Sound.Play() start time not consistent

When I play an audio and give it a start time, eg, it doesn't always play at that position.  I'm working on an application that is dependent on the soundChannel position, but after I start the sound, it sometimes doesn't start at the exact position I tell it too.  Sometimes the position starts at something like 3365.986394557823. I found a workaround of just using Math.ceil, but I still wonder why the position isn't true to the start parameter.  Anyone know why that is?

yes?? The song is Paper Walls by Yellowcard. You can listen to it yourself, but to explain it they play this intro of the song (which I dislike) and then it pauses for a couple of seconds and then the actual song starts. listen to the song here:

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    Hello j:
    If you are referring to the chime when you start up a system, more than once is not normal. The chime indicates that the system has successfully performed its self-tests.
    If you are referring to something else, please be more specific.

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    Hi Jeff, if you try typing 'sudo serveradmin fullstatus swupdate' in the terminal what do you get?
    If it still says stoppped then try typing 'swupdctl start'
    I sometimes need to start it from the command line.
    Let us know how you get on.

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    Thanks for that link. It looks about at my level so I'll have a read tonight. I am on 10.6.8
    Here's what I got back from the command you suggested (looks like all of these are just ports starting with "53" - confirming that DNS is not running?)
    mDNSRespo    36 _mdnsresponder    8u  IPv4 0xffffff800fe25980      0t0    UDP *:5353
    mDNSRespo    36 _mdnsresponder    9u  IPv6 0xffffff800fe25840      0t0    UDP *:5353
    mDNSRespo    36 _mdnsresponder   50u  IPv4 0xffffff8012030c00      0t0    UDP *:53697
    mDNSRespo    36 _mdnsresponder   51u  IPv6 0xffffff8012030340      0t0    UDP *:53697
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    router      408        _jabber    4u  IPv4 0xffffff80127621c8      0t0    TCP localhost:5347 (LISTEN)
    router      408        _jabber    5u  IPv4 0xffffff80127615e8      0t0    TCP localhost:5347->localhost:49166 (ESTABLISHED)
    router      408        _jabber    6u  IPv4 0xffffff8012760a08      0t0    TCP localhost:5347->localhost:49167 (ESTABLISHED)
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    router      408        _jabber    8u  IPv4 0xffffff80129721c8      0t0    TCP localhost:5347->localhost:49170 (ESTABLISHED)
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    mu-confer   410        _jabber    6u  IPv4 0xffffff8011d14a08      0t0    TCP localhost:49168->localhost:5347 (ESTABLISHED)
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    Bennal wrote:
    Two and a half years on, the album artist feature is still not supported by iPods? What the ****? Is this even on a 'todo' list at Apple?
    I'm really happy with iTunes, the album artist feature is a godsend, but seriously, why can't iPods support it?
    I quite agree... In the meantime you might find my previous post on Grouping Tracks Into Albums useful, it details workarounds for this and other quirks in the iTunes/iPod system.

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    The "restore disk" is built into the Mac. See About Recovery.
    Need more specifics about what error messages you got while installing Adobe Flash.
    However, you can almost avoid Flash altogether by setting YouTube to play the HTML5 version instead.
    Click the Try something new! link at the bottom of the YouTube page.
    I don't know about the sound issue. Might be hardware as you think. Try other headphones to check.

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    Disheartened apple fan.

    Welcome to the  discussion forums.
    Try going to synching in the sources menu on your tv and selecting 'change itunes library', when it gives you the passcode check itunes to see if the tv is showing up as a new device, if so try entering the pass code. It may be that your tv is seeing itunes as a different library because of a recent upgrade.

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    anyone else?

    Turn on Sound Check.
    Run iVolume.
    That's all there is to it.
    *Can anyone tell me if I can run iVolume even though iTunes does not seem to adjust the volume using sound check.*
    iVolume is an application itself. It integrates with iTunes a bit it does not alter iTunes at all. It simply analyzes the sound file and stores the info in the sound file.
    Run iVolume on some songs, then turn Sound Check On and Off.
    If they sound different, it works.
    Not all songs will change a lot.

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    Sound plays fine but the video is too slow to even start a project.

    On what computer operating system is your Premiere Elements 12 running on? Have you updated 12 to 12.1 yet? If not, please do so by using an opened project's Help Menu/Update.
    Not enough information in order to help you.
    Looking for
    1. Properties of source media (including file extension and brand/model/settings of camera that recorded the video).
    2. Is problem restricted to one particular file in one particular project? What happens if you start a new project? What is the
    duration and size of the project when performance is slow and freezing sets in? What are you doing in the program when this happens?
    3. Using a pen and tablet device instead of a mouse?
    4. Does problem exist if antivirus and firewall(s) are disabled?
    5. Please describe computer environment, including dating on video card/graphics card driver version. Did you install the program to the
    default Local Disk C? Where are the Scratch Disks directed and how much free space there?
    Lots more questions, but let us start here and then decide what next based on your reply.
    Thank you.

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    First of all - I would try to trash the iDVD pref file (or rather start a new User-account and log into this and re-try).
    Yours Bengt W

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    I have a PXI 1000B chassis connected to a SCXI 1001 via a PXI6031E MIO card. I have 6 1102c modules plugged into the SCXI chassis. Each module is connected to a BNC 2095 (where my field inputs come in)I have it setup to mux 192 channels into one A/D. I wrote a small program in LabWindows to get familiar with setting up the scan list. The function SCAN_Op times out but not consistently. I have included my code. Can you suggest anything?
    Thank you.
    scxi_testA.c ‏2 KB

    The best way to start the development of your application is to take a look at the NI-DAQ shipping examples at C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\examples\VisualC\SCXI.
    Filipe A.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Macbook air Wi Fi and sound stops every time it goes to sleep. i have to  restart it every time to use wifi and sounds. this started happening just after the latest upgrade to OS X. any reasons why its doing that and how to fix it.

    Test after taking each of the following steps. Back up all data before making any changes.
    1. Make sure the network is on the preferred list by following these instructions. It's important to read the article carefully, as it's the starting point for any further efforts to solve the problem. If you skip any of the steps, the problem may not be solved.
    2. Follow the instructions in this support article under the heading "Symptom: The network connection drops unexpectedly."
    3. Make a note of all your settings for Wi-Fi in the Network preference pane, then delete the connection from the connection list and recreate it with the same settings. You do this by clicking the plus-sign icon below the connection list, and selecting Wi-Fi as the interface in the sheet that opens. Select Join other network from the Network Name menu, then select your network. Enter the password when prompted and save it in the keychain.
    4. From the Location menu at the top of the Network preference pane, select Edit Locations. A sheet will drop down. Click the plus-sign button to create a new location. Give it any name you want. In the new location, set up the Wi-Fi service with the same settings you used before. Click Apply and test.
    5. Launch the Keychain Access application. Search for and delete all AirPort network password items that refer to the network. Make a note of the password first.
    6. In some cases, the problem has been resolved by repairing permissions on the startup volume.
    7. Turn off Bluetooth and test.
    8. Reinstall OS X.

  • Sound plays on first time when called by VI

    Hi, I am trying to create a VI that creates noise bursts of specific durations in sequences. My problem is that the sound generation VI only plays the sound the first time it is called. I have tried putting the VI in a for loop to see if I can get it to play multiple times, but regardless of what I do it only plays the generated sound once.
    Go to Solution.
    Doc1.doc ‏116 KB

    I figured out the problem. Thanks. The problem was with the timer not resetting in the loop (fixed it with a shift register) on second or further calls. Thus the loop was skipped as the timer was greater than the specified value after first time the loop was run.

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