[SOLVED] Window managers and sessions

Dear all, I hope this is the right place to pose this question. If not please move it.
A while back I made the jump to using just a window manager from relatively full featured DEs. While this took some work, I am generally pleased with the result. There is however one tiny thing that has been bugging me and that thing is shutting down (session management). I took to using
systemctl shutdown
as the shutdown command. This works well, except that I have to kill at least the browsers in order for them not to greet me with a "closed unexpectedly" message. First exiting the WM and then shutting down works, but is a hassle.
So my question is this: How do I make sure that all of my processes are terminated cleanly when shutting down?
Last edited by runical (2015-01-20 10:31:55)

You may want to check out xkillall in the AUR - and you can read about a similar issue that lead to it's creation here.

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    Last edited by mjc506 (2010-12-10 00:41:01)

    Ah, thanks, that got me looking for and finding an xmonad patch that should make it not focus on onboard and cellwriter, amongst others: http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=177 Its a shame that the patch still isn't in the darcs repo, but I guess a working open office is more important that the few people using onscreen keyboards!
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    ### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
    menuentry 'Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)' --class windows --class os $menue$
            insmod part_msdos
            insmod ntfs
            set root='hd0,msdos1'
            if [ x$feature_platform_search_hint = xy ]; then
              search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root --hint-bios=hd0,msdos1 --hint$
              search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root F010D97410D941F0
            chainloader +1
    for Arch set root value is hd1,msdos1 and working fine.
    Thanks and regards.
    Last edited by commsanjay (2012-10-14 08:08:54)

    This is exactly why I have chosen to use windows MBR and syslinux
    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wi … oot-loader
    Last edited by ackt1c (2012-10-14 02:32:55)

  • [SOLVED] Window colors and the .Xdefaults file.

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    XTerm*boldFont: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:style=Bold:size=11
    XTerm*loginShell: true
    XTerm*scrollBar: false
    XTerm*eightBitInput: false
    XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
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    *foreground: green
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    XTerm*color1: red
    XTerm*color2: green
    XTerm*color3: yellow
    XTerm*color4: blue
    XTerm*color5: magenta
    XTerm*color6: cyan
    XTerm*color7: white
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    Last edited by 1311219 (2007-03-24 12:05:13)

    1311219 wrote:Thanks! now I only have to find a way to change the default colors in gtk... I suppose it's similar to xrdb(I saw something about an gtk.rc.mine file somewhere)?
    Most people use themes like those on Gnome-look. The theme syntax is human-readable, so download one you like and tweak it to use your custom colors.
    You can switch GTK themes using a program like gtk-chtheme (in community).
    btw/OffTopic: OO.org looks a bit different when it uses gtk, what does it use normally(or is it just different themes?)?
    AFAIK it uses its own custom cross-platform toolkit. Actually, it always uses the custom toolkit, but the FORCE_DESKTOP variable makes it try to copy your GTK (or QT if you set it to "kde") look. It doesn't manage 100% integration, the menubars and dialogs still look a little "off." Firefox and Thunderbird use a similar tactic, but always copy GTK.
    Last edited by skymt (2007-03-23 20:36:11)

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    Thank you
    Last edited by dysaint (2010-05-14 16:51:53)

    you could use devilspie to achieve something like that.
    Did you set the dpi?
    P.S.: You could use Openbox within your Gnome as Window Manager. It remembers Window sizes, uses sane defaults and can spawn Windows unter the mouse (among various other things).
    Last edited by demian (2010-05-14 16:15:27)

  • Desktop environments, window managers and xinit

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    Last edited by unregistered (2008-05-15 08:57:34)

    unregistered wrote:So my question would be is the twm window manager installed together with xorg when i do pacman -S xorg?
    yes, xorg-twm is in the xorg group. You can see that in the PKGBUILD which you can access via the web interface or via ABS.
    unregistered wrote:I do like the panel layout and eyecandy in kde and I'm not sure if the panel in gnome can be adjusted to the bottom or not?
    like i said ive never used gnome much before
    yes you can.
    About the stability questions, a lot depends on your hardware and your configuration.

  • Open new browser window  and session

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    The problem here is: browser is sharing session with new window. And moreover different browsers behave differently creating/sharing sessions in case of new tab, new window etc.
    Try URL rewriting instead of cookie for session management. Not sure whether this solves the problem.
    Please have a look here .

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    Hi guys
    I want to use mutt as my mail client. I've tested several others, but none fits me better. It has to be a cli application, because that's just the way I want it to be.
    The only thing I don't like about mutt is its inability to handle resizing terminals. This is something which happens all the time with tiling window managers. Let me demonstrate with screenshots.
    mutt as it's supposed to look http://www.unstucc.de/myspace/mutt-normal.png
    mutt how it looks after the screen got resized. http://www.unstucc.de/myspace/mutt-resized.png
    Hitting Ctrl+l rerenders mutt's interface, but this is really going on my nerves.
    I run mutt in urxvt, but I also tested it with xterm, comparable result (it's a little bit better in xterm, but still not perfect)
    I've been searching for this for quite a while now and I can't find ideas how to solve this.
    Any help is very appreciated.
    Last edited by Army (2011-03-31 23:55:27)

    May I see your .Xdefaults file? Maybe you have some urxvt settings I don't have. Here's mine
    URxvt.keysym.M-Escape: perl:keyboard-select:activate
    URxvt.keysym.Mod4-s: perl:keyboard-select:search
    URxvt.keysym.Mod4-c: perl:clipboard:copy
    URxvt.keysym.Mod4-v: perl:clipboard:paste
    URxvt.keysym.Mod4-C-v: perl:clipboard:paste_escaped
    I wanted to try sup, but this app never ran here, always because of some compatibility issues with Arch's ruby afair. But I could give it another try some day.
    edit: Just tried it again, the dependencies don't build ... I don't like ruby stuff!!!
    But since it seems like the problem I have might be solvable, I'd recommend to stick with mutt and solve this.
    By the way, here are the settings in my muttrc
    source /etc/Muttrc.gpg.dist
    set header_cache = "~/.mutt/cache/headers"
    set message_cachedir = "~/.mutt/cache/bodies"
    set certificate_file = "~/.mutt/certificates"
    set delete
    set sort = "threads"
    set sort_aux = "last-date-received"
    set imap_check_subscribed
    set imap_keepalive = 60
    set imap_idle
    set imap_passive="yes"
    set mail_check=5
    set mailcap_path = "~/.mutt/mailcap"
    unset copy
    unset autoedit
    set include
    set attribution = "* %n <%a> [%(%d.%m.%Y %H:%M)]:"
    set reply_regexp = "^((re([\[^-][0-9]+\]?)*|aw|antwort|antw|wg):[ \t]*)+"
    set edit_hdrs
    set beep_new = yes
    set net_inc=5
    set move
    alternative_order text/plain text/html
    set editor = 'vim -c "syntax on" -c "/^$" -c "set tw=0"'
    #set alias_file = ~/.mutt/mail_aliases
    set query_command="goobook query '%s'"
    bind editor <Tab> complete-query
    macro index,pager a |'goobook add'\n
    # bindings -- very vim-like
    bind pager q exit
    bind pager t toggle-quoted
    bind pager / search
    bind pager <up> previous-line
    bind pager <down> next-line
    bind pager k previous-line
    bind pager j next-line
    bind pager gg top
    bind pager G bottom
    bind index gg first-entry
    bind index G last-entry
    bind pager K previous-undeleted
    bind pager J next-undeleted
    bind index K previous-unread
    bind index J next-unread
    bind index,pager R group-reply
    #Attachments lila
    color attachment magenta default
    #Fehler rot
    color error red default
    #Der Header Gelb, Subject (Betreff) leuchtend, das To in weiß
    color header brightyellow default "^Subject: "
    color header white default "^To:"
    color hdrdefault yellow default
    #Der "Leuchtbalken"
    color indicator black white
    color markers brightblue default
    #Die Nachricht selbst auch bunt machen; dabei je Quotingebene eine andere Farbe --> bringt Übersicht
    color message white default
    color normal white default
    color quoted yellow default
    color quoted1 green default
    color quoted2 cyan default
    color quoted3 red default
    #die Signatur nicht so hell anzeigen
    color signature brightblack default
    #Statuszeile in blau-gelb
    color status brightyellow blue
    auto_view text/html
    set charset=utf-8
    Last edited by Army (2011-03-31 23:05:13)

  • How do I stop Firefox from claiming to have sessionrestore errors or opening the wrong session items and/or remember the wrong window size and/or position.

    Since automatically updating to version 25 Firefox is randomly opening recent tabs and windows from the browsing history, and/or randomly positioning the browser window from history.
    Currently using Firefox 25.0.1 on Windows Vista and Windows 7. Problems started immediately after automatic updates to 25.0.0. Problems are most noticeable on the Vista box because it has so much screen geography (the Windows 7 box is a laptop).
    Problems include:
    Firefox may open the correct tabs into a properly sized and positioned window, without problem. (Not a problem, included for completeness since it does, occasionally, work without error).
    Firefox open a single empty tab (about:blank, my Home page). (Listed as a problem because Firefox simply forgot the tab which was open.)
    Firefox may claim it cannot open the correct tabs and pop up about:sessionrestore. Proceeding will open all tabs (usually only one or two for me). This gives the impression Firefox did not actually have a problem. But, then, often, the tab Firefox is having problems restoring is about:blank so I should hope there was no problem!
    Firefox may open randomly selected recent browsing items, without other problems. This gives the impression that Firefox does not properly record recent history for about:sessionrestore. Checking History appears correct; Firefox simply reached back hours, or days, or even weeks, and restored a random session from long ago.
    Any of the above may occur, but the window position and/or size will be randomly selected from another recent history item. This is most noticeable when the position is on the wrong monitor and can be annoying since Firefox simply "disappears" if (as it often is for me) that other monitor is disconnected or powered off.

    If you use cleanup software like CCleaner then check the settings for the Firefox application.<br />
    Also make sure that your anti-virus software doesn't mess with files in the Firefox profile folder.
    You can check for problems with the sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak files in the Firefox profile folder that store session data.
    Delete the sessionstore.js file and possible sessionstore-##.js files with a number and sessionstore.bak in the Firefox profile folder.
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Linux: Open Directory; Mac: Show in Finder)
    Deleting sessionstore.js will cause App Tabs and Tab Groups and open and closed (undo) tabs to get lost and you will have to recreate them (make a note or bookmark them if possible).

  • Safari doesn't "Reopen All Windows From Last Session" and links from Mail

    After a crash I found myself trying to "Reopen All Windows From Last Session", then I found that if I click a link from Mail it does not open it ... as well from any other application. It's like only workin' within itself and can't interact with any other application. Plus I used a lot "Reopen All Windows From Last Session" and now it doesn't work

    Same thing just happened to me. Reinstalling Saferi did not help.

  • HT5628 When I install Windows 8 on my MacBook Pro(13-inch,Early2011),the Super DVD Drive doesn't appear in Windows 8 and installing Boot Camp 5 drivers doesn't solve my problem,what can I do?

    When I install Windows 8 on my MacBook Pro(13-inch,Early2011),the Super DVD Drive doesn't appear in Windows 8 and installing Boot Camp 5 drivers doesn't solve my problem,what can I do?

    Go into your system preferences and click the startup disk icon then select your Mac HD. 

  • I set the prefferance to show tabs and windows from last session but every time i power down my firefox or my Mac all my app tabs and windows disapear. what's wrong with my settings.

    I set my preferences to '''show all tabs and windows from last session''' and un-checked the box for '''don't load tabs until selected''' but every time I turn off fire fox and power down my Mac all my app tabs disappear.

    Make sure that you do not use Clear Recent History to clear the <i>Browsing History</i> when you close Firefox.

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    I have a 4th gen nano that is loaded with my music library via a prior addition of Windows.  I now have Windows 7 and when I access I-tunes and plug in my Ipod I get a list of my music but cannot play it.  Open to suggestions on how to solve this this problem. 

    You can not merge accounts.
    Apps are tied to the Apple ID used to download them, you can not transfer them.

  • Have an iMac Early 2008 + Windows 7 and no sound from speaker out? SOLVED!!

    Hello everyone,
    So I'm pleased to say after over a month of trying to solve this annoying problem, it's been solved! Basically, if you have an iMac, Early 2008 edition (8,1) and Windows 7 and notice that the default microsoft driver gives very low sound and the new realtek drivers only give sound through the internal speakers... then this solution is for you!
    What you'll need:
    7-zip (www.7-zip.com)
    Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard Disc 1 (NOT Snow Leopard!)
    Here's what you'll need to do, step by step:
    1) Uninstall the Realtek Driver (latest version currently 2.37) by going to Control Panel / Programs / Uninstall Programs.
    2) Reboot. Upon reboot, the system will automatically reinstall the default Microsoft drivers. You can check this in Device Manager (control panel / system / device manager).
    3) Insert the original Leopard Disc 1 that came with your iMac (very important, as this is the only driver I know for sure will work). Point windows explorer to the folder: D:\Boot Camp\Drivers (assuming d: is your cd-rom drive).
    4) Copy the "RealTekSetup.exe" file somewhere on your desktop. Do NOT install it!
    5) Decompress "RealTekSetup.exe" by right clicking the file and choosing "7-zip decompress". Again, you'll need to make sure you installed 7-zip from 7zip.com prior to doing this.
    6) Go to your Device Manager again, right click the sound device (which should be something like High Definition Audio) and choose "Update Device Software".
    7) Select "Browse my computer for driver software" and direct it to the folder that you extracted the drivers to.
    8) You now have sound through your EXTERNAL SPEAKERS!
    This works because there is a bug that RealTek/Apple does not seem to want to fix where the newer version of the RealTek control panel detects the speaker out as line in and the line in as nothing! This forces drivers normally made for Vista or Vista64 to install on Windows 7, which work 100% great.
    I promise you, if you have an Early 2008 iMac, this WILL fix your problem if you follow each step! Let me know if you have any questions!
    Brad Levicoff

    If you don't have any Leopard disk then just google for "Vista_R199.exe".
    This driver works nice on Early 2008 IMAC. I also tried an earlier version, Vista_R182.exe but there sometimes was a horrible background noise which made listening to music impossible.
    Just download and follow the instructions above in the first post.
    Have fun.
    Message was edited by: Uska

  • [SOLVED] Wireless 802.1x PEAP Windows 7 and Windows 2012 NPS and CA

    We are in progress of migrating our RADIUS (Windows 2003 R2) and Certificate (Windows 2003 R2) servers to 2012 (R2). This went fine, no problems. After that we have changed
    our Wireless controller a Cisco 5508. We have change our certificate from a 1024bits to a 2048bits certificate.
    We tested the other certificate functions and that went fine too.
    But we experience a problem with wireless 802.1x in combination with Windows 7 machines. We have Windows 8 and 8.1 machines that do not experience this problem and wireless 802.1x?
    We recreated the wireless policy but also no success.
    We have seen this problem before, with a customer who had a Windows 2008 R2 certificate server and Windows XP machines with wireless 802.1x . Exact the same problem. After
    decommissioning the Windows 2008 R2 certificate server and changed it to a Windows 2003 R2 certificate server, there where no problems any more.
    It looks like that older versions of Windows do not work with newer certificate servers?
    Do we miss something? Can someone confirm this.
    We already looked for these forum posts, but with no success
    Network Policy Server denied access to a user.
    Contact the Network Policy Server administrator for more information.
    Security ID:                            
    Account Name:          
    Account Domain:                               
    Fully Qualified Account Name: domainname\NB80W7$
    Client Machine:
    Security ID:                            
    Account Name:                                  
    Fully Qualified Account Name: -
    Called Station Identifier:                    
    Calling Station Identifier:                   
    NAS IPv4 Address:            
    NAS IPv6 Address:                 
    NAS Identifier:                       
    NAS Port-Type:                                  
    Wireless - IEEE 802.11
    NAS Port:                               
    RADIUS Client:
    Client Friendly Name:             
    Client IP Address:                         
    Authentication Details:
    Connection Request Policy Name:     
    Network Policy Name:            
    Authentication Provider:                    
    Authentication Server:                       
    Authentication Type:              
    EAP Type:                               
    Account Session Identifier:               
    Logging Results:                                
    Accounting information was written to the local log file.
    Reason Code:                        
    The connection request did not match any configured network policy.
    Network Policy Server denied access to a user.
    Contact the Network Policy Server administrator for more information.
    Security ID:                            
    Account Name:                                  
    Account Domain:                               
    Fully Qualified Account Name: domainname.local/ICT Specialisten/Username
    Client Machine:
    Security ID:                            
    Account Name:                                  
    Fully Qualified Account Name: -
    Called Station Identifier:                    
    Calling Station Identifier:                   
    NAS IPv4 Address:            
    NAS IPv6 Address:                 
    NAS Identifier:                       
    NAS Port-Type:                                  
    Wireless - IEEE 802.11
    NAS Port:                               
    RADIUS Client:
    Client Friendly Name:             
    Client IP Address:                         
    Authentication Details:
    Connection Request Policy Name:     
    Network Policy Name:            
    Authentication Provider:                    
    Authentication Server:                       
    Authentication Type:              
    EAP Type:                               
    Account Session Identifier:               
    Logging Results:                                
    Accounting information was written to the local log file.
    Reason Code:                        
    Authentication failed due to a user credentials mismatch. Either the user name provided does not map to an existing user account or the password was incorrect.

    Please confirm the Win7 clients has renew the certificate and deleted the old certificate. And confirm you are not using the default server certificate template.
    More information:
    Renew a Certificate
    NPS Server Certificate: Configure the Template and Autoenrollment
    Hope this helps.
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
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