[SOLVED] Virtualization, win7 host and 3d acceleration?

Is it possible to get decent 3d acceleration in Arch linux out of the box (just by installing right packages)?
I tried both VMware Workstation 7.1 and VirtualBox 4.08, and i followed steps in the wiki. Glxinfo and logs show that right drivers are loaded, but glxgears run at 60fps both with 3d acceleration enabled and disabled. I know that glxgears are not a real benchmark but i don't see any real acceleration, I can't use kde 4 desktop effects or GNOME 3.
So just first tell me is it possible to get good 3d acceleration with Arch (probably is ), and if you say yes ill post some logs and we will troubleshoot this problem.
P.S. I need 3d acceleration to test graphical applications (games) i develop under win. I need to test just basic functionality...
P.P.S Google revealed that Ubuntu offers easy and fast 3d acceleration, but i really like Arch so please help . I could use dual booting if everything else fails, but it's easier in vm, and it's gonna be necessary when I start testing networking parts.
Last edited by mohjkrtoi (2011-06-14 22:47:59)

Technically you do have "acceleration" but it is all using your CPU so to a first approximation there is no change in performance. When people's GPUs were not in use glxinfo used to say "Direct rendering: No". Now it says "Direct rendering: Yes" but you have to look at the fine print that says Gallium on softpipe. The relevant message in your xorg log is:
[    34.883] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI2 capable
[    34.883] (II) AIGLX: Screen 0 is not DRI capable
[    34.984] (II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/swrast_dri.so
[    34.984] (II) GLX: Initialized DRISWRAST GL provider for screen 0
Now about VirtualBox and its supposed 3D acceleration capabilities... for some time it has been possible to use hardware directly with a low-level type of virtualization as long as the host and guest OS are the same. So maybe VirtualBox only claims that it works when you run Linux on Linux.
As for Linux on Windows, that only has a chance of working if you are using an IOMMU. AMD and Intel both have specifications for this called AMD-V and VT-d. So you need to make sure your chipset is recent enough to come with this feature (this might be helpful) and make sure it is enabled in the BIOS.
Last edited by ConnorBehan (2011-06-15 00:48:10)

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    # /boot/grub/menu.lst
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    # /dev/fd0 (fd0)
    # /dev/sda (hd0)
    # /dev/sdb2 (hd1,1)
    # /dev/sda3 (hd0,2)
    # +-------------------------------------------------+
    # | 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024
    # ----+--------------------------------------------
    # 256 | 0x301=769 0x303=771 0x305=773 0x307=775
    # 32K | 0x310=784 0x313=787 0x316=790 0x319=793
    # 64K | 0x311=785 0x314=788 0x317=791 0x31A=794
    # 16M | 0x312=786 0x315=789 0x318=792 0x31B=795
    # +-------------------------------------------------+
    # for more details and different resolutions see
    # http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#Framebuffer_Resolution
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    default 0
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    #title Arch Linux Fallback
    #root (hd1,0)
    #kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/81d7c541-9225-4b83-b07d-27f859a74363 ro
    #initrd /kernel26-fallback.img
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    title Ubuntu 11.04
    root (hd0,2)
    kernal /boot/grub/core.img root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/b8fed4ef-91dd-41d8-9f40-6cf0480cb2e6
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    title Windows 7
    rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1
    Last edited by Hazzy (2011-05-26 00:06:00)

    Wow.... I feel like a retard now. I'm posting this in Windows 7, so I'll reboot and try to fix that. x_x Thanks for catching that.
    Thank you for that! It now 'works', but by loading a second bootloader. Less than ideal, but if I remember correctly Ubuntu will list future kernel upgrades there, so this should work. But I am curious if there's a way for me to launch Ubuntu directly from the first Grub menu, and then have another option to bring me to this loader.
    Otherwise everything works and I can now move on to setting up Arch more.
    Last edited by Hazzy (2011-05-25 23:43:12)

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    3) Re-run mkinitcpio
    4) Run aticonfig --initial
    5) Run aticonfig --acpi-services=off
    6) Add nomodeset to grub
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    Aug 26 02:36:51 localhost kernel: [   13.326922] [fglrx:KCL_MEM_VM_MapRegion] *ERROR* remap_pfn_range failed
    Aug 26 02:36:51 localhost kernel: [   13.326932] [fglrx:__create_mapping] *ERROR* Can not get virtual address
    Aug 26 02:36:51 localhost kernel: [   13.326935] [fglrx:__mc_heap_map_virtual_space] *ERROR* Failed to map the virtual space
    Aug 26 02:36:51 localhost kernel: [   13.326938] [fglrx:mc_heap_map_virtual_space] *ERROR* Can not get virtual address
    Aug 26 02:36:51 localhost kernel: [   13.326940] [fglrx:MCIL_GetVirtualAddressInDescriptor] *ERROR* Can not get the virtual address
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    Aug 26 02:36:55 localhost kernel: [   16.622892] [fglrx:__create_mapping] *ERROR* Can not get virtual address
    Aug 26 02:36:55 localhost kernel: [   16.622895] [fglrx:__mc_heap_map_virtual_space] *ERROR* Failed to map the virtual space
    Aug 26 02:36:55 localhost kernel: [   16.622898] [fglrx:mc_heap_map_virtual_space] *ERROR* Can not get virtual address
    Aug 26 02:36:55 localhost kernel: [   16.622900] [fglrx:MCIL_GetVirtualAddressInDescriptor] *ERROR* Can not get the virtual address
    Aug 26 02:36:55 localhost dhcpcd[529]: wlan0: sendmsg: Cannot assign requested address
    Aug 26 02:36:56 localhost kernel: [   18.364335] [fglrx:KCL_MEM_VM_MapRegion] *ERROR* remap_pfn_range failed
    Aug 26 02:36:56 localhost kernel: [   18.364346] [fglrx:__create_mapping] *ERROR* Can not get virtual address
    AuAug 26 02:40:18 localhost /usr/sbin/crond[452]: (CRON) INFO (Syslog will be used instead of sendmail.): File o directory non esistente
    Aug 26 02:40:25 localhost dhcpcd[476]: wlan0: sendmsg: Cannot assign requested address
    I hope you can help me, because I love this distro but I can't use it with the open source driver of the ATI card (too hot) :-(
    Thanks a lot for the help and sorry for my bad english.
    Last edited by fede1587 (2012-08-30 22:15:57)

    Hi. Now I found in my Xorg.0.log the following lines:
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] DRM interface version 1.0
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] created "fglrx" driver at busid "PCI:1:0:0"
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] added 8192 byte SAREA at 0x8000
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] mapped SAREA 0x8000 to 0x7f82a04c9000
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] framebuffer handle = 0x9000
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] added 1 reserved context for kernel
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): swlDriScreenInit done
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): Kernel Module Version Information:
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0):     Name: fglrx
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0):     Version: 8.97.2
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0):     Date: Jul  4 2012
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0):     Desc: ATI FireGL DRM kernel module
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): Kernel Module version matches driver.
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): Kernel Module Build Time Information:
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0):     Build-Kernel UTS_RELEASE:        3.4.9-1-ARCH
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0):     Build-Kernel MODVERSIONS:        no
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0):     Build-Kernel __SMP__:            no
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0):     Build-Kernel PAGE_SIZE:          0x1000
    [    16.893] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] register handle = 0x0000a000
    [    16.916] (EE) fglrx(0): Not enough video memory to allocate primary surface (frame buffer).
    [    16.916] (II) fglrx(0): Shutdown CMMQS
    [    16.916] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] removed 1 reserved context for kernel
    [    16.916] (II) fglrx(0): [uki] unmapping 8192 bytes of SAREA 0x8000 at 0x7f82a04c9000
    [    16.916] (WW) fglrx(0): ***********************************************************
    [    16.916] (WW) fglrx(0): * DRI initialization failed                               *
    [    16.916] (WW) fglrx(0): * kernel module (fglrx.ko) may be missing or incompatible *
    [    16.916] (WW) fglrx(0): * 2D and 3D acceleration disabled                         *
    [    16.916] (WW) fglrx(0): ***********************************************************
    Do you have an idea of what it could be?
    Thanks a lot...

  • Error (2931) VMM is unable to complete the request. The connection to the VMM agent on the virtualization server (host.domain.local) was lost.

    kindly advice for this error when create vm from a templates, while i'm not having this issue when create the vm to another host from the same templates,
    firewall is disabled and no antivirus on the host.
    The network and the ping is very stable, and the WS-Management service is running on the host,
    Host  : windows server 2012 R2
    VMM : 2012 R2 3.2.7895.0
    VMM updated from RU2 to RU5
    Error (2931)
    VMM is unable to complete the request. The connection to the VMM agent on the virtualization server (host.domain.local) was lost.
    Unknown error (0x80338029)
    Recommended Action
    Ensure that the Windows Remote Management (WS-Management) service and the VMM agent are installed and running and that a firewall is not blocking HTTPS traffic.
    This can also happen due to DNS issues. Try and see if the server (ms-lab-01.eccsolutions.local) is reachable over the network and can be looked up in DNS. You can ping the virtualization server from VMM management server and make sure that the
    IP address returned matches the IP address locally obtained from the virtualization server.
    If the error still persists, restart the virtualization server, and then try the operation again.
    Ahmad Samir | MCSE 2003, MCSE 2012 Private Cloud | MCTS: SCOM 2007, Lync 2010, Exchange 2010.

    Ok  I will try another template,
    and the drop happen in the customization after deploying the VHDX file as my first image.
    I had this answer from partner forum. but i didn't try it yet
    Backup your VMM database and then check the
    tbl_VMM_Lock table in the
    VMM database to see if it has any locks listed, do this after stopping the System Center Virtual Machine Manager Service.
    If there are locks listed in the tbl_VMM_Lock
    table you can clear them by executing the prc_VMM_ReleaseAllLocks
    stored procedure.
    Ahmad Samir | MCSE 2003, MCSE 2012 Private Cloud | MCTS: SCOM 2007, Lync 2010, Exchange 2010, Server Virtualization.

  • Strange info in "Bypass Proxy Settings for These Hosts and Domains"

    For my Mac Mini my Network IP Address always has a self-assigned 169.254 number that I cannot change. Strangely, this same IP number is similar to info that is in the Proxies section (of Network Settings) under "Bypass Proxy Settings for These Hosts and Domains".
    No matter what I do, this info (*,local, 169.254/16) appears in my Network Settings in the Proxies section under "Bypass Proxy Settings for These Hosts and Domains". (I tried removing the info and it would cause the "Configure Proxies" selection to default to "Always Use PAC File". Had to go back and retrash all the plist files to have Proxies go back to "Configure Proxies-Manually". Still, the info (*,local, 169.254/16) continues to appear in the "Bypass Proxy Settings for These Hosts and Domains" section and my IP address is always a 169.254 number.)
    Comcast cable modem via direct hardwired Ethernet works fine with my other computer, so not the modem. Also, other computer does not have any info in the "Bypass Proxy Settings for These Hosts and Domains" section.
    Installed a fresh copy of OS X 11.5 on a new hard drive. Still the same problem.
    I posted this issue before but only got one responder and the problem still exists. Any clues? Somebody must know about this stuff. Help please.

    When your Mac wakes up, it does not yet have an IP Addresss. It wants to send a request to a Router for an apprpriste IP address to use now. But it needs to have an IP address (like a return address) to receive any messages. So, ... wait for it,
    ... it (your Mac) makes one up. There are rules that ensure it is a random address, but they always start with 169.254. It is on the same subnet with any low-order 16 bits This is the "self-assigned" range of IP Addresses. This address is only good for talking on a local network segment, for things like asking for a valid IP Address from a DHCP-enabled Router.
    In most cases, on most networks, the 169.254 self-assigned IP Address is replaced by a valid Local IP Address such as 192.168.xxx yyy or 10.0.xxx.yyy so quickly that you never even see the 169.254 Address.
    If you do see the 169.254 Address, it can be read as "Nobody will talk to me" or "Nobody will give me an IP Address". When you have this IP Address for more than an instant, you should suspect bad cables for Ethernet connections, bad signal strength or interference for wireless, Router configuration problems, or Mac configuration problems.
    Mac configuration problems are often solved by using the "Assist Me" button is System Preferences > Network  and choosing to set up again.
    Another diagnostic is to try using Network Utility and the Ping function, and Ping-ing the address of your Airport base Station, often or or similar. This will tell you if the Router is reachable, or there are cabling/wirelss signal problems.
    In this case, proxies are not an issue, and are simply a distraction from the real problems.

  • Find portal oracle database host and port

    HI ,
    We have EP 7.0 sp15 with oracle database,
    Is there a way to find the host and port of oracle database programatically

    Hello namit,
    I'm the same problem, do you solved it ?
    best regards.

  • Find portal database host and port programatically

    HI ,
    We have EP 7.0 sp15 with oracle database,
    Is there a way to find the host and port of  oracle database

    Hello namit,
    I'm the same problem, do you solved it ?
    best regards.

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    Can you check out
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  • [QEMU/KVM] Use KVM switch to switch mouse/kayboard between host and VM

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    Bus 002 Device 048: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
    Bus 002 Device 047: ID 0557:8021 ATEN International Co., Ltd CS1764A [CubiQ DVI KVMP Switch]
    Bus 002 Device 046: ID 046d:c52b Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver
    Bus 002 Device 045: ID 0557:8021 ATEN International Co., Ltd CS1764A [CubiQ DVI KVMP Switch]
    The device named "Logitech, Inc. Unifying Receiver" is the dongle for my mouse and keyboard. The first problem is that both devices (in both states of the switch they both appear) have the same device id 046d:c52b. This can be solved by telling qemu to identify the device by #bus.#device instead of the id. The problem is that after each switching the device number increases. This makes sense as for the system the switching process is as if the device was unplugged and plugged in in a different usb port. Therefore the device would probably be disconnected from the VM when it was assigned on the VM's startup (is there a way to add usb devices on the fly to a vm without typing an add_usb command in the qemu shell). Do you have any ideas what I could do?
    EDIT: Just found about QMP. Would it be possible to save an initial condition (mouse/keyboard is on host) and fetch new devices busses after switching (udev?) and switch the saved sate? If the state is now "m/k should be on the vm" one could send qemu an adequate add command.
    EDIT2: I found out that my mainboard's usb is organized using 3 usb controllers (2x2.0, 1x3.0 each with 4 ports). I want to pass one of those PCI controllers to the VM but all I get is a black screen.
    EDIT3: I tried the other usb controller and it worked. Well, kind of. I moved the mouse in a circle and made a right click. Than I was not able to use the mouse or the keyboard anymore. Should I consider buying a PCI USB2.0 controller as that might be easier to forward?
    Last edited by fkoehler (2015-04-29 23:50:07)

    This article has someinteresting information in the comments. You don't have to use a kvm switch neccessarily. I for one prefer a software solution.
    Okay, so to make things clear: I do not switch keyboard/mouse. I keep them shared between both OS, using Synergy. The host OS runs a web server, and the guest OS runs a client – they exchange mouse position information, so that at any time only one of them receives ‘clicks’. This is great for both multi- and single-monitor setups.
    Another story is that I have two video outputs connected to a single monitor, and I would like to switch between them without using the buttons on the monitor itself. For this, I use the I2C that is embedded within HDMI or DP.
    Almost all monitors support DDC, but there are scarce apps that can make us of it. There is DDCcontrol for linux, but it is completely outdated, and failed to work with my particular monitor. So I ended up getting to know the VESA DDC standard, reading the source of that tool and several similar ones, and created a simple C program (source) that works in case of my setup. Most likely it will not work elsewhere, but it should give you a nice starting point for communicating with the monitor. The fragile spots are line 41 – you may need to change the i2c bus number the the one correct for your system, and you may need to prepare other data to send to the monitor (68 and 71) if you want to switch between other outputs than I do. Refer to the standard in order to prepare them.
    As for how to change his source code to help you, I am not of much help right now as I do not know the DDC protocol. Hope that helps.
    Last edited by noctlos (2015-04-30 16:01:45)

  • Upload the sql database to host and manage it

    i have window 8.1
    sql server express 2014
    visual studio 2013 express
    i have built a database and i am ready to copy it to the host.
    not in vs or in sql.s i have found the.. connect to remote server..
    i have looked on google >> its say use the
    SQL Server Configuration Manager that is under the Client Tools Connectivity installation..
    or search your pc for "SQLServerManager11.msc" 
    but i got none!!! 
    not the SQLServerManager11.msc
    the Client Tools Connectivity
    not the SQL Server
    Configuration Manager 
    and i dont know how to upload the sql database to the host and manage it...

    thank you for replying 
    my installation where sql server express with advanced tools..
    i have to say that the normal installation didnt work for me.. using the my_downloader_installer.exe, the  akamia NetSession interface run into some error - file use by another process... and restarting the pc didnt solve the issue...
    i found an alternative way to install 
    on http://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=42299
    and download the SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe that supposed to
    be with the tools
    (but could not found the tools).. so i have tried to install the SQLManagementStudio_x86_ENU.exe
    >> only the tools...
    but i got that error
    TITLE: SQL Server 2014 Setup
    There are validation errors on this page. Click OK to close this dialog box. Review errors at the bottom of the setup page, then provide valid parameters or click Help for more information.
    and the information page lide me to no where.. >> so general info about different installation packages..
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    USE master;
    EXEC sp_helpserver ;
    USE master;
    EXEC sp_serveroption 'Y-PC\SQLEXPRESS', 'collation compatible', 'true';
    i got 
    name                network_name     status            id   collation_name                      connect_timeout query_timeout
    Y-PC\SQLEXPRESS    Y-PC\SQLEXPRESS      rpc,rpc out,collation compatible,use remote collation    0    NULL                              
                        0               0

  • Current version of integration services on Hyper V host and ugrading versions on VM's

    I am looking for where the latest version number of integration services is posted, so I may verify what it should be. I am able to query using powershell the vm's on the hosts and get a return of the current version installed. However, I seem to be
    unable to find out the current version of IS on the hosts themselves. How do I get this information?

    With all current releases of Hyper-V:
    When you patch your Hyper-V Server and reboot, the vmguest.iso is generated dynamically to match the release of the Hyper-V Server.
    This is historic and was designed to ensure compatibility of the ICs in the VM with the Services of the host.
    That said, only Hyper-V 2012 R2 can give you the 'latest' integration components, but they might not function well if VMs are moved to older versions of Hyper-V.  That is why 2012 R2 in a VM is 'not supported' on Hyper-V 2008 R2 or 2008 (for example).
    In the future Integration Components will be through Windows Update (if your Hyper-V Server is 'Windows 10" or later):
    Brian Ehlert
    Learn. Apply. Repeat.

  • Generally when creating a Word file from either a Mac or Win7 pc and opening it on two different machines (either one first) it always prompts that the file is open and will be opened as read only. However opening a CSS file does not prompt that it is alr

    Generally when creating a Word file from either a Mac or Win7 pc and opening it on two different machines (either one first) it always prompts that the file is open and will be opened as read only.
    However opening a CSS file does not prompt that it is already open on or from any machine which is causing code edits to be lost.
    What we found from out testing:
    - The file can be saved from one user to the server and WILL NOT PROMPT on other machines until the saving machine has the Dreamweaver program closed completely
    - The file can be closed and  Dreamweaver minimised to the launch bar but it still will not register on other machines that it has been changed.
    - Also, until the  Dreamweaver program is closed on the machines, it will continue to open it's saved version of the file. 
    Example Scenario:
    - User 1 opens test.css (which is 2000 lines) and adds some code to the end of the file to bring it up to 2500 lines
    - Meanwhile User 2 opens test.css as well (opens as 2000 lines as User 1’s edits have not yet been saved) and adds in code to bring it to 2300 lines
    - User 1 saves his file and closes it - but  Dreamweaver is still open.
    - User 2 also saves his file and leaves  Dreamweaver  open.
    - The server will report the size and last edit of the file the same as User 2 as he was the last person to save it (and if you open from the Win7 Machine it will show as User 2’s 2300 line version)
    - If User 1 then open's the file again (from either the 'recent' in Dreamweaver OR clicking on the file directly in Finder...which version opens.... The version that User 1 saved! Not the true version on the server, but the version that User 1 edited and saved with 2500 lines in it.
    - Same for User 2, he will open 'his' version with 2300 lines in.
    Other information:
    - Files are opened directly from the server
    - Sometimes the users will save incrementally and re-open
    - Most of the time users will save incrementally and keep the files open
    - The users will never not save incrementally and just save when closing the file once finished
    - The users are usually working on the files all day
    - It is always the bottom lines of code that are lost. It could be a case of the two versions being mixed up and cutting off the newly added lines based on the line count (possibly).
    It is as if Dreamweaver is holding a cache of the version locally and then only properly looking back to the server when it has been completely closed. It is very difficult to see how the server is causing such an impact on these files, there are very few logs which are giving any indication to the root cause of the problems.
    Anyone know if this is a known issue?
    Is there a way that there can be a featured implemented on the server that doesn't allow another user to open a file if it is already open on another machine?

    Your server file handling has nothing, and really nothing to do with Adobe software. If files don't get locked for (over-)writing and/or lose connection to the program opening them, then your server is misconfigured. It's as plain and simple and that. Anything from "known file types"/ file associations not being set correctly, MIME types being botched, crooked user privileges and file permissions, missing Mac server extensions, delayed file writing on the server, generic network timeout issues and what have you. Either way, you have written a longwinded post with no real value since you haven't bothered to provide any proper technical info, most notably about the alleged server. Either way, the only way you can "fix" it is by straightening out your server and network configuration, not some magic switch in Adobe's software.

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