[SOLVED] systemd + lost networking

After the last update I seem to have lost my network. Systemd complains it cannot find the network.service file.
The systemd package only contains network.target and not network.service
How can i manually start the network ( simple eth0 + dhcp).
And how can i fix my system?
Last edited by GogglesGuy (2012-07-16 14:52:17)

65kid wrote:network.service has been removed from systemd-arch-units, have a look at:
Ah I see. Thanks.

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    Last edited by sajan (2015-04-21 22:18:14)

    Head_on_a_Stick wrote:
    Please post the output of:
    systemctl status network-online.target
    Do you actually have a working connection?
    Well, I'm connected to the internet via Wifi by the time I get past my lightdm greeter.  Not sure if systemd wants something else.
    ➜ ~ ping google.com
    PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ord31s21-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=21.4 ms
    64 bytes from ord31s21-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=74.9 ms
    --- google.com ping statistics ---
    2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1000ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 21.433/48.185/74.938/26.753 ms
    ➜ ~ systemctl status network-online.target
    ● network-online.target - Network is Online
    Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/network-online.target; static; vendor preset: disabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    Docs: man:systemd.special(7)
    ➜ ~ ping google.com
    PING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ord31s21-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=19.3 ms
    64 bytes from ord31s21-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=24.4 ms
    64 bytes from ord31s21-in-f14.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=54 time=19.2 ms
    --- google.com ping statistics ---
    3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms
    rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 19.243/20.992/24.429/2.435 ms
    ➜ ~
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    [ TIME ] Timed out waiting for device sys-subsystem-net-devices-eth0.device.
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    dmesg | less
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    Description=dhcpcd on %I
    ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -q -w %I
    ExecStop=/usr/sbin/dhcpcd -x %I
    Alias=multi-user.target.wants/[email protected]
    Last edited by x-yuri (2014-12-16 10:10:49)

    old to Linux new to archLinux
    jasonwryan -thanks!
    Your post helped me figure it out why my Ethernet interface name was changed to enp0s3 and why - I like the old naming convention ethx easier for me to remember.  So went the route with custom rules in /etc/udev/rules.d 
    Here is what I used.
    SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", ATTR{address}=="08:00:27:3b:f3:cd", NAME="eth0"

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    This issue can most likely be solved by contacting the developer of the app. That information in is the information about the app in the App Store.

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    Message was edited by: jcnet

    Hi, I discovered in (Win 7 & 8 I assume) that if you go into your network adapter settings and click 'Configure' then go to the 'Power Management' menu there is an option to 'Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power'. I unchecked this and now no more crashing with the network connection lost error. Not sure it will work for everyone but might be the solution for some.

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    May 13 10:06:01 binf kernel[0]: UniNEnet::monitorLinkStatus - Link is down.
    May 13 10:06:01 binf configd[84]: AppleTalk shutdown
    May 13 10:06:01 binf configd[84]: AppleTalk shutdown complete
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    May 13 10:06:05 binf kernel[0]: in_delmulti - ignorning invalid inm (0x656e00c0)
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    Maybe a power failure and than a reboot?!
    Or after an updat of the system software and if you've edit the hostconfig file and changed the HOSTNAME=-AUTOMATIC_ to HOSTNAME=FQDN? Than the automatic lookup doesn't work as it should.

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    It doesn't happen the same when the name is wlan0.
    Here's some output
    $ systemctl status [email protected] -l
    ● [email protected] - Wireless network connectivity (wlan0)
    Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/[email protected]; enabled)
    Active: inactive (dead)
    Jun 22 16:10:19 banzi systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Wireless network connectivity (wlan0).
    $ cat /etc/conf.d/network-wireless@wlan0
    $ cat /etc/conf.d/network-wireless@wlp3s0
    $ cat /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]
    Description=Wireless network connectivity (%i)
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i up
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -B -i %i -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip addr add ${address}/${netmask} broadcast ${broadcast} dev %i
    ExecStart=/usr/bin/ip route add default via ${gateway}
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip addr flush dev %i
    ExecStop=/usr/bin/ip link set dev %i down
    What more info do you need?, what's wrong?
    Last edited by giuscri (2014-06-28 19:53:35)

    Check your journal for messages relating to wlan0 and wlp3s0.  I think you may find some kind of error message -- maybe having to do with firmware.  I've seen thing like that break predicatible device names
    If you've just one wlan interface, you could turn off predicable device names and just go with wlan0

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    Spider.007 wrote:
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Sy … containers + `man systemd-nspawn`
    -p, --port=
               If private networking is enabled, maps an IP port on the host onto
               an IP port on the container. Takes a protocol specifier (either
               "tcp" or "udp"), separated by a colon from a host port number in
               the range 1 to 65535, separated by a colon from a container port
               number in the range from 1 to 65535. The protocol specifier and its
               separating colon may be omitted, in which case "tcp" is assumed.
               The container port number and its colon may be ommitted, in which
               case the same port as the host port is implied. This option is only
               supported if private networking is used, such as --network-veth or
    which seems to say valid options are tcp:80:80, 80:80 and 80. I am under the impression --port automatically setups up the necessary routing like Docker but that doesn't seem to be the case. If private networking is enabled with
    systemd-nspawn --private-network --port 80:80 -jbM ubuntu-nginx
    then only localhost would be available inside but the port should still be forwarded to the host?
    Last edited by Name Taken (2015-05-30 14:19:48)

  • Lost Networking and other features

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    Lost Networking, Nothing on the top right, in the pane up there shows up other than finder
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    Cannot find a solution

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    all gone

  • [SOLVED] systemd dhcpcd on boot failure

    For the past month or so, my systemd service for dhcpcd has been failing to properly start on boot. However, I've noticed that this only occurs on a fresh start after a shutdown. It does not occur after a reboot.
    I do not use any sort of connection manager such as: NetworkManager, netctl, connman, etc.. I am only using dhcpcd via systemd.
    The command I've always used to create the service is:
    # systemctl enable [email protected]
    # systemctl start [email protected]
    I've found some topics related to the issue from 2-3 years back, but they don't seem to be the exact same case from what I can tell.
    Here is the output of systemctl --type=service --all: http://i.imgur.com/hqBZBoP.png
    Here is the output of ip link show when the service is running:
    1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT group default
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    2: enp4s0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
    link/ether **:**:**:**:**:** brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    Does anything seem off in my service list? This issue is really nagging at me, and I don't know enough about systemd or networking to isolate it.
    Last edited by BlueYoshi (2015-05-17 22:50:51)

    jasonwryan wrote:
    What is in the journal after it fails to start?
    Not a Sysadmin issue, moving to NC...
    Just checked, and it looks like it's starting services in a strange order. "PIA" is my service to start my VPN using the https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/priv … access-vpn package. I would think dhcpcd should be starting first?
    journalctl: https://bpaste.net/raw/28fe88297a78
    pia.service (if relevant):

  • Lost network connection HELP HELP HELP

    hi there i have big problem and i see it in first time from 5 years the problem is i upgrade to ios8 and after i complete the last step when he ask me to chosse backup i select the last one and the last one isbefor just one dayfrom the software that mean the backup from IOS7 after it i wait to restoring setting for i cloud then its appear to me massage that i lost network connection
    and i tried more than 3 wifi connection and diffrent connection and the same problems
    please help i looked in google and in internet for this problem and i didnt see any solution and apple didnt give any solution for this just say u have to connect to good network and plug the phone to ac power and i do these things and the same problems
    Last back up in 17/9/2014
    backup without problems

    is there a problem with this link of mine...hv already done half of it now....wat do u say...
    or shud i stop it and try urs....
    http://appldnld.apple.com/iPhone4/041-9618.20111012.Zxb22/iPad2,1_5.0_9A334_Rest ore.ipsw

  • Removed ip access-list & lost network connectivity

    An access-list was removed to edit and replace. Once the access-list was removed we lost network connectivity to the remote router. This list is an extensive one. But when we remove on other remote routers network connectivity remained. Can anyone tell me why? Is this a typical of access-list, and good practice is to wait until after business hours?

    No problem.
    I am sure that we have all had experiences of looking at things we have written, or questions answered, and realized that what we wrote was not quite what we were thinking as we created it.
    Your main point is well taken that it is good practice to remove the access-group before removing and changing the content of access lists.
    Sometimes I take a slightly different approach: I will build a new version of the access list using a different number (if I am changing access list 101, I may create list 102) which is the modified version of the list. I then change the access-group to reference the new version of the list. This may have a couple of advantages including the fact that the interface is always protected by some access list. Also it makes backing out changes easier if we discover that there was some flaw in our list modification.

  • How do you fix Backup Assistant Plus Lost Network

    I have a Samsung S4 Mini.  It came with Verizon's Backup Assistant Plus installed.  I believe it should backup my contacts to a Verizon server somewhere.  However, since the day I got the phones, Backup Assistant Plus fails every night with a "Lost Network Connection. Please Try Again".  It doesn't matter if it connected by WiFi or Verizon 4g data. The error will happen if the Sync Contacts is checked or un-checked.  The only options for this app are a check box for Sync Contacts and the Sync Time. There isn't any option to Remove Account, Disable, or Un-install.  I've tried Clear Data and Clear Cache.  There is some vague information on Verizon saying the Verizon Cloud replaces Backup Assistant Plus.  I enabled Verizon Cloud and it seems to backup my contacts ok.  But Backup Assistant Plus continues to attempt and fail.
    - I do not want Verizon backing up anything, How do I disable, or remove Backup Assistant Plus?
    - If I can't remove Backup Assistant Plus, How do I stop the constant Backup Assistant Plus failures?
    - If Verizon Cloud replaces Backup Assistant Plus, why is it still installed and running?
    - And the obvious question - - Why does Verizon insist on backing up my contacts whether I want to or not?

    I just had a similar problem and tried many of the steps on these Blogs. None of them worked. But I did get it working by turning on my Data. I normally keep Data off and use WiFi as much as possible so the Sync was failing and I was getting the Lost Network notice. But as soon as I turned on Data it started uploading and downloading my contacts. That was all BAP. But I could go to the Cloud and update via WiFi just fine.
    So, why did I still work to get BAP working? BAP was stuck in a loop to try and get the Backup done. Since it couldn't it tried repeatedly and I believe it is why my battery was draining more rapidly than normal. Hopefully by turning on DATA the battery may last longer. If not I need to turn BAP to manual backups only. I hope I can find out how to do that.

  • Lost network connectivity to LOM

    We lost network connectivity to the LOM interface card. Does someone know if there is any way to restart the LOM remotely? I have access to the server by ssh. Server is a SunFire X4200

    Not sure that is possible.
    Try read docs about ipmitool

  • My iPhone 5 has lost network coverage. Wifi is still ok just can't receive calls or text messages (iMessages are ok though? ). I've re set network settings but that hasn't helped.

    My iPhone 5 has lost network coverage. Wifi is still ok just can't receive calls or text messages (iMessages are ok though? ). I've re set network settings but that hasn't helped. Has anyone else come across this? Thanks!

    Hey K1978,
    Thanks for the question. I understand that you are having cellular connection issues with your iPhone 5. The following troubleshooting assistant may help to resolve this issue:
    Apple - Support - iPhone - Calls Troubleshooting Assistant
    For more in-depth troubleshooting, see the following article:
    iPhone: Troubleshooting a cellular data connection
    Follow the instructions below for assistance with troubleshooting cellular data issues on your iPhone. After performing each step, please test to see if the issue is resolved.
    1. Toggle airplane mode: Tap Settings, turn airplane mode on, wait three seconds, and then turn off again.
    2. Restart your iPhone.
    3. Ensure that your software is up to date:
              - Check for a Carrier Settings Update. Tap Settings > General > About.
              - Check for an iOS Software Update. Tap Settings > General > Software Update. Note: Some updates may require a Wi-Fi connection.
    4. Remove the SIM Card and reinsert it. Allow the iPhone to acquire the network again.
    5. If your SIM card has SIM PIN enabled, try toggling it off: Tap Settings > Phone > SIM PIN.
    6. Try another location. If a different location works, but the original location still does not, contact your carrier to report the issue.
    7. Reset network settings: Tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.
    8. Restore the iPhone as new.
    9. Contact your carrier to:
              - Verify that the iPhone is properly set up on the account with the appropriate, current data plan.
              - Verify that there are no account-related blocks.
              - Find out if there are specific error messages in the carrier logs that could help determine why the issue is occurring.
    If none of the above steps resolves the issue, contact your carrier, make an appointment at an Apple Retail Store, or contact AppleCare to troubleshoot further.
    Matt M. 

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