Spry Accordion just stays open in IE8

I'm using Spy 1.6.1 and Dreamweaver CS5.  The Spry Accordion menu on the left side of my page looks funky in IE and it's absolutely kiiiiiilling me.
~o~ On a PC using IE8 the panels all begin in the open position at first load and won't close no matter what.  This is WRONG!
~o~ On a Mac using Safari, FireFox and Opera the accordion is working fine with one panel opening at once.  This is CORRECT!
Ahhh I'm pulling out my hair.  Previous threads have mentioned a similar problem but their solution has been to upgrade to Spry 1.6.1 and that's how I started off so presumably no issue for me.
So what the heck am I doing wrong?  Thousand thanks for a moment of your time!
The website with problems: www.documentarymakers.com
Index of Spry Assets for this site: http://www.documentarymakers.com/SpryAssets/

Change the following line in your main document
<script src="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/widgets/accordion/SpryAccordion.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Either the online version of the JS is corrupt or there is a problem with version 0.17, Adobe uses version 0.15

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  • Spry Accordion Panels view incorrect in IE8

    I have a page set up using both spry menu and spry accordion panels. The problem is that in FireFox and Chrome, the pages view as they should. However, in IE, the panels on the accordion spread and are open, it doesn't view as it should. The test page is here www.sbcvote.us/index1.html the source code is below. My initial guess is that I have an open or not closed tag somewhere?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    <title>Joe Paul Gonzalez San Benito County Clerk-Auditor-Recorder-Registrar of Voters</title>
    <meta name="keywords" content="Joe Paul Gonzalez, San Benito County, Clerk, Auditor, Recorder, Registrar of Voters, fppc form 460, reconveyance deed, deed of reconveyance, reconveyance, homepage, mechanics lien release, quit claim deed form, release of mechinics lien, form, san, reconveyance, county, deed, 460, california, fppc, nacimiento, trust, elections, ca, solictud, certifacadas, reporting, statements, nominees, handbook, contribution, joe, paul, gonzalez" />
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                <h2><span></span>Welcome to the San Benito County Registrar of Voters</h2>
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                        <p> Welcome to our new and updated website for the County of San Benito Clerk-Auditor-Recorder- Registrar of Voters. </p>
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                          <h3><a href="http://results.sbcvote.us" target="_new">November 2, 2010 Election Results</a></h3>
                            <p>Up to the minute election results for San Benito County will be uploaded to our website at the close of the polls on Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at<a href="http://results.sbcvote.us" target="_new"> http://results.sbcvote.us.</a></p>
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                        <p> Praesent rhoncus faucibus nibh, non molestie lectus sagittis sed. Praesent ac sem lectus. Cras molestie elit sit amet velit tincidunt imperdiet. Mauris nulla purus.</p>
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    <script type="text/javascript">
    var MenuBar1 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar("MenuBar1", {imgDown:"/images/menubar/SpryMenuBarDownHover.gif", imgRight:"/images/menubar/SpryMenuBarRightHover.gif"});
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1");
    I appreciate any help here, it really doesn't make sense to me, it did work for a few viewing in IE and I must have changed something by mistake?
    Thanks again.

    I added a set width to the accordion css and that solved the problem of the widget running across the page. The IE issue appears to be an ongoing issue with IE. If a viewer has IE8, then hitting the compatibility button on the menu bar will solve the viewing problem. If not, it doesn't view correctly. It views fine on other browsers (Chrome, etc). Problem is how many people will know to hit the compatibility button?
    Thank you for your help, I appreciate the time taken.

  • Spry Accordion how to open on load panels closed

    I'm having problems with spry accordion on load panels closed. I tried putting the changing the var in the javascript usedFixedPanelHeight: false:, and that didn't work. The box would come up saying that this javascript will not work for this accordion. I tried *Closed* in the accordion div tag and that didn't work. Can someone help me please. I'm trying to load panels closed.
    Thanks for your help.

    I was looking at that link you gave before I submitted this post. It wasn't very clear to me.
    1. You say set the default panel set the defaultPanel option to - 1?. Where is the defaultPanel located? When I click the button to create a spry Accordion it only gives me options of creating panels. Is the defaultPanel panel located is the CSS tab?
    2. The link you gave says closing panels only works with variable height. Can you tell me what is variable height? I looked at the code at this page to see if I could see what it was doing. I observed that the javascript at the bottom which is a variable was changed for the spry accordion. I copied and pasted code in my page and it didn't work.
    I really trying to hard to figure this out. Thanks for your help.

  • Spry collapsible panel stays open in Internet Explorer.

    I'm trying to use the spry collapsible panel to hide and show inormation, and it will not stay closed.  I've used the default closed option in the properties panel, and made sure the eye in design view is closed.  Please give some suggestions for correcting this problem.

    The out-of-the-box SpryCollapiblePanel works like a charm.
    This means that you have altered  the HTML, CSS and/or the JS.
    Because we are not privy to what you have done, it is not possible to help you find a solution.
    I recommend that you upload the site and supply a link to that site.

  • Spry Accordion open on page load

    How do you stop the Spry Accordion from being open while the page is loading - as soon as the page loads the Accordion closes to the way it has been designed - it is just annoying!

    Starting with All Panels Closed
    This feature is only supported when using variable height panels, so  you must pass a false into the Accordion's constructor for the  "useFixedPanelHeights" constructor option, and a -1 for the  "defaultPanel" option.

  • Automatically Animating Spry Accordion Widget on Page Load

    I've been searching and searching and still can't find a clue
    as how to make the Spry Accordion Widget automatically open the
    next panel. I want the panels to expand automatically and loop back
    at the last panel.
    Do I need to create another function for this or is there
    already a function created in the .js file?
    Any help is appreciated...even if you can point me in the
    right direction.

    DeviseInnovations wrote:
    > I've been searching and searching and still can't find a
    clue as how to make
    > the Spry Accordion Widget automatically open the next
    panel. I want the panels
    > to expand automatically and loop back at the last panel.
    > Do I need to create another function for this or is
    there already a function
    > created in the .js file?
    > Any help is appreciated...even if you can point me in
    the right direction.
    Sounds more like you'd want sliding panels:
    I've seen an automatic version created that might do what you
    But if you really want an Accordion, then you might be able
    to adapt the code in the auto sliding panels above.
    FYI: There's a Spry forum that would be better to post Spry
    related question in:
    Danilo Celic
    | WebAssist Extensioneer
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • Mac OS X v10.5: Does the Finder always stay open?

    First off: sorry again for all the n00b questions.
    Next: So does the finder always stay "open"? Like with the blue dot below it. I already asked about the others and I realized I have to click command+Q but for the finder... it just stays "open"
    Oh and Is there a way to search on this forum? I know on the forum for my car ('97 Acura CL if anyones curious) there is a search function that all the n00bs are told to do before starting a new thread...

    You can quit the Finder but the option is hidden by default in OS X. As the Finder is the way that you interact with OS X its default is to restart automatically if it's quit. For example if it locked up (never happened to me though) and you used Force Quit (alt - command - esc) it would restart automatically. Using a third party application like TinkerTool (which simply opens up more of OS X'x capabilities) you can quit the Finder for specific purposes. 

  • CD Door stays open/Discs don't mount

    Hi all-
    Not sure if I need to replace my CDRW burner. When I put a disc in the tray, the tray closes for a couple of minutes, then reopens. Any disc I mount doesn't appear on the desktop.
    In iTunes, it searches for recordable media, but fails.
    Just before this happened, I had dragged a playlist from iTunes 6.05 into the Toast 5.2.1 window to see if I could burn a CD this way, so I am wondering if this is the problem somehow.
    Remedies I have tried-
    1. Boot into safe mode
    2. Zapping PRAM (4 times)
    3.Restarting in firmware window (Apple-Opt-O-F) to reset nvram, defaults & all.
    4. Apple service call-they took me through steps 1 & 2
    If I need to replace this burner internally (which I prefer to do) can anyone recommend which model and where I can get instructions. I'll need to install Tiger after this also, and I already had the CD version (5 discs) ready to go.
    I don't need DVD capability, I just need to burn music and picture discs. I hope there is an inexpensive fix.
    The unit shows up in Sys prefs. It's a Sony CRX155E, ATA device type atapi, disc burning fully supported.
    Can anyone tell me how to keep the door closed? It just stays open now.

    if you do need to replace it, installation instructions including a QuickTime movie can be found here:
    Removing the old burner just involves undoing 4 screws to remove the drive carrier from the computer and a further 4 screws to remove the drive from the carrier. You also just need to unplug the ribbon and power cable, the power cable can be a tight fit so you may need to gently waggle it or pry it off (but don't pull directly on the cable).
    The Pioneer DVR-111D is a popular choice. It does burn DVDs as well as CDs but isn't too expensive ($30-$40). Under Tiger it should just work as is, no additional software needed. I recently installed one and haven't had any problems with it.
    I hope this helps.

  • Mail windows stay open when offline

    Hi everyone,
    I'm running 10.6.1 with mail 4.1 (1076).
    I do a lot of e-mail while commuting and since I upgraded to Snow my messages typed and send offline just stay open; the close button doesn't respond. Even if I delete the message the window stays there. If I close the mail.app and reopen it everything is clean again.
    Not a big deal but just annoying.
    Any clue ?

    Actually, the message window stays also open when I'm connected... trying to close a newly created message is not possible, sending it is ok, if I save the message (cmd-s) it appears in the drafts, if I double click on the draft list a new window will open (so I have two windows of the same message), If I delete the message from the draft list it will disappear from the list but the window(s) will stay and are still editable.

  • My laptop will not close.  Nothing is in the way of the screen and keyboard but it stays open about 1/4 inch

    All of a sudden my Macbook won't close.  It just stays open about 1/4 inch.  Pressing it the cover (SCREEN) down, doesn't do a thing it just pops back up.  How can I fix this?

    May be that the hinge at the back does not work properly.
    If there is an Apple store nearby, take the computer there to have it fixed.

  • Command window stays opened at the end of script execution

    Hello everyone,
    Since I install Windows 2012 R2 systems, the command window opened when I execute my batch scripts often stay opened even if the script has ended.
    As an example if I double-click a batch file, if the last line of the script is "echo here", it displays "here" and the window is not closed by Windows (it's not active of course, it just stays opened).
    I found an easy way to trigger the (apparently) same problem. Do like this:
    - right click the Windows button at the bottom left. Select "Command prompt"
    - in the command window type "mstsc"
    - close mstsc clicking on the close button
    - type "exit" in the command window (or click the close button)
    Now the command prompt is "frozen". I cannot type any command in it and I have to click the close button a second time to close it.
    Anyone has an idea what is causing this? 

    Hi Anna,
    Sorry. I didn't receive any update notification email :-/
    I tried using "start" as you suggested by you and the article you gave. No change at all.
    To explain better I did a video you can see here : http://pferrucci.perso.sfr.fr/Issue/  (unfortunately I couldn't do it better).
    It shows :
    - I open a command prompt as Administrator (just to be sure, but it's the same as a non-admin user)
    - I run taskmgr and I close it when it opens
    - at this point, I type "exit" to close the console window. NOTE: at this moment you can see the window title changes from "Administrator : command prompt" to "command prompt". Maybe it is of interest.
    - from now on, I can't type anything at the prompt. It is just disabled.
    - I click on the close button once (see below)
    - I open a second command prompt as Administrator. I run taskmgr and I close it.
    - at this point, I click the close button once to close the console window. The button reacts but the window stays opened. At this point I could type some text at the prompt, the prompt would not react. It is just disabled.
    - I click on the close button a second time.  The Window goes away.

  • SPRY accordion widget IE8 ONLY issue

    hello everybody,
    i noticed a strange "jumpy" behavior while using the spry accordion widget -- this affects IE8 only (currently using 8.0.6001.18882 on vista), other browsers (including IE7 and IE8 forced into IE7 mode) work as expected. this issue seems to be related to the margin property of the accordion container...
    not shure whether this behavior is related to IE rendering or the spry javascript code itself... anyway i made NO changes to the spry script (my version is 0.15, 1.6.1, which i believe to be most recent one).
    the xhtml (strict) and css are perfectly valid (there might be some MINOR css hacks which are not related to the accordion itself). i do NOT use ANY padding on the inner container of the accordion (which would definetely make the spry js count the tween in odd way). the accordions (especially the main menu on the left) are little more complex, but they were built according to the spry widget document, found on the adobe spry website.
    so, here it is -- check the accordion on the left side (the bug seems to happen almost always while opening/closing the last BLUE "section" of the accordion, please play with the accordion for a while to reproduce it -- while the accordion closes, it "loses" it's bottom margin (i guess), what's even more wierd, everything gets back to place after you move a mouse):
    PLEASE NOTICE: since the website is still under development and i'm using a IE meta tag to force it into IE7 rendering, to reproduce this behavior please be shure to switch IE engine to IE8 standards mode
    well, we all now how IE handles css... so it's propably an IE bug -- anyway if you have encountered a similar issue of even better found a fix, please let know. (i don't consider a fix switching to another js library, i would like to use the spry, because of it's DW integration)
    many thanks,

    ross m. greenberg wrote:
    > Now however the entire .gif is not appearing in the
    accordion panel is expanded. I insert the graphic using a standard
    "menu insert/graphic/browse and select"
    > the graphic file is not showing up properly on such an
    Are you referring to what it looks like in Design view? If
    so, that's
    correct. Accordion panels have a fixed height. From memory, I
    think it's
    200px. However, if you test the page in a browser, you should
    see a
    scrollbar automatically generated on panels that have content
    exceeds the height of the panel.
    If you want flexible-height panels in the accordion, you need
    to adjust
    both the CSS and the script that initializes the accordion. I
    covered all the details in my "Essential Guide to Dreamweaver
    CS3" (and
    the forthcoming CS4 edition). You can probably find online
    tutorials as
    well. Try a Google search for Spry flexible height accordion.
    The accordion widget has been around since CS3, and it hasn't
    changed in
    CS4, so a Google search should bring up a lot of information.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

  • How to auto-open spry accordion

    is there a way to set spry accordion to open the panel on mouseover automatically. like that of adobe home page - products & solutions heading.

    Sure, just add onmouseover="" to your tabs and call the open panel 
    Read more about programatically opening and closing here: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/spry/samples/accordion/AccordionSample.html

  • How to make spry accordion open on mouse hover ?

    hi everybody i have just a simple question about spry accordion in cs4 it try to open it using mouse hover not onclick
    can anyone help me plz ?

    This is one way
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <script src="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryAccordion.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <div id="Accordion1" class="Accordion" tabindex="0">
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab" onMouseOver="Accordion1.openPanel(0); return false;">Label 1</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">Content 1</div>
      <div class="AccordionPanel">
        <div class="AccordionPanelTab" onMouseOver="Accordion1.openPanel(1); return false;">Label 2</div>
        <div class="AccordionPanelContent">Content 2</div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var Accordion1 = new Spry.Widget.Accordion("Accordion1");
    Another way is to have a SpryEventListener. Look that up for further info.

  • Spry Accordion menu opens on page load then closes

    I'm having issues with a SPRY Accordion menu loading with all of the tabs open, then closing once the page finishes loading.
    Example page is here:
    (site is still being worked on, so forgive any oddities)
    Is this something that is occurring because of the large amount of material loading on the page at once? The site is Joomla!-based, and there are close to a dozen modules on the page, plus an random background image script.
    Any advice would be helpful.

    I see you have also fixed your menu sections linking..
    But i still wanted to give you some advice on why it opens and closes.
    If you check out the source of your page, you will see that the constructor for your accordion is at the bottom of the page. When the browser loads the page, it parses from top to bottom, so it has parsed the accordion markup. But not yet the constructor for the accordion, so once it finally done with parsing the rest of the markup it finds the constructor and executes it.
    What would have helpt, if you just moved the <script> with the constructor to directly under the accordion. So when the accordion markup has been parsed the brower directly executes the scripts.

Maybe you are looking for

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