[SOLVED] Where did Xscreensaver go??

Pacman -Syu prompted me to update to the latest Xscreensaver version (5.01), which I did. But now it is no longer in the System-Preferences menu. It is still a running process though.
Any ideas on how to get it back on the menu? I'd like to change my screensaver
Last edited by alphahsk (2007-10-25 07:22:30)

mrunion wrote:Also -- at least on my machine -- I have the "Lock Screen" icon added to my panel.  If you right-click that icon and select "Properties", it pops open the XScreensaver configuration window.
Thanks for that as well! I didn't know about the Lock Screen icon.

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    peart wrote:
    Hi synthead,
    Is this the problem you are having?
    peart wrote:
    Got it.  Change the last line of /usr/share/xfce4/panel-plugins/xfce4-mixer.desktop to :
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    # replaced by ip from the iproute2 package.
    # By Alexandre de Verteuil 2013-06-06.
    if ! which ip &> /dev/null; then
    echo "ip not found, is iproute2 package installed?" >&2
    exit 1
    while getopts d:bu:t: argument
    case $argument in
    ip tuntap del dev "$OPTARG" mode tap
    exit $?
    USERARG="user $OPTARG"
    #Brief, there is no verbose.
    # Memorize existing tap devices.
    before=$(ip tuntap list | cut -d: -f1 | sort)
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    # Memorize the new list of tap devices.
    after=$(ip tuntap list | cut -d: -f1 | sort)
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    But it does somehow my English security answers do not work on a Japanese Question especialy if I did not choose that question I set  up the multiple choice In English and wrote the answers in English or Roman and set them langauge preferences in English, do you really think you can correctly write english name or word in Japanese they write a police patrol car  pato caa パトカア they do not have r and l .So it is my choice to make my security easy for me and as difficult for others to hack.But they also have patororoo choo meaning ' now patrolling ' so why they have pato caa patrol car and patoro patrol and have thousands of Chinese words kanji they can find patrol.
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    You have to enter the Apple ID and password. You are running into the Activation Lock
    iCloud: Find My iPhone Activation Lock in iOS 7
    Is there a way to find my Apple ID Name if I can't remember it?
    Yes. Visit My Apple ID and click Find your Apple ID. See Finding your Apple ID if you'd like more information.
    How do I change or recover a forgotten Apple ID Password?
    If you've forgotten your Apple ID Password or want to change it, go to My Apple ID and follow the instructions. SeeChanging your Apple ID password if you'd like more information.

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    It is great that you were able to scratch your own itch and work things out for yourself.  But you need to actually post your solution to your issue.  If you ask a question it is not only for your benefit, but also for those who might be searching for the same information in the future.
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Fo … way_Street
    So where did you determing that gsettings writes to?

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    Please consider the above on urgent basis as I can't see my work mails.

    Hi hegazysource and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums!
    Are you using the BlackBerry® Internet Service or BlackBerry® Enterprise Server to receive your email on your device?
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Mini player for video podcasts? Where did it go?

    I am having problems with the newest version of iTunes (11.1.2). Before, when I wanted to relegate a video podcast to the corner of my screen where it was viewable but didn't take up all of my screen space, I would click on the small rectangular miniplayer icon and get that - a small version of the video playing in the upper left hand corner of my screen.
    Now if I double-click on a video podcast to launch it  it takes up much of the screen. Clicking on the miniplayer in that window goes to the grey rectangular miniplayer used for music, and in fact starts playing either a radio station (where did that come from?) or some other music. Not even the sound from the video podcast. Reverting back to the square shaped miniplayer with the program icon doesn't change that. There doesn't seem to be a way of playing a video podcast in a small window. The right button on top switches between full screen view and most-of-the-screen view. In older versions of iTunes that used to evoke the miniplayer, and video podcasts would shrink to a small view in the upper left hand corner of the screen.
    Is there any way to solve this problem? I often want to watch video podcasts while also doing something else and the current screen-hogging doesn’t let me do that.
    MacBook Pro 13" late 2009 running OSX 10.6.8. iTunes 11.1.2

    Well, upgrading to ITunes 11.1.3 didn't solve the problem. It helped, in the sense that now I can get the square mini player and a still image of the video podcast, and the sound from the podcast works, but the image doesn't move.
    I tried trashing the iTunes Preferences, hoping perhaps one was corrupt, but that didn't solve the problem either. I am now wondering if this is an OS glitch. While iTunes runs on OSX 10.6.8 (SL), which is what I use, it has problems, which perhaps don't appear in more recent OSs.
    Can anyone confirm that on a machine running OSX 10.6.8 he/she has iTunes 11.1.3 with the mini player successfully running video podcasts?

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    On osX 10.9.1 I click on help in Safari and nothing happens. Where did help go?

    I normally put the computer to sleep. This time, with your help, I restarted it. It now works like a charm.
    Thank you very much.
    I'm new at this. I don't know how "this helped me" got in my reply. Heck, it solved my problem. You deserve all the points they allow. Thanks again.

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