Spell Check in Story

I'm trying out Adobe Story and can't find the spel check option in any menus.  Help please?

That's not really "spellchecking". That's more of an in-document "spell-check feature". As opposed to a document-wide "spell-check function"
Unfortunately, Adobe has failed to impliment a document wide spell check function in a document creation application (embarrasing). It's now 2014. I hope we don't have to wait more "years" for someone to get their act together on this.
While importing scripts, documents and etc. from other software, there are always translation and importing issues. It's very unreasonable to make a user painstakingly go through an entire document to replace a "DOT" with an " ' "... and no! find and replace does seem to pick up on the DOT.
If Adobe wants to make people pay a monthly service for their software with the ability to "push" updates at will... then they should at least update the word proccessng software with a functional spell check.
I love the suite and have used it for years but, it really gives an "air of incompitence" when the most basic of features (the libraries have already been written 100x's over) are lacking in a word processing application.

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    That's not really "spellchecking". That's more of an in-document "spell-check feature". As opposed to a document-wide "spell-check function"
    Unfortunately, Adobe has failed to impliment a document wide spell check function in a document creation application (embarrasing). It's now 2014. I hope we don't have to wait more "years" for someone to get their act together on this.
    While importing scripts, documents and etc. from other software, there are always translation and importing issues. It's very unreasonable to make a user painstakingly go through an entire document to replace a "DOT" with an " ' "... and no! find and replace does seem to pick up on the DOT.
    If Adobe wants to make people pay a monthly service for their software with the ability to "push" updates at will... then they should at least update the word proccessng software with a functional spell check.
    I love the suite and have used it for years but, it really gives an "air of incompitence" when the most basic of features (the libraries have already been written 100x's over) are lacking in a word processing application.

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    If you go to Edit>Spelling>Check Spelling
    You get a dialog box - the only options are for All Documents, Current Document, Story, To End of Story, or Selection
    These are the options for checking spelling, ignore masters is not an option, unfortunately.
    But you can select a range of text and use the Selection option to check the spelling.
    Hope that helps.

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    The built-in ASC spell checker is -- to put it kindly -- quirky. First, you must turn it on using the 'abc' tool on the right in the editor toolbar. (When it's on, it highlights.) But it won't stay turned on if you click on the tool before you enter any text -- it will just tell you that no misspellings were found & won't stay on. It also sometimes fails to check the last word if followed by a space. You can tell it to ignore misspellings, but you can't tell it to learn words because the spell-checking dictionary is actually on the servers running the site, not on your Mac or PC.
    But from your remarks, you probably aren't even using the built-in checker. Instead, I suspect you are trying to use the far superior system-wide one built into OS X. The problem with that is the ASC editing tools are powered by Javascript supplied by the Jive SBS software running the site. Because that is platform independent it doesn't know anything about OS X's contextual menu (which includes suggestions for misspellings, the Dictionary lookup, & so on).
    So to make a long story short, what happens when you try to right click on a word the OS X checker has underlined in red, instead you get the Javascript's response to a right click, which brings up the editor's insert/alignment popup menu instead of the OS X contextual menu.
    The solution is to control click on the word -- believe it or not, within the ASC editor window a right click & a control click are not the same thing! You literally have to hold down the control key on the keyboard when you click to bypass the Javascript's right click response.
    To make things that much more confusing, this only applies if the pointer is not over empty space in the editor window, which in this case excludes lines that have any text on them, including invisible text like spaces or returns. (To see what I mean, drag the tab at the bottom right of the editor window down so there is a lot of empty space below what you have typed. In this empty area, right & control clicks both bring up the OS X contextual menu, but anywhere in the text you have typed, they behave differently.)
    In short, the problem is not that Apple has changed how the buttons or clicks work, it is that the new software that runs the site (not developed by Apple) does.
    Hope this helps.

  • InDesign's Spell Check causes recall of student newspaper at Brigham Young University

    This is hysterical. And a great lesson to be learned.

    I agree. It's entirely up to the user to proof read any document going to press/print. Seriously, InDesign does not have predicative typing, predictive sentencing or predictive story, features that come installed like the new imac wheel does http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuVbrm_GqhM
    Sure it has a spell checker that doesn't have all the words in the dictionary in there. It can highlight mispelt words and it can offer up suggestions. But it's the end user that has to read the article, highlight the error, select the right word and check that the sentence reads correctly before proceeding.
    If anything this is just bad publicity for the University and shows how well they teach their young padawans. I've no sympathy for them.
    Reminds me of a time a colleague used OCR when scanning a document and put the text straight into the layout. It got as far as press before someone noticed that the words were all messed up.
    You have to take responsibility for your own actions and blaming someone or something else for your own mistakes is just unprofessional.
    How people here used the spell checker on the forum when replying to this?

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    Thanks in advance.

    If you go to Edit>Spelling>Check Spelling
    You get a dialog box - the only options are for All Documents, Current Document, Story, To End of Story, or Selection
    These are the options for checking spelling, ignore masters is not an option, unfortunately.
    But you can select a range of text and use the Selection option to check the spelling.
    Hope that helps.

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    If you go to Edit>Spelling>Check Spelling
    You get a dialog box - the only options are for All Documents, Current Document, Story, To End of Story, or Selection
    These are the options for checking spelling, ignore masters is not an option, unfortunately.
    But you can select a range of text and use the Selection option to check the spelling.
    Hope that helps.

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    That's not really "spellchecking". That's more of an in-document "spell-check feature". As opposed to a document-wide "spell-check function"
    Unfortunately, Adobe has failed to impliment a document wide spell check function in a document creation application (embarrasing). It's now 2014. I hope we don't have to wait more "years" for someone to get their act together on this.
    While importing scripts, documents and etc. from other software, there are always translation and importing issues. It's very unreasonable to make a user painstakingly go through an entire document to replace a "DOT" with an " ' "... and no! find and replace does seem to pick up on the DOT.
    If Adobe wants to make people pay a monthly service for their software with the ability to "push" updates at will... then they should at least update the word proccessng software with a functional spell check.
    I love the suite and have used it for years but, it really gives an "air of incompitence" when the most basic of features (the libraries have already been written 100x's over) are lacking in a word processing application.

  • Spell Check and Line Breaks

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    "This is my sentence and then
    if I break it like this."
    Spell check will return "if" as an error which needs to be capitalized.
    Is there a way to turn off this aspect of spell check?
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    Thank you in advance.

    Nevermind. I think I figured out.

  • Spell check on Iframe

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    How do i implement a spell check on an iFrame in my page..?
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    Thanks in advance,

    Is this thread still alive..?
    Can someone help me..?

  • Spell check option to skip master pages

    I'm still running CS3 so perhaps this has already been solved for but I need a spell check option to ignore the master pages. I'm a magazine designer and our master pages contain placeholder text so we can work our layouts before we have final copy. Problem is we can never run an effective spell check because there is no option to ignore the master pages so a spell check tries to check the lorum ipsum text rendering it useless. It would be wildy helpful if in the search dropdown option you could select "no masters" or something of the sort. Similar to the option in the Find/Change search dropdown, where you can choose "story" instead of "document"; in fact, this same functionality in Find/Change would be great as well. Also, "Story" is a good option, the whole document minus the master pages would be even better. That way we could check all of the active text in the document, including folios, rubrics and captions that are divided from the story.
    Let me know if I can explain this better.

    Spring Step Creative wrote:
    I'm familiar with the workaround. Trouble is when you place or paste 
    your text in later, you have to remember to take it off of "no 
    language" or it will continue to ignore the text. We're dealing with 
    editors here, with very quick turnarounds, and the whole idea is not 
    to make a mistake. Just think how easy it would be to forget to turn 
    off "no language", run a spell check and think you're good to go to 
    press. ... and don't say InCopy has the solution, because its not a 
    useful product for us; it's cumbersome and doesn't serve us well at 
    all. I really think adding functionality that would allow you to 
    simply filter out the master pages in a spell check would be an 
    excellent help.
    Have you tried creating customized placeholder text, something like "Replace this placeholder text with real text and tag the replacement text with such-and-such paragraph style." instead of lorem ipsum? You do this by creating a text file named "placeholder.txt" that contains your customized text, and saving it in the main InDesign directory. When you perform Type > Fill With Placeholder Text, the customized text appears with instructions.
    You can create object styles for the placeholder text frames that apply the no-language paragraph style. You can make the no-language paragraph style a color, bold, etc, to call even more attention to it.
    A simpler option would be to assure that all the text in your customized placeholder.text file is spelled correctly, so it doesn't get a hit when spell checking.
    Being able to omit Master pages from spell checks is a good idea. Would you want it to be a scope option in the spell checker, or a property of a master page? If it were a master page property, you could specify which master pages are skipped. You can enter a formal feature request at
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Where is spell check and insert signature

    ANGRY that when I access my company e-mail through Outlook Web Access, there is no ability to spell check and no way to insert signature.
    So....do I have to check my e-mail on a PC to get these features...say it is not so.

    Right click (if you have a 2 button mouse) or control-click in the window of safari. a menu will pop up.
    You will see an option for spelling. You will go down to it and when you do you can open up the spelling window itself (first option), have it check the spelling in the text entry window (second option), or have it check it as you type (3rd option).
    he signature is a different story. it will be an option in your companies web mail program. Look for settings there. Web mail programs have settings just as regular desktop mail does.
    If that fails and there is no signature option then a solution would be to use stickies or a text editor to type up a signature then use copy and paste to put it in the end of your email (copy is command-c, paste command-v).

  • Spell Check and Ellipsis

    I'm writing out a story on Dreamweaver, and I am frequently writing dialogue with ellipses (those triple periods indicating a pause) mid-sentence. I've been taught by multiple sources on grammar that an ellipsis at the end of the sentence is followed by a space, whereas one in the middle of the sentence is not. However, Dreamweaver's spell check seems to have issue with ellipses that have no spaces between them and the words before and after them.
    It almost seems to disregard the ellipsis entirely and mistakenly see the two words it's written between as one jumbled word. I have to hit ignore every time it brings an instance up while checking my spelling. Does anyone know what causes this in Dreamweaver's spell check, and is there any way to work around it so I don't have to keep telling it to ignore every instance?

    Ben has your solution.
    In order to type an ellipsis on my Mac, I just hold down the [option] button and press ";" and I get an ellipsis. But not on a website. In many cases, the character that comes up on some browsers is a black diamond (actually the color is whatever you are using in your style sheet for the font color) with a question mark in it.
    This is to say, don't use an ellipsis character. Use the HTML code for the character, which will be rendered properly in all browsers. The code for an ellipsis is … or … which must be entered in your Code View.
    Now, what you could do is type an ellipsis character and do Dreamweaver's Find and Replace to correctly replace the character with the code. Make sure that Find is searching for Source Code.
    I don't use spell check in Dreamweaver. I keep a TextEdit or Notepad application open for words I'm not sure about and check spelling outside of the application. Dreamweaver CS3 did not have spell check and so I have retained that workflow for my documents.
    PS: I do recommend that you keep, as a reference, the following web page in your bag of tricks with respect to punctuation, math and other symbols in HTML:
    Added link to W3 Schools symbol reference page.

  • Crash during spell check

    I have CS3 and when I do a spell check of the entire document I get about half way and it crashes. I can spell check individual stories within the document, but not the entire document. Any ideas?

    Presumably you've tried checking the story where it crashes?
    You might want to try replacing your preferences. Also, is this problem related to a specific document, but not others (in which case it isn't prefs, and you should export the doc to .inx), or is it happening in all documents, old and new? What patch version of ID are you using? What version of Windows, how much RAM, etc.?

  • Won't send.Spell check pops up.Have to use Task Manager to start over

    1.I address an email to send. 2.Type in the subject. 3.Press enter to fill the message. I type a few letters, when 4.a pop-up appears for spell check. end of story. I cnnot do anything. Cannot delete, cannot send.
    I have to go to task manager and close everything and start over.

    I have a customer experiencing exactly the same issue. Their computer is running Windows 7 Pro with Office 2007 SP3. After seemingly exhausting all troubleshooting options, I backed up their data, formatted the hard drive and performed a clean install of
    Windows and all their applications. It didn't solve the problem!
    What's strange is the customer also has a laptop computer, running the same version of Outlook, and that doesn't experience any problems connecting to Office 365 on the same network.
    My next step is to send the customer a new ADSL modem/router to try.
    I have another customer on Office 365, also running Outlook 2007, and they also experience issues with emails sitting in the outbox while Outlook displays the status message “Outlook is trying to retrieve data from the Microsoft exchange server outlook.office365.com.”
    In this case Outlook doesn't freeze/stop responding, like it does for the first customer I mentioned.

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