Sorry, wrong forum but....excel anyone?

Sorry this is the wrong forum but i was wondering if anyone knew how to stop the autocorrect thing in Microsoft Excel for Mac, every time i try to type 22.5 it changes it to 25 - Jan
Thanks, G

I sounds like you have formated the cell to an automatic date format.
Select the cell, choose Format->Cells, select the Numbers tab and select "General" under Category. Click OK.
That should do it.

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    pwillener wrote:
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    Or, you can go to System Preferences > Displays.

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    Message was edited by: Andrew Davies

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    Mac Pro with 10.5
    Windows 2003 Server environment

    The problem that you are having with the file servers access is the very reason you would want to setup active directory integration. The users will use Single-sign-on to access the servers and will login to the Mac Pro's using their AD credentials this will prevent you from storing the credentials in a keychain as well as provided transparent access to resources.
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    Just to you want it to record movement? If not paprazzi is great for stills and getting a website (since the pages can be long).
    The movie types I think cost but someone else may know. I recently used such an app called ishowu for a pretty reasonable cost of 20 dollars. I can say it is very good. Don't know the quality of the following:
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    (Narri, Narro)
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    Start/Devices and Printers/ Right click on your printer, select Printing Preferences.  There you will find what you need.
    Say thanks by clicking the Kudos Thumbs Up to the right in the post.
    If my post resolved your problem, please mark it as an Accepted Solution ...
    I worked for HP but now I'm retired!

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