Spotlight and Partial Filenames

My girlfriend is a switcher and is rather upset about not being able to search using partial filenames.
For instance, if I create a file called "partialsearch" (all one word) and then try and search for the word "partial" or "search", spotlight will not find the file.
I thought Spotlight was supposed to be better than Windows in this area? I don't understand why Spotlight can't perform basic partial word searches like its Windows counterpart. It has no problem when the filename is split into two words, but when it's listed as one, it fails.
Is there any work around to this?

Really? I just did a search for update and got this back:
+Macsense SW updates+
+MacUpdate Promo+
+MacUpdate stuff+
+MacUpdate Thread Response+
+MacUpdate: Macintosh Software & Game Downloads+
Now, if you're not getting the result you're expecting, after allowing time for Spotlight's index to update, then there's something else going on. It's not Spotlight.
See and
for possible solutions.

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    Log in to your account, and move all your files to your home folder. No other users should be able to access them there and they won't show up with a Spotlight search.
    Make sure your kids' account(s) do not have admin privileges.

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    You can't do that, which is why I ended up with the less than satisfactory solution I have. When you boot up Spotlight begins to run as part of the system activities. It then looks at every mounted drive. Each and every drive has an invisible Spotlight folder. In that folder are the instructions to Spotlight about whether the drive or any directories on the drive have been excluded from Spotlight, and also, if the drive is supposed to be indexed, then the indexes themselves are in that folder. Thus the command line instruction to turn Spotlight status on or off specifies the path to the particular drive. There is no way to "quarantine" the Tiger or Leopard Spotlight. Whichever version is running looks to see if any given drive is supposed to be indexed, and, if it is, indexes it. The two versions can read each others general instruction about whether or not something is supposed to BE indexed, but can't read each others actual indexes. So if the instruction is for indexing to be on, then the version of Spotlight running looks at the index, can't read the index from the other version, and so proceeds to create a new index.
    You can either have Spotlight on or off for a particular drive, that information will be read by both versions of Spotlight and acted on accordingly. Thus I booted in Leopard, ran the command line to turn the status off on my Tiger drive, preventing the drive from being indexed in Leopard, and edited the /etc/hostconfig file for Tiger to disable the Tiger Spotlight. When I booted in Tiger Spotlight didn't run AT ALL, so it didn't re-do the indexing for either the Tiger or Leopard drive. As far as I've been able to figure out this is the best solution, since I am generally booted in Leopard.
    If all I had done was to add the Tiger drive to the Leopard Privacy pane, when I booted in Tiger its Spotlight would run, consult the preference for its drive, see it wasn't supposed to index its own startup drive, look at the information on the Leopard drive, see that that drive was supposed to be indexed, be unable to read the index and create a new one. When I next booted into Leopard it would have to re-index its own drive because its index would have been over-written.
    Hope that makes a nasty situation clearer. I pondered the conundrum for some time before coming up with a solution. When I am booted in Tiger (which is rarely) I have to remember to use EasyFind when I want to find something, and when I am in Leopard a search of the Tiger drive is "brute force" only, but it can be searched.

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    Reinstall on both.
    Reinstall Lion, Mountain Lion, or Mavericks without erasing drive
    Boot to the Recovery HD:
    Restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the COMMAND and R keys until the menu screen appears. Alternatively, restart the computer and after the chime press and hold down the OPTION key until the boot manager screen appears. Select the Recovery HD and click on the downward pointing arrow button.
    When the recovery menu appears select Disk Utility. After DU loads select your hard drive entry (mfgr.'s ID and drive size) from the the left side list.  In the DU status area you will see an entry for the S.M.A.R.T. status of the hard drive.  If it does not say "Verified" then the hard drive is failing or failed. (SMART status is not reported on external Firewire or USB drives.) If the drive is "Verified" then select your OS X volume from the list on the left (sub-entry below the drive entry,) click on the First Aid tab, then click on the Repair Disk button. If DU reports any errors that have been fixed, then re-run Repair Disk until no errors are reported. If no errors are reported then click on the Repair Permissions button. When the process is completed, then quit DU and return to the main menu.
    Reinstall Mountain Lion or Mavericks
    OS X Mavericks- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Mountain Lion- Reinstall OS X
    OS X Lion- Reinstall Mac OS X
         Note: You will need an active Internet connection. I suggest using Ethernet
                     if possible because it isthree times faster than wireless.
    Restore your iPhone to reinstall iOS. Be sure to do this while connected to your computer and iTunes.
         Tap Settings > General > Reset > Erase all content and settings.

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    You can always deauthorize all your machines from your store account page — just log in and view your account settings and there's a button to deauth all your machines. Which just means for the other machines, it will ask you for your store ID / password the next time you play a purchased song.
    So, let's try the filter experiment.
    On the start menu, click on "run". in the space it provides enter "regedit" without the quotes. This will open the registry editor.
    Find the heading HKEYLOCALMACHINE. Click on it.
    Find the heading SYSTEM inside it. Click on it.
    Find the heading CurrentControlSet. Click
    Find the heading Control. Click
    Find the heading Class. Click
    Find the heading that begins {4D36E965- Click
    Go up to the Registry menu and select "Export Registry File... command. Make sure the "Selected Branch" radio button is checked and save that off somewhere that you can find it.
    Delete the key named LowerFilter.
    Select the key named UpperFilter, right click, select "modify". Then edit the text in the dialog to just say "GEARAspiWDM" followed by hitting the return key, the return after the word is important.
    Then reboot, and see what iTunes does.
    To get the system back to its previous state. Run Regedit again and use the Registry menu -> Import Registry File... command and select the file that you saved off in the first section.
    I'm particularly interested in getting rid of the "AFS2K" driver in the chain — that's a old driver from a company that hasn't existed in years.
    To answer your last question, why am I doing this?... I'm paying off a karmic debt. And someday we'll start that Tequila for Toonz paypal account and then I'll be set.

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    In the privacy settings of spotlight, i removed the winXP volume from spotlight indexing, and now by leopard boot is blazingly faster than before.
    Can somebody confirm this? this should be documented explicitly somewhere; or at least this message will help somebody googling an answer to his "spotlight daily slow indexing time" issue.

    The more I use Vista, the more I like how it allows configuration. Having to "opt-out" rather than opt-in seems the reverse of what I like. After 7 yrs I've also learned the quarks of OS X and to use tools like Spotless or TinkerTool to control Spotlight and other features.
    It would also be affected by the speed of your main drive, that XP is on the slowest tracks, and that it has to "jump" or do a full drive seek to get to files there. And by how much free space is on Windows.
    But it should just be checking for changes. Trouble is in the way FAT volumes don't keep file atributes or metadata perhaps (could be totally off, but it seems like copying files to/from FAT I lose the creation and modification date and other items).
    if you picked the Mac OS format, you'll be avoiding the silly reindex-every-time FAT thing.
    You'll know that the indexing is pretty much good to go once the drive stops crunching away nonstop, and there is no pulsing dot in the Spotlight menu icon.
    Ouch! it was brought up on MacRumors Forum.
    The person that might need this, doesn't yet KNOW they do!

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    I'm not posting any code yet in hopes that I can get a direct answer with a code example.  Some of the code seems rather long for me to post here before getting some insight.
    Thanks in advance,
    P.S.  This first example is for a web application, not an Adobe AIR runtime.

    Hi Derrick,
    In your case, please refer to the following method to troubleshooting this problem:
    We can use Fiddler2 to monitor the HTTP post, and check whether the parameter is being sent. The Fiddler tool can helps us debug web applications by capturing network traffic between the Internet and test computers. If the parameter is being sent, please
    debug the web service to ensure the method has values return.
    Alisa Tang
    Alisa Tang
    TechNet Community Support

  • So now spotlight and finder in coloum view crash/not working

    So now my spotlight never searches for everything (I tried restarting, then logging off and logging back again, reindexing, delted plist) nothing works
    and finder in colum veiw crashes

    unfortunately I this is still not working, thanks for the link Eric i tried those options, but still the problem remains.
    I can clear the cache and re index my mac, and while the system is re indexing spotlight works and I can find material during the reindex.  This is obviously limited to the files that have been indexed at the point of using spotlight.
    Once indexing has finished if I go to spotlight and try to search for anything, there are no results only the dictionary appears.
    At the moment I have to delete the index cache every morning to trigger a re index so I can work, this is terrible and the worst upgrade experience I have had with any OS mac or windows

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    In my project, some of the POs are stuck in Error in Process due to the error "Distribution Indicator and Partial Invoice to be set F"
    Can anyone throw some light on this?
    Thanks in advance.
    Shunmugaraj. T

    Which SRM and R/3 version are you using ? Which Scenario in SRM ?
    <b>Please refer to following OSS notes</b>
    <u>Note 508632 - Extended - Acct assgnment change from 'Multiple' to 'Single'
    Note 480540 - Changing purchase orders in enhanced classic scenario
    Note 508788 - Incorrect account assignment in purchase order back end</u>
    Hope this will help.
    Please reward suitable points, incase it suits your requirements.
    - Atul

  • Can I set autoSubmit="true" and partial trigger in Application Def. Editor?

    Hello Expert,
    Can I set autoSubmit="true" and partial trigger or other properties through JHeadstart Application Definition Editor?
    If I have changed the layout or add item though the Def. Editor, I have to regenerate and the manually modification
    on jsff will be overridden. Any suggestion to solve this problem?
    So far I know the page generation can be disabled, however, what if I have to regenerate the definition but want
    to remain the manual modification in Jsff?

    You can use the "Depends on Item" property in the application definition editor. You can set this property on an item, or an item region, region container.
    The items that is specified as depends on item, will get autoSubmit="true" and the dependent items of region will get partial triggers that listen to the depends on item.
    Even if you need settings you can't generate, there is no need to switch off generation of the entire page.
    We never do this, we always specify custom templates for the bits and pieces of the page that we want to customize.
    Have you read section 4.7 "Customizing Using Generator Templates" in JHeadstart Developer's Guide?
    Steven Davelaar,
    JHeadstart team.

  • SPOTLIGHT and 10.8.x - A real disaster now ! My MAC Freeze

    (Version française de cet article plus bas)
    I just bought an iMac with 8GB RAMs because my old MAC was a bit slow but worked fine under 10.6.x
    At the time of receipt of this new machine, so I made my transfer data between the two MAC with the migration tool.
    Finally my new machine, did not work well and was incredibly slowly or even froze completely redo the point to REBOOT by the START button. I did some cleaning OS with ONYX utility, but slowly returned.
    I realized that this was the final SPOTLIGHT when he began to make re-indexing it took me ALL of my resources and my MAC not working anymore and began to do SPOTLIGHT RE-indexing of any total when:
      - I plugged in a external HD, it went on RE-INDEXING.
      - I logged on Dropbox, it went on RE-INDEXING,
      - I logged on a NAS drive, it went on RE-INDEXING.
    In short, a real disaster.
    I tried to limit the indexing SPOTLIGHT unchecking somes types of data that was not necessary (images, etc..) ... But it does nothing change. In the end I completely disconnected SPOTLIGHT from my machine and my Mac has regained his form.
    I do not know what Apple has done, but before (10.6.x) indexing did not take much resource.
    After some research, I realized that many users complain about the extreme slowness of this new version, which has nothing revolutionary. Today updates on the successor to version 10.8 and nothing changes.
    Thank you for the review faster indexing tool / SPOTLIGHT and can finally OS X run correctly.
    ### FRENCH VERSION ###
    Je viens d'acheter un iMac avec 8Go de mémoires vives parce que mon ancien MAC était un peu lent mais fonctionnait très bien sous 10.6.x.
    Au moment de la réception de cette nouvelle machine, j'ai donc fait le transfert de mes données entre les deux MAC avec l'outil de migration.
    Au final ma nouvelle machine, ne fonctionnait pas bien et était d'une lenteur incroyable voir même figeait completement au point de refaire des REBOOT par le bouton START. J'ai fait quelques nettoyages OS avec l'utilitaire ONYX, mais cette lenteur revenait.
    Je me suis rendu compte au final que c'était SPOTLIGHT quand il se mettait à faire des ré-indexation : il me prenait alors TOUTES les ressources et mon MAC ne fonctionnait plus et SPOTLIGHT se mettait a faire des RE-INDEXATIONS totale n'importe quand :
    - Je branchais un nouveau disque, il partait en RE-INDEXATION.
    - Je me connectais sur DROPBOX, il partait en RE-INDEXATION,
    - Je me connectais sur un disque dur NAS, il partait en RE-INDEXATION.
    Bref une vraie catastrophe.
    J'ai essayé de limiter l'indexation de SPOTLIGHT en décochant certains types de données qui n'était pas nécessaires (images, etc.)...mais cela ne changait rien. Au final j'ai completement déconnecté SPOTLIGHT et depuis ma machine a retrouvé sa forme.
    Je ne sais ce que Apple a fait, mais avant (10.6.x) l'indexation ne prenait pas autant de ressource.
    Après quelques recherches, je me suis rendu compte que de nombreux utilisateurs se plaignent de la lenteur extreme de cette nouvelle version, qui n'a rien de révolutionnaire. Aujourd'hui, Les mises à jour se succède sur la version 10.8 et rien ne change.
    Merci de revoir au plus vite l'outil d'indexation SPOTLIGHT afin que nos MAC puissent enfin fonctionner correctement.

    SPEAK\'n SPAN wrote:
    Hello Thomas,
    I had the problem with two computers:
    My MB Pro when I did the upgrade to Lion Montain
    A brand new iMac when I did the migration from my old iMac to the new one.
    Same symptoms and the same remedies to review my work computers
    I imagined the same reasons as you:
    Perhaps your hard drive is corrupt => HD Verified on my MB Pro. On the new iMac I do not think that Apple delivers HD born dead
    Perhaps your system is corrupt, and is not operating Properly Spotlight => OS re-installed on MB. On the new iMac, it was updated before the migration.
    I used to watch my front side to put the blame on others. As is well known, 90% of the problems are between the keyboard and the chair :-)
    Again lots of Mac OS X 10.8.x users had the same symptoms.
    1 person, this is a coincidence
    2, a coincidence
    more, then it is a real tangible problem
    Interesting. I wonder why so very few people are seeing this issue. Anyway, you marked this question as solved.

  • How can I make an image appear partially in front and partially behind another layer in Adobe Illustrator?

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    Put the image behind the layer (at the back of it or on a layer below). With it still selected, Copy.
    Now Paste in Front (Ctrl+F). Depending on your Paste Remembers Layers setting, you may have to bring the newly pasted copy to the front, or to the upper layer.
    Draw a shape over the image to define the portion of it you want to appear "in front."
    With the shape and the image selected, clip the image using the shape. (Object > Clipping Mask > Make)

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