Split Panes, Frame and Resizing

my user interface is made up of a message panel using the created class SplitPanes2 through the method createSplitPanes called from a class that extends Frame. (will post code if required: lengthy). When the frame is resized/maximized, the splitPanes remain at their preferred size. How can I work on it such that the SplitPanes will resize proportionally too? Please inform me if I have overlooked certain details.
public class AppLayout {
     Frame parent;
     public AppLayout() {
     public void createSplitPanes( Panel messagePanel, TextArea messageAreaOut, TextArea messageAreaIn, TextArea messageArea ) {
          Panel splitPane2 = new SplitPane2( messageAreaOut, messageAreaIn, messageArea );
          messagePanel.setLayout( new GridLayout(1, 1));
     public class SplitPane2 extends Panel {
          public SplitPane2( TextArea messageAreaIn, TextArea messageAreaOut, TextArea messageArea ) {
               //Create an instance of splitPane
               splitPane sPane2  = new splitPane( messageAreaOut, messageAreaIn );
               JSplitPane left    = sPane2.getSplitPane();
               //XXXX: Bug #4131528, borders on nested split panes accumulate.
               //Workaround: Set the border on any split pane within
               //another split pane to null. Components within nested split
               //panes need to have their own border for this to work well.
               left.setBorder( null );
               //Create a split pane and put "left" (a split pane)
               //and TextArea instance in it.
               JSplitPane sPane   = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT,
                    left, messageArea );
               sPane.setDividerLocation( 150 );
               sPane.setResizeWeight( 0.5 );
               //Add the split pane to this frame
               sPane.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 400, 430 ) );
               add( sPane );
          class splitPane {
               JSplitPane sPane;
               public splitPane( TextArea messageAreaOut, TextArea messageAreaIn ) {
                    //Read image names from a properties file
                    sPane = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT,
                         messageAreaIn, messageAreaOut );
                    sPane.setDividerLocation( 0.5 );
                    sPane.setResizeWeight( 0.5 );
                    //Provide a preferred size for the split pane
                    sPane.setPreferredSize( new Dimension( 150, 350 ) );
               public JSplitPane getSplitPane() {
                    return sPane;

Hi, I'm not sure, but I think I had a similar problem. I tried to place a JSplitPane inside a JPanel and then I got the same behaviour as you describe. Unfortunately I didn't find out why that happened. I simply didn't use the JPanel and then it worked as I wanted it to. (Almost) :)

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    splitPane.setEnabled( false );

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    Sounds like it might be a sync issue. Have you tried powering the monitor off and then back on with the MBP connected to it? How about just temporarily disconnecting the DVI cable from the desktop PC and using that to plug into the MBP.

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    Hi Louisa,
    louisa_16_za wrote:
    i work with Numbers on my MiniMac and then save the files as Excel because the university only works with Windows.
    Numbers is not an Excel clone. Importing and exporting between Numbers and Excel will eventually build up glitches.
    If the university only works with 'Windoze' it might be better if you use Excel or a free version of Office (for example, Libre Office or Open Office).
    If your marks depend upon a professor who uses Excel, go with the flow.
    http://www.howtogeek.com/187663/openoffice-vs.-libreoffice-whats-the-difference- and-which-should-you-use/

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    Thanks in advance

    The other option besides the drag_n_drop support
    http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/dnd/intro.htmlis to make up something on your own. You could use a glasspane (see JRootPane api for overview) as mentioned in the tutorial.
    Here's another variation using an OverlayLayout. One advantage of this approach is that you can localize the overlay component and avoid some work.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
    import java.io.*;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
    public class DragRx extends JComponent {
        JPanel rightComponent;
        BufferedImage image;
        Point loc = new Point();
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            if(image != null)
                g2.drawImage(image, loc.x, loc.y, this);
        public void setImage(BufferedImage image) {
            this.image = image;
        public void moveImage(int x, int y) {
            loc.setLocation(x, y);
        public void dropImage(Point p) {
            int w = image.getWidth();
            int h = image.getHeight();
            p = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(this, p, rightComponent);
            JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(image));
            label.setBounds(p.x, p.y, w, h);
        private JPanel getContent(BufferedImage[] images) {
            JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane();
            JPanel panel = new JPanel();
            OverlayLayout overlay = new OverlayLayout(panel);
            return panel;
        private JPanel getLeftComponent(BufferedImage[] images) {
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
            GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
            gbc.weightx = 1.0;
            gbc.weighty = 1.0;
            for(int j = 0; j < images.length; j++) {
                gbc.gridwidth = (j%2 == 0) ? GridBagConstraints.RELATIVE
                                           : GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER;
                panel.add(new JLabel(new ImageIcon(images[j])), gbc);
            CopyDragHandler handler = new CopyDragHandler(panel, this);
            return panel;
        private JPanel getRightComponent() {
            rightComponent = new JPanel(null);
            MouseInputAdapter mia = new MouseInputAdapter() {
                Component selectedComponent;
                Point offset = new Point();
                boolean dragging = false;
                public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
                    Point p = e.getPoint();
                    for(Component c : rightComponent.getComponents()) {
                        Rectangle r = c.getBounds();
                        if(r.contains(p)) {
                            selectedComponent = c;
                            offset.x = p.x - r.x;
                            offset.y = p.y - r.y;
                            dragging = true;
                public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
                    dragging = false;
                public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
                    if(dragging) {
                        int x = e.getX() - offset.x;
                        int y = e.getY() - offset.y;
            return rightComponent;
        public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
            String[] ids = { "-c---", "--g--", "---h-", "----t" };
            BufferedImage[] images = new BufferedImage[ids.length];
            for(int j = 0; j < images.length; j++) {
                String path = "images/geek/geek" + ids[j] + ".gif";
                images[j] = ImageIO.read(new File(path));
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            f.add(new DragRx().getContent(images));
    class CopyDragHandler extends MouseInputAdapter {
        JComponent source;
        DragRx target;
        JLabel selectedLabel;
        Point start;
        Point offset = new Point();
        boolean dragging = false;
        final int MIN_DIST = 5;
        public CopyDragHandler(JComponent c, DragRx dr) {
            source = c;
            target = dr;
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
            Point p = e.getPoint();
            Component[] c = source.getComponents();
            for(int j = 0; j < c.length; j++) {
                Rectangle r = c[j].getBounds();
                if(r.contains(p) && c[j] instanceof JLabel) {
                    offset.x = p.x - r.x;
                    offset.y = p.y - r.y;
                    start = p;
                    selectedLabel = (JLabel)c[j];
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
            if(dragging && selectedLabel != null) {
                int x = e.getX() - offset.x;
                int y = e.getY() - offset.y;
                target.dropImage(new Point(x,y));
            selectedLabel = null;
            dragging = false;
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
            Point p = e.getPoint();
            if(!dragging && selectedLabel != null
                         && p.distance(start) > MIN_DIST) {
                dragging = true;
            if(dragging) {
                int x = p.x - offset.x;
                int y = p.y - offset.y;
                target.moveImage(x, y);
        private void copyAndSend() {
            ImageIcon icon = (ImageIcon)selectedLabel.getIcon();
            BufferedImage image = copy((BufferedImage)icon.getImage());
        private BufferedImage copy(BufferedImage src) {
            int w = src.getWidth();
            int h = src.getHeight();
            BufferedImage dst =
            Graphics2D g2 = dst.createGraphics();
            return dst;
    }geek images from

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    We need to resize placed picture, but both frame and content at same time with writing exact dimension in "width" transform palete. Problem is that only frame is resized. If we select picture with direct selection tool, only content is resized.

    Wrong field. Select the frame and use the scale fields to change the size of frames together with the content. This behavior was introduced in CS3.
    Plain numbers in those fields are interpreted by default as percentages, but you can enter exact dimensions of your choice by specifying the measurement unit after the number.

  • Resize frame and contents at the same time

    Is there a keyboard shortcut that can be used to resize the frame and the contents of the frame at the same time? Command + Option + < > works but only resizes the frame or the contents, not both at once.

    Ah yes: google a bit.
    This has been discussed a few dozen times and there are scripts around (eg. by Sandee Cohen) to fill the gap.

  • Why was the split pane removed from Acrobat?

    I recently upgraded from Acrobat 9 to Acrobat 11, and find that I'm not able to be as productive in 11. It's much harder to perform reviews because the Comment pane is difficult to work with. By default, the Comment pane is too narrow to be useful. If I undock it to try to put it underneath the document, I have to spend time fiddling with my windows to try to get the document the right size so that the undocked Comment pane can appear below it. The split pane was so much easier to work with; I hope that it will be added back in a future release. One other problem is that the scroll bar in the Comment pane is so narrow, it's difficult to click it.
    Can anyone suggest any workarounds to help deal with these new features?

    I tried the Touch Mode, which could probably help if I was viewing PDFs on a tablet, but unfortunately, it didn't do anything to increase the width of the Comment pane scroll bar, which is the UI element that I'm finding too narrow.
    I would have thought that Adobe's main customers would be using review and comment features heavily, so it's disappointing to see these types of UI changes made.
    As a workaround, I'm finding that I can at least split the page text, undock the Comment pane, and have it cover the bottom pane. That's a bit easier than trying to get it to fit under a resized main window. With most software that allows undocking, it usually lets you dock to a different spot, which would have worked fine here for those of us who would like to keep the comments at the bottom of the screen for better readability.

  • JFrame decorations and resizing

    I'm creating a simple resizable JFrame with some components. When the user resizes the frame by dragging the decorations, the frame does not resize until the user releases the mouse. For example, if increasing the size of the frame, a gray box extends from the frame until the mouse is released. The entire process looks hideous, since the gray box looks tacky and the frame flickers badly. How do I force the frame to resize the decorations and root pane while the user is dragging?
    This problem is really bugging me. I haven't worked with Swing in some time, so I'm adapting a lot of code from one of my earlier projects. Interestingly enough, my last project's main window resized exactly the way I want! The decorations and root pane adjust with the dragging of the mouse. All day, I've been scouring through my old code to no avail.
    Both programs are running on the same JDK (1.4.2) in Windows XP Home.
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    This code reproduces the problem on my system. As far as I know, this is the standard way to create a custom JFrame.
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class MyFrame extends JFrame {
         public MyFrame() {
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              // JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true);
              JFrame frame = new MyFrame();
    }I'm primarily concerned with the root pane. In this example, the decorations resize as the user drags, since they're drawn by the underlying OS. If I uncomment the look and feel line, then the decorations do not resize with the mouse. In both cases, the root pane does not resize until the user releases the mouse.
    Thanks for your help!

  • Design problem(split pane scrollpane Insets)

    doing a exam simulator prgm
    design is like,
    Question (text area with scrollpane)
    Answers (checkbox inside panel with scrollpane)
    used split pane between qst and ans but big thick bar comes how to reduce size and it is not
    used GridLayout for container and panel.
    PROBLEM is how to leave space qst textarea appears from very left edge of screen how to leave some space
    same prblm for checkbox they to appear extreme left on screen.

    Put those components in a JPanel overwriting the getInsets() method like this:
    JPanel cPane=new JPanel(){
        private final Insets _insets=new Insets(10,10,10,10);
        public Insets getInsets(){
            return _insets;
    };...should do the trick, take a look at the Insets class if you need information on how defining it...

  • Use of Java Swing +Applescript to move and resize Mac OS X windows using

    Here is an interesting use of Java on Mac OS X and Applescript to
    enable moving and resizing of windows using mouse and keyboard:
    [MoveResize tool|http://code.google.com/p/sandipchitalesmacosxstuff/#Move_and_resize_windows_on_Mac_OS_X]
    How it works:
    The implementation uses Applescript to get the front most window and
    it's bounds. It sends the bounds rectangle to a server implemented in
    Java over a socket connection. The Java server takes the screen shot
    of the full Desktop and uses it as the Image label (a JLabel with
    ImageIcon) as the content pane of an undecorated JFrame which has the
    same bounds as the Desktop. A JPanel with semitransparent background
    and a dark rounded rectangular border is given the same bounds that
    were received over the socket. This JPanel is added to the
    PALETTE_LAYER of the JFrame's layered pane - which makes it appear
    floating in front of the front window. A Mouse and a Key listener
    added to the JPanel allow moving and resizing of the JPanel. When the
    user types the ENTER key the JFrame is hidden and the new bounds of
    the JPanel are sent back to the Applescript over the socket connection
    which moves and resizes the front most window.
    Edited by: chitale on May 14, 2009 4:12 AM

    Copy the /Home/Documents/ folder to the NAS drive. That drive needs to support AFP or you may run into filename problems and/or other file related problems due to filesystem differences.
    Once the folder has been moved to the NAS select the folder on the NAS and CTRL- or RIGHT-click. Select Make Alias from the drop down menu. You should now have an alias named "Documents alias." On the Mac put the /Home/Documents/ folder in the Trash but don't delete it. Copy the alias file from the NAS to the /Home/ folder. Rename it to simply "Documents." Double-click on it to be sure it opens the folder on the NAS. If so you can empty the Trash. You're done.

  • Is this possible to access arbitrary frame and to modify the mask?..

    Sorry for a bit messy discussion title. Please, let me explain.
    I have some experience in implementing video processing algorithms, but as our own software and never under AE. Now there is an idea to implement something for AE and first of all, I'm curious, if this is possible at all.
    1) When processing the n-th frame, I need the full access to the data of (n-k)-th and (n+k)-th. Is this possible to do in general case? Or the only variant is to implement frames buffering during the first pass?
    2) Our algorithm uses the mask as one of the inputs. But in contrary to the usual case, mask does not define an area of interest. In any case the full frame is processed, but the processing differs for different regions, depending on mask. In our software, it works like this: user defines a mask (and some parameters). Then effect is slightly modifying (let say – refining) the mask during the render and renders final images. After this user can modify the mask somehow again if he/she is not satisfied with what algorithm has done. Can I produce the same workflow in AE? The only way is using a drawbot (this means CS 5.5 and higher)? And what if I want masks to be raster images?
    The second question in the framework of this one is how to do two video inputs for an effect (first – the video to be processed and second – the mask (grayscale sequence in general case))?
    The possible workflow is that user provides trivial mask – lets say, the black solid. But even during the first pass effect should produce the mask, according to its sight to the video – so, it should somehow substitute the black solid with the sequence on black'n'white images. Is this all possible in AE?
    3) Is this possible (should be, I guess) to implement multipass algorithms? How the preview works then, if I need, for example, to pass all the video length 3-4 times, to produce the final render?
    I can expect that all this is solvable in AE, but may be experienced users could be so kind to give me some basic recommendation on how to do this. Looking through the PDF, which accompanies the SDK has not allowed to come to a distinct answer for the question: is this possible or not. So, I rely on your consultation.

    hi Theofil Mulony, welcome to the forum!
    in short, yes, what you want to do is possible, but some parts may be tricky.
    and now the long version:
    1) When processing the n-th frame, I need the full access to the data of (n-k)-th and (n+k)-th. Is this possible to do in general case? Or the only variant is to implement frames buffering during the first pass?
    you can access the pixel data of any layer at times other than the currently processed time. this concept of getting that data is referred to as "layer checkout" in the AE SDK, and "wide time" is the name of getting pixel data at times other than the current.
    the following thread discusses the difference between two methods of getting such data:
    you can also look at the "checkout" sample project to see how both concepts are implemented.
    2) Our algorithm uses the mask as one of the inputs. But in contrary to the usual case, mask does not define an area of interest. In any case the full frame is processed, but the processing differs for different regions, depending on mask. In our software, it works like this: user defines a mask (and some parameters). Then effect is slightly modifying (let say – refining) the mask during the render and renders final images. After this user can modify the mask somehow again if he/she is not satisfied with what algorithm has done. Can I produce the same workflow in AE?
    masks in AE generate a matte by default. the user can turn that mask off, so that the shape remains, but the mask does not... mask. (you can also set the mask mode to "none" via API commands).
    you can then read the "off" mask attributes and either render using an API command (see "pathmaster" sample to see how), or write your own algorithm if the API constraints on that operation are a problem for you. (and there are a few constraints on rendering masks in the API)
    now. when you say "modifying the mask" do you mean you modify it's generated matte, or do you mean change it's defining vector?
    both are possible, but completely different.
    if you turned the mask off, and rendered it's alpha yourself, then you can modify that alpha as you wish.
    if you want to use AE's generated matte of the mask and change the mask's outline shape, then you need to look into "streams" and the "mask outline suite".
    the user can modify a mask's shape as he/she pleases, unless you lock that mask or otherwise sabotage the user's operation.
    The only way is using a drawbot (this means CS 5.5 and higher)?
    drawbot is the API for drawing over AE's interface in CS5 and up.
    it's only a drawing tool. previous versions used OS drawing tools. that's all the difference.
    what i think you're asking is weather you need to create the mask drawing/handling capabilities or not.
    the answer is: you can, but you don't have to.
    unless you need control over the mask drawing that AE's existing masks don't have, i would have used AE's masks and not create a brand new mechanism (that the user need to learn as well).
    if you insist at creating a custom UI for drawing masks, the "CCU" sample project would be a good place to start the research.
    (just don't come crying to me when you get a splitting head ache)
    And what if I want masks to be raster images?
    The second question in the framework of this one is how to do two video inputs for an effect (first – the video to be processed and second – the mask (grayscale sequence in general case))?
    The possible workflow is that user provides trivial mask – lets say, the black solid. But even during the first pass effect should produce the mask, according to its sight to the video – so, it should somehow substitute the black solid with the sequence on black'n'white images. Is this all possible in AE?
    by default, "effect" plugins (as opposed to AEGPs) get only one input - the image of the layer, post masks and previous effects (but before transformations).
    you can put as many "layer param"s in your effect and let the user select any number of other layers, which you can the "checkout" and use as second inputs.
    you can also checkout other layers without the user selecting them manually.
    however, checked out layer results are pre-masks and effects. so if the user draws a mask over a black solid, you will not be able to read the "post mask" image unless the user pre-composes the layer with the mask inside the pre-comp. it's a common practice for users to do so, as many effects rely on a second input, and that's the only way to make the input pos-masks and effects. (so it's no biggie from the user's point of view)
    in the same manner, you can read any layer's image and use it as a mask.
    you get the image buffer, so it's up to you to decide whether to use the alpha channel of that image or the rgb (or any other method you see fit).
    3) Is this possible (should be, I guess) to implement multipass algorithms? How the preview works then, if I need, for example, to pass all the video length 3-4 times, to produce the final render?
    AE doesn't do multi pass rendering.
    it actually can render arbitrary frames, in no particular order.
    but as you already saw, you can access the image data from any time - of any time, so you can emulate passes.
    if you need to fly through the whole sequence for every frame, that would of course be very time consuming and wasteful.
    in such a case, you can try to do these passes only once, when effect is implemented, and cache the results.
    look up "sequence data", to see how to manage memory specific to a single instance fo you effect.
    but i must say that if you have to do full length scans of the footage, a couple of times over, and cache EVERYTHING, then you're in a bit of a problem in AE.
    it's just not set up for such rendering logic.
    not impossible, but highly inefficient in the AE rendering pipeline.
    there is a lot more to al of the above, but i hope this gave you a clearer picture of how things are in AE.

  • Load and resize a SWF inside a MC

    I'm using AS2 to load an SWF inside an MC. The MC measures
    800x600, while the SWF (which can vary in size) measures in this
    case 14x60, even though, looking at it, it seems to be about half
    the size of the hosting MC. This makes me think that the dimension
    scales are different. I'm loading the SWF using MovieClipLoader and
    I'd like to resize it so that it fits as proportionally snug as
    possible within the MC. How can I do this? If I try to resize the
    SWF to the MC's dimensions, it become way too large and goes off
    screen. If instead I try to rescale the hosting MC to fit around
    the SWF, the SWF itself rescales as well. I'm going nuts! How can
    accomplish this?
    Thank you,

    To make things simple, I'd like to take an existing SWF (the
    picture) and load it into a FIXED SIZED MC (the frame) and I'd like
    to rescale the SWF so that it fits perfectly into the frame.
    By all means, I know that what you said should work and I
    admit my inexperience with AS2, but somehow the SWF's I'm loading
    in, have scales that are totally different with respect to my
    Stage. I even tried loading the SWF directly onto the stage and
    then I loaded the frame separately onto the stage and tried to
    resize it to the SWF's _width and _height. The frame became a tiny
    dot on the screen, while the SWF filled half of my Stage.
    Thanks again for your help.

  • Firefox "X" close and "_" minimize and Resize become unusable

    After running for a few minutes and visiting several web sites, in Firefox ver 3.6.13 the "X" close and "_" minimize and Resize buttons on the top right of the browser window become locked and unresponsive. this has just started recently. I've tried an overlay re-install with no effect. Any fix ideas would be appreciated.

    This happens to me too. It used to happen once in a while, probably due to hibernating and leaving firefox open for long periods or with too many tabs. Restarting the browser solves the problem.
    But after updating to 3.6.13 and some extensions/addons, it happens almost every time. The minimize, resize, close buttons do not work. I can still switch between the tabs I have open and make new tabs, but the title bar keeps the title of the last tab I was on when it froze. When smaller frames are open, such as download box or save as box, those freezes and can't be close either.
    If I minimize through "show desktop," the window doesn't open up again.

Maybe you are looking for