Sound disabled on mac pro? input and output

I bought my Mac Pro less that 1 year ago.
The sound seems to be disabled. I cannot hear and I cannot be heard. When pushing the relevant buttons to increase or decrease the sound, the screen displays the sound but nothing happens.
Could you please advise?
Many thanks!

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If you're having issues with Windows through Boot Camp I suggest you post your question over in the Boot Camp forums:

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    Did you recieve the install disk(s) when you purchase the machine? I would try doing a back up of your data then a fresh install of the OS. Insert the disk into the mac then click restart and hold the c key, ten follow the prompts.
    If you wish to take this route, I would try the 10.6.8 combo update first (it should be fine to run it again), then if you wish you may try the 10.6.7 update. Altough I would just do a OS X reinstall and then run software update till you bring it up to date. On disk 2 there should be the AHT (Apple Hardware Test) that you can run by booting the disk holding the D key to check for a hardware fault.
    You may also make a Genius bar appointment for a free evaluation, they have more extensive diagnosis tools and would then tell you what your otions would be. (hey it's free)
    Genius Bar appointment
    10.6.8 Combo update
    10.6.7 Combo Update:
    All the Best

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    I think there is much confusion here!
    In summary, you wont be able to control the recording level of S/PDIF.
    The reason is that you don't want to!
    You need to think of the SPDIF connection as being more like a file transfer method. You are copying the digital data at an output to your harddrive in effect. If I send you an MP3 via email you'd never imagine that your email software is capable of changing the gain of the MP3 I send you. This might sound daft but its a useful analogy. If you need to increase the "volume" of that MP3 then you'd need to ask the sender. Its the same with your set-up.
    There could well be somewhere on your synth that adjusts the instruments level, other than the master (analogue) output control. For example, make sure the midi volume of the intrument being played is set to full - ie midi vol 128. Perhaps there is somesort of virtual mixer onboard to control all the muti-timbral parts so make sure your part has its virtual fader turned up.
    This is what (basically) is going on in the chain...
    Your synth creates sound in its "digital brain". This sound is sent to an "output stage" which will distribute the sound to various outputs. In the case of the S/PDIF it will just send the raw digital data untouched. For the analogue side the digital signal (same as the one sent to S/PDIF) will be converted to analogue and then sent to a amplifier to get it to an appropriate "line level". This final level could well be controlled by an anogue volume control which could be adding more gain (than you think) too.
    When things go to your sound card/ daw...
    The purpose of a analogue gain control is to set the i/p signal so that it suitably loud to beat any noise that exists in your input circuits - so that a good signal to noise ratio is achieved. Analogue signals need to work in the right loudness zone (so to speak) as the analogue electronics will be designed to handle signal levels of a particular range. the gain control is there to make sure the signal is in that range.
    Digital signals are far more predictable though and there is no advantage to your recordings if the incoming digital signal gets an increase of level at the input stage. All you are doing here is effectively adding a few zeros to the binary digital data!
    Lets face it the point of recording is to get a copy of the original sound, that is as similar to the original as possible. With S/PDIF you get a perfect copy of what's coming out of your synth - so job's a good un!
    If, when you come to mix in logic, you find the level of the digital recording is indeed too low for mixing/mastering purposes then just boost it in logic via a fader or via the gain plugin.
    Those referrence values of -10dBV and +4dBu refer to analogue voltage levels only. they have nothing to do with the digital domain. The -10/+4 switch will be only relevant to analogue inputs and outputs. Using an analogue VU meter you should find that a sine wave that peaks at 0dBVU (totally different to 0dBFS BTW) is the equivant of a digital sine wave peaking at -18dBFS.
    The analogue headroom (how loud you can go before things distort) depends on the analogue electronics and varies with different design. Analogue stuff, like mixers) often has headroom of 24dB or more. So that digital stuff can interface with analogue properly we allow for that analogue headroom to be around 18dB (usually enough in practise!)... hence -18dBFS(digital)=0dBVU(analogue).
    To make your digital and analogue input signals sound similar in level you will probably have to reduce the gain of the analogue input. If you set the incoming analogue signal to peak around -14dB (or less!) or so you will probably find things more equal. If you are working in 24 bit your analogue levels can be seemingly very low before sound quality is affected. Its quite safe to record at -20 or even -30dB as shown on logic's meters for eg.
    I hope all this waffle helps LOL!

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    Once again, the issue of 5.1 w/Apple comes up.
    Here is the bottom line.
    You will only get 5.1 audio if the following conditions are true:
    - You are using the OPTICAL output on your Mac
    - You are playing a DVD with a 5.1 soundtrack
    That's it. The simple truth is, that even if you have a Z-5500 setup (like I do), you still will not get 5.1 surround in ///any/// applications other then while playing a DVD.
    There is no way to get 5.1 out of a game on a Mac Pro. No matter how much money you throw at it. The support simply is not there. It is not a software issue, it is not a driver issue. It is the game developer's issue (sort of), and it is a //lack of hardware// issue.
    The complex truth, and I will attempt to explain, isn't that simple.
    Your Mac Pro or Macbook only has a single line-out, that supports 2 channels at the maximum. Optical audio will only handle 2 channels as well- it's the same signal (in two channels) on a different medium, basically.
    All PC soundcards that support proper 5.1 (save for a select few) have //multiple// line-out jacks for Front Left/Right, Center/Sub, and Rear Left/Right (3 plugs total for 5.1). Since your Mac/Mac Pro doesn't have this, you can't hook up a 5.1 speaker set and expect true 5.1.
    You do have optical audio, however, this only works in 5.1 when a Dolby Digital signal is piped through the optical cable.
    Dolby Digital works by encoding a 5.1 signal as a data stream, sending it to a receiver, where it is decoded and played back as 5.1 stereo. DVD's have this audio pre-encoded on the disk.
    If you wanted 5.1 output from your games, they'd need to ether have the sound/audio data encoded as Dolby 5.1, or support encoding on the fly to take a 5.1 signal, encode it, and pipe it out the optical audio plug. Xbox360 does this, because they've licensed the technology from Dolby- as have the game developers.
    Unfortunately, none of the developers for Macintosh gaming have yet to include live Dolby 5.1 encoding (I think Doom 3 had a beta patch that did- I could be wrong).
    If the game doesn't support the above feature, then you only get basic 2 channel audio.
    *Do not buy a Fireface 800.*
    This is a professional audio interface (like an external soundcard). While it supports 5.1 output via 6 individual outputs, you need SPEAKERS that have +built in amplifiers+ (called a Studio Monitor). Not just one amplifier- all the speakers have it built in and take a balanced stereo input.
    You're looking at $1300 for the Fireface 800, and another $200 per speaker. This is not cheap, is not meant for gaming, and is not consumer grade equipment. It's pro audio, designed for Logic 8 and similar.
    Even if you did spend the money, trust me, I'd know... I have a 5.1 setup running through an Apogee Ensemble (a $2000 "soundcard"), and I do not get 5.1 support from Quake 4, C&C 3, or any other game. I only get 5.1 surround from my audio production in Logic 8.
    To recap, since this has been asked many times- and I don't want you wasting your money here (just trying to be helpful!)...
    *There is no simple or cost-efficient way to get 5.1 from your Mac, other then while playing a DVD movie.*
    I would highly recommend that you buy a very good pair of 2.1 speakers with a Sub woofer. Maybe even a pair that takes an optical input for audio. If you really want to spend the money to *watch a DVD in surround sound,* then you can... And it'll work wonderfully, but gaming will not give you surround sound at all.
    *Again- There are no games out that support 5.1. Just because you technically support Dolby 5.1, doesn't mean the applications are aware of it and can utilize the 5.1 surround.*
    Edit: I may have neglected to also mention that the Firewave unit will support 5.1 properly through 3 separate plugs (much like a PC soundcard does), however the only game I am aware of that supports this is Unreal Tournament 2003 for Mac (or was it 04?), with an experimental patch for 5.1 via OpenAL. Last I heard, it worked okay, but crashed occasionally.
    Most of the other games out there just don't support 5.1, period (probably due to the lack of hardware on the Mac computers from the factory).
    Message was edited by: ScottishCaptain

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    Hey, my MacBook Pro has been doing the EXACT same thing off and on for a few weeks now.
    I'm just now having time to browse the forums, so I've not even asked about it.
    Yesterday it all started working normally - all sounds.
    I'll follow this discussion for sure.
    There definitely seems to be enough 'Mac-Daddy' Mac Helpers on here to be able to easily resolve this issue.
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    Any recommendations for a low cost audio recording set up would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    I think I need to be more specific with my question.
    I need to record my keyboard, which has a 1/4" connections and cables.
    I also need to record voice through a mic with an XLR connection.
    I do not record the keyboard and mic at the same time.
    I need to be able to monitor the sound while recording and for playback.
    I will be using SoundTrack Pro (Or Bias Deck 3.5) to record.
    Obviously I will need to convert the analog signal to digital, but I want to do it with least amount of interference and shortest route possible.
    I guess what I'm asking is about the set up.
    Keyboard>Mixer>Line Out>A to D converter>Line in Mac Pro?
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    Yes it should do what you want.
    Go to "Audio Midi Setup", and go to the Audio menu and click "Open Aggregate Device Editor". The interface is pretty simple but if you do get stuck, just use the help function in Audio Midi Setup, as it has a step by step guide.
    Then when you return to logic, go to the Preferences>Audio>Drivers section and select Aggregate Device as the new driver rather than either the built in sound or the tascam. Then the inputs and outputs will apply to BOTH devices.

  • HT2090 External iSight camera video feed working fine but mic is not working Mac Pro 2009 and Mountain Lion 10.8.4

    Finally I decided to move forward and installed Mountain Lion 10.8.4 (with all the updates). Now I am facing a dilemma, my external iSight Camera  is working fine regarding the video fee but the Mic is useless. I am using a Mac Pro 2009 and a Apple Cinema Display 30". I checked all the trends about iSight External devices but no one has a really specific solution for my problem. Firewire is not longer supported with Mountain Lion? By the way my iSight was working perfectly before. So I am wondering if something wrong happened with the OS and the support for this kind of device?   I reset the PRAM, the SMC, even I reinstalled the MAC OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4) from scratch. So I am wondering if the problem is that ML is not longer supporting this device or what is the issue here.
    Hope someone can help me with it!

    Jalcom wrote:... Firewire is not longer supported with Mountain Lion?...
    Not true.  External iSight works fine with my '09 Mac Pro and 10.8.4.
    Jalcom wrote:... So I am wondering if something wrong happened ...
    So it must have.
    Jalcom wrote: ... help me with it!...
    You have tried several good things, but there may be other suggestions from that you have not yet considered.  Be sure to check more than one Apple app in more than one user account to help you pinpoint the cause of your trouble.  Then you will know what to fix.
    In addition to the Apple troubleshooting, check your  > System Preferences... > Sound > Input to verify that your iSight's mic is selected, not muted, and that its volume setting is properly adjusted.  You may need to check this again after restarting Mac or changing apps that use the mic.
    Also, be certain that the apps you are testing are configured to use iSight's mic.  Different apps select the mic in different ways.  For example, QuickTime X allow selection among various microphone alternatives via one of its preferences as shown in the image below: 
    (I was using my Display microphone and did not have my external iSight connected when I made this image.  Therefore, there is no iSight mic shown in my list of mic choices above.  If your iSight's mic is properly connected, turned on, and recognized by your Mac, iSight will show in your QTX microphone preference choice list.)
    If you are trying to use your iSight with a Flash based web site, also check your Mac's  > System Preferences... > Flash Player > Camera and Mic settings to verify that your Flash system preferences are not blocking your mic.
    Some other apps may offer mic and or camera selection via their application menus.  If you have trouble finding out how to select the iSight internal mic in other apps, check each apps' Help or post back the name of the app whose selector you cannot locate here so we can try to help.
    Message was edited by: EZ Jim
    Mac Pro Quad Core (Early09) 2.93Ghz OSX 10.8.4   24" LED Cinema Display          External iSights

  • I have on;y one audio port can i use it for input and output at the same time?

    i have the new macbook pro 13 in and i want to connect aguitar as input and output on an amp but i have only one audio port

    You can't use the jack as an input and output simultaneously. The solution is to look for a USB or Firewire interface to get your guitar sound into the computer.

  • Synchronize input and output tasks to start at the same sample point [C++ NI_DAQmx Base]

    I'm trying to initiate the analog input and output streams to start reliably at the same sample. I've tried triggering the output from the start of the input using the following code [NI-DAQmx Base 2.1 under Mac OS X with an M-Series multifunction board]. It compiles and runs, but gives an error message at the call to "DAQmxBaseCfgDigEdgeStartTrig". Any suggestions about synchronized I/O on this platform?
    #include "NIDAQmxBase.h"
    #define DAQmxErrorCheck( functionCall ) { if ( DAQmxFailed( error=( functionCall ) ) ) { goto Error; } }
    int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    // Task parameters
    int32 error = 0;
    TaskHandle inputTaskHandle = 0;
    TaskHandle outputTaskHandle = 0;
    char errorString[ 2048 ] = {'\0'};
    int32 i;
    time_t startTime;
    // input channel parameters
    char inputChannelList[] = "Dev1/ai0, Dev1/ai1";
    float64 inputVoltageRangeMinimum = -10.0;
    float64 inputVoltageRangeMaximum = 10.0;
    // output channel parameters
    char outputChannelList[] = "Dev1/ao0, Dev1/ao1";
    char outputTrigger[] = "Dev1/ai/StartTrigger";
    float64 outputVoltageRangeMinimum = -10.0;
    float64 outputVoltageRangeMaximum = 10.0;
    // Timing parameters
    char clockSource[] = "OnboardClock";
    uInt64 samplesPerChannel = 100000;
    float64 sampleRate = 10000.0;
    // Input data parameters
    static const uInt32 inputBufferSize = 100;
    int16 inputData[ inputBufferSize * 2 ];
    int32 pointsToRead = inputBufferSize;
    int32 pointsRead;
    float64 timeout = 10.0;
    int32 totalRead = 0;
    // Output data parameters
    static const uInt32 outputBufferSize = 1000;
    float64 outputData[ outputBufferSize * 2 ];
    int32 pointsToWrite = outputBufferSize;
    int32 pointsWritten;
    for( int i = 0; i < outputBufferSize; i++ )
    outputData[ 2 * i ] = 9.95 * sin( 2.0 * 3.14159 * i / outputBufferSize );
    outputData[ 2 * i + 1 ] = -9.95 * sin( 2.0 * 3.14159 * i / outputBufferSize );
    // ------------------- configure input task -----------------------
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCreateTask( "", &inputTaskHandle ) );
    printf( "Created input task\n" );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCreateAIVoltageChan( inputTaskHandle, inputChannelList, "", DAQmx_Val_RSE, inputVoltageRangeMinimum, inputVoltageRangeMaximum, DAQmx_Val_Volts, NULL ) );
    printf( "Created AI Voltage Chan\n" );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgSampClkTiming( inputTaskHandle, clockSource, sampleRate, DAQmx_Val_Rising, DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, samplesPerChannel ) );
    printf( "Set sample rate\n" );
    // ------------------- configure output task -----------------------
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCreateTask( "", &outputTaskHandle ) );
    printf( "Created output task\n" );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCreateAOVoltageChan( outputTaskHandle, outputChannelList, "", outputVoltageRangeMinimum, outputVoltageRangeMaximum, DAQmx_Val_Volts, NULL ) );
    printf( "Created AO Voltage Chan OK\n" );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgSampClkTiming( outputTaskHandle, clockSource, sampleRate, DAQmx_Val_Rising, DAQmx_Val_ContSamps, samplesPerChannel ) );
    printf( "Set sample rate\n" );
    // trigger output when input starts
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgDigEdgeStartTrig( outputTaskHandle, outputTrigger, DAQmx_Val_Rising ) );
    printf( "Set output trigger\n" );
    // ------------------- configuration -----------------------
    // write output signal
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseWriteAnalogF64( outputTaskHandle, pointsToWrite, 0, timeout, DAQmx_Val_GroupByScanNumber, outputData, &pointsWritten, NULL ) );
    printf( "Write output signal\n" );
    // set up input buffer
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgInputBuffer( inputTaskHandle, 200000 ) ); // use a 100,000 sample DMA buffer
    // initiate acquisition - must start output task first
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseStartTask( outputTaskHandle ) );
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseStartTask( inputTaskHandle ) );
    // The loop will quit after 10 seconds
    Dr John Clements
    Lead Programmer
    AxoGraph Scientific

    Hi Michael,
    First of all, thanks very much for taking the time to investigate this problem! Much appreciated.
    You asked for "an actual error code you got and any description that is given". The full output from the program that I posted earlier in this thread is appended to the end of this message. In summary, following the call to...
    DAQmxErrorCheck ( DAQmxBaseCfgDigEdgeStartTrig( outputTaskHandle, outputTrigger, DAQmx_Val_Rising ) );
    ... with ...
    char outputTrigger[] = "Dev1/ai/StartTrigger";
    ...the error message is ...
    DAQmxBase Error: Specified route cannot be satisfied, because the hardware does not support it.
    You asked "specifically which M series device you are using"? It is the PCIe 6251 (with BNC 2111 connector block). I'm testing and developing on an Intel Mac Pro (dual boot OS X and Windows XP).
    You asked for "the location you pulled the code from". Here it is...
    ...specifically from the file "Multi-Function-Synch AI-AO_Fn.c".
    I adapted the NI-DAQmx calls to their NI-DAQmx Base equivalents.
    Finally, you asked "Is the trigger necessary, or do you just need to know that the measurements are running on the same clock?". I believe that some kind of sychronized trigger is necessary in my situation (correct me if I'm wrong). Timing is crucial. Say I initiate an analog output stream that delivers a voltage command step 5 ms from the onset. I need to record the response (analog input stream) so that its onset is accurately aligned (synchronized) at 5 ms. A typical recording situation would stimulate and record a short data 'sweep', then wait for the (biological) system to recover, then stimulate and record another short sweep, and repeat. I need all the recorded sweeps to align accurately so that they can be averaged and analyzed conveniently.
    I definitely do not want my customers to rely on an expensive external TTL pulse generator to initiate and synchronize each 'sweep'. That would effectively eliminate the cost advantage of an NI board, as well as adding unnecessary complexity in setup and use. It would be a show-stopper for me.
    It seems perverse, but would it be possible to use a digital output channel connected directly to a digital input chanel to trigger the input and output streams?
    Full output from test program. Compiled with gcc 4 under OS X...
    [Session started at 2007-05-23 14:17:01 +1000.]
    LoadRuntime: MainBundle
    CFBundle 0x303cc0 (executable, loaded)
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: linkedAgainst: 08208002
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: result= false, mgErr= 1, theActualVersion= 00000000
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: linkedAgainst: deadbeef
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: Reseting Linked Against
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: linkedAgainst: 08208002
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: result= true, mgErr= 0, theActualVersion= 00000000
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: linkedAgainst: 08208002
    _CompatibleWithLabVIEWVersion: result= true, mgErr= 0, theActualVersion= 00000000
    CFBundle 0x313760 (framework, loaded)
    {type = 15, string = file://localhost/Library/Frameworks/nidaqmxbaselv.framework/, base = (null)}
    2007-05-23 14:17:02.248 test-ni[4445] CFLog (21): Error loading /Library/Frameworks/LabVIEW 8.2 Runtime.framework/resource/nitaglv.framework/nitaglv: error code 4, error number 0 (no suitable image found. Did find:
    /Library/Frameworks/LabVIEW 8.2 Runtime.framework/resource/nitaglv.framework/nitaglv: mach-o, but wrong architecture)
    CFBundle 0x1751fdc0 (framework, not loaded)
    Created input task
    Created AI Voltage Chan
    Set sample rate
    Created output task
    Created AO Voltage Chan OK
    Set sample rate
    DAQmxBase Error: Specified route cannot be satisfied, because the hardware does not support it.
    test-ni has exited with status 0.
    Dr John Clements
    Lead Programmer
    AxoGraph Scientific

  • Built-in audio inputs and output don't respond to anything.

    Hi there,
    Maybe somebody can help me, I have a macbook pro os x 10.8, and i'm having a bit of problem.
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    Apple store genius bar seems like you best bet.

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    Thank you!

    One of the first questions to ask...
    Is the audio input stereo or mono?
    When using a headset mic you're dealing with a mono input so you at least know the Mac is capable of that.
    If it's mono, and I suspect it is, should be easy to either make or purchase a custom cable that has two female input connectors, one mono input and a stereo headphone input.
    However, I'd probably just purchase a USB audio interface, the sound, both recording and playback will be head and shoulders above the Macbooks built in internal audio.

Maybe you are looking for

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    Hello, when I turn on my T61 the thinkpad logo comes on, then the screen goes black. Then after I eithe rput it to sleep, or close the lid and open it, the screen comes on for like 3 seconds, then goes out again. Anyone know what the problem is?

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    we run rrmx in BW client to pull FI-AP transaction data, but it shows error in excel, <internal error>  workbook storage fault(read/open), how to resolve, pls help to move to BW forum if it can't be resolved from FI point of view

  • Multithread causing cache line migration between the CPUs

    hi, i have a problem with Sun JVM 1.5.0_15, with the Linux Scheduler in a SMP kernel 2.6, that make individual threads actually move from processor to processor even though they are in a continuous running state and never sleep, causing cache line mi