Specify user in cron job

Solaris 9
I have an application that when I run a script against it, using a cron job, the script pulls the name of the user running the cron (at least that is what it seems to be doing). I cannot make root a user in that application but I have to run the cron as root (auditor requirement).
How can I specify the username in my cron? I do not see a cron.daily, or anywhere to load my script, so I can specify the user.

I should have said the root cron rather than my cron. I tried this in the crontab -e, while logged in as root:
30 4 * * 1-5 myusername /home/user/script
I am thinking there is a way to specify a user other than root in root's cron job.

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    The crontab man page says that cron changes to the users home
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    it also talks about /etc/cron.d/cron.allow
    So it looks like those users need to be given a home directory
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    truss -fpl $(pgrep cron)
    might show you what it is doing.
    it also talks about /etc/cron.d/cron.allow do you have such a file?

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    Hope that makes sense.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    I appreciate all comments. At the expense of being long winded I did not get into all the details. But to be more clear I want to say
    1. I am using a parfile as to hide the password from the ps command.
    2. I also understand that doing it as sysdba is not recommended but i thought if I did so I could eliminate need for storing clear text password.
    3. This system is on a seperate "air-gapped" (a.k.a "sneaker-net") from the outside world and is a better protected than if sitting somewhere near the internet.
    4. Historically we have not been permitted to use OP$ accounts. This may be a legacy issue,and will (re-)investigate this as an option.
    5. Just to be clear, I really do not want to do a full export as sysdba. In fact currently I am doing it as a user with EXP_FULL_DATABASE role. However, that requires password to be stored in file (parfile). The file has it in clear text which is still not optimal because System Admins could gain access to this password (Yes I know system admins could do larger damage, but we still need to protect the passwords).
    I am going to look at calling the API directly, and OP$ if needed.
    Thanks for the suggestions.

  • Cron job help

    hya m8s!
    so i want to create a cron job that will do the following in order.
    1.  run pacman -Syu
    2.  run pacman -Scc
    3.  run lilo (incase of kernel upgrade)
    i want this to run every day at 5am,
    the problem is that i know what i want it to do i just have NO idea how to implement it.  i have researched cron jobs a bit but i havent found an easy to understand way exec the above commands.  one of my m8s suggested i use the "at" command but i dont think i can set that to run at a specified time every day.  Please help if you can.
    (note: once ifigure out cron i want to start to try to figure out how to build packages. i have also read the wiki on this and still dont get it)

    cdk wrote:
    why is it a bad thing to do?  seems like it would be a good thing so it keeps the system up to date right?
    i figure that if i do it manually or not i still doing the same thing everyday.  any info as to why this would be bad would be great.  i def dont want to mess up my system.
    Take KDE 3.3 to KDE 3.4 upgrade as an example:
    Your way would have just updated KDE without considering possible side-effects. The recommended way in this case was removal prior to upgrade.
    You would not have been able to follow those recommendations if a script would have done the job.
    If you really feel the need to auto-upgrade everyday, I'd recommend excluding problematic packages (e.g. kernel. IMO that should only be upgraded with the user watching) and keeping that list up to date by checking with the ARCH news and boards...

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    Thanx in advance!

    There are several ways of doing this.
    By default the output of any cron job would be mailed to the user's local mail account, so one option would be to setup mail forwarding from the system to the user's regular mail account.
    The other option is to simply pipe the output of the cron task to mail, like:
    1 2 * * * /path/to/your/task | mail [email protected]
    Now when the specified task runs, its output will be passed to mail and sent to the specified address.

  • Cron job not running - script uses rsync, ssh (with id_rsa)

    Does anyone know how to get cron to run a rsync/ssh script which uses id_rsa for passwordless logins?
    I have a backup script I have slaved for months over that works wonderfully when running it from the command line.
    It uses rsync and connects with SSH (passwordless using ssh keys). I have setup id_rsa and id_rsa.pub for passwordless logins (this is my user account, and connects using root@ to the server)
    As stated all works find when run from the command line. But when I setup a cron job to run this file (exact same line I run from the command line) it does not execute. Actually, it does run, as I have an email notifiction which sends to me. It is just the rsync/ssh part that does not run.
    I have spent days and days trying to figure it out. No error messages occur, nothing.  Took me a while to find out cron is emailing the user account on Lion the messages (not to a proper email address).
    The error shows a permission denied, which I believe to be the cron user cannot use the id_rsa/ssh connection.
    Cron is running the script as my user, the same I use on the command line. I even tried copying the id_rsa to the root user .ssh folder in case cron is running as root but that does not work either.
    So does anyone know how to get cron to run this rsync/ssh script which used id_rsa for passwordless logins?
    Thanks a lot

    YES! Got it working, finally!
    So the issue is indeed cron/launchd not being able to access the ssh-agent which holds the key.
    So this is the solution...
    Download keychain for Mac:
    Then once its installed and configured, the script to run needs this added to the top:
    eval `keychain --noask --eval id_rsa` || exit 1
    Note I am using id_rsa whereas keychains instructions refer to id_dsa so I just changed it and it works OK.
    When the script runs the first time it asks for the key password. Then it works from then on.
    What I do not know yet is will I need to re-enter the password when I logoff/logon again. That will cause an issue as I auto restart the Mac every day which means if I am off for a few days backup will stop (can you see the madness in this issue!).

  • How to take the cron job log in HP UX?

    How to take the cron job log in HP UX
    I need to run a backup and other stuff everyday. How do I check and start cron service under HP-UX UNIX operating system? How do I write cron jobs?
    A. Cron service is required to run jobs and tasks such as backup.
    You must login as the root to run following commands. Each user that is using the cron service must have a cron configuration file in the /var/spool/cron/crontab directory. Also users are permitted if their name appeared in /var/adm/cron/cron.allow file
    Task: Find out if cron is running under HP-UX
    Type the following command at a shell prompt
    # ps -ef | grep cron
    Open /etc/rc.config.d/cron file
    vi /etc/rc.config.d/cron
    Set control variable to 1 to enable cron: CRON=1
    Set control variable to 0 to disable: CRON=0
    Close and save the file. To start or stop cron you can type the following command:
    # /sbin/init.d/cron start <-- start cron
    # /sbin/init.d/cron stop <-- stop cron
    Task: HP-UX Start cron service
    If cron is not running, simply type:
    # cron
    Task: Edit / create cron jobs
    Type the following command to submit a cron job:
    # crontab -e
    List your cron file:
    # crontab -l
    Backup all your cron jobs:
    # crontab -l > ~/backup.cron.jobs
    Remove ALL cron job:
    # crontab -r
    Task: Crontab file format
    Cron file format is as follows:
    0-59 0-23 1-31 1-12 0-6 /root/scripts/backup2tape.shEasy to remember crontab file format:
    * * * * * command to be executed
    | | | | |
    | | | | ----- Day of week (0 - 7) (Sunday=0 or 7)
    | | | ------- Month (1 - 12)
    | | --------- Day of month (1 - 31)
    | ----------- Hour (0 - 23)
    ------------- Minute (0 - 59)To run /root/script/backup at 23:00, every day, enter:
    # crontab -e
    Append following
    0 23 * * * /root/script/backupRun foo job very weekday (MON-Fri) at 6am, enter:
    0 6 * * 1-5 /root/script/backupFor more information refer to cron and crontab man pages.
    Subscribe to our free e-mail newsletter or RSS feed to get all updates. You can Email this page to a friend.
    Related Other Helpful FAQs:
    What is Cron?
    Linux Start and stop the cron or crond service
    Run crontab Every 10 Minutes
    Linux / UNIX Setup and run php script as a cron job
    Stop Ubuntu / Debian Linux From Deleting /tmp Files on Boot
    Discussion on This FAQDavid Says:
    January 15th, 2008 at 12:21 am
    You might note that all files normally found in /etc/init.d, /etc/rc*.d, and others are all in /sbin in HP-UX 10.20 and up.
    Note too that your formatting is off in the description of the /etc/rc.config.d/cron file. Also, if you run /usr/bin/cron instead of /sbin/init.d/cron start, the /etc/rc.config.d/cron file is not used.

    I guess it would :)
    btw, how did this piece miss from the contents pasted by the OP ?
    The doc has given all details of CRON and missed where to see the logfiles. :)
    I tried man crontab in windows, i dont see it.i overlook most of the things, i would have done the same ;)
    Edited by: Bobcatalog on Oct 23, 2008 9:40 AM

  • Cron job help- Need to run the Autobuddy command every night...

    I have not written anything in the form of a Unix script for YEARS and YEARS. Our XServe was built in Advanced mode, currently running 10.5.4 Server. On this box, we are running Wiki and iChat. Since we built this box as an Advanced box the "Autobuddy" option was not available.
    I have since enabled it at the command line, but I am told by Apple that there still needs to be a command run after every time a user logs in if you want others to Autobuddy. That command is this:
    "sudo /usr/bin/jabber_autobuddy -m"
    Now I think this would be pretty easy to setup as an automatic cron script, but like I said, I have not written something like this in forever. Not to mention, I am not 100% sure what needs to happen since running the script with an sudo command will prompt for the root password.
    I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me write the script up, and give me some instructions on how to install it. I just want it run everyday, midnight is fine, I don't really care. All I know is that we have a dept of 150 people, and it grows and shrinks all the time. They can deal with a new user not being seen for 24-48 hours, I just want to get this automated.
    Any helps would be GREATLY appreciated!

    If you want to keep it simple try [CronniX|http://www.abstracture.de/projects-en/cronnix] a graphical tool for setting up CRON jobs on OSX. Whilst I have not actually done an autobuuddy in this way, I cannot see any reason why it will not run as a Cron Job.
    The proper way ideally would be to use the launchd service.
    Something like this should work:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
    <plist version="1.0">
    (not sure why, but tabs are not showing up, making this hard to read)
    Message was edited by: Tim Harris

  • Mount USB/Firewire drive from shell or cron job

    Is there a way to mount a USB/Firewire drive from the shell or possibly mount it using a cron job? Here's the situation. I have a user that keeps all of her data on her desktop or in her Documents folder. I have attached a firewire drive to her PowerMac G5 (OS 10.4.6) and successfully created cron jobs to backup her entire user folder every night. The problem is that she logs off of her computer before she leaves work. When she logs of the firewire drive unmounts and the cron job fails because it cannot find the drive. I was hoping there was a way to mount the drive using a script so that it will mount, let the cron job run, and then possibly unmount the drive afterwards. Any help with this would be much appreciated.
    MacMini, PowerMac G5, iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Try adding the following line to the beginning of the job:
    mount -a
    You may need to add u and/or w to the command after the a without any additional spaces for the mount to work properly.

  • Fail to save a Cron job (SOLVED)

    I can't save a new cron job in my system. I use
    crontab -e
    export VISUAL=gedit && crontab -e
    to add a new job. These commands open a /tmp/crontab.XXXX file that after saving, cron jobs are NOT updated!
    It's too strange to me* !
    I run
    nano -w /var/spool/cron/root
    and the cron job is listed now by
    crontab -l
    Why I can't save cron jobs directly from crontab -e?
    ( I have read the vi man pages :-) )
    * I am newbie, just one month Linux user with 3 distro succesfully installed

    osigen wrote:Ooops! VI is complicated editor.
    Thanks anyway!
    Its a great editor once you learn to use it 
    here's some usesfull documentation on the commands:

  • Help Please : Cron Job to automate load process

    I am trying to automate data load process. I am loading data into a number of tables from flat files.
    Currently I have a UNIX (SunOS) file with a bunch of SQLLDR commands and I changed permission on this file to executable. Every morning I execute this file to load data.
    Now I want to automate this process by writing a cron job and scheduling it. I am running into a number of problems. I exported ORACLE_SID, ORACLE_HOME and PATH still cron is unable to find SQLLDR.
    Whatelse am I missing. Here is my command file and cron file.
    Please help!?!?!?
    ORAENV VARiables
    export ORACLE_HOME=/export/opt/oracle/product/8.1.6
    export ORACLE_SID=fid1
    export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
    . $HOME/oraenv
    daily_full.sql file
    sqlldr userid=user/pwd control=acct.ctl log=acct.log
    sqlldr .......
    Cron Job
    16 11 * * 1-5 /apps/fire/data/loadscripts/daily_full.sql >> /apps/fire/data/loadscripts/fulllog.log 2>&1
    Output fulllog.log file
    /apps/fire/data/loadscripts/daily_full.sql: sqlldr: not found
    /apps/fire/data/loadscripts/daily_full.sql: sqlldr: not found

    Hi Ramayanapu,
    first; you have written a shell-script not an sql-script. Please rename your file from daily_full.sql to daily_full.sh
    I suggest that you use the cronjob from a user who has the enviroment with the variables ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME.
    In this case cron will operate from the $HOME variable of this user.
    Perhaps your export will destroy the .kshrc setting. The statement has no effect in your script, please remove it.
    Rename your sqlldr-Statement as follows;
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlldr userid=user/pwd control=<path>acct.ctl log=acct.log
    <path> will placed with the path of your controlfile.
    Your user/pwd will correspond with a ORACLE user who has the right to insert in the destination table.
    Your logfile will be place in the %HOME directory.
    Hope that i could help to solve your problems
    with kind regards

  • Cron job to start machine.

    Is there a way to get the machine to start, open iTunes and start playing a song at a specified time using a cron job?
    MacBook Pro 15.4" - Intel Core Duo 2.0   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2GB RAM

    I have my computer do exactly what you want yours to do, except I don't use a cron job. In case you don't actually need to use cron, I'll tell how I get it to happen.
    As mentioned by Federico_82, I use the Energy Saver preferences in System Preferences. There is an "Schedule..." button in the lower right corner that will allow you set the startup and/or shutdown times for the computer. It's not very detailed, but it suits my purposes for waking up Monday through Friday.
    I also have the computer automatically log me in using the Login Options in Accounts preferences in System Preferences.
    Finally, I've set alarms in iCal and chose "Open file" in the alarm section of the Info drawer. You can select a song file (or anything really) to be opened and the song will be played with iTunes since songs should automatically open with iTunes.
    I've also set the final option in the alarm section to perform this 5 minutes before the time I set for the event, with the event time being the same time as the computer startup. This is okay because it will perform an alarm that was suppose to happen even if it couldn't do it earlier, for example because the computer was off. So you don't have to worry about timing it perfectly. Just set the alarm time to the same as the startup time for the computer or earlier if you want it to happen immediately upon startup, then the alarm will go off immediately after computer turns on and logs you in.
    Also keep in mind you can set the event to repeat at various intervals in iCal, such as Monday through Friday or various discontinuous days of the week every week, and so on. Very customizable.
    Personally, I use an Automator app to start playing a playlist in iTunes, and to set the iTunes volume to an appropriate level to wake up with just in case I've change the volume the last time I used iTunes. In this way, I can simply change the song in the playlist in iTunes without having change the alarm event in iCal. This helps because then I can copy/paste the alarm anywhere I want and don't have to worry about finding another song file if I want to change the song. Instead, I simply find the song I want in iTunes and put it in the playlist, along with any other songs I want have played.
    If you do it with an Automator workflow, simply save the workflow as an iCal Alarm with "Save As Plug-in...". It'll automatically save in your ~/Library/Workflows/Applications/iCal folder, without you having to figure that out. Oh, and it doesn't hurt to test the workflow to make sure it plays your playlist (or whatever you have it do) before saving it as an iCal Alarm. Though, you can re-edit later if you want.
    Once you've saved your workflow as an iCal Alarm, it'll show up in list of files to open in the alarm section for the event. So, after you've chosen "Open file" in that section, the default for the file will be "iCal", but you'll also be able to choose any iCal alarms you've saved in Automator or any other file (such as a document or a song).
    Just as a bit of trivia, a plug-in you save in Automator is actually the same thing as saving your workflow as an application. The only difference is that the app is saved to a specific location so the Finder, or iCal, or Image Capture, etc., can find it. So, you don't have to know where to save it, Automator does that for you, but I told you where it is anyways (though you could use Spotlight) so you can get to it to edit it again if you want. Just drag and drop the app onto Automator or open it from within Automator to edit it again.
    I hope that helps. Though it might sound kind of complicated at first, I think this way is much easier than dealing with a crontab and trying to synchronize it with startup and so on. You'll also find this way very customizable with the various options for iCal alarms and the many possibilities with Automator (if you choose to use a workflow instead of simply a song file).

  • [SOLVED] Cron Job that starts every 30 minutes from boot

    I wish to have a cron job that runs a script every 30 minutes from boot, without any users logging in.
    I know about crontab -e, but I think that would I only run once i'm logged in. I've also heard about @reboot, but that would only run the script once.
    Last edited by rabbidrabbit (2012-01-31 20:14:13)

    Cron jobs will run whenever the system is up, regardless of whether or not anyone is logged in.
    I don't remember the syntax, but I know that at least some cron implementations have a way to run a job every 30 minutes, starting for the first time 30 minutes after reboot.
    EDIT: I just checked the syntax for fcron, which is what I use, and it seems like doing @ 30 your/command/here will make it run every 30 minutes of uptime.
    Last edited by kyla (2012-01-31 00:17:30)

  • The specified user domainname\user1 could not be found;

     am writing script for adding the users into site collec admin group.till last week this code was working fine. but from yesday onwards, am getting this error. this user already exists in the farm and AD. etc... 
    thanks to Simon Doy,. i took refer.from his code: 
    Add-PSSnapIn Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
    $MasterUsernames =  "in\userB#in\userC#in\userA;
    $UsersNamesArray= $MasterUsernames.Split('#')
    $siteCollection = Get-SPSite  "http://srvr1:123/sites/engg/"
    Write-Host "Setting up user $MasterUsernames as site collection admin for $siteCollection.Title  " -ForegroundColor White; 
       foreach($singleUserName in  $UsersNamesArray)
             #$userToBeMadeSiteCollectionAdmin = $siteCollection.RootWeb.EnsureUser($Username); 
             $userToBeMadeSiteCollectionAdmin = $siteCollection.RootWeb.EnsureUser($singleUserName); 
             if($userToBeMadeSiteCollectionAdmin.IsSiteAdmin -ne $true)
                       Write-Host "$singleUserName is not site admin"
                       $userToBeMadeSiteCollectionAdmin.IsSiteAdmin = $true;
                      Write-Host "User is now site collection admin for $siteCollection" -ForegroundColor Green;
                Write-Host "User is already site collection admin for $siteCollection" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow; 
     Write-Host "Current Site Collection Admins for site: " $siteCollection.Url " " $siteCollection.RootWeb.SiteAdministrators;
    can anyone pls  point me  why am getting this error suddenly.this is working code and am getting this error only for a particular user.
    am getting this error.
    Exception calling "EnsureUser" with "1" argument(s): "The specified user domainname\userA;
     could not be found."
    At C:\powerscripts\AddUsers_SiteCollecAdmin.ps1:20 char:10
    +          $userToBeMadeSiteCollectionAdmin = $siteCollection.RootWeb.EnsureUser($ ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : SPException

    Hi Sadomovalex,
    am using Windows Claims only, not FBA.the issue started only 2 days back. it was working fine till last week.
    note: i was creating site collections with dedicated content db through powershell and adding metadata , contents types, doc libs, association etc etc kind of jobs. After end user found some bugs in my site collec .we thought of dropping the site collec
    and db and recreate it again. this was repepated multiple times. 2 days back i was performing this - recreatng the  same sitecollec and content db - [ after deletion ] it recreated. and end user came to me for adding few members as sitecollec
    admin.s since this is a routine task, i wrote this powershell. 

  • DBMS vs unix Cron job

    We have a web application using Oracle 8.1.7. When the user enters a process button on the web we want to run the procedure in the background and we also have some jobs that needs to be run in a scheduled time. My dba is telling us to use cron in place of dbms job. He thinks it is easy to maintain. Are there any new utilities in 8i besides dbms job. Can some body give me pros and cons on these processes.
    thank you

    DBMS_JOB only runs PL/SQL. If you need to do OS stuff as well, then a shell script is your only man, hence cron.
    For pure database jobs, then I would suggest that DBMS_JOB is a better bet, primarily because you don't have the problem with using two different clocks. Generally I find it easier to manage everything from the database. Howver if your DBA has lots of existing cron jobs for OS things that he needs to co-ordinate with these database things then cron probably will make live easier for him.
    As for runninmg stuff from a user command, I would suggest that DBMS_JOB is the way to go, because it can handle a one-off submission. Again, unless there's lots of OS activity that needs to be managed as well.
    rgds, APC

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