[SOLVED] zsh prompt colors misaligns the prompt

Im using urxvt.
For some reason, using colors in zsh somewhat screws up my prompt.
In effect, the cursor ends up inside the left hand prompt (see screenhot).
Also; the right hand prompt gets indented about 5 spaces to much from the right.
This is my .zshrc:
#open tmux on startup
#[[ $TERM != "screen" ]] && tmux && exit
autoload -Uz compinit
#zstyle ':completion*' menu select
#setopt completealiases
#autoload -U promptinit
autoload -U colors && colors
function precmd () {
local battp=$(ibam --percentbattery | grep % | awk '{print $3}')
RPROMPT="[%~] [$battp]"
PROMPT="[%n@%m:]$ "
bindkey "^[[7~" beginning-of-line # Home
bindkey "^[[8~" end-of-line # End
bindkey "^[[5~" history-beginning-search-backward # PageUp
bindkey "^[[6~" history-beginning-search-forward # PageDown
bindkey "^[[2~" quoted-insert # Ins
bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char # Del
bindkey "^[[1;5C" forward-word
bindkey "\eOc" emacs-forward-word
bindkey "^[[1;5D" backward-word
bindkey "\eOd" emacs-backward-word
bindkey "^[[Z" reverse-menu-complete # Shift+Tab
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias df='df -hT'
alias cl='clear'
alias ll='ls -l'
alias la='ls -A'
alias free='free -m'
alias wcu='wicd-curses'
# The following lines were added by compinstall
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _ignored
zstyle ':completion:*' file-sort name
zstyle ':completion:*' format 'Completing %d'
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{[:lower:][:upper:]}={[:upper:][:lower:]}' 'r:|[. -]=** r:|=**'
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select=0
zstyle ':completion:*' select-prompt %SScrolling active: current selection at %p%s
zstyle ':completion:*' use-compctl false
zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/bladt/.zshrc'
autoload -Uz compinit
# End of lines added by compinstall
# Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
bindkey -e
# End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
It seems to have been messed up a little by compinit, lets pretend that didn't happen
(note that "autoload -U promptinit" and "promptinit" are commented out. This doesnt seem to change anything though)
Last edited by Bladtman242 (2012-02-17 17:59:34)

Well, yeah actually. It's the colours
Adding a color in the left-hand prompt moves the right-hand prompt to far to the left.
Adding a color to the right-hand prompt misplaces the cursor
Any suggestions?
EDIT: If I come across seeming a bit smug, it is unintended. Promise
Last edited by Bladtman242 (2012-02-15 23:18:54)

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    Not sure if this is directly relevant to your situation or not, but I encountered a very similar issue starting the other week; loading promptinit and selecting a theme would work, but setting a custom PS1= etc. through my ~/.zshrc no longer did, even though it was still being loaded. I similarly did not think to re-install the package, until I came across this thread. As part of doing so I had to remove several packages with a Zsh dependency. After re-installing Zsh, my normal PS1 etc. came back, but went away again after re-installing the other packages.
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    Last edited by livinglifeback (2013-05-02 01:52:59)

    It depends how the variables are used in your zshrc.  As a basher,  I don't remember exactly what they are called, but there are functions that are run before each command - you need to define your prompt there.  Also improper quoting will make these variables only be expanded once when the file is read rather than every time the prompt is evaluated.
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    function set_ps1()
    PS1="\n${COLOR_3}┌─[${COLOR_2}\u${COLOR_3}@${COLOR_4}\h ${COLOR_2}\w${COLOR_3}]\n${COLOR_3}└─> ${COLOR_2}"
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    _palette=$(tput colors)
    function color()
    if [ -z "$NUMBER" ]; then
    NUMBER=$[ ( $RANDOM % $_palette ) + 1 ]
    echo "number $NUMBER"
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    function colors()
    for NUMBER in $(seq 0 15); do
    printf "\e[0;38;5;${NUMBER}m%4d" $NUMBER
    echo ""
    if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    for _I in $(seq 0 5); do
    for _J in $(seq 0 5); do
    for _K in $(seq 0 5); do
    NUMBER=$((16 + $_I + 6 * $_J + 36 * $_K ))
    printf "\e[0;38;5;${NUMBER}m%4d" $NUMBER
    echo -n " "
    for _K in $(seq 0 5); do
    NUMBER=$((16 + 36 * $_I + $_J + 6 * $_K))
    printf "\e[0;38;5;${NUMBER}m%4d" $NUMBER
    echo -n " "
    for _K in $(seq 0 5); do
    NUMBER=$((16 + 6 * $_I + 36 * $_J + $_K))
    printf "\e[0;38;5;${NUMBER}m%4d" $NUMBER
    echo ""
    echo ""
    for _I in $(seq 0 5); do
    for _J in $(seq 0 5); do
    for _K in $(seq 0 5); do
    NUMBER=$((16 + 6 * $_I + $_J + 36 * $_K))
    printf "\e[0;38;5;${NUMBER}m%4d" $NUMBER
    #echo -n " $_I$_J$_K"
    echo -n " "
    echo ""
    echo ""
    for _I in $(seq 0 5); do
    for _J in $(seq 0 5); do
    for _K in $(seq 0 5); do
    NUMBER=$((16 + $_I + 36 * $_J + 6 * $_K))
    printf "\e[0;38;5;${NUMBER}m%4d" $NUMBER
    #echo -n " $_I$_J$_K"
    echo -n " "
    echo ""
    echo ""
    for _I in $(seq 0 5); do
    for _J in $(seq 0 5); do
    for _K in $(seq 0 5); do
    NUMBER=$((16 + 36 * $_I + 6 * $_J + $_K))
    printf "\e[0;38;5;${NUMBER}m%4d" $NUMBER
    #echo -n " $_I$_J$_K"
    echo -n " "
    echo ""
    echo ""
    for NUMBER in $(seq 232 255); do
    printf "\e[0;38;5;${NUMBER}m%4d" $NUMBER
    Even more recently, I've been using certain colors to provide visual cues about directory location that let me quickly scan open terminals to find the one I want, so I've written this function, which will change the PS1 prompt based on directory. Just add in cases as you need them and change the colors as you like (the colors below are just an example). You can use it synonymously with "cd".
    function ccd()
    cd $@
    case $_dir in
    color 202
    color 49
    color 190
    color 12
    Use this thread to post your own terminal color functions or variations of others that you've found here, along with feedback, discussion, etc.

    I expect this to become something of a bargain bin for terminal color functions. A bit of rummaging might turn up a few gems, but most of it will be worthless crap to most.

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    Installing Firefox on Mac:
    thank you
    Please mark "Solved" the answer that really solve the problem, to help others with a similar problem.

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    Fast response highly appreciated.

    Approach 1:
    Custom Look and Feel - Create your CLAF and change CSS Style.
    Limitation - The main limitation of the Custom Look and Feel functionality is that you can only extend Simple LAF or Base LAF, which do not include all the functionality of the Browser LAF (BLAF) or SWAN.
    Approach 2:
    You can do it programmetically as follows:
    import oracle.cabo.style.CSSStyle;
    CSSStyle customUnCss = new CSSStyle();
    customUnCss.setProperty("color", "#FF0000");
    OAMessageStyledTextBean sampleBean = (OAMessageStyledTextBean) webBean.findChildRecursive("<Id of your messageStyleText will come here>");
    if(sampleBean != null)
    sampleBean.setInlineStyle(customCss); //set custom css style
    You need to provide more details to get more appropriate solution/workaround.

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    I have a "Month" and "Year" dashboard Prompt.
    Once the user selects a particular Month and year, that particular month's end date should be defined as a presentation variable. (For example, if the user selects 'September' and 2011 then '30-sep-2011' should be the presentation variable).
    I dont want the Month End Date to be a part of the prompt.
    Please suggest.

    if you have access to metalink, there is a patch..released by oracle.
    i had this same issue and solved it by applying the patch.
    instructions are given in that patch release on how to apply that.
    just replace the DAWServer.jar file in DAC/ Folder by taking a backup of exisitng one
    thank you

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    How do I change my flash settings? I said I wanted to be prompted about flash wanting to store things on my computer but the prompts are too frequent and annoying!

    New versions of Flash have a panel installed on your system for control of settings.
    In Windows XP, Windows Start > Settings > Control Panel > Flash Player, click on each tab and change the "Ask..." setting. Most likely your prompts are coming from the "Storage" tab. Using any of the "Block..." settings may make Flash inoperative on some sites.
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
    Not related to your question, but...
    You may need to update some plug-ins. Check your plug-ins and update as necessary:
    *Plug-in check: https://www-trunk.stage.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
    *Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Shockwave%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-shockwave Installing ('''''or Updating''''') the Shockwave plugin with Firefox]
    *Adobe PDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Adobe%20Reader%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-and-updating-adobe-reader Installing/Updating Adobe Reader in Firefox]
    *Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Managing%20the%20Flash%20plugin#w_updating-flash Updating Flash in Firefox]
    *Next Generation Java Plug-in for Mozilla browsers: [https://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Using%20the%20Java%20plugin%20with%20Firefox#w_installing-or-updating-java Installing or Updating Java in Firefox]

  • Setting the Prompt Message in a Bex Report Charactorstic Filter Window.

    Hello Experts,
    Recently my project was enhanced with some more new project and mixed it with my project.
    Now my issue is before my new project was mixed into old project. We have the option..when a Charactorstics in Free Charactoristics (Ex: Customer, material ) context menu we come to see the option Select Filter Value and Filter Window opens.
    In that my old project, for the users comfortability and for knowing to users that there are more than n no of materials avaialble like that..in that filter they put one prompt message " has more than n values ".
    But after mixing up the enhanced new project, now..we are unable to see the above prompt message in Filter window..when material drill down.
    User requirement is to again users need to see that kind of prompt in the charactoristics filter window and this requirement is needed for Query Level and is for two or three reports only.
    I come to know some solution like in WAD web template under web items section Do not display system messages check box is now..Ticked. By un checking that option this issue will be solved like that. But i had tried in that manner but no use.
    And also i got one more solution that in WAD XHTML Coding section we can set this feature like that.
    Here my question is how to find XHTML Coding Section in WAD. Because i already tried to check in HTML coding section but couldnt find tha option.
    Requesting you , please reply me based on the solutions which i know can suggest further, or else if any body faced this kind of issue in your projects or come to know from ur end.

    Hi  Experts,
    Just i wanted to update one more thing..regarding this issue..
    Currently the in the prompt Maximum no of hits has set as 200.
    user is asking to have a prompt of more than 200 values in the report.

  • 大家帮帮忙呀,真是苦恼呀!The date for the prompt 'startDate' is invalid. (WIS 10706)

                   IInfoObject report = (IInfoObject) objects.get(0);
                   IWebi webi = (IWebi) report;
                   // u83B7u5F97u63D0u793Au53C2u6570
                   di = getReportEngine().openDocument(report.getID());
                   // u8BBEu7F6Eu53C2u6570
                   if (params != null)
                        Prompts prompts = di.getPrompts();
                        int promptNum = prompts.getCount();
                        for (int j = 0; j <= promptNum - 1; j++)
                             Prompt p = (Prompt) prompts.getItem(j);
                                  String temp[]=(String[])params.get(p.getName());
                                  boolean falg=false;
                                  for(int len=0;len<temp.length;len++)
                                       else if("".equals(temp[len].trim()))
                                       String formatStr=p.getInputFormat();
                                       for(int x=0;x<temp.length;x++)
                                  System.out.println(p.getName()+"u503C  "+temp[0]);
                        PromptsUtil.populateWebiPrompts(di.getPrompts(), webi);
                   // u540Eu7F00u540Du79F0
                   if (format !=EXCEL && format != PDF && format !=Webi)
                        throw new Exception(" u751Fu6210u62A5u8868u5B9Eu4F8Bu683Cu5F0F,u53EAu63A5u6536EXCEL,PDF,Webiu683Cu5F0Fu53C2u6570!");
                   ISchedulingInfo scheduleInfo = report.getSchedulingInfo();
                   if(properties!=null && !"".equals(properties))
                   // u751Fu6210u5B9Eu4F8B
    上述代码片段为BO生成实例的过程,程序不会出错。但BO报表历史记录中,提示:The date for the prompt 'startDate' is invalid. (WIS 10706)
           String formatStr=p.getInputFormat();
           for(int x=0;x<temp.length;x++)
    Edited by: pyantking on Jul 27, 2009 2:39 PM

    Hello Anh,
    With XI 3.1 some significant fixes were delivered to address issues like you describe : create a query with QaaWS Designer using date input parameters (prompts) with a given locale, then edit (with QaaWS Designer) the query under another different locale, where dates are set with a different format.
    AFAIK QaaWS queries keep the locale under which they were created, fixes were aimed at translating input parameters in the right format so errors like the one you describe should not be encountered.
    i suggest you get in touch with the SAP BusinessObjects tech support with your issue, so we will be able to investigate further in conjunction with QaaWS dev team and work out a fix, if this turns out to be a bug.
    BTW, Have you considered upgrading to a more recent Service Pack? Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP3 is now available since 2010 Q2 (no guarantee, though, that this issue would be solved with this SP)
    Hope that helps,

  • Changing Color of Command Prompt

    Does anyone know how to change the color of the command prompt using java coding? I am using cmd as my UI.
    thanks alot..

    Look for JCurses, I think it might be able to do that. Otherwise, there is nothing in Java that lets you do it. The coloring of the console is platform specific.

  • [Solved] Terminal launches pacman before giving prompt...strange

    Hi. Since about two days (I can't point on it) prompts show up with a large delay when starting any terminal-emulator (tried urxvt, lxterminal and xterm) or log in from tty.
    Between starting the terminal and the prompt showing up, there is constant access to my HDD. Top-listed process in top is pacman and it disappears, when the prompt shows up.
    This also happens directly after booting which causes X to start (from .bash_profile) in delay, too.
    My .bash_profile and .bashrc don't seem to cause it.
    Here they are:
    .bashrc: http://ix.io/zh
    .bash_profile: http://ix.io/zi
    Please ignore my ridiculous .bashrc Wanted to keep it in original state. The PS1-string was messed up while transferring. I guess this doesn't import...
    Any ideas what could cause pacman being launched?
    Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by panuh (2009-12-01 22:55:51)

    Yep, that caused it. Thanks for the fast reply!
    I didn't know there was a difference between the quotes. I'll look that up.
    EDIT: Oh, I get it. The double quotes let the dollar-sign retain its meaning, so pacman is executed. I could have figured that...
    Last edited by panuh (2009-12-01 23:01:05)

Maybe you are looking for