Spedizione guida utente pse 7.0 ita

circa un mese fa ho acquistato sullo store di adobe la guida utente di pse 7 in italiano.
pagamento tramite visa, ordine ricevuto da adobe che mi indica come data di consegna il giorno 10 giugno.
ad oggi non mi è arrivato nulla, e non so cosa fare per avere notizie dell'acquisto.
aiutatemi per favore

Sono spiacente, ma questa tribuna è appena per gli utenti. Dovreste contattare direttamente Adobe. Il numero è alla cima di questo Web page.

Similar Messages

  • Creating Guides in PSE?

    I have not found a way to create Guides in PSE 4 or 5, or any information on doing this. Can anyone tell me how this can be done?
    Also, guides made on a file created in Photoshop 7 or CS2 do not show up when the file is opened in Elements - is there a way around that?
    Thank you so much!

    Thank you Barbara,
    Turns out you're right, guides created in PH& or CS2 DO show up in PSE 5.
    Any thoughts on how to create or view them in 4?
    I'm sorry, I don't have enough PSE experience to know how it works, because it's so simple to click and drag from the ruler in CS2.
    Thanks again!

  • How can I print out a complete pdf file of PSE 10 user guide?

    This is worse than trying to deal with the government bureaucrats....I am simply asking how I can print out a complete pdf file of the user guide for PSE 10...I had one for version 9 but cannot get anything for version 10??? The address shown in the getting started manual doe snot go through??? HELP!!!

    Download from here:
    for the Organizer
    and this faq:

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    Hi, spero con questa breve guida, a seguito di una serie di ragionamenti e test, di poterVi fornire una soluzione ad un noto problema che affligge il NAS MyBookLive di Western Digital, cioe' quello di non di passare MAI in Sleep Mode / StandBy dopo 10' di inattivita' (LED BLUE !). Seguitemi con attenzione :  1)  Impostazione dell' indirizzo IP STATICO sul Router associato al MAC Address del MyBookLive (Numero facilmente acquisibile da Menu Impostazioni  /Rete del MBL o dalla tabella indirizzi del Router/Switch), evitando inutili negoziazioni DHCP da parte del MBL, essendo lo stesso, presumibilmente statico e fisso in rete. 2)  Impostazione della modalita' di indirizzo IP Statico (CheckBox nel Menu Impostazioni/Rete/Modalita' di Rete) 2a) Impostazione dell' indirizzo IP STATICO / IP NETMASK / IP GATEWAY / DNS nel Menu Impostazioni/Rete del MBL (I dati sono facilmente acquisibili nel menu di qualsiasi Router della Vs rete) 3)  Disabilitazione nel Menu: Impostazioni/Sistema/Data e Ora del servizio NTP (Network Time Protocol) (smarcare la CheckBox), impostando poi sotto Data e Ora manualmente, evitando cosi' la trasmissione dell'HeartBeat in rete per l'aggiornamento dell'orologio.(per altro utile esclusivamente alla compilazione dei Log interni) 4)  Parametrizzazione della modalita'/cadenza dell'aggiornamento automatico del Database del Twonky media Server residente nel MBL: Mediante l' applicazione TwonkyMedia Server Browser, nel  Basic Setup/Sharing, modificare il valore numerico in basso, alla voce "Rescan In Minutes", impostando a " 0 " (zero) al posto del valore preimpostato " - 1 ". Si evita cosi' la ricostruzione automatica del database ad ogni aggiunta/cancellazione di files immagine, Video, Musica, o quant'altro si copii nel disco. Questo e' il vizio piu' grosso del TwonkyMediaServer, che tiene purtroppo sempre sveglio il disco. Chiaro che disabilitando Twonky si elude il problema.....ma un Media Server tutto sommato non e' male averlo.Un valore numerico positivo (che so, 1440, cioe' 24 Ore) indica in minuti primi la cadenza dell'aggiornamento del DB, cosa che 'risveglia' ovviamente l'unita' MBL senza un comando manuale dell'utente. Con il valore a Zero e' necessario manutenere reindicizzando ogni tanto il database, ma non e' un gran task .... 5)  Modifica della modalita' di 'Accesso Remoto (WD2GO) nel Menu Impostazioni/Accesso Remoto, con impostazione su "Accesso Remoto" Attiva (casella marcata) e Manuale, con la conseguente automatica definizione delle due porte TCP (che MBL visualizza  automaticamente subito sotto: 80 Http e 443 Https.Le stesse vanno entrambe associate all' IP Address del MBL) 5a) Se previsto, sul Router, non e' male DISABILITARE UPnP, dato che TwonkyMediaServer svolge gia' quella funzione e passeranno i dati trasparentemente dal Router senza che ne debba gestire localmente chiss' quale funzione...solo un collo di bottiglia.  5b) Personalmente ho disabilitato la funzione di gestione Host UPnP di Windows 7, (si trova sul WEB un'applicazione  "unpnp.exe" per farlo in un click) e questa funzionalita' mi teneva 'sveglio' il NAS ad ogni accesso in rete del PC. Inoltre ci sono sul WEB una serie di raccomandazioni relative a sicurezza in merito. 5c) Impostare (Importante) il 'TCP/UDP Port Forward' sul Router per le porte 80 (HTTP) e 443 (HTTPS) e il MacAddress del MyBookLive. Alcuni Routers hanno gia' questa impostazione e bisogna solo associare quei numeri di 'Porta TCP' al Mac Address del MBL.Questa operazione elimina qualsiasi 'polling' automatico di apertura e mantenimento delle porte TCP per gestire l'accesso da remoto (WD2GO) Tutta questa procedura puo' apparire complessa, e leggendo qua e la' nei Forum di settore si nota che il problema ha creato a moltissima gente non pochi mal di testa, ma la soluzione pare efficace. Un TV con DLNA Media Client OVVIAMENTE potrebbe svegliare  il dispositivo MBL, in quanto se ha acceduto anche solo una volta il Server in Rete, e' stato registrato dal TwonkyMediaServer, che rappresenta il processo piu' 'indisciplinato' all'interno del MBL, e, col compito di 'servire' i propri 'clients' noti, si attiva. (ma potrei dire qualcosa di impreciso e non mi spingo oltre) Spero di aver fatto cosa gradita e saluto i membri di questo utile Forum./R PS: Non sarebbe male che il supporto di Western Digital specificasse all'interno delle Guide Utente, le procedure che potenzialmente provocano la mancata sospensione del disco (Sleep Mode/ StandBy) , ma dato che sto riscontrando lamentele che cominciano nel 2011, non mi aspetto alcun intervento... Se me lo concedete, vorrei invitare ad evitare  di fornire suggerimenti inutili come quello che ho letto in questo forum, qui poco sopra. Prima di fornire consigli bisognerebbe dotarsi di un minimo di conoscenza dei prodotti e delle loro tecnologie. Se non e' soddistfatto questo basico requisito, ci si dovrebbe semplicemente astenere dal fornire suggerimenti: (MBL sconnesso dalla rete 'PIANGE' 24H / 365D non disponendo 'diciamo', di un cordone ombelicale con l'utenza.....come ci si puo' aspettare che vada in StandBy ?!?!?!?. Si fa perdere del tempo agli utenti gia' scoraggiati e alla ricerca di una soluzione.....

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     Anyway I am calling from skype use card payment my details. Making important calls. Leave false name and number. Then however i finally received a call back them using my card name, I hung up the number was 2026590993, not happy about this. Anyone why this was done, not very good,as i dont know who called , I just make individual calls no idea why that reaction was so.... or how they got my name anyone know who I contact or who can contact me to help...figure, what hell this is. Why? Who I can call. How it can be rectified. And who ever did that was not needed, I am not inmore danger because of it. thats why I call justice.gov in the first place. Please help SOS
    [email protected]

    This is contact customer service!!!!
    Guida al supporto » | Assistenza utenti » | Guide utente » | Ricerca forum »
    Life would be much easier if I had the source code.

  • Can I get rid of the guide lines in the new PSE 10 crop tool?

    The title really says it all. I dislike the guide lines in the new PSE 10 crop tool. Is there a way to get rid of them so the tool looks like it did in PSE 9?

    Select "None" from the "Overlay" option in the Crop Tool options bar:

  • Guided edits not visible in PSE 13

    I recently purchased and installed PSE 13 on my laptop running Windows 8...the guided edits appearing in the right hand panel under the guided tab, do not show up. Once it happened, I reinstalled PSE 13, but now the problem has occurred again....any solutions?

    HI Nikita,
    tried that already....not working....have reinstalled once again. Will let you know if the problem occurs again....

  • Photomerge Compose: The Guide on the right never appears (as seen in tutorial and in my PSE 13 Dummies book!)

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    I believe, the software team forgot to put a button for send or share as an attachment to preview.

  • PSE 11 Guided Edit will not initialize

    I've installed PSE 11 on my iMac running OS 10.7.5. Guided edit hangs after initializing about 75% when I try to run it from my main user (administrator) account. It works fine from a second user account. Does anyone have any ideas about getting it to run from my main account? That's where all my photos and other data is. I tried a re-install, and that didn't help.

    Well, it took me two days to find where you put this.   So far the adobe system just seems to be delighting in setting up mazes and hoops for its users when they have questions.  I'm just looking for some help with my problem.

  • Positive surprise: PSE 4.0 came along with a 200+ page User Guide

    Today, when I got by regular mail my PSE 4.0 version, the box containing the Software contained also a User Guide of a little more than 200 pages.
    This is in contrast to the PSE 3.0 box that I got one year earlier: it contained only a 70-page "Getting Started" that I did not find helpful.
    I am quite happy about this change.
    But I still have a documentation wish for next version: a good document describing in details all enhancements of the new version (including important fixes). Its OK, if this additional document will be a downloadable document.

    Yes, I agree that the inclusion of a User Guide book will be viewed as good news by people who prefer to read paper. However, in my USA retail box, the book is missing a significant number of topics. These are easily identified by the question marks instead of page numbers in the Table of Contents.
    Someone pointed out to me that the product CD has a PDF file of the User Guide which does contain all the topics (including the topics missing from the printed book). My experience is that this PDF file is not copied to your hard drive during the installation process.
    After doing a general review of the User Guide content, it appears to be the same as the Contents of the program Help.
    My summary is that there appear to be three options for PSE 4
    1- Read the printed User Guide book (if your purchase included it) realizing that some topics may be missing.
    2- Use the PDF version of the User Guide from the product CD or copy it to your hard drive.
    3- Use the product Help functions.
    Barb O

  • Problems with guided edit mode in PSE 13

    I'm having problems with some of the guided modes in PSE 13.
    The simple method for changing the  the depth of field does put a blur on my photos but the add focus area doesn't work- leaving my photos a blurry mess. The custom mode using the quick selection tool works fine.
    The zoom burst behaves in a similar fashion - it gives a zoom burst to the whole photo  but trying to  add focus doesn't work.  I've seen a few other people commenting about this in various forums but haven't seen anyone post a solution.

    murieston a écrit:
    I'm having problems with some of the guided modes in PSE 13.
    The simple method for changing the  the depth of field does put a blur on my photos but the add focus area doesn't work- leaving my photos a blurry mess. The custom mode using the quick selection tool works fine.
    The zoom burst behaves in a similar fashion - it gives a zoom burst to the whole photo  but trying to  add focus doesn't work.  I've seen a few other people commenting about this in various forums but haven't seen anyone post a solution.
    Both effects are based on the same principle: you have a blurred layer copy over the original. The step you are missing is how to use the gradient tool to show or mask the blurred layer. To better understand, switch to 'expert' view and look at your layers panel and especially at the mask in the blurred layer. You'll see that it's much easier and more flexible to do the steps in expert mode.
    - 1 - duplicate the layer
    - 2 - apply the effect (blur or zoom burst)
    - 3 - add a mask to the blurred layer
    - 4 - select the mask (Alt click in the mask icon, this makes the blank mask visible in the display area)
    - 5 - use the gradient tool (or any other painting tool) to show/reveal what should be blurred or not.
    Your problem may be due to the use of the gradient tool. Be sure the default background/colors are set to default (Click D for white on black)

  • I'm a new PSE 12 user, would like to find a step by step guide to import photos

    Marco here, I'm a new PSE 12 user, and would like to find a step by step guide to import my thousands of photos, which are on my hard drive. Want to get it right the 1st time. Thank you.
    Been searching for hours on Adobe help, Linda videos etc. Thank you !

    I have decided that my external HD wasn't organized enough and spent days making folders of special events and by years.
    I will point out that none of this organizing in your operating system is necessary, it can be done in Lightroom as well, and you can organize in Lightroom with tools that you don't have in your operating system, tools that are more powerful than your operating system, and tools that were specifically designed for photos (which folders were not). These tools are keywords, captions and other metadata. My suggestion is that instead of moving photos and folders from one place to another to achieve organization, you instead use keywords, captions and other metadata to achieve organization.

  • PSE 10 Guided Tab Issues

    My guided tab options are missing on my pse 10 what shall I do? I have a PC

    You're welcome!
    It's anybody's guess why it happened.  Did you install any 3rd party plugins to PSE, or install or delete any programs in Windows?
    It's fairly unlikely that it will happen again, but now you know what to do....

  • Guided Edit conflicts w/ Extractions PSE 10

    I've been working on two things: putting people on new backgrounds and improving the looks of those same people using Guided Edit's Perfect Portrait. As soon as I click on Apply Smart Blur, garbage appears in areas I had removed. This picture is one example of what I'm getting: Its discouraging! I've tried doing the Guided Edit first but when I do, I loose all of the changes when I separate the image from the background. I'm using a PC with Windows 7, and PSE 10. Janet

    I've tried doing the Guided Edit first but when I do, I loose all of the changes when I separate the image from the background
    Does it happen if you flatten after running the guided edit?

  • Guided tutorials for PSE 9

    Hello folks, I was wondering if anybody knew where I could find some good tutorials using elements 9?. Ive Ive gone through most of the basics I found on youtube (with varying amounts of success) and Ive found some extrodinary project guides but seemed to be a far different type of PS???
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...Thanks

    If you google "Photoshop Elements tutorial" with whatever you want to learn, you'll surely find it. Also, there are several websites devoted to PSE, depending on what you want to do. Photoshopelementsuser.com is pretty general, although some tutorials are subscriber only. There's also lynda.com and a number of more specialized sites for things like scrapbooking, etc.

Maybe you are looking for

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