Specific photo correction problem

Hi all, new here.
PSE is a great program for noodling aroundwith but when it comes to this, I'm stumped.
I have photos of black furniture pieces that all have a line of glare along the leading edges where the lighting was directed from=horrible looking pictures.
sample here: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/40456533/?&q=by%3Aboobootoo+in%3Ascraps&qh=sort%3Atim e
Any ideas on how I can correct this. I sure don't want to hanbd tint it all.
Using PSE3 on Mac.
All your input is appreciated.
thanx for reading

This is just a quicky using the Color Replacement tool (Enhance>Replace Color).
I just clicked a couple of times in the bright area, then used the lightness slider in the replacement color section to darken. Of course it can use some cleanup, but this took about 20 seconds:

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    sannbox wrote:
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    Try the troubleshooting help Aperture 3: Troubleshooting Basics
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    If you have Aperture 2, go here. Aperture 2: Troubleshooting Basics

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