Spotlight and date searches

This problem occurs in the Spotlight menu, not the Spotlight Window:
When I search on a date, the results contain dates one day AFTER the search date. For example, if I specify 9/16/07, I'll get results with dates 9/17/07. Searching the Get Info panel of documents reveals the date is usually the date created or the date last opened. Searching email messages reveals dates one day after the search date (even additional dates found in the long headers).
This behavior happens most of the time, but not all the time, meaning occasionally, the dates match.
All of which raises a question: Using the Spotlight Menu, which date in a file's metadata produces the search result: date last opened? created? modified? any and all?
I realize the search parameters can be refined to produce what I'm looking for (i.e. substitute "lastused:", "created:", or whatever)....I'm just curious as to how the search mechanism works in Spotlight, in the case of date searches without further criteria.

The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

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    Hi Linc,
    I was able to get some text to appear by choosing "All Messages" from the Error Log list. Here's what I got when i filtered "mdworker" (I have indicated where I removed repetitions):
    3/14/12 9:24:10.617 PM
    failed to parse embedded CMap.
    3/14/12 9:24:10.617 PM
    syntax error, unexpected DICTSTART.
    [about a dozen instances of the above two lines were removed]
    3/14/12 9:24:10.622 PM
    *** process 2211 exceeded 500 log message per second limit  -  remaining messages this second discarded ***
    3/14/12 9:24:26.203 PM
    Range {0x0000, 0xFFFF} is not 1-dimensional; handling as a special case.
    [Five instances of the above line were removed]
    3/14/12 9:24:55.603 PM
    Unexpected EOF, returning last token as fallback
    3/20/12 3:54:30.197 PM
    kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged.
    3/20/12 3:54:30.735 PM
    Range {0x0000, 0xFFFF} is not 1-dimensional; handling as a special case.
    3/20/12 3:54:30.736 PM
    Range {0x0000, 0xFFFF} is not 1-dimensional; handling as a special case.
    3/20/12 3:54:30.736 PM
    Range {0x0000, 0xFFFF} is not 1-dimensional; handling as a special case.
    And here is what I got when I filtered using "mds" (since these are all at different times, I didn't remove duplicates):
    3/14/12 9:35:35.672 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/14/12 10:45:54.051 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/14/12 11:45:55.907 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 12:45:53.271 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 1:45:52.702 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 2:45:52.837 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 3:45:52.046 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 4:45:51.586 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 5:45:51.996 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 6:45:52.049 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 7:45:51.647 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 8:46:05.149 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 1:27:56.526 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 2:25:20.942 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 3:26:14.623 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 4:26:06.091 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 5:26:29.923 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 9:48:38.902 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/15/12 10:15:02.995 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/16/12 7:55:44.632 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/16/12 8:07:28.002 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/16/12 4:28:06.236 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/16/12 4:31:05.891 PM
    (Error) LSOF: File '/Volumes/CAROLLE' (fd=15) left open on device 234881032
    3/19/12 5:19:52.696 PM
    (Normal) FMW: FMW 0 0
    3/19/12 5:19:52.704 PM
    (Error) Volume: Root store set to FSOnly with matching create! (loaded:1)
    3/19/12 5:19:59.291 PM
    (Warning) Server: No stores registered for metascope "kMDQueryScopeComputerIndexed"
    3/19/12 5:20:31.340 PM
    [Warning] Creating empty account: Default for service: IMDService (SubNet)
    3/19/12 6:29:40.573 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/19/12 9:15:43.527 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/19/12 9:17:32.723 PM
    (Error) LSOF: File '/Volumes/CHUBER' (fd=22) left open on device 234881032
    3/19/12 9:39:28.149 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/19/12 10:43:40.855 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 7:22:42.424 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 9:46:04.479 AM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 3:54:42.852 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 4:23:54.016 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 5:23:56.550 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    3/20/12 9:18:16.565 PM
    (Error) Volume: Could not find requested backup type:2 for volume
    I hope some of this information is useful in solving my problem. Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • Spotlight and Mail searches

    I have just replaced my 2007 MP with a shiny new one, (garbage can someone described it to me) !
    The computer is responding a bit slowly entering text into Safari fields, i.e. logging into sites, username & passwords - I type out a word and it takes seconds to appear in the box.
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                        Old MP          New MP
    Library          88gb                 6 gb
    User library   33gb               11 gb
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    Doing a spotlight search of the Pegasus drive - there is no progress bar (as noted in other posts) - there is a message that just says "Searching Promise". So presumably it is indexing the drive. Not sure how long it will take to do 3TB of data (a lot of video)
    Mail - doing a search in Mail does not do anything, no dropdown etc. I presume that this is using Spotlight and once that is indexed then a Mail search should work?
    Is there a way to migrate specific apps from my old MP? 
    I am wondering why such a big difference between the libraries on the 2 machines.
    Thanks & regards

    The warranty entitles you to complimentary phone support for the first 90 days of ownership.

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    Most like a component of the which resides in /System/FInder/CoreServices/. Where? I don't know. Maybe the simplest thing to do is retrieve it from your Time Machine backup or bootable backup/clone. Barring that, download Pacifist and extract it from your install disk and replace the faulty one. Once, you've done that and solved the problem, reinstall the latest COMBO update.

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    yours sincerely

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    Most like a component of the which resides in /System/FInder/CoreServices/. Where? I don't know. Maybe the simplest thing to do is retrieve it from your Time Machine backup or bootable backup/clone. Barring that, download Pacifist and extract it from your install disk and replace the faulty one. Once, you've done that and solved the problem, reinstall the latest COMBO update.

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    Thank you very much !

    Hi Dennis Marsden!
    Thank you for helping me.
    It doesn't work...
    I mean that when I try to drag a folder or the entire disk to the privacy tab, the privacy tab remaines empty...
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    Very confused.

    Thanks, that's much better. However I only find 21 files with this setting, but I know that there are at least 50 in my Home directory. Any idea why? Is there like a time limit as it seems that its mostly older files that are ignored.

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    Reinstall on both.
    Reinstall Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks without erasing drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported then click on the Repair Permissions button. When the process is completed, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Mountain Lion or Mavericks
    OS X Mavericks- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mountain Lion- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Lion- Reinstall Mac OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet
                     if possible because it isthree times faster than wireless.
    Restore your iPhone to reinstall iOS. Be sure to do this while connected to your computer and iTunes.
         Tap Settings > General > Reset > Erase all content and settings.

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    Log in to your account, and move all your files to your home folder. No other users should be able to access them there and they won't show up with a Spotlight search.
    Make sure your kids' account(s) do not have admin privileges.

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    recently my hard drive icon has disappeared from my Macbook Pro (10.7.4) desk top and does not show up in spotlight or finder searches! I have tried several fixes posted online for earlier operating systems with no luck.
    Also, when I connect my external hard drive the icon does not appear on the desl top nor in the finder either, making looking for documents impossible.
    Thanks in advance!

    In "finder" click "finder" then "preferences" and navigate to the "general" tab. 
    Select which items you would like to have show on your desktop.

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