'Something wrong with program configuration?'

Hi, I just downloaded the latest version of Adobe Reader, and for some reason, it won't open PDF files like it should.
Every time I get the error message that simply says there is something wrong with the program's configuration and that I should try to reinstall. I have reinstalled two times now, and there is no difference.
Can anyone help me here? I don't know of any other way to view and print my PDFs.

How do you open PDF files: double-click on them, or open from Adobe Reader?
What is the *exact* error message you are getting?

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    Do any of the signals you are measuring have high output impedances (> 1 kOhm)? If so, you may be seeing cross-talk (or ghosting). Below, I have included links to a number of documents that discuss this issue and methods for eliminating it:
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    Hi McKenzieM,
    Welcome to the forum.
    I checked "Regular Show" and it looks like episodes 29 and 30 are currently available. I have sent this off to double-check this.
    Can you give me examples of what other programs are showing a few episodes so I can look into it?
    BTCare Community Manager
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    <Edited By Host>

    The "restore disk" is built into the Mac. See About Recovery.
    Need more specifics about what error messages you got while installing Adobe Flash.
    However, you can almost avoid Flash altogether by setting YouTube to play the HTML5 version instead.
    Click the Try something new! link at the bottom of the YouTube page.
    I don't know about the sound issue. Might be hardware as you think. Try other headphones to check.

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    Keeka36 wrote:
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    hey HAbrakian!
    You may want to try using the information in this article to adjust the behavior of your function keys to see if that resolves the behavior:
    Mac OS X: How to change the behavior of function keys
    Take care, and thanks for visiting the Apple Support Communities.

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                <td height="35" align="right" valign="middle">Description:</td>
                <td align="left" valign="middle"><input name="tmpPurpose" class="RptStd" size="70" maxlength="100" value="" onblur="document.ExpnDtl.Purpose.value = this.value;" onchange="ChkName(<cfoutput>#Session.CCWarn#</cfoutput>)" /><input type="hidden" name="Purpose" value="" />
                             <a href="#" id="aDesc" onclick="ShowHelp('9')" style="border:none; display:inline; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px"><img src="/images/Help_Icon.gif" height="14" width="13" border="0" /></a>
          <cfif IsDefined("form.ExpnsCntrb")>
              <tr id="CntrbErr">
                   <td colspan="2" class="Error"><cfoutput>#form.ExpnsCntrb#</cfoutput></td>
          <tr id="expnContrib">
                  <td align="left" valign="middle" height="35" class="RptStd" colspan="2">Is expenditure a contribution to a candidate, officeholder, or political committee?    <input type="radio" name="rdoCntrb" value="Y" /> Yes    <input type="radio" name="rdoCntrb" value="N" /> No</td>
          <tr id="COHInfo">
              <td colspan="2" class="RptStd" align="left" valign="middle" height="35">
                  <input type="checkbox" name="chkCand" id="chkCand" value="X" onclick="if (this.checked) document.ExpnDtl.btnCOH.disabled = false; else document.ExpnDtl.btnCOH.disabled = true;" />Direct expenditure to benefit a candidate or officeholder    
                  <input type="button" name="btnCOH" value=" Enter C/OH Information " class="RptBtn" onclick="window.open('/Testing/Test_COHBenefit.cfm?Parent=' + document.ExpnDtl.ItemID.value + '&Type=EXPN&Form=' + document.ExpnDtl.ExpnCode.value, 'CandidateInfo', 'width=730px,height=475px,scrollbars,resizable,location')" disabled /> <a href="#" id="aDirExpn" onclick="ShowHelp('11')" style="border:none; display:inline; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px"><img src="/images/Help_Icon.gif" height="14" width="13" border="0" /></a>
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    Have you tried removing the ID?  Just to see if some CSS might be using that ID with a display:none or visibility:none statement?

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