Sony VAIO Duo 13 Rolled Back from Windows 10 to Windows 8.1 (Breaks Wireless Card)

I have the subject machine (model SVD1322BPXR) and the upgrade to Win 10 was fine except for the fact that it broke the Network Wireless Card - a Broadcom 802.11abgn Wireless SDIO Adapter.  While it would make WiFi connections, the WiFi continually cycled between connected and "Limited Connectivity" approximately every 30 seconds and it didn't matter which WAP I connected to. Oddly enough, the Win 10 upgrade didn't break my Mobile Broadband Module and so it seamlessly switched to using my cellular service (T-Mobile) when the WiFi was Limited - nice except for the fact that I don't have unlimited data on that plan and I didn't notice the problem right away. I tired uninstalling/reinstalling the network adapter, switching to earlier version drivers, and disabling Defender/Firewall but it didn't repair the problem and so I'm back to Win 8.1; even that process broke as I had to refresh & reinstall hundreds of 8.1 updates.   Since the 'Get Windows 10 app' said everything was good to go, I went through the upgrade process even though the Sony advised against it.  I must learn to remember - never believe Microsoft and I'm rather unimpressed with the reduced touch funtionality that Windows 10 brings.    Anybody else using a similar model and get it to work on Win 10?   

Hi markbyrn, 
Welcome to Sony Community! 
'Get Windows 10 app' of Microsoft probably just checking the basic system requirements, regardless of the drivers and other software needed. 
What we recommend is to wait for the updated drivers and software first. Please bookmark this page since Sony will update this once the drivers are uploaded:
Best regards,
If my post answers your question, please mark it as "Accept as Solution"

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    Please be aware that programs should be reinstalled from their installers. It will install the necessary runtime files to run properly on your operating system.
    We can retrieve files from Windows.old folder:
    How to retrieve files from the Windows.old folder
    If you would like to get back to Windows 8, we cannot uninstall or restore directly.
    For preinstalled Windows 8, you can try to restore factory settings to get it back.
    Hope these could be helpful. 
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Just wanted to know views of experts.
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    •Task 1: Identify and Prepare Oracle Database for Oracle Identity Manager 11g (Optional)
    •Task 2: Use the Repository Creation Utility to Create the Schema in the Database
    •Task 3: Install Oracle Fusion Middleware
    •Task 4: Use Upgrade Assistant to Upgrade the Oracle Identity Manager Schema
    •Task 5: Create a WebLogic Domain for Oracle Identity Manager
    •Task 6: Start the WebLogic Administration Server
    •Task 7: Configure Oracle Identity Manager Server 11g
    •Task 8: Configure Node Manager to Start Managed Servers
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    2. Restoring the OIM DB schema (of version from backup.
    3. Updating back path and variables environment with old values
    4. Starting the weblogic and OIM application from old Middleware_home and OIM_HOME.
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    If you can think of any other thing please share..

    Yes your strategies seems fine. for dropping schema you can RCU as well.
    for restore, Drop all the entities manually from oim db schema So you don't have any grant issue while importing old 10g dump

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    No. You need to first erase the drive then install Mavericks. Try backing up your files (Home folder) somewhere. Boot from your Mavericks drive. From it use Disk Utility to erase your Yosemite drive. Clone the Mavericks drive to the drive you just erased. Now restore your data from the backup you made.
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    Existing thread has been closed.
    I want to say that I too hate version 29. If I wanted Chrome I'd just use Chrome. The whole reason I use Firefox is that I prefer its interface and operation. At least I used to.
    It's no use you telling me or anyone else that 'it's not like chrome' or that I might just not like the 'appearance'. It is 'like' Chrome and I don't like the appearance. The problem is also the ergonomics - I find it much easier to use tabs at the bottom, MUCH easier to use 'back" and 'fwd' buttons where they used to be, much easier to use square tabs, much better to have a forward button that is always present (even if dimmed) than a tiny thing you have to aim for like an archer, and that is sometimes there and sometimes not. It's much more difficult to find the tiny refresh button located in a place that doesn't suit me - why not have all the commonly used controls over there on the left where they are all in the one place and your poor overworked brain doesn't have to think "Oh yes I'm looking for the 'x' button so I'll look in the place that logically makes sense in the 'x' area" -- which sounds good, but it actually much harder than "I want a control, I'll head up to the top left where the controls are ... ah there it is".
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    The whole thing looks like a poorly thought out response to 'we need to update because other browsers look cooler/sexier/more curvy/something than ours, so let's update'.
    Someone at Mozilla needs to appreciate that change is irritating in itself, requires substantial input from the user, and therefore should ONLY be used when there is a compelling reason. Which there isn't.
    Gah :(

    I would not recommend downgrading Firefox. Unsupported versions are not secure. You increase risks to your System and Personal data by using insecure software. When security fixes are released and publicised that also publicises the potential exploits.
    * [[Install an older version of Firefox]]
    Try the new design, if it does not grow on you there are ways to make it more like the previous version.
    * See [[Learn more about the design of the new Firefox]] <br /> [[Common questions after updating to the new Firefox]]
    * [[How to make the new Firefox look like the old Firefox]] <br />
    '''One of the developers recently posted this explanation'''
    [ MikeDeboer] said
    Each setting you see in a computer program you use requires work; when a developer wants to build something new or improve something, he or she has to go through each related (hidden) setting and test if it still works like before and do that on each platform Firefox runs on. That's Apple's Mac OSX, various flavours of Linux and various flavours of Windows, including Windows XP. This costs time, lots of it, and that amount grows exponentially with each setting that's added. This comes on top of our work to continuously fix, improve and innovate Firefox. <br /> <br /> That's why we also removed the tabs.onTop preference. Awesome community members, who were unhappy about that change, created the Classic Theme Restorer add-on. They deserve our collective hugs.
    *'''For more linked help articles and the full quote please also see''' <br /> ''Why have you changed design in new Firefox 29.0?'' [/questions/998084#answer-566525]
    Are you having any particular problem ? We may be able to suggest a workaround.
    '''Have your say. Note Firefox 29 is to some extent work in progress.'''
    People helping here are mainly volunteers and users of Firefox like you and I. If you feel strongly about the new changes I would suggest you make a short comment and provide feedback on for the people who decided on the changes to actually see it.
    Personally one of my major gripes is that the upgrade happens without prior warning of major changes, and then we are left in a changed Firefox trying to find out what works still. <br /> Sure the new features can best be demonstrated from the new version, but some prior warning with a chance to read up about the changes would surely help.
    * As mentioned in ''Firefox 29 screw up - Please consider USERS How to fix this???'' [/questions/999831]

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    I can't get the quick WYSIWYG bar to show up.
    Not sure what that means.   Can't you switch to Live View or Design View ? See screenshot.
    In Creative Cloud desktop app, select Filters & Versions > Previous Version.
    Nancy O.

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    A *LOT* of my files have disappeared!

    If files are disappeared, and you don't have a backup, try one of the recovery tools on my FAQ*:
    And in the future never upgrade without a backup. The fact you are losing files suggests there is something else possibly damaged on your system.  What's hard to know is whether it is software or hardware.  One thing that causes files to disappear, is Spotlight's indexing not being complete.    If you are backed up, try rebuilding your Spotlight index and rebooting.  To rebuild the Spotlight index, drag your hard drive into the Privacy section of Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Privacy, and then select the minus sign below the privacy field to remove it.  Watch the Spotlight menu every several minutes to see if the indexing note is gone.  Once gone, reboot. Also if you are backed up, try repairing the directory*:
    Either method is often faster than recovering your data.

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    just installed Maverick but didn't think to check that the plug-ins that I use for work, are not ready to support so I've lost them... Question is, how do I roll back to Mountain Lion or earlier... Erasing the drive is not an option so please avoid suggesting this.
    Guessing it's time to go back to school again as this one caught me way off guard and feel a little bummed. Chances are that the plug-in that I need to continue working, will be available soon as the guys at Enfocus are pretty cool like that but still feel that an OS X should be beta'd to such providers so as to allow them to have an upgrade to their products in the wings... Would be a much better world in my opinion... First time this has happened  by the way and has left me answering the question as to what the **** is going on with Apple these days... Seems to me that it's only a matter of time before Apple become the thing that I hate most of all... The equivalent of a bad PC!
    Cheers in advance by the way.
    Brian (huhhuh77)

    Thanks Carolyn
    Looks like it's going to be a long winded affair and probably best left for the weekend. Still kicking myself for upgrading... Just love free stuff and hit the go button. My plug in provider won't have anything in the way of a compatible application until at least January so I'll have to take the plunge.
    Wish me luck!

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    If a Mac ships with a new OS shortly after its release, it is sometimes possible for it to boot with the previous OS; however, if the Mac has new hardware, it likely has a special build of the new OS to take advantage of the new hardware and it will not boot with the older OS.
    Sorry I cannot provide specifics. You'll have to find someone who has done it (or tried).

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    Thanks Mark,
    We are running into problems accessing the Citrix Access Gateway 9.3 with IE 11 on Windows 8.1, running into the same problem you listed, the site loads but the login boxes aren't displayed. We are also receiving an error on our SharePoint site when using
    IE11 as well (Attached). It appears however it's not specific to the version of CAG:
    The problem with CV is it only goes to the domain level, we have several sub domains we don't want presenting in compatibility view. This was mitigated in the past, with rolling users to a previous version of IE, until we could upgrade our internal
    Mike T.

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    2014.0.1 destroys my ability to upload large files to YouTube which I need to be able to do. The functionality was fine before the new .01 which went online Thursday 7/25.
    Tech Support advised me to uninstall then stop the re-install at 90%. All that did was cancel my re-install.
    I can't believe they broke the YouTube upload as regards large files (greater than 1 hour, it seems). Someone PLEASE try to get back and answer this. I'm dead in the water on an important project. Thanks...

    No, YouTube doesn't reject it BUT it complains bitterly that the file is not a streaming file and then it won't process it properly. An example is here: Ridgewood, NJ GONDOLIERS Act 1, Connelly Theater May 18, 2014 - YouTube
    The video was uploaded using essentially the protocol but with the bit rate reduced to 8Mbps. 16 makes files of RIDICULOUS size (exactly DOUBLE) and contrary to the claims on the page describing the 2014.0.1 upgrade 8 Mbps is recommended unless you have an "enterprise-quality" connection.
    I used the word "protocol" to identify the preset where PPro/AME purports to export, say, "YouTube 1080p". My assumption out of the box was that the engineers knew what they were doing. I now believe they didn't test thoroughly before foisting this off on an unsuspecting public.
    Here's how I reached my conclusions. That GONDOLIERS (both acts) is a 2 hour 15 minute show. On July 4 I uploaded the full show to YouTube and one of the performers complained about the use of his name. We immediately pulled the video "private" and I agreed to wait a week or so and then re-upload. Note that the original uploaded fine and displays fine. The link I offered you goes to a video that I predict will never display at full resolution; at current time it is displaying at 360p although uploaded in a beautiful 1080p. I had originally uploaded the larger file at 16GB. YouTube complained that the format wasn't streaming, so I ran it through "MP4 FastStart" which usually cures that, but in this case it didn't. Further testing reveals that the MOOV Atom is going in the right place but I suspect it's not being written correctly on larger files, and that YouTube is having considerable trouble as a result. I then re-uploaded it to YouTube which complained, again, but ingested it...but it didn't create thumbnails (the black&white out-of-focus icon they display until processing is completed, was what came). After several hours (like Act 1 above) it hadn't gone above 360p. The original 8GB file created with 2014.0 I had to reset the MOOV Atom using MP4 FastStart but once I did that it worked perfectly.
    An early troubleshooting test when I realized there was a problem was to take a 1 1/2 minute excerpt which processed perfectly. No demand to use a streaming format; no problem processing or displaying. The problem comes with files of significant size; 2 hours 15, 1 hour 15. 52 minutes worked okay.
    This has NOT been a good weekend. As you read above I had managed to get the older versions of PPro and AME back on my machine. This causes other craziness (the YT full upload is going to take more than 15 hours; due to ANOTHER bug - I think squashed in the newer version - if the CC 2014 file has TITLES from the older CC version, it somehow interferes with processing. My fancy i7-4770K isn't breaking a sweat while this is happening. Usually I'm running at 99% CPU capacity and right now its about 18%. Normally if I see such a throttle-back I assume perhaps a cooling problem but I have none. It's just running beastly slow. I HATE having to work this way...and it doesn't help that it's on a weekend so I can't even get tech involved until Monday.

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