Spark DataGrid and verticalScrollPosition?

Using an MX DataGrid, I could use verticalScrollPosition to keep track of where the scroll was, but since using a Spark DataGrid, verticalScrollPosition doesn't exist anymore. Does anyone know how I can track the vertical scroll position of a Spark DataGrid?

No, it doesn't. I tried tracing the value and it looks like it's a pixel value, whereas verticalScrollPosition equalled the row index.
I tried something else:
This produces the same result as your code. In either case, if I try forcing the scroller to jump to a particular position:
scroller.viewport.verticalScrollPosition = myPosition;
The scroller returns to the top of the list.
Is verticalScrollPosition broken in Spark DataGrid? I'm tempted to switch back to MX DataGrid...

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  • Datagrid and verticalScrollPosition

    Hello everyone
    I have a datagrid with an editable column.
    When I enter in an editable cell, automatically a new position of vertical scroll bar is set.
    How can I prevent it?

    Here my example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                private var gacSorting:ArrayCollection  = new ArrayCollection([
                    {OrigID:"0", OrigCutoff:"", Deadline:"00:00", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"1", OrigCutoff:"00:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"2", OrigCutoff:"01:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"3", OrigCutoff:"02:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"4", OrigCutoff:"03:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"5", OrigCutoff:"04:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"0", OrigCutoff:"", Deadline:"00:00", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"1", OrigCutoff:"00:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"2", OrigCutoff:"01:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"3", OrigCutoff:"02:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"4", OrigCutoff:"03:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"},
                    {OrigID:"5", OrigCutoff:"04:00", Deadline:"", Editing:"0"}]);
                protected function SortingChangeHandler(event:ListEvent):void
                    if(gacSorting[event.rowIndex].OrigID == "0")
                        dgcDeadlineSort.editable = true;
                        dgcOrigCutoffSort.editable = false;
                        dgcDeadlineSort.editable = false;
                        dgcOrigCutoffSort.editable = true;
                protected function ItemEditBeginningHandler(event:DataGridEvent):void
                    gacSorting[event.rowIndex].Editing = 1;
        <mx:DataGrid id="dgSorting" width="90%" height="24%"
                     selectable="true" allowMultipleSelection="false"
                     dataProvider="{gacSorting}" editable="true"
                <mx:DataGridColumn id="dgcOrigID" dataField="OrigID" textAlign="center" editable="false" headerText="Orig ID"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn id="dgcOrigCutoffSort" dataField="OrigCutoff" textAlign="center" editable="true" headerText="Cut off"/>
                <mx:DataGridColumn id="dgcDeadlineSort" dataField="Deadline" textAlign="center" editable="true" headerText="Deadline"/>
    If I comment "gacSorting.refresh();" inside itemEditBeginning, it works correctly.

  • Want to implent CheckBox for itemRenderer and headerItemRenderer for spark DataGrid.

    I am using mx:DataGrid in my application.
    The first column itemRenderer and headerItermRenderer is CheckBox.
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    Do anyone have code for implenting checkbox as itemRenderer and headerRendere in spark datagrid (and not mx datagrid)?
    Prithvee Zankat.

    Item renderer can be implemented for spark and i think you will have to write custom header renderer. I am providing some useful links,please go through them : l
    Thanks and Regards,
    Vibhuti Gosavi | [email protected] |

  • Column stretch event in spark datagrid

    Hi everybody,
    These days I'm converting our Flex application from Flex 3 SDK to Flex 4.5 SDK (Hero).
    I've a problem with the spark datagrid, and more specifically, the events listening on the columns.
    How can we know that the columns in the spark datagrid are stretched or shrinked?
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    If you have any tips.... thanks!!!!

    When a GridColumn is interactively resized "widthChanged" events are dispatched because the column's width property is set.   To track the entire column separator press-drag-release gesture you can listen for GridEvent.SEPARATOR_MOUSE_DOWN,SEPARATOR_MOUSE_DRAG, on the DataGrid's columnHeaderGroup skin part.   If you wanted to change the way the interactive column resizing works you'd have to subclass DataGrid and override protected methods like separator_mouseDownHandler(event:GridEvent), separator_mouseDragHandler(event:GridEvent).
    - Hans

  • How to change the header text fontFamily of spark DataGrid?

    I use an embed font (Nunito-Light.ttf),  and i can set the font of GridColumn to Nunito-Light in DataGrid , but it seems that it has no effect to the header of DataGrid.
    and then I create a  headerRenderer for spark DataGrid, and try to set the fontFamily of "labelDisplay" to Nunito-Light  , but It seems still no effect .
    If I set the fontFamily of "labelDisplay" to "Verdana" or "Arial" , it has effect , so strange! Is that a bug?
    Anybody  has the same problem? Please tell me how to solve it ,thank you very much!

    Please go through following link :
    Thanks and Regards,
    Vibhuti Gosavi | [email protected] |

  • Spark DataGrid with Safari

    I tried today spark datagrid and used the examples from Adobe Help. But when testing with Safari I have problems with the cursor.
    For instance when I resize the column width, I can't see the cursor anymore, I have to click first outside datagrid to make the cursor
    visible again. But I can move the cursor, can click even see the cell color changing but without exactly knowing where the cursor is.
    Is this a known issue?
    With Firefox there is no problem.
    Thanks for your help.
    Kind regards,

    The most recent Safari browser does not work well with the debugger player.  I’ve had to switch to another browser.

  • Selection issue with editable Spark DataGrid

    Hi everyone,
    I am evaluating the new Spark DataGrid and I'm having a very strange issue with the behavior of selection in an editable instance.
    Here is my test application: (code here:
    And here are the steps to reproduce the issue:
    select the very first cell at the top-left corner of the grid (the one with "Gabriele");
    click on it once more, the editor appears;
    now click on the cell just to the right of it (the one with "Genta").
    You should see that editing ends as it supposed to do, but selection is placed on the third cell (the one with a 5 in it) instead on the one you clicked on. Playing a little with the grid you should see that this isn't the only case, but selection is really behaving randomly.
    I am using SDK
    I think this is a very basic usage case.. I can't believe this is not working properly, what am I missing?
    Thanks a lot,
    Gabriele Genta
    Message was edited to add live example

    Your running into a known bug,
    The  bug will be fixed in the Mega release. To work around the bug you can  create a custom editor and remove the  "dataGrid.validateNow();" call in
    Here's how I modified your example to workaround the bug:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                   minWidth="955" minHeight="600"
            <s:HorizontalLayout horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle"/>
                import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                protected function application1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                    testGrid.dataProvider = new XMLListCollection(testData.item);
            <fx:XML id="testData" xmlns="">
            <fx:Component className="MyDefaultEditor">
                            import mx.collections.ICollectionView;
                            import mx.collections.ISort;
                            override public function save():Boolean
                                if (!validate())
                                    return false;
                                var newData:Object = value;
                                var property:String = column.dataField;
                                var data:Object = data;
                                var typeInfo:String = "";
                                for each(var variable:XML in describeType(data).variable)
                                    if (property == [email protected]())
                                        typeInfo = [email protected]();
                                if (typeInfo == "String")
                                    if (!(newData is String))
                                        newData = newData.toString();
                                else if (typeInfo == "uint")
                                    if (!(newData is uint))
                                        newData = uint(newData);
                                else if (typeInfo == "int")
                                    if (!(newData is int))
                                        newData = int(newData);
                                else if (typeInfo == "Number")
                                    if (!(newData is Number))
                                        newData = Number(newData);
                                else if (typeInfo == "Boolean")
                                    if (!(newData is Boolean))
                                        var strNewData:String = newData.toString();
                                        if (strNewData)
                                            newData = (strNewData.toLowerCase() == "true") ? true : false;
                                if (property && data[property] !== newData)
                                    // If the data is sorted, turn off the sort for the edited data.
                                    var sort:ISort = null;
                                    if (dataGrid.dataProvider is ICollectionView)
                                        var dataProvider:ICollectionView = ICollectionView(dataGrid.dataProvider);
                                        if (dataProvider.sort)
                                            sort = dataProvider.sort;
                                            dataProvider.sort = null;
                                    var oldData:Object = data[property];
                                    data[property] = newData;
                                    dataGrid.dataProvider.itemUpdated(data, property, oldData, newData);
                                    // Restore the sort. The data will not be sorted due to this change.
                                    if (sort)
                                        ICollectionView(dataGrid.dataProvider).sort = sort;
                                return true;
        <s:DataGrid id="testGrid" width="100%" height="100%"
                    editable="true" selectionMode="singleCell"
                    itemEditor="{new ClassFactory(MyDefaultEditor)}">
                    <s:GridColumn headerText="Prova" dataField="cognome"/>
                    <s:GridColumn headerText="Prova1" dataField="nome"/>
                    <s:GridColumn headerText="Prova3" dataField="uhm"/>
                    <s:GridColumn headerText="Prova4" dataField="bene"/>

  • Spark DataGrid Issue

    I'm working with the new Spark DataGrid, and I understand it's still a work in progress. I've also created a bug in the Adobe bug system. However, I want to be sure that I'm not overlooking something.
    Here is an example that illustrates the issue. If I create an itemRenderer for a column in a dDtaGrid, it takes 2 clicks to trigger the click event and 3 clicks to trigger the doubleClick event, if you click on the column with the itemRenderer. This happens about 95% of the time. Occasionally, it works as expected, but that's a rarity. So the question is, am I doing something wrong in the use of itemRenderers.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="
    library://" xmlns:mx="
    library://" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
    <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
    import mx.controls.Alert; 
    <s:DataGrid x="33" y="57" requestedRowCount="4" textAlign="center" click="'Clicked')">
    <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField1" headerText="Name" width="75">
     <s:Label text="{data.dataField1}" left="5" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="5"/>  
     <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField2" headerText="Column2" width="75"/>
     <s:GridColumn dataField="dataField3" headerText="Column3" width="75"/>
     <fx:Object dataField1="John" dataField2="data1" dataField3="data1"></fx:Object>
     <fx:Object dataField1="Ryan" dataField2="data2" dataField3="data2"></fx:Object>
     <fx:Object dataField1="Kyle" dataField2="data3" dataField3="data3"></fx:Object>
     <fx:Object dataField1="Edward" dataField2="data4" dataField3="data4"></fx:Object>

    I have approximately the same problem : I want to listen double click (doubleClick or gridDoubleClick) on a spark datagrid.
    The double click event is always dispatched when I double-click on a column whose item renderer is a textArea (even with doubleClickEnabled=false).
    The double click event is SOMETIMES dispatched when I double-click on a column whose item renderer is an image or a label :
    1. When I double-click for the first time on the label renderer : it gives focus to datagrid and select item but does not dispatch doubleClick
    2. When I double-click on the textArea colum, then on the Label column of the same row, doubleClick is well dispatched
    3. When I double-click on the textArea colum, then on the Label column of a different row, doubleClick is not dispatched
    4. when I double-click on the label column after double-clicking on another row in the Label column, doubleClick is well dispatched
    I think it's the same behaviour with simple click event.
    Do you think spark datagrid is not stable enough and we should use mx datagrid instead ?
    Here is the code :
    <s:DataGrid dataProvider="{arrayCollection}" doubleClickEnabled="true" doubleClick="trace(event)" gridDoubleClick="trace(event)">
                                    <s:Label text="{data.label}"/>
                                    <s:TextArea text="{data.label}"/>

  • Playing with the spark datagrid

    I'm Playing with the spark datagrid and have a column set up like so:
    <GridColumn  width="140" headerText="Margin" headerText.editMode="Margin (editing)" dataField="margin" editable="false"  editable.editMode="true" itemRenderer="gridColumnRenderer" >
    I would like the item render to change colour based on the state of the outerDocuent, is this possible?
    I tried this but can't get to the outerdocument
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
        <s:Label text="{data.margin}" backgroundColor="{   outerDocument.currentState =='editMode'?0xffffff:0xdddddd}"/>

    I believe you will need to use GridItemRenderer instead of ItemRenderer as your base class for renderers in the spark DataGrid.  Does it work if you change to that?

  • Header Width for a Spark DataGrid

    I recently replaced an mx:DataGrid in one of my components with the new spark DataGrid and I noticed that the columns were so narrow that most of the header labels were unreadable. I eventually figured out that the spark datagrid was basing the column width on the length of the longest displayed item in the contents. So for example, if the column is showing state abreviations, the header would only show the first two or three letters of the header text and the rest would be truncated. What I need to know is whether there is some way to reverse this behavior. I want the width of each column to be based on the length of the header text, not the content data.
    I know the 'recommended' way of setting column width is with a typical item, but in this case that's not an option. I also tried creating a custom DataGridSkin that sets the minWidth property of the headerRenderer but it had no effect. I'm pulling my hair out trying to get this to work, any help would be much appreciated.

    Actually, when I took a closer look at the stack trace I was able to figure out the problem. It turns out that the problem with the typicalItem was being caused by a labelFunction on one of my columns. The label function was expecting to see the DTO object as it's first parameter. In the process of setting up the typicalItemRenderer, the grid column was calling itemToLabel with the typicalItem causing a class cast expection.
    I was able to resolve that issue but now I'm seeing another one. The typicalItem I creat isn't having any effect of the width of my datagrid columns. The problem is, GridColumn doesn't have an itemRendererFunction set by default. The itemToRenderer function of GridColumn only uses the typicalItem if there is an itemRendererFunction defined. Is that the intended behavior? If so, the documentation really needs to mention that fact somewhere.
    It looks like the typicalItem is actually getting applied somewhere, I just didn't have long enough string to see the effect. I'm still curious though, if not in the itemRendererFunction, what Class/function is actually responsible for taking the widths from the typicalItem and applying them to the columns?

  • Spark Datagrid - center a column?

    Started using the spark datagrid and was a little taken aback when centering a column in the grid turned into a google search
    Its such a simple thing... whatever happened to textalign="center"

    Simplest way I've found...
    <s:DataGrid> ...    
                   <s:GridColumn id="Col3" dataField="price" headerText="PRICE">                
                                            <s:HorizontalLayout horizontalAlign="center"/>
                   </s:GridColumn> ...        
         </s:columns> ...

  • Spark datagrid that shows the new  value and that it previously was

    Im trying to create a item renderer for a spark datagrid that shows the new  value and that it previously was and I am comparing in the set data, the problem I am having is that in teh set data I am frequently getting data from other rows (I know this because of virtual renderders), it there a way round this?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:GridItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
                override public function set data(value:Object):void
                        if( != value.margin  &&{
                            oldValue.text = '(' + + ')';
                            oldValue.text == '';
           = value;
                    stroke.visible = false;
                    fillRect.visible = false;
                            currentState = "modified";
                            fill.color = 0xddddff;
                            stroke.visible = true;
                            fillRect.visible = true;
                            fill.color = 0xffffff;
                            stroke.visible = false;
                            currentState = "unmodified";
                            fillRect.visible = true;
            <s:State name="modified"/>
            <s:State name="unmodified"/>
        <s:Rect top="0" left="0" right="0" bottom="0" id="fillRect" >
            <s:fill><s:SolidColor id="fill"  color="0xFFffff"  /></s:fill>
        <s:Rect left="1" top="1" right="0" bottom="0" id="stroke">
            <s:stroke >
                <s:SolidColorStroke color="0x000099" weight="1"  >
        <s:HGroup horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" top="0" left="0" right="0" bottom="0" paddingRight="5">
            <s:Label text="{data.margin}" width="50%" textAlign="right">
            <s:Label  id="oldValue" color="0xff0000" width="50%"  textAlign="right">

    If I recall correctly, you are talking about the default start page. To check if this is correct, type '''about:home''' in the awesome bar. If this is the same as your homepage, it will still be there when you update.

  • How to resize the spark datagrid collumns based on the headertext?

    Hi friends,
         I am using spark datagrid for displaying the tablur data in my application, when i setting the dataprovider property of the datagrid, it displays the content exactally what i expeceted.
    but the widht of the collumns are based on the content of the dataprovider, i am not able to see the full collumn name in the datagrid's header. I want to display the full collumn name to the users without setting the collumn width explicitly because the data are dynamically returned from the server. could you pls give me some ideas to acheive this...?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Karthikeyan Subramain,
    You can make use of typicalItem proberty to set the column width.
    Here is the link for sample code which uses typicalItem: agrids-columns-with-a-typicalitem/
    Hope this will help you
    Thanks and Best regards,
    Pooja Kuber | [email protected] |

  • Spark DataGrid Embedded Font Quandary

    01.  In everything that follows, I am talking about the latest [21328] version of the SDK, not that I believe that my problems have anything to do with that release, just so anyone interested and willing to help will know the version.
    02.  My application happens to be rooted in AIR's WindowedApplication, but again, I do not think that has any impact on my problems; I believe the same results would obtain for a Flex Application.
    03.  I have a custom renderer for the Spark DataGrid which extends DefaultGridItemRenderer.  It works fine. Its primary job is to change the font characteristics of each row in the list as a visual clue to the user as to the specific nature of the content that is accessible.  Some entries are just in the Regular font, some in Bold, some in Italic, and some in Bold-Italic.
    04.  I have, for most of the project, embedded the necessary fonts like this:
        [Embed (source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-Caption.otf", fontName="ArnoPro_BI_4",
            unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac")]
        private const ArnoPro_BI_4:Class;
    As I said, that all works just as advertized.  But, that method of embedding carries the somewhat painful burden of slower compilations, so for the last 24 hours I have unseccessfully been trying to replace that with:
    [Embed (source = "../resources/assets/ArnoPro_BI_4.swf", symbol="ArnoPro_BI_4")]
    private const ArnoPro_BI_4:Class;
    where the swf file was produced via fontswf, using this incantation:
    fontswf -4 -u U+0021-U+00ff,U+20ac-U+20ac -b -i -a ArnoPro_BI_4 -o ArnoPro_BI_4.swf C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-Caption.otf
    06.  By all that is holy, the two different means of embedding the font ought to yield the same result, but they do not.  I have debugging code inserted to print out the list of fonts upon initiation of the application, and they are identical.  Both means of embedding do succeed in getting the embedded fonts into the .swf, but the attempt to use the fonts fails using the second approach.
    There is, of course, no change being made to the code in the item renderer which merely uses setStyle() to effect the row-by-row result.  The result in the second case is that the only style of the embedded font that renders is 'regular'.
    07.  I have used the 'keep-generated' facility to look at the code being generated by the mxmlc compiler and can see that different code is emitted, but it does not help me find a fix to the problem.  Both forms of the meta-tag do something; both methods of embedding seem to correctly register themselves with the FontManager, but only the method of embedding which actually performs the transcoding during compilation seems to result in a set of registered fronts which can be found and correctly used to render output based on the runtime setting of the font style.

    Thank for the reply
    I hoped that my posting indicated how the fonts in the the .swf file were constructed.  The "-4", argument to the command-line tool, fontswf, as far as I can tell, is the precise analog to the "embedAsCFF" argument in the [Embed] syntax.  That is what makes it so perplexing.  Given all the external documentation that is available for each tool/methodology, I would have thought that the resultant bytecodes, classes, flags, whatever, would have been identical.  The only difference would be the timing of when the transcoding took place.
    Since it is clearly more efficient to only transcode whatever set of fonts an application needs once, not once per build/test turn-around, I would really like to make the fontswf workflow work.  For those of us outside the beneficial environment of your licensed tools, the kindly-provided alternative to the facilities built into Flash Professional and/or Flash Builder give us the greatest degree of productivity.
    Whoever has access to the source code for Font [I can only see the uninteresting FontAsset in the SDK] can probably determine what difference might result from mxmlc working with this intermediate output, when inline transcoding is 'tagged':
    import mx.core.FontAsset;
    [Embed(fontName="ArnoPro_IT_4", _resolvedSource="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", fontStyle="italic", _line="1189", _pathsep="true", embedAsCFF="true", fontWeight="normal", unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac", source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", _column="2", exportSymbol="AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4", _file="G:/FP/AIRZoom/src/", mimeType="application/x-font")]
    public class AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4 extends mx.core.FontAsset
        public function AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4()
    versus this, when swf extraction is 'tagged':
    import mx.core.FontAsset;
    [Embed(fontName="ArnoPro_IT_4", _resolvedSource="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", fontStyle="italic", _line="1191", _pathsep="true", embedAsCFF="true", fontWeight="normal", unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00ff, U+20ac-U+20ac", source="C:/Windows/Fonts/ArnoPro-ItalicCaption.otf", _column="2", exportSymbol="AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4", _file="G:/FP/AIRZoom/src/", mimeType="application/x-font")]
    public class AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4 extends mx.core.FontAsset
        public function AIRZoom_ArnoPro_IT_4()
    The only difference is that value for '_line' which probably only indicates that one of the two processes has a comment or empty line somewhere.

  • How to change header font style in Spark DataGrid?

    I'm looking since last week for a way how to change the font style of the header in a Spark DataGrid. It drive me nuts that I can't find a way to do this. Have anyone one an idea how to achieve it? Any help is appreciated.
    - Artur

    Some styles won't work because some text styles got hardcoded into the DefaultGridHeaderRenderer's Label. You'll run into this issue not just with the DataGrid headers but also things like the Panel's title and other places where we have text. One way to get around this issue is to create your own custom headerRenderer based on the default one and then redefine the headerRenderer skin part in the skin.
    First, create a subclass of the DefaultGridHeaderRenderer and tweak the "labelDisplay" to your liking (or even just take out all the styles and style it on your own as you had earlier using your custom header renderer's name). Example below (I named it "CustomHeaderRenderer"):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <skins:DefaultGridHeaderRenderer xmlns:fx=""
            <!-- Remove fontweight="bold" and other styles as you wish
                 Must be a component and not a factory. -->
            <s:Label id="labelDisplay"
                     verticalCenter="1" left="0" right="0" top="0" bottom="0"
                     showTruncationTip="true" />
    Next, create a simple DataGrid skin by creating a subclass of the  spark.skins.spark.DataGridSkin in MXML and defining a new headerRenderer  component in the fx:Declarations section. Example below (I named it "CustomDataGridSkin"):
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <skins:DataGridSkin xmlns:fx=""
            <!-- Must be a factory with the right id for the skin part -->
            <fx:Component id="headerRenderer">
                <comps:CustomHeaderRenderer />
    Last, assign your new skin as the skinClass of your DataGrid (either in MXML or as a style):
    <s:DataGrid skinClass="comps.CustomDataGridSkin">
    I know it's not pretty, but it's the result of trading off between having completely custom skinning vs. having knobs to tweak every style. Hope this helps.

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    I use ProPresenter for Worship/Media Presentations. My Mac normally connects automatically, UNTIL, I had to play a DVD in church and I went to System Preferences, Display, Arrangement, and clicked Mirror Images. Now, my Mac will not connect to the pr

  • Is HDMI to HDSDI conversion same as straight HDSDI connection

    This is for SD to HD upconversion for clips I am bringing into my Final Cut Pro 7 project. I recently purchased the Sony HVR-M25U HDV tape deck and discovered to my disappointment that I could not upconvert from SD to HD by going HDMI from my Sony HV

  • Blocking of post goods isssue in the delivery

    Is there any provision of blocking at post goods issue level in the delivery. if there pl explain entire process.