48kHz ( I wanted to take it into DVDSP4) I got a GREAT LOOKING but rather large (1.45 GB) QT movie . my subtitles at the bottom made in FCE looked a bit fuzzy at full screen size, but the Live Type looked GREAT. NO ARTIFACTS in any size. BUT UNFORTUNATELY, DVDSP4 agve me an "imcompatable asset" message when I tried to import it. ( and by the way, it took 2hrs and 10 min to process to QT movie)
    From FCE I exported the file to compressor 2, setting: the 90 minute best quality 16:9 MPEG 2 6.2 mbps 2 pass setting. this bad boy LOOKS GREAT and took a whopping 10 HOURS to compress. but my sound file didn't come out (?) so I exported QT movie sound only from FCE and this took 10 seconds. brought them into DVDSP4 and got myself a pretty kick a@@ looking widescreen SD video.
    oh, my DVSP4 settings? 4:3 letter box, encode on import ( although since it was already an MPEG2 it was no sweat) with 6.0 mbps min and 7.5 max.
    I'll keep in touch on other posts with more experiences. Thanks for the help!
    and with this post concider the question offically, answered!

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    as a PC user, still trying to figure out the Mac world.

    Can't help with the cloudy stuff since I don't network computers or have any iOS thingys. But, since you're a newcomer to the Mac, see these:
    Switching from Windows to Mac OS X,
    Basic Tutorials on using a Mac,
    Mac 101: Mac Essentials,
    Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts,
    Anatomy of a Mac,
    Switching to Mac Superguide, and
    Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Lion Edition.
    Additionally, *Texas Mac Man* recommends:
    Quick Assist,
    Welcome to the Switch To A Mac Guides,
    Take Control E-books, and
    A guide for switching to a Mac.

  • Questions for iMac Users

    I am considering buying an iMac, but I was hoping I could get a few questions anwered first.
    I need to be able to use Microsoft Excel. I know they have the Mac version, but I have heard mixed reviews on that version. I use it almost everyday and am a very advanced Excel user so I need the same features. Would it be better to buy the Mac version or also run Windows on the Mac and use the XP version of Office (I don't know how to do this, is it easy to set up?).
    I also have a nice notebook that I use all the time that is a PC. Another possible option would be to link to that computer and use Office from there. Is this possible?
    I would just like your input on what you think would be the best option. I need to be able to open the excel files on PC computers, but I'm pretty sure the Mac Office program allows you to do that.
    Thanks in advance for your input.

    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions. 
    Firstly please note that this is a forum for legacy iMacs (old G4 Power PC processors) so if you have any questions about the current iMac offering please post in the iMac (Early 2006) forum - where you'll get better response.
    1. I don't have the latest version of Office for Mac (which is 2004) but rather Office v.X (which was released shortly after Office for Mac 2001 came out). I also haven't personally used Excel to a very advanced level but from my experience Excel v.X is more advanced than Excel 97 and at least on a par with Excel 2k (Both of which Windows versions I use at work).
    2. Macs and PCs network very very easily nowdays. WiFi (known as Airport in Mac circles), Gigabit Ethernet, IP over Firewire are all standard on pretty much every new Mac now. Here's a guide to Networking Tiger (Mac OS 10.4) to Windows XP.
    3. I've never had any problems sharing Powerpoint, Word, or Excel file between PC and Mac. In fact I've had more trouble moving files between Office 97 and Office 2k than over to a Mac. However be aware the Mac version of Office doesn't include Access, Publisher etc and our version of Outlook is called Entourage. Microsoft has this year dropped Internet Explorer for Mac and Outlook Express was dropped some time ago after their performance didn't live up to Apple's offerings (Safari and Mail respectively).
    Of course you'll be buying an Intel Mac so you always have the insurance of going back to Windows if you really must. Boot Camp is Apple's beta offering to install Windows but there are programmes that will allow the OSes to run at the same time. The next version of Mac OS X (Leopard or 10.5) is due late this year / early next (approx the same time as Vista) and it's likely Boot Camp will be built in to Leopard.

  • Beginning Questions for FCP user

    Hi - I'm new to FCP (have used Premiere and Avid in past) and I have several questions. I have an Aja Kona 3 system with breakout box and want to know if it's possible to view HD footage captured on a Sony HD EX1 on my NTSC monitor? What should my Audio/Video setting be? I have 2 30"Apple HD cinema monitors and a Sony NTSC monitor.
    Also - Do I always want to edit in the native format that I shot footage in when it comes to HD? This is my first time working w/HD, so I'm a bit confused, as I have a project that requires me to mix HD and SD footage, but I'm used to watching SD footage on an external NTSC monitor in real time.
    Also - when worked with 24p SD footage in the past, I always had to do a 3:2 pulldown in After Effects - is this not necessary to do with HD footage now to manipulate it?
    What does anyone recommend for my sequence timeline settings in general then? thanks -

    Yes, the Kona3 can down convert HD to NTSC, those settings are controlled with the AJA control panel.
    Your video settings (typically) should match the settings of (the majority of) your captured footage settings.
    With the possible exception of HDV (in combination with the power of your computer) yes, you should typically edit in the native format of your footage when possible.
    If your using a mix of HD and SD you'd base your settings on the desired end product, HD or SD.
    You can not mix frame rates within a sequence. If you shot 24p set your sequence to 24p.
    Sequence settings, in general, should match your captured footage native settings.

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    EXE is an executable format; we can't help you with it if we don't know what kind of EXE it is. Is it called setup.exe? It's probably meant to upgrade an old copy of Windows. Even if we have the name, it's still probably too vague to know what to do with it. Contact your sysadmin or whoever and ask them what you're supposed to do it. If the instructions rely on you already having Windows installed, there's not much you can do. If your institution gives you a CD-key for Windows XP, I think you can download Windows XP from somewhere else and use that CD-key; you should be protected legally if you upload nothing. IANAL and I have my own retail copy of Windows.

  • Inspector Bug?  and question for Speed Users.

    Two Part Question
    I noticed after working with around 4 or 5 tracks containing 2 samplers and a few synths, the inspector fails to update when I press up or down to select different tracks in the arrange window. I have to click on the track name pull down arrow in the inspector to make it update to what track I have selected. Has anyone experienced this or can anyone help? I consider myself new to logic even though I have used it off and on for years. I just cant operate it as fluidly and quickly as protools, but I refuse to give up because I love making music with it.
    My next question is making the playback always snap to last play position like pro tools default behavior. I use a key command but I'd like to press space bar twice to stop playback and play from same spot again. without using cycle points or a key command. yes I'm lazy and I want 1 less button to push I'm sorry. But I have finally accepted that it operates differently than pro tools and I embrace but this one function really gets to me. I actually don't understand why this isn't default being that when you're creating music and you stop. Doesn't that mean the next thing to do is listen to what you just did? Out of curiosity why is this pause function the default, a sound for film thing?

    I have also experienced the inspector not linking or updating in response to track selection. Not alot, maybe twice since the update to L8. It's also not something I've ever discovered a reason or condition for.
    Logic will absolutely snap to last play position and behave the way you want, but having the green locator bar engaged is the key. It's not something you have to futz with, you can just keep it engaged all the time if you like, move it to a new location as needed. You can just disregard the end point, make it something arbitrarily way longer than you need, and it's just your start point.
    I'm not sure why you don't want to use the "cycle points" although I also migrated from PT and initially didn't grasp the green locator bar (or whatever it's called.) In L7 it was named and documented in such a way as to have you thinking it was for repeating or cycling things, but that's far from it's only purpose - for me it's not even a function I use. It's the start point, a way of aligning regions or notes very quickly, spotting audio to picture, defining the length of a bounce, tons of useful stuff.

  • Pro Tools convert to Logic Newbie some simple question for logic users

    Hey guys, I am a recent convert from Pro Tools! and There were just some simple questions I thought some of you may be able to help me out with. I am using Logic 9.1.1
    1) After I set up a multi timbral software instrument (in this case MOTU Symphonic Library) how do I set up midi channels to trigger the individual sounds in the instrument. (in pro tools I used to create a midi track then send an output of that track to that particular soft synth)
    2) How do I set up a and forgive my Pro Tools vocab but basically I want to set up a reverb channel on an aux track have it receive on a bus so I can send other tracks to that particular bus.
    Thanks for the insight and really looking forward to finally make use of all this ram! lol

    1) I have a nord stage and would like record via midi. In pro tools i would usually need to create a midi track with the output set the the nord and an audo aux track to hear it What would I do in order to record midi from my nord stage?
    To record, just select a non-audio track, hit record and play the keyboard. The notes will get recorded into a region.
    If you want to play it back to the Nord Stage as well, then it makes sense to set the Nord up as a MIDI device in your templates, so you can just add the Nord to a track and not worry about what MIDI ports it's on etc. Open the environment, create a New -> Instrument, called it "Nord Stage", set the MIDI port and MIDI channels it's on, and sav your template.
    Now, when you start a song, to sequence the Nord, you just assign the Nord instrument to a track (by for instance, right clicking on a track and choosing your Nord instrument from the list of environment obects that appears).
    2) The multi instrument trick is quick and easy its great but How would I do that manually?
    Lots of ways, look into your key commands, ther are all kinds of "Create track with same instrument", "Create track with next MIDI channel" and so on. There are too many ways to do this to quickly talk about here. In short, all tracks have an environment object assigned to them, whether it's an audio object, or a MIDI instrument object, and this determines where the data on the track goes.
    3) How do you set up midi so that it doen'ts overwrite notes when recording over them?
    Not sure I understand you here...

  • [SOLVED] setfacl for unknown user (modify possible, remove fails)

    When setting ACLs on a file using a non-existant user, setfacl is working as expected (ignoring that the uid is not in /etc/passwd). But when trying to remove this ACL it fails.
    # setfacl --modify="u:100000:x" /home/bla/
    # getfacl /home/bla/
    getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
    # file: home/bla/
    # owner: bla
    # group: bla
    # setfacl --remove="u:100000:x" /home/bla/
    setfacl: Option -x: Invalid argument near character 10
    The reason for these non-existant users are uid maps for lcx. So it should be a legitimate use of these uids. How to remove those ACLs without "resetting" all by using
    setfacl -b /home/bla
    Okay, Layer 8... It's simply
    setfacl --remove="u:100000" /home/bla/
    Last edited by OlafLostViking (2015-03-09 23:00:46)

    When setting ACLs on a file using a non-existant user, setfacl is working as expected (ignoring that the uid is not in /etc/passwd). But when trying to remove this ACL it fails.
    # setfacl --modify="u:100000:x" /home/bla/
    # getfacl /home/bla/
    getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
    # file: home/bla/
    # owner: bla
    # group: bla
    # setfacl --remove="u:100000:x" /home/bla/
    setfacl: Option -x: Invalid argument near character 10
    The reason for these non-existant users are uid maps for lcx. So it should be a legitimate use of these uids. How to remove those ACLs without "resetting" all by using
    setfacl -b /home/bla
    Okay, Layer 8... It's simply
    setfacl --remove="u:100000" /home/bla/
    Last edited by OlafLostViking (2015-03-09 23:00:46)

  • Questions for E6 users

    I've been using E6 since summer and came around some smaller problems (beside those already recognized by the community).
    1. I bought SanDisk 16GB class4 SDHC but it does not work in my phone. It works well in my PC and tablet. Tried several formats (in PC and in Nokia) but no success. Sometimes it is recognized, even more times not. Any clue what may be the problem?
    2. I have "Cell info display" enabled. After rebooting the phone, it shows the cell info (location, provided by the operator), but after some time, it is not there anymore. Even if I disable/enable the option again, it does not show cell info. Reboot helps.
    3. I miss "unit converter" app, that was present in (all?) previous E phones (had E51, E52, E63, E71). The GSM arena review says it can be downloaded from Ovi. That's not completely true if you don't want to pay. Any suggestion where to get a compact unit converter? Is it maybe present in Belle again?
    4. In previous E models, the "Log" contained detailed information about all connections (voice call, data transfers (wifi, network) - each connection was logged with duration, etc. Now, only general info is there. Hmmm. Again, maybe in Belle?
    In the end - does anyone have more information if  "bugs", such as keyboard backlight, notificaton light are fixed in Belle?
    Not that I compain about the phone, but it lacks some of the usability features from E71/72 model.

    For your problem #1, i have the same (maybe) San 16GB Class4 and it was really goofy for about a week, being recognized or not by the phone. It has not acted up since, but i just put a 32GB San Class10 in the N8, and i am having the same problems. Maybe Belle has to warm up to memory cards.
    For 2, i have never had that issue. Sorry.
    #3: Use Google's web app. It's better anyway.
    #4: It is still there, but the interface is slightly different. You still get all of the info from previous E's.
    #5: The notification light works, but the keypad all but blocks it out. You can see it in a dark room. Nokia care will replace it, but i have not heard many positive results for people in the U.S. Nokia Care's jurisdiction.
    The E6 seems to me to be a perfect spouse to E72. It has some new features and misses some old.
    E72-2 (071.004)
    N8-00 (111.140.1508)
    E6-00 (25.007)

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